Tled 430 Iwb Assign

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Rebecca Smith


TPACK Template

Subject Mathematics

Grade Level 2nd

Learning Objective 2.5 The student will

a) recognize and use the relationships between addition and
subtraction to solve single- step practical problems, with whole
numbers to 20; and

b) demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 20.

Pedagogy Planning

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to use their finger or a
pointer to drag equations to their matching solutions and learn about simple addition.

Activity This lesson isn’t much of a teaching lesson, but of a reviewing lesson.
After the material of addition and subtraction has been thoroughly
taught, this is a great review activity. Before beginning, the teacher
will briefly go over the main objectives they discussed about addition
and subtraction. This could be a whole-class activity. The teacher
would give a brief introduction of how to use the activity and go
through what each student is supposed to do. The link to the activity
gives multiple versions of the game, so it can be played multiple times
without becoming repetitive. The teacher will call on students one by
one to come to the board for their turn. The student will look at all of
the options and evaluate which problem they would like to solve. Once
they figure out the answer, they will use either their finger or a pointer
to drag the equation to the desired solution. If correct, the game will
show that they match and the next student will take a turn, but if not,
the student will get to keep trying and get help from their peers. The
game will continue on until all of the equations are matched and then
the teacher can move onto the next game. This is a great way to
review the material because not only does playing a game make it fun,
but also, it allows the class to work as a collaborative unit and learn
from one another.


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