Warsaw Central School District Reopening Plan 7-31-20

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Warsaw Central School

Reopening Plan

Striving for Excellence

Table of Contents

Letter from the Superintendent 2

Communication and Family Engagement 3
Health and Safety 4
Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures 12
Safety Drills 18
Facilities 19
Child Nutrition 20
Transportation 23
Social-Emotional Well-being 26
Scheduling 29
Student Schedule 29
Career and Technical Education (CTE) 30
Attendance 30
Technology and Connectivity 31
In-person 32
Remote 33
Hybrid 33
Teaching and Learning 33
Special Education 34
Bilingual Education and World Languages 36
Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (Education Law §3012-D/APPR) 37
Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching 37
Student Teaching 37

Letter from the Superintendent
July 30, 2020

WCSD Family Members:

On July 16, 2020 School Districts across New York State received finalized reopening guidance
from the Education Department (NYSED). As directed in the guidance, school districts were
given until July 31, 2020 to develop and submit a reopening plan. To accommodate this
aggressive timeline, WCSD established a Reopening Committee consisting of: administrators,
teachers, school counselors, school psychologist, support staff, health care professionals, law
enforcement, parents, grandparents and students, under the direction of the WCSD Board of
Education. Each Committee Member was provided hundreds of pages of the most up-to-date
research, statistics, guidance documents, reopening frameworks, and school reopening models to
read and synthesize in a very short time period. The Committee utilized all of this information
and their varied perspectives to construct a plan in the best interest of WCSD. The Committee
focused on equity of all students as its driving force, along with Center for Disease Control (CDC)
and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) regulations as its guardrails. Per NYSED
guidance, the following functional areas were considered with an emphasis on facts, research
and best practices.
● Communication and Family ● Child Nutrition
Engagement ● Social Emotional Well-Being
● Facilities ● School Schedules
● Transportation ● Technology and Connectivity
● Attendance and Chronic ● Bilingual Education and World
Absenteeism Languages
● Teaching and Learning ● Teacher and Principal Evaluation
● Special Education Systems
● Health and Safety ● Certification, Incidental Teaching
and Substitute Teaching

This document is intended to be a living document that may be changed by Executive Orders,
regulations, data, and our experiences. Although the plan may not be perfect, it was our best
effort, and I am honored to be a part of the WCSD and the Reopening Committee.

We look forward to safely restoring our learning environment for our students, staff and

Matthew Wilkins
Superintendent of Schools

Communication and Family Engagement
Reopening Committee
Individuals from the following stakeholder groups participated in the development of this
reopening plan:
● Board of Education ● School Counselors
● Administrators ● Parents/Guardians
● Teachers ● Grandparents/Guardians
● School Psychologist ● WEA Union President
● Support Staff ● WSSA Union President
● Operations and Maintenance ● Warsaw Police Department
● Public Health

Communications Plan
The District will utilize a multi-prong approach to communicate matters of importance to its
students, parents/guardians, staff and visitors.

● District Webpage – https://www.warsawcsd.org/

● Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/WarsawCentralSchoolDistrict
● Blackboard Connect automatic call, email and text system.
o The district will initiate communication with families proactively, communicating
that during the 20-21 school year, we anticipate needing to utilize our
Blackboard Connect system with greater frequency.
o The district will revise back to school documentation which collects updated
demographic information for students, to include a space for families to indicate
their preferred method of communication: phone call, email, text messages.
● General Support - questions@warsawcsd.org
● Parental support for online learning - (pending) - wcsonlinelearning.org
● District mailing
● The District will utilize surveys and communications to collect information for opening.

Health and Safety

Health Checks
Parents/guardians and staff members will be provided the following resources to educate
themselves regarding the careful observation of symptoms of COVID-19:
● CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
● Signs will be distributed to parents/guardians, and staff members and will be posted
throughout the District’s facilities.
● Parents/guardians and staff members will be able access a video which describes the
symptoms of COVID-19:
o Fever or chills (100° or o Headache;
greater); o New loss of taste or smell;
o Cough; o Sore throat;
o Shortness of breath or o Congestion or runny nose;
difficulty breathing; o Nausea or vomiting; and/or
o Fatigue; o Diarrhea.
o Muscle or body aches;
● Staff will be educated to observe students or other staff members for signs of any type of
illness by participating in the following mandated SafeSchools trainings:
o Coronavirus Awareness (Full Course)
o Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face Coverings (Full
o Coronavirus: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Workplace (Full Course)
● Staff and approved visitors will complete a health questionnaire daily. Individuals will
be provided a link to this form prior to visiting the District’s buildings.
o In the event individuals do not have access to the internet or cannot access the
form, a hard copy of the form will be distributed to the individual.
● Students will complete a health questionnaire periodically. Students will be instructed on
how to complete the questionnaire. Students may require assistance due to their unique
o The form will be loaded as a desktop icon on the students’ one-to-one devices.
o In the event individuals do not have access to the internet or cannot access the
form, a hard copy of the form will be distributed to the individual.

Daily temperature checks are required for staff, students and approved visitors. Temperature
checks will be performed prior to staff, students and approved visitors entering District facilities
or District transportation to the greatest extent practicable.
● Prior to utilizing any thermometer, operators should review product-specific directions.
● Parents/guardians will be provided access to the video: “It’s All About Thermometers.”
o https://youtu.be/G-m0aNDw_zQ

● Staff, students and approved visitors are strongly encouraged to complete temperature
screenings at home.
● The School Nurses will train staff on the appropriate use of infrared thermometers.
● Trained staff conducting temperature screenings will:
o Utilize no-touch, infrared thermometers;
o Wear a face covering;
o Wear gloves; and
o Perform a visual inspection of an individual prior to conducting a temperature
● Individuals who are unable to complete temperature screenings at home must participate
in screenings prior to entering District facilities or District transportation.
● Individuals will maintain social distance while waiting for their temperature screening.

Healthy Hygiene Practices

Healthy hygiene practices will be consistently reinforced for both students and staff. Instruction
will be provided in the following areas:
● Hygiene practices ● Social distancing
● Health screenings ● Proper transitions
● Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 ● Entrance and egress
● Face coverings ● Cleaning and disinfection procedures
The District will provide trainings through:
● Daily General Announcements:
o COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions -
o COVID-19 Readiness - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Coronavirus Stops with Me - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Cleaning and Disinfection - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o What To Do If You Are Sick - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
● Videos
o Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 - https://youtu.be/7zzfdYShvQU
o How does COVID-19 spread? - https://youtu.be/WfJSVbQtHsk
o What You Need to Know About Handwashing - https://youtu.be/d914EnpU4Fo
● Conspicuous signage will be placed in the following areas:
o Entrances o Offices
o Restrooms o Auditoriums
o Cafeterias o Operations and Maintenance
o Classrooms Spaces
● Signage will be posted on the following topics:
o Wash Your Hands - https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/pdf/wash-your-hands-

o Handwashing is Your Superpower - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Stop the Spread of Germs - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Please Wear a Cloth Face Covering - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
o Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19 -
o Cover Coughs and Sneezes - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-

Hand Hygiene
Students, staff and approved visitors will practice good hand hygiene to reduce the spread of
COVID-19. Hand washing stations are located:
● Inside and outside restrooms
● Inside some classrooms
● Inside health offices
● Inside operations and maintenance areas
● Inside food service areas
Soap dispensers, hand sanitizer and paper towels are provided at each station. All air dryers have
been decommissioned. Paper towel dispensers have been placed next to all handwashing

Students, staff and approved visitors will wash their hands:

● Before, during, and after preparing food
● Before eating food
● After using the restroom
● After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
● After touching garbage
● After having been in a public place and touched an item or surface that may be frequently
touched by other people, such as door handles, railings, etc.
When washing hands, individuals will:
● Wet their hands with clean, running water and apply soap.
● Lather their hands by rubbing them together with the soap.
● Scrub their hands for at least 20 seconds.
● Rinse their hands well under clean, running water.
● Dry their hands using a clean towel.
Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrances, handwashing stations, classrooms, large-
occupancy spaces (Gymnasiums, Auditorium, etc.), cafeterias, and operations and maintenance

Respiratory Hygiene
Students, staff and approved visitors will be instructed and re-instructed on:
● How to Safely Cough and Sneeze - https://youtu.be/a220fnvLyxY
The District will provide the necessary hand and respiratory hygiene supplies.
In instances where social distancing or mask requirements cannot be met or easily regulated,
light-transmitting plastic barriers will be installed.

Social Distancing
Students, staff and approved visitors will receive instruction and re-instruction on physical
Training video - https://youtu.be/GDDDz89EhSU
The District will adhere to maintaining six (6) feet of space between individuals to the greatest
extent practicable. In instances when six (6) feet of distance cannot be maintained, individuals
will be required to utilize face coverings or protective barriers.

The District will implement the following methods, to the greatest extent practicable, to
encourage social distancing and reduce density:
● Develop multiple entrance points
● Stagger arrival and departure times
● Reduce the use of locker storage areas
● Structure classroom settings to ensure social distancing between individuals or groups of
o In settings where groups of individuals must be distanced, light-transmitting
plastic barriers will be installed
● Desks will be turned to face in the same direction to the greatest extent practicable.
o In settings where desks cannot be turned in the same direction due to grouping,
light-transmitting plastic barriers will be installed
● Students will pass between settings in staggered intervals
● Hallways will be marked with directional arrows
● Windows and doors will be opened to improve ventilation
● Limit the use of shared supplies.
o Supplies will be sanitized and disinfected if they must be shared.
● Utilization of outdoor and large alternate spaces (Gymnasiums, auditoriums, etc.) to
maintain adequate distance between individuals.
● Limit the number of individuals in smaller spaces (Main Offices)
● Limit the number of activities where multiple groups interact (Playground, assemblies,
● Additional distancing will be ensured for individuals who are participating in activities
requiring projection of a voice or instrument, or aerobic activity.

Medically Vulnerable/High-Risk Groups

Individuals in these groups should consult with their healthcare provider regarding prevention:
● Age 65 or older;
● Pregnant;
● Underlying health conditions including, but not limited to:

o Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
o Serious heart conditions
o Immunocompromised
o Severe obesity
o Diabetes
o Chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
o Liver disease
o Sickle cell anemia
o Children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic
conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe
illness from COVID-19 than other children.

Individuals in these groups will collaborate with their healthcare providers to make informed
decisions. In order to meet the needs of individuals in these groups and ensure their health and
safety, the District requires medical documentation supporting recommended courses of action.
The District will consider all information when determining courses of action.

School health services personnel, special education personnel, and administration may develop
alternate plans for individuals in these groups. Appropriate accommodations include, but are not
limited to:
● Additional PPE for staff caring for such students
o Tyvek suits
o Face shields
o Light-transmitting plastic barriers
● Limiting the number of students in an educational setting
● Development of alternative schedules

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Cloth Face Coverings

Students, staff and approved visitors will utilize face coverings at all times with the following
● Individuals are social distanced (Six (6) feet) and in a secure setting (Classroom, Office).
● Individuals are not socially distanced, in a secure setting, and protected by light-
transmitting plastic barriers.
● Individuals have provided the District with medical documentation supporting
accommodations. Medical or sensory issues may impede an individual’s ability to
participate in the learning environment. The aforementioned individuals will wear an
alternative barrier to protect others in the learning environment. Acceptable barriers
include, but are not limited to: dust masks, face shields, etc.

The District will allow individuals to wear their own face coverings as long as they cover
individuals’ mouths and noses. The District will provide training for students and staff on the
use and care of face coverings.
● Trainings:

o SafeSchools - Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face
Coverings (Full Course)
o Students – Prevent COVID-19: Wear a Cloth Face Covering -
o Students and Staff – How to Wash Cloth Face Coverings -

The District has currently stockpiled large surplus cloth looped masks. In addition, the District
has purchased disposable looped masks. Masks will be made available to students, staff and
approved visitors who are unable to secure their own masks.

The School Nurses will be provided additional PPE to care for individuals expressing COVID-19
symptoms. Such PPE includes, but is not limited to:
● Respirators (N95) masks that are fitted
● Eye protection
● Face shields
● Gloves
● Disposable gowns

Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP)

School Nurses will use the following PPE when administering aerosol generating procedures:
● Gloves;
● N95 or surgical facemask;
● In lieu of N95 – a surgical mask with face shield;
● Eye protection; and
● A gown.
AGPs include:
● Suctioning;
● Administering nebulizer treatments; or
● Using peak flow meters with students who have respiratory conditions.

Treatments will be conducted in a room separate from others in the Health Offices. The separate
room will be sanitized after each treatment.

Management of Ill Persons

Students and staff with symptoms of illness will be sent to the health office. School Nurses will
assess individuals who are sent to the health office.

If a school nurse is not available, building administrators will isolate and dismiss any student or
staff member who has a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 that are not explained by a
chronic health condition for follow up with a health care provider.

If Students or Staff become Ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at Schools
The District will follow Education Law § 906, which provides:
“whenever...a student in the public schools shows symptoms of any communicable or
infectious disease reportable under the public health law that imposes a significant risk of
infection of others in the school, he or she shall be excluded from the school and sent
home immediately, in a safe and proper conveyance. The director of school health
services shall immediately notify a local public health agency of any disease reportable
under the public health law. The director of school health services, or other health
professionals acting upon direction or referral of such director, may make such
evaluations of teachers and any other school employees, school buildings and premises
as, in their discretion, they may deem necessary to protect the health of the students and

Staff will immediately report any illness of students or staff to the school nurse or building
administrator. Reports will be made in compliance with FERPA, and Education Law 2-d. If
nurses choose to go to classrooms to make assessments of students, this will be done in a manner
that protects the student’s confidentiality. If there are several students waiting to see the school
nurse, students will wait at least 6 feet apart. Health offices in both buildings have general
admission areas, bathrooms, bed areas and isolated examination rooms. The offices are
supervised by the school nurses and have hand hygiene supplies. The school nurses assessing or
providing care to ill students and staff will adhere to the following transmission-based
● Contact Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/contact-precautions-sign-
● Droplet Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/droplet-precautions-sign-
● Airborne Precautions - https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/pdf/airborne-precautions-

Students suspected of having COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the parent/guardian will be
isolated in the health offices examination rooms separated from others. Once individuals have
exited the examination rooms, the rooms will be closed until cleaning and disinfection has

Return to School After Illness

The District will follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school
after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. (NYSED Guidance p. 40).

● Schools must establish policies in consultation with the local health department(s) about
the requirements for determining when individuals, particularly students, who screen
positive for COVID-19 symptoms can return to the in-person learning environment. This
returning to learning protocol must include at a minimum,
○ documentation of evaluation by a healthcare provider (healthcare provider note
clearing a person to return to school),

○ negative COVID-19 testing, and symptom resolution,
○ or if COVID -19 positive, release from isolation as required by DOH and NYSED
Guidance p. 40.

If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their

symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school
and should stay at home until:
● It has been at least ten days since the individual first had symptoms;
● It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever
reducing medicine); and
● It has been at least three days since the individual’s symptoms improved, including cough
and shortness of breath.

The CDC provides specific guidance for individuals who are on home isolation regarding when
the isolation may end. CDC recommendations for discontinuing isolation in persons known to
be infected with COVID-19 could, in some circumstances, appear to conflict with
recommendations on when to discontinue quarantine for persons known to have been exposed to
COVID-19. CDC recommends 14 days of quarantine after exposure based on the time it may
take to develop illness if infected. Thus, it is possible that a person known to be infected could
leave isolation earlier than a person who is quarantined because of the possibility they are

COVID-19 Testing
Per CDC Guidance, the District will not conduct COVID-19 testing. The decision of whether a
test needs to be conducted will be determined by a healthcare provider or the local
department of health.

Contact Tracing
Contact tracing is a public health function performed by local public health departments to
trace all persons who had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. This allows public health
officials to put in place isolation or other measures to limit the spread of the virus. The District
will cooperate with state and local health department contact tracing. The District will assist
the Department of Health in knowing who may have had contact at school with a confirmed
case by:
● keeping accurate attendance records of students and staff members;
● ensuring student schedules are up to date;
● keeping a log of any visitors which includes date, time and where in the school they
visited; and
● Assist the Department of Health in tracing all contacts of the individual at school in
accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the New York State
Contact Tracing Program.

Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations. School
staff will not determine who is to be excluded from school based on contact without guidance
and direction from the Department of Health.

School Closures
The District will collaborate with the Wyoming County Department of Health to determine the
parameters, conditions or metrics (e.g., increased absenteeism or increased illness in the school
community) that will serve as early warning signs that positive COVID-19 cases may be
increasing beyond an acceptable level.

The District will consider closing school if absentee rates impact the ability of the school
to operate safely. The District may choose to modify operations prior to closing to help
mitigate a rise in cases. The District will consult with its medical director and the Department of
Health when making such decisions.

Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures

The District will:
● Create and retain logs stating:
o Date
o Time
o Scope of cleaning and disinfection
● Schedule (at least daily) cleaning and disinfecting of touched surfaces during the regular
school day. Cleaning and disinfecting will include frequently touched surfaces (PE
equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) and shared objects (toys,
games, art supplies) between uses.
● Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants ensuring adequate contact times
● Keep products away from children
● Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as
much as possible by opening windows and doors, or other methods
● Not open windows and doors if they pose a safety or health risk (e.g., allowing pollen in
or exacerbating asthma symptoms) risk to children using the facility.
● Take steps to ensure all water systems and features (for example, drinking fountains,
decorative fountains) are safe to use
● Soft Surfaces - Clean the surface using soap and water or with cleaners appropriate for
use on these surfaces
● Electronics
o Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting. If there are no
instructions, use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% isopropyl
alcohol. Dry surfaces thoroughly

Step 1. Clean
● Wear disposable gloves or any other required PPE to clean and disinfect

● Clean surfaces using an appropriate cleaner making sure you produce friction on the
● Read all labels and follow instructions (PPE may be required)
● Cleaning reduces the number of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface. Friction
action breaks biofilm on any virus allowing disinfectant to contact the area
● Change out cleaning cloths (microfiber) often or use disposable products
● Clean surfaces prior to disinfecting
● Practice routine cleaning of frequently-touched surfaces.

Step 2. Disinfect
● Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces
● Ensure the area or item is cleaned with a cleaning agent before disinfecting
● Then disinfectant can be used
● Take all precautions on the label such as PPE, and safe handling procedures
● Change out cleaning cloths (microfiber) often or use disposable products
● Use EPA-registered disinfectant. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and
effective use of the product. Many products recommend: 
o Keeping the surface wet for the entire contact/dwell time (see product label)
o Precautions such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation
during use of the product
● Diluted bleach solutions may also be used if appropriate for the surface
o ⅓ cup bleach per gallon of water - highly concentrated solutions may result in
adverse health effects, discoloration and residue
o Bleach solutions should be made fresh and not kept for more than 24 hours
o Check the label to see if your bleach is intended for disinfection, and ensure the
product is not past its expiration date. Some bleaches, such as those designed
for safe use on colored clothing or for whitening may not be suitable for
o Unexpired bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation
o Never mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser
o Leave solution on the surface for at least 1 minute

Launder items (if possible) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest
appropriate water setting and dry items completely or disinfect with an EPA-registered
o Washing face coverings in a washing machine and drying in a dryer is
recommended to properly clean a face covering
o If masks are hand washed prepare a bleach solution of 4 teaspoons household
bleach per quart of room temperature water. Soak the face covering for 5
minutes. Rinse the face covering thoroughly with cool water. Air dry, in direct
sunlight, when possible. Wash hands for 30 seconds after washing the mask

o Face coverings must be completely dry before wearing
● Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick
● Dirty laundry from a person who is sick can be washed with other people’s items 
● Do not shake dirty laundry
● Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to guidance above for surfaces 
● Remove gloves and wash hands right away 

● Teachers may be responsible for general cleaning within the classrooms and should be
provided with appropriate cleaning supplies
● Keep cleaning supplies out of reach of children
● Schedule (at least daily) cleaning and disinfecting of touched surfaces during the regular
school day. Cleaning and disinfecting should include frequently touched surfaces (PE
equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) and shared objects (toys,
games, art supplies) between uses. Consider scheduling this task late morning and early
afternoon, ensuring adequate contact time for the disinfection
● In order to facilitate cleaning and disinfection, classroom materials should be removed
to the greatest extent possible
● Trained Custodial staff should be responsible for heavier cleaning and disinfecting within

Suggested Cleanliness and Disinfection Standards

This section outlines the process and expectations following an extended school closure for the
continued levels of cleanliness and disinfection required to meet federal and state mandates.   

● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Classroom desks and chairs
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops
● Window in the classroom door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Clean/Disinfect classroom sink and toilet area (if applicable)

● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Restrooms and Locker Rooms

● Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks and shower areas
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Drinking Fountains
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Handrails
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors full mopped
● Clean Doors and Partitions in Restrooms and Locker Rooms
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Check that toilets, faucets, and drains are working
● Check Sanitary Napkin Boxes
● Clean Exterior of Dispensers
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Restock all toilet paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Common Areas (Hallways)

● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
○ Drinking Fountains
○ Door handles and push plates
○ Bathroom faucets
○ Light switches
○ Handrails
○ Buttons on vending machines
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Walls are spot cleaned, when soiled
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Make sure all unoccupied classrooms are locked

Medical Office 
● Clean and disinfect health cots regularly (after each student use) 

● Discard or launder coverings after each use 
● Cover treatment tables and use pillow protectors
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces (but not limited to):
o Classroom desks and chairs
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops
● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Clean/Disinfect classroom sink and toilet area if applicable
● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures – Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Clerical/Admin Offices
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Door handles and push plates
o Bathroom faucets
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
o Shared computer keyboards and mice
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops
● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Carpets are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Clean/Disinfect shared sink and toilet area if applicable
● Vacuum carpet daily if applicable

● Restock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Athletic Areas
● Establish a regular cleaning schedule for shared environmental surfaces such as
wrestling mats or strength training equipment
● Disinfect mats and other high-use equipment at least daily
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment)
o Drinking fountains
o Ice Machines
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Shared telephones
o Shared desktops
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from the room
● Floors swept and dust mopped
● Floors spot mopped or full mopped
● Wipe clean: Tables, furniture and countertops
● Window in the door is cleaned at minimum once per week
● Walls are spot cleaned
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures - Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

● Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks and shower areas
● Wear proper PPE, avoid splashes
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces:
o Sinks
o Faucets
o Soap dispensers
o Drinking Fountains
o Door handles and push plates
o Light switches
o Handrails
● All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from room
● Floors full mopped
● Clean Doors and Partitions in Restrooms and Locker Rooms

● Walls are spot cleaned
● Check that toilets, faucets, and drains are working
● Check Sanitary Napkin Boxes
● Clean Exterior of Dispensers
● Make sure all windows are locked
● Re-stock all paper and soap products
● Clean Baseboards - Weekly
● Clean Light Fixtures – Weekly
● Replace Lights (Notify Custodian or Maintenance)

Safety Drills
Education Law § 807 requires that schools conduct 8 evacuation and 4 lockdown drills each
school year. Conducting drills is an important part of keeping students and staff safe in an
emergency; however, steps will be taken to minimize the risk of spreading infection while
conducting drills.

Emergency Response Protocols

● Shelter-In-Place
● Hold-In-Place
● Evacuation
● Lockout
● Lockdown

Shelter-In-Place protocols will be the same with the following changes:
● Provide 6 feet of space between students and staff during the Shelter-In-Place
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person does not
have one
● Listen for updates and respond accordingly

Hold-In-Place protocols will be the same the following changes:
● Provide 6 feet of space between students and staff during the Hold-In-Place
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person does not
have one
● Listen for updates and respond accordingly

Evacuation protocols will be routinely the same with some minor adjustments:
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required

● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person does not
have one
● Identify, in advance, who will be holding the door to get out of the building, therefore
reducing the amount of people touching the door hardware when leaving the building.
Personnel that will be conducting this task may be assigned to holding the door for one
or more classrooms or until confirmation that everyone has vacated the building
● Bring all necessary items needed: extra face coverings, and hand sanitizer
● If no extra face coverings are available, instruct anyone that does not have a face
covering to use their shirt to cover their nose and mouth during the event

Lockout protocols will be the same, besides maintaining 6 feet of space between students and
staff in the area.

During a Lockdown, there will be a violation of the 6 foot recommendation between people. In
order to protect life safety, lockdown protocols will be mostly the same process as they have
been conducted in the past.
● Evaluate, in advance, if there is room to social distance without being in the line of sight
● Use of face coverings throughout the event will be required
● The District will have extra face coverings on hand in the event that a person does not
have one
● Instruct anyone that does not have a face covering to use their shirt to cover their nose
and mouth during the event


Facilities Alterations and Acquisition

The District does not intend to alter its existing spaces or acquire additional spaces for the
purpose of reopening.

Changes to Space Utilization and/or Alterations

The District does not intend to make changes to its space utilization or alter its existing spaces
for the purpose of reopening.

Space Expansion/Tents
The District does not intend to expand its square footage or utilize tents for additional space for
the purpose of reopening.

Plumbing Facilities and Fixtures

The District will not reduce the number of toilet and sink fixtures available for use during the
school day. The District will establish cleaning and disinfecting schedules for lavatories. Signs
promoting social distancing will be placed in all lavatories.

Drinking Water Facilities
All district drinking fountains will be decommissioned and bottle fillers will be added to the
middle/high school to comply with the 1 to 100 building code.

The District will take the following precautions with regard to adequate ventilation:
● The District will maintain adequate, code required ventilation as designed.
● The district's ventilation system will circulate 24 hours a day.
● Filters will be replaced on a routine basis and windows will be opened when possible for
additional ventilation.

Child Nutrition
Waste and Laundering 
Single-use items and used disinfection materials will be treated as regular waste, following food
safety guidelines.

Laundry for clothing, towels, linens and other items 

● Cloth materials (i.e., linens, aprons, etc.) will be washed and dried on the highest
temperature setting allowable for the fabric.
● Items will be laundered according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
● Employees will wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry.
● Employees will not shake dirty laundry 
● Employees will clean and disinfect clothes hampers.
● Employees will remove gloves and wash hands immediately. 

Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols 

General Cleaning 
● Cleaning protocols will be reviewed for cafeteria furniture, meal preparation and serving
areas, point-of-sale transactions and dishes/utensils. 
● All staff will be trained on any new PPE, cleaning products and techniques. 
● The facility will be cleaned and disinfected per current NYSDOH/CDC protocols.
● The District/Food Service Staff will maintain logs including the date, time, and scope of
cleaning and disinfection.

General Disinfecting 
● Areas or items will be cleaned with soap and water or another detergent. Cleaning
agents will be replaced frequently. Once clean, areas or items will be disinfected.
● Soft Surfaces – Surfaces will be cleaned using soap and water or with other appropriate
cleaning agents.

● EPA-registered disinfectants will be used. Staff will follow the instructions on the label
to ensure safe and effective use of the product. Many products recommend: 
○ Keeping surfaces wet for the entire contact time (see product label).
○ Precautions such as wearing proper PPE and ensuring proper ventilation during
use of the product.
○ Diluted bleach solutions may also be used if appropriate for the surface. 
○ Unexpired bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
○ Leave bleach solution on the surface for at least 1 minute.

Cleaning Daily Cafeteria/Kitchens 

● Lunch tables will be cleaned and disinfected after each service.
● Food preparation areas will be cleaned and disinfected daily.
● Floors will be fully mopped.
● Windows in the door will be cleaned at minimum once per week.
● Walls will be spot cleaned.
● Sink and toilet area will be cleaned and disinfected.
● All paper and soap products will be restocked.
● Baseboards will be cleaned weekly.

Food Service Staff

Training Department Specific
WCSD has implemented the following SafeSchools (Online) Training Plan (in addition to
required trainings) for the 2020 - 21 school year:
● Coronavirus Awareness (Full Course)
● Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines for Making & Using Cloth Face Coverings (Full Course)
● Coronavirus: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Workplace (Full Course)
Required PPE
● Gloves
● Face Covering/Mask

The District will purchase face coverings/masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Staff will properly
use and dispose of PPE.

Roles and Responsibilities

● Create weekly/bi-weekly plans per guidance
● Inventory necessary materials and supply chain for cleaning, disinfecting, and
preventing spread of disease
● Provide training to staff members on operating procedures, proper cleaning techniques,
proper use of chemicals and personal protective equipment
● Provide ongoing communication to staff and feedback to staff on a weekly basis
● Participate in planning meetings as needed

Food Service Staff
● Maintain social distancing to the greatest extent practicable 
● Wear cloth face coverings at all times unless the employee is not in the food preparation
area or in the serving area
● Use all chemical cleaners and disinfectants in the manner recommended by the
manufacturer and your supervisor
● Wear all required personal protective equipment (PPE) when cleaning and using
● Follow US CDC Guidelines for Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
● Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are
not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
or 70% isopropyl alcohol

Food Preparation Areas and Contact Surfaces 

● Shared workspaces will be minimized
● Employees will be dedicated to certain tasks, at separate workstations
● Exposed clean kitchen equipment and pots and pans will be covered
● Plasticware will be wrapped
● Condiments will be pre-packaged
● Disposable napkins will be used

Contact Vendors and Suppliers

The District maintains two (2) weeks-worth of inventory at any given time during the school
year. This does not include some non-perishable items. The District has direct contacts with its
local, regional and government vendors and is able to source needed products or substitutes.
The District will continue to monitor its inventory and engage its vendors accordingly.

USDA Waivers Approved for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast
Program, July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
The District will apply for the following waivers:
● Non-congregate feeding
● Meal service time flexibility
● Bulk meals
● Parent/guardian Meal Pick Up
● Meal Pattern Flexibility
● “Offer Versus Serve” Flexibility for Senior High Schools

Meal Service
The following changes will be implemented during meal service:
● There will be no self-serve food items.
● Napkins and plasticware will be provided directly by staff. 

● The District will use disposable utensils.
● Meals may be delivered to students on carts either in the cafeteria or classroom
● Choices will include one (1) hot meal option and one (1) cold meal option.
● Choices will continue to meet meal pattern requirements.
● The District will continue to meet the dietary needs of its students.
● Social distancing will be enforced in all eating areas.
● Food-sharing is prohibited.
● Small appliances will be discontinued (microwave).
● Pot lucks will be discontinued.
● Condiments will be prepackaged. 
● A la carte items and vending machines will be discontinued.
● Breakfast will be a grab-and-go option for students.
● Staff will use adequate PPE when delivering food and interacting with students.
● Parents/guardians will be provided with information on MySchoolBucks.
● Payment for meals will occur through MySchoolBucks and/or mailed to the District Food
Service Office (payments made in cash will be exact change).
● The District will send Free and Reduced Price lunch applications to all families with a
cover letter encouraging completion.
● The District will continue to use its counting logs for individuals eating offsite.

Meals Consumed Onsite

The following changes will be implemented for meals consumed onsite:
● There will be no self-serve food items.
● Meals will be delivered to students on carts either in the cafeteria or classroom.
● Choices will include one (1) hot meal option and one (1) cold meal option.
● Choices will continue to meet meal pattern requirements.
● The District will continue to meet the dietary needs of its students.
● Social distancing will be enforced in all eating areas. Signage will be installed to
promote social distancing.
● Food-sharing is prohibited.
● Condiments will be prepackaged. 
● A la carte items and vending machines will be discontinued.
● Breakfast will be a grab-and-go option for students.
● Windows and doors will be opened as much as possible to promote outdoor air
circulation. Windows and doors will not be opened if they pose a safety or health risk
(e.g., allowing pollen in or exacerbating asthma symptoms) to children using facilities.
● Students will be required to wash hands before and after meal service.
● Hand sanitizer stations will be established in cafeterias and all alternate eating spaces.
● Meal times and locations will be staggered to ensure social distancing.

Meals Consumed Offsite (with election of waivers)

The following changes will be implemented for meals consumed offsite:
● Meal pickup procedures and schedule will be developed and communicated at a later

The Warsaw Central School District will coordinate its reopening plan with its contract service
provider: C & F Transportation.

The School Bus

Density Reduction, Social Distancing, Bus Capacity
● Children will sit one (1) child per seat as denoted in the following diagram.

● Siblings or those that live in the same household will sit together when possible.
● Decals will indicate where students may sit and to mark six-foot distances in aisles.
● The WCSD will work with C & F Transportation to determine if sneeze guards are
required to protect the driver or if the seat immediately behind the driver will be left
● The District will remind students/parents/guardians that social distancing requirements
extend to the bus stop.
● Students will not be denied entry on the bus because they do not have a mask. If a mask
has been forgotten, one will be provided.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

● Buses and other transportation vehicles will be cleaned and disinfected daily and in
between runs if scheduled for multiple routes.
● Daily Cleaning
o All trash removed
o Floors swept and dust mopped
o Walls and windows cleaned
● High Touch Surfaces will be wiped down
o Bus seats and seat backs
o Seat belts
o Door handles, handrails
o Driver operator area
● EPA approved cleaning and disinfecting products will be used. Labels will be read and
directions will be followed. Appropriate PPE will be worn by staff who are cleaning and
disinfecting transportation.
● Proper ventilation will be ensured during cleaning.

● As weather permits; windows, and roof hatches will be opened, and fans will be turned
on during route operation.
● Eating and drinking is prohibited on the bus.
● All cleanings and inspections will be documented.
● District will emphasize to parents/guardians and students prior to reopening schools
that it has thoroughly disinfected all buses and student transportation vehicles.

School Bus Staff: Roles and Responsibilities

● Ensure employees are equipped with proper PPE and protective measures to keep them
● Ensure employees maintain annual training requirements. Update employees on new
policies and/or procedures adopted during COVID-19 pandemic.
● Enforce social distancing, density reduction, bus capacity, routing issues, cleaning and
disinfection procedures and practices.
● Inventory and order PPE with sufficient lead time for use when schools open.
● Provide access to mental health resources for transportation staff in crisis or under
● Review employee medical records (19a files).
● Regularly inspect buses and other transportation vehicles for cleanliness.
● Enforce and communicate the self-screening program for staff before coming to work.
● Provide ongoing communication and feedback to staff on a regular basis.

Employees (Drivers and monitors)

● Self-screen before coming to work. Do not come to work if sick.
● Maintain social distancing.
● Wear an appropriate face covering that covers the mouth and nose when social
distancing measures cannot be maintained.
● Use all chemical cleaners and disinfectants in the manner recommended by the
manufacturer and your supervisor.
● Wear all required PPE when cleaning and using chemicals.
● Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are
not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60%
ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol. Hand sanitizer will be provided for all staff in their
transportation locations such as dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms and/or
bus garages. Hand sanitizer is not permitted on the bus.
● Employees who must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves.

Loading/Unloading & Pickup/Drop-off

● Whenever possible, students will be loaded in sequential route order. First student on
the bus sits in the back, when going to school, the last student sits in the back when
going home from school.
● Dismissal times will be staggered to promote social distancing.

Transporting to BOCES
● The District will keep a log of attendees on the trip in both directions from the BOCES
building. Upon request, the District will supply the log of passengers in addition to
cleaning logs in the event BOCES must assist in contact tracing due to exposures either
at the BOCES buildings, or during transportation.

Special Education Considerations

● The District may implement multiple bus runs for some of its smaller vehicles to ensure
social distancing.
● The District will communicate additional COVID-19 accommodations for individual
students to its contract service provider.

Out of District Pupil Transportation

Pupil transportation will be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or
students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of district whose
schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education when/if the district is not.

Pupil Transportation Routing

The District will collaborate with its contract service provider to ensure routing maintains
appropriate ridership on transportation.

Social-Emotional Well-being
Mental Health and Trauma-Responsive Practices
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma can have a
negative impact on young people’s social emotional well-being,
and consequently, their capacity to learn. Students and adults
are grappling with new and exacerbated traumas that can have
far-reaching impacts on health and educational outcomes. In
addition, anxiety and depression may present or worsen in
response to these additional stressors and traumas.

Trauma-responsive practices help shift negative reactions to inappropriate student behavior to

thoughtful responses that consider the root causes of behavior and help to support individual
students' needs to address those causes.

The District currently participates in the Genesee Valley BOCES Trauma, Illness and Grief
cooperative service.

There is a growing body of research proving that social and emotional learning (SEL) is
fundamental to academic success. SEL must be woven into the work of every teacher, in every
classroom and every after-school and summer learning program if we truly want to prepare all
our students for college and careers. We know the COVID-19 pandemic has created different
types of traumatic experiences and high levels of stress for many of our staff, students, and
families. This experience emphasizes the importance of social– emotional well-being for all.
Local education associations (LEAs) will need to have the emotional recovery of students, staff,
and families at the forefront of their planning and decision making.

When educators and students practice physical distancing at school or through distance
learning, it does not mean they must lose social and school connections. During the COVID-19
response, it is critically important to place adult and student wellness first to establish a
positive, safe, and supportive learning environment. Leading with SEL is essential because
children need social and emotional support as they, like the adults around them, navigate the
unprecedented challenges of alternative learning contexts, and because SEL helps students
access academic content through building essential self-management skills, resilience, and

Plan for Reopening

We will:

● Update the District’s Comprehensive School Counseling Plan, specifically, to reflect how
the service will be delivered if we are hybrid or remote. The current plan reflects how
services are delivered when we are face-to-face. The entire Warsaw Central School District
Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Plan can be found on the Warsaw Central School District
Web-site at the following address: https://www.warsawcsd.org/Page/1131
● Continue to support the myriad ways for referrals to mental health professionals. The
referrals can come from teachers, parents, administrators, students, students self-
reporting and/or through mental health staff. During a remote and/or hybrid learning
scenario, these methods of receiving referrals are still likely. The buildings will also
utilize the RtI process, which looks different in different buildings, to identify students.
Additionally, our mental health staff will use other indicators such as attendance and
lack of engagement in online learning as reported by teachers, to identify students who
might be experiencing mental health issues. We will work, as a district, to create a needs
assessment and give it to all students when the school year begins. The results will help
the mental health staff determine what type of tiered intervention(s) students need so
they can be successful during the year.
● Frequent, face to face check-in with all students. Whether this check in takes place via
Zoom, Google or in person.
● It is important to remember that the Coronavirus has impacted our faculty and staff and
they too need support upon returning to school. As students return to school, building
connections, especially if not face-to-face will be challenging. Utilizing opening and
closing activities to start and end classes, be it via Zoom or face-to-face will start to build

connections. We will offer professional development to new faculty and staff.
Additionally, all faculty could benefit from learning about Social Emotional Learning and
how it can be used by adults to cultivate relationships with each other, heal, and also
build relationships with all students to create a supportive and equitable learning
● Offer a multitiered support system consisting of the following levels:

Tier I Supports: What we do to promote wellness on a daily basis

● Conduct universal screening and frequent, face-to-face check ins to identify social–
emotional needs of students.
● Systematic check ins to ensure all students have contact with a trusted adult
● Share student mental health needs assessment data with the Student Support Team and
● Classroom Circles
● Consider strategies to become a trauma-responsive school system to support the school
● Utilize virtual Trauma, Illness, and Grief Consortium training opportunities and guidance
from TIG for support.
● Develop a system to connect with students and families to promote attendance.
● Engage with students and families using culturally responsive techniques.
● Include mental health and wellness resources on district and school websites and in
communications with families (newsletters, emails, texts, robocalls, etc.)
● Age appropriate videos on topics such as; sleep, time management, stress, etc.
● Meet the teacher. Make sure students have an opportunity to meet the teacher in a
socially distant setting to reduce first day stress.
● Cultivating a culture of school resiliency/this is what a lot of people are feeling right now,
this is normal to feel this way.

Tier II Supports
● Provide counseling sessions with a certified school counselor.
○ 1:1 face to face
○ 1:1 across a virtual platform
○ Helpful resources, local agencies, & phone numbers are listed on the webpage
○ https://www.warsawcsd.org/Page/2493
Tier III Supports
○ Referral to an outside agency

Adult SEL and Well-Being

In order to address the needs of our faculty and staff, we will create and conduct a needs
assessment prior to the school year starting. Depending on the needs we will use a combination
of strategies to conduct building support as well as the teacher center to address certain needs
as they pertain to teachers coming back to support students. As the year progresses, we would

conduct another needs assessment after the first month of school and continue to provide
support based on what the assessment data says. We recognize, as a district, that adults have
many different emotions around returning to school, be it face-to-face, remote, or hybrid, and
being in tune with their needs and supporting them is of the utmost importance as they are
vital to student learning.

Tier I Supports for adults:

● Conduct universal screening and frequent, face-to-face check ins to identify social–
emotional needs of adults.
● Consider strategies to become a trauma-responsive school system to support the school
● Utilize virtual Trauma, Illness, and Grief Consortium training opportunities and guidance
from TIG for support.
● Train staff to provide supports through a trauma-informed and responsive lens
● Use professional development time to increase trauma knowledge and skills.
● PD- developing relationships while on-line.
● Cultivating a culture of school resiliency/this is what a lot of people are feeling right now,
this is normal to feel this way.
● Providing information about Employee Assistance Program Services

Tier II Supports for adults:

● Helpful resources, local agencies, & phone numbers are listed on the webpage
● Provide adults with a checklist of what to ask a student when checking in.

Teacher Workday
● Staff must be screened and in their assigned spots at contractual start time.
● Homeroom and grade level teachers will be in their classrooms to welcome students.
● Masks must be worn during arrival and dismissal

Student Schedule
At the K-12 level, the Districts priority is to return students to in-person instruction in the safest
manner possible. Because of the safety, required guidelines and facility limitations, the District
will adopt an hybrid model of in-person instruction. Families may opt for remote learning, only.
A plan for remote only will be further developed based on community need and district
resource capacity.

In–person instruction will be coordinated as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

PreK (½ day) In Person at In Person at Remote In Person at In Person at

AM & PM Warsaw Warsaw *synchronous Warsaw Warsaw
Sessions and/or

K-12 In Person at In Person at Remote In Person at In Person at

Warsaw Warsaw *synchronous Warsaw Warsaw

11-12 CTE CTE In Person CTE In Remote In Person at In Person at

Students at BOCES Person at *synchronous Warsaw Warsaw
BOCES and/or
CTE Virtual

● Select SPED, ENL, and other identified students come in every school day except for

*Asynchronous - Prerecorded learning activities and lessons.

*Synchronous - Live (realtime) learning activities and lessons.

When possible, District Administrators will assign students to cohort groups for their
instructional day, planning for social distancing in educational spaces and allowing for better
contact tracing in the event of exposure. The District will make reasonable efforts to ensure
that cohorts are fixed – meaning contain the same students – for the duration of the COVID-19
public health emergency. Faculty may instruct more than one cohort so long as appropriate
social distancing is maintained. The schedules, particularly at the Elementary and Middle School
levels will optimize movement of adults rather than cohorts with the exception of physical
education, lunch, and recess.

Limitations will be placed on the following school functions:

o Large Groups – Not able to be scheduled/not unless social distancing can be maintained in
large space – (gym, auditorium, cafeteria).
o Administrators to review ALL courses to determine that classes are evenly split up to an
acceptable level.
o Restrictions on drop-adds may be required depending on class loads and ability to
accommodate limited social distancing with acceptable face coverings. Each classroom shall
configure furniture and fixtures to maximize social distance between cohorts within a defined
classroom space.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)
WCSD CTE students will be attending the Charles G. May Center Campus on Mondays and
Tuesdays in person. Wednesdays will be reserved for remote CTE learning.

The District will use Schooltool for tracking in -person, hybrid and virtual learning attendance.

Daily attendance will be taken in homerooms for Elementary School students and in first period
classes for Middle and High School students. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). Attendance
will be logged in Schooltool. Teachers will contact these same students on Wednesdays, a
Virtual Learning Day, utilizing their preferred method of communication in order to log daily
attendance. Virtual attendance will also be logged in Schooltool.

Attendance for Reporting Purposes

Student interactions/engagement are tracked using the following methods for attendance

● Call logs with parents/guardians and students.

● Email correspondence.
● Google Classroom assignment completion.
● Google Hangout participation.
● Student progress utilizing various computer software programs. (Examples: IXL, Epic,
Prodigy, Castle Learning, etc)

Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absence, or absenteeism, is defined as missing at least ten percent of enrolled school
days, which in New York State is eighteen days per school year, or two days per month.

Classroom teachers, building principals and the Director of Special Services, counselors and the
school social worker are responsible for identifying students who are not participating. 
Interventions are scaffolded as follows:

● Video conferencing to establish face-to-face contact.

● Phone call to parent/guardian.
● Email to student and parent/guardian.
● Home visitation (Exercising social distancing protocols)

When contact is established by the aforementioned parties, a plan is developed to overcome any
learning barriers.  If students cannot access virtual instruction, hard-copy materials are delivered
to households and collected when assignments are completed.

Technology and Connectivity

Students with 1:1 Devices
All students in grades UPK – 12 have access to District-owned devices for the 20-21 school

Student Internet Access

District-wide (UPK-12)
In March 2020 the district obtained 60 Verizon jetpacks to distribute to students/staff to
increase connectivity. Planning in advance for the opening of school in September 2020, the
district is working collaboratively with Edutech to increase the number of Jetpacks (75+)
available to distribute to students and staff in need.

● Approximately 70% of students have “all the time” access to the internet at a sufficient
level to participate in all learning activities, at their places of residence, that is provided
by the student’s family or guardian.
● Approximately 5% of students do not have sufficient internet access at their place of
residence, and have been provided with internet access by the school or district.
● Approximately 25% of students have unstable internet at their place of residence.

The district will resurvey families and staff in order to determine:

● How many devices are in the household?
● Who may need additional mifi devices to enhance connectivity at home
● How many students and adults are utilizing devices to work remotely
● What time frames work best for remote school to home contact

*The district expectation for staff during the re-opening period is that staff will be present in
the school building during contracted work hours and will have access to devices, technology
and internet throughout the district.

Teacher Home Access

Approximately 76% of teachers have “all the time” access to the internet at a sufficient level to
participate in all learning activities at their places of residence.

Barriers to Access
District-wide (UPK-12)
The top barriers preventing “all the time” access to the internet at a sufficient level to
participate in all learning activities, at students’ places of residence are availability and cost.

Technical Support
The District has directed parents/guardians to contact its Computer Technical Administrator—
at helpdesk@warsawcsd.org for technical support. The District has developed a wireless
internet solution in the parking lots of the Elementary School and Middle High School buildings.

Parents/guardians may drive in to the lot, park, and students may access the wireless network
using District devices while adhering to social distancing protocols.

Learning Management System

The District utilizes Google Apps for Education as its Learning Management System. (LMS).
Instruction will be anchored in Google Classroom for all grade levels UPK-12. Teachers will
utilize appropriate technology to plan for differentiated needs for all students (Including IEP,
504, ELL), increased education for families and flexibility that may be required as instruction
potentially transitions between full attendance, fully remote and hybrid model of instruction.

Access to Technology/Learning Models

● Pre-K-12 can transport devices/chargers back and forth to school as necessary.
● Charging stations will be available in all classrooms.
● On site filtering handled by GoGuardian and iBoss.

● All students transport devices/chargers home and are required to use them to access
Google Classrooms.
● Offsite filtering handled by GoGuardian and iBoss.

● PreK-12th Grade students transport devices/chargers back and forth to school, ensuring
that devices are accessible on remote learning days.
● Charging stations will be established in classrooms.
● On site filtering handled by GoGuardian and iBoss.

*If students cannot access virtual instruction, hard-copy materials are delivered to households
and collected when assignments are completed.

Teaching and Learning

Professional Development
The District utilizes Google Apps for Education as its Learning Management System. (LMS).
Instruction for the 20-21 school year will be anchored in Google Classroom for all grade levels
UPK-12. Following intense summer professional development, teachers will be expected to
develop Google Classrooms in order to organize units of instruction for students - ultimately
developing systems to provide continuity of instruction across in person, hybrid and remote
instructional environments.

Teachers will utilize appropriate technology (including recording of lessons) to plan for
differentiated needs for all students (Including IEP, 504, ELL), increased education for families

and flexibility that may be required as instruction potentially transitions in and out of
instructional models throughout the school year.

Utilizing a unit planning template as well as our own Online Learning Website, teachers will
have access to exemplary models of virtual instruction, as well as tutorials focusing on
integrating technology. These tools will support the development of high quality units of
instruction, while increasing student engagement. As teachers learn and plan, they will
intentionally consider components of best practice, including but not limited to:
● Direct alignment with NYS Learning Standards
● Clear Learning Targets
● Pre, Formative and Summative Assessments
● Checks for Understanding
● Direct Instruction
● Guided Practice
● Independent Practice
● Regularly scheduled times for feedback/interaction with instructors
● Small group instruction
● Student Choice
● Differentiation
● Integration of Technology
● Professional Reflection

Special Education

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Students with disabilities must have equal access to high-quality programs that are designed,
based on their individual needs and abilities, to enable them to achieve the desired learning
results established for all students. Additional information regarding Special Education Services
can be found at: www.warsawcsd.org

LRE Documentation
The District’s Director of Special Services maintains direct contact with the parents/guardians of
students receiving special education services. The Director of Special Services will contact
families regarding the District’s or their students’ private school special education placements’
continuity of instruction plans.

Assurances for regular communication will include:

● Access to all necessary staff contact information
● Regular mailings
● Regular phone calls, check in s from instructional staff and administration

IEP Implementation

Until schools return to normal operating conditions, the same flexibility with respect to IEP
implementation for delivery of services during school closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak
continues to apply to the programs and services whether delivered in-person and/or remotely
(e.g., flexibility with respect to the mode and/or manner; group or individual sessions; specific
group size for related services, frequency, duration and location of related services, and special
class size ratio etc.)

To the greatest extent necessary:

● All CSE and CPSE meetings will be held remotely.
● All providers and parents will have access to the meetings remotely.
● All CSE/CPSE meetings will originally be scheduled to take place remotely, unless the
parents request an in-person meeting. An in-person meeting will be held using social
distancing and health and safety recommendations. In-person meetings may still require
some providers to enter the meeting remotely.

Provision of Services
Consistent with previously issued OSE guidance, the District will ensure that, to the greatest
extent possible, each student with a disability can be provided the special education and
related services identified in the student’s IEP. During the 2020-21 school year, due to the
health and safety requirements that must be in place when schools resume, schools may not be
able to provide all services in the same mode and/or manner they are typically provided. The
District will determine what methods of delivery of services will be utilized to deliver special
education programs and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities as it plans its
three (3) instructional models including in-person, hybrid and remote learning. When
providing remote services, the District will continue to use the information included in OSE’s
March 27, 2020 and April 27, 2020 guidance documents.

Progress Monitoring
Teachers and service providers will continue to collect data, whether in-person or remotely,
and use the data to monitor each student’s progress toward the annual goals and to evaluate
the effectiveness of the student’s special education services.

Make-Up Services due to Covid-19

Because schools were required to provide FAPE consistent with the need to protect health and
safety in the first instance, students may have experienced a loss of skills despite best
intentions, efforts and creative solutions when providing educational programs and services. In
these circumstances, CPSEs/CSEs must make an individualized determination whether and to
what extent make-up services due to Covid-19 are to be provided once school reopens; how
those services will be provided in conjunction with the District’s reopening plan and continue if
the school must close again over the next school year.

Partnership and Collaboration to Reflect All Settings Where Students are Served
District administration participates in annual visits to its off-site special education placements.
The purpose of these visits is to thoroughly understand the instructional programming and

environments in which ours students are learning. To the greatest extent practicable, the
District will continue this practice.

The District will monitor, review and provide comment on all off-site continuity of education

In-person Instructional Model

● Related service providers will collaborate with classroom teachers for scheduling push-in
and pull-out sessions.
● Students will receive instruction in social distancing and PPE.
● Students with sensory needs may require alternative PPE.
● Classroom and related service settings will ensure social distancing (Six (6) feet or
● Classroom and related service settings will be provided necessary PPE and cleaning and
disinfection supplies for their instructional spaces.
● Therapy items may be limited due to cleaning/disinfection requirements.
● Testing materials, porous items, and shared items will be cleaned and disinfected.
● Material barriers, transparencies, gloves, and photocopies will be used to minimize risk
of spreading germs.

Remote Instructional Model

● Special Education teachers will establish Google Classrooms for students on their
caseload and work collaboratively with faculty and staff to provide instruction aligned
with individual educational plans needs/requirements.
● Classrooms and related service providers will be co-teachers in the Google Classrooms in
order to maintain continuity of instruction as well as support services.
● Teletherapy services will be scheduled as necessary.

Bilingual Education and World Languages

Initial Identification of Potential ELLs
NYSED has approved temporary emergency regulatory changes to the ELL identification process
to address the backlog of newly enrolled students who need to complete the ELL identification
process mandated by Part 154- 2.3(a) at the commencement of the 2020-21 school year.

● Qualifying schools that reopen using in-person instruction or blended/hybrid instruction

will be required to complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the
start of the academic school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school
closures in 2019-20, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during
the first 20 school days of the 2020-21 academic school year. After this 20- day
flexibility period, all schools that reopen using in-person or hybrid instruction will be
expected to complete identification of ELLs within the required 10 school days of initial
enrollment for all students pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154, including

the ELL screening, identification, and placement processes. The initial screening process
should be followed in person for new entrants following the district’s safety protocols to
ensure compliance with the Governor’s Executive Orders and Center for Disease Control
(CDC) health and safety guidelines after commencement of regional reopening.

Units of Study for English as a New Language (ENL) and Transitional Bilingual Education (BE)
All ELLs must be provided the required instructional Units of Study. in their ENL or BE
program based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level as evidenced
in their most recent NYSESLAT or their NYSITELL assessment during in-person or hybrid
learning. Former ELLs at the Commanding level of proficiency within two years of exiting ELL
status are to continue receiving Former ELL services in the form of Integrated ENL or other
Former ELL services approved by the Commissioner under Part 154-2.3(h) during in-person or
hybrid learning.

Communications and Language Access

All communications with parents/guardians of ELLs will be in their preferred language and mode
of communication.

The District will, to the greatest extent practicable, provide interpretation and translation through
a qualified interpreter/translator in the languages most commonly spoken in the District, and at a
minimum in those languages spoken by a large number and percentage of ELLs.

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (Education Law §3012-

Pursuant to Education Law 3012-d, the District will fully implement its currently approved APPR
plans in each school.

Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching

Pursuant to Education Law 3001, individuals employed by WCSD will hold a valid certificate.

Student Teaching
The District will continue to welcome student teachers into its classrooms whether in-person or
remote during the 2020 – 21 school year.
● Student teachers can play important roles in terms of bridging gaps related to
remote/online instruction, and in supporting the teachers of record and the students,
especially during these challenging times.
● The District will continue to collaborate with its regional higher education partners to
offer appropriate field experiences for their students.

● All individuals participating in field and student teaching experiences must be approved
by the Board of Education and must adhere to all guidelines contained within the
District’s reopening plan.


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