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Good afternoon everyone, my name is Diana Sofía Hernández Flórez, I am a student of the

civil engineering program at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.

The objective of this presentation is to inform you about the phases of the development of a
civil project. For many people, having their own home is an important part of their life
project. For this reason, it is essential to know the points that must be taken into account
when creating a home, so that it provides them with security and comfort. It is no secret
that when we want to get organized the first thing we think about is investing in a house or
apartment off plan, but there is nothing like the satisfaction of having what one has always
dreamed of and as one has imagined it, for this reason I invite you to pay close attention to
the five phases that must be taken into account when undertaking a construction project.
1. Project idea: The first phase of the future project is its conception. This idea will be
made by the civil engineers, who will determine the first direction and type of the project
(residential, commercial, governmental, among others).
2. Previous studies and designs: After the idea has the green light, a series of analyses and
studies must be carried out to determine the viability of the future construction. These
include the analysis of the land where it will be executed, the budget and financing, which
is technically possible and the benefits it will bring to the people and the city. More
specifically the studies required are:
- Study of the land where the work will be built, analyzing its general and regulatory
conditions, its topography, geology, hydrology, environmental, legal, historical, etc.
- Architectural design, normally considers the following stages: establishment of the
owner's requirements, preparation of a preliminary project and finally the design of the
final architectural project, which includes plans and specifications.
- Structural design of the work so that it is capable of resisting the efforts to which it will be
subjected during its useful life. The main stages of this design are:
- Determination of the efforts that will be requested from the structure.
- Structuring, determination of the resistant elements.
- Design of the structural elements and configuration of plans.
- Preparation of the technical specifications.
- Environmental impact studies, analysing the consequences of the project on the
- Design of the installations, which consists of giving the structure the functionality it will
require to be occupied. Among the typical installations are: electrical, gas, drinking water
and sewerage and many others (such as: alarm, air conditioning, computer network, fire
network, etc.)
- Drafting of the bidding documents: Finally, all the documents that allow calling for the
bidding of the project must be drafted.
3. Permits and construction license: It is also necessary the construction license, in
this procedure will be evaluated all plans and legal documents, will take into account
factors such as land, sector, boundaries and environmental impact. After this process the
green light will be given to start the construction. The construction licenses are processed
through entities known as Curadurias Urbanas or the Secretariats of Planning, which should
be carried out depending on the categorization of the municipality.
4. Start of work: With this approval, the work will begin, which will take the form
that you often see when you walk down the streets: A closed area where several workers
give shape to the idea that was first developed.
For the beginning of the work it is important to have an order so that this process is more
- First a contract is drawn up and accepted, in which time, costs and the relationship
between owner and contractor are fixed.
- Then a work methodology is defined, in which more efficient and rational methods are
determined for the construction, given the available resources.
- We now move on to Planning and Scheduling the work, in which partial and total
deadlines are set, and the use of available resources through construction is planned.
- Then the contract of the necessary labor force is made to build the work and the
acquisition of the materials and lease or purchase of the necessary machinery for the
- Finally, it develops the physical materialization of the work.
5. Delivery of the work: In this stage the work is delivered to the service, carrying out
previously different controls to determine the quality of the construction, among which they
stand out:
- Verification of tests and quality trials carried out.
- Detailed revision of all the built elements and terminations.
- Functional tests.
- Final approval.
And these are the fundamental points to have a resounding success in the construction of a
civil work. So, to sum up the five fundamental phases to carry out a civil project are: one
the idea of the project, two previous Studies, three permissions and licenses of construction,
four beginning of work and five delivery of the work.
Well I hope that you have been pleased, interested in the subject matter, thank you very
much for your attention, and have a good day.

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