Sociology Course

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Course: Sociology

Location: Wisconsin International University

Instructor: James Hill, M.Ed,
Times and dates: to be determined
Attendance: 80% attendance required.
Grading: 30% attendance, 30% participation, 20% final exam, 10% quizzes, 10% group project
Non-registered students may attend classes but are expected to pay a small fee
Classes: each class is 90 minutes which equals 2 academic hours. The class is 45 academic
hours. There are 22 classes scheduled. The last scheduled class is the review and examination
and this will take place in December.

Course Content:
Day 1: Introduction into Sociology (Weber, Marx, Spencer etc..)
Day 2: Continue introduction into Sociology
Day 3: Sociology from a psychological perspective ( Freud and Jung’s ideas of the individual in
Day 4: Defining culture and defining emotions from a cultural perspective. The happiest
Societies” and why.
Day 5: Group Dynamics: mob mentality, group think, ‘the Devil’s ADVOCATE” how to make
group decisions, what is a functional team, defusion of responsibility
Day 6: World religions, groups, gangs and cults. The power of a leader. Good vs. bad leader. The
best systems of government
Day 7: Cults and deprogramming concepts: Brainwashing, Becoming more conscious. Consumer
mentality, the media and advertising
Day 8: Social psychology (conformity); Compliance to authority, early evolutionary models of
Day 9: social psychology (biases and stereotypes)
Day 10: Social psychology (gender differences)
Day 11: Civil Law cases: The drowning girl, liability and responsibility
Day 12: Crime and Punishment: A look at homicides and school shootings
Day 13: crime and punishment: sexual crimes, Understanding rape, victimization, prostitution,
Day 14: The death Penalty and executions: Does the punishment fit the crime? The way people
have been punished from yesterday till today.
Day 15: What is Social work? The problems children, disabled people and the elderly face.
Understanding pro-social behaviors and altruism. Change theory: Why and how people change
their beliefs and attitudes.
Day 16: Current World problems and solutions: Global warming, wars, the spread of H.I.V. Best
and worst countries on the planet and why. How to make Ukraine a better place to live for
Day 17: Conflict theory and Conflict resolution and negotiations:
Day 18: Group Therapy and dynamics (Drug treatment programs, self-help groups)
Day 19: Self-presentation skills: “How to fit into society”
Day 20: Public speaking skills
Day 21: Interviewing skills
Day: 22 Review and examination period

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