Gas Turbine Power Plant

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Gas Turbine Power Plant

1. Name the different elements of a gas turbine power plant and briefly write about them.


The high flow rates of turbines and relatively moderate pressure ratios necessitate the use of
rotary compressors. The types of compressors, which are commonly used, are of two types,
centrifugal and axial flow types.

The centrifugal compressor consists of an impeller (rotating component) and a diffuser

(stationary component). The impeller imparts the high kinetic energy to the air and diffuser
converts the kinetic energy into the pressure energy. The advantages of axial flow compressor
over centrifugal compressor are high isentropic efficiency (90-95%), high flow rate and small
weight for the same flow quantity.


The intercooler is generally used in gas turbine plant when the pressure ratio used is
sufficiently large and the compression is completed with two or more stages. The cooling of
compressed air is generally done with the use of cooling water. A cross-flow type intercooler
is generally preferred for effective heat transfer.

The performance of the heat exchanger is determined by a factor known as effectiveness. The
effectiveness of the heat exchanger is defined as

ε = actual heat transfer to the air/maximum heat transfer theoretically possible


The gas turbine is a continuous flow system; therefore, the combustion in the gas turbine
differs from the combustion in diesel engines. High rate of mass flow results in high
velocities at various points throughout the cycle (300 m/sec). One of the vital problems
associated with the design of gas turbine combustion system is to secure a steady and stable
flame inside the combustion chamber.


The common types of turbines, which are in use, are axial flow type. The basic requirements
of the turbines are lightweight, high efficiency; reliability in operation and long working life.
Large work output can be obtained per stage with high blade speeds when the blades are
designed to sustain higher stresses. More stages of the turbine are always preferred in gas
turbine power plant because it helps to reduce the stresses in the blades and increases the
overall life of the turbine.

2. Draw a schematic diagram of closed cycle gas turbine plant and label the different parts.
Write about the advantages of closed cycle plant over open cycle plant.
Ans: It has higher thermal efficiency for the same minimum and maximum temperature limits
and for the same pressure ratio.
(ii) Since the heating is external, any kind of fuel even solid fuel having low calorific value
may be used.
(iii) There is no corrosion due to circulation of combustion product.
(iv) As the system is a closed one there is no loss of the working fluid.
(v) The size of the turbine will be smaller compared to an open cycle gas turbine of the same
(vi) The regulation is simpler.
(vii) The heat transmission coefficient in the exchanger is better due to the increase in suction
(viii) Loss due to fluid friction is less due to higher Reynolds number.

3. Write briefly the methods of improving thermal efficiency of a simple gas turbine power
Ans: 1) Regeneration – This is done by preheating the compressed air before entering to the
combustion chamber with the turbine exhaust in a heat exchanger. Therefore, by this process
there will be a saving in fuel used in the combustion chamber if the same final temperature of
the combustion gases is to be attained and also there will be a reduction of waste heat.

2) Reheating : The whole expansion in the turbine is achieved in two or more stages &
reheating is done after each stage. That increase in work done. By reheating, the power output
of the turbine is increased but the cost of additional fuel may be heavy unless a heat
exchanger is also used.

3) Intercooling –The compression is performed in two or more stages. But between two

stage there is intercooler where cooling takes place at constant pressure. To increase net work
of gas turbine by saving some compression work.

4. What is cogeneration? Write a brief note on cogeneration technologies.

Ans: Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) is the use of a heat engine[1] or power
station to generate electricity and useful heat at the same time. Cogeneration is a more
efficient use of fuel because otherwise-wasted heat from electricity generation is put to some
productive use.


(a) Gas Engines. The most common type of combined heat and power production in Denmark
is connected to gas-fired internal combustion engines, which is a well-known technology.
They can be found on the market at sizes from 7 kW power to about 4 mW power, and the
power efficiency is good 20% for the small engines and over 40% for the largest.

(b) Gas Turbines. Some larger district heating plants have based their heat and power
production on gas turbines. They can be regulated less than gas engines, and as they by mean
of their size presuppose a large heat demand there will not be space for many new in the
future. The disadvantage is that power efficiency will hardly exceed 15%. Therefore it is a
question if the steam engine is able to compete with cogeneration based on gasified biomass
in the longer term.
c) The Stirling Engine. The Stirling engine is a hot-air engine, named after the Scottish
priest Stirling who invented it in 1817. Since then it has been designed and manufactured in a
vast number of designs. In spite of intensive and expensive research it is nearly without
importance, as the research has been aimed at developing a car engine, which it is not suitable
On the other hand there are large perspectives in viewing it as a stationary combined heat and
power plant.

5. Name the different auxiliary systems of a gas turbine power plant and write a brief note on
starting systems.

Ans: The auxiliary system includes starting, ignition, lubrication and fuel system and control.


Two separate systems-starting and ignition are required to ensure a gas turbine engine will
start satisfactorily. During engine starting the two systems must operate simultaneously.

Types of Starter
The following are the various types of gas turbine starter.
(a) Electrical
(i) A.C. and (ii) D.C.
A.C. cranking motors are usually 3 phase induction types rated to operate on the available
voltage and frequency.
D.C. starter motor takes the source of electrical energy from a bank of batteries of sufficient
capacity to handle the starting load.

(b) Pneumatic or Air Starter. Air starting is used mostly as it is light, simple and
economical to operate. As air starter motor has a turbine rotor that transmits power through a
reduction gear and clutch to the starter output shaft that is connected to the engine. The starter
turbine is rotated by air pressure taken from an external ground supply, from an auxiliary
power unit carried in the aircraft or from an engine that is running. An electrical control unit
controls the air supply to the starter by opening the pressure-reducing valve.

(c) Combustion Starter. It is in every respect a small gas turbine. It is a completely

integrated system which incorporates a planetary reduction gear drive with over-running
clutch. The unit is started with the electric starter. The starter turbine is directly geared to the
gas turbine shaft through a reduction gear.

(d) Hydraulic Starting Motor. It consists of a hydraulic starter motor for main engine, an
accumulator, a hydraulic pump motor for auxiliary power unit (A.P.U.).
Discharging the hydraulic accumulator to power a hydraulic pump motor starts APU. The
hydraulic pump motor is driven with APU to start main engine and recharge accumulator.

6. Write briefly about prime control and protective control

Ans: prime control

The objective of the prime control is to ensure the proper application of the turbine power to
the load. The users of the gas turbines have specific control requirements according the use of
gas turbines. The requirements might be to control:
(1) The frequency of an a.c. generator,
(2) The speed of a boat or ship,
(3) The speed of an aircraft,
(4) The capacity or head of a pump or compressor,
(5) The road speed of a vehicle

The objective of the protective control is to ensure adequate protection for the turbine in
preventing its operation under adverse conditions. Whenever, unsafe operating conditions are
approached, the prime control is overtaken by the protective control to protect the turbine or
driven equipment.

Basically, the protective control is of two types:

1. Shutdown control and
2. Modulating control

1. Shut down Control

The shutdown type control detects a condition which can cause a serious malfunction and
actuate the shut-off valve to stop the turbine following are the various types of shut down
(a) Turbine over temperature,
(b) Turbine over speed,
(c) Low lube oil pressure,
(d) High lube oil temperature, and
(e) Excess vibration.

2. Modulating control
The purpose of modulating control is to sense an impending malfunction or a condition,
which could adversely affect turbine life and make some modification to the operating
condition of the turbine in order to alleviate the undesired conditions. An example of this
control may be maximum turbine inlet temperature and maximum speed. The modulating
control is more complex and more costly than the shutdown control. But it offers and
advantage in allowing a turbine or turbine driven plant to continue operating when normally a
shut down occurs.

7. Write about starting sequence and shutdown of a gas turbine power plant.
Ans: (a) Starting. Starting sequence of any gas turbine from rest to its rated speed requires a
certain order of events to be accomplished either manually or automatically. The major steps
in sequence are cranking, ignition, acceleration and governing.
The following is typical starting sequence of a gas turbine
1. Application of control power illuminates all the malfunctions lights.
2. Operate ‘Reset switch’ to reset malfunctions circuits: By doing so, malfunction lights go
off and all control devices assume the condition for starting.
3. Operate “Start” switch to initiate starting sequence. By doing this, lube oil pump and
cooling fan start. If there are separate switch for these, operate these.
4. When lube oil reaches a preset pressure, the starter is energized and cranking of the engine
5. With the cranking of starting of starter, the engine and exhausts ducts are purged of any
combustible gases that might be present.
6. During the cranking cycle, the fuel boost pump is used and operated to increase fuel
7. As soon as the fuel pressure has reached a prescribed minimum value, fuel and ignition
switches are turned on provided a preset turbine speed has been reached.
8. The turbine accelerates due to combustion of fuel and assistance of cranking motor. At a
preset value, say in the order of 70% of rated speed, the starter and ignition are cut-off
9. The turbine becomes self- sustaining and accelerates on its own to its governed speed till
the governing system takes over the control.

(b) Shut down. To stop the gas turbine fuel supply should be turned off. This is
accomplished by closing the fuel valve either manually or by de-energizing an electrically
operated valve. In cases where sleeve bearings are used, circulation of lube oil to bearings
after shutdown is necessary for cooling.

8. Write briefly about most common causes of malfunctioning of a gas turbine

power plant.
Ans: The following are the principal symptoms of gas turbine malfunctions and the most
common scauses of these malfunctions:
(a) Drop in compressor discharge pressure and subsequent drop in load:
1. Dirty intake screens
2. Dirty compressor blades
3. Loss of compressor blades
4. Damaged labyrinth seals

(b) Smoke or dark stack:

1. Burner nozzle-dirty or worn
Puffs of smoke indicate that carbon is building up around the fuel nozzle and then passing
through the turbine creating rapid wear of blades, vanes and shrouds.
2. Uneven distribution of fuel to combustion chambers.
3. Combustion chambers damaged or out of position.

(c) Spread in turbine discharge temperatures:

1. Bad thermocouples
2. Uneven fuel to burners or dirty nozzles
3. Combustion chambers damaged or out of position
4. Unlit burners
5. Damaged burner nozzles

(d) High wheel space temperatures:

1. Cooling airlines plugged
2. Cooling air heat exchanger dirty, leaking water or loss of cooling water.
3. Bad thermocouples
4. Wheel space seals worn due to rubs by axial movement or rotor (worn thrust bearing),
bowed shaft or casing out of round to open seal clearances
5. Cooling air supply not functioning properly.

(e) High turbine exhaust temperatures:

1. Loss of turbine blades or damaged inlet vanes
2. Bad thermocouples
3. Exhaust temperature controller out of adjustment
4. Increased blade tip clearances due to radial ribs.
5. Dirty air compressor.

(f ) High Turbine Exhaust Pressure:

1. Turning vanes in turbine discharge duct damaged or missing.
2. Discharge silencer damaged.

(g) Vibration:
1. Indicating instrument out of adjustment
2. Loose shaft couplings
3. Bowed turbine shaft
4. Broken or missing turbine blades
5. Damaged bearings
6. Shaft mis-alignment

(h) Loss of fuel pressure:

1. Fuel control valve out of adjustment
2. Fuel strainers dirty
3. Fuel pump or compressor damaged

(i) Light of failure:

1. Faulty spark plug
2. Combustion chamber cross fire tubes out of place.
3. Electrical control out of adjustment
4. Fuel proportion out of adjustment
5. Fuel atomizing air out of proportion
6. Burner nozzles dirty or worn
7. Combustion chamber damaged

(j) Machine ‘Hunting’:

1. Worn governor and control parts
2. Fluctuating fuel controllers
3. Fluctuating exhaust temperature controllers
4. Hydraulic control valves leaking or strainers dirty.

(k) Loss of oil pressure

1. Filters
2. Pump failure
3. Leakage in pump

9. What do you mean by combined cycle power plant? Write different

applications of gas turbine power plant.

Ans: It has been found that a considerable amount of heat energy goes as a
waste with the exhaust of the gas turbine. This energy must be utilized. The
complete use of the energy available to a system is called the total energy
approach. The objective of this approach is to use all of the heat energy in a
power system at the different temperature levels at which it becomes available
to produce work, or steam, or the heating of air or water, thereby rejecting a
minimum of energy waste. 296 refer for fig POWER PLANT

Fig. shows a combination of an open cycle gas turbine and steam turbine. The
exhaust of gas turbine which has high oxygen content is used as the inlet gas to
the steam generator where the combustion of additional fuel takes place. This
combination allows nearer equality between the power outputs of the two units
than is obtained with the simple recuperative heat exchanger. For a given total
power output the energy input is reduced (i.e., saving in fuel) and the installed
cost of gas turbine per unit of power output is about one-fourth of that of steam
turbine. In other words, the combination cycles exhibit higher efficiency
1. Gas turbine plants are used as standby plants for the hydro-electric power plants.
2. Gas turbine power plants may be used as peak loads plant and standby plants for smaller
power units.
3. Gas turbines are used in jet aircrafts and ships. Pulverised fuel fired plants are used in

10. What are the major advantages of gas turbine power plants?

Ans: 1. It is smaller in size and weight as compared to an equivalent steam power plant. For
smaller capacities the size of the gas turbine power plant is appreciably greater than a high
speed diesel engine plant but for larger capacities it is smaller in size than a comparable
diesel engine plant.
2. The initial cost and operating cost of the plant is lower than an equivalent steam power
3. The plant requires less water as compared to a condensing steam power plant.
4. The plant can be started quickly, and can be put on load in a very short time.
5. There are no standby losses in the gas turbine power plant whereas in steam power plant
these losses occur because boiler is kept in operation even when the turbine is not supplying
any load.
6. The maintenance of the plant is easier and maintenance cost is low.
7. The lubrication of the plant is easy. In this plant lubrication is needed mainly in
compressor, turbine main bearing and bearings of auxiliary equipment.
8. The plant does not require heavy foundations and building.
9. There is great simplification of the plant over a steam plant due to the absence of boilers
with their feed water evaporator and condensing system.

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