DCCCNC09 Script

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Hello from the one-minute survey team at Indy Surveys. I’m _________.

May I please
speak with ________?

Q1/Qlikely. In November of 2020, there will be an election for President, Congress,

and other local offices. I know it's a long way off, but what are the chances that you
will vote in the 2020 November election? Will you definitely vote, probably vote, are
the chances 50-50, or will you probably not vote?
1 Definitely vote
2 Probably vote
3 Chances are 50-50
4 Probably not vote [TERMINATE]
5 [VOL] Unsure
6 [VOL] Refused

Q2/Qprez2020. If the election for President were held today, for whom would you
vote [PRES20A] or [PRES20B]?
1 Democrat Joe Biden GO TO Q4
2 Republican Donald Trump GO TO Q4
3 [VOL] Undecided GO TO Q3
4 [VOL] Someone else GO TO Q4
5 [VOL] Refused GO TO Q4

Q3/Qprez2020push. [IF UNDECIDED on Qprez2020] And even though you are

undecided, if the election for President were held today and you had to decide
right now, for whom would you vote: [PRES20A] or [PRES20B]?
1 Democrat Joe Biden
2 Republican Donald Trump
3 [VOL] Undecided
4 [VOL] Someone else
5 [VOL] Refused

Q4/Qgeneric. If the election for US Congress were held today, for whom would you
1 Democratic candidate GO TO Q6
2 Republican candidate GO TO Q6
3 [VOL] Undecided GO TO Q5
4 [VOL] Refused GO TO Q6
Q5/Qgenericpush. [IF UNDECIDED on Qgeneric] And even though you are
undecided, if the election were held today and you had to decide right now, for
whom would you vote: [GENCANDA] or [GENCANDB]?
1 Democratic candidate
2 Republican candidate
3 [VOL] Blank Ballot
4 [VOL] Refused

Q6/QjobDJT. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his
job as President?

[FOLLOW UP] Is that strongly or somewhat [approve/disapprove]?

1 Strongly approve
2 Somewhat approve
3 Somewhat disapprove
4 Strongly disapprove
5 [VOL] Unsure
6 [VOL] Refused

Q7/Qfav1. Now, think about [CANDA]. Do you have a favorable view or unfavorable
view of [CANDA]?
1 Favorable view of
2 Unfavorable view of
3 [VOL] Have never heard of /Unsure how you feel about them
4 [VOL] Refused

Q8/Qfav2. Now, think about [CANDB]. Do you have a favorable view or unfavorable
view of [CANDB]?
1 Favorable view of
2 Unfavorable view of
3 [VOL] Have never heard of/Unsure how you feel about them
4 [VOL] Refused

Q9/QjobGOP1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Dan Bishop is handling his
job as U.S. Congressman?
1 Approve
2 Disapprove
3 [VOL] Unsure
4 [VOL] Refused
Q10/Qvote1. If the election for U.S. Congress were held today and the candidates
were [PARTCANDA] and [PARTCANDB] for whom would you vote?
1 Democrat Cynthia Wallace GO TO Q12
2 Republican Dan Bishop GO TO Q12
3 Undecided GO TO Q11
4 [VOL] Refused [TERMINATE]

Q11/Qvote1Push. [IF UNDECIDED on Qvote] And even though you are

undecided, if the election was held today and you had to decide right now, who
would you vote for? [PARTCANDA] or [PARTCANDB]?
1 Democrat Cynthia Wallace
2 Republican Dan Bishop
3 Undecided
4 [VOL] Refused [TERMINATE]

Q12/Qprez2016. For statistical purposes only, thinking back to the 2016 presidential
election, for whom did you vote: [PRES16A] or [PRES16B]?
1 Hillary Clinton
2 Donald Trump
3 [VOL] Did not vote in 2016
4 [VOL] Voted for someone else
5 [VOL] Refused

Q13/QageIVR. For statistical purposes only, can you tell me the year in which you
were born?
[Capture] GO TO Q15
Refused GO TO Q14

Q14/QBYearBucket. We understand that some people don't feel comfortable telling

us the year they were born, and that's okay. However, it would really help us out if
you would share with us which of the following age ranges you fall into. Are you under
30, between 30 and 39, between 40 and 49, between 50 and 59, between 60 and 74,
or at least 75 years old?
1 Under 30
2 30 to 39
3 40 to 49
4 50 to 59
5 60 to 74
6 75 or older          
7 [VOL] Any other response / Don't want to answer             

Q15/QsexIVR. Gender (observed, do not ask)

1 Female
2 Male

Q16/QpartyID. Generally, do you think of yourself as [PARTYA], [PARTYB], or an

1 Democrat
2 Republican
3 Independent
4 [VOL] Unsure
5 [VOL] Refused

Q17/Qeduc. Finally, what is the highest level of education you have completed? [DO
1 Attended or graduated high school
2 Technical or vocational school
3 Some college, but do not yet have a 4 year college degree
4 Graduated with a degree from a 4 year college
5 Post graduate degree

END: Great, thanks for your time.

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