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Common Core Lesson Planner

Grade Level: 2nd Teacher: Ms. Barajas

Subject: English Language Arts
1 Select grade level appropriate standards:
Common Core
and Content CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL2..1
2 What materials and resources will you and the students need for the lesson?
Resources/ Students will need sentences to work with and determine which of the 5 Ws fit in that sentence. Teachers will
need to provide materials such as worksheets for students.
What should students ​know​ and ​be able to do​ after the lesson?\
Objective(s) Students will be able to ask and answer such questions as, who, when, where, how, why, and
what questions to show understanding of key details in a text. Before the lesson, students
should be able to know how to spell those words
  ☐ Level 1: Recall ☐ X Level 2: Skill/Concept
 ☐X Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐ X Level 4: Extended Thinking

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

Skills/concept: Includes the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling or reproducing a
Webb’s Depth of response.
Knowledge Level Strategic thinking: demand a short term use of higher order thinking processes, such as analysis and
Extended thinking: They have to use higher order thinking processes such as reflection.

☐X Demonstrating independence ☐ X Building strong content knowledge
 ☐Responding to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
   Comprehending as well as critiquing
☐ ☐XValuing evidence
5  ☐Using technology and digital media strategically and capably
College and   X Coming to understand other perspectives and cultures

Career Ready
Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

Demonstrate independence by reading short sentences themselves and figuring out if it sounds correct.
Build strong content knowledge by engaging with works of quality and substance.
Value evidence when supporting their own points
Coming to understand other perspectives and cultures when looking at sentences that have to do with that.

☐ X Communication ☐ Collaboration ☐ X Critical Thinking ☐ Creativity

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:
21​st​ Century Communication with their peers is optional if they are having a difficult time and want to ask a
Skills neighbor, it’s fine, Critical thinking is going to be addressed because they have to think and analyse.

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

Lesson Delivery
Identify vocabulary and key terms that are important for students to know to understand the lesson:
Who, what, when, where, why

8 Describe how you will adapt your lesson for the following learners:
● English Learner: Give them specific directions on what is needed for them to succeed in
learning the lesson

● Special Needs: Spend more time trying to explain what is expected for the assignment
and give them different ideas and examples of problems similar to what we are learning
for better understanding.

● Accelerated (Gifted/Talented) Give them the directions needed to start the assignment

9 Describe at least TWO different types of formal or informal assessments you will use during your
Assessments lesson to check for student learning:
Informal assessment: quiz, ticket out the door
Formal assessment: project-based assignment, test

10 Prior Knowledge, Context, and Motivation ​(How will you connect the beginning of the lesson to
Lesson Delivery what students already know and/or motivate them to learn about the topic?)
I will connect the beginning of the lesson to what students already know by asking them basic
questions on the lesson and take notes on what they already know and what we need to work on.

Describe each step of the lesson: Ask students if they know what the 5 Ws are, write them on
the board if they come up with the correct answer, and add the ones they didn’t come up
with on the board. Give examples of each from the stories that we have recently read in the
class. Give students an assignment and once completed, test or give them an exit slip.

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

Teacher will… Students will…
be able to ask and answer questions as who,
what, where, when, why, to understand key
Make sure each students have an idea of
details in a text.
what the 5 Ws are and what they mean
Have Els turn to a partner to repeat the 5
Give out different sentences to students so
that they can practice.
Have a test or ticket out the door when
Test students’ knowledge at the end of the
completing the lesson

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

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