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AP World History: Modern

Ms. Hannah Sinclair

University High School, Room LL-9

Course Description
Advanced Placement World History: Modern will cover history from its beginnings to the
present time. The course is designed to prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement World History
Exam. The AP World History Exam presumes at least one year of college-level preparation.

The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes
and contacts in different types of human societies over time. This course highlights the nature of changes in global
frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies.

AP provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit. Taking AP courses
demonstrates to college admission officers that the student has sought out the most rigorous course work available to

Students are required to read throughout the year in conjunction with class lectures.
 Primary Textbook: Strayer, Robert W. The Ways of the World. 3th Ed. New York, NY: Macmillan Learning, 2016.

The standard scale for comprehensive grades is used:
A = 90% + B =80% - 89.9% C =70% - 79.9% D =60% - 69.9% F =59.9% or less

 Participation Grade
At the end of the semester, students have the opportunity to receive up to 40 participation points. To fully earn credit
for this, students must check in with me once a quarter via zoom. This gives me a chance to touch base with them,
whether it is to talk about a low test score or congratulate them on growth. The two meetings will be about half of the
participation points. This grade is also dependent upon consistent attendance, quality of class participation, being
prepared for class every day, a record of taking exams/ quizzes and handing in assigned work on time. The intent of the
participation grade is to raise a student’s grade if it happens to fall on the borderline between two grades (i.e. 89%).

 Extra Credit
I believe that students should concentrate on their assigned work at all times and extra credit is given only when
deemed appropriate. This is determined solely by the instructor.

Grade Change Policy

All AP World and AP Euro classes in the UHS Social Studies department share the same grade change policy in terms of
how students score on the AP exam.
 If a student scores a FOUR on the AP exam then ONE semester grade will be raised by ONE letter.
 If a student scores a FIVE on the AP exam then BOTH semester grades will be raised by ONE letter.
 This policy does not apply to failing grades. No exceptions.

General Course Policies

 Attendance
o With remote learning it is especially important that students participate in class. To earn attendance
students must attempt to do the following to the best of their ability.
 Attend live zoom meetings
 Watch lectures online
 Read textbook
 Do assignments
o If students are unable to attend zoom meetings, I would like them to make contact with me.
 This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. This is especially true given the changing
nature of this school year.
 The instructor’s decision to not enforce a policy listed here does not mean that the instructor may not do so
later on.
 Late assignments will receive a 20% penalty.

UHS Honor Code Policy and Plagiarism

The UHS Honor Code will be implemented at all times in this class. Any instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in a
zero on the assignment, with no opportunity to replace the grade, and will be referred to the administrators. Plagiarism
can range from copying from a peer to an internet/textbook source.

Class Materials and Requirements

1. A laptop – if you do not have one contact administration and they will get one for you.
2. A way to take notes by hand: either a notebook or loose leaf paper

Final Notes:
• The best way to get in contact with me is email:
• Course Website:
o The course website includes resources and Ms. Sinclair’s contact information. Students will access to all
classroom materials through Microsoft teams.

Thank you so much for your assistance! I look forward to a great year!

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