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UNIT: Magnetic effect of electric current and magnetism

1. An electron moving through a magnetic field does not experience any force. Under what
condition is this possible?
2. Equal currents ‘I’ are flowing through two infinitely long parallel wires. What will be the
magnetic field at a point mid- way when the currents are flowing in the same direction?
3. A 20μC charge is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 2T. How much force does the
charge experience?
4. A charged particle enters in a uniform magnetic field in a direction
(a) parallel to the direction of the field
(b) perpendicular to the field direction
(c) at an angle with the magnetic field.
Trace the paths described by them if the charge particle is a (i) a proton and (ii) an
5. A proton and an α particle enters in a uniform magnetic field with same velocity normal to
the magnetic field. Calculate the ratio of their radii described by them. Which one
describes a bigger radius? Calculate the ratio of their time period
6. Find the force on a wire of negligible mass of length 4cm placed inside a solenoid near its
center, making an angle 600 with its axis. The wire carries a current of 12A and the
solenoid, which has 10,000 turns and 1m length, carries a current of 20A.
7. A long straight wire AB carries a current of 4A. A proton ‘P’ travels at 4X10 6m/s parallel to
the wire, 0.2m from it and in a direction opposite to the current in AB. Calculate the force
on the proton.
8. A galvanometer with a coil of resistance 12Ω shows a full scale deflection for a current of
2.5mA. How will you convert the galvanometer into
(i) an ammeter of range 0 to 7.5A
(ii) a voltmeter of range 0 to 10V?
Determine the net resistance of the meter in each case.
9. A cyclotron oscillating frequency is 5MHz. What should be the operating magnetic field to
accelerate deutrons. If the radius of the dees is 56 cm then what will be the kinetic energy
of the deutorns emerging from the cyclotron. The mass and charge of deutron are 3.3x10 -
kg and 1.6x10-19C
10. A current of 1 Amp is flowing in the sides of an equilateral triangle of side 4.5x10 -2 m.
Find the magnetic field at the centroid.
11. An α particle moves along a circular path of radius 10 -10 m with a uniform speed of 2
X106 m/s. Calculate the magnetic field produced at the centre of circular path.
12. Two very long strength parallel A and B carry currents of 10A and 20A respectively and
are a distance of 20cm apart. If a third wire C (length 15cm) having a current of 10A is
placed between them, how much force will act on C? The direction of current is same in
three wires.
13. A beam of protons enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3T with a velocity of 4x10 5 m/s at
an angle of 600 to the field. Find the radius of helical path and pitch of the helix
14. State two reasons why a galvanometer cannot be used as such to measure current in a
given circuit.
15. What is the angle of dip at a place where the horizontal and vertical components of earth’s
magnetic field are equal?
16. Name the elements of earth’s magnetic field.
17. If the ratio of horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field to the resultant magnetic field
at a place is 1/√2 , what is the angle of dip at that place?
18. Give the position of a magnetic dipole held in a uniform magnetic field where
(a)its potential energy is (i) minimum (ii) maximum
(b)it is in (i) stable equilibrium (ii) unstable equilibrium
19. Give three differences between diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials
with examples.
20. What type of magnetic material is used in making (i) permanent magnets (ii)
electromagnets. Mention two properties of the alloy from which permanent magnets are
21. How does the intensity of magnetization of dia, para and ferromagnetic material vary with
increasing (i) magnetic field applied (ii) temperature.
22. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is – 0.085. Identify the magnetic type of the
material. A specimen of this material is kept in a non- uniform magnetic field. Draw the
modified field pattern. Repeat your answer for a material of susceptibility 0.98.
23. A magnetized needle of magnetic moment 4.8 X 10-2 J T-1 is placed at 300 with the
direction of uniform magnetic field. The torque acting on the needle is 7.2 X 10-4N/m.
Calculate the magnitude of the field.
24. A magnetic dipole is under the influence of two magnetic fields, inclined at 600 to each
other. If one of the fields is 1.2 X 10 -2 T and the dipole comes to stable equilibrium at an
angle of 150 with this field, what is the magnitude of the other field.?

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An electron is projected with uniform velocity at the axis of a current carrying

long solenoid. Which of the following is true?
a) The electron will be accelerated along the axis
b) The electron path will be circular about the axis
c) The electron will experience a force at 45° to the axis and hence execute a helical
d) The electron will continue to move with uniform velocity along the axis of the

2. If a charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to it

A) Both momentum and energy of particle changes.
B) Momentum as well as energy are constant
C) Energy is constant but momentum changes
D) Momentum is constant but energy changes

3. A circular current loop of magnetic moment M is in an arbitrary orientation in

an external magnetic field B. The work done to rotate the loop by 30° about an
axis perpendicular to its plane is:
a) MB
b) √3 (MB/2)
c) MB/2
d) Zero

4. If the beam of electrons and protons move parallel to each other in the same
direction, then they
a) Attract each other
b) Repel each other
c) No relation
d)  Neither attract nor repel

5. A positive charge enters in a magnetic field and travels parallel to but opposite the
field. It experiences
a) An upward force
b) A downward force
c) An accelerated force
d) No force
6. A beam of alpha particles projected along + X axis, experiences a force due to a
magnetic field along the +Y axis. The direction of the magnetic field is:
a) +z axis
b) -z axis
c) x axis
d) y axis
7. Relation between S.I. Unit and C.G.S. unit magnetic field is________
8. Deflection produced in a galvanometer when a unit current flows through it is known

In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of

reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation
for assertion.
(b)Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
explanation for assertion.
(c)Assertion is correct but reason is wrong statement
(d)Assertion is wrong but reason is correct statement

9. Assertion: Magnetic field line always form closed loop

Reason: Moving charges or currents produce a magnetic field

10 Assertion: A cyclotron does not accelerate electrons.

Reason: Mass of electron is very small, so it gains relativistic speed very soon.

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