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Instructor: Showkat Ara Khanam

Designation: Assistant Professor

Faculty: Green Business School
Department: Business Administration
Cell: 01611641678
Course Title: Strategic Human Resource Management, Course Code: HRM 602
Credit Hours: Three
Program: MBA
Semester: Fall 2018 (183)
Section: 1
Class Location: Room 512
Class schedule: Friday 10:30- 1:00

Course Description
Managing human resources is becoming increasingly important as a result of globalization, and
rapid technological and workforce changes. Strategic This course provides students with the
understanding, knowledge, and skills to make strategic human resource management decisions.
The course highlights practical activities, ranging from assessment of the global economic
environment and organizational culture to the analysis of competencies and the implementation
of human resource decisions.

Course Objectives
Within the field of strategy there are many contradictory paradigms. Frameworks that fit one
firm may be useless for another. In this course, the emphasis is not just on acquiring knowledge
and applying frameworks. Students will be expected to go beyond the tools offered.

Teaching Methodology:
 Lecture will be the main method of teaching. Use of visual aids, like OHP and Multimedia, will
aid the lecture presentations.
 The techniques of experiential learning like classroom exercises, and group discussions will be
used to increase participation.
 Assignments and case studies will help the students to solve real-life problems and develop
insights into applied organization approaches.

Course Policies:

Ø Attendance: Attendance in the class is mandatory unless otherwise specified.

 Text Book: Students are required to have the textbook(s) by the first week of the
semester and have to bring the book in the class.
 Course Content: Instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes in the course
content depending on the progress of the class.
 Unannounced Test: Once a chapter is completed, students are required to be prepared to
face surprise quiz. There will be NO make up for such test.
 Class Makeup: In case of unavoidable circumstances should a course meeting, lecture or exam,
needs to be cancelled; students will be offered a make up. All makeup classes will be held as per
the rescheduling suggested by the course teacher.
 Academic Honesty: Any academic misconduct will be dealt according to the provisions of the
students’ code of conduct.
 Consultation Hour: Students are most welcome to make appointment at the time convenient to
both the teacher & students.

Grading Scheme:

Class Attendance……………………... 05%

Quizzes………………………………….. 10%
Assignments/Term Paper……………. 10%
Presentation…………………………… 10%
Mid Term Examination……………….. 30%
Semester Final………………………… 35%
Total 100%

Class Topics to be covered

Lecture 1 Introduction to Strategic HRM: The Strategic View of Human Resource;

Characteristics of Strategic Approaches to HRM; Difference between Human
Resource Management & Strategic Human Resource Management;
Lecture 2 An Investment Perspective of HRM: Sources of Employee Value, Understanding
and Measuring Human Capital; Factors Influencing How “Investment Oriented” an
Organization is
Lecture 3 Challenges in Strategic Human Resource Management: Impact of Technology; HR
Issues and Challenges Related to Technology
Lecture 4 Strategic Management and Strategic Planning: Models of Strategy; Compare &
Contrast the premises and Assumptions of the Industrial Organization I/O &
Resource-Based Models of Strategic Planning; The Process of Strategic
Management; Linking HR Processes to Strategy

Lecture 5 The Evolving or Strategic Role of HRM: Strategic HR versus Traditional HR; HR
Roles in a Knowledge Based economy; Barriers to Strategic HR; Outcomes of
Strategic HR

Lecture 6 HR Planning: What is HRP? Objectives of HR Planning; A Model for HRP; Types
of HR Planning (Aggregate & Succession Planning); Markov Analysis; Strategies
for Managing Employee Shortage and Surplus

Lecture 7 Design and Redesign of Work System: A model for the Design of Work Systems;
The Job Characteristic Model; Strategic Work Redesign in Action (Outsourcing and
Lecture 8 Strategic Socialization, Training & Development: Strategic Choices with Regard to
Socialization & the Development of employees; Factors that Encourage the Use of
Training; Steps in the Training Needs Analysis & Design; Benefits of Training &
Development; Training and Development Methods
Lecture 9 Strategies for Effective Performance Appraisal Systems: Appraisal Process; Tips for
Successful Performance Interview; Methods of PA; Perceptual Errors in PE; Criteria
for Successful Performance Appraisal System
Lecture Review

Recommended text:

Jeffery A. Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd edition, Pearson Education

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