AWS Document

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1) What is an AWS region?

A region is a geographical area that consist of different availability zones. Each region has at least 2
availability zones.

2) What does AWS region consist of?

An independent collection of AWS computing resources in a defined geography

3) What is Availability zones?

Distinct location from within an AWS region that are engineered to be isolated from failures

4) Which AWS service is specifically designed to run a developer's code on an infrastructure that is
automatically provisioned to host that code?
Elastic Beanstalk

5) Which AWS service allows you to run code without having to worry about provisioning any underlying
resources (such as virtual machines, databases, etc.)

6) Amazon's highly scalable DNS service is known as

Route 53

7) Which AWS compute service is specifically designed to assist you in processing large data sets?
Elastic Map Reduce

8) What is the difference between Elastic Beanstalk & CloudFormation?

Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment from capacity provisioning, load balancing,
autoscaling to application health monitoring based on the code you upload to it.
CloudFormation is an automated provisioning engine designed to deploy entire cloud environments via a
JSON script

9) Which AWS service is used a CDN to distribute content around the world?

10) Which of the following AWS solutions offers durable, available storage for flat files?

11) Which of the following AWS services would be the best choice for long term data archival?

12) Which AWS service offers the following database engines: SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Aurora,
and Oracle?
RDBS (Relational Database services)

13) Which of the following AWS services is used primarily for data warehousing?


14) Which AWS service is used for collating large amounts of data streamed from multiple sources?

15) You need to add users to your AWS account and set password rotation policies for these new users. Which
AWS service would best fit your requirements?
Identity Access Management

16) You need to supply auditors with logs detailing the individual users that provision specific resources on
your AWS platform. Which service would best meet this need?

17) You need a configuration management service that enables your system administrators to configure and
operate your web applications using Chef. Which AWS service would best suit your needs?

18) Your digital media agency needs to convert their media files in to different formats to suit different devices.
Which AWS service should you consider using to meet these needs?
Elastic Transcoder

It allows you to manage users, groups,roles and their corresponding level of access to the AWS Platform. It
is important to understand IAM for administering a company’s AWS account.

What does IAM gives you?

 Centralized control of your AWS account
 Shared access to your AWS account
 Granular permissions
 Identity Federation (It just means that you can connect your I am up to Active Directory or into
Facebook or linked in for example, so you can actually federate with different identity providers
 Multifactor Authentication
 Allows you to provide temporary access for users or devices and services when necessary.
 Allows you to setup your own password rotation policy
 It integrates with many different AWOS services and it supports PCI DSS compliance
 Power user access allows access to all AWS services except for management of groups and users
within IAM
 Root account have Administrator level access

Critical Terms
1) Users- End users
2) Group - A collection of users under one set of permissions
3) Roles- Create roles and then assign them to AWS resources
So, you might have an EC2 instance which is a virtual machine and you might give it
the role in order to access S-3 and then that EC2 instance can write files directly to S-3
and you don't need to set up usernames and passwords for that EC2 instance.
4) Policies- A document that defines one (or more permissions)
They can they connect up to each other, so you can attach a policy to a user to group
to a row and users groups and roles can all share the same policy document. So,
policy document basically sits on top of each of those three pillars .

A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers (network) that deliver pages
and other Web content to a user, based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the
webpage and the content delivery server

Three types of storage techniques:

1) Block storage: Which stores data as fixed size blocks
2) File storage: Which stores data as a file hierarchy
3) Object storage: Object stores data in a flat organization of flexibly sized
containers called budgets ideal for handling unstructured data

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