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Water Lilies Top

in Firefly
designed by Brenda Castiel

The Yarn
Firefly – 75% Viscose, 25% Linen
Firefly is a warm-weather yarn with
a subtle sheen and wonderful
hand. The juxtaposition of the linen
with a light-catching sheen gives
it a distinctly feminine look. Firefly
drapes wonderfully at a wide
range of gauges - knit loosely for
elegant lace or more tightly for
stockinette fabrics.

The Pattern
Skill Level: Intermediate

S (M, L, XL). Shown in size S.

Bust: 35 (38½, 41½, 45)”

Firefly by Classic Elite Yarns
(75% viscose, 25% linen; 50 g = 155 yards)
Color A: 1 ball 7754 Hyacinth
Color B: 1 (1, 2, 2) balls 7735 Capri
Color C: 2 (2, 2, 3) balls 7789 Pink
Color D: 2 (2, 3, 3) balls 7757 Chicory

Circular knitting needles (16” and
24”) and double pointed needles
(dpns) in size US 4 (3.5 mm) or size to
obtain gauge.

Stitch markers
Stitch holders or waste yarn
Removable stitch markers

22 sts and 30 rows = 4” in Broken Rib.
Take time to save time, check your

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Stockinette Stitch (St st): Knit all sts, every rnd.
Reverse Stockinette Stitch (Rev St st): Purl all sts, every rnd.

Seed Stitch (Seed St) (even number of sts):

Rnd 1: *K1, p1; rep from *.
Rnd 2: *P1, k1; rep from *.
Rep rnds 1-2 for Seed St.

Textured Pattern (even number of sts):

Rnds 1 and 2: Knit.
Rnd 3: *K1, p1; rep from *.
Rnd 4: *P1, k1; rep from *.
Rep rnds 1-4 for Textured Patt.

Broken Rib (even number of sts):

Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: *K1, p1; rep from *.
Rep rnds 1-2 for Broken Rib.

Picot Bind Off: BO 4 sts knitwise, *slip last st on RH needle back to LH needle;
CO 2 sts using knitted cast on method, BO 6 sts knitwise; rep from * until 4 or
fewer sts rem, BO rem sts until 1 st rem on RH needle, CO 2 sts, BO all sts.

I-Cord: Using 2 dpn, CO desired number of sts onto one needle. *Knit 1 row;
without turning the work, slide the sts to RH end of needle, pull yarn tightly from
the end of the row, (behind the sts); rep from * until cord meas desired length.

Knitted Cast On: *Insert RH needle as if to knit into first st of LH needle, wrap
the yarn around the needle and pull through as to make a knit st, leave the
first st on LH needle and slip st just made to LH needle (1 st CO); rep from * to
ABBREVIATIONS required number of sts.
beg: begin(ning)
BO: bind off Jogless Stripes:
BOR: beginning of round To obtain smooth stripe transitions when knitting in the round: on the 2nd rnd of
CO: cast on a new color, slip the first st.
cont: continue
EOR: every other round YOKE
est: establish(ed) With Color A and shorter circular needle, CO 90 (96, 102, 108) sts. Join to work
inc(‘d): increase(d) in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts and pm for BOR. [Note: Change to
ssk (slip, slip, knit): slip 2 sts, 1 at longer needle when necessary.]
a time, knitwise to the RH needle;
insert tip of LH needle into fronts Set up rnd: K33 (35, 37, 39) for back, pm, k12 (13, 14, 15) for left sleeve, pm, k33
of the two slipped sts and use RH (35, 37, 39) for front, pm, k12 (13, 14, 15) for right sleeve.
needle to knit them together (1 st Inc rnd: [K1-f/b, knit to 1 st before marker, k1-f/b] 4 times - 8 sts inc’d.
dec’d) Next rnd: *K1, p1; rep from *.
LH: left hand Cont in Broken Rib, working Inc rnd EOR 28 (32, 35, 39) more times - 322 (360,
k2tog: knit 2 sts together (1 st 390, 428) sts; 91 (101, 109, 119) sts each for front and back; 70 (79, 86, 95) sts
dec’d) each sleeve. And at the same time, when pc meas 4 (4½, 5, 5½)”, work 4
K1- f/b: Knit into the front and rnds Color B, 2 rnds Color A, then cont in Color C until all yoke increases are
back of same st (1 st inc’d) complete, ending with Rnd 2 of Broken Rib.
pm: place marker
RH: right hand Divide for Body: Knit, dropping markers as you come to them, 91(101, 109,
rep: repeat 119) sts for back, slip next 70 (79, 86, 95) sts to st holder or waste yarn for left
rem: remaining sleeve, CO 5 sts for underarm, k91 (101, 109, 119) sts for front, slip next 70 (79,
rnd: round 86, 95) sts to st holder or waste yarn for right sleeve, CO 5 sts for underarm -192
st(s): stitch(es) (212, 228, 248) sts for body.
Water Lilies Top in Firefly page 2 of 4
Cont with Color C in Broken Rib for 4 (4, 6, 6) more rnds. Place removable
marker in center st of underarm sts.

Change to Textured Patt for rem of body and work stripes as follows:
[4 rnds in Color C then 4 rnds in Color D] 4 times, [4 rnds in Color B then 4 rnds
in Color D] 3 times, then cont in Color B.

When pc meas 8 (8½, 9, 9½)” from underarm, end with Rnd 4 of Textured Patt,
beg increases [Note: Increases for size S beg when changing to Color B.]

Inc rnd: [K1-f/b, knit to 1 st before marker, k1-f/b , knit marked st] twice. 4 sts inc’d.
Work 3 rnds in Textured Patt as est.

Rep the last 4 rnds 6 (6, 7, 7) more times - 220 (240, 260, 280) sts.
Cont as est until pc meas 11 (12, 13, 13)” from underarm or 3” less than
desired finished length. [Note: Sweater will gain length from blocking.]

Rnd 1: With Color D, knit.
Rnd 2: With Color D, yo, knit to marker, yo, knit to end.
Rnds 3-4: With Color D, knit.
Rnd 5: With Color B, knit.
Rnds 6-8: With Color B, purl.
Rnds 9-12: With Color D, knit.
Rnd 13: With Color C, knit.
Rnds 14-16: With Color C, purl.
Rnds 17-20: With Color D, knit.
Rnd 21: With Color B, knit.
Rnds 22-24: With Color B, purl.
BO all sts loosely purlwise.

Slip 70 (79, 86, 95) sts for sleeve to needle. With Color C and shorter circular
needle or dpns, pick up and k7 sts across underarm sts, then k70 (79, 86, 95)
sts for sleeve – 77 (86, 93, 102) sts. Place removable marker in center st of
underarm sts.
Work 7 rnds in Broken Rib.

Change to Color D, and beg working in Textured Patt.

Dec rnd: Knit and work ssk 2 sts before marked st and k2tog 2 sts after marked
st - 2 sts dec’d.
Work 3 rnds even in Textured Patt.
Rep the last 4 rnds 10 (10, 11, 11) times more, changing to dpns when
necessary - 55 (64, 69, 78) sts.
Work even until sleeve meas 10 (10, 11, 11)” from underarm, or 3” less than
desired finished length.

Rnds 1-4: With Color D, knit.
Rnds 5-24: same as Border for body.
BO all sts loosely purlwise.

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Ties (make 2):
With Color D and dpn, CO 4 sts and work I-Cord for 17”. BO all sts.
With Color A, shorter circular needle and RS facing, beg at right back raglan
line, and pick up and knit 33 (35, 37, 39) sts along back neck, pm, 12 (13, 14,
15) sts along top of left sleeve, pm, 33 (35, 37, 39) sts along front neck, pm,
and 12 (13, 14, 15) sts along top of right sleeve - 90 (96, 102, 108) sts. Pm for
BOR, and join to work in the rnd. Knit 1 rnd.
Next rnd: [K2tog, knit to 2 sts before marker, ssk] 4 times - 8 sts dec’d; 82 (88,
94, 100) sts rem.
Last rnd: Work Picot Bind Off.

Weave in ends. Block to measurements. Thread each I-Cord through yo hole

at top of border and tie to slightly ruch each side.

40 (433/4, 471/4, 51)"

14 (15, 16, 16)"

/4 )"
14 1

213/4 (233/4, 251/2, 261/2)"

/2 ,
12 1

, 14
/4 ,
11 3

, 14
)" 35 (381/2, 411/2, 45)"
/4 (
10 1

73/4 (83/4, 91/2, 101/2)"

14 (153/4, 17, 181/2)"

161/4 (171/2, 181/2, 193/4)"

From the Designer

Pastels. Ice-cream colors – strawberry, pistachio, vanilla. A summer
garden in full bloom. Monet’s Water Lilies. These are the inspirations for
this light and lovely summery top. Loosely knit for freshness, this classic
will see you through spring, summer, and fall (even winter in warmer

Firefly is a warm-weather yarn with a subtle sheen and wonderful hand.

The juxtaposition of the linen with a light-catching sheen gives it a
distinctly feminine look.

Brenda Castiel

© 2011 Brenda Castiel and Classic Elite Yarns Water Lilies Top in Fireflypage 4 of 4
122 Western Avenue • Lowell, MA 01851

This pattern is specifically for private use only. All commercial uses involving reproduction of this pattern or duplication of this
garment is prohibited unless specifically licensed in writing by copyright owner.
For more information about this design, visit

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