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Historical overview of phased array antenna for defense application in Japan

Enji Rai , Shinkichi Nishimoto , Takeshi Katada and Hideaki Watmabe

2nd Research Center, Technical Research and Development Institute

Japan Defense Agency

1- 2- 24 Ikejiri, Setagaya- ku, Tokyo(154),Japan

hased array antenna consists of 80 linear array element
ntennas of which 64 element antennas are connecte
th 64 active X- band modules respectively. The module'
s Silicon Impatt diode for transmitting device whose
eak power is 1 watt with 20 micro seconds for pulse
f the applications of phased array antennas to the radar and 1000 pps(pu1se per second) for pulse repetitio
systems equipped with by Japan Self Defense forces. The ncy. The phase shifter of ihe phased array is ma
introduction of the research activities includes the t pin diode. The radar antenna beam pattern has 2.
development of transmitting and receiving modules for egree beam width for transmitting and 3.1 degree beam
active phased array antennas, the engineering models of receiving. The antenna gains for transmitting and
phased array antennas and current efforts on the phased eiving are 18 dBi with -18 dB sidelobe level and 17
array antennas such as conformal antenna and millimeter Bi with -20 dB sidelobe level respectively. The picture
Wave phased array antenna. the phased array antenna and its transmitting and
ceiving module are shown by Fig. 1.
In 1973, experimental !$-band all solid state/
1. Introduction erimental S-band all solid state linear active phase
y radar shown in Fig. 2 was fabricated. Using th
r, we obtained the first successful results in
tinuous detection of aircrafi. in pullse compressio
o output shown in Fig. 3.
In 1976, we manufactured X-band all solid stat4
o dimensional active phased array radar shown in Eig.
. The phased array antenna (consists of 208 element
nnas. The phased array radsr uses 128 transmittin4
receiving modules which include control circuit. Th

peak power is 5 watt with 0.4 micro second fo 3

le uses Silicon Impatt diode for transmitting devic

width and 150 kpps for piilse repetition frequency!

Based on the basic research efforts concerning the
sed array antennas mentioned above, we have been
ping various kinds radar systems such as Artillery;
ng radar for Ground Self Defense Force, Shipboard
CS radar for Maritime Self defense Force, Early Warning.
r and FSX radar for Air Self Defense Force. Thd
igree of the phased array antenna technology in thd
nse area is shown by Fig. 5 .

0-7803-3232-6/96/$5.00 0 1 9 9 6 IEEE
Concluding Remarks

We have introduced our past and present researcf

nd development efforts on the phased array antenna:
riefly. In the current research, we have started millimetei
ctive phased array antenna for radar and wide band an(
iulti- function conformal antenna named smart- skir
rhose application is not only for radar but also foi
ommunication and EW application. In the future, we wil
ontinue to do research on the airborne and shipboard typf

Fig. 1


F I E . 2

module is directly connected with each correspond

element antenna. We have been carrying out test
evaluation since 1995 and will1 have finished in 1998.
the experiment, the very low side lobe level whose p
level is less than -40dB has been observed as shown by
11- 13 for receiving pattern. Transmitting patterns
shown by Fig. 14-16. In the receiving pattern, we h
obtained real time multi- beam forming owing to fast dig
signal processing technique.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 6

Pedigree o f Active Phased Array Low Sidelobe Beam Pattern

i n TRDl o f Japan Defense Agency

i Bas i c Research

1971 1983-86
E I ec . Scann i ng
Active Phased Array
( X , EO linear array) -

1990-92 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 I20
New a r t i l l e r y Angle(degree)
E I ec. Scann i ng
Active Phased Array Locating Radar Fig. 7
(S, 64 linear array)

Elec. Scanning
Active Phased Array
-4 1990-93
Shipboad FCS Radar

Engineer Modeling
1989- 1990 FSX Radar
Conformal Antenna
(Phase 1)

1992- 1995
Conformal Antenna
(Phase 2)

Fiz. 5

Fig. 8


-150 -120 ~90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150

Fig. 11

F i g . 9

F i g . 1 2

F ~ K 1,3


Fig. 1 4


F I E . 1 5


17 i K, 1 6


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