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Blog around the world

Choose a place you visited or that you know well and make some notes for a
blog entry like the one in exercise a.Use the questions below to help you

1. where did you go?

I would like to talk about Colombia,especially some places i went of Quindio’s
town like Salento. Salento is magic place with a beautiful view and perfect
clime for have a horse trip betwen the mountains and rivers. this is one of the
most tipical activity.

2. What experience or places were specially memorables,why?

Salento have some places for make Camping and one of they is called Boquia
Monterroca.I had a great exprerience there .That place has some interesting
topics/themes for campig for exampleb:Exotic camping called American
Camping,hippie hillton,thejungle,Rastahouse,Midnight,Safari and Supernova. All
those places were amazing .My favorite and memorable was Supernova Camping
because had full color everywhere .

3. What information do you want to include for other travel?

I think that first that all if the people wants to travel and meet Quindio’s
places should to have total freedom and disperse mind for enjoy this amazing
place. The gastronomic offer is very good and delicous mainly the fish.
4. Now write your blog entry “post” i ton the wall in the classroom

I want to share how is make a trip for the Quindío’s places.When you arrive there,
allways we can see many people from around of world and is very exciting because you
are meeting interesting persons with different culture

If you want to eat a typical menu,you can found close to the principal park a Little
restaurant of trucha that has any kind delicious recipes.My favorite recipe of trucha
is called Trucha marinera ,this trucha has inside it shrimps and melted cheese .

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