College of Arts & Sciences Department of Natural Sciences Physics Division

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Caraga State University

College of Arts & Sciences

Department of Natural Sciences

PHYS 21 – University Physics I
A.Y. 2018-2019


A globally-engaged university excelling in science, engineering and the arts.
Caraga State University endeavors to produce globally competitive and socially responsible human capital towards the sustainable and inclusive development of
Caraga region and beyond.
General Mandate:
Caraga State University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of agriculture and
environmental studies, fishery, engineering, forestry, industrial technology, education, law, medicine and other related health programs, information technology, arts and
sciences and other related courses. It shall undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its area of specialization.



COURSE TITLE University Physics I
This course General Physics I (Lecture) is an introduction of concepts in general physics to help the students develop
conceptual understanding and help them build strong problem-solving skills. It is intended for the courses in mechanics such as
vectors, Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, linear and angular kinematic and dynamics, and other related areas. The
general approach of this course is to introduce familiar everyday examples before proceeding to general principles. Numerous
examples and applications related to mechanics and everyday situations will be used to illustrate physical principles. This enables the
student to understand the general principles of mechanics and their relevance. The unifying aspect of physical laws in mechanics and
the basic simplicity of nature form the underlying theme of this course.
CREDIT UNITS 4 Units Credit (3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory)
TIME 54 Hours (3 hours/week) Lecture / 54 Hours (3 hours/week) Laboratory
Phys 21 Syllabus, pg.1
PRE-REQUISITE Algebra and Trigonometry, Calculus I
CO-REQUISITE Mathematics Enhancement (non-STEM)
At the end of the course, the students must have:

a. described the basic concepts in mechanics such as vector quantities, motion in two or three dimension, dynamics and kinematics
of linear and angular motion, work and energy, rigid-body motion and systems in equilibrium, to help them develop conceptual
COURSE b. explained the formulas and equations that are important in dealing with physical situations and problems in mechanics, to enhance
INTEND their problem-solving skills;
ED c. analyzed the problems using the defined concepts and formulas;
LEARNI d. theoretically solved physical problems,
NG e. identified the different applications, devices, apparatus or machines used in our world today where the basic concepts of functioning
OUTCO are the laws of mechanics; and
ME f. judged whether the particular concept used in solving a problem produces the intended result;
g. developed the learned concepts through improvising or fixing commonly used simple machines in order to appreciate the significance
of physics in our daily lives.


1. Young, Hugh D. & freedman, Roger A., University Physics, 13th edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2013
2. Giancoli, Douglas , College Physics, 5th edition , Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd., Philippines, 2003
3. Serway, Raymond A. & Faughn, Jerry S., College Physics, 6th edition, Thomson Learning Asia, Singapore, 2003
4. Urone, Paul Peter, Physics with Health Science Applications, John Wiley and Sons (ASIA), Pte. Ltd. Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2000
5. Tipler P.A. and Mosca G., PHYSICS FOR SCIENTEST AND ENGINEERS, 5th edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2012


Teaching Assessme Instruction

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’S) Learning nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
(Specific Outcomes) Activities (Evaluati Materials
k Fra s
(TLA’S) (Mode ve and
Preliminary Period 18 Hrs of Instructions) Measure)
1. Units, Physical Quantities • Explained the fundamental Individual Books,
physical quantities and their Lecture/Discussi
and Vectors and group Journals,
1-2 6.0 standard units on,
1.1 Units and Unit Conversion seatworks, Powerpoint
1.2 Vectors and vector Addition • Differentiated a vector from a Problem presentatio
Problem Solving,
scalar quantity Sets, ns,
Teaching Assessme Instruction
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’S) Learning nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
(Specific Outcomes) Activities (Evaluati Materials
k Fra s
(TLA’S) (Mode ve and
1.3 Components of Vectors • Illustrated the graphical method of Instructions)
Books/journal Measure)
Board PhET
1.4 Unit Vectors and Products of adding vectors reading/reporting, works, Oral (Physics
of Vectors • Identified the components of a vector Film showing, Recitation, Education
• Calculated physical quantity Group Discussion, Quizzes, Technology)
using vector addition and Brainstorming, Projects, simulations,
vector multiplication Experiments, Term Demonstrati
Inquiry-Based Papers/repo on
• Explained the concept
Approach, rts kits/Tools
2. Motion Along a Straight Line of displacement,
2.1 Time, Displacement and Velocity velocity and
teaching strategies
2.2 Motion with Constant Acceleration acceleration
3-4 6.0
2.2 Motion with Constant • Analysed and Solve
Acceleration (cont.) problems involving
2.3 Freely Falling Bodies motions w/ constant
•• Explained
Calculated the
3. Motion in Two or velocity and acceleration vectors
Three Dimensions in 3 dimensions
3.1 Position, Velocity and • Investigated the behaviour of an
Acceleration Vectors 4.0 object undergoing projectile
5-6 motion
3.2 Projectile Motion
3.2 Projectile Motion (cont.) • Discussed the concepts of
3.3 Circular Motion circular motion
• Solved problems involving
6 Preliminary Examination 2.0 projectile and circular motion
Midterm Period 18 Hrs
4. Newton’s Law of Motion • Explained the concept of force Lecture/Discussi Books,
4.1 Force and Interaction • Differentiated the three on, Journals,
4.2 Newton’s First Law and group
Newton’s Laws of motion Demonstration, Powerpoint
7-8 4.3 Newton’s 2nd Law 6.0 seatworks,
Differentiate mass and weight Problem Solving, presentation
4.4 Weight and Mass Problem
Books/journal s, PhET
4.5 Newton’s 3rd Law Sets, Board
reading/reporting (Physics
, Film showing, Education
Teaching Assessme Instruction
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’S) Learning nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
(Specific Outcomes) Activities (Evaluati Materials
k Fra s
(TLA’S) (Mode ve and
5. Application of Newton’s Law of • Applied Newton’s Laws of motion in of Instructions)
Group Discussion, Measure)
Oral Technology)
Motion analyzing physical problems Brainstorming, Recitation, simulations,
5.1 Using Newton’s 1st Law • Determined the effect of friction Experiments, Quizzes, Demonstrati
9-10 5.2 Using Newton’s 2d Law Inquiry-Based Projects, on
4.0 on static and moving bodies
5.3 Frictional Forces • Solved the dynamics of Approach, Term kits/Tools
5.4 Dynamics of Circular Motion circular motion Language Papers/repo
teaching strategies rts
6. Work and Kinetic Energy • Explained the concept of work and
6.1 Work and Kinetic Energy its relation to force
10 6.2 Power 1.5 • Differentiated work and energy
• Explained the concept of power
and its relation to energy
7. Potential Energy and • Explained the concept of
Energy Conservation potential energy
7.1 Gravitational Potential Energy • Determined the types of
7.2 Elastic Potential Energy 4.5 potential energy
• Explained the general principle
on conservation of energy
• Differentiated conservative from
non- conservative forces
12 Midterm Examination 2.0
Final Period 18hrs
8. Momentum, Impulse • Applied the principle of Lecture/Discussi Books,
and Collisions conservation of momentum in Individual
on, Journals,
8.1 Momentum and Impulse 4.5 physical systems and group
Demonstration, Powerpoint
13- 8.2 Conservation of Momentum seatworks,
• Determined and differentiated Problem Solving, presentation
14 8.3 Inelastic and Elastic collisions Problem
the types of collisions Books/journal s, PhET
8.4 Center of Mass Sets, Board
• Explaiedn the concept of center reading/reporting (Physics
9. Rotation of Rigid Bodies of mass , Film showing, Education
• Explained the concept of Oral
9.1 Angular Velocity and Acceleration Group Technology)
14- angular quantities and relate it Recitation,
9.2 Rotation with Constant 4.5 Discussion, simulations,
15 to linear quantities Quizzes,
Angular acceleration Brainstorming, Demonstrati
Experiments, on
Teaching Assessme Instruction
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’S) Learning nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
(Specific Outcomes) Activities (Evaluati Materials
k Fra s
(TLA’S) (Mode ve and
9.3 Relating Linear and Angular • Analyzed problems involving of Instructions)
Approach, Measure)
9.4 Energy in Rotational Motion rotation w/ constant angular Language Papers/repo
9.5 Parallel-Axis Theorem acceleration teaching strategies rts
• Applied the parallel axis theorem in
finding the moment of inertia
10. Dynamics of Rotational Motion • through
of an object
of torque
10.1 Torque and Angular Acceleration and its relation to angular
10.2 Rigid body Rotation acceleration
16 about a Moving Axis 4.0 • Solved problems involving
10.3 Angular Momentum the dynamics of rotational
10.4 Conservation of motion
Angular Momentum • Explained the concept of
11. Equilibrium and Elasticity* angular momentum
• Enumerated and for
the conditions its
11.1 Conditions for Equilibrium static equilibrium
11.2 Center of Gravity • Differentiated the types of
17 11.3 Solving Rigid Body 3.0 equilibrium
Equilibrium Problems • Solved rigid-body
11.4 Stress, Strain and Elastic Moduli equilibrium problems
• Familiarized with the concepts
18 Final Examination 2.0 of stress, strain and elastic

Experiments / Laboratory Activities (54hrs)

1 Precision Measurement Using Vernier Calipers
2 Measuring Fundamental Quantities
3 Vector Applications
4 Measuring Average Velocity
5 Projectile Motion
6 Newton’s First Law of Motion
7 Applying Newton’s 2nd Law : Friction
8 Principle of Conservation of Energy
Teaching Assessme Instruction
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’S) Learning nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
(Specific Outcomes) Activities (Evaluati Materials
k Fra s
(TLA’S) (Mode ve and
9 Elasticity: Determining the Spring Constant of Instructions) Measure)
10 Momentum & Collisions



Midterm Exam 25% 90.00 - 100.00 1.00 Excellent
Finals Exam 25% 85.00 - 89.99 1.25 Excellent
Other performance tasks 25% 80.00 - 84.99 1.50 Very Good
Laboratory (25%) 75.00 - 79.99 1.75 Very Good
Group Activity Participation 10% 70.00 - 74.99 2.00 Good
Individual Tasks Assessment 15% 65.00 - 69.99 2.25 Good
Total 100% 60.00 - 64.99 2.50 Satisfactory
Passing 50% 55.00 – 59.99 2.75 Satisfactory
The instructor have the freedom to change the percentage distribution but the major exams 50.00 – 54.99 3.00 Passed
should not be less than 60%. The final grade corresponding to the student’s general
percentage are given in the table to the right. A grade of INC (Incomplete) will be given on a 0.00 - 49.99 5.00 Failed

Prepared by: Checked by Approved by:


Instructor Chair, Nat. Sci. Department Dean,

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