Problems: Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

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346 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

Section 9.1 9.7 Find the rms value of the half-wave rectified sinu-
soidal voltage shown in Fig. P9.7.
9.1 A sinusoidal current is given by the expression
Figure P9.7
i = 125 cos (800 t + 36.87°) mA.
v v  Vm sin t, 0  t  T/2
Find (a) f in hertz; (b) T in milliseconds; (c) Im; Vm T
(d) i(0); (e) f in degrees and radians; (f) the smallest
positive value of t at which i = 0; and (g) the small-
est positive value of t at which di>dt = 0.
0 T/2 T 3T/2 2T
9.2 In a single graph, sketch v = 100 cos (vt + f) ver-
sus vt for f = 90 ⴰ , 45 ⴰ , 0 ⴰ , -45 ⴰ , and -90 ⴰ . 9.8 Show that
a) State whether the voltage function is shifting
t0 + T
to the right or left as f becomes more V2mT
V2m cos2(vt + f)dt =
negative. Lt0 2
b) What is the direction of shift if f changes from
0 to 45 ⴰ ? Section 9.2

9.3 Consider the sinusoidal voltage 9.9 The voltage applied to the circuit shown in Fig. 9.5
at t = 0 is 75 cos (4000t - 60 ⴰ ) V. The circuit resist-
v(t) = 25 cos (400pt + 60 ⴰ ) V. ance is 400 Æ and the initial current in the 75 mH
inductor is zero.
a) What is the maximum amplitude of the voltage?
a) Find i(t) for t Ú 0.
b) What is the frequency in hertz?
b) Write the expressions for the transient and
c) What is the frequency in radians per second? steady-state components of i(t).
d) What is the phase angle in radians? c) Find the numerical value of i after the switch has
e) What is the phase angle in degrees? been closed for 750 ms.
f) What is the period in milliseconds? d) What are the maximum amplitude, frequency
g) What is the first time after t = 0 that v = 0 V? (in radians per second), and phase angle of the
steady-state current?
h) The sinusoidal function is shifted 5>6 ms to the
e) By how many degrees are the voltage and the
right along the time axis. What is the expression
steady-state current out of phase?
for v(t)?
i) What is the minimum number of milliseconds 9.10 a) Verify that Eq. 9.9 is the solution of Eq. 9.8. This
that the function must be shifted to the left if the can be done by substituting Eq. 9.9 into the left-
expression for v(t) is 25 sin 400pt V? hand side of Eq. 9.8 and then noting that it
equals the right-hand side for all values of t 7 0.
9.4 A sinusoidal voltage is zero at t = (40>3) ms and At t = 0, Eq. 9.9 should reduce to the initial
increasing at a rate of 750p V> s. The maximum value of the current.
amplitude of the voltage is 50 V. b) Because the transient component vanishes as
a) What is the frequency of v in radians per second? time elapses and because our solution must sat-
b) What is the expression for v? isfy the differential equation for all values of t,
the steady-state component, by itself, must also
9.5 At t = 5 ms, a sinusoidal current is known to be satisfy the differential equation. Verify this
zero and going negative. The current is next zero at observation by showing that the steady-state
t = 25 ms. It is also known that the current is 50 mA component of Eq. 9.9 satisfies Eq. 9.8.
at t = 0 .
a) What is the frequency of i in hertz? Sections 9.3–9.4
b) What is the expression for i? 9.11 Use the concept of the phasor to combine the fol-
lowing sinusoidal functions into a single trigono-
9.6 The rms value of the sinusoidal voltage supplied to
metric expression:
the convenience outlet of a home in Scotland is
240 V. What is the maximum value of the voltage a) y = 30 cos(200t - 160°) + 15 cos(200t + 70°),
at the outlet? b) y = 90 sin(50t - 20°) + 60 cos(200t - 70°),
Problems 347

c) y = 50 cos(5000t - 60°) + 25 sin(5000t + 110°) elements are energized by a sinusoidal voltage source
- 75 cos(5000t - 30°), whose voltage is 25 cos (500t - 60 ⴰ )V.
d) y = 10 cos (vt + 30°) + 10 sin vt a) Draw the frequency-domain equivalent circuit.
+ 10 cos(vt + 150°). b) Reference the current in the direction of the
9.12 A 400 Hz sinusoidal voltage with a maximum voltage rise across the source, and find the pha-
amplitude of 100 V at t = 0 is applied across the sor current.
terminals of an inductor. The maximum amplitude c) Find the steady-state expression for i(t).
of the steady-state current in the inductor is 20 A.
9.16 A 25 Æ resistor and a 10 mH inductor are con-
a) What is the frequency of the inductor current? PSPICE nected in parallel. This parallel combination is also
b) If the phase angle of the voltage is zero, what is in parallel with the series combination of a 30 Æ
the phase angle of the current? resistor and a 10 mF capacitor. These three parallel
c) What is the inductive reactance of the inductor? branches are driven by a sinusoidal current source
whose current is 125 sin(2500t + 60 ⴰ ) A.
d) What is the inductance of the inductor in
millihenrys? a) Draw the frequency-domain equivalent circuit.
e) What is the impedance of the inductor? b) Reference the voltage across the current source
as a rise in the direction of the source current,
9.13 A 80 kHz sinusoidal voltage has zero phase angle and find the phasor voltage.
and a maximum amplitude of 25 mV. When this c) Find the steady-state expression for v(t).
voltage is applied across the terminals of a capaci-
9.17 Three branches having impedances of 3 + j 4 Æ,
tor, the resulting steady-state current has a maxi-
16 - j12 Æ, and -j4 Æ, respectively, are connected
mum amplitude of 628.32 mA.
in parallel. What are the equivalent (a) admittance,
a) What is the frequency of the current in radians (b) conductance, and (c) susceptance of the parallel
per second? connection in millisiemens? (d) If the parallel
b) What is the phase angle of the current? branches are excited from a sinusoidal current source
c) What is the capacitive reactance of the capacitor? where i = 8 cos vt A, what is the maximum ampli-
tude of the current in the purely capacitive branch?
d) What is the capacitance of the capacitor in
microfarads? 9.18 a) Show that, at a given frequency v, the circuits in
e) What is the impedance of the capacitor? Fig. P9.18(a) and (b) will have the same imped-
ance between the terminals a,b if
9.14 The expressions for the steady-state voltage and
current at the terminals of the circuit seen in v2L22R2 R22L2
Fig. P9.14 are R1 = , L1 = .
R22 + v2L2 2
R22 + v2L22

vg = 300 cos (5000pt + 78 ⴰ ) V, b) Find the values of resistance and inductance that
when connected in series will have the same
ig = 6 sin (5000pt + 123 ⴰ ) A impedance at 4 krad/s as that of a 5 kÆ resistor
connected in parallel with a 1.25 H inductor.
a) What is the impedance seen by the source?
b) By how many microseconds is the current out of Figure P9.18
phase with the voltage? a a

Figure P9.14 R1
ig R2 L2

vg Circuit b b

(a) (b)

9.19 a) Show that at a given frequency v, the circuits in

Fig. P9.19(a) and (b) will have the same imped-
ance between the terminals a,b if
Sections 9.5 and 9.6
R21 + v2L21 R21 + v2L21
9.15 A 25 Æ resistor, a 50 mH inductor, and a 32 mF R2 = , L2 = .
capacitor are connected in series.The series-connected R1 v2L1
348 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

(Hint: The two circuits will have the same Figure P9.22
impedance if they have the same admittance.) j8 
b) Find the values of resistance and inductance that a
when connected in parallel will have the same j20 
impedance at 1 krad/s as an 8 kÆ resistor con-
nected in series with a 4 H inductor.
j16  40 
9.20 a) Show that at a given frequency v, the circuits in
Fig. P9.20(a) and (b) will have the same imped- j80 
ance between the terminals a,b if 8
R2 9.23 Find the admittance Yab in the circuit seen in
R1 = ,
1 + v2R22C 22 Fig. P9.23. Express Yab in both polar and rectangu-
lar form. Give the value of Yab in millisiemens.
1 + v2R 22C 22
C1 = .
v2R 22C2 Figure P9.23
b) Find the values of resistance and capacitance a
that when connected in series will have the
same impedance at 40 krad>s as that of a 6 j12 
1000 Æ resistor connected in parallel with a Yab 5 j10 
50 nF capacitor. j2  4

Figure P9.20 b
a a
9.24 a) For the circuit shown in Fig. P9.24, find the fre-
R1 PSPICE quency (in radians per second) at which the
R2 C2 impedance Zab is purely resistive.
C1 b) Find the value of Zab at the frequency of (a).

b b Figure P9.24
(a) (b) 20 mF
9.21 a) Show that at a given frequency v, the circuits in
Fig 9.20(a) and (b) will have the same imped-
ance between the terminals a,b if 200  400 mH

1 + v2R21C 21
R2 = ,
v2R1C 21 9.25 a) Using component values from Appendix H,
combine at least one resistor, inductor, and
C1 capacitor in series to create an impedance of
C2 = . 300 - j400 Æ at a frequency of 10,000 rad> s.
1 + v2R 21C 21
b) At what frequency does the circuit from part (a)
(Hint: The two circuits will have the same have an impedance that is purely resistive?
impedance if they have the same admittance.)
9.26 a) Using component values from Appendix H,
b) Find the values of resistance and capacitance combine at least one resistor and one inductor
that when connected in parallel will give the in parallel to create an impedance of
same impedance at 50 krad/s as that of a 1 kÆ 40 + j20 Æ at a frequency of 5000 rad> s. (Hint:
resistor connected in series with a capacitance of Use the results of Problem 9.19.)
40 nF.
b) Using component values from Appendix H,
combine at least one resistor and one capacitor
9.22 Find the impedance Zab in the circuit seen in
in parallel to create an impedance of
40 - j20 Æ at a frequency of 5000 rad> s. (Hint:
Fig. P9.22. Express Zab in both polar and rectangular
Use the result of Problem 9.21.)
Problems 349

9.27 a) Using component values from Appendix H, find 9.31 a) For the circuit shown in Fig. P9.31, find the steady-
a single capacitor or a network of capacitors PSPICE state expression for vo if ig = 25 cos 50,000t mA.
that, when combined in parallel with the RL cir- b) By how many microseconds does vo lead ig?
cuit from Problem 9.26(a), gives an equivalent
impedance that is purely resistive at a frequency Figure P9.31
of 5000 rad/s.
b) Using component values from Appendix H, find
a single inductor or a network of inductors 
that, when combined in parallel with the RC cir- ig 4 mH 80 nF 500  vo
cuit from Problem 9.26(b), gives an equivalent
impedance that is purely resistive at a frequency 
of 5000 rad/s.
9.32 Find I b and Z in the circuit shown in Fig. P9.32 if
9.28 Find the steady-state expression for io(t) in the circuit Vg = 25 l 0 ⴰ V and I a = 5 l 90 ⴰ A.
PSPICE in Fig. P9.28 if vs = 80 cos 2000t V.
Figure P9.32
Figure P9.28
100 nF Ia
3 k j3 
j 2 
io(t) Vg  1
  j 5 
vs 500 mH

Z Ib j 3 

9.29 The circuit in Fig. P9.29 is operating in the sinusoidal

9.33 Find the value of Z in the circuit seen in Fig. P9.33
PSPICE steady state. Find the steady-state expression for vo(t)
MULTISIM if Vg = 100 - j50 V, I g = 30 + j 20 A, and
if vg = 60 sin 8000t V.
V1 = 140 + j 30 V.

Figure P9.29
Figure P9.33
3.125 mH


vg vo 50  20  12  j16 
 5 mF

Vg  j5  V1 j10  Ig

9.30 The circuit in Fig. P9.30 is operating in the sinusoidal
PSPICE steady state. Find io(t) if vs(t) = 25 sin 4000t V.
9.34 Find the steady-state expression for vo in the circuit
Figure P9.30 of Fig. P9.34 if ig = 60 cos 10,000t mA.
5 10 
Figure P9.34
vs 20  12.5 mF 2 mF
2.5 mH 50 
10 mH 100  vo

350 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

9.35 The circuit shown in Fig. P9.35 is operating in the Figure P9.38
sinusoidal steady state. Find the value of v if 100 mH

io = 40 sin (vt + 21.87 ) mA, 
vg(t) 3.125 mF 200 
vg = 40 cos (vt - 15 ⴰ ) V. ig 480 

Figure P9.35
600  3.2 H
9.39 The frequency of the sinusoidal voltage source in
io PSPICE the circuit in Fig. P9.39 is adjusted until ig is in
vg 2.5 mF phase with vg.

a) What is the value of v in radians per second?
b) If vg = 15 cos vt V (where v is the frequency
found in [a]), what is the steady-state expression
9.36 The phasor current Ib in the circuit shown in
for ig?
PSPICE Fig. P9.36 is 25l 0 ⴰ mA.
a) Find Ia, I c, and Ig. Figure P9.39
b) If v = 1500 rad>s, write expressions for ia(t), 1 k
ic(t), and ig(t).
Figure P9.36 240 

1000  vg 62.5 nF
10 mH
j 250  j 1000  Ιc

Ιg Ιa Ιb j50 V

500  2000  9.40 a) The source voltage in the circuit in Fig. P9.40 is
PSPICE vg = 40 cos 1000t V. Find the values of L such
that ig is in phase with vg when the circuit is
9.37 The frequency of the sinusoidal voltage source in operating in the steady state.
PSPICE the circuit in Fig. P9.37 is adjusted until the current b) For the values of L found in (a), find the steady-
io is in phase with vg. state expressions for ig.
a) Find the frequency in hertz.
Figure P9.40
b) Find the steady-state expression for ig (at the
frequency found in [a]) if vg = 90 cos vt V. 1 mF

Figure P9.37 ig
500  200  vg 2500  L

vg 200 mH 1 mF
9.41 The circuit shown in Fig. P9.41 is operating in the
PSPICE sinusoidal steady state. The capacitor is adjusted
until the current ig is in phase with the sinusoidal
9.38 a) The frequency of the source voltage in the circuit voltage vg.
PSPICE in Fig. P9.38 is adjusted until vg is in phase with
ig. What is the value of v in radians per second? a) Specify the capacitance in microfarads if
vg = 80 cos 5000t V.
b) If ig = 60 cos vt mA (where v is the frequency
found in [a]), what is the steady-state expression b) Give the steady-state expression for ig when C
for vg? has the value found in (a).
Problems 351

Figure P9.41 9.45 Use source transformations to find the Thévenin

C equivalent circuit with respect to the terminals a,b
ig for the circuit shown in Fig. P9.45.
800 mH
10 k Figure P9.45


120 0° mA 250  500 

9.42 Find Zab for the circuit shown in Fig P9.42.
Figure P9.42 b

9.46 Find the Norton equivalent circuit with respect to

1 j1  the terminals a,b for the circuit shown in Fig. P9.46.
Figure P9.46
1 1 a
j1  j1 
j20  40 
a j1  b
j 1 

0.4  j0.2 A j16 

Section 9.7
9.43 The sinusoidal voltage source in the circuit b
in Fig. P9.43 is developing a voltage equal to
50 sin 400t V. 9.47 The device in Fig. P9.47 is represented in the frequency
a) Find the Thévenin voltage with respect to the domain by a Thévenin equivalent.When a resistor hav-
terminals a,b. ing an impedance of 200 Æ is connected across the
device, the value of I0 is (-150 + j150) mA. When an
b) Find the Thévenin impedance with respect to
inductor having an impedance of j200 Æ is connected
the terminals a,b.
across the device, the value of V0 is (-40 - j40) V.
c) Draw the Thévenin equivalent. Find the Thévenin volatge VTh and the Thévenin
impedance ZTh.
Figure P9.43
320  Figure P9.47


vg 31.25 mF 400 mH
 Device V0


9.44 Use source transformations to find the Norton
equivalent circuit with respect to the terminals a,b 9.48 Find the Norton equivalent with respect to termi-
for the circuit shown in Fig. P9.44. nals a,b in the circuit of Fig. P9.48.

Figure P9.44 Figure P9.48

j30  j30  5Vx
a   a
180 90° V 15  (40  j40) V 1 j10 

b b
352 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

9.49 Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit with respect to Figure P9.52
the terminals a,b of the circuit shown in Fig. P9.49. 5 i
400 nF
Figure P9.49

20  j10  50  600 H i 30 

250 0 V 0.03Vo j100  Vo

 9.53 Find the Thévenin impedance seen looking into the
terminals a,b of the circuit in Fig. P9.53 if the fre-
quency of operation is (25>p) kHz.
9.50 Find the Norton equivalent circuit with respect to
the terminals a,b for the circuit shown in Fig. P9.50 Figure P9.53
when Vs = 5l 0 ⴰ V.
2.5 nF 39 i 5 nF
2.4 k
Figure P9.50 a
a 3.3 k
Vs V2 88If 10  V2

Section 9.8
9.51 The circuit shown in Fig. P9.51 is operating at a fre-
quency of 10 rad/s. Assume a is real and lies 9.54 Use the node-voltage method to find Vo in the cir-
between -10 and + 10, that is, -10 … a … 10. cuit in Fig. P9.54.
a) Find the value of a so that the Thévenin imped-
ance looking into the terminals a,b is purely Figure P9.54
resistive. j10  j10 
b) What is the value of the Thévenin impedance for 
the a found in (a)? 
240 0 V 50  Vo 30 
c) Can a be adjusted so that the Thévenin 
impedance equals 500 - j500 Æ ? If so, what is 
the value of a?
d) For what values of a will the Thévenin imped- 9.55 Use the node-voltage method to find the phasor
ance be inductive? voltage Vg in the circuit shown in Fig. P9.55.
Figure P9.51 Figure P9.55
100 mF

v 1 k av j8 


5 0 A j4  Ig 20 90 V

9.52 Find Zab in the circuit shown in Fig. P9.52 when the
circuit is operating at a frequency of 100 krad>s.
Problems 353

9.56 Use the node voltage method to find the steady-state Section 9.9
expression for io, in the circuit seen in Fig. P9.56 if 9.60 Use the mesh-current method to find the phasor
ig = 5 cos 2500t A and vg = 20 cos (2500t + 90°) V. current I g in the circuit in Fig. P9.55.

Figure P9.56 9.61 Use the mesh-current method to find the steady-
100 mF state expression for vo(t) in the circuit in Fig. P9.57.

9.62 Use the mesh-current method to find the branch

50 mF currents I a, I b, I c, and I d in the circuit shown in
12  Fig. P9.62.

ig io  Figure P9.62
1.6 mH vg
 1 0 A

9.57 Use the node-voltage method to find the steady- Ia 5

PSPICEstate expression for vo(t) in the circuit in Fig. P9.57 if
j1  j1 
vg1 = 25 sin (400t + 143.13 ⴰ ) V,
Ib Ic
vg2 = 18.03 cos (400t + 33.69°) V.  Id 
10 0 V 1 5 0 V
Figure P9.57
50 mF 50 mH

 9.63 Use the mesh-current method to find the

steady-state expression for vo(t) in the circuit in
vg1 vo 150  vg2 Fig. P9.63 if
va = 18 sin 4000t V,

vb = 12 cos 4000t V.
9.58 Use the node-voltage method to find the phasor Figure P9.63
voltage Vo in the circuit shown in Fig. P9.58.
625 nF
Express the voltage in both polar and rectangular 400 

Figure P9.58  vo 
va 25 mH vb

I j 8  V0 5 10j10
 9.64 Use the mesh-current method to find the steady-
2.4 I state expression for vo in the circuit seen in
 Fig. P9.64 if vg equals 75 cos 5000t V.

Figure P9.64
9.59 Use the node-voltage method to find Vo and I o in 4 mF
iΔ 4 mH
the circuit seen in Fig. P9.59.

Figure P9.59
110 mH 
Vo  vg 10  vo
100 iΔ 
6j13 mA 50  20 Io 50  Vo j25  

354 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

Sections 9.5–9.9 a) What circuit analysis technique must be used to

find the steady-state expression for io(t)?
9.65 Use the concept of voltage division to find the
PSPICE steady-state expression for vo(t) in the circuit in b) Find the steady-state expression for io(t).
Fig. P9.65 if vg = 120 cos 100,000t V.
9.69 The sinusoidal voltage source in the circuit shown
Figure P9.65 PSPICEin Fig. P9.69 is generating the voltage
vg = 20 cos 5000t V. If the op amp is ideal, what is
1.2 k 3.125 nF 80 mH
the steady-state expression for vo(t)?

vg  Figure P9.69
vo 2.4 k


400  400  6V
9.66 Use the concept of current division to find the 
PSPICE steady-state expression for io in the circuit in
Fig. P9.66 if ig = 60 cos 250t mA.
6 V
0.5 mF vo 27 k
Figure P9.66 

100 mF 100 

ig 9.70 The 0.5 mF capacitor in the circuit seen in Fig. P9.69

PSPICEis replaced with a variable capacitor. The capacitor
20  800 mH MULTISIM
is adjusted until the output voltage leads the input
voltage by 135 ⴰ .
a) Find the value of C in microfarads.
b) Write the steady-state expression for vo(t) when
9.67 For the circuit in Fig. P9.67. Suppose C has the value found in (a).
v1 = 20 cos(2000t - 36.87°) V
9.71 The op amp in the circuit in Fig. P9.71 is ideal.
v2 = 10 cos(5000t + 16.26°) V PSPICE
a) Find the steady-state expression for vo(t).

a) What circuit analysis technique must be used to b) How large can the amplitude of vg be before the
find the steady-state expression for vo(t)? amplifier saturates?
b) Find the steady-state expression for vo(t). Figure P9.71

Figure P9.67
100 F 250 pF 40 k
1 mH 80 k 10 V

v1 vo 10  v2 80 k 10 V
vg vo
20 k

vg  25 cos 50,000t V 
9.68 For the circuit in Fig. P9.63, suppose

va = 10 cos 16,000t V 9.72 The op amp in the circuit seen in Fig. P9.72 is ideal.
PSPICEFind the steady-state expression for vo(t) when
vb = 20 cos 4000t V. MULTISIM
vg = 2 cos 106t V.

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