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Questionnaire Related to Transportation :

1 Name of the transportation and co., -------------------

(Open ended)

2 Establishment year -------------------

(Open ended)

3 To what sectors is your business associated with -------------------

(Open ended)

4 Which of the following dairy dairy brands are you ❏ Brand A

associated with ❏ Brand B
❏ Brand C
❏ Brand D
❏ Please fill if any

5 In the last 5 years, how many dairy brands have -------------------

you worked with ? (Open ended)

QUESTIONS FOR EACH BRAND (They are associated with)

1 From how many years have you been associated -------------------

with this brand (Open ended)

2 Which of the following range of products is your ❏ Fresh

company associated with ❏ Chilled
❏ Ambient
❏ Frozen
(Interviewer should explain
what all products come
under each category )

3 Identify top three factors for the association ❏ Timely payments

❏ Amount paid
❏ Trust/Association
❏ Transparency
❏ Convenience (How
easy it is to deal with
the brand)
❏ If Any Other

4 Rate your satisfaction level on the Amount paid ❏ 1- Very Unsatisfied

❏ 2- Unsatisfied

❏ 3- Neutral
❏ 4- Satisfied
❏ 5- Very Satisfied
( Scale of 1-5)

5 What is the cycle of payment from Dairy brand -------------------

(Open ended)

6 Do you transport directly to Modern Format ❏ Yes

Stores ❏ No

7 If Yes in Question 6, How frequent is the problem ❏ 1- Never

of waiting time associated for unloading products ❏ 2- Rarely
of this brand ❏ 3- Sometimes
❏ 4- Often
❏ 5- Always

8 How frequent does the drivers complain about the ❏ 1- Never

problems faced during loading and unloading of ❏ 2- Rarely
this brands products ❏ 3- Sometimes
❏ 4- Often
❏ 5- Always

9 How convenient is it to work with the ❏ 1- Very Unsatisfied

organisation? ❏ 2- Unsatisfied
❏ 3- Neutral
❏ 4- Satisfied
❏ 5- Very Satisfied
( Scale of 1-5)

10 How fair are the terms and conditions? ❏ 1- Very Unsatisfied

❏ 2- Unsatisfied
❏ 3- Neutral
❏ 4- Satisfied
❏ 5- Very Satisfied
( Scale of 1-5)

11 Impact of COVID -19 on your Business -------------------

(Open ended)

12 Relationship between your business and the dairy -------------------

brand during this pandemic (Open ended)

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