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MCQ Test on WRE-II

1) If R is the hydraulic Mean Radius & D is depth of Water, Section of Canal, will be most
economical when-
a) R=D/2 b) D=R/2 c) D=R d) None of these
Ans- a
2) The vertical distance between F.S.L and Top Embankment is Known as-
a) Free Board b) Counter Berm c) Lead d) A& B both


3) The strip of land left between the top edge of Cutting and Toe of Banking is-
a) Free Board b) Berm c) Dowla d) B& D both


4) When the natural slope of ground is greater than the bed slope of channel , the structure to be
provided is-
a) Fall b) Weir c) Barrages d) Dowla
5) When a natural drainage is taken over the irrigation canal ,the cross drainage work is-
a) Level Crossings b) Inlet & Outlet System c) Super Passage d) Escape
6) When Irrigation canal is taken over the natural drainage , the cross drainage work is known as-
a) Aquaduct b) Super passage c) Level Crossing d) Lead
7) A channel is said to be in silting when –
a) CVR<1 b) CVR=1 c) CVR>1 d) CVR>/1.2


8) A channel is said to be in scouring when –

b) CVR<1 b) CVR=1 c) CVR>1 d) CVR>/1.2


9) Mean Velocity of flow is by Chezy Formula-

a) 𝑉 = 𝐶. 𝑅. √𝑆 b) 𝑉 = 𝑆. √𝐶𝑅 c) 𝑉 = 𝐶√𝑆𝑅 d) None of These

Ans- C

10) When the character of bed & bank materials of channel is same as that of transported material ,
channel is called-
a)Ideal Channel b) Regime Channel c) Normal Channel d) R-N Channel
11) The ratio of Wetted c/s area & Wetted Perimeter is known as-
A)Hydr.Mean radius b) Hydr.Factor c) Regime Factor d) Service Factor
12) Critical Vel of Flow given By Kennedy Silt Theory is-
A) V0=0.546mD0.64 b) V0=0.645mD0.46 c) V0=0.456mD0.64 d) V0=0.546mD0.46
13) When it is required raise the water level on upstream side the structure constructed is-
a) Dam b) Barrages c) Weir d)Dowla
14) When it is required to form a storage reservoir , the structure constructed is –
a) Dam b) Barrages c) Weir d)Dowla
15) In Montague type fall,--------Provided.
a) Straight Glacius b) Parabolic Glacius c) No Glacius d) Hyperbolic Glacius
16) To counterbalance the effect of hydraulic Jump , baffle walls are provided in-
a) Sarda Type Fall b) English Type Fall c) Montague Type fall d) Rapid Fall
Ans- b
17) The Diversion Head work is Constructed to
a) Control Flood b) Raise Water Level c) Store Water Level d) Down Water Level
18) If V & R are Regime Mean Velocity & Hydraulic Mean Depth respectively then Lacey’s Silt Factor
a) 𝑓 = 𝑣2/𝑅 b) 𝑓 = 𝑣2/𝑅 c) 𝑓 = 𝑣2/𝑅 d) 𝑓 = 𝑣/𝑅
19) The Canal Which Can Carry water in Rainy Season only is Known as-
a) Perennial Canal b) Inundation Canal c) Permanent Canal d) Seasonal Canal
20) The Earthen Embankments running parallel to river are known as-
a) Dykes b) Flood Walls c) Levees d) A& C
Ans- d) A& C

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