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6b. Four voice Signals each limited -b 4kH2 ond som pled at Nyquist tote are converted into binary Pom Signal wing 256 quan biahion levelg. Prd the bit drammi AAASERE RE T4K8/ FITITILTT 33333 $829993 f rae 60. what is Shanyon aapaccty 2 Tha ehavme| 2 (00-3400) Kb}a, ene atgnak Power dm ¢ M0iSe —~4odem. Dhat Shanron/A eafnetty ? a. In A saapa comenunt en take Ses er date rete 2kbps: pederumfre miniovm bordio fit tor a binary fs FTgnak ith A mark frequency of ugni2s. a space frequert Of Bautie . [Basen hs] G2 A matrage signod of ante is uniformly Soopled cafth Frequency FER greater than Nygulst Frequency. moytimum. quant Bouton. err 15 4X of Pea Vollnge Cp). Final bit tate and sng fs do (pe). [ise /45] 8%. signal t nsise ratio eda, chamne| bom didth 45 KY2. Find charerl mPpaarty Ph Frannonrs Tearem. [RPL 13] £4. Determine the Peak. tire g Settling Line. TE) = [Bete /a57 SA bineny Ps modulation hay bit Tate Yo kps ops amd modulatiin thdey 075 Pind Moyimum_ ehesme bandwidth - @ormatos Scanned with CamScanner sali dots rite OF a Slama is imbps. at is time moltiplexed with 24 vores stgmals oF MKbph, “TH Number oF @ bItA fy ubed for Qmahwo nization amd fron iy pez Steme + What Ts to dot. rahe ot Hs multiplexed signa? [Pree /18] A cignal having tuoquency Goo -a4n}2) bor signed power Imv. Noise power iS ~2odem. find Shannon eapaarty. [rupee /44] 5. FRRd the mingmom Length s+ om omterna Rr tem signa. [expe As] 57 a tele plone Une fg Used b send dank having Srequeney porte to ozeol® » calenlate rroytmom possible. data rate PF Lene hes ne, dodb. [2vne] St pelernmine chenp ratty and natal Freq vaney, @(S) = 36 Some. 7 SHA 26434 ere] 59. A Sine vane. {5 Sampled. at 4 timers of ny guest rote . Sketeh the aynak and draw Pm signal. [Bz] Scanned with CamScanner AK PPTTTITILLLIT ILL OLELTTA TAT CARR R ARR A RAAT oe e e vation de = 2bitsee " e - < «- lo oF eo er ei _- - -_ -_ _ _ = -_ -_ -— a _ —_ erre' Sanat for which -he system operates Sbistae tone ly. AeL/s77] SL A television signet (yileo and audil) hab a bard width of fmt: tis slgnak 15 sempled QBkonti2ed and ubnary aoiod -t obtein a Pew Sanal © pekumine the sompléng rate iS te Signal is be soma at a rete 207 above Ane Nyquist tate Gy Th 4he Samples are quantized Detetm ine the minimum —bemd 7 inte 1024 lela. width reqired +p trammit tre sternal. [BFDe [7] A fin stgmal has a Peake to Peay deviation “of Fake over a carrjer frequency of e&-2nHe The mroyiinue Frequency Of fhe modulating signal is 13 KY2- find the modulation Prdex of tre FM signet. [Poroo/28 ] BB A 256 loel pam signal is qenonated wing Lneart quantiation of a Sinugstdar frput of AV Peak, to Peale, omd frequaney AKH2+ Find she output wt rate PE Samy ling Ts done 125% higher thon nysuist tote. Kang Fematos i= % Scanned with CamScanner 3 TLULTLTLT ELE E EERE TT TSH TER RRA AAA RAR AREA TAYE 4% A 24 chore] TDMA bared Ugital aommunicatio NAten a lw wlth Sut pom. Samplin: Tate eH? amd each flame wes additonal 2bits ser Snohremiding Papese. wlenulate dhe fieme duration amd bE Tate oF the Systm. 2 [Pavel] An Prolog signal having a kenduldth of kh? 15 converted to Pom stanal win: Sowep ing at atthe of 20% abwe the Nyquist rete The Somples Are quemti'2ed fbr dorq leveld . Dekrumine wheter a channe| of dre eapaerty of 5p klopS is Sudtiecent for trorsml ting, he Pom Sqnel - eon] we. A signok xl) = Sim (Loot) + sin omet) . that Srould be the mincewvm _sermpli Fie quence te sveeesd lly meonbtnnth tne Alle 196 levels one ved tp aneode agra! ? If A ‘will be Ahe ‘ then What ofl mplad Sqr fil Ce i byA4em 4 [rasa | we re . . bo. A’ B® Pom SYdtem Wier ® unt form grontirer gelled by A FEE encoder: ae Sydtem bit rete ig not With hea Colenlate the maximum bomda'idth of- dhe metbage Scanned with CamScanner 42 suppose a call aanter has 25 phone lin, | A270 allé Pen day amd the ove age duration of a call ts is min. aleulte offered load of the wll conten is erdang. cleulate the moritrnum ro. of Gall the call eontere ean _ be tramenitted over 4; a digitat ermmviation sp tem. ; @ praw tne Ampletide Speetruum of me) - @® what ts the einenum SomnPLing. freequncy yequized for oNolding aliasing (Be.e/14] 4b. An optiawt Athere communita} on Sus tenn hah a fiber length 04 Rkm amd Amari tled Power AW. Tf the Shor hes ond atlemvation_ of 0.25 dsjkm- caleulate tue tecefved Power at dhcend of the fib. [Som=] Fermnatos Scanned with CamScanner PD. State nyquist Sampling dtheonern ae Sard x UY) = ain (swomt) + S5%r.(uy cont) + asin Caqnomt’) +. 9 sin (6900K) bas beon band mi ted with tn Coov~ 2400 HB). TF His Smal 15 Sompled at Nyavict mate, what wlll be output data rate TF We signal 15 eneoded with a sia_level Unigorm quant’detion . Fo /3] AoA sp es a ptt dura tion 24 Ao sec. oy Soren ah fhe tete oF Bep2 od ten encodad . “The Siqnal b (Quaonti neti on) wuise. toting is required to be 4vdo. wleulate minimum storage Capetty needed actoornndate this digitized Speen), signal. [Gene] 4. A Fem Sibtbem hak 24 tramsmitler- teaiven Paith. Bach bom mitter wrod Dsp— Am fore dram mithng ThA MASage Tynal- “The mean, hap aA babebomd speatrumy VEZ 0-4 kt. caloulate the ww requined fox dhe FDM Baten auming a guard bind equal | tp 6.5kH2. [ERIY/29] Scanned with CamScanner NK. Sees 299M SSISISSSEVEVIVIVVVVVAAY 2. Find the pole g ero of the HATED. ee oe aF A radio Station +parbmith signal tn die frequency bend. whet % required antenna legth tr edticient radiation of elsotromagnetic energy 2 [Bppefaty] 26. ator fret: QMSK, BPSK, OFDM, GSM, Me-opNA, te. [pete/4.8] St four E-1 Unowneld of @Nbps one mo (+ plexed + Coleulate the datn Lit rede. Eameq 28. cuppse that, there are “heer meMage ‘sknalls te be enh voy “TDM. “The Sireyt too damals both howe Frqusney umtents wlth tn sdlt, while gr mansage signa hod frequmey content afthitn tke. whet is the bit rate of “TH syaton hen ft operated ettretently th deems of bondutdd, user 2 [Pred] 8 & 2 Fematos > | Scanned with CamScanner 2e. arewars- PSTN, ADSL TAN, GSM, TM .[Samz] 2. 2 Sigma hort frequency 12012, 609 25 GorH2, are Sampled at Nyquist rate and chen multiplexed fn a channel, a2 bit woveds’ fing Vit rahe. [ome] 20. what {5s neaensiby of modulation 9 mad he off frequency aunve of Asks PSK, FSK modulation . [Rex se] 34. State Shans theorem . ; Charme} Signat cb rise tatio 15 ede amd ‘i i ekW2 Find thannel capactty - charne| bomndwidth 4:5 [apex |] 92. Maw the ekt of envelpe deteoton g wnite the expramsion that Telates die value of Re b the Modulating drequney amd wagjert Frequency. [arses 2B Find +e valur otk cto ere tt Ca chomping. acs) =. TK] acs), [arel/ie] Dp a commynrication Scanned with CamScanner Tee eee PPPDFDDDOAIDIDD 22. Pid +e chayactenish'es ee a Ae Syk¢enq fy dhe following Figures - acs) of beet I ae 29. Find he ou-tput- [pact {157} Gree] LE} se B+ ot ese A. Orite © uripolan-np2 ® vvpolan- ez (e) polar- NZ omd (HM bipolar P2 signaling for te bit streams of Iojool. Poe long dideremac. franimision thich of the foun signaling Sokemes fe Prefennid ond why? [ppee As] 25. Find fo) of ~he System, okieh TS defined ty the Follow ifenntial equation . [eam] %. Find naturat drequency, comping caebn, Feak time, forcent overshot om d settli time foes G08) = See casepE 29, Find the output. Pret /sF] ma% ) walt) 4 2.4 4 4 Fematos Scanned with CamScanner de. A PeM-TOM Sy¥Atem multiplexed 10 band Limited wide chomme| (302-34 12 KH) amd ured A266 level quanti2ez, Tj the signal 16 Sampled ot a rate. 17th ~. highsc thom nyqutst rate, then what will be dhe Maximum energy hondwidth of the trans MIMS Ion channe! 7 [Broe/14] . . ®. Ke Speatmum of % modulating sigreh is Shou in the Fgura: brea “tee Stee ls of psp ge, SSa4e, and vse modulated StQm fr dhs modula ting stgnoh ansurnng % aignak of ele) = Aa csarfa = - Eare] Case fen_ —w w 4 20. Adar Frory CDMA, MSR, GPRS, TT, TQFET, Vler, «mee, Eprom. (Bop /14] A. drqw the Speadrum of x lt) of te SH tem Showm below. [Peeee/a7] i(w) A mR xlt) ZN dogg ~ Wm Orn SPISPPHHHHHHHPHSHSHHSHLCOHHHRPAPPPPPRARARARRARARRARRRAEE | Scanned with CamScanner Ut nade of che Lgttnl eign. eneqtadl 1B. Draw the fuequeney speetnum of x(t) and Ye) - a —s ya) [Fae ha] mlt : oft) = ens at Sreequencey Speen of mit). a eee: =o + in (8445) - [are] IS Deberemtne the Valied of natural frequency, dam pin g oor and wit sep Terpornbe ot a sybtem represented by “the Seomnd order trom fer fiunetion, 0S) = ae re] 46. if m(t) = 2¢in e207 t +4 sin 4TPAL, then © Find minfinume Sampling Frequney required t ald aliasing. © af sompling drequeney fs Joke, dnaw the Seatnum. oF the Soamplid slamah. TWAsA/au] 47. adver Core VéAT, WiMax, WLAN, ADSL, SONET OFDMA. (Eame] Fematos Scanned with CamScanner Agra poe F draw the vPpPpar ana me sae, i a frequency Spec tttum psa = Ampligu-de Bam. wodulated Banal: [enel vy % A Pe ayktem anvith’plexes . 200 me i , fi Liked Volee channel (0-240 U2)? a 256 Love] movlb plexed and vee al : Sam Acc eongidering eer kel a qen fe MAL shore system Dhat- gl Tate E os Sk sign 7 dhe bandwidth OF PIU iT [poet itl . ceurnty @. Demonstrate 00k> Paks PSK giqnah * a a wit sequence olo>\lo). Teeee/i 5 sipte NWSE theamem . Sor] 40. paw the Strueture of on optiead Site ang wrrte the Tame of Lf Jerr comPonsrbs op tian AP bere dowmvyt tation: Powels4] 222% of jh. Pee maximum. bomd wid4th & dra v bsp ce omd $SB°- Srequenc y Spee Ha of [ney so A tignak xlb) = Fes (overt) is Sampled at wyquist Sampling rate amd quan tt Ped using Sbit Pam syhtem . Determing he Scanned with CamScanner Bev AMOR rath quurtivn 3 2 le Coen) rieaction eer err 4 AaB urs BAM, OFDM, SoneTs cot TT: [wAsAha] | 2 A transmitter ig Aras seek tring co-tn at&rate of Gokbps. At the ruccivert the quantized 2 binany coded -p obtyin a Pom dqnok. TSamé] 5 gblarrat tot DESCD, wito, PER, SAARe. PPG, av, paw. [ppe/t] HII 6. A slanad Aen sin Sent ond Casyien Aasin confet +2) Find the amplinede moduloted Fematos a Scanned with CamScanner

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