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The Indian Journal of Pediatrics


Anemia, Iron Deficiency and Iodine Deficiency among Nepalese School

Children: Correspondence

Received: 8 September 2017 / Accepted: 14 December 2017

# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2018

To the Editor: The article entitled BAnemia, Iron References

Deficiency and Iodine Deficiency among Nepalese
School Children^ recently published in Indian Journal of 1. Khatiwada S, Lamsal M, Gelal B, et al. Anemia, iron deficiency and
Pediatrics was extremely informative and useful [1]. The iodine deficiency among Nepalese school children. Indian J Pediatr.
authors had collected 759 urine samples and 316 blood 2016;83:617–21.
samples from school children. The authors found Urinary 2. World Health Organization. Assessment of Iodine Deficiency
Iodine Excretion (UIE) was low amongst children with Disorders and Monitoring their Elimination: A guide for
iron deficiency anemia. Also, a significant association Programme Managers, 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization;
was found between UIE with hemoglobin and iron status. 2007. Viii, 99 p.
In the above study the investigators collected Bon the spot^ 3. Konig F, Andersson M, Hotz K, Aeberli I, Zimmerman MB. Ten
casual urine samples of children and estimated their UIE levels. repeat collections for urinary iodine from spot samples or 24-hour
We would like to share with the readers of Indian Journal of samples are needed to reliably estimate individual iodine status in
Pediatrics that the individual Iodine Nutrition Status (of women. J Nutr. 2011;141:2049–54.
Children), cannot be estimated based on assessment of UIE
in BOn the Spot^ urine samples. The UIE estimation from BOn Authors' Reply
the Spot^ urine samples provides estimates of iodine status in
the population as a whole and not of the specific individuals To the Editor: We would like to thank Kapil et al. for their
constituting the population [2]. view on our paper entitled BAnemia, Iron Deficiency and
It may not be scientifically valid to classify the children into Iodine Deficiency among Nepalese School Children^ [1].
different grades of iodine status as done by the investigators We are delighted by the interest of the authors on our paper.
i.e., i) Iodine Deficient ii) Iodine Sufficient. It is well established that median urinary iodine excretion
For assessment of Individual Iodine Nutritional Status, (UIE) in the spot urine samples is the most convenient marker
we need to assess the UIE in the urine samples collected of iodine status in the school children population. The median
for 24 h or alternatively 10 repeat collection of BOn the UIE provides information about the iodine status of the pop-
Spot^ urine samples should be done and UIE should be ulation rather than individual iodine status and spot urine sam-
estimated in them [3]. ple iodine concentration may not be valid marker of individual
In view of above, the conclusion drawn by the authors that iodine status [2].
Blow urinary iodine excretion was associated with anemia and Though median UIE < 100 μg/L and >100 μg/L are being
iron deficiency^ may not be valid and needs to be corrected. considered as iodine deficiency and iodine sufficiency respec-
tively in the population [2], WHO started using spot UIE
Radhika Kapil1 and Aakriti Gupta2 <100 μg/L as having low iodine intakes to give prevalence
Department of Pathology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, estimates of iodine deficiency in iodine surveys from across
Belgaum, Karnataka; Department of Human Nutrition, All India the globe and to monitor the progress in elimination of iodine
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. E-mail: drradhikapatho@ deficiency even though the approach overestimates the true prevalence of iodine deficiency [3, 4]. This spot UIE cut off of
Indian J Pediatr

100 μg/L has been used to estimate the proportions of indi- References
viduals having iodine deficiency or sufficiency in the iodine
survey of Nepal [5]. Thus, in the current study also, we ap- 1. Khatiwada S, Lamsal M, Gelal B, et al. Anemia, iron deficiency and
plied spot UIE cut off of 100 μg/L, to get a crude estimation of iodine deficiency among Nepalese school children. Indian J Pediatr.
the number of children having low iodine intake (iodine defi- 2016;83:617–21.
ciency) in the study population. 2. Assessment of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Monitoring their
Even in the light of spot UIE not being a true indicator of Elimination. WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD. WHO Publication 2007. p.
individual iodine status, based on the correlation of urinary 1–108.
iodine concentration with the hemoglobin and iron status in- 3. Andersson M, Takkouche B, Egli I, Allen HE, de Benoist B. Current
dicators in the study, the conclusion Blow urinary iodine ex- global iodine status and progress over the last decade towards the
cretion was associated with anemia and iron deficiency^ is elimination of iodine deficiency. Bull World Health Organ.
still valid. 2005;83:518–25.
4. Andersson M, Karumbunathan V, Zimmermann MB. Global iodine
Saroj Khatiwada1, Madhab Lamsal2, Basanta Gelal2, status in 2011 and trends over the past decade. J Nutr. 2012;142:744–
Sharad Gautam2, Ashwini Kumar Nepal2, David Brodie3 50.
and Nirmal Barall2 5. Ministry of Health and Population, Department of Health Services,
Department of Pharmacy, Central Institute of Science and Government of India and Alliance Nepal. National Survey and
Technology (CIST) College, Pokhara University, Kathmandu, Nepal; Impact Study for Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) and Availability
Department of Biochemistry, B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, of Iodized Salt in Nepal; 2007.
Ghopa, Dharan, Nepal; Faculty of Society and Health,
Buckinghamshire University, Buckinghamshire, UK . E-mail :

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