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 It's basically a global cloud platform which allows you to host and manages services on the
Internet, it’s used by almost 80% of Fortune 500 companies to host their infrastructure and it
has a lot of services which it provides to its customers
 There's infrastructure service which means they provide fair servers as a service, so you don't
need to manage the backup and the power supply of the service they provide
 Platform of the service, you can get Java, Ruby& PHP as a service so that you don't have to
manage the binaries of these applications
 Software as a service where you get email sending capabilities like SES, you get queuing services
like SQS
 It's a cloud storage platform where you have a lot of storage options including EBS and S3
 AWS is a hosting provider which gives you a lot of services wherein you can run your
applications on the cloud

Now let's look at why it's such a big hit, so everyone is trying to use AWS, everyone is trying to
put their applications on the cloud, so what's the reason that AWS is the top provider and the
top choice for doing anything on the cloud, one of the biggest reasons is the billing so the billing
is very clear you ,get a per hour billing, every instance or every service has a micro billing so be it
instances on ec2 you get per hour billing rate which is very transparent, even s3 buckets are
charged on a per GB basis although it is a storage service but still there is micro billing available
there the signup process is easy you don't need to sign any agreement nothing you just go sign
up with an email id add a credit card and you're good to go you can go from zero to 100 in just
two minutes you can launch your servers big machines without buying hardware without
procuring any hardware you can just be up and running in minutes so they're billing dashboard
is also very simple they give you an integrated billing dashboard which gives you reports you can
pull out reports every month you can pull out reports based on services based on various
parameters for the cloud provider,To be a hit you need it to be stable and it has to be a trusted
thing so their services are quite stable in the last seven or eight years they have seen some three
or four major outages but those have been only region specific so that means out of the 12 or 13
regions in which they operate the outages have been region specific in a particular country or
continent and those also have not been more than two or three hours and have not affected all
of their customers it's a trusted vendor,so when we talk about AWS it comes up with something
which is used by everyone in the industry from small startups to big enterprises everyone sees
Amazon as a trusted adviser

now let's have an overview of the most commonly used services so the first and the most
commonly used service is EC 2 which is Elastic Compute cloud this is the service which gives you
bare servers so this service will give you a machine which you can launch and you can run your
software on those you can get small or big machines based on your requirements
the second choice is VPC so Amazon will not allow you full control of their cloud instead they
give you chunks of their cloud which is VPC or the virtual private cloud so VPC lets you create
networks in the cloud and then run your servers in those networks

the next one is s3 which is simple storage service so s3 gives you the opportunity to upload and
share files so does mostly a file storage and sharing service

then you've got RDS which is relational database service,so this RDS allows you to run and
manage databases on the cloud so they've got almost all the major flavors of databases right
from SQL Server to Oracle and MySQL PostgreSQL they have recently launched another one
which is called aurora which claims to be a very high-performance database

Route 53 is therefore dns so they've got a managed DNS service where and you can point your
dns to Amazon and they take care of the stuff so it's a global DNS service it's a scalable DNS
service so it scales according to demand

there's also elastic load balancer the ELB is a service which gives you the opportunity to load
balanced incoming traffic to multiple machines so this way you can scale up your web
applications to any number of users you've got auto scaling which adds capacity on-the-fly to
elastic load balancers so that your website or your application is never down due to a load.

How much does it cost this per hour billing is already mentioned for everything if it's something
like a storage thing again there's a per hour or per GB month storage so I think there is region
specific pricing so Virginia is the cheapest region out of all of them so the region specific pricing
is because they have got some regions which they have got good hold of and they are the
headquarters so Oregon and Virginia are the cheapest actually they also give you services based
on the term so if you sign up for something for a year it would be cheaper for you rather than
signing up for something on an on-demand basis so they've got reserved instances which are
very cheap as compared to the on-demand ones you can get discounts from 20% to almost 60%

if you sign up for a three-year term they are spot resources examples of these are spot instances

so this is like a bidding market base where you can bid for a price the only downside of this kind of
pricing is that your machine might be terminated or your resources might be terminated if someone
bids higher people use these kind of things for doing some ad hoc in search or some ad hoc tasks which
are really not critical how big is it they have got 15 regions across two major countries of the world
they've got regions in the US Europe Asia Pacific they've got a global footprint so in today's world if you
are anywhere in the world you would have a region within 1,000 miles of your location

they've got massive data centers so each of the region has got multiple availability zones so one
availability zone can be thought of as a big data center the data centers have anywhere from 300,000 to
500,000 servers what is the future of AWS so they currently have 64 services which span across
infrastructural service software as a service platform as a service they are launching new services in all
demands every day right now they are focusing on machine learning so recently they've launched a
couple of services which focus exclusively on machine learning and they are focusing on software as a
service product wherein they want to take control of the service you want to utilize they don't want you
to do it they want you to upload it to them and every now and then they keep on reducing the costs so
you would hear it in the blog that okay the price of ec2 machines has been reduced and this is because
of their scale so they scale up and they give the cost-benefit to the customer.

Q1. What is autoscaling?

Ans: Autoscaling is a feature of AWS which allows you to configure and automatically provision and spin
up new instances without the need for your intervention.

Q2. What is Amazon S3?

Ans: S3 is Simple Storage Service is an object storage with a simple web service interface to store and
retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

Q3. What is SimpleDB?

Ans: It is a structured data store that supports indexing and data queries to both EC2 and S3

Q4. What is an AMI?

Ans: AMI is a snapshot of the root filesystem.

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides the information required to launch an instance, which is a
virtual server in the cloud. (AMI) is a special type of virtual appliance that is used to instantiate (create) a
virtual machine within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (""EC2"")

Q5. Can I vertically scale an Amazon instance?

Ans: Increasing the capacity of EC2 instance to address the growing demands of the application when
the users grow up to 100.This can be done by adding more power (CPU & RAM) to an existing machine.

Q6. How can you send request to Amazon S3?

Ans: Amazon S3 is a REST service. You can send requests to Amazon S3 using the REST API or the AWS
SDK (see Sample Code and Libraries) wrapper libraries. AWS SDK (software development Kit) for Java. ...
The SDK helps take the complexity out of coding by providing Java APIs for many AWS services including
Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB, and more. The single, downloadable package includes the AWS
Java library, code samples, and documentation.

API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE
data. An application program interface (API) is code that allows two software programs to communicate
with each other. The API defines the correct way for a developer to write a program that requests
services from an operating system (OS) or other application. API is the acronym for Application
Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each
other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your
phone, you're using an API.

RESTful APIs were designed to take advantage of existing protocols. Representational State Transfer -
can be used over nearly any protocol, when used for web APIs it typically takes advantage of HTTP. This
means that developers have no need to install additional software or libraries when creating a REST API.
One of the key advantages of REST APIs is that they provide a great deal of flexibility. Data is not tied to
resources or methods, so REST can handle multiple types of calls, return different data formats and even
change structurally with the correct implementation of hypermedia

REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architectural style for exposing your program
using existing protocols, typically HTTP. Think of it as hyperlinks (URL) you type in your browser to access
different parts of your app respectively.

REST APIs leverage HTTP request types to indicate the desired action:

GET /type/ (list all records of that type)

GET /type/id (return record with that id)

GET /user/1/friends (return related friends of user with ID 1)

POST /user (create a new user record)

PUT /user/1 (update record for user with ID 1)

DELETE /user/1 (delete user with ID 1)

(See also PATCH and other HTTP request

Q7. How many buckets can be created by default in AWS?

Ans: 100

Q8: Should encryption be used for S3?

Ans: Encryption should be considered for sensitive data as S3 is a proprietary technology.

Q9: What are the various AMI design options?

Ans: Fully Baked AMI, JEOS (Just enough Operating system) AMI and Hybrid AMI
Q10: What is Geo restriction in CloudFront?

Ans: Geo restriction /Geo Blocking is used to prevent users in specific geographic locations from
accessing content that you have distributed through a CloudFront web distribution.

Q11: What is T2 instance?

Ans: Burstable performance instances, which are T3 and T2 instances, are designed to provide a baseline
level of CPU performance with the ability to burst to a higher level when required by your workload.
Burstable performance instances are well suited for a wide range of general-purpose applications.

Q12: What is AWS lambda?

And: AWS lambda is a compute service that lets you run your code in the AWS cloud without
provisioning or managing servers.

Q13: What is a serverless application in AWS?

Ans: The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an open-source framework you can use to
build serverless applications on AWS. It consists of the AWS SAM template specification that you use to
define your serverless applications, and the AWS SAM command line interface (AWS SAM CLI) that you
use to build, test and deploy your serverless applications.

Q14: What is the use of Amazon Elastic Cache?

Ans: It is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory data store or
cache in the cloud

Q15: Explain how the buffer is used in AWS?

Ans: The buffer is used to make the system more robust to manage traffic or load by synchronizing

Different components. Usually components receive and process the requests in an unbalanced way,
with the help of buffer, the components will be balanced and will work at the same speed to provide
faster services

Q16: Difference between stopping and terminating instance?

Ans: When an instance is stopped, the instance performs a normal shutdown and then transition to a
stopped state. After an instance is terminated, it performs a normal shutdown and resources such as
tags and volumes are gradually disassociated from the instance. When an instance terminates, the data
on any instance store volumes associated with that instance is deleted. By default, Amazon EC2 deletes
all EBS volumes that were attached when the instance launched. Volumes attached after instance launch
continue running. You can stop, start, and terminate EBS-backed instances.

Q17: Is it possible to change the private IP addresses of an EC2 while it is running/stopped in a VPC?
Ans: Primary Private IP address cannot be changed. Secondary private addresses can be unassigned,
assigned or moved between interfaces or instances at any point.

Q18: What is Amazon Appstream and advantages of using Appstreaming?

Ans: It is an application streaming service that lets you stream you existing resource intensive
applications from the cloud without code modifications.

Q19: What is Amazon cloud search and its features?

Ans: It is a fully managed service in the cloud that makes it easy to setup, manage, and scale a search
solution for your website or application. It can be used to index and search both structured data and
plain text.

Q20: What benefits VPC security gives which EC2 security group doesn’t provide?

Ans: Able to change the security group after the instance is launched. Able to specify any protocol with a
standard number, rather than just TCP, UDP, or CMP

Q21: What action is required to establish an Amazon Virtual private cloud (VPC)?

Ans: We need to assign a static internet routable IP address to an Amazon VPC customer gateway.

Q22: Difference between Elastic beanstalk and CloudFormation?

Ans: Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing,
autoscaling to application health monitoring based on the code you upload to it.

Cloud Formation is an automated provisioning engine to deploy entire cloud environments via JSON

Q23: Why we use VPC in AWS?

Ans: Normally, each EC2 instance you launch is randomly assigned a public IP address in the amazon EC2
address space. VPC allows you to create an isolated portion of the AWS cloud and launch EC2 instances
that have private addresses in the range of your choice

Q24: What is the underlying Hypervisor for EC2?

Ans: Xen

Q25: What are the 4 level of AWS premium support?

Ans: Basic, Developer, Business and Enterprise

Q26: What is Amazon VPC?

Ans: Amazon VPC enables you to launch Amazon Web services into a virtual n/w that you’ve defined.
This virtual network resembles a traditional network that you would operate in your own data centre
with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS.

Q27: What is Amazon RDS?

Ans: RDS stands for Relational Database Service is a web service that makes it easier to set up, Operate
and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost efficient, resizable capacity for an industry
standard relational database and managed common database administration tasks

Q28: How to delete files recursively from an S3 bucket?

Ans: aws s3 rm –recursive, S3://your_bucket_name/foo/

Delete everything under bucket, aws s3 rm –recursive , s3://your_bucket_name

Delete the bucket, aws s3 rb –force , s3://your_bucket_name

Q28: How many Objects you can put in a S3 bucket? Is there a limit to the number of objects I can put in

Ans: Write, read and delete objects from 1 byte to 5 terabytes of data each. The number of objects you
can store is unlimited.

Q29: What is the maximum length of file name in S3?

Ans: Names are the object keys. The name for a key is a sequence of Unicode Characters whose UTF-8
encoding is at most 1024 bytes long.

Q30: What happens when we reboot an EC2 instance?

Ans: Rebooting an instance is like rebooting a PC. The hard disk is not affected. You don’t return to the
image’s original state, but the content of the hard disks is those before the reboot. Rebooting is not
associated with billing. Billing starts when you instantiate an image and stops when you terminate it.
Rebooting in between hasn’t any effect.

Q31: How do you see how much disk space is used by S3 bucket?

Ans: S3cmd can show you this by running S3cmd du, optionally passing the bucket name as an

Q32: Which AWS is responsible for managed email and calendaring?

Ans: Work email is a managed email and calendaring service with strong security controls and support
for existing desktops and mobile email clients. You can access their mail, contacts and calendars
wherever you use Microsoft outlook, your browser, or your iOS and android mobile devices. You can
integrate Amazon work email with your existing corporate directory and control both the keys that
encrypt your data and the location where your data is stored.

Q33: what is Amazon kinesis Firehose?

Ans: It is fully managed service for delivering real time streaming data to destinations such as Amazon S3
and Amazon redshift.

Q34: what is C4 instance?

Ans: They are ideal for compute bound applications that benefit from high performance processors.
Q34: What is Amazon key management service?

Ans: It is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to
encrypt the data.

Q35: What is elastic Cache?

Ans: It is a webservice that makes it easy to setup, manage, and scale distributed in memory cache
environments in the cloud.

Q36: How many buckets can you create in AWS by default?

Ans: 100 buckets in each of your AWS account.

Q37: what is Redshift?

Ans: It is a fast, fully managed, petabyte scale data warehouse service that makes it simple and cost
effective to efficiently managed all your data using your existing business intelligence tools

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