Filipiknow Unity Against Covid-19: Together, We Heal As One

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“FilipiKNOW Unity against CoVid-19: Together, We Heal as One”

Covid-19, commonly referred as the coronavirus/Wuhan Coronavirus, is an infectious disease caused by

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and is now currently… well it wouldn’t be
an understatement to say, massacring thousands of people every day globally.

First identified at Wuhan, China on December 2019, it started spreading like wildfire, resulting in today’s
ongoing pandemic.

Preventive measures include, wearing facemasks, social distancing, observing proper hygiene etc.

As for the symptoms, it’s the same as a common cold, which includes muscle fatigue, dry cough, and
sore throat. Although some may become infected without displaying any symptoms of the disease

In the Philippines, due to the mass testing of PUIs and PUMs, and the so-called “Balik Probinsya
Program”, a socioeconomic program by the government to reverse the migration of people to Metro
Manila and other urban areas, who were originally from more rural areas of the country, cases have
been continuously rising.

The health protocols are there and all you actually need to do is follow them. If staying home is such an
inconvenience to you, I recommend a change of perspective.

If exercise is the problem, there are lot of training regimens that only require your own body. Instead of
roaming around the streets, you could take this as a chance to bond with your family more.

If we’re talking about money problems, since minimal movement is essential to hinder the infection rate
of the virus, Online businesses would do the trick. If access to the internet is limited, you could sell your
goods locally. Others resorted to homemade face masks and even barter trading artworks for money
and food. To be frank, the possibilities are limitless if you’re creative enough, unless if you’re lazy that is.

For our front liners, instead of discriminating them, why not, encourage them? They need the emotional
and moral support after all.

Whether you like it or not, the virus will stay until a vaccine is made, one that works with minimal duds.
It’s estimated to be done next year but it’ll most likely be a beta version of the final vaccine.

So stay at home and go out only when necessary. It may seem annoying to hear the same instruction
again and again, but there are simply too many people who are either deaf or just plain stupid.

“Sa pakigbatok sa covid-19 maghiusa; sa kalambuan og kabaguhan, mag inambitay ta!” Although
whenever and wherever humans exist, conflict ensues, I’d like to believe in the possibility that unity
towards the same goal is possible. Remember, this is only the beginning. The only thing that we can do
is to buy time for scientists. There will be a wave two or even three if we don’t take anything seriously.
In the end, the individuals who are mainly responsible for us are ourselves, so enough with pointing
fingers. As cringy and obvious it may sound, the most logical course of action is simply to know the
importance of working together, KNOW UNITY.

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