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Two marks with Answers

1. Define thermodynamics?
Thermodynamics is a field of science which deals with
 Energies possessed by gases and vapours
 Conversion of energies in terms of heat and mechanical work and
 The relationship with properties of system.
2. What is meant by thermodynamics system, how it gets classifies?
Thermodynamic system is defined as the any space or matter or group of matter where the
energy transfer or energy conversions are studied.
Classifies in to three types
 Open system
 Closed system
 Isolated system
3. Distinguish between open and closed system? Closed system Open system

1 There is no mass transfer. Only heat andMass transfer takes place here with heat
work will transfer and work transfer
2 System boundary is fixed one System boundary may or may not
3. Example. Piston and cylinder Example. Air compressor , boiler
arrangement, thermal power plant.

4. Define concept of continuum?

A continuous homogenous medium is called as continuum. It is based on macroscopic approach.
5. What is meant by thermodynamic properties? How does it classify?
Thermodynamic property is any characteristics of a substance which is used to identify the state
of the system and can be measured, when the system remains in an equilibrium state.
It gets classifies in to two types
 Intensive or intrinsic properties
 Extensive or extrinsic properties
6. Differentiate intensive and extensive properties? Intensive properties Extensive properties

1. Independent on the mass of the Dependent on the mass system
2 If we consider part of the these If we consider part of the system, it will
properties remain same eg. have a lesser value eg. Total energy,
Pressure, temperature, specific total volume, weight.etc

7. What do you meant by equilibrium of a system?

When a system remains in equilibrium state, it should not undergo any changes on its own

8. When the system is said to be in thermal equilibrium?

(Or)Define thermodynamic equilibrium. (AU-May/June’14)
When a system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, it should satisfy the following three conditions.
 Mechanical equilibrium- pressure remains constant
 Thermal Equilibrium- temperature remains constant
 Chemical equilibrium- there is no chemical reaction.

9. Define Zeroth law of thermodynamics?

It states that when two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third systems, then
they themselves are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

10.Define first law of thermodynamics?

It states that when system undergoes cyclic process, net heat transfer is equal to work transfer.
$Q = $W

11.What is meant by “perpetual Motion Machine of first kind”?

PMM of the first kind delivers work continuously without any input. It violates first law of
thermodynamics. It is impossible to construct an engine working with this principle.

12. Write the differences between heat and work? (Nov/Dec-2009, May/June-2010) Heat Work

1. It can be transferred only when It can be transferred even without the
there is difference of temperature change in temperature between system
between system and surroundings. and surroundings.
2. In constant volume process the In constant volume process the
displacement work can take place. displacement work cannot take place.

13.Define specific heat of the substance?

Specific heat of any substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature
of 1kg of substance by 1 degree of temperature.
Mathematically, Q= m.C.∆t
Q = heat transfer in KJ,
M = mass in kg,
C = specific heat
∆t = t2 - t1 = temperature change in K

14.Define specific heat of gas at constant volume (Cv)?

It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of gas by 1
degree constant volume
It is denoted as Cvin kJ/kgK.

15.Define specific heat of gas at constant pressure (Cp)?

It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of gas by 1
degree constant pressure.
It is denoted as Cpin kJ/kgK.

16.Define Adiabatic Index?

The ratio between specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume is
known as adiabatic index.

γ =Cp / Cv

γ = 1.4 for air.

17.Define Enthalpy? (May/ June 2010)

H = U + pV
Where , U,p,V are point functions, they represents the property of system. The property H is
called Enthalpy.

18. Define the process and cycle with one example each? (April/ May 2008)
Process: the successive change of state of the system due to energy or mass transfers
defined by definite path is called a process, eg. Constant pressure process.
Cycle: if a system undergoes two or more processes and returns to its original state, after
conclusion of processes, the system said to have undergone a cycle forms a closed loop.

19.What is meant by internal energy?

The internal energy present in a system in a molecular motion, arrangement of atomic
structure and its chemical composition.
Various types of internal Energies are,
 Atomic energy
 Molecular energy
 Chemical energy.
20. What is the difference between the classical and statistical approaches bet
thermodynamics? Classical Approaches Statistical Approaches

1. The quantity specified can be measured The quantity specified cannot be measured
and perceived by our senses. eg. and perceived by our senses.
Pressure, volume, temperature.
2. It requires no description of matter.
Assumptions are required to be made
concerning the structure of the matter.
3. Only few quantities are needed to Many quantities are needed to describe a
described a system system.

21. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous system. Give examples.

A system having same chemical composition and physical structure throughout is called
homogeneous system e.g. water, stream, vapours etc. While a system having different chemical
composition and structure is called heterogeneous system e.g. mixture of ice and water, non-
Miscible liquids (kerosene and Mercury)

22. Define quasistic process and non-quasistic process.

A quasistic process is defined as the process in which the properties of the system depart
infinitesimally (extremely small) from the thermodynamic path.
In non-quasistic process only the end states represent the thermodynamic equilibrium states
intermediate states cannot be defined.

23.What do you understand by point function and path function?

(or) differentiate between point function and path function. (May/June’14)
Point function:
Two co-ordinates or properties defined on a graph are called a state. These properties are
called point function e.g. p,v,t.It is an exact differential.

Path function
When the quantities cannot be located on a graph by a point and their quantities depend
upon the path followed between two states are called path functions e.g. heat and work.
It is an inexact differential.

24. Explain steady flow process?

Steady flow process is defined as the system in which the mass flow rate in which the
mass flow rate into the system is equal to mass flow rate out of the system. If a steady flow
system undergoes a process from state 1 to state 2, we say that steady flow system has gone a
steady flow process.

25. What does the Joule-Thomson coefficient represent

If a gas is throttled (ie at constant enthalpy from higher pressure p1 and temperature, T1
to lower pressure, then we define the Joule Thomason coefficient ,

μ=( h
μ= may be negative, zero or positive for real gases and the effect of throttling is to produce
cooling, no change in temperature and heating respectively.

The point of maxima on isenthalpic curve is called inversion point.

26. What do you understand by flow work?

The work required to move the fluid into the system or out of the system is called flow
work and it is equal to product of pressure and volume i.e. p.v.
Whereas, the displacement work is the work required to move the boundaries of the system and
equals to for closed system and for an open system when ∆ K.E=0, ∆P.E.=0

1. In an isentropic flow through nozzle, the air flows at the rate of 600 kg/hr. at inlet to the
nozzle, pressure is 2 MPa and temperature is 127°C. The exit pressure is 0.5MPa. Initial air
velocity is 300m/s. determine (i) exit velocity of air (ii) inlet and exit area of nozzle.
(Nov/Dec 2006)

2. A centrifugal pump delivers 2750 kg of water per minute from initial pressure of 0.8 bar
absolute to a final pressure of 2.8 bar absolute. The suction is 2m below and the delivery is 5 m
above the centre of pump. If the suction and delivery pipes are of 15cm and 10cm diameter
respectively, and make calculations for power required to drive the pump. (Nov/Dec 2006)
3. Deduce the expression for the displacement work in an isothermal process.
(May/June 2007)
35. 4. Describe steady flow energy equation and deduce suitable expression for the expansion of
gas in a gas turbine with suitable assumptions. (May/June 2007) (Nov/Dec -2016)

5. Air expands by isentropic process through a nozzle from 784kPa and 220°C to an exit pressure
of 98kPa. Determine the exit velocity and the mass flow rate, if the exit area is 0.0006m 2.
(May/June 2007)

6. A blower handles 1 kg/sec of air at 293K and consumes a power of 15kW. The inlet and outlet
velocities of air are 100 m/s and 150m/s respectively. Find the exit air temperature, assuming
adiabatic conditions. Take Cp of air as 1.005kJ/kg-K. (Nov/Dec 2007)

7. The velocity and enthalpy of fluid at the inlet of a certain nozzle are 50m/sec and 2800 kJ/kg.
The enthalpy at the exit of nozzle is 2600 kJ/kg. The nozzle is horizontal and insulated so that no
transfer takes place from it. Find

1) Velocity at the fluid at exit of the nozzle.

2) Mass flow rate, if the inlet area of nozzle is 0.09m2
3) Exit area of the nozzle, if the specific volume at the exit of the nozzle is
0.495m3/kg. (Nov/Dec 2007)

8. One litre of hydrogen at 273 K is adiabatically compressed to one half of its initial volume.
Find the change in temperature of the gas, if the ratio of two specific heats for hydrogen is 1.4.

9. Derive an expression for the work transfer in an isothermal process. (May/June 2008)

10. A work done by substance in a reversible non-flow manner is in accordance withV = (15/p)
m3, where p is in bar. Evaluate the work done or by the system as pressure from 10 bar to 100
bar. Indicate whether it is a compression process or expansion process. If the change in internal
energy is 500kJ. Calculate the direction and magnitude of heat transfer. (May/June 2008)

11. Define internal energy and prove that it is a point function. (May/June 2008)

12. Establish the relationship between the specific heat capacity at constant pressure and specific
heat at constant volume. (May/June 2008)

13. In a gas turbine installation, the gases enter the turbine at the rate of 5 kg/sec with a velocity
of 50 m/sec and enthalpy of 900 kJ/kg and leave the turbine with velocity of 150 m/sec and
enthalpy of 400kJ/kg. The loss of heat to the surroundings is 25 kJ/kg. Assume R = 0.285kJ/kgK
Cp = 1.004 kJ/kgK and inlet conditions to be at 100 kPa and 27°C. determine the diameter of the
inlet pipe. (May/June 2008)

14. Apply steady flow energy equation for a nozzle. State the assumptions made.
(Nov/Dec 2008)

15. A gas occupies 0.3 m3 at 2 bar. It execute a cycle consisting of processes:

(i) 1-2; constant pressure with work interaction of 15 kJ (ii) 2-3; compression process which
follows the law PV= constant, and U3 = U2 (iii) 3-1; constant volume process, and change in
internal energy is 40 kJ. Neglect change in KE and PE. Draw the PV diagram for the process
and determine the network transfer for the cycle. Also show that first law is obeyed by the cycle.
(Nov/Dec 2008)

16. A van der wall gas is compressed reversibly at constant temperature from volume V1 to V2.
The equation of state is given by

P = (RT/V-b)-(a/V2). Determine the work done per mole of the gas. (Nov/Dec 2008)

17. Distinguish between the reversible process and the cyclic process. (Nov/Dec 2008)

18. Derive the suitable expression for the ideal compressor from the steady flow energy equation
and specify the assumptions under which such equation is applicable. (Nov/Dec 2008)

19. Calculate the power developed and diameter of the inlet pipe, if a gas enters into the gas
turbine at 5 kg/sec, 50m/s with an enthalpy of 0.9MJ/Kg and leaves at 150m/sec with an enthalpy
of 0.4 MJ/kg. The heat loss to the surroundings is 0.025 MJ/kg. Assume 100 kPa and 300 K at
the inlet. (Nov/Dec 2009)

20. The resistance of the certain windings in a certain motor is found to be 75 ohms at room
temperature (25°C). When operating at full load under steady conditions, the motor switched off
and the resistance to the windings is immediately measured again, andfound to be 90 ohms. The
windings are made of copper whose resistance at temperaturet C is given by Rt = R0(1+0.00393
t ) where R0 is the resistance at 0°C. Find the temperature by the coil during full load.
(May/June 2010)

21.In a compressible fluid handling an incompressible fluid with a density of 1000 kg/m 3 the
conditions of the fluid at the rotor entry and exit are as given below:

Inlet outlet
Pressure 1.15 Mpa 0.05Mpa

Velocity 30 m/sec 15.5 m/sec

Height above datum 10m 2m

If the volume flow rate of the fluid is 40 m3/sec estimate the net energy transfer from the fluid as
work. (Nov/Dec 2009)

22. The electric heating system used in many houses consists of simple duct with resistance wire.
Air is heated as it flows over resistance wires. Consider a 15 kW electric heating system. Air
enters the heating section at 100 kPa and 17 C with a volume flow rate of 150 m3/min. if heat is
lost from the air in the duct to the surroundings at a rate of 200 W. determine the exit
temperature of air. (Nov/Dec 2010)

23. Steam is expanded in a set of nozzles from 10 bar and 200°C to 5 bar. What type of
nozzle is it? Neglecting the initial velocity find minimum area of the nozzle required to allow a
flow of 3 kg/ sec under the given conditions Assume the expansion of steam to be isentropic.
(Nov/Dec 2006)

24. Three grams of nitrogen gas at 6 atm and 160°C is expanded to double its initial volume,
then compressed at constant pressure to its initial volume and then compressed again at constant
volume to its initial state. Calculate the net work done on the gas. Draw the p-V diagram for the
process. Specific heat ratio of nitrogen is 1.4 . (May/June 2007)

25. One liter of hydrogen at 273 K is adiabatically compressed to one-half of its initial volume.
Find the change in temperature of the gas if the ratio of two specific heats for hydrogen is 1.4.
(Nov/Dec 2007)

26. Define heat and show that heat is a path function and not a property. (May/June-2012)
27. A fluid system, contained in a piston and cylinder machine, passes through a complete cycle
of four process. The sum of all heat transferred during a cycle is -340 KJ. The system completes
200 cycles per min.

Process Q(kJ/min) W(kJ/min) ΔE (kJ/min)

1-2 0 4340 -

2–3 42000 0 -

3-4 -4200 - -73200

4–1 - - -

Complete the above table showing the method for each item, and compute the net rate of work
output in KW. (May/June 2012)

28. Air is compressed from 100 KPa and 22° C to a pressure of 1 MPa while being cooled at the
rate of 16 KJ /Kg by circulating water through the compressor casing. The volume flow rate of
air at inlet condition is m3/min and power input to compressor is 500 KW.Negleting the
gravitational potential energy, determine the mass flow rate and the temperature of air at exit.
(May/June 2012)

29. Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.4 kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 6 m/s with a
pressure of 1 bar and a specific volume of 0.85 m3/kg and leaving at 4.5 m/s with a pressure of
6.9 bar and a specific volume of 0.16 m3/kg. The internal energy of air leaving is 88 kJ/kg
greater than that of the air entering. Cooling water in a jacket surrounding the cylinder absorbs
heat from the air at the rate of 59 W. Calculate the power required to drive the compressor and
the inlet and outlet cross- sectional area. (May/June 2012)

30. Define the following terms:

1) Thermodynamics
2) Macroscopic approach
3) Continuum (Nov/Dec 2012)

31. A gas of mass 1.5 kg undergoes a quasistatic expansion, which follows a relationship P =a+
bV, where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants. The initial and final pressures are 1000 kPa respectively and
the corresponding volumes are 0.2 m3and 1.2 m3.The specific internal energy of the gas is given
by the relation U= (1.5 PV – 85) kJ/kg,where P is in kPa and V is in m3 . Calculate the net heat
transfer and the maximum internal energy of the gas attained during expansion.
(Nov/Dec 2012)
32.Define enthalpy. How is related to internal energy? (Nov/Dec 2012)

33. A fluid is confined in a cylinder by a spring-loaded, frictionless piston so that the pressure in
thr fluid is a linear friction of the volume (p=a+bV).The internal energy of the fluid is given by
U=(34+3.15pV) where U is in kJ, p in kPa, 0.03 m3 to a final state of 400 kPa, 0.06 m3, with no
work other than that done on the piston, find the direction and magnitude of the work and heat
transfer. (Nov/Dec 2012)

34. A three process cycle operating with nitrogen as the working substance has constant
temperature compression at 34°C with initial pressure 100 kPa. Then the gas undergoes a
constant volume heating and then polytropic expansion with 1.35 as index of compression. The
isothermal compression requires -67 kJ/kg of work. Determine

i. P, v and T around the cycle

ii. Heat in and out
iii. Net work.
For nitrogen gas, Cv= 0.7431 kJ/kg-K. (May/June 2013)

35. i. Prove that energy is a property of a system.

ii.Enumerate and explain the limitations of first law of thermodynamics. (May/June 2013)

36.Determine the heat transfer and its direction for a system in which a perfect gas having
molecular weight of 6 is compressed from 101.3 kPa, 20 °C to a pressure of 600 kPa following
the law pv1.3=constant. Take specific heat at constant pressure of gas as 1.7 kJ/kgK.
(May/June 2014)
37. In a gas turbine installation air is heated inside heat exchanger up to 750 °C from ambient
temperature of 27 °C. Hot air then enters into gas turbine with the velocity of 50 m/s and leaves
at 600 °C. Air leaving turbine enters a nozzle at 60 m/s velocity and leaves nozzle at temperature
of 500 °C. For unit mass flow rate of air, determine the following assuming adiabatic expansion
in turbine and nozzle,
(i) heat transfer to air in heat exchanger
(ii)Power output from turbine
(iii)Velocity at exit of nozzle. Take Cp for air as 1.005 kJ/kgK. (May/June 2014)

38. A piston-cylinder assembly contains air at 200kPa and occupies a volume of 0.01m3. the
piston is attached to one end of a spring and the other end of the spring is fixed to a wall. The
force exerted by the spring from its natural length. The ambient atmospheric pressure is 100kPa.
Now, the air in the cylinder is heated till the volume is doubled and at this instant it is found that
the pressure of the air in the cyl8inder is 500kPa. Calculate the workdone by the gas.
(Nov/Dec 2015)
39. A mass of air is initially at 260°C and 700kpa and occupies 0.028m3. The air is expanded at
constant pressure to 0.084 m3. A polytropic process with n=1.5 is then carried out followed
by a constant temperature process. All the processes are reversible (i) sketch the cycle in PV
and TS planes (ii) find heat received and heat rejected in the cycle (iii) find the efficiency of
the cycle (May/June 2016)
40. A piston cylinder device contains 0.15kg of air initially at 2Mpa and 350C. the air is first
expanded isothermally to 500kPa then compressed polytropically with a polytropic exponent
of 1.2 to the initial pressure, and finally compressed at the constant pressure to the initial
state. Determine the boundary work for each process and the network of the cycle.
(Nov/Dec -2016)

Two marks with answers

1. State the Kelvin Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics?

(May/June’13 &May/June’14))
It states that it is impossible to construct a heat engine, working on cyclic process whose only
purpose is to convert all the heat energy given to it in a equal amount of work.

2. State the Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics?

It states that heat can flow from hot body to cold body without any external aid but heat can
flow from cold body to hot without any external aid.

3. State Carnot’s theorem and its corollaries. (May/June’14)

No heat engine operating in a cyclic process between two fixed temperatures can be more
efficient that a reversible engine operating between the same temperature limits.

4. What are the corollaries of Carnot theorems?

 All the reversible engines operating between the two given thermal reservoirs with
fixed temperatures have the same efficiency.
 The efficiency of any reversible heat engines operating between two reservoirs is
independent of the nature of the working fluid and depends only on the temperatures
of the reservoirs.

5. Define the PMM of second kind?

It draws heat continuously from single reservoir and converts it into equivalent amount of
work .thus it gives 100% efficiency.

6. What is the difference between a heat pump and refrigerator?

Heat pump is a device which operating in a cyclic process maintains the temperature of a hot
body at a temperature higher that the temperature of surrounding.

Refrigerator is a device which operating in a cyclic process, maintains the temperature of a cold
body a temperature lower than the temperature of the surrounding.

7. Define the term COP?

It is defined as the ratio of heat extracted or rejected to work input.
COP = Heat extracted or rejected / work input.
(COP)hp = Heat rejected / work input. = T2/T2-T1
(COP)ref = Heat extracted / work input.= T1/T2-T1

8. Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practice?

* In a Carnot cycle all the four processes are reversible but in actual practice there is no process
is reversible.
* There are two processes to be carried out during compression and expansion. For isothermal
process, the piston moves very slowly and for adiabatic process the piston moves as fast as
possible. This speed variation during the same stroke of the piston is not possible.
* It is not possible to avoid friction between moving parts completely.

9. What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle?

Carnot cycle consist of
 Reversible adiabatic compression.
 Reversible isothermal heat addition.
 Reversible adiabatic expansion.
 Reversible isothermal heat rejection.

10. When the Carnot cycle efficiency will be maximum?

Carnot cycle efficiency is maximum when the initial temperature is 0 K .

11. Define entropy.

Entropy is an index of unavailability or degradation of energy.

12. What do you mean by Clausius inequality?

It is impossible for a self acting machine working in a cyclic process unaided by any
external agency to convey heat from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher

13. Explain briefly Clausius inequality? (Nov/Dec 2015)

∫ dQ/T/≤0 is known as inequality of Clausius.

1. ∫ dQ/T=0, the cycle is reversible.

2. ∫ dQ/T<0, the cycle is irreversible and possible.

3. ∫ dQ/T>0, the cycle is impossible (violation of second law).

14. Explain the term Reversibility

If the process traces the same path during the process reversed is called as reversibility.

15. Define the term absolute entropy.

The change entropy of the system with respect to ambient conditions or any other standard
reference condition is known as absolute entropy.

16. Define Availability(Exergy). (May/June’13)

When a system is subjected to a process from its initial state to dead state the maximum
amount of useful work that can be obtained under ideal condition(without dissipative effects) is
called as a available energy or exergy or availability of the system.

17. What is loss of availability? How it is related to entropy of universe?

Loss of available energy = T0(∆S’-∆S)

The loss of available energy is due to irreversible heat transfer through finite temperature
difference between the reservoir and working fluid temperatures of the engine. Greater is the
temperature difference (T1-T’1) , greater is heat rejection Q’0 and greater will be the unavailable
part of the energy supplied.


1. Give the clausius statements of second law. (Nov/Dec 2007)

2. What is a thermal energy reservoir? (Nov/Dec 2007)

3. Establish the inequality of clausius. (Nov/Dec 2007)

4.A inventor claims to have developed an engine which receives 1000 KJ at a temperature of 160
C. it rejects heat at a temperature of 5 C and delivers 0.12 kWh of mechanical work. Is this a
valid claim? Justify your answer through clausius inequality.
(May/June 2008)

5. Derive Clausius in equality and mention the criteria for the reversibility of a cycle.
(May/June 2008)

6. A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 100 K and 300 K is used to drive the heat
pump which extracts heat from the reservoir at 300 K at rate twice that at which engine rejects
heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40 % of the maximum possible and the coefficient of
the performance of the heat pump is 50% of the maximum possible make calculations for the
temperature of the reservoir to which the heat pump rejects heat. Also work out the rate of heat
rejection from the heat pump if the rate of supply of heat to the engine is 50 kW.
(Nov/Dec 2006) (May/June 2016)
7. What are the conditions for reversibility? Explain. (May/June 2007)
8. Derive Clausius inequality and interpret it. (May/June 2007)

9. An heat exchanger circulates 5000 kg/hr of water to cool oil from 150 C to 50 C. The rate of
flow of oil is 2500 kg/hr. the average specific heat of oil is 2.5 KJ/kgK.The water enter the heat
exchanger at 21° C. determine the net change in the entropy due to heat exchange process, and
the amount of obtained if cooling of oil is done by using the heat to run a carnot engine with sink
temperature of 21°C. (May/June 2007)

10. An ideal gas of 0.12 m3 is allowed to expand isentropically from 300 kPa and 120° C to 100
kPa. 5 KJ of heat is then transferred to the gas at constant pressure. Calculate the change in
entropy for each process. Assume γ =1.4 and Cp = 1.0035 KJ/kgK. If these two processes are
replaced by a reversible polytropic expansion, find the index of expansion between original and
final states. What will be the total change in entropy?
(May/June 2007)

11. State and prove Carnot theorem. (May/June 2008)(Nov/Dec 2015)

12. An inventor claims to have developed an engine which receives 1000 KJ at a temperature of
160 °C.It rejects heat at a temperature of 5°C and delivers 0.12 kWh of mechanical work. Is this
a valid claim? Justify your answer through Clausius inequality. (May/June 2008)

13. A refrigerator operating between the two identical bodies cools one of the bodies to a
temperature T 2. Initially both the bodies are temperature T1. Deduce the expression for the
minimum specific work input, taking their specific heat as c. (May/June 2008)

14. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 820°C and 27° C. Engine drives
a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperatures of 27 °C and –15 °C
.The heat transfer to the engine is 2000 KJ and network available for the combined cycle is 300
KJ. (i) How much heat is transferred to the refrigerant and also determine the total heat rejected
to the reservoir at 27 °C. (ii)I f the efficiency of the heat engine and COP of the refrigerator are
each 40 % of their maximum possible values, determine the heat transfer to the refrigerator and
also heat rejected to the reservoir at 27 °C.
(May/June 2008)

15. Show that decrease in available energy when heat is transferred through a finite temperature
difference. (May/June 2008)

16.Deduce the efficiency of Carnot cycle in terms of temperature from its p-v diagram.
(Nov/Dec 2009)
17. Bring about the concept of entropy and importance of T-s diagram. (Nov/Dec 2009)

18. 5 kg of water at 303K is mixed with one kg of ice at 0°C. The system is open to atmosphere.
Find the temperature of the mixture and the change of entropy for both ice and water .assume Cp
of water as 4.18 kJ/kg-K and latent heat of ice as 334.5 kJ/kg. Comment on the principle based
on the principle of increase in entropy. (Nov/Dec 2009)
19. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 600 °C and 40 °C. Engine drives
a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperaturesof 40 °C and –20
°C.The heat transfer to the engine is 2000 KJ and network available for the combined cycle is
360 KJ. (i) How much heat is transferred to the refrigerant and the net heat transfer to the
reservoir at 40°C. (ii) Reconsider (i) given that the efficiency of the heat engine and the cop of
the refrigerator are each 40 % of their maximum possible values. (Nov/Dec 2009)

20. A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5°C and delivers
heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes heat
from reservoir at 840ºC and rejects heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The reversible heat engine also
drives a machine that absorbs 30 kW. If the heat pump extracts 17 KJ/s from the reservoir at 5°
C, determine
(i) The rate of heat supply from 840°C source, and
(ii) The rate of heat rejection to 60°C sink. (May/June -2010)

21. A heat engine operating between two reservoirs at 100 K and 300 K is used to drive heat
pump which extracts heat from the reservoir at 300 K at a rate twice that at which engine rejects
heat to it. If the efficiency of the engine is 40% of the maximum possible and the coefficient of
performance of the heat pump is 50% of the maximum possible, make calculations for the
temperature of the reservoir to which the heat pump rejects heat. Also work out the rate of heat
rejection from the heat pump if the rate of supply of heat to the engine is 50 kW.

22. One kg of air is contained in a piston cylinder assembly at 10 bar pressure and 500 K
temperature. The piston moves outwards and the air expands to 2 bar pressure and 350 K
temperature. Determine the maximum work obtainable. Assume the environmental conditions to
be at 1 bar and 290 K. also make calculations for the availability in the initial and final states.

23. Define the terms ‘Irreversible process’ and ‘Reversibleprocesses. Give an example an
example of each. (Nov/Dec-2012)

24. In a Carnot cycle the maximum pressure and temperature are limited to 18 bar and 410°C.
The volume ratio of isentropic compression is 6 and isothermal expansion is 1.5. Assume the
volume of the air at the beginning of isothermal expansion as 0.18 m3. Show the cycle on p-V
and T-s diagrams and determine

1. The pressure and temperature at main points

2. Thermal efficiency of the cycle (Nov/Dec 2012)

25.i) State and prove Clausius inequality .

ii) A metal block with m=5kg. c= 0.4 kJ/kg.K at 40°C is kept in a room at 20°C. it is
cooled in the following two ways:
(1) Using a Carnot engine (executing integral number of cycles) with the itself as the cold
(2) Naturally.
In each case, calculate the changes in entropy of the block, of the air of the room and of the
universe. Assume that the metal block has constant specific heat. (Nov/Dec 2012)

26. Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series. Engine A rejecting heat directly
to engine B, receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 421°C from a hot sources, while engine B is in
communication with a cold sink at a temperature of 4.4°C. If the work output of A is twice that
of B, find
(1) The intermediate temperature between A and B
(2) The efficiency of each engine and
(3) The heat rejected to the cold sink. (May/June 2012)

27.Derive an expression for the change in entropy of a perfect gas during polytrophic process in
terms of T1 and T2.

28. 2 kg of water at 90 °C is mixed with 3 kg of water at 10°C in an isolated system. Calculate

the change of entropy due to the mixing process. (May/June 2012)

29. Prove that increase in entropy in a polytropic process is Δs = mcv γ – n/nln (p1/p2)
(May/June 2013)

30. An irreversible heat engine with 66% efficiency of the maximum possible, is operating
between 1000 K and 300K. If the delivers 3 kw of work, determine the heat extracted from the
high temperature reservoir and heat rejected to low temperature reservoir. (May/June 2013)

31. Helium enters an actual turbine at 300 kPa, 300°C and expands to 100 kPa, 150°C .Heat
transfer to atmosphere at 101.325 kPa, 25°C amounts to 7 kJ/kg. Calculate the entering sream
availability, leaving steam availability and maximum work.For helium, cp = 5.2 kJ/kg and
molecular weight = 4.003 kg/kg-mol. (May/June 2013)

32. List out and explain various causes of irreversibility. (May/June 2013)

33. A reversible heat pump is used to maintain a temperature of 0°C in a refrigerator when it
rejects the heat to the surroundings at 25°C. If the heat removal rate from the refrigerator is 1440
kJ/min, determine the COP of the machine and work input required.
If the required input to run the pump is developed by a reversible engine which receives heat at
380 °C and rejects heat to atmosphere, then determine the overall COP of the system.
(May/June 2014)
34. 5 m3 of air at 2 bar, 27 °C is compressed up to 6 bar pressure following pv 1.3 = constant. It is
subsequently expanded adiabatically to 2 bar. Considering the two processes to be reversible,
determine the network, net heat transfer, and change in entropy. Also plot the processes on T-s
and P-V diagrams. (May/June 2014)

24. One kg of water at 273K is brought into contact with a heat reservoir at 373K. (i) When the
water has reached 373K, find the change in entropy of the water, of the heat reservoir, and of
the universe. (ii) If the water had been heated from 273K to 373K by first bringing it in
contact with a reservoir at 323K and then with a reservoir at 373K, what would have been the
change in entropy of the universe? (Nov/Dec 2015)
25. 50kg of water is at 313K and enough ice at -5°C is mixed in water an adiabatic vessel such
that at the end of the process all thwe ice melts and water 0°C is obtained. Find the mass of
ice required and the entropy change of water and ice. Given Cp of water = 4.2kJ/kgK, Cp of
ice = 2.1kJ/kgK and latent heat of ice 335kJ/kg. (May/June 2016)
26. How much of the 100kJ of thermal energy at 650K can be converted to useful work? Assume
the environment to be at 25°C. (Nov/Dec -2016)
27. An inverntor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from the
closed region at -12C and transfers it to surrounding air at 25C while maintaining a COP of
6.5. Is this claim reasonable? Why? (Nov/Dec -2016)


Two marks with answers

1. State the third law of thermodynamics?

The third law of thermodynamics states that:
The entropy of all homogeneous crystalline solid substances is zero at absolute zero temperature.

Mathematically, Lim S=0


2. Write expression for entropy change when an irreversible process goes a change of state
from p1v1T1 to P2V2T2.

∆S= m R ln (V2/V1) + m Cv ln (T2/T1)

3. What is critical state?

The state at which the liquid will be converted directly into gaseous state without coming
into two phase mixture is called critical state.

4. What is sensible heat?

Heat energy required to convert water at OͦC in saturated liquid is called enthalpy of
water (hf) or sensible heat at a given pressure.

5. What is latent heat?

The heat energy required to vaporize the saturated liquid into dry-saturated steam is
called latent heat of vaporization or enthalpy of evaporation (hfg) at a given pressure.

6. Define triple point and identify the triple point of water. (Nov/Dec 2015)
At a state, when solid liquid and gaseous state can co-exist is called the triple point .
Triple point of water is 0.01˚C and 611 N / m2.

7. Define dryness fraction.

The ratio of mass of dry-saturated steam (ms) in a given mass of wet steam (ms+mw) is
defined as dryness fraction and its usually denoted by x. Therefore ,

Dryness fraction, x= ms/(ms+mw)

8. What is super heated steam? Define degree of superheat and heat of superheat.
The gaseous form of steam due to conversion of dry-saturated steam by heat addition at constant
pressure is called superheated steam. The heat supplied is called heat of superheat.
If T sup is the temperature of superheated steam, then (T sup-Ts) is called degree of superheat.

9. Define the terms boiling point and melting point

Boiling point:It is the temperature at which the liquid starts to change state from liquid to vapour
Melting point:It is the temperature at which the solid starts to change its state from solid to

10. Define Rankine cycle ?

A Rankine cycle is an ideal cycle for steam power plants. It consists of a boiler, a steam turbine,
a condenser and a feed pump.

11. What is the effect of reheat on cycle efficiency ?

The effect of reheat cycle are:
 Improves condition of steam at exist of L.P. turbine. It reduced the tendency to blade
 Power output and thermal efficiency of plant increases.
 Reduces S.R. or steam consumption per kWh.
 The size and cost of plant increases.

12. What is the effect of regeneration on the cycle efficiency?

 It increases the thermal efficiency of the plant
 The temperature stresses in the boiler are reduced due to decreased range of working

13. Mention possible ways to increase the ideal efficiency of ranking cycle?
 Lowering the condenser pressure
 Superheated steam is supplied to the turbine.
 Increasing the boiler pressure to certain limit.
 Implementing reheat and regeneration in the cycle.
14. What the advantages are of reheat cycle?
 Marginal increase in thermal efficiency
 Increase in work done per kg of steam which results in reduced size of boiler and
auxiliaries for the same output.
 We can prevent the turbine from erosion.

15. What is the function of feed water heater in the regenerative cycle with bleeding?

 The main function of a feed water heater is to increase the temperature of feed water to
the saturation temperature corresponding to the boiler pressure before it enters into the

 The temperature of the bled steam is approximately halfway between the extreme
temperatures of the primary flow cycle.

16. What are the advantages of bleeding?

 It increases the thermodynamic efficiency as the heat of the bled steam is not lost in the
condenser but is utilized in feed heating
 By bleeding, the volume flow at the low-pressure end is considerably reduced, this
reduces the design difficulties of blades, and also condenser size is reduced.

17. What are the disadvantages of bleeding?

Cost of the plant increases and the work done per kg of steam is reduced which results in higher
boiler capacity for given output.

18. Why is the Carnot cycle not a realistic model for steam power plants?

Carnot cycle is not practicable or a realistic model for steam power plants for the following
 Exact condensation of steam cannot be controlled in the condenser.
 Net work output is very small though its efficiency is high. Its work ration is very small.

19. Draw a p-T diagram for a pure substance. (May/June’14)

20. A vessel of 2m3 contains a wet steam of quality 0.8 at 210°C. Determine the mass of the
liquid and vapour present in the vessel. (Nov/Dec 2015)
21. Is ice water a pure substance? Why? (Nov/Dec -2016)

1. Steam at a pressure of 2.5 Mpa and 500ºC in a steam turbine to a condenser pressure of 0.05
Mpa. Determine for Rankine cycle: (i) The thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle (ii) Specific
steam consumption. If the steam pressure is reduced to 1Mpa and the temperature is kept same
500ºC. Determine the thermal efficiency and the specific steam consumption .Neglect feed
pump. (May/June 2006)

2. One kg of steam initially dry saturated at 1.1 Mpa and expands in a cylinder following the law
PV 1.13 = C . The pressure at the end of expansion is 0.1 Mpa. Determine(i) The initial volume
(ii) Final dryness fraction (iii) work done (iv) The change in internal energy (v) The heat
transferred. (May/June 2006)

3. Draw p-T diagram and label various phases and transitions. Explain the process of isobaric
heating above triple point pressure with the help of p-T diagram. (May/June 2007)
4. 2 kg of water at 200 C are contained in a 20 m3vessel. Determine the pressure, enthalpy, mass
and volume of vapour with in the vessel. (May/June 2007)

5.Determine Rankine cycle , the steam enters the turbine at 30 bar and 500°C.After expansion to
5 bar , the steam is reheated to 500°C and then expanded to the condenser pressure of 0.1 bar.
Determine the cycle thermal efficiency, mass flow rate of steam. Take power output as 100 MW.
(May/June 2007)

6. A Cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet of 633 K
and an exhaust pressure of 8 kPa. After isentropic expansion of steam in the turbine, the moisture
content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%. Determine the greatest allowable steam
pressure at the turbine inlet, and calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency for these steam
conditions. Estimate also the mean temperature of heat addition. (May/June 2007)

7. In a reheat steam cycle, the maximum steam temperature is limited to 773 K.The condenser
pressure is 10 kPa and the quality at turbine exhaust is 0.8778. Had there has been no reheat, the
exhaust quality would have been 0.7592. Assuming ideal processes, determine (i) reheat pressure
(ii) boiler pressure (iii) the cycle efficiency (iv) the steam rate. (May/June 2007)

8. Draw p-V-T surface for any substance that contracts on freezing and get p-T plot out of them.
(May/June 2008)

9.3 kg of steam at 18 bar occupy a volume of 0.2550 m3.During a constant volume process, the
heat rejected is 1320 kJ.Determine final internal energy. Find dryness fraction and pressure,
change in entropy and work done. (May/June 2008)

10. Briefly explain the process of super heated steam formation with the help of T-S diagram.
(May/June 2008)

11. A steam power plant runs on a single regenerative heating process. The steam enters the
turbine at 30 bar and 400ºC and steam fraction is withdrawn at 5 bar. The remaining steam
exhausts at 0.10 bar to the condenser. Calculate the efficiency, steam fraction and steam rate of
the power plant. Neglect the pump work. (May/June 2008)
12. In a Rankine cycle , the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a pressure of 30 bar and the
exhaust pressure is 0.25 bar. Determine (i) The pump work (ii)Turbine power (iii) The rankine
cycle efficiency (iv)The condenser heat flow (v) The dryness at the end of expansion. Assume
flow rate of 10 kg/s. (May/June 2008)

13. Why Carnot cycle not practicable for a steam power plant? (Nov/Dec 2009)

14. In a Steam power plant the condition of steam at inlet to the steam turbine is 20 bar and
300ºC and the condenser inlet pressure is 0.1 bar. Two feed heaters operate at optimum
temperatures. Determine (i) The quality of steam at turbine exhaust, (ii) network per kg of steam,
(iii) cycle efficiency, and (iv) the steam rate. Neglect pump work. (Nov/Dec 2009)

15. Steam at a pressure of 15 bar and 250ºC expands according to the law PV1.25 = C to a
pressure of 1.5 bar. Evaluate the final conditions, work done, heat transfer and change in entropy.
The mass of the system is 0.8 kg. (Nov/Dec 2009)

16. With the help of T-s chart explain the regenerative cycle. (Nov/Dec 2009)

17. A steam turbine operating on the rankine cycle receives steam from the boiler at 3.5 MN/m2
and 350 C and exhaust to the condenser at 10 KN/m2. The condensate is then returned to the
boiler by the feed pump. Determine the following considering pump work also.
(i) The energy supplied in the steam generator (ii) The dryness fraction of the steam entering the
condenser (iii) The Rankine efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2008)

18. Steam at a pressure of 15 bar and 250 C is expanded through a turbine at first to a pressure of
4 bar . It is then reheated at constant pressure to the initial temperature of 250 C and is finally
expanded to 0.1 bar. Estimate the work done per kg of steam flowing through the turbine, and the
efficiency. Compare these values when there is a single expansion from 15 bar to 0.1 bar without
any reheat .Assume all expansion processes to be isentropic and neglect the pump work.
(Nov/Dec 2008)

19. What is dryness fraction and degree of super heat? (Nov/Dec 2009)

20. Wet steam of 0.5 Mpa and 95% dry occupies 500 liters of volume. What is its internal
energy? If this steam is heated in a closed rigid vessel till the pressure becomes 1 Mpa, find the
heat added. (Nov/Dec 2009)

21. In a reheat cycle, the initial steam pressure and the maximum temperature are 150 bar and
550 C resp. If the condenser pressure is 0.1 bar and the moisture at the condenser inlet is 5 % and
assuming ideal processes, determine (i) the reheat pressure, (ii) the cycle efficiency and (iii) the
steam rate. (Nov/Dec 2009)

22. A large insulated vessel is divided into two chambers, one containing 5 kg of dry saturated
steam at 0.2 Mpa and the other 10 kg of steam 0.8 quality at 0.5 Mpa. If the partition between the
chambers is removed and the steam is mixes thoroughly and allowed to settle, find the final
pressure, steam quality and entropy change in the Process. (Nov/Dec 2009) (May/June 2016)

23. Consider a steam power plant that operates on a reheat rankine cycle and has a net power
output of 80 MW. Steam enters the high pressure turbine at 100 Mpa and 500°C and the low
pressure turbine at 1 Mpa and 500°C. Steam leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at a
pressure of 10 KPa. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 80 %, and that of the pump is 95
%. Show the cycle on T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine (i) the quality
of steam at the turbine exit (ii) the thermal efficiency (iii) the mass flow rate of the steam.
(Nov/Dec 2009)

24. A heat pump working on the carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5°C delivers heat
to a reservoir at 60°C. the heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes heat from
the reservoir at 840°C and rejects heat to a reservoir at 60°C. the reversible heat engine also
drives a machine that absorbs 30 KW.If the heat pump extracts 17 KJ /s from the reservoir at 5°C
.Determine (i) the rate of heat supply from 840°C, and (ii) the rate of heat rejection to 60°C sink.
(May/June 2010)

25.Explain the phase transformation that takes place when ice (solid) is heated continuously till
super heated steam is obtained. Name the different states involved. Sketch the transformation on
a ‘temperature’ vs ‘heat added’ diagram. (Nov/Dec 2012)

26. A vessel volume 0.04 m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at a
temperature of 250°C. The mass of the liquid present is 9kg. Find the pressure, mass, the,
specific volume, the enthalpy, the entropy and the internal energy. (Nov/Dec 2012)

27.Define specific steam consumption, specific heat rate and work ratio. (Nov/Dec 2012)

28. Steam enters the turbine at 3MPa and 400°C and is condensed at 10 kPa. Some quantity of
steam leaves the turbine at 0.6 MPa and enters the feed water heater. Compute the fraction of the
steam extracted per kg of steam and cycle thermal efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2012)

29. Define the following terms pertaining to pure substance like water:

1) Sensible heating
2) Latent heating
3) Saturation states
4) Saturation pressure
5) Saturation temperature
6) Triple point
7) Dryness fraction
8) Super heated steam and Degree of super heat. (May/June 2012)

30. In a steam generator compressed liquid water at 10 MPa, 30°C enters a 30 mm diameter tube
at the rate of 3 litres/s. Steam at 9 MPa, 400°C exits the tube. Find the rate of heat transfer to the
water. (May/June 2012)
31. Steam at 20 bar, 360°C is expanded in a steam turbine to 0.08 bar. It then enters a condenser,
where it is condensed to saturated liquid water. The pump feeds back the water in to the boiler.
(1) Assuming ideal process find the net-work and the cycle efficiency per kg of

(2) If the pump and the turbine have 80% efficiency, find the percentage reduction in the
net-work and cycle efficiency. (May/June 2012)

32. Steam at 30 bar and 350° C is expanded in a non flow isothermal process to a pressure of 1
bar. The temperature and pressure of the surroundings are 25° C and 100 kPa respectively.
Determine the maximum work that can be obtained from this process per kg of steam. Also find
the maximum useful work. (May/June 2013)

33.With the aid of T – v diagram explain various phases of conversion of ice at -20°C to steam at
125° C. (May/June 2013)

34. With the help of a schematic diagram, explain the regenerative Rankine cycle and derive the
expression for its efficiency. Also represent the process in p-v and T-s diagram.
(May/June 2013)
35. Steam at 50 bar, 400°C expands in a Rankine cycle to 0.34 bar.For a mass flow rate of 150
kg/sec of steam, determine
(1) Power developed
(2) Thermal efficiency
(3) Specific steam consumption. (May/June 2013)
36.A vessel having a capacity of 0.05 m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated
steam at a temperature of 245°C. The mass of the liquid present is 10 kg. Find the following
(i) The Pressure
(ii) The mass
(iii) The specific volume
(iv) The specific enthalpy
(v) The specific entropy
(vi)The specific internal energy (May/June 2014)(Nov/Dec 2015)

37. A steam power plant operates on a theoretical reheat cycle. Steam at boiler at 150 bar,
550°C expands through the high pressure turbine. It is reheated at a constant pressure of 40 bar
to 550°C and expands through the low pressure turbine to a condenser at 0.1 bar. Draw T-s and
h-s diagrams. Find (i) Quality of steam at turbine exhaust (ii) cycle efficiency (iii) steam rate in
kg/kWh. (May/June 2014)

38.Draw the p-V,T-S,h-S diagrams and theoretical layout for Rankine cycle and hence deduce
the expression for its efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2015)

39. In a steam power plant the condition of steam at inlet to the steam turbine is 20bar and 300°C
and condenser pressure is 0.1 bar. Two feed water heaters operate at optimum temperatures.
Determine the quality of steam at turbine exhaust, network per kg of steam, cycle efficiency and
the steam rate. Neglect pump work. (May/June 2016)
40. A steam boiler initially contains 5m3 of steam and 5m3 of water at 1 Mpa. Steam is taken out
at constant pressure until 4m3 of water is left. What is the heat transferred during the process?
(Nov/Dec -2016)



1. What is an equation of state? (Nov/Dec 2015)

pV = nR0T
It is called the equation of state for ideal gases.
It shows the relation between p,V,T and number of moles of a gas.

2. What is the fundamental property of gases with respect to the product of p.v?

In pV=mRT the fundamental property of the gas is temperature T and its characteristic gas
constant and the mass.

3. Define ideal gases

The behavior of real gases at ideal state which suggests the concept of an hypothetical gas is
called an ideal gas or perfect gas which behaves in an ideal manner at all pressures.

4. What is the significance of compressibilityfactor?

For a perfect gas the equation of state is defined by the equation p-v=RT, However in case of
real gases, a correction factor has to applied to perfect gas equation to take into account the
deviation of real gases. This factor is known as compressibility factor, Z, it is defined by the
It is observed that the real gases at the same reduced pressure and reduced temperature are found
to have the same value of compressibility factor.
5. Write down the Vander values Waals equation of state. How does it differ from the ideal
gas equation of state?

Following the deviations which have to be considered for modifying the perfect gas equation:

 There exists the intermolecular forces between the molecules in real gases due to which
the actual pressure exerted by the gas is (p+a/v2). In this expression, (a/v2) represents the
intermolecular force where ‘a’ is a constant.
By considering the above effects, the gas equation can be modified as :

The above equation is called Vander Waal’s gas equation as applied to real gases after his name.
 In a real gas the volume occupied by the molecules is not negligible. Therefore, the
actual occupied by the gas is (v-b) where ‘b’ represents the volume of gas molecules.

6. What are the difference between real and ideal gases?

 The real gases follow the gas laws at low pressures and high temperatures only. However
the behaviors of real gases at high pressure or at low temperatures or both are different
for different gases.
 An ideal gas is similar to perfect gas since both follow the ideal gas equation p-v=RT but,
the difference between the two being that the specific heats of an ideal gas varies with the
temperature while the specific heat of a perfect gas is assumed to be constant with

7. State Avogadro’s law

Avogadro’s law states, “equal volumes of different perfect gases at the same temperature
and pressure , contain equal number of molecules”.

8. State Dalton’s law of partial pressure (Nov/Dec 2015) (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec -2016)

Dalton’s law of partial pressure states “ The total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal
to the sum of the partial pressures exerted by individual gases if each one of them occupied
separately in the total volume of the mixture of mixture temperature”.
P=p1+ p2+p3…….pk

9. What are Maxwell’s relations?

( s= - ( v

( s =- ( p

( v =- ( T
( p= - ( T
These are known as Maxwell relations.

10. Define joule-Thomson co-efficient.

Joule-Thomson co-efficient is defined as the change in temperature with change in
pressure, keeping the enthalpy remains constant. It is denoted by the

μ= ( h

11. What is compressibility factor?

We know that, the perfect gas equation is PV=RT. But for real gas, a correction factor
has to be introduced in the perfect gas equation to take into account the deviation of real gas
from the perfect gas equation. This factor is known as compressibility factor (Z) and is defined
by Z= PV /RT.

12. What is Joule-Thomson coefficient? (May/June’13) (May/June 2016)

Joule-Thomson coefficient is defined as the change in temperature with change in
pressure, keeping the enthalpy remains constant. It is denoted by

μ= ( h=1/Cp[T ( p-v]

we know that the equation of state as


Differentiating the above equation of state with respect to T by keeping pressure, p constant.
( p=R/p=v/T

μ= 1/Cp[T.v/T-v]


13. What is Clausius Clapeyron equation? (Nov/Dec 2015)

Clapeyron equation which involves relationship between the saturation pressure,
saturation temperature, the enthalpy of evaporation and the specific volume of the two phases

14. State Tds equations. (Nov/Dec -2016)

Tds equations are

Tds= CpdT-T( p dp
Tds=CvdT+T( r dv

15. State Helmholtz function?

Helmholtz function is property of a system and is given by subtracting the product of
absolute temperature (T) and entropy (s) from the internal energy u.
(i.e.) Helmholtz function = u-Ts

16. State Gibbs function?

Gibbs function is property of a system and is given by

G=u-Ts [h=u+pv]
T- temperature
S- entropy

17. What are the assumptions made to derive ideal gas equation analytically using the
kinetic theory of gases (May/June’14)

18. Using Clausius Claperyon’s equation, estimate the enthalpy of vaporization at 200 °C:
vg = 0.1274 m3/kg : vf = 0.001157 m3/kg dp/dT = 32 kPa/K. (May/June’14)


1. Derive Tds equation when (i) T and V independent (ii) T and P a independent
(iii) P and V independent. (Nov/Dec 2006)

2. Explain and derive the (i) Joule Thomson coefficient (ii) Clausius clayperon equation.
(Nov/Dec 2006) (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec -2016)

3. Deduce Maxwell relations. (May/June 2007)

4. Explain the Joule Thomson coefficient with the help of T-p diagram and derive the expression
for joule Thomson coefficient. Show that the value of this coefficient for an ideal gas is zero.
(May/June 2007)

5. What are the differences between real and ideal gases? (May/June 2007)

6. Write down the vanderwall’s equation of state for real gases and how it is obtained from ideal
gas equation by incorporating real gas corrections? (May/June 2007)

7. A certain gas Cp =0.913 and Cv =0.653 KJ/kg k.find the molecular weight and the specific gas
constant R of the gas. (Nov/Dec 2007)

8. Deduce the clausius- clayepron equation. (Nov/Dec 2007)

9.Derive Maxwell’s equations. (Nov/Dec 2007)

10.Prove Tds =Cv dT + T (dp /dt)v dV . (Nov/Dec 2007)

11. Derive Tds relations in terms of temperature & pressure changes and temperature and
volume changes. (May/June 2008)

12.Desribe Joule Kelvin effect with the help of T-p Diagram. (May/June 2008)

13. Write a short note on Generalized compressibility chart. (Nov/Dec 2008)

14. Derive van derwall’s equation in terms of reduced parameters. (Nov/Dec -2008)

15. Derive Tds equations taking Temperature, volume and temperature, pressure as independent
properties. (Nov/Dec -2008)

16. State the equation of state for Vander wall’s gas and explain the importance of each term
.Also bring out the limitations of the equation. (Nov/Dec -2009)

17. What is compressibility factor? Explain its significance. (Nov/Dec -2009)

18. Deduce the expression for the joule Thomson coefficient and hence plot the variation of
temperature with pressure for various enthalpies, marking all zones and boundaries.
(Nov/Dec -2009)
19. Derive Maxwell’s equations. (May/June -2009)

20. Explain how real gases deviate from an ideal gas behavior. (May/June -2010)

21. Why does isothermal compression need minimum work and adiabatic compression need
maximum work? (May/June -2010)

29. Derive the clayperon equation. (May/June -2010) (May/June 2016)

30. Explain the physical significance of the compressibility factor Z. (Nov/Dec -2012)

31. Derive Tds equation talking T and V as independent variables. (Nov/Dec -2012)

32. Show that for a gas that obeys the law p(V - b) = RT, a Joule- Thomson expansion from
pressure P1 to P2 produce a temperature change which can be found from the solution of P 1- P2
= Cp / b ( T1- T2 ). (Nov/Dec-2012)
33. One kg of ideal gas is heated from 50° C to 150° C. If R= 280 kJ/kg.K and γ = 1.32 for the
gas, determine
(1) Cp and Cv,
(2) Change in internal energy,
(3) Change in flow energy. (May/June -2012)

34. Based on maxwell’s relations, prove that for any fluid,

dS = Cv (dT/t) + (δp/δT)v dV. (May/June -2012)
35.A mixture of 3 moles of helium, 4 moles of neon and 5 moles of argon is at 1 bar and 300°K .
(1) volume,
(2) mole fraction and partial pressure of gasses and
(3) change of entropy due to mixing. (May/June -2012)
36.Derive clausius – claperyrons equation. What assumptions are made in this equation?
(Nov/Dec -2016)

37. Consider an ideal gas at 303 K and 0.86 m3/kg. As a result of some disturbance the state of
the gas change to 304 K and 0.87 m3/kg. Estimate the change in pressure of the gas as the result
of this disturbance. (May/June -2013)
38.From the basic principle’s prove the following
Cp - Cv = -T (δv/δT)p 2 (δp/δv)T.

39. Verify the validity of maxwell’s relations, =(δs/δp)T-(δv/δT)p.steam at 300°C and 500 kPa.
(May/June -2013)
40. Derive the Maxwell relations and explain their importance in thermodynamics.
(May/June 2014)

41. Derive the entropy equations. (Tds equations) (Nov/Dec -2015)

42. A vessel of volume 0.3m contains 15 kg of air at 303K. determine the pressure exerted by the air
using 1. Perfect gas equation, 2. Vanderwaals equation, 3. Generalised compressibility chart. Take critical
temperature of air is 132.8K ,critical pressure of air is 37.7 bar and Z = 0.99 (May/June 2016)
43. Write Berthelot and Dieterici equations of state. (Nov/Dec -2016)


Two marks with answers:

1. What is meant by adiabatic mixing?

 Various gases can be mixed in an insulated vessel either at the same pressure and
temperature or gases having pressures and temperatures.
 During this process the net work transfers and heat transfers (insulated system) are
both zero between the system and surroundings.

2. Explain mole fraction and mass fraction

Mole fraction:
We define mole fraction, xi of a constituent as the ration of number of moles of a
constituent to the total number of moles of all the constituents. Accordingly,
xi= ni/ = ni/n
Mass fraction:
Mass fraction, yi = Mass of constituent gas, mi/ Mass of mixture, m= ∑mi
3. State the Gibbs-Daltons law
Gibbs Daltons law states that “ the internal energy, enthalpy and entropy of mixture of gases are
equal to algebraic sum of internal energies, enthalpies and entropies of individual gases when the
occupy the same volume and temperature of mixture of gases.

4. State Amagat’s law

The Amagat’s law states that “the total volume occupied by a mixture of gases is equal to the
sum of values which could be occupied by each of the constituent when they are at the same
pressure and temperature as that of the mixture”.

5. Define dew point temperature (DTP)(tdp)? (Nov/Dec -2016)

It represents the temperature at which condensation of mixture starts when the air is cooled
continuously. It equals to saturation temperature of water vapour corresponding to its partial
pressure as determined from steam tables.

6. What is relative humidity (RH)?

It is defined as the ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a certain volume of moist air at a given
temperature to the mass of water vapour in the same volume of saturated air at the same

7. What are sensible heat loads and latent heat loads?

Sensible heat loads are those heat loads which affect the sensible heat of the room i.e the DBT
without affecting the moisture content.
Latent heat load are those heat loads which changes the moisture content of air in the room
without change in its DBT.

8. Define psychrometry?
The science deals with the properties of mixture of dry air and water vapour is called

9. What is specific humidity?

It is defined as mass of water vapour per unit mass of dry air in the moist air. it is denoted by

10. What do you understand by dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature?
 Dry bulb temperature is measured by a normal thermometer.
 Wet bulb temperature is the temperature at which air is bought to saturated condition
adiabatically by evaporating in flowing air.

11. What do you understand by humidification and dehumidification?

The addition of water vapour to the air is called humidification and removal of water vapour
from air is called dehumidification.
12. Define sensible heat factor?

Sensible heat factor =

13. What is bypass factor (BF)?

It is the ratio of air which is unaffected by the coil to the total air quantity passing over the coil.
Eg. In process of cooling and dehumidification the B.F is,
B.F =
Where t2 is the actual temperature attained
t1the temperature of air to be cooled.

14. Define DPT and degree of saturation?

DPT is dew point temperature is the temperature to which moist air is to be cooled before it starts
Degree of saturation is the ratio of specific humidity of moist air to the specific humidity of
saturated air at temperature.

15. List down the psychrometric processes?

 Sensible heating processes
 Sensible cooling processes
 Humidification processes
 Dehumidification processes
 Heating and Humidification processes
 Cooling and Dehumidification processes
 Adiabatic mixing air stream process
 Evaporative process.

16. What factors affect by pass factor?

 Pitch of fins
 Number of coil tubes Air velocity over the coil
 Direction of air flow.

17. Where are the dry bulb and dew point temperatures identical/
Both dry bulb and dew point temperatures are identical for saturated air.

18. What is the difference between dry air and atmospheric air?
Dry air consists of air without water vapour and atmospheric air consists of both dry and water
vapour air.

19. When do the DPT, DBT and WBT become equal?

For saturated air, the dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperature are all same.

2. Define adiabatic saturation temperature. (May/June’14)

3. What is By-pass factor? (May/June’14)

It is defined as the ratio of difference between mean surface or coil temperature and outlet
temperature to the difference between mean surface or coil temperature and inlet temperature.

22. Define Degree of saturation. (Nov/Dec -2015)

It is the ratio of specific humidity of air to the specific humidity of saturated air.

1.A tank contains 0.2 m3 of gas mixture composed of 4 kg of nitrogen, 1 kg of oxygen and 0.5 kg of
carbon di-oxide. If the temperature is 20 C, determine the total pressure, gas constant and molar mass of
the mixture. (May/June 2007)

2. Prove that the total pressure is a sum of partial pressures. (May/June 2008)

3. A closed vessel has a capacity of 0.5 contains 20 % nitrogen and 20 % oxygen 60 %
carbon di oxide by volume at 20 C and 1 Mpa . Calculate the molecular mass, gas constant, mass
percentages and the mass of the mixture. (May/June 2008)
4.A mixture of Ideal gases consists of 2.5 kg of nitrogen and 4.5 kg of carbon di oxide at a
pressure of 4 bar and a temperature of 25 C. Determine: (i) Mole fraction of each constituent,
and (ii) Equivalent molecular weight of the mixture, 9iii) Equivalent gas constant of the mixture,
(iv) The partial pressure and partial volumes, (v) The volume and density of the mixture.
(Nov/Dec -2008)
5.A gas mixture consists of 12 kg of methane, 5 kg of nitrogen and 3 kg of oxygen. Determine
the molecular mass and gas constant of the mixture .If the total pressure is 100 kPa, calculate
their partial pressures. (Nov/Dec -2009)

6.Two vessel, A and B, both containing nitrogen, are connected by a valve which is opened to allow the
contents to mix and achieve an equilibrium temperature of 27°C. Before mixing the following
information is known about the gases in two vessels.

Vessel -A Vessel –B
7.Calculate the final
P= 1.5 Mpa P = 0.6 Mpa
t = 50 C t = 20 C
Contents = 0.5 kg mol contents = 2.5 kg mol
equilibrium process, and the amount of heat transferred to the surroundings. If the vessel had been
perfectly insulated, calculate the final temperature and pressure which would have been reached. Take γ =
1.4. (May/June -2009)
8.A certain quantity of air initially at a pressure of 8 bar and 280 C has a volume of 0.035 m3 .it
undergoes a cycle consisting of the following processes: (i) Expands at constant pressure to 0.1
m3 (ii)Follows polytropic process with n = 1.4 and (iii) A constant temperature process which
completes the cycle. Evaluate the heat received and rejected in the cycle and the cycle efficiency.

9.A mixture of 2 kg of oxygen and 2 kg of Argon is in an insulated piston cylinder arrangement

at 100 kPa, 300 K. The piston compressed the mixture to half its initial volume. Find the final
pressure, temperature and piston work. Molecular weight of oxygen is 1.39 and for Argon is
1.667. (May/June -2010)
10.An insulated rigid tank is divided into two compartments by a partition. One compartments
contains 7 kg of oxygen gas at 40° C and 100 kPa and the other compartment contains 4 kg of
nitrogen gas at 20° C and 150 kPa. Cv, N2 = 0.743 kJ/kg.K and Cv, O2 = 0.658 kJ/kg.K . If the
partition is removed and the two gases are allowed to mix, Determine
(1) The mixture Temperature and
(2) The mixture pressure after equilibrium has been established. (Nov/Dec -2012)
11.Assume that the gasses are different and the ratio of specific heat ‘γ’ is the same for both gases and
remains constant. (May/June -2012)

12.Two moles of an ideal gas at temperature ‘T’ and pressure ‘P’ are contained in a
compartment. An adjacent compartment contain one mole of an ideal gas at temperature ‘2T ‘
and pressure ‘P’.The gasses mix adiabatically but do not react chemically when a partition
separting the component is withdrawn and the temperature of the mixture is (4/3)T. Show that
the entropy increase due to the mixing process is given by
R{ln (27/4) + (γ/γ-1) ln(32/27)}

13.The pressure and temperature of mixture of 4 kg of O2 and 6 kg of N2 are 4 bar and 27 °C

respectively. For the mixture determine the following:
(i) The mole fraction of each component
(ii) The average molecular weight
(iii) The specific gas constant
(iv) The volume and density
(v) The partial pressures and partial volume. (May/June 2014)

14. Air at 20 C, 40 % RH is mixed adiabatically with air at 40 C, 40 % RH in the ratio of 1 kg of

the former with 2 kg of the latter. Find the final condition of air. Draw the process in chart also
as diagram. . (Nov/Dec -2006)

15. A sample of moist air at 1 atm and 25 C has a moisture content of 0.01 % by volume.
Determine the humidity ratio, the partial pressure of water vapour, the degree of saturation, the
relative humidity and the dew point temperature. . (May/June 2007)

16. Desribe the process of adiabatic mixing of two streams and deduce the ratio of masses of two
streams in terms of humidity and or the enthalpy. (May/June -2007)

17. In a laboratory test, a sling psychrometer recorded by dry bulb and wet bulb temperature as
303 K and 298 K. calculate the (i) vapour pressure (iii)relative humidity (iii) specific humidity
(iv) degree of saturation (v) enthalpy of the mixture. (May/June -2007)
18. Show the following processes on a skeleton psychometric chart (i) dehumidification and
cooling (ii) heating and humidification. (May/June -2007)

19.1 kg of air at 313 K dry bulb temperature and 50 % RH is mixed with 2 kg of air at 293 K dry
bulb temperature and 293 K dew point temperature .calculate the temperature and specific
humidity of the mixture. (May/June -2007)

20. Describe the adiabatic cooling process and deduce the expression for its enthalpy.
(May/June -2008)

21. Air at 20 C, 40 % RH is mixed adiabatically with air at 40 C, 40 % RH in the ratio of 1 kg of

the former with 2 kg of the latter. Find the final condition of air. (May/June -2008)

22.Atmospheric air at 1.0132 bar has 20°C DBT AND 65% rh. Find thr humidity ratio, wet bulb
temperature, dew point temperature, degree of saturation, enthalphy of the mixture, density of air
and, density of vapour in the mixture. (Nov/Dec -2012)

23.Atmospheric air at 38°C and 25% relative humidity passes through an evaporative cooler. If
the final temperature of air is 18°C, how much water is added per kg of dry air and what is the
final relative humidity? (Nov/Dec -2012)

24. Show the process of adiabatic mixing on a sketch of skeleton psychrometric chart and
explain the process. (Nov/Dec -2012) (Nov/Dec -2016)

25. The moist air is at 45°C dry bulb temperature and 30°C wet bulb temperature. Calculate
(i) Vapour pressure
(ii) Dew point temperature
(iii) Specific enthalpy
(iv) Relative Humidity
(v) Degree of saturation
(vi) Vapour density
(vii) Enthalpy of mixture (May/June -2012) (Nov/Dec -2016)

26. Explain the process of cooling with dehumidification of air, with the help of sketches of
schematic of air duct with the elements involved as well as the representation on psychrometric
chart. (May/June -2012)

27.An air-water vapour mixture at 20°C and 50% relative humidity at a pressure of 1.013 bar is
heated at constant pressure to a temperature of 35°C. Calculate

(1) The initial and final specific humidity

(2) Final relative humidity

(3) Dew point temperature

(4) Heat transferred per kg of dry air (May/June -2012)

28. Derive the sensible heat factor for cooling and dehumidification process. Also explain the
process. (May/June -2013)

29. One kg of air at 40°C dry bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity is mixed with 2kg of
air at 20°C dry bulb temperature and 20°C dew point temperature. Calculate the temperature and
specific humidity of the mixture.

30. Prove that specific humidity of air is w=0.622 pv/( pb- pv). (May/June -2013)

31. With the aid of model psychrometric chart explain the following processes.

(1) Adiabatic mixing

(2) Evaporative cooling. (May/June -2013)

32. An air water vapour mixture enters an air conditioning unit at a pressure of 1 bar, 38 °C DBT
and a relative humidity of 75 %. The mass of dry air entering is 1 kg/s. the air vaporu mixture
leaves the air conditioning unit at 1 bar, 18 °C, 85 % relative humidity. The moisture condensed
leaves at 18 °C. Determine the heat transfer rate for process. (May/June -2014)

33. It is required to design an air conditioning system for an industrial process for the following
hot and wet summer conditions.

Outdoor condions 32 °C DBT and 65 % RH

Required air inlet conditions 25 °C DBT and 60 % RH

Amount of free air circulated 250 m3/min

Coil dew temperature 13 °C

The required condion is achieved by first cooling and dehumidifying and then by heating.
Calculate the following (solve this problem with the use of psychrometric chart)

(i) The cooling capacity of the cooling coil and its by-pass factor
(ii) Heating capacity of the heating coil in kW and surface temperature of the heating coil if the
by-pass factor is 0.3
(iii) The mass of water vapour removed per hour. (May/June -2014)
34. In an engine cylinder a gas has a volumetric analysis of 13% CO2, 12.5% O2 and 74.5% N2
The temperature at the beginning of expansion is 950°C and the gas mixture expands
reversibly through a volume ratio of 8:1, according to the law pv1.2= constant.Calculate per
kg of gas : 1. Workdone, 2. The heat flow, 3. Change of entropy per kg of mixture.
The values of Cp for the constituents CO2, O2 andN2 are 1.235 kJ/kgK,1.088kJ/kgK and 1.172
kJ/kgK respectively. (Nov/Dec -2015)

35. A rigid tank of 5m3 contains gas mixture comprising 3kg of O2 4kg of N2 and 5kg of CO2
at 290K. calculate the molar specific volume initial pressure of gas. If it is heated to 350K,
calculate the heat transfer and change in enthalpy. Also verify the Gibbs theorem for
entropy. (May/June 2016)

36. A rigig tank that contains 2kg of N2 at 25C and 550kPa is connected to another rigid tank
that contains 4kg of O2 at 25C and 150kPa. The valve connecting the two tanks is opened,
and the two gases are allowed to mix. If thefinal mixture temperature is 25C, determine the
volume of each tank and the final mixture pressure. (Nov/Dec -2016)

37. It is required to design an air conditioning system for an industrial process for the
following hot and wet summer conditions.

Outdoor condions 14 °C DBT and 10C WBT

Required air inlet conditions 20 °C DBT and 60 % RH

Amount of free air circulated 0.3 m3/min/person

Seating capacity 60

The required condion is achieved by first by heating and then by adiabatic humidifying.
Calculate the following

(i) The capacity of the humidifier.

(ii) Heating capacity of the heating coil in kW and surface temperature of the heating coil if the
by-pass factor is 0.4 (Nov/Dec -2016)

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