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Drug that is not given in pregnancy is ans 1

(A) ACE inhibitors (B) methyldopa
(c) penicillin (D)labetalol
2. Portion of placenta contributes by the embryo is the ......ans c
(A) Yolk sac (B) Amnion
(c) Chorion (D) Allantois
3. Which vessels transport blood rich in oxygen nutrients to the fetus ans b
(A) Ductus venosus (B) umbilical vein
(c)Ductus arteriosus (D)Umblical vein
4. In which menstrual cycle phase does implantation occur and. A
(A) Ovulation (B) Menses
(c)Secretory (D) Proliferative
5. Which hormone prevent second pregnancy during gestation ........ans d
(A) FSH (B) Progestrone
(c) LH (D) HCG
6. When is first possible to distinguish the sex of the fetus
(A) 1 month (B)3 month
(c) 2 month (D)4 month
7. Weight of the uterus
(A) 30 gm (B)40 gm
(c)65 gm (D)60 gm
8. The structure which implant in the endometrium is termed as
(A)Embryo (B) blastocyst
(c) Zygotes (D)Morula
9. After the birth thick sticky material on the newborn baby body is called
(A)Lanugo (B) liquid
(c) vernix cessosa (D)Cerumen
10. Frog eye appearance is seen in
(A) Acardia (B) Down syndrome
(c)Anencephaly (D) pataus syndrome
11. What happens to GFR in a case of preeclampsia.....and A
(A) GFR decrease (B) Remain same
(c)GFR increase (D)None of the above
12. Placenta developmental complete in .....ans b
(A)12 week s (B)14 weeks
(c) 13 weeks (D) 15 weeks
13. Normal dilatation of cervix for delivery....... ans c
(A)5 cm (B) 9 cm
(c) 10 cm (D)13 cm
14. Size of the placenta
(A)22cm (B) 30 cm
(c) 29 cm (D) 36 cm
15. Antidot of the Mgso4
(A)calcium gluconate (B) charcol
(c)warpharin (D) heparin
16. Fertilization occur in
(A)Pelvis (B) Vagina
(c)Uterus (D) Fallopine tube
17. Fallopine tube is lined by
(A) Germinal epithelium (B) Stratified epithelium
(c)Columnar epithelium (D) Ciliated epitheliaum
18. Narrowest part of the fallopian tube is the
(A)Interstitial (B) Isthmus
(c) Ampulla (D) Infdundibulum
19. Longest portionof the fallopian tube
(A)Interstitial (B) Isthmus
(c) Ampulla (D) Infdundibulum
20. Fertilization occur in which area
(A)Uterus (B) Overy
(c) Ampulla of the fallopian tube (D) Infdundibulum
21. X ray study of the Fallopian tube is known a s
(A)Salpinography (B) Myelography
(c) Cholecystoscopy (D) Pyelography
22. In which part of the female body a zygotes develops
(A) Ovaries (B) Uterus
(c) Vagina (D)Fallopian tube
23. Endometrium in pregnancy is also known as
(A)Decidua (B) Decubitus
(c) Trophoblast (D)Gravid endometrium
24. What is the normal size of uterus
(A)7.5x1.5x1 cm (B)9x2x2cm
(c) 7.5x2.5x1.5 (D) 7.5x5x2.5x cm
25. Uterus pacemaker situated in
(A)Cornua of uterus (B) Isthmus
(c) Cervix (D) Body of the uterus
26. Corpus luteum develop from
(A)Neprostome (B) Graffin follicles
(c) Oocytes (D)none of the other portion
27. After ovulation has occurred the ovum remain viable for
(A)1 to 6 hour (B)12 to 24 hour
(c) 24 to 36 hour (D) 48 to 72 hour
28. Corpus m secrets
(A)FSH (B) progestrone
(c)LH (D) Estrogen
29. Bartholin gland is present in
(A)Ovaries (B) Uterus
(c)Vagina (D) Cervix
30. The average blood loss in a normal menstrual cycle is
(A)200-250 ml (B)50-100 ml
(c) 100-150 ml (D) 150-200 ml
31. In following which is the higest diameter of pelvis
(A)Anterior posterior (B)oblique
(c) Lateral (D) All of the above
32. At 8 weeks of gestration the uterus look like
(A)cricket ball (B)Size of grape fruit
(c) large orange (D) Small inriped pear
33. Uterus is palpable above the symphysis at
(A)14 week s (B)8 weeks
(c) 10 weeks (D) 12 weeks
34. The normal duration of pregnancy is
(A)300 days (B)250 days
(c) 365 days (D) 280 days
35. How EDD is calculated
(A)LMP+9month +10 days (B)LMP+8month +7 days
(c)9 month +7 days +LMP (D) All of above

36. A healthy newborn baby is born at term

(A)37-42 weeks (B)37-40 weeks
(c) 38-40 weeks (D) 39-40 weeks
37. What is the weight uterus during the pregnancy
(A)800 gms (B)700 gms
(c) 850 gms (D) 900 gms
38. The morning sickness usually disappears by the end of
(A)1 month (B)3 month
(c) 2 month (D) 4 month
39. Women is pregnant for the first time is called as
(A)Multi para (B) nullpara
(c) Primipara (D) primigravida
40. Drug of choice in pre eclampsia is
(A)Dopamine (B) Sodium sulphate
(c) Magnesium sulphate (D)Sodium nitropruside
41. The early symptoms of pre eclampsia is
(A)Headache (B)Polyuria
(c) Proteinuria (D) Seizures
42. Following is the risk Associated with placenta previa
(A)Infection (B)Chronic hypertension
(c) Ante partum haemorrhage (D) iabetes
43. Premature sepration of the placenta from the uterus wall before delivery is
(A)Abruptio placenta (B)placenta previa
(c) Cord (D) Fetal distress
44. In monozygotes babies are of
(A) Both A&C (B) Same sex
(c) Same blood group (D) Different sex
45. What is the hyperemesis gravidum
(A)Food craving (B)Lethargy
(c) Excessive vomiting (D) Morning sickness
46. Maternal Ketaoacidosis is due to the deficient intake of
(A)Protein (B)Vitamin
(c) Fat (D) Carbohydrate
47. The snow strom appearance of uterus in USG indicate the presence of
To (B)Fibroid in pregnancy
(c) Vesicular mole (D) Hydramnios
48. Danger of molar pregnancy are all of the following except
(A)Haemorrhage (B)Chorio Carcinoma
(c) Sepsis (D) Habitual abortion
49. Which among the following can be seen in a partial mole
(A)Triploidy (B)Haploidy
(c) polyploidy (D) Diaploidy
50. Binovular twins form from
(A)One ovum and two spermatozoa (B) One ovum and one spermatozoa
(c) Two ovum and two spermatozoa(D) Two ovum and one spermatozoa

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