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College of Engineering Pune

Department of Mathematics
MA-15002 : Univariate Calculus
Tutorial on Unt II.
(1) For the functions given below, find a formula for the upper sum obtained by
dividing the interval [a, b] into n equal subintervals. Then take a limit of these
sums as n → ∞ to calculate the area under the curve over [a, b]:
(a) f (x) = 2x over [0, 3].
(b) f (x) = x + x2 over [0, 1].
(2) For the functions given below, find a formula for the lower sum obtained by dividing
the interval [a, b] into n equal subintervals. Then take a limit of these sums as
n → ∞ to calculate the average value of f over [a, b]:
(a) f (x) = x2 + 1 over [0, 3].
(b) f (x) = 3x + 2x2 over [0, 1].
(3) Archimedes (287-212 B.C.), inventor, military engineer, physicist, and the greatest
mathematician of classical times in the Western world, discovered that the area
under a parabolic arch is two-thirds the base times the height. Sketch the parabolic
arch y = h − (4h/b2 )x2 ,−b/2 ≤ x ≤ b/2, assuming that h and b are positive. Then
use calculus to find the area of the region enclosed between the arch and the x-axis.

(4) Show that if k is a positive constant, then the area between the x-axis and one
arch of the curve y = sinkx is 2/k.

(5) The marginal cost of printing a poster when x posters have been printed is

dc 1
= √
dx 2 x

dollars. Find c(100) − c(1), the cost of printing posters 2 − 100.

(6) Suppose that 0
f (t)dt = x2 − 2x + 1. Find f (x).
(7) Find f (4) if 0
f (t)dt = xcosπx.

(8) Locate and identify the absolute extreme values of:

(a) ln(cosx) on [−π/4, π/3].
(b) cos(ln x) on [1/2, 2].

(9) (a) Prove that f (x) = x − lnx is increasing for x > 1.

(b) Using part (a), show that lnx < x if x > 1.

(10) Find the area between the curves y = lnx and y = ln2x from x = 1 to x = 5.
Z b
(11) Show that if f is continuous on [a, b], a 6= b and if f (x)dx = 0 then f (x) = 0
at least once in [a, b]. With the assumptions same as above if f is non-negaitve
then what can you say about f ?
(12) The solid lies between planes perpendicular to the x-axis at x = 0 and x = 4.
The cross-scctions perpendicular to tile axis on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 are squares
√ √
whose diagonals run from the parabola y = − x to the parabola y = x. Find
the volume by slicing method.
(13) The solid lies between planes perpendicular to the x-axis at x = −1 and x = 1.
The cross-sections perpendicular to the x-axis are circular disks whose diameters
run from the parabola y = x2 to the parabola y = 2 − x2 . Find the volume by
slicing method.
(14) The base of a solid is the region between the curve y = 2 (sinx) and the interval
[0, π] on the x-axis. The cross section perpendicular to the x- axis are:
(a) equilateral
p triangles with bases running from the x-axis to the curve y =
2 (sinx). p
(b) squares with bases running from the x-axis to the curve y = 2 (sinx).

Find the volume by slicing method.

(15) The base of a solid is the region bounded by the graphs of y = 3x, y = 6, and
x = O. The cross-sections perpendicular to the x-axis are:
(a) rectangles of height 10.
(b) rectangles of perimeter 20.

Find the volume by slicing method.

(16) The base of the solid is the disk x2 + y 2 ≤ 1. The cross-sections by planes perpen-
dicular to the y-axis between y = −1 and y = 1 are isosceles right triangles with
one leg in the disk. Find the volume by slicing method.

(17) Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the
lines and curves about the x- axis:
(a) y = x2 , y = 0, x = 2.
(b) y = px3 , y = 0, x = 2.
(c) y = (9 − x2 ), y = 0.
(d) y = √x − x2 , y = 0.
(e) y = cos x, 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2, y = 0, x = 0.
(f) y = sec x, y = 0, x = −π/4, x = π/4.

(18) Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the
lines and curves about the y- axis.

(a) The region enclosed by x = 5y 2 , x = 0, y = 1, y = −1.
(b) The region enclosed by x = yp3/2 , x = 0, y = 2.
(c) The region enclosed by x = p2sin 2y, 0 ≤ y ≤ π/2, x = 0.
(d) The region enclosed by x = cos(πy/4), −2 ≤ y ≤ 0, x = 0
(e) x = 2/(y + 1), x = 0, y = 0, y = 3.

(19) The region in the first quadrant bounded above by the line y = 2, below by the
curve y = 2sin x, 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 and on the left by the y-axis, about the line y = 2.
Find the volume.

(20) Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the
lines and curves about the x- axis:
(a) y = x, y = 1, x = 0.

(b) y = 2 x, y = 2, x = 0.
(c) y = x2 + 1, y = x + 3.
(d) y = 4 − x2 , y =√2 − x.
(e) y = sec x, y = 2, −π/4 ≤ x ≤ π/4.
(f) y = sec x, y = tan x, x = 0, x = 1.

(21) Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving each region about the y-axis.
(a) The region enclosed by the triangle with vertices (1, 0), (2, 1), and(1, 1).
(b) The region enclosed by the triangle with vertices (1, 0), (0, 1), and(1, 1).
(c) The region in the first quadrant bounded above by the parabola y = x2 , below
by the x-axis, and on the right by the line x = 2.
2 2
(d) The region in the first quadrant
√ bounded on the left by the circle
√ x + y = 3,
on the right by the line x = 3, and above by the line y = 3.

(22) The disk x2 + y 2 ≤ a2 is revolved about the line x = b, (b > a) to generate a solid
shaped like a doughnut and called a torus. Find its volume.

(23) A bowl has a shape that can be generated by revolving the graph of y = x2 /2
between y = 0 and y = 5 about the y- axis. Find the volume of the bowl.

(24) Use the shell method to find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the
regions bouoded by the curves and lines about the y- axis:
(a) y = x, y = −x/2, x = 2.
(b) y = 2x, y = x/2, x = 1.
(c) y = x2 , y = 2 − x, x = 0, f or x ≥ 0.
(d) y = 2 − x2 , y = x√2 , x = 0.
(e) y = 2x −√1, y = x, x = 0.
(f) y = 3/(2 x), y = 0, x = 1, x = 4.

(25) Find the lengths of the following curves.

(a) y = (1/3)(x2 + 2) from x = 0 to x = 3.
(b) y = x3/2 from x = 0 to x = 4.
(c) x = (y 3 /3) + (1/(4y)) from y = 1 tp y = 3.
(d) x = Z(y 3/2 /3) − y 1/2 from y = 1 to y = 9.
(e) y = tan t dt, 0 ≤ x ≤ π/6.

(26) The graph of the equation x2/3 + y 2/3 = 1 is one of a family of curves called
astroids (not “asteroids”!) because of their starlike appearance (Use Grapher to
plot). Find the length of this particular astroids.

(27) Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the given curve about the
indicated axis.
(a) y = x2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, x axis.
(b) xy =Z1, 1 ≤ y ≤ 2, y− axis.
xp √
(c) y = (t2 − 1), 1 ≤ x ≤ 5, x axis.
(d) x = 2 (4 − y), 0 ≤ y ≤ 15/4, y- axis.
(28) Find the area of the surface geoerated by revolving about the x-axis the portion
of the astroid x2/3 + y 2/3 = 1 lying in upper half plane.

(29) Evaluate the following improper integrals:

Z ∞ Z ∞
dx 2x dx
(a) 2
Z0 4 x + 1 (x2 + 1)2
dx dx
(b) p (f)
Z0 1
(4 − x) Z−1∞ |x|
dx dx
(c) (g) 2
x2/3 Z−1∞ x + 5x + 6
dx dx
(d) (h)
0 (x + 1)(x2 + 1)
0 (1 − x2 )

(30) Test the convergence of follwoing integrals:

Z π 2
sin θ dθ
(a) p (e)
Z π (π − θ) Z0 ∞1 − t
dt dt
(b) √ (f) 3
Z0 1 t + sin t Z1 ∞ t + 1
dt dt
(c) (g) √
0 t − sin t Z4 ∞ t − 1
Z 2
dt dt
(d) (h) p
0 1 − t2 2 (t − 1)

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