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Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial

2-D Truss Bridge Model

Part Number 0411.432

Revision 13.02
June 2001
June 13, 2001

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Please refer to Appendix B to see a list of the ALGOR software programs and version numbers used in this tutorial. If you
have any problems running this tutorial, please contact your account representative or technical support.

Copyright  2001 ALGOR, Inc.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, either in part or in
its entirety, without the expressed written permission of ALGOR, Inc.

This publication describes the state of ALGOR software at the time of its printing and may not reflect the software at all times
in the future. This publication may be changed without notice. This publication is not designed to transmit any engineering
knowledge relating specifically to any company or individual engineering project. In providing this publication, ALGOR does
not assume the role of engineering consultant to any user of this publication and hereby disclaims any and all responsibility
for any errors or omissions arising out of any engineering activity in which this publication may be utilized.

This document has been designed to be printed on the customer's local computer and printer. ALGOR cannot be held
responsible for any errors incurred in the printing of this document.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 2
The Purpose of this Tutorial

Welcome to the ALGOR Design and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Systemthe best value in desktop computer FEA. This
Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial is an introduction to the system in general and truss models in

After working through the tutorial’s demonstration model, which involves a two-dimensional truss bridge, you should have a
basic understanding of how the system works. You should also have a good appreciation for some of the advanced modeling
tools included in the ALGOR Design and FEA System.

For additional information about FEA, see Appendix A. For complete product and purchasing information, please contact
your account representative at ALGOR, Inc., by calling +1 (412) 967-2700

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 3
Tutorial Conventions
To make this tutorial easy to use, the following conventions will be employed. For the command conventions, the item (or an
example of one) that you need to perform is noted in bold on the left. To the right of the item is a short description of the
action and/or results of the action.

User Input Notation Conventions

algframe Type "algframe" using the keyboard. Text that you need to type is noted in bold type using a Courier

<Esc> Press the <Esc> key (or choose "Esc" from the current menu if using Superview). Some of the other
keys expressed in this manner are <Enter>, <Tab> and the function keys, for example <F9>.

<Ctrl>-c Press <Ctrl> and the letter "c" simultaneously. Keys to be pressed at the same time are
shown with a hyphen between them.

"Enclose" Choose the "Enclose" option. The names of pop-up menus, options and buttons are enclosed in
quotation marks and shown as they are on the screen.

"Selection: Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose the "Shape" option. Then, from the cascading
Shape:Point" menu, choose "Point". Commands in sequences are separated by colons.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the specified location. ALGOR software is designed for a two-button
mouse. Where "click" or "left click" is used, you should press the left mouse button. "Right click"
means you should press the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse, you will not use
your middle button for ALGOR software.

In the tables throughout this tutorial, input instructions for using toolbars and pull-down menus are in the two left columns.
Descriptions or more detailed instructions are given in the right column. For example:

Selection "Selection:Shape:Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Shape" and
then "Point" to activate point selection mode.

Other Notation Conventions

sd3.dmit, an .esx file Filenames and file extensions are lowercase and italic.

filename.doc Filenames that are user-supplied are in bold, lowercase italics.

\model directory Directory names may appear in Courier type and be followed by the term "directory". (The directory
where all your ALGOR software is stored is usually referred to as the algor12 directory, where
"algor12" is in bold, lowercase italics.)

FILE menu Menu names are shown in uppercase characters.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 4
The rest of "The Basics" section provides introductory information about ALGOR software. If you would prefer to
immediately begin the tutorial's demonstration model, skip ahead to "Preprocessing" section.

Starting ALGOR Software

ALGOR software may be started by selecting "Algor FEA" from your Windows environment. Windows 95/98/2000/NT
users will find it from the "Start" button under "Programs:Algor Software".

Alternatively, ALGOR software may be started by double clicking the "Algor Software" icon located on the computer

Navigating the ALGOR Interface

The ALGOR interface has two main parts, the CAD Solid Model Interface and the FEA Object Editor. In either part, you can
access program functions through pull-down menus, pop-up menus, model tree tabs and toolbars. By default, the CAD Solid
Model Interface displays the "Display Options", "File", "Mesh" and "Viewpoint" toolbars, while the FEA Object Editor
displays the "File", "Viewpoint", "Selection" and "Display Options" toolbars.

Displaying Toolbars

You can display or hide toolbars or adjust the icon size by accessing the TOOLS pull-down menu and choosing "View
toolbars...". To display the toolbars used in the tutorial but not displayed by default, follow these steps:

"Tools:View toolbars..." In the menu bar, choose TOOLS and then, in the pull-down menu, choose
"View toolbars…". The "Toolbars" pop-up window will appear listing all of
the toolbar names.
Mouse For each toolbar that you wish to display, click on the box to the left. A
checkmark will appear, indicating that that the toolbar is now active. The
toolbar will be displayed on screen.
Note: If you want to hide a toolbar, click on the box to the left of the toolbar
name in the "Toolbars" pop-up window. The checkmark will disappear from
the box and the toolbar will be hidden.
"Close" Click on "Close" to exit the "Toolbars" pop-up window.

In the "Toolbars" pop-up window, you can use the "Large Buttons" and "Cool Look" options to change the size and
appearance of toolbars.

As you build your model, you may find that the toolbars prevent you from seeing the whole model. You can move or resize
the toolbars at your convenience.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 5
Moving Toolbars

To move a toolbar, click and hold on the left edge of the toolbar as shown below. Drag it to the desired location and then

Click on the left edge and drag to a new location

Displaying Toolbars as Windows and Resizing Toolbar Windows

A toolbar can be displayed as a window by double clicking on the left edge of the toolbar.

Double-click on the left edge of a toolbar to change to a window

A toolbar window can be moved by clicking on its title and dragging to a new location. To close a toolbar window, click on
the button.

To adjust the size of a toolbar window, position the cursor on the edge of the toolbar that you want to change. As shown
below, the cursor will become a two-headed arrow. Click and hold. Drag the mouse so that the outline of the toolbar changes
to the shape that you want and then release the mouse button.

Click on the desired edge and adjust the toolbar shape

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 6
Changing Model View
You can change model views by using the number pad keys while simultaneously pressing the <Ctrl> key. The various
number keys represent the appropriate display views for the model, as shown below.

Click on appropriate number (left) to select view (right)

View icons with view names and corresponding number pad key commands

Accessing Help
Help for the ALGOR interface can be obtained by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and then choosing one of the
following options depending on your needs: "Contents", "Index", or "Search". Additional information can be obtained by
using the "Help:Docutech" command sequence to access DocuTech, ALGOR's software documentation information resource
on CD-ROM.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 7
The ALGOR Interface

Figure 1 shows the ALGOR interface.

Interface Legend
A. Title Bar: Displays the active program name (CAD Solid Model Interface or FEA Object Editor) and the model name.
B. Menu Bar: The menu bar is located just below the title bar and contains the pull-down menus.
C. Floating Toolbars: These list groups of icons, giving you quick access to many commands.
D. Model Tree: Two tabs (CAD Interface and FEA Editor) provide tree lists for convenient access to model data.
E. Working Area: This region is where modeling activity is displayed. The working area can be divided into multiple
F. Miniaxis: Indicates your viewpoint in relation to the three-dimensional working area.
G. Design Scenario Toolbar: Provides data fields that display current values and enable you to modify values.
H. Status Bar: Displays important messages and pertinent information.

Figure 1: An Overview of the ALGOR Interface

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 8
2-D Truss Bridge Model
In the following demonstration, you will use ALGOR's design and finite element analysis (FEA) software to model and
analyze a two-dimensional (2-D) bridge structure that is made of trusses.

You will perform the following steps:

I. Preprocessing – Create the model geometry using Superdraw III. Specify boundary conditions, nodal forces and material
and sectional properties in the FEA Object Editor. Check the model for errors using Superview.
II. Processing – Analyze the model using the Linear Stress Analysis processor. View the processor statistics and summary
III. Postprocessing – View the displacements graphically with Superview.
IV. Modifying and Reanalyzing - Change the model (i.e., add cross trusses and delete one of the load cases), reanalyze it
and view the results.

I. Preprocessing
In the preprocessing phase, you will create a 2-D model of the truss bridge for analysis.

1. Problem Description

As shown in Figure 2, a 2-D bridge structure has a length of 400 inches and a height of 50 inches. It is made of steel trusses
with varying thickness (the green trusses are 2.00 square inches; the red trusses are 6.50; and the yellow trusses are 3.25).
The bottom left end is fully constrained and the bottom right end is on a roller (the tx component is unconstrained).

Three load cases are considered to simulate a large vehicle crossing the bridge from left to right:
1) The vehicle starts from rest at truss 2-3.
2) The vehicle progresses to truss 3-4.
3) The vehicle progresses to truss 4-5.

Assume that, when centered on a truss, the vehicle exerts 20,000 lbs. (10,000 lbs. per node). Gravity is also considered.

Figure 2: Diagram of the Truss Bridge Problem

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 9
2. Creating the Model with Superdraw III

In this section, you will use Superdraw III to create the geometry of the beam frame model.

Starting ALGOR Software

Start the ALGOR interface from the Windows taskbar.

Note: Alternatively, at the Windows desktop, you could double click on the "Algor Software" icon, .

"Start:Programs:Algor Software: In the Windows taskbar, click on the "Start" button. Use the
Algor FEA" mouse to drag the cursor to "Programs" and then "Algor
Software". Click on "Algor FEA".

The initial ALGOR interface screen will now appear. From this screen, you can either open an existing model and perform
any complete engineering analysis or access Superdraw III to construct the geometry of a new model.

Use the ALGOR interface to access Superdraw III.

Transferring to Superdraw III

Every ALGOR software package includes Superdraw III, ALGOR's finite element model-building tool. Although Superdraw
III provides access to all preprocessing, processing and postprocessing functions, it will be used only for some of its
preprocessing functions in this tutorial. The rest will be done using the FEA Object Editor of the ALGOR interface.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" In the ALGOR interface menu bar, access the TOOLS pull-down
menu and choose "Transfer to Superdraw". (See Figure 3.)
Note: Alternatively, you could access Superdraw III via the
Windows Start menu by using "Start:Programs:Algor
Software:Superdraw III".

Figure 3: Transferring to Superdraw

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 10
The initial Superdraw III screen will appear. The Superdraw III interface allows you to access program functions through
pull-down menus and toolbars. Just below the title bar, the menu bar contains the pull-down menus for accessing key
modeling and analysis functions as well as displaying help and accessing DocuTech (ALGOR’s CD-based documentation and
information resource). For more detailed information about the features of Superdraw III, refer to the Superdraw Reference
Division available through DocuTech.

Specifying the Analysis Type

Make sure that the "Model Data Control" window is open. If it is not open, then do the following:

"Tools:Model Data Control…" Click on the TOOLS pull-down menu and select the "Model Data
Control…" option to access the "Model Data Control" pop-up
window. (See Figure 4.)
Note: Alternatively, you could click on the "Model Data" button in
the status bar.

Figure 4: Accessing the "Model Data Control" Pop-Up Window

Specify the analysis type using the "Model Data Control" pop-up window. (Alternatively, you could use the "Analysis Type"
command under the ANALYZE pull-down menu.)

"Analysis Type" Click on the "Analysis Type" field in the "Model Data Control"
pop-up window.
"Linear Static Stress" Select the "Linear Static Stress" analysis type. (See Figure 5.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 11
Figure 5: Specifying the Analysis Type

Notice that the analysis type is now shown in the title bar.

Defining the Unit System

Use the "Model Data Control" pop-up window to define the unit system for the model. (Alternatively, you could use the
"Unit System" option under the SETTINGS pull-down menu.)

"Units" In the "Model Data Control" pop-up window, under "FEA Model",
click on the "Units" button. A "NOTE" pop-up window will
prompt you to specify a model name.
"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "NOTE" pop-up window. The "Save
As" pop-up window will appear.
bridge In the "Save in:" field, specify the directory location for the new
file. (Usually, it is recommended that the location should be
somewhere other than inside your algor12 directory.) In the "File
name:" field, type a new file name. For this tutorial, the file was
saved as "bridge" in a folder called "tutorial" on the C: drive. (See
Figure 6.)
"Save" or <Enter> Click on the "Save" button (or press <Enter>) to save the new

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 12
Figure 6: Entering a Filename for the New Model

Notice that the filename and location that you entered are now shown in the title bar.

The "Units Definition" data entry screen will appear. In the "Unit System" field, make sure that the "English (in)" option is
selected. If it is not, then do the following.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the "Unit System" field.

"English (in)" Make sure that the "English (in)" option is selected.

Accept the data entered in the "Units Definition" screen.

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data and close the
"Units Definition" data entry screen. (See Figure 7.)

Figure 7: Defining the Unit System

The specified unit system is now shown in the title bar.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 13
Close the "Model Data Control" window to clear the live area.

"Close" In the "Model Data Control" window, click on the "Close" button.

Specifying Surface, Layer and Group Properties

In Superdraw III, every line of a model has a surface, layer and group property associated with it by number. You can display
the model according to these different properties by using "Options: Display Model Using…" and then picking "Surface
Number", "Layer Number" or "Group Number". In the status bar, buttons indicate the currently active surface, layer and
group numbers and a yellow highlight box indicates which property is displayed. (See Figure 8.)

Figure 8: Surface Number, Layer Number and Group Number Buttons in the Status Bar

For a truss element model, the Superdraw III group number is used to control material properties, cross-sectional area and the
stress-free reference temperature. The layer number and surface number have no dedicated effect for truss elements.

Because group number is the most important property for the truss bridge model, make sure that the model will be displayed
by group number. If the group number button in the status bar is not highlighted, then do the following.

"Options:Display Model Using…" Access the "Model Display" pop-up window.

"Group Number" Display the model according to group number. In the status bar,
the "G=1" box should now be highlighted.
"Done" Close the "Model Display" window.

For the truss bridge model, make sure that the surface, layer and group numbers are all set to the default value, 1. If they are
not, then change them by using "Options:Current Object Parameters" and then either "Surface Number…", "Layer
Number…" or "Group Number…" to access a pop-up table where you can specify 1 as the value.

Defining View Settings

Because the truss bridge is 400 units wide, the default width (Xmax) should be changed to accommodate the bridge geometry.
The height will automatically change to maintain the 8.5/11.0 ratio once the width is changed.

Note: Setting the window width ahead of time is a convenience that will allow you to see the entire model as it is
built. Alternatively, you could build the model and use the "View:Enclose" command to enclose the model
whenever it becomes larger than the screen.

"View:Set Window Location..." Change the default window dimensions.

<Tab><Tab>800<Enter> In the dialog bar, tab over to the "Default Xmax" field, type 800
and press <Enter>.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 14
Because all coordinates are multiples of 50, it will be convenient to use the screen grid.

Common "Options:Grid Display..." Access the "Grid" pop-up window.


"Using Points" Click on "Using Points" to show the screen grid as points. The
box to the left will be checkmarked.
"Values..." In the "Grid" pop-up menu, click on "Values…".
<Tab>50<Tab>50<Enter> In the dialog bar, change the "DX" and "DY" grid values to 50.
"Done" Close the "Grid" pop-up menu.
Common "Tools:Snap:To..." Access the "Snap" pop-up menu.

"Grid" Activate the snap-to-grid feature. Now, clicking the left mouse
button will cause the cursor to snap to the nearest grid point.
(Off-grid points can be input using the keyboard.)
"Options:Input Method..." Access the "Input From…" pop-up menu.
"Mouse/Tablet" Click on "Mouse/Tablet" to change to mouse input so that you can
see the coordinates displayed in the "X=" and "Y=" fields of the
status bar as you move the cursor along the grid.

Drawing the Truss Bridge Geometry

The bridge model can be conveniently drawn as a four-point mesh and then modified. (Alternatively, you could draw all of
the lines individually.)

FEA Mesh "FEA Mesh:Automatic Mesh: Access the "Mesh" pop-up window to create a four-point mesh.
Tools 4 Point..."

"Division Values..." Click on "Division Values…" to specify the mesh spacing.

1<Enter> In the dialog bar, change the "AB Divisions" value to 1. The "BC
Divisions" value of 4 is sufficient. Based on the four points that
we are about to enter, these divisions correspond to the vertical
and horizontal dimensions of the bridge.
Mouse Using the left mouse button, select the following points: (0,50),
(0,0), (400,0) and (400,50).
"Done" Close the "Mesh" pop-up menu.
View "View:Enclose" Enclose the model within the screen. (See Figure 9.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 15
Figure 9: The Initial 4-Point Mesh

Divide the top left and top right lines into two segments each to provide for the construction of cross members.

Selection "Select:None" Deselect all items.


Selection "Select:Point..." Access the "Point Select" pop-up menu.


"Add Mode" Click on the box to the left of "Add Mode" to allow selection of
more than one item.
Mouse Left-click on the left-most top horizontal line segment. A selection
mark should appear at the midpoint of that line. Then, left-click
on the right-most top horizontal line segment to select that line,
too. (See Figure 10.)

Figure 10: Selection Points for Line Division

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 16
Construct "Construct:Divide..." Access the "Divide" pop-up menu.

"Divide" Divide the selected lines. Two marks should appear on each line
indicating that each has been divided into two segments.

Draw cross lines.

Add CAD "Add:Line..." Access the "Line" pop-up window.

Note: Make sure that the "Single" option is off. That is, the box to
the left of "Single" should not be checkmarked.

Mouse Right-click on the following points to add cross lines: (0,0),

(50,50), (100,0), (200,50), (300,0), (350,50) and (400,0). (See
Figure 11. Annotation was added to the figure, which will be
referenced in the next modeling step.)

Figure 11: Annotated Display of the Truss Bridge Structure with Cross Lines Added

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 17
"Done" Close the "Line" pop-up menu.
Selection "Select:None" Deselect all items.

Selection "Select:Point..." Access the "Point Select" pop-up window.


"Add Mode" Activate "Add Mode".

Mouse Left-click on the four lines to be deleted, as indicated in Figure 11.
A selection mark should appear at the midpoint of each line.
Modify "Modify:Delete" Delete selected lines. (Alternatively, you could use the <Delete>
Existing key to delete selected objects.) The truss bridge geometry is now
complete. (See Figure 12.)

Figure 12: Completed Truss Bridge Geometry

Changing Group Numbers for Different Truss Properties

As shown in Figure 2, the bridge is made of three kinds of trusses, each with distinct properties. In Superdraw III, you can
assign group numbers to the lines of the model in order to distinguish the trusses. Later, cross-sectional areas of the trusses
will be specified according to the corresponding Superdraw III group numbers, as shown in Table 1.

Superdraw III Truss Cross-Sectional

Group Number Area
1 2.00 sq. in.
2 6.50
3 3.25

Table 1: Group Numbers and Corresponding Sectional Areas

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 18
Currently, all lines of the model are defined as group 1. Select lines to be changed to group 2.

Selection "Select:Point..." Access the "Point Select" pop-up menu.


"Add Mode" Select "Add Mode".

Mouse Left-click on all lines labeled group 2 in Figure 13. A selection
mark should appear on each line.

Figure 13: Annotated Display Showing Group Numbers to Be Updated

Change the group number of the selected lines.

"Modify:Update Object Parameters: Choose the MODIFY pull-down menu and select "Update Object
Maintain Group Boundary" Parameters" and then choose "Maintain Group Boundary" if it is
checkmarked. (That is, make sure that "Maintain Group
Boundary" is not checkmarked.) This will prevent duplicate lines
from being generated when you change the group number of the
selected lines.
Modify "Modify:Update Object Parameters: Change the group number.
Existing Group Number..."

2<Enter> Type 2 and press <Enter>. (Alternatively, click on the red bar
labeled "2".) (See Figure 14.) Selected lines are changed to group
2 and displayed as red.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 19
Figure 14: Modifying the Group Number

Selection "Select:None" Deselect all items.


Selection "Select:Point..." Access the "Point Select" pop-up menu.


"Add Mode" Select "Add Mode".

Mouse Left-click on lines labeled group 3 in Figure 13.
Modify "Modify:Update Object Parameters: Change the group number.
Existing Group Number..."

3<Enter> The selected lines will change to group 3 and be displayed as


Cleaning Duplicate Lines

Modify "Modify:Clean:Duplicate..." Access the "Duplicate" pop-up window.


"Perform Cleaning" Eliminate any duplicate lines. The following message will appear
in the dialog bar: "17 Kept, 0 Deleted. done." This message
indicates that there were no duplicate lines in the model.
Note: In general, after drawing the geometry of a model, it is a
good practice to check for duplicate lines.
"Done" Close the "Duplicate" pop-up menu.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 20
3. Converting the Superdraw III Drawing into an FEA Model

Next, you will convert your Superdraw III drawing into an FEA model. Use the FEA Object Editor to define:
• element data
• material property data
• global data
• boundary conditions and loads

Transferring to the FEA Object Editor

Transfer the model from Superdraw III to the FEA Object Editor in the ALGOR interface.

"File:Export to FEA Editor" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select "Export to FEA

Superdraw will close and the model will be redisplayed in the FEA Object Editor.

Note: Alternatively you could click on the window’s "Start" menu and then "Programs:Algor Software:Algor FEA". In the
window that opens click on "File:Open". Click on the "files of type" field and change it to an "*.esd" extension. In the "look
in" field, specify the location where you had saved the model in Superdraw. Double-click on this file to open it in the FEA
Object Editor.

Mouse In the upper right corner of the display window, click on the
maximize button. The model will be redisplayed with the active
window maximized to fill the working area.
View-point "View:Orientation:XY Top" Change to "XY Top" view. (See Figure 15.)

Figure 15: Model in the FEA Object Editor

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 21
Verifying the Unit System

In the model tree, notice that "Units" is listed on the "FEA Editor" tab. The ALGOR software automatically transferred the
model unit system from Superdraw III. Verify the unit system.

Analysis/ "Analysis: Units…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Units…".
Results (Alternatively, you could double click on "Units" on the "FEA
Editor" tab.) The "Units Definition" data entry screen will appear.

In the "Unit System" field, notice that the "English (in)" option is selected. (See Figure 16.) If you wanted to change the
units, you could click on "Allow model unit system to be changed" and then modify the data on the "Units Definition" screen.

Figure 16: Verifying the Unit System

To leave the default values as they are, do the following.

"Cancel" Click on the "Cancel" button to close the "Units Definition" data
entry screen.

Verifying the Analysis Type

In the design scenario toolbar, located near the bottom of the screen, make sure that the "Analysis type" field is set to "Linear
Static Stress". If it is not, then do the following.

"Analysis type" Click on the "Analysis type" field. A menu of options will appear.
"Linear Static Stress" Choose the "Linear Static Stress" option.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 22
Specifying Global Information

Note: In the ALGOR interface, a red "X" on any item in the model tree in the "FEA Editor" tab indicates incomplete
information. An analysis cannot be completed until this information is defined. In this case, you will see that the red
"X" next to "Analysis Parameters" will disappear once the data has been defined.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Parameters…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose

Results "Parameters…". The "Global Data" entry screen will appear.
(Alternatively, you could double click on "Analysis Parameters" in
the model tree.)

Define a gravity loading for the model.

"Accel/Gravity" On the "Multipliers" tab, under "Load Case Multipliers", highlight

the "Accel/Gravity" field.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the gravity multiplier for load case 1.
"Add Row" On the "Multipliers" tab, click on "Add Row" to define a
multiplier for a second load case.
Mouse Highlight the "Accel/Gravity" field for load case 2.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the gravity multiplier for load case 2.
"Add Row" Click on "Add Row" to define a multiplier for a third load case.
Mouse Highlight the "Accel/Gravity" field for load case 3.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the gravity multiplier for load case 3.
(See Figure 17.)

Figure 17: Defining Load Case Multipliers

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 23
Adding Gravity

Add gravity in the -Y direction.

"Accel/Gravity" Click on the "Accel/Gravity" tab.

"Set for standard gravity" Click on the "Set for standard gravity" button. This will cause the
"Acceleration due to body force" field to be set to 386.4.
"Y multiplier" Highlight the "Y multiplier" field.
-1.0 Type -1.0 to specify gravity in the -Y direction.
"Z multiplier" Highlight the "Z multiplier field."
0.0 Type 0.0 as the value. Make sure that the "X multiplier" field is
set to 0, which is the default value. (See Figure 18.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the entered data.

Figure 18: Specifying Gravity

Specifying Element and Material Property Information for Part 1

Note: The method used in the following sections illustrates the ability to select parts or vertices visually by clicking
on them and then right-clicking on the active window to either modify the selected part's information or add loads
and boundary conditions to the selected vertices.

Alternatively, property information can be modified by right-clicking on the part icon in the model tree and choosing
one of the "Modify" options. These part icons can be accessed by clicking on the "+" next to the "Model <bridge>"
icon on the "FEA Editor" tab.

Mouse Click anywhere on the green part (or group) 1 lines. All part 1
lines will be highlighted.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 24
Specify a description for part 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Description…" Choose "Modify" and then "Description…". The "Modifying the
Description on 1 Part Object" window will appear.
Bottom and Cross Trusses Type any identifying text string, such as "Bottom and Cross
Trusses". (See Figure 19.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the description and close the window.

Figure 19: Modifying the Description of Part 1

Specify the element type for part 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Type…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Type…". The "Modifying
the Element Type on 1 Part Object" screen will appear.

Make sure the "Truss" option is selected (that is, the radio button to the left is highlighted). If it is not, then do the following.

"Truss" Under "Linear Element Types", click on the "Truss" option. A dot
will appear, indicating the selected element type.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the element type and close the
"Modifying the Element Type on 1 Part Object" window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 25
Specify the element definition for part 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". The "
Element Definition" screen will appear.
"Cross-Sectional Area" Highlight the "Cross-Sectional Area" field.
2.00 As shown in Table 1, type 2.00 as the value for the cross-sectional
area of group 1 truss elements. (See Figure 20.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the entered data and close the window.

Figure 20: Specifying the Cross-Sectional Area for Group 1

Define material properties for part 1.

Note: You can create a custom material library by selecting "Tools:Manage Material Library…", or use ALGOR’s
default Material Property Library to apply material properties to a model.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Material…" Choose "Modify" and then "Material…". The "Element Material
Selection" screen will appear. In the "Select Library" field, make
sure that "Algor Material Library" is selected.
"Steel (4130)" Under "Select Material", scroll down the list of predefined
materials in the ALGOR material library and select "Steel (4130)".
(See Figure 21.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 26
Figure 21: Selecting from the ALGOR Material Library

"View Properties" Click on "View Properties" to examine the predefined properties

for "Steel (4130)".
"OK" After examining the property values, click on the "OK" button to
close the "Element Material Specification" pop-up window.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the selected material and close the
"Element Material Selection" window.

Note: You can see that since all required parameters for part 1 have been defined, the red "X" has disappeared from
the icon next to "1 <Bottom and Cross Trusses>" in the model tree on the FEA Editor tab. (Click on the "+" next to
Model <bridge> to see it.) If you click on the "+" to the left of "1 <Bottom and Cross Trusses>" you will see that the
same is the case with the icons representing model parameters.

Specifying Element and Material Property Information for Part 2

Mouse Click anywhere on the red part (or group) 2 lines. All part 2 lines
will be highlighted.

Specify a description for part 2.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Description…" Choose "Modify" and then "Description…". The "Modifying the
Description on 1 Part Object" window will appear.
Top Trusses Type any identifying text string, such as "Top Trusses". (See
Figure 22.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the description and close the window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 27
Figure 22: Modifying the Description of Part 2

Specify the element type for part 2.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Type…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Type…". The "Modifying
the Element Type on 1 Part Object" screen will appear.

Make sure the "Truss" option is selected (that is, the radio button to the left is highlighted). If it is not, then do the following.

"Truss" Under "Linear Element Types", click on the "Truss" option. A dot
will appear, indicating the selected element type.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the element type and close the
"Modifying the Element Type on 1 Part Object" window.

Specify the element definition for part 2.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". The "Element
Definition" screen will appear.
"Cross-Sectional Area" Highlight the "Cross-Sectional Area" field.
6.50 As shown in Table 1, type 6.50 as the value for the cross-sectional
area of group 2 truss elements.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the entered data and close the window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 28
Define material properties for part 2.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Material…" Choose "Modify" and then "Material…". The "Element Material
Selection" screen will appear. In the "Select Library" field, make
sure that "Algor Material Library" is selected.
"Steel (4130)" Under "Select Material", select "Steel (4130)".
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the selected material.

Specifying Element and Material Property Information for Part 3

Mouse Click anywhere on the yellow part (or group) 3 lines. All part 3
lines will be highlighted.

Specify a description for part 3.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Description…" Choose "Modify" and then "Description…". The "Modifying the
Description on 1 Part Object" window will appear.
Vertical Trusses Type any identifying text string, such as "Vertical Trusses". (See
Figure 23.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the description and close the window.

Figure 23: Modifying the Description of Part 3

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 29
Specify the element type for part 3.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Type…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Type…". The "Modifying
the Element Type on 1 Part Object" screen will appear.

Make sure the "Truss" option is selected (that is, the radio button to the left is highlighted). If it is not, then do the following.

"Truss" Under "Linear Element Types", click on the "Truss" option. A dot
will appear, indicating the selected element type.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the element type and close the
"Modifying the Element Type on 1 Part Object" window.

Specify the element definition for part 3.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". The "Element
Definition" screen will appear.
"Cross-Sectional Area" Highlight the "Cross-Sectional Area" field.
3.25 As shown in Table 1, type 3.25 as the value for the cross-sectional
area of group 3 truss elements.
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the entered data and close the window.

Define material properties for part 3.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Material…" Choose "Modify" and then "Material…". The "Element Material
Selection" screen will appear. In the "Select Library" field, make
sure that "Algor Material Library" is selected.
"Steel (4130)" Under "Select Material", select "Steel (4130)".
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the selected material.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 30
Adding Nodal Forces

Rename load set 1.

Note: Every force that is added to a model is assigned to a load set. By enabling or disabling any number of load
sets, you can create different design scenarios. The FEA Object Editor sets the current load set to 1 by default, as
indicated by "1 <Unnamed>" in the design scenario toolbar (located near the bottom of the screen).

Mouse On the "FEA Editor" tab, click on the "+" next to "Analysis
Mouse Click on the "+" next to "Linear".
Mouse Click on the "+" next to "Load Sets".
Mouse Right-click on "1 <Unnamed>".
"Rename" In the pop-up window that opens, click on "Rename".
LC 1 Forces<Enter> Type a description, such as "LC 1 Forces", to identify this load set
as containing members of load case 1. (See Figure 24.)

Figure 24: Renaming Load Set 1

Add nodal forces for load case 1.

Selection "Selection:Select:Vertices" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Select" and
then "Vertices". You will now be able to select vertices by clicking
on them.
Mouse Click on node 2 (shown in Figure 25).
<Ctrl>-Mouse Press and hold the <Ctrl> key and click on node 3. Both points will
be highlighted.
Note: The <Ctrl> key can be used to add objects to the current
selection set.
Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Forces…" Choose "Add" then "Forces…". The "Creating 2 Nodal Force
Objects" window will appear.
"Magnitude" Click on the "Magnitude" field.
-10000 Type –10000 as the value.
"Y" Under the "Direction" heading, click on the radio button to the left
of "Y" to specify a vector in the y-direction.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 31
"Multiplier Table" Click on the "Multiplier Table" field.
1 Input 1 to use the multipliers defined in the "Global Data" screen
for Load Case 1.
Note: Multipliers for point loads in a Linear Static Stress analysis
can not be defined, but the multipliers defined for pressure and
gravity will take effect in conjunction with these point forces, in
this case, for Load Case 1.
"Description" Click on the "Description" field.
Downward Force on 2 and 3 Type a description such as "Downward Force on 2 and 3".
"OK" Make sure your screen looks like Figure 25 (annotation has been
added) and then click on "OK" to add the defined forces and close
the "Creating 2 Nodal Force Objects" window.

Figure 25: Adding Nodal Forces for Load Case 1

Create a second load set, which will contain only load case 2 forces.

Mouse Right-click on "Load Sets" in the "FEA Editor" tab.

"New Load Set" Click on "New Load Set" in the pop-up window. (Alternatively,
you could double click on "Load Sets".)
LC 2 Forces<Enter> Type a description, such as "LC 2 Forces", to identify this load set.

Note: The current load set is now 6 by default, as indicated by "6<LC 2 Forces>" in the design scenario toolbar
(located near the bottom of the screen). All forces that you now define will be put into load set 6.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 32
Add nodal forces for load case 2.

Selection "Selection:Modify Filter" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Modify
Filter". The "FEA Object Filter" screen will appear.

"Nodal Forces" Uncheck the box next to "Nodal Forces". (See figure 26.) Now you
will not be able to select nodal forces, making node selection on
nodes with forces possible.
"OK" Accept the changes and close the "FEA Object Filter" screen.

Figure 26: Modifying the FEA Object Filter

Mouse Click on node 3 (shown in Figure 27). If you make an incorrect

selection, press <Esc> to clear the selection set and try again.
<Ctrl>-Mouse Press and hold the <Ctrl> key and click on node 4. Both points will
be highlighted.
Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Forces…" Choose "Add" then "Forces…". The "Creating 2 Nodal Force
Objects" window will appear.
"Magnitude" Highlight the "Magnitude" field.
-10000 Type –10000 as the value.
"Y" Under the "Direction" heading, click on the radio button to the left
of "Y" to specify a vector in the y-direction.
"Multiplier Table" Click on the "Multiplier Table" field.
2 Input 2 to use load curve 2.
"Description" Click on the "Description" field.
Downward Force on 3 and 4 Type a description such as "Downward Force on 3 and 4".
"OK" Make sure your screen looks like Figure 27 (annotation has been
added), and then click on "OK" to add the defined forces and close
the "Creating 2 Nodal Force Objects" window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 33
Figure 27: Adding Nodal Forces for Load Case 2

Create a third load set, which will contain only load case 3 forces.

Mouse Right-click on "Load Sets" in the "FEA Editor" tab

"New Load Set" Click on "New Load Set" in the pop-up window.
LC 3 Forces<Enter> Type "LC 3 Forces" to identify this load set. The current load set
is now 7 (as shown in the design scenario toolbar).

Add nodal forces for load case 3.

Mouse Click on node 4 (shown in Figure 28).

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Force…" Choose "Add" then "Force…". The "Creating 1 Nodal Force
Object" window will appear.
"Magnitude" Click on the "Magnitude" field.
-10000 Type –10000 as the value
"Y" Under the "Direction" heading, click on the radio button to the left
of "Y" to specify a vector in the y-direction
"Multiplier Table" Click on the "Multiplier Table" field.
3 Input 3 to use load curve 3.
"Description" Click on the "Description" field.
Downward Force on 4 Type a description such as "Downward Force on 4"
"OK" Make sure your screen looks like Figure 28 (annotation has been
added) and then click on "OK" to add the defined forces and close
the "Creating 1 Nodal Force Object" window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 34
Figure 28: Adding Nodal Forces for Load Case 3

Adding Boundary Conditions

Note: Constraint sets are similar to load sets but are used in grouping boundary conditions together. Because there is
no advantage in this particular model to defining multiple constraint sets, all boundary conditions will be placed in
constraint set "1 <Unnamed>" by default.

Add a fixed boundary condition to the left end.

Mouse Click on node 1 (shown in Figure 29).

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Boundary Condition…" Choose "Add" and then " Boundary Condition…". The "Creating
1 Nodal Boundary Condition Object" window will appear.
"Fixed" Under "Predefined", click on the "Fixed" button. Checkmarks will
appear to the left of all options under "Constrained DOFs",
indicating that all degrees of freedom will be constrained. (Truss
elements do not have rotational capabilities, so nodal rotational
constraints have no meaning.)
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Fixed BC on the Left End Type a description for the defined boundary condition. Your
screen should look like Figure 29.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to add the defined boundary condition
and close the window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 35
Figure 29: Boundary Condition added to the Left End Node

Add a boundary condition to the right end.

Mouse Click on node 5 (shown in Figure 30).

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Boundary Condition…" Choose "Add" and then " Boundary Condition…". The "Creating
1 Nodal Boundary Condition Object" window will appear.
"Fixed" Under "Predefined", click on the "Fixed" button. Checkmarks will
appear to the left of all options under "Constrained DOFs",
indicating that all degrees of freedom will be constrained. (Truss
elements do not have rotational capabilities, so nodal rotational
constraints have no meaning.)
"Tx" Allow this node freedom in the X-direction, while leaving all other
directions constrained.
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Fixed BC on the Right End Type a description for the defined boundary condition. Your
screen should look like Figure 30.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to add the defined boundary condition
and close the window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 36
Figure 30: Boundary Condition added to the Right End Node

Saving the Model

File "File:Save" Choose the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Save" command
to save the FEA model as a file called bridge.esx.

4. Checking the Model for Errors with Superview

In this section, you will visually check your model for errors by using Superview, ALGOR's visualization software.

Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Object Editor.

Analysis/R "Analysis:Check Model" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Check
esults Model" to start Superview.

The truss bridge model will appear in the Superview display area as shown in Figure 31. The color of the elements
corresponds to the group numbers specified in Superdraw III: green (1), red (2) and yellow (3). The yellow arrows indicate
the forces for load case 1, the red triangle at the lower left corner indicates a fully constrained node and the red circle at the
lower right corner indicates a node that is partially constrained.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 37
Figure 31: Model in Superview

The current version of Superview features an interface that is similar to Superdraw III's interface. All of the features of the
Superdraw III interface are now also features of the Superview interface, including titlebar, menu bar, live area, floating
toolbars, status bar and dialog bar.

Note: The interface from previous versions of Superview can be accessed by using the "Settings:Previous Style
Menu:Previous Style Menu On/Off" command sequence.

Checking the Model Geometry

Check the model geometry using node numbering and element numbering.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…" Access the OPTIONS pull-down menu and choose

"Node Numbers" Activate node numbering. (See Figure 32.)

Figure 32: Model with Node Numbering

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 38
"Node Numbers" After examining the node numbers, deactivate this feature.
"Element Numbers" Activate element numbering.
"Element Numbers" After examining the element numbers, deactivate this feature.

Inquiring on Model Parameters

Use the "Inquire" capability to check model parameters including nodes and elements, groups, boundary conditions and

"Inquire:Group Statistics" Access the INQUIRE pull down menu and choose "Group
Statistics" to see statistics in the dialog region about the element
groups of the model.

Check the nodal boundary conditions.

"Inquire: Access INQUIRE pull down menu and choose "Nodes and
Nodes and Boundary Conditions…" Boundary Conditions…".
"Get" Activate the individual node inquiry feature.
Mouse Right-click on the node at the lower left corner. The dialog area
should show that node #1 has a boundary condition of "BC =
Mouse Right-click on the node at the lower right corner. The boundary
condition should be "BC = TyzRxyz". On your own, you can
check the other nodes of the model, which should have "BC =
Rxyz". Recall that truss elements do not have rotational capability,
therefore the "Rxyz" condition is of no consequence.

Check the nodal forces.

"Inquire:Nodal Forces…" Access INQUIRE pull down menu and choose "Nodal Forces…".
"Range" Activate the range option to highlight forces that have a magnitude
within the user-specified range.
9999<Enter> Specify that the range is from 9,999 to 10,000 units.
"Highlight" Activate the highlight option. (A check will appear, indicating that
this option is now active.) All forces matching the specified range
are now highlighted as shown in Figure 33.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 39
Figure 33: Forces Matching the Highlight Range

<Alt>-c Simultaneously press <Alt> and "c" to advance to the next load
case. Notice that the load case button ( ) now
indicates "LC 2/3".
Note: As an alternative to <Alt>-c, you could choose the
button and choose "Next" in the "Load Case" pop-
up window. (To decrease the load case, use <Alt>-x, or use
and choose "Previous".)
<Alt>-c Advance to load case 3. The model will show one nodal force.

Quitting from Superview

"File:Exit" Exit Superview. You will return to the FEA Object Editor.

Next, you will analyze the truss bridge model with the Linear Stress Analysis processor (ssap0).

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 40
II. Processing

In the processing phase, you will analyze the truss bridge model with the Linear Stress Analysis processor (ssap0). After the
analysis is done, you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

1. Analyzing the Model with the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

Analyze the beam frame model.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Perform Analysis…" In the ANALYSIS pull down menu, click on the "Perform
Results Analysis" button to access the "Linear Stress and Vibration –
Static Stress" analysis screen.

"Analyze" Click on the "Analyze" button to begin analyzing the model with
the Linear Stress Analysis processor. (See Figure 34.)

Figure 34: Starting the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

If you wish to cancel the analysis before it runs to completion, you can click on the "Stop" button.

When the analysis is finished, a pop-up window will appear telling you so.

Note: The pop-up window indicates that the summary file contains warning messages. These messages (about zero
stiffness in Z translation) warn that the geometry and boundary conditions of the model are not sufficient to prevent
most of the nodes from moving in the Z direction. The messages also indicate that the zero stiffnesses were
automatically replaced to prevent motion in the Z direction. For 2-D analysis, this change has no effect.

"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "Algor Analysis" pop-up window.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 41
2. Viewing the Processor Statistics and Summary Files

After the analysis is complete or has been stopped, you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

In the analysis screen, under "Analysis Information", the "View Statistics" option is active.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the scroll bar in the display window and
scroll through the statistics file.

After viewing the statistics file, view the summary file.

"View Summary" In the "Analysis" screen, under "Analysis Information", click on

"View Summary" to display the summary file.
Mouse Use the mouse to scroll through the summary file.
"Done" After viewing the summary file, click on "Done" to close the
"Linear Stress and Vibration - Static Stress" analysis screen.

Next, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 42
III. Postprocessing
In the postprocessing phase, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

1. Using Superview to View Analysis Results

Previously, you used Superview as a preprocessing tool to check the truss bridge model. Now, you will use Superview as a
comprehensive postprocessing tool to look at the results obtained from the Linear Stress Analysis processor.

Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Object Editor.

Analysis/ "Results:View Contours…" In the RESULTS pull-down menu, choose the "View Contours…"
Results button. Superview will open displaying the model.

Viewing Displacements

View the displacements in the model for load case 1.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…" Access OPTIONS pull down menu and choose

"Node Numbers" Select "Node Numbers" to display node numbers. (Check
indicates selection.)
"Results:Displacement Data: Access RESULTS pull down menu and choose "Displacement
Displaced Model" Data" then "Displaced Model". The "Displaced Model" pop-up
window will appear.
"Displaced Model On" Select "Displaced Model On". (Check indicates selection.)
"Calculate Scale" Choose "Calculate Scale". The scale will be displayed in the
dialog bar.
"Nodes Inquire…" Choose "Nodes Inquire…". The "Nodes Inquire…" pop-up
window will appear.
"Get Node" Choose "Get Node".
Mouse Right-click on node 3. The dialog area shows DS = 3.532e-001
(See Figure 35.) If you click on other nodes in the model, you will
see that node 3 has the greatest displacement.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 43
Figure 35: Displacements for Load Case 1

<Alt>-c Change the current load case to 2. <Alt>-c can be used in

Superview to advance to the next load case. (Alternatively, you
could use the load case button ( ) then choose
Mouse Right-click on node 3 to see that DS = 3.515e-001 (See Figure 36.)
After clicking on the other nodes of the model, you will find that
node 3 has the greatest displacement.

Figure 36: Displacements for Load Case 2

<Alt>-c Change the current load case to 3.

Mouse Click on node 3 to see that DS = 1.235e-001 (See Figure 37.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 44
Figure 37: Displacements for Load Case 3

Comparing the results for all three load cases shows that load case 1 gives the largest overall displacement.

Exiting Superview

"File:Exit" Exit Superview and return to the FEA Object Editor.

Next, you will modify the model and reanalyze it.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 45
IV. Modifying and Reanalyzing

In the modifying and reanalyzing phase, you will change the model (add cross trusses with the properties of part (group) 3),
reanalyze it and view the results.

1. Changing the Model

Use the FEA Object Editor and Superdraw III to change the model for additional analysis.

Saving the Model as a Different Filename

In order to preserve the bridge.esx file, you will save the model as a different filename and modify and reanalyze the copy.

"File:Save As…" Choose the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Save As…"
command to save the model as a different filename. The "Save
As" pop-up window will appear.
new bridge In the "File name:" field, type new bridge. (See Figure 38.)
Note: With release 12 of ALGOR software, filenames for models
can be more than 8 characters and can include special characters
such as a blank space.
"Save" or <Enter> Choose "Save" (or press <Enter>) to accept the filename and close
the "Save As" window.

Figure 38: Saving the FEA Model as a Different Filename

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 46
Changing the Model Geometry

Add cross trusses with properties for element group 3.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" Transfer the model to Superdraw III. The FEA Editor will close.
View "View:Enclose" Enclose the model on the screen.

"Options:Current Object Parameters: Change the current group number.

Group Number..."
3<Enter> Select group number 3.
Add CAD "Add:Line..." Add a line.

100<Tab>50<Enter> Enter point (100,50).

200<Enter> Enter point (200,0).
300<Tab>50<Enter> Enter point (300,50). (See Figure 39.) If you made a mistake click
on "Backup" in the "Line" window and try again

Figure 39: Revised Model with Additional Trusses

Note: Although the added trusses cross the original cross trusses, they are not connected because they do not have a
common endpoint at the "intersection".

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 47
2. Reanalyzing the Model with the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

Analyze the modified model.

"File:Export to FEA Editor" Export the model to the FEA Object Editor.
Analysis/ "Analysis:Perform Analysis…" In the ANALYSIS pull down menu, click on the "Perform
Results Analysis…" button to access the "Linear Stress and Vibration –
Static Stress" analysis screen.

"Analyze" Click on the "Analyze" button to begin analyzing the model with
the Linear Stress Analysis processor.

When the analysis is finished, a pop-up window will appear telling you so.

"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "Algor Analysis" pop-up window. The
warnings are of the same nature as those previously explained for
the analysis of bridge.esx.

On your own you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

"Done" Close the "Linear Stress and Vibration – Static Stress" analysis

3. Viewing Results in Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Editor.

Analysis/ "Results:View Contours…" In the RESULTS pull-down menu, choose the "View Contours…"
Results button. Superview will open displaying the model.

View the analysis results for the revised model.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…" Access OPTIONS pull down menu and choose

"Numbering/Shrink…". The "Numbering/Shrink…" pop-up
window will appear.
"Node Numbers" Choose "Node Numbers".
"Results:Displacement Data: Access the RESULTS pull down window and choose
Displaced Model" "Displacement Data" then "Displaced Model". The "Displaced
Model" pop-up window will appear.
"Displaced Model On" Select "Displaced Model On". (Check indicates selection.)
"Calculate Scale" Choose "Calculate Scale". (See Figure 40.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 48
Figure 40: Deflections in the Revised Model

"Nodes Inquire…" Choose "Nodes Inquire…". The "Nodes Inquire…" pop-up

window will appear.
"Get Node" Choose "Get Node".
Mouse Right-click on node 3 to see that DS = 2.388e-001
<Alt>-c Change the load case number to 2.
Mouse Click on node 3 to see that DS = 2.352-001.
"Done" Choose "Done" to close "Node Inquire…" pop-up window.
"Done" Choose "Done" to close "Displaced Model" pop-up window.

Comparing the results for the revised model to those of the original shows that the added truss elements reduced the maximum
deflection by approximately one-third.

Using Dynamic View Options

By using the dynamic view options, one can observe more accurately the inquiries selections.

"View:Dynamic…" Access VIEW pull down window and choose "Dynamic".

"Focal Point…" Choose "Focal Point…" in the "Dynamic View" pop-up window.
Mouse Right click half way between nodes 8 and 4. (See Figure 41.)
"Zoom…" Choose "Zoom…".
Mouse While holding the left mouse button in, drag cursor from bottom to
top of screen. (One can see that the model now zooms about the
chosen focal point.)

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 49
Figure 41: Selecting a Focal Point for Dynamic Zoom

Inquiring on Elements

"Inquire:Element Information: Access INQUIRE pull down menu and choose "Element
Truss…" Information" then "Truss…".
"Select Truss" Select "Select Truss" in the "Truss…" pop-up window. (Check
indicates selection.)
Mouse Right click by one of the two truss members. The truss
information is displayed in the dialog region. (See Figure 42.)

Figure 42: Inquiring on Element Information

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 50
"Done" Choose "Done".
View "View:Enclose" Enclose the model.

Saving the Model Display as a Specified Graphic File

Save the model display as a file in a specified graphic file format.

File "File:Save Image As…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and choose "Save Image As…".
Utilities The "Save As" pop-up window will appear.

"Save as type:" Click on the "Save as type:" field. A pull-down menu of options
will appear, enabling you to choose from six graphic file formats
(.bmp, .jpg, .tif, .png, .pcx and .tga).
"JPEG File Interchange Format Click on the option to specify .jpg graphic file format. (See Figure
(*.JPG)" 43.)
"Save" or <Enter> Click on the "Save" button (or press <Enter>) to save the model
display as new bridge.jpg.

Figure 43: Saving the Model Display as a Specified Graphic File

Exit Superview.

"File:Exit" Exit Superview and return to the FEA Editor.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 51
Creating an Archive of the Model Files and Results

For convenient storage and transfer of the model files and results, create an archive.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" Transfer the model to Superdraw.

"File:Archives:Create…" Access the FILE pull down menu and choose "Archives" and then
"Create…". The "Archive Creation Options" pop-up window will
"Model and Results" Under "Included Files", click on "Model and Results" to specify
that model files will be archived with results. (See Figure 44.)
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to create an archive of the model files
and results called New Bridge.ach. This archive can be retrieved
into Superdraw III by using the "File:Archives:Retrieve…"
command sequence.

Figure 44: Creating an Archive of the Model and Results

To exit Superdraw III, use the "File:Exit" command.

"File:Exit" Exit Superdraw III.

Congratulations! You have completed the truss bridge Static Structural with Linear Material Models Tutorial.

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 52
Appendix A. Additional Information
Consult the following sources for more information about finite element analysis:

Suggested Reference Materials

Book I: Finite Element Modeling in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor Publishing
Division, 1994. Available as a reference textbook and multimedia CD-ROM.

Book II: Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. and Raftoyiannis, J. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Algor Publishing Division, 1997. Available as a reference textbook.

Finite Element Analysis in Action! Skaar, E.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor, Inc. Publishing Division, 1995. Available
as a videotape and multimedia CD-ROM.

Other Reference Materials

First Course in Finite Element Method Using Algor. Logan, D. L. A. Boston, Massachusetts: PWS Publishing Company,

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 53
Appendix B. ALGOR Software Reference
The following ALGOR software versions were used in this tutorial:

ALGOR Interface 13.02 22-FEB-2001

Linear Static Stress Analysis Processor 12.08 01-NOV-2000

Superdraw III 12.08 01-DEC-2000

Superview 13.02 06-NOV-2000

2-D Truss Bridge Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 54

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