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Lack of workers

As more individuals fall ill, coronavirus is likely to lead to a temporary lack of workers. Whether
this is due to quarantines or workers making the decision to stay home, the end result is the
same: companies and governments will be pressed to find laborers. This is likely to result in
reduced Economic output, as business grinds to a halt for many.

Here are four sociocultural consequences of the coronavirus outbreak:

As with any worldwide outbreak of disease, coronavirus is very likely to (and already has, in
some places) result in panic. This panic is visible on many levels. For example, with citizens
anticipating a need to stay home for extended periods of time, they may rush to supermarkets to
stock up on home goods such as food, water, and toilet paper. This will exacerbate the temporary
disruption of many supply chains. Panic may also cause individuals to stock up on fuel for their
vehicles, or take other anticipatory measures.

Perhaps an unexpected sociocultural consequence of the coronavirus outbreak is unusual
amounts of racism. Since coronavirus was believed to have originated in the world, some
individuals became prejudiced to Chinese or Asian-looking individuals in their local areas. In
fact, this even resulted in some physical assaults. As the disease crosses new borders, it’s likely
that this will fade. However, some individuals may continue to carry prejudices for the initial
spread of the virus.

Travel fear
Coronavirus has already discouraged many individuals from travel, especially air travel. With the
risk of being quarantined away from home and the even bigger risk of catching the virus, this
should come as no surprise. While this is a sociocultural phenomenon, it’s having serious
Economic impacts; airline companies, for example, are facing a serious lack of customers and
seeing record losses.
Remote work
Since many individuals will be unable to go to work during the coronavirus outbreak, some
companies may choose to encourage remote work, if applicable to their line of work. For
example, some office workers might be able to fulfill their duties from home, without the need to
travel to and work at an office everyday (which carries the risk of further spreading coronavirus).
While this is a short-term change, it may encourage companies to allow remote work in the
future, if the concept proves itself.

Here is a Technological consequence of the coronavirus outbreak:

Advances in virology
Coronavirus is sure to result in numerous advances in virology — the study of viruses. The
nature and spread of the virus will prove invaluable information to scientists looking to better
understand how this pathogen — and others like it — can be contained and treated. With any
luck, the coronavirus outbreak will spur the world’s many great minds to find new ways to
manage pandemic situations. An existing example of this is the creation of drive-thru testing
centers, which enable citizens to test themselves for the virus without exposing themselves to a
hospital full of patients.

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