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Fundamentals on GIS

Creating Features (point, polyline, polygon) in ArcGIS

1. How to Add Basemap

Add data ( ) > Add Basemap > Map will appear
Scroll down to zoom in and scroll up to zoom out

2. How to Connect a folder

Add data ( ) > Connect to Folder ( ) > Select the path> Ok

3. How to Create point/ polyline/ polygon features

[At first a folder need to be connected where the features will be created]
Step 1: Creating features
Select catalog ( ) > Select the specific connected folder> Right Click>
New Shape file> A dialogue box will appear
Name : As required
Feature type : point/ polyline/ polygon
Coordinate system : Edit> Select coordinate system (GCS_WGS_1984) > OK
Ok> point features will be created

Step 2: Editing features

Select Editor ( ) > Start editing> Select the features > Continue>
Select Create Features ( ) > Select the feature > select the construction tools
Select Editor ( ) > Stop editing > Save > OK
Fundamentals on GIS
4. How to import excel data and convert it into point features
Step 1: Import excel data
Add Data> Select the connected folder > Select Rd_Jun > Sheet 1> Add>
Data will be added

Step 2: Check excel data

To check whether data are correctly added or not
Select > Sheet1$ > Right click > Open
Attribute table will appear where data can be seen.

Step 3: Converting into point features

Right click > Display XY data> Select the coordinate (GCS_WGS_1984) > Ok
Point feature has been created. It can be edited now

Step 4: Export the data

Sheet1$ Events > Right click> Data > Export data> Browse the path> Rename it>
Select the type as Shape file> Ok> add the exported data as a map layer > Yes
Final point shape file will appear
Remove the previous sheets

Step 4: Add BaseMap

Add data ( ) > Add Basemap >
Map will appear
Scroll down to zoom in and scroll up to zoom out

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