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Sample of Addendum

Addendum to Memorandum of Agreement Concerning Allowance payments 1. General Agreement. I

shall not work simultaneously with my German language training in order to be able to fully concentrate
on my German language training and in order to have enough study time to prepare before and after
classes, to do homework and to keep up with the pace of the class content. If I am employed when
starting German language training, I shall quit and leave my employment prior to starting A2 level of
German language training. To allow my full concentration on the German language training, I will be
given a total allowance of USD 520 for the duration of the training. Allowance payments start already
with the beginning of the A1 level of German language training and will be paid out in 10 monthly
installments of USD 52 each. These installments are only paid in full if I maintain regular attendance in
the course and are directly linked to attendance in class. If I am absent more than 10% of lessons per
month, I shall not be entitled to allowance in the subsequent month. I shall also participate actively in
classes and demonstrate my dedication to the language training. MEC/Talentscoutry are in contact with
the language schools to check attendance regularly. 2. Reimbursement. If I discontinue the German
language training at any point prior to my deployment abroad for any reason, if I transfer to another
agency for deployment abroad or if I don’t complete the two (2) years working contract with the
German employer as also stated in the MoA I agree to reimburse MEC/Talentscoutry the amount of the
incurred allowance, maximum USD 520. 3. Special regulations. Allowance is only paid out for and during
periods of classroom training. If due to act of God classroom training is suspended and other training
methods are used payments of allowance installments may be suspended and/or postponed.
Acknowledged Manila, ___________________________________ (Name, first name – please printed
letters) ____________________________________ (Signature)

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