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Uganda National Roads Authority

RAP Review Framework

Review of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the [Project Name]

Submitted to UNRA by [Name of Firm] [Date]

Review Framework for RAP

Each section of the RAP submitted to UNRA has been reviewed. The comments made on the following pages should
form the basis for a resubmission of the RAP to UNRA, on or before the [Date] – the final deadline for this work. If the
consultant is unclear on any aspect they should contact UNRA as soon as possible to ensure that the consultant meets
their [Date] deadline.

Review Commentary

1. Executive Summary


This section should provide the reader with a short and concise summary of the key information that a busy reader might want to see.
(Suggest this limited to 2-3 pages max)

1.1 Includes a very short description of the project road – distance, funding, district boundaries etc

1.2 Any particularly relevant policies and legislation – a few lines of text is fine here – UNRA 
already know most of this and do not need to read it again and again!
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RAP Review Framework


1.3 A summary of the road reserve boundaries (i.e your direct impact zone) is clearly presented 
(using a table if necessary) – it should include road reserve at 25m from centreline, Reduced Road
Reserve width, Increased Road Reserve width – it should provide UNRA with total land take (m 2).
1.4 A summary of all legal notices and posts that have been made 
1.5 Summary of field survey findings, including predominant land tenure systems, livelihood 
sources, community infrastructure affected, total number of plots and affected people, total number
of displaced families as it relates to the actual land to be acquired (this is effectively a summary of
1.6 Summary of any special mitigation measures which may be required (note that this is not a 
formality – in most cases if people are not having to move, cash compensation against district
rates is ok) – if mitigation measures are included provide details of which individual or organisation
is going to be implementing the work and where the money is coming from.
1.7 Summary of the compensation strategy 
1.8 Summary of the implementation plan
1.9 Summary cost estimate – by type and district – this information is clearly presented in a simple
1.10 Summary of the proposed arrangements for monitoring of the RAP.

2. Acronyms and Table of Contents


2.1 Acronyms – clear list of all acronyms used throughout the document

2.2 Glossary of Key terms clearly defines and technical words of terms which may be 
unfamiliar to the reader
2.3 Table of contents clearly identifies the location of all information in the report. It includes a 
separate list of tables, figures, plates and appendices.

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3. Description of the Development


Principal features of the project

3.1 Provides background to the project, whether donor funded or government funded and a
general description of the project comprising information on the site, design and size.

3.2 Explains the purpose(s) and objectives of the project and the purpose of the RAP 
3.3 Provides details of project location and overview of relevant characteristics (i.e urban 
centres, proportion urban/rural, summary predominant land tenure systems
3.4 Summarises any relevant work that has been carried out in the past (in particular if this 
RAP is reviewing and updating previous work) and described how this affects the work of the
3.5 Describe the efforts made for minimizing displacement - describe alternative options, if 
any, considered to avoid or minimise land acquisition and its effects. Explain the results of
these efforts - explain why remaining effects are unavoidable.
3.6 Provides a detailed description of project components and activities that give rise to 
resettlement/land acquisition (both temporary and permanent) – in addition to the road
reserve this will include locations of borrow pits, quarry sites, contractors camps etc

This is supported by detailed maps of population settlements, social infrastructure, and

natural resources, such as natural vegetation areas, water resources, and land use patterns.
3.7 Presents the Proposed boundaries for the road reserve (in accordance with legal 
framework and consultation with project engineers and UNRA).

This includes:
i) A review of the alignment design and assessment of the road reserve width to be
applied along the route, taking into account any requirements for additional land
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take, for example due to high cut / fill slopes and major junctions, on the proposed
alignment centreline and road reserve boundaries
ii) Copies of Deed Plans and base maps (showing physical features), are presented
(in appendices and cross referenced too as appropriate) with the alignment
superimposed upon it.

These maps with the road reserve boundaries plotted clearly identify registered plots and
residual land which may need to be acquired.
3.8 presents clear and concise method statement for the undertaking of the RAP and
associated studies

4.0 Impact Identification and Consultation


Institutional Framework
4.1 The RAP either: 
i) Cross references to the UNRA LAMS summary institutional framework noting any
omissions, changes or suggestions for improvement or

Presents its own institutional framework which clearly identifies each agency and organisation
and their roles and responsibilities with respect to this project (minutes of meetings and
contact names are included as an appendix)
4.2 Stakeholder analysis is presented in a clear framework, preferably using a matrix 
format; this includes all persons and organisations (formal and informal) that:
 Will be directly affected by the road project and the land acquisition process (eg
roadside communities and their livelihood sources, utility providers, socio-economic
providers, communal facility providers etc); this will identify any specific gender needs
(male and female).

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 Have a legal requirement to be involved in land acquisition process (eg central and
local government)

Could help smooth the land acquisition process (e.g community leaders, local NGOs/CBOs)
4.3 Clear identification of tasks and responsibilities assigned to organisations and individuals 
through the process – this is presented using an organisational chart or similar and includes
an assessment of their willingness and capacity to be involved.
Participation and Consultation Strategy 
4.4 A participation and consultation strategy is defined which explains how each stakeholder 
has been consulted and how they will be involved in making decisions that affect them and
how they will be involved in the implementation of the RAP. This includes the gender
dimension – how have men and how have women been involved.
4.5 The roles and responsibilities of district level officers in the land acquisition process are 
clearly defined and in line with 4.5 the method for communicating with them is clear.
4.6 In line with stakeholder analysis and 4.5 a community information pack (in an 
appendix) is cross referenced to – this provides project affected communities will all the
information they need to be able to understand the land acquisition process, how it may affect
them, their entitlements and what they need to do to make sure that they get paid their
compensation on time.
Land Acquisition: Impact Identification
This Section relates to impacts of land acquisition and not other project activities
Socio-Economic Base Line – This relates strictly to land acquisition and focuses on those affected through loss of land only.
4.7 Indicative Land Inventory is presented – this provides a detailed analysis of the pattern of 
land tenure – i.e maps providing an indication of customary land holding, mailo, freehold etc;
the inventory provides details of plots affected – this includes location, size, location,
proportion affected, land type and use.
This information is presented clearly using tables and maps.
4.8 Indicative property inventory – for each plot affected details of all property likely to be 
affected is recorded – this includes structures (homes, animal pens, stores etc); it includes
infrastructure (e.g water supply and sanitation, utilities connections)
4.9 Community Infrastructure inventory, including all socio-economic and communal services 
and facilities, utility services and religious/cultural facilities that may be affected.
4.10 Indicative livelihoods inventory – this includes the identification of vulnerable groups 

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(e.g female or child headed households, elderly, disabled, minority groups), income sources
and estimates of the value of that income; cash and in-kind incomes, access to natural
resources etc.
4.11 Presents a concise summary of the number of owners/occupiers likely to be affected 
estimated quantities of their assets for which compensation will need to be paid
4.12 Presents a concise summary of the number of families and individuals that will be 
4.13 provides an indication of the use of bank accounts in the project area 
4.14 The methods used to investigate and detail the affected environment and project 
affected people are appropriate to the size and complexity of the assessment task.
4.15 Local, regional and national agencies holding information on baseline socio-economic 
conditions have been approached.
4.16 There has been a genuine attempt to work closely with all project affected peoples, 
relevant public agencies, relevant experts and special interest groups to appraise them of the
project and its implications. Lists the groups approached.
4.17 A record of consultations is provided which provides a summary of all comments 
received and demonstrates how these have been addressed – this is signed by those
4.18 A copy of all legal notices which have been issued to those living in affected areas of 
the intent to acquire land for the road and of the need to access land for survey purposes is
included in an appendix (and cross referenced to) – this includes information on where and
when these have been displayed.
4.19 The need for all future public notices associated with the land acquisition process has 
been identified and the consultant has agreed with UNRA and the districts where these are to
be displayed.
Overall Mark:

5 Policy and Legal Framework

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RAP Review Framework


Policy and Legal Framework
On the basis of information presented in Sections 1-5:
5.0 The RAP either: 
i) Cross references to the UNRA LAMS summary policy and legal framework noting
any omissions, changes or suggestions for improvement or
ii) Presents its own legal and policy analysis (in a matrix) which includes:
 Description of key national, donor related (where applicable) and project
specific compensation and resettlement policies, laws and guidelines that
apply to the project.
 Include the analysis of the policies, laws, regulations and guidelines
relevant to resettlement/land acquisition activities of the project.

The analysis is focused and does not present a long list of legislation and policy which does
not directly relate to the acquisition of land and the payment/compensation process.

5.1 All local legislation is included which may affect land acquisition of the project road 

6 Entitlements/Compensation and Mitigation Measures


Eligibility Criteria

6.1 On the basis of information in the legal framework and stakeholder analysis, provides a
clear eligibility definition for project affected people and criteria for determining their
eligibility for compensation and other resettlement assistance, including relevant cut-off dates.
The criteria is project and location specific and will include and define the local approach to

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each category. The consultant has demonstrated that they have considered ALL
categories, not just those losing land.
6.2 Compensation Strategy and Eligibility Principles – A compensation strategy is clearly 
presented which defines the principles to be adopted in estimating compensation costs. This
shall include:
6.2.1 eligibility principles (in-line with 4.1) (this takes into account the government’s position 
on using district approved rates, depreciated prices and disturbance allowance; how to
ensure fair division of compensation between owners and occupiers, especially on Mailo land
and how to price for acquiring land where the existing road is (i.e carriageway, shoulders and
drainage ditches).
6.2.2 copies of latest district rates
6.2.3 analysis of current market prices of land and property 
6.2.4 proposed rates for compensation for all asset types for each area along the project road
6.2.5 Payment mechanisms and responsibilities – bank transfer or will some cash payments 
be permitted?
Physical and Social Support Mitigation Measures
6.3 The findings of section 4 identify where negative impacts are likely to occur and for which 
monetary compensation will not adequately resolve and for which alternative mitigation
measures are required.

Mitigation measures are clearly listed with details of the measure, the resources required and
details of the implementing agent – contact details and records of meetings are included in an
appendix and there is evidence that these measures have been reviewed and agreed by
6.4 Where mitigation measures involve construction works, the consultant has ensured that 
these have been included in detailed design and the contract documents of the works
contractor – cross references are included in an appendix
6.5 Where mitigation measures involve support and development, the Consultant has liaised 
with the local government and relevant NGO service provider to develop a firm and costed
plan – these plans are included in an appendix.
Implementation Plan
6.6 A clear strategy is presented for how the subsequent tasks of valuation, compensation 
and expropriation should proceed – this includes an analysis of the size and composition of

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team required (based on population density, patterns of land tenure, project length – i.e. How
far can one team travel in one day).
6.7 An estimated work plan is included based on the consultants experiences in the field 
which estimates timings for valuation, compensation and expropriation (to suit anticipated
fund availability, procurement of land acquisition consultants, procurement of contractors,
handover of site AND management of potential blocks to swift land acquisition.
6.8 Estimated costs and resource needs for valuation, compensation and expropriation 
including allowances, fees and expenses.
6.9 A monitoring and evaluation plan – this is clear, simple and realistic (presented in a 
matrix form) including monitoring indicators, roles and responsibilities, timeframe and
resources required – the plan clearly defines how UNRA will track implementation of all
aspects of the RAP including but not restricted to payment, compensation and livelihoods of
any PAPs that have required physical relocation.
Cost Estimates
6.10 A clear cost estimate is presented which, based on the indicative inventories and 
surveys (baseline surveys) and broken down by district or sub areas identifies:
 Compensation to affected families for land, permanent property and non-permanent
 Physical works mitigation measures to be included in the works contracts
 Social and economic support mitigation measures and associated costs (e.g NGO or
other agency costs)
 Consultants to complete the valuation, compensation and expropriation tasks,
 Monitoring and Evaluation

CGV and Local government representative’s allowances and expenses.

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7 Grievance Procedure


Grievance Procedure
7.1 Describes affordable and accessible procedures for third party settlement of dispute 
arising from resettlement. The grievance mechanism takes into account the availability for
judicial recourse and community and traditional dispute settlement mechanisms.

8 Snag List


Snag List
8.1 Based on information presented in previous sections the consultant provides an early warning of any 
locations where there may be potential difficulties or obstacles that may delay completion of the land
acquisition process. This is clearly presented in a matrix form which:
 Identifies the problem
 Identifies the possible options to solve that problem
 The recommended solution
 Responsibility for implementing and overseeing that solution.

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9 Organisation and Presentation of Information



Organisation of the information

9.1 Logically arranges the information in sections. 

9.2 Identifies the location of information in a table or list of contents. 
9.3 There are chapter or section summaries outlining the main findings of each phase of the investigation. 
9.4 When information from external sources has been introduced, a full reference to the source is included. 

Presentation of information

9.5 Mentions the relevant Land Acquisition legislation, UNRA, name of the organisation preparing the RAP, 
and name, address and contact number of a contact person.

9.6 Includes an introduction briefly describing the project, aims of the RAP and the methods used. 

9.7 The RAP is presented as an integrated whole. Data presented in appendices are fully discussed in the 
main body of the text.

9.8 Offers information and analysis to support all conclusions drawn. 

9.9 Presents information so as to be comprehensible to the non-specialist. Uses maps, tables, graphical 
material and other devices as appropriate. Avoids unnecessary technical or obscure language.

9.10 Discusses all the important data and results in an integrated fashion. 

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9.11 Avoids superfluous information (i.e. information not needed for the decision). 

9.12 Presents the information in a concise form with a consistent terminology and logical links between 
different sections.

9.13 Gives prominence and emphasis to the most serious issues and identifies clearly what supporting 
actions are required (including addressing the SNAG list)
9.14 Defines technical terms, acronyms and initials. 
9.15 The information is objective and does not lobby for any particular point of view.

Difficulties compiling the information

9.16 Indicates any gaps in the required data and explains the means used to deal with them in the 

9.17 Acknowledges and explains any difficulties in assembling or analysing the data needed to predict 
impacts and any basis for questioning assumptions, data or information.

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