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Boone County Schools

Re-Entry Protocol for 2020-2021 School Year

All content contained in the BCS Re-Entry Protocol is subject to change as additional information
about the spread and prevention of COVID-19 is known. New directives from Governor Jim Justice and
public health officials may become known prior to the start of the school year or during the school year.
Boone County Schools must be prepared to alter our learning plans to comply with any new directives and
to best safeguard the health of students and employees.

In accordance with Governor Justice’s directive, the Boone County Board of

Education will open schools on September 8, 2020. This planned re-entry is
contingent on the COVID-19 conditions present at the time in Boone County and relies
on the patience and cooperation of all education stakeholders. As we plan for the opening
of school, it will be necessary to implement protocols and procedures that are designed
to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Currently, Boone County is planning for three (3) School Re-entry Scenarios which
are outlined below. Though three (3) scenarios are identified, parents / guardians
will have two (2) choices regarding the options for their child(ren) during the 2020-
21 school year. Parents / Guardians must, in order for their child(ren) to remain students
of the school system, make the decision to send their child(ren) to school for face-to-face
instruction four (4) days per week and participate in remote learning opportunities one (1)
day per week (Scenario 1) OR to enroll their child(ren) in the virtual school program that
is available through Boone County Schools (Scenario 2). Scenario 3 is not an option
for parents to choose. This is the instructional model that will be implemented at every
school in the event that Governor Justice closes schools due to an outbreak of COVID-
19 cases. Essentially, parents must decide if they are going to send their child(ren)
to school for face-to-face instruction in the school setting or if they are going to
enroll their child(ren) in the virtual school program which would result in the
students not physically returning to the school facility.

Scenario 1: If there are no changes in the directives provided by Governor Justice

and/or the West Virginia Department of Education due to COVID-19, Boone
County Schools will open the school year following a Blended Model of
Instruction. This model will reflect four (4) days of face-to-face instruction in the
school setting and one (1) day of remote learning provided by classroom teachers
using the Schoology platform.

Scenario 2: In accordance with the Boone County School Virtual School Policy,
parents of students in grades K – 12 will have the option to choose for their
child(ren) to attend school virtually through the WV Virtual School Program
where students will complete rigorous on-line courses aligned with their grade level
curriculum. By choosing this option, parents/guardians are making the decision
for their child(ren) to remain in the home and not attend school to participate in
face-to-face instruction. Students who participate in this option will continue to be
enrolled as a student of Boone County Schools. (When contemplating this option,
parents/guardians will need to consider whether or not reliable internet access is
available and if an appropriate device is accessible in the home.)

Scenario 3: Boone County Schools will implement full remote learning if it
becomes necessary for Governor Justice to close schools due to COVID-19. If it
becomes necessary to implement full remote learning plans, students will be
expected to complete school assignments and engage remotely using the
Schoology platform five (5) days per week. Should it become necessary to
transition to Scenario 3, students in grades K – 8 will be provided an opportunity
to check-out a device, based on availability, to take home to access Schoology
and complete assignments if they do not have access to a device at home.
Students in grades 9 – 12 will be provided, as per board approval, a Chrome Book
to be utilized throughout the school year.


Schedule for Opening of School

 A revised school calendar for the 2020-21 school year has been approved by the
Boone County Board of Education and the WVDE. A bank of curriculum
development days (CD Days) and professional learning days (PL Days) have been
moved and/or front loaded to the first days of the BCS School Calendar. Staff
members with a 200-day contract will return to work on Monday, August 24th.
One of the major focuses in preparing the school calendar was to provide for an
adequate number of days to permit staff members time for training and preparation
of delivering instruction in a different manner, learning to utilize Schoology to
support student engagement opportunities and preparing for the potential of
returning to remote learning as the single source of instruction should that become
a reality at any time during the school year. The front loaded days are, we believe,
necessary to finalize routines unique to each school related to dealing with guests
arriving at school, students being picked up from school by parents/guardians, the
serving of student meals, receiving students in the morning and dismissing
students at the end of the school day (just as a few examples). As well as service
staff receiving additional training regarding transportation procedures, sanitization
and specific protocols developed for re-entry.
 Schools will open for students on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 unless a “stay
at home” order or other similar order is issued for West Virginia or Boone County.
 The first four days of school, September 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, will consist of
a phased re-entry of students attending in person. The purpose of the phase-in
period is to provide adequate time to teach students the various safety protocols
associated with the COVID-19 guidance and to re-acclimate students to the overall
school setting.
 On Tuesday, September 8th & Wednesday, September 9th the following
students will report to school:
o High school students in grades 11 & 12
o Middle school students in grades 7 & 8
o Elementary school students in grades 3, 4, & 5

 On Thursday, September 10th & Friday, September 11th the following students
will report to school:
o High school students in grades 9 & 10
o Middle school students in grade 6
o Elementary school students in grades K, 1 & 2
 On Monday, September 14, 2020, all students in grades K – 12, will begin
attending school four (4) days per week and participating in remote learning one
(1) day per week (4 + 1 Blended Model) following the established Boone County
Schools calendar, unless a “stay at home” order or other similar order is issued for
West Virginia or Boone County. Conditions related to COVID-19 may necessitate
adjustments to the school calendar, or the length of the school day, at any time
throughout the school year.
 Beginning with the week of September 14, 2020, students will attend school
Monday through Thursday and remote learning will occur on Friday.
 Pre-school students will begin school on Monday, September 21, 2020 with a
student schedule of attendance to follow.
 All assignments completed by students during the 2020-2021 school year will be
utilized to measure student progress toward the attainment of content mastery.
Regardless of the instructional delivery model, new material will be introduced and
assignments, including those completed in a remote learning environment, will be
used in the calculation of student grades/progress.

Instructional Day

 Elementary students will report to their classrooms upon arrival at the school and
will, to the extent possible, remain with their core group for instruction throughout
the school day four (4) days per week.
o Students will receive instruction and complete engaging learning activities
in their classroom.
o Title I support services, in Title I schools, will be provided in the regular
classroom with limited “pull out” services for intensive intervention.
o Students will participate in engaging learning activities remotely one (1) day
per week.
o Protocols regarding related arts will be determined as we move forward, but
it is our goal to provide opportunities for students to participate in related
arts in an indoor or outdoor setting as space allows.
 Secondary students will report to their assigned homeroom upon arrival at the
o Students will follow a traditional schedule (8 periods per day) attending each
of their scheduled classes on a daily basis four (4) days per week.
o Students will follow an A/B schedule which would have students going to
periods 1-3-5-7 on Monday and Wednesday while going to periods 2-4-6-8
on Tuesday and Thursday. This schedule would minimize hallway transition
times for both students and staff while providing for an equal number of
instructional minutes when compared to the traditional schedule.

o Students enrolled in the Boone County Career and Technical Center will
attend scheduled classes Monday through Thursday.
o Students will participate in engaging learning activities remotely one (1) day
per week.


 The Boone County Board of Education approved the purchase and utilization of
Schoology which will serve as the Learning Management System throughout the
2020-21 school year. This tool will replace Live Grades that was used during the
2019-20 school year.
 Schoology is a platform where teachers will upload lessons and/or assignments
for students and students may upload completed assignments for teachers after
the completion of such.
 This platform will also be utilized to enhance communications between
parents/guardians, classroom teachers, the school and the school district.
 In the event of a closure of schools related to COVID-19, Schoology will be the
platform used by all teachers to upload lessons, assignments and provide
instruction for students in a remote fashion.


 Bus operators are encouraged to wear a face covering during all times that
students are on the bus. However, bus operators are required to wear a face
covering or shield any time that students are entering or exiting the bus.
 Unless medically waived, students in grades 3 and above are required to wear
face coverings at all times while on the bus.
 Students in grades PK – 2 are encouraged to wear face coverings at all times while
on the bus.
 While transporting students and when parked, windows will be lowered at least
one level, weather permitting, in order to encourage the flow of fresh air on the
 Hand sanitizer will be available and encouraged to be used by all occupants when
boarding the bus.
 To the extent practical, when boarding the bus, students will proceed toward the
rear of the bus and sit in the last available seat.
 Generally, no more than 2 students will be seated in a seat. Children from the
same family or residing in the same home will be permitted to sit 3 to a seat,
depending on bus seating capacity. Siblings and students that board the bus
together will be seated in the same area of the bus.
 Students will remain seated, with hands to themselves, from the time they board
the bus until disembarking.
 When arriving at school, students will disembark, one seat/row at a time, in an
orderly fashion beginning at the front of the bus and proceeding to the rear of the
 Bus operators shall sanitize all high-touch surfaces before all routes.
 Bus operators shall fully clean and disinfect the buses on a daily basis.

 Students who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms at school will not be transported home
by bus at the end of the school day.

School Facilities: General Practices

 When in the classroom, face coverings are required for all instructional staff
members when they cannot provide instruction in a socially distanced manner.
 Students in grades PK – 2 are encouraged to wear face coverings when outside
of their core classroom group or in congregant areas.
 Unless medically waived, students in grades 3 – 5 are required to wear a face
covering when outside of their core classroom group or in congregant areas.
 Unless medically waived, students in grades 6 – 12 are required to wear a face
covering in the classroom and in congregant areas when social distancing cannot
be maintained.
 All staff members shall wear a face covering inside the school facility when in
congregant areas and social distancing cannot be maintained.
 It is encouraged that staff and students utilize a face covering that they are
comfortable using. However, if requested, Boone County Schools will provide a
face covering for students and staff.
 Those authorized to sign students out of school will be restricted to the visitor
vestibule area or office area and not provided access to other areas of the school.
 All students, staff, and visitors will enter/exit the building only through designated
points of entry or exit.
 When entering the building, staff will report directly to their assigned work area.
 When entering the building, students will proceed directly to classrooms or
designated staging areas.
 While moving through the facility, students are expected to observe social
distancing to the extent possible, follow designated directions, keep their hands to
themselves and refrain from unnecessarily touching surfaces and lockers.
 School-wide assemblies and/or programs are not permissible at this time. Further
guidance will be provided in the future when such events may be resumed.
 Students will remain in classrooms, throughout the day, as much as possible.
 Handwashing techniques will be taught and reinforced by school personnel.
Students are encouraged to use proper handwashing techniques.
 Hand sanitizer will be provided in all classrooms.
 Staff and students are encouraged to cough and sneeze into their elbows or to
cover with a tissue.
 While in the classroom, all students shall face in the same direction while seated
in a desk or at a table and be as socially distanced as practical.
 Students will be issued, or bring from home, all supplies and shall not share the
supplies with other students. Any classroom equipment required to be used by
multiple students will be used by one student at a time and sanitized after each
 Restroom breaks will be provided one at a time or for a limited number of students,
as needed. Students will not be lined up and taken to the restroom in groups.
 Students will not drink directly from water fountains. Each school will be provided
with bottled water or equipped with a water bottle filling station. Students will be
encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle from home for their personal use.

 Recess and physical activity periods will be scheduled for specific classrooms on
a rotating basis, keeping students in a particular classroom or grade level together.
Physical activities or time for social interaction will be designed to maximize
distance and eliminate contact.
 Each school will establish a designated space for symptomatic individuals that will
not be used for any other purpose.
 The use of school facilities by outside entities will be limited.

Food Service

 The schedule for the service of student meals will be revised and reflect the
following practices:
 Cooks will prepare meals in the kitchen which may be picked up by students
and carried to classrooms or delivered to classrooms.
 If the cafeteria is used for meal service, it may be operated at no more than
50% capacity while practicing social distancing to the extent possible.
 Cafeteria tables and high touch services shall be sanitized after each meal
service period.
 Hand sanitizer shall be provided in the cafeteria.
 Food service employees shall wear face coverings at all times to the greatest
extent possible.

Custodial Services

 Day-shift custodians shall regularly check the restroom facilities to assure that
soap and paper towels are available in each restroom.
 Day-shift custodians shall sanitize high-touch surfaces throughout the facility
regularly during the school day.
 Evening-shift custodians shall sanitize high-touch surfaces in classrooms,
computer labs, and common areas each night.

Visitors and Volunteers

 School volunteers will be used only on a limited basis, if at all, based on a plan
developed by the building principal and approved by the superintendent or
 All visitors (if permitted in the facility), shall wear a face covering at all times while
in the building.
 Symptom screening of all visitors entering the building, including family members,
vendors and others will be conducted. The screening may include an interview,
questionnaire, or temperature screening.
 Visitors to the school will be restricted to the front office area, administrative office,
counseling office, or conference areas. Hand sanitizer will be available and shall
be used by visitors upon entry to the office area. Visitors are not permitted in
common areas, cafeterias, or classrooms.
 At this time, personal deliveries of food, flowers, balloons, and other similar items
shall not be accepted for staff or students.

Extra-Curricular Activities

 As per WVSSAC Guidelines


This plan is subject to change based on new directives from Governor Justice, the West
Virginia Department of Education and/or public health officials. Any changes regarding
the Boone County School Re-entry Protocol will be announced via the following:
 School Messenger Announcements
 Log-in for BCS Schoology account
 Posting of updated information on the Boone County Schools website found at:
 Boone County Schools Twitter at: @BCS_WV

As a result of Governor Justice’s Executive Order requiring the start dates for school to
be pushed back to September 8, 2020, the school calendar for Boone County Schools
has been revised to reflect the following:

 Start Date for 200 Day Employees: August 24, 2020

 First Day for Students: September 8, 2020
 Thanksgiving Break: November 23rd – 27th
 Christmas Break: December 23rd – January 1st
 Good Friday: April 2nd (this replaces Spring Break)
 Last Day for Seniors: May 26th
 Last Day for Students: June 3rd
 Last Day for 200 Day Employees: June 4th

Review/Assessment of Plan

The practices outlined in this re-entry plan will be reviewed on a regular basis. The
practices and procedures are subject to change at any time based on revised guidance
from Governor Justice, the West Virginia Department of Education and/or public health
officials. Additionally, the members of the Boone County Board of Education may, based
on changes in the current culture associated with COVID-19, revise any and/or all
practices outlined in the re-entry plan.


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