Why Is Home Management Important?

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Why is Home Management Important?

Other than cleaning your house, the idea of managing your home is probably the furthest thing
from your mind right now. Home management affects most homeowners when something goes
wrong. However, home management is also an essential element of improving your home. A
roof, air conditioner, water heater or furnace failure quickly reminds most of us how important
home management really is. However, when you want to improve your home, home
management will help you get the most bangs for the buck!

While many associate home management with maintenance, redefining your home with an
addition, a new paint scheme or a new improvement are all elements of home management.
Home management is the process of preserving, protecting, improving and maintaining your
home. Although most of us think of home management as maintenance, it is really the process of
making the most of your home. A well managed home is more satisfying to live in, saves you
money and significant frustration.

As homes have become more complex and technologically advanced, preserving and protecting
your home has become increasingly difficult. While a very few homeowners have developed
effective home management practices, most homeowners are less regimented or knowledgeable
and lean more toward "crisis management" as a management solution. Needless, to say, crisis
management is the most expensive home management strategy.

Home Management in a Nutshell

Like we have noted previously, home management is the process of preserving, protecting and
maintaining your home. To begin with, think of your home as a collection of systems and
structures. Think of home management as those things you can do to preserve, protect and
improve your home and its systems.

Preserving Your Home

Preservation means making something last, or keeping it alive. You perform home preservation
every time you clean your home. Painting adds beauty to your home, but also and preserves the
underlying materials. When you change your air filter, you are preserving the quality of your
home environment. These are only a few of the things you do today to preserve your home.

Because homes are becoming more complex and technically sophisticated, it can be difficult to
know what and how to preserve. For instance, when was the last time you sprayed off the coils of
your air conditioner? If you are like most, it has been a long time. According to our experts, most
air conditioners fail about 5 years earlier than their designed lifetime because of improper yet
simple maintenance. That's $4,000-$9,000 that will leave your home before it needed to do so.
Preservation also takes the form of beautification. Painting your walls or exterior will define
your home or interior living spaces. It also protects your drywall. Plaster, wood and other
structures. Smart homeowners look to preservation s their first line of defense in the protection of
their home.

Protecting Your Home

Protection means defending or guarding against attack and shielding from danger. There are a
number of dangers your home encounters every day. As a homeowner, you need to understand
threats to your home and have the ability to predict what the most common threats are likely to
be - and thwart them.

Biological threats like rot and mold are not only expensive to repair, but can be threatening to the
health of the occupants. Threats like these are easily avoided if you know what you are looking
for. If you look the other way, the costs to eliminate them can quickly amount to more than the
value of your home.

Natural threats like termites, insects and water infiltration can be easily managed - if you know
what to look for. Once the damage is done, the costs can be extreme in terms of both money and

Perils are threats like fire, earthquake, water and other forces of nature. While you can protect
yourself to some extent, you also need to understand the greater risk of inadequate insurance

Another group of threats includes the companies that work on your home and physical threats to
your property. Because of the fact that homes represent the single largest industry in America,
unscrupulous contractors, scams and simply poor workmanship are also threats that are too real
to most homeowners. With a challenging economy, theft and larceny are rising to record levels.

Protecting your home from threats is about understanding those threats and taking the necessary
actions to protect your investment and family. In all too many cases, homeowners fail to predict
or acknowledge the possibility of the same threats that ultimately destroy their property and their
ability to be made whole by insurers or contractors.

Enhancing Your Home

Enhancing means raising something to a higher degree, intensifying and magnifying. Enhancing
your home is much the same. Few homeowners want to live in the same home for a lifetime. By
improving and enhancing your home, you not only increase the livability of your home, but also
increase its value over time. A home with a kitchen that is 30 years old is not as appealing or as
livable as a 30-year-old home with a new kitchen.
Whether your home is new or several hundred years old, keeping it up to date is an essential
element of home ownership. With today's banking and economic environment, more
homeowners are electing to make the most of their homes and stay planted for a while. Despite
the poor economy, maintenance and protection of your home cannot be put off for long. The
most popular improvements are those that enhance the livability of homes today.

The great news is that making your home better is not necessarily expensive. Many homeowners
are learning to do more at home - and that saves big bucks and invests the homeowners in their

What is The Best Way to Manage Your Home?

Homeowners wanting to manage their homes have two choices: manual or automated.
Manual management is the process of going it alone. If you are knowledgeable about your home,
its systems and maintenance, this strategy might work for you.

If you are like most homeowners, an automated solution is clearly a better choice in terms of
costs and capabilities. In fact, an effective home management solution is a homeowner's most
valuable asset.

Some home management programs do exist available today. However, none except for The
Proper Home includes all of the features homeowners require to manage their home effectively.

The Essential Elements of a Home Management Solution

Today's homes are more complex and sophisticated than ever. Homeowners are also busier than
ever. This is why an effective home management technology can be a godsend.

Managing your home properly makes real sense in terms of your property, lifestyle and value.
Next-generation tools like The Proper Home make managing your home more organized, easier
and smarter. In fact, because of the advanced features offered, The Proper Home is the most
referred home management solution ever created.

However, when you are looking for a solution to manage your home (even if it is not The Proper
Home), there are a few considerations you should know about.

An Easy and Understandable Management Model

Managing your home with a nebulous system that requires you to learn a new language is of
little use. An easily understood model is an essential element of any home management solution.
There are several applications out there to help you manage your home effectively. The Proper
Home offers the Stonebridge Home Assistant program that offers you easy to use but powerful
way to manage your home using an inventory-based approach. This approach represents a
natural approach that helps you to make sense of your home through the things you own!

Access to Knowledge and Expertise

One of the most essential elements to your success as a homeowner is access to home-related
knowledge and expertise. However, getting the exact answers to your questions is not necessarily
the answer you are looking for. The problem is that different areas have different laws, products
and practices. In many cases, an exact answer may be at the cost of other options that you are not
being told about.

The Stonebridge Home Assistant Program uses experts in over 46 different categories ranging
from banking to wells and irrigation to help you to learn your potential solutions and choices. In
the case of home-related knowledge and expertise, expert guidance is often far more effective
than exact answers for most questions.

Tips from the Experts

Home management is rewarding and a powerful asset to any homeowner. However, there are a
few caveats that you need to know as a homeowner to make the most of your efforts. Here are a
few ideas from the experts at The Proper Home.

Start Your System Slowly. Most home management solutions have many features to meet the
widest range of homeowners. Begin on a room-level and take your time as you enter your home

Use Only the Options that are Meaningful and Relevant to You. Home management
solutions have lots of options. Start simply and get more involved as you complete the basic

Be Realistic! Most homeowners want to manage their homes to the greatest degree possible.
While The Proper Home and some other programs allows you to do this, micromanaging your
home typically results in to-do lists that will never be done! Add only the most important tasks at
first like filters, softeners and consumable items to your system at first. You can always add
more later.

Have Fun! Owning a home can be a challenge. However, managing your home is a great way to
organize tasks in ways that allow you to complete them easier and more efficiently. Using a
home management solution does require a bit of upfront work to get your information in place.
Once in place, an advanced home management solution like Advanced applications like The
Stonebridge Home Assistant™ actually begins to take over for you! Once your information is in
there, The Stonebridge Home Assistant™ takes over virtually all management for you!

Getting Started

To explore more about your home and learn more about The Stonebridge Home Assistant, please
visit TheProperHome.com.

What are the aspects of management?

There are two main aspects to Management. Operational and Entrepreneurial. (with all management
positions falling into one of these categories)
Operational Management deals with the aspect of a business or company on the day-to-day side of
things. Made to keep a business or organization "body" running smoothly.

Entrepreneurial Management deals with Risk-Taking, and making the decisions that will affect the future
of the business. -as you may tell, this is the higher form of management, but also the most 'thin-iced' as

Individuals must know important aspects of home management to ensure success in their
future career.

While young, individuals must know important aspects of home management to ensure success
in their future career. Every individual is expected to contribute in the efficient management of
the home to ensure a wholesome and stable family life. Home management is necessary in all
aspects of family living through efficient management of resources. The management of
resources involves four (4 steps namely: planning, organizing, leading or directing, and

Planning involves setting the goals of the family, based on values and needs. Organizing
involves the assignment of tasks to family members in the form of duties and responsibilities.
Leading and directing means motivation the family members to cooperate in the realization of
family goals while controlling means reviewing all the activities undertaken to make sure that all
plans are carried out and family goals are achieved.

To ensure a wholesome and stable family life, the following factors should be considered in
home management:
1. Activities of the family. This should fit the duties and responsibilities given to each
member to avoid conflict with regard to time, energy and relationship with other
2. Available resources. This may be human or material resources. Abilities, knowledge,
skills, talents, attitudes, health and energy are examples of human resources. Material
resources refer to objects,, things, or possessions which are used to satisfy our needs and
3. Priorities of the family. Families differ in their priorities. One family may value health
more than other aspects of home life, while others may value education more. Therefore,
in the pursuit of these activities, some tasks can be omitted or simplified.
4. The values, attitudes, and habits of the family greatly influence the management of
resources in all aspects of family life.
5. Conditions in the community. As part of the community, some community activities must
be included in the plan for managing a home.

Managing One's Time and Energy

Time and energy are closely related. Time is the framework within which work is performed.
The time of the day as shown on clock or announced over the radio guides us in carrying out the
day's activities, in distinguishing time for work and fro rest and in checking the progress of work
during the day. Energy refers to physical and mental effort that is spent to do work.

The saying "Time is gold" gives the important message that time must be valued and used
wisely. We have only twenty four (24) hours a day to make life productive and satisfying. It is
important to devote time to perform assigned tasks because time lost can never be regained.

Our energy supply comes from the food we eat, thus, poor eating habits may result to less energy
to do things. A person who wants to accomplish more must have regular amount of rest, sleep,
and exercise.

Like time, energy must also be used wisely. Life has no meaning if energy is spent in
unproductive activities. Time and energy are two valuable resources that must be managed
efficiently. The following are important in managing one's time and energy wisely:

1. Proper management of time and energy brings about satisfaction and security because
your target for the day has been accomplished. After finishing the assigned tasks, you
have a feeling of having accomplished something of value.
2. One of the benefits of using time and energy wisely is finding out that you have time to
give to those who need it. For example, after studying your lessons, you can still use time
helping in household chores such as washing the dishes, cleaning the house of spending
time with other members of your family.
3. Spending one's time and energy wisely offers opportunities for constructive activities
such as taking part in community development, handicraft or gardening.

Factors affecting the use of Time and Energy

Productive use of time and energy are influenced by several factors such as the following which
should be kept in mind to accomplish goals and objectives within a specific time frame:

1. Available resources. Human and material resources are essential to all enterprise.
Knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals are human resources. Labor, time-saving
devices, and machinery are material resources.
2. The task to be accomplished. Certain activities or task require only little time and energy
to accomplish. Dusting and sweeping the floor are examples. Others need more time and
efforts, such as washing clots, repairing the faucet or cleaning the stove.
3. Size of the family. A small family has more household chores to do and needs more time
to accomplish even if tasks are shared by members. A large family has the advantages of
accomplishing takes in less time use of energy.
4. Age. Young children with still undeveloped muscles can do only simple tasks because
complicated work may affect their physical and mental growth. Elderly due to age also
cannot do heavy tasks. Teenagers, on the other hand, should do the heavier tasks, using
their excess energy.

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/338025_important-aspects-of-home-


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