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Up until now, we have assumed that all races (Men, Elves, Dwarfs, etc.) behave in much the
same way. In fact, this is not the case at all; each has its own weaknesses and strengths as well
as unique abilities. These racial rules allow other creatures to benefit from their natural

Before deciding to use these rules, please note that the combination of your campaign map
with the effects of some of these special racial rules can have a profound impact on play
balance. Our aim has been to reflect the nature of each race rather than create a perfectly
balanced game. If this potential imbalance worries you, then simply use the standard rules --
your game will be none the worse for it, just different!

Note: Any empire not mention here (be it Empire, Bretonnian, or Ogre!) follow the standard
game rules without any modification.

Dwarfs build their homes in the mountains, often tunnelling deep into the stone to fashion
whole underground cities. Because of this ability, Dwarfs are allowed to build Cities in
Mountain tiles and can place their Capital on a Mountain Tile if they wish. In addition, any
Dwarf Castle or City located on a Mountain Tile counts as being a Mine in the Revenue Phase
and will therefore generate 3D6 x 10 Gold Pieces in revenue.

On the other hand, Dwarfs are not especially interested in creating huge empires. Therefore, it
costs them 3 Empire Points to claim or conquer a tile.

High Elves and Dark Elves

The High Elves and Dark Elves are the most accomplished mariners in the Warhammer
World. If you are using the rules for Sea Tiles, then a High Elf coastal settlement will never
be affected by Pirates; re-roll any rolls of 1. In addition, no other empire can use a seaborne
invasion to conquer a High Elf tile.

High Elves and Dark Elves are also amongst the most powerful magic users in the
Warhammer world. If you are using the rules for Seasons, then their spring and autumn spells
will never fail -- re-roll the dice if a 1 is rolled on the spell table.

On the other hand, the High Elf and Dark Elf people are a proud and haughty and do not take
kindly to paying taxes. If you are using the rules for Seasons, then all High Elf and Dark Elf
taxation dice suffer a -1 dice modifier.
Wood Elves
Wood Elves are naturally attuned to woodland living and are very difficult to drive out of
their woodland realms. Other players must pay an extra empire point to conquer a Wood Elf
Forest Tile in addition to any extra points required by there being a castle or city on the tile.

On the other hand, Wood Elves do not enjoy living outside their woodland realms and will
seek out woodland environments whenever they can. To represent this preference, Wood Elf
player pay one less empire point to claim or conquer a forest tile, and 1 extra empire point to
conquer any other type of tile.

Design Note: A tile counts as forest if at least half of it is covered in woodland. We

recommend that players discuss which tiles count as forest before the campaign starts in order
to avoid any bad feelings later on.

Chaos, Orcs & Goblins, and Beastmen

Chaos, Orcs & Goblins, and Beastmen live for war and conquest and are not terribly
interested in building cities or creating a stable empire. Therefore, they only have to pay 2
empire points to conquer a tile, but they may not build cities apart from their capital (which
represents their tribal stronghold). If they ever conquer a city, then they will raze it to the
ground; remove the marker from the map and add 2D6 x 10 Gold Pieces to their treasury.

The empires of Men, Elves and most other creatures consist of a network of cities and
fortresses. Skaven, on the other hand, can only live from the ruins of other race's civilisations.
They reach these places using a network of tunnels running under the ground; from which,
they can appear almost anywhere. This makes Skaven completely different than any other

The Skaven may never build their own mines, castles, or cities. They may only ever conquer
one that belongs to other players. However, they can claim a tile anywhere on the map and do
not have to already control an adjacent tile in order to do so. They may also conquer tiles
anywhere on the map, with one (important) exception: they must be adjacent to a city tile in
order to conquer it.

The Undead do not require subsistence or rest and will carry on campaigning and fighting
even in the depths of winter. If you are using the rules for Seasons, then Undead players may
issue a challenge during the winter season. The challenge is issued directly after any autumn
equinox spells have been cast. Only the Undead player will gain empire points from this
battle; their opponent gains none no matter what the result. Any empire points gained from
the battle are spent by the Undead player before the next winter phase is carried out.

In addition, Undead empires are not affected by the following results on the Winter Events
table: Plague and Famine.
On the other hand, it is difficult to raise taxes from people that are dead! Thus, Undead
empires may not raise taxes in the winter.

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