4610boza 2020

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4610 W. State Street

Milwaukee, WI 53208

Group Child Care Facility: A childcare for infants, toddlers, pre-

school and grade-school children. Serving ages 6 weeks to 12 years old.

Existing Building Summary*

The former Milwaukee Excel High School (MEHS) property at 4610 West State
Street consists of two buildings. The main structure is a 3-story plus
lower level brick and stone building originally built in 1800’s – to which a 3-story
plus lower level cafeteria, was built for addi5onal classrooms and was attached to the
original building in ?. It is in both buildings that Kid-Tastic Child Care intends to

The addi5on was Tirst remodeled by (MEHS) for easily accessible ofTice space,
classrooms, and an elevator to accommodate special needs use.

A large, fenced playground area is located to the West of the main building, and
paved surface parking is located to the addition.
*(see attached architectural summary for further details)

Current Zoning: E-Educa5on

Existing Building Data 18,932 sq. Ft
Type of Construction: TBD
Proposed Use: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor (sf of useable space) –4,338 sf + 2816 sf +
3,178 = 10,332 sf

New Use ClassiTication: E-Educa5on, Special Use

Total sf to be developed for Child Care Center: 10,332 sq. Ft
Type of Occupancy: I-4 Child Day Care
Total Licensed Capacity: 146
Plan of Operation

Description of Use
The proposed commercial site located at 4610 W. State Street will be operated as a
State Licensed Group Child Care Center (the “Center”). This child care is privately

owned and operated without the assistance of any county, state or federal
organization or church.

Licensee: Amanda Davis

Address: 3030 W. Highland Blvd. , Milwaukee WI 53208
Cell: 414-502-5515
Email: info@yourkidtastic.com

The Center is expected to operate between the following hours of each week:
Monday: 6am to 6pm
Tuesday: 6am to 6pm
Wednesday: 6am to 6pm
Thursday: 6am to 6pm
Friday: 6am to 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

The Center will not operate during the following Federal Holidays:

• New Year’s Eve, Day & After • Labor Day

• Martin Luther King, Jr Day • Thanksgiving Day & After
• Memorial Day • Christmas Eve, Day and After
• Independence Day

The center is inoperable during inclement/emergency Weather Conditions.

The Center is licensed to care for a maximum capacity of 146 children at
once and will provide care to children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old.

Programming is arranged as follows:

• Infant/Toddler Care (Infant – 2 yrs): Lower Level East Building

• Preschool Care (3 yrs – 4 yrs): 1 st level West, 2nd Level East
• School-Age Care (5 yrs – 12 yrs): 1st Level East, 2nd level West
• Special Needs Care (Infant – 12 yrs): Lower Level East & 1st level West

*A diagram of classes on the Floor Plan

Number of Employees

12 full-time; 3 part-time
15 employees -- 1st shift, 6am – 6pm

Our child care program will have several activities available to children in
care for both indoor and outdoor play and learning.

Classrooms will be arranged and designed to be versatile in

their functions and will utilize furniture, equipment and wall dividers to
organize the stations and activities.

Each classroom has organized workstations available to the children

throughout the day that includes the following activities:

Level 1- East Building

Main OfPice in Lobby
Class Infant/Toddler & Special Needs

Level 2 — West Building

(3) Classrooms- Preschool 3&4 year old classroom
(1) Parent Resource Room

Classes include an open concept that incorporates age-appropriate

activities, furniture and equipment. A parent resource center for nursing moms
or parents seeking community resources.

Level 3— East Building

Reading Room
Multimedia Library & Computer Room

More rooms are available for a library or alternative classroom for special
needs children, with a focus on studying and quiet indoor activities.

Lower Level- West (Cafeteria)

Food Preparation - (Lunch)

Food is prepared on-site. However, a designated area for food preparation is
located on Lower Level West that includes a sink, stove and refrigerator,
separate from the classrooms. Children ages 3-12 yrs will utilize the cafeteria
while children 2& under will have lunch in the classroom.
Outdoor Play Space - Site Plan/Plat Survey
Outdoor play space includes a secured fenced enclosure and incorporated
play equipment suitable for all children in care. A maximum of 146 children
will use the play space throughout the day during the Tirst shift. No more
than 12 children will be allowed on the playground at on time during
normal hours of operation, except for occasional outside events that require
additional children to be present, but never exceeding the licensed capacity.

A total of 10,950 square ft. of outdoor play space is available.

Licensed Capacity= 146 children

Total Square Footage Required= 10,950 sf

Land Uses Near the Property

The property at 4610 W. State Street occupies about 3½ city lots on the
corner of West State Street and 46th Street to the east. This area is generally
referred to as Miller Valley as apart of Concordia Neighborhood and the
NearWest Corridor. This area is the home of Miller Coors and historic district
of the 1900’s and several national registers historic properties.

To the immediate North of the subject property are apartment buildings and
residential housing. While Miller Coors occupies the adjacent blocks along
State Street to the East of this proposed location.

TrafPic Patterns and Parking

As an alterna5ve to I-94 West & East, Miller Valley is a corridor from
downtown to suburban neighborhoods. This area usually
experiences moderate to heavy commuter trafTic depending on the
conditions of the roads and the occupation of trafTic on the main highway.
During the morning and evening rush hours trafTic is fairly busy as
commuters are traveling into the city (downtown Milwaukee) and to the
large corporations in the area, Miller Coors, Harley Davison, Potowatomi and
many more. With local schools in the area, there are many buses and more
moderate trafTic for most of the morning as children are being transported to
school. The Center will have a negligible impact, adding an es5mated
maximum of 36 vehicles to the trafTic Tlow each day (which assumes that
children and employees will arrive in separate vehicles between the hours
of 6:30am and 8 a.m., and again from 2:30 to 6 p.m.
Not only is State Street equipped to handle such a modest increase, but
our participating families will be encouraged to access the Center via private
parking lot located at the East of the building which allows for convenient
access to the center for customers and employees. TrafTic will not pose a
threat to local residences or businesses, who for more than 15 years
experienced 200+ students and school buses entering and leaving 4610 W.
State Street daily when it was operated by MEHS.

Transportation Loading & Unloading.

Vehicular transportation is provided by the Center, during normal business
hours, field trips and other occasional ac5vi5es. When a bus, or similar vehicle
is used for transporting children and staff to and from the Center,
loading and unloading will always occur at a designated area located at
the rear of the main building (near North East Side Parking Lot).

We estimate that children will be transported to and from the Center in

the following ways:

➢ 65% by Personal Vehicle

➢ 25% by Center Transportation
➢ 10% by County or School Bus or Walking

A vehicle owned or leased by the Center will be kept on-

site, parked in a reserve spot, for the following purposes:

➢ Business errands
➢ Field trips
➢ Emergencies
Adjacent and to the east of the Center is a paved parking lot able to
accommodate 36 vehicles parking, sufTicient for the staff and visitors and
an area for drop-off. Thus, the Center will not result in increased parking
on State St., or create competition with neighboring residents and
businesses for on-street parking spaces.

We anticipate that only one or two vendors per day
will make deliveries to the Center each day, which includes delivery of our
daily meals and snacks. All deliveries are designated to arrive via the
main driveway to the property on State St., and will depart by the same route.
The Center does not provide inventory that will be transported from our
facility, and no other goods will be picked up from the premises.

Target Market
This business will serve the Greater Milwaukee area. Many of our customers
are families seeking child care near the Downtown and Metro-Milwaukee
areas. Additional participating families reside within the neighborhood
where the Center will operate. However, we also have customers who
commute from suburban regions of Wisconsin to work in or near
Downtown Milwaukee. Therefore, our services will be heavily promoted to s
urrounding businesses as an effort to create convenience for working
parents who seek quality childcare close to their place of employment.


Protection of Public Health and Safety

Our facility will be licensed and regulated by the State of Wisconsin. The
Department of Children and Families will provide the guidelines for
maintaining and protecting public health, safety and welfare within our
center. Wisconsin DCF will also monitor this facility to ensure
that we continue to meet the requirements for serving the public.

In addition, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction regulates our

Center to ensure that we meet public health requirements for our meal

Several policies and procedures have been developed for daily operations,
that will be implemented to guarantee that the Center’s staff and personnel
are familiar with the expectations for maintaining the standard public
health, safety and welfare requirements. All members of staff will be
orientated on these procedures and policies. Please see the attached policy
for a complete outline of our procedures for ensuring public
health and safety.

Protection of Property
Our organization will not pose any adverse threats to the community. To the
contrary, our business has begun to develop a positive inTluence in the
neighborhood by providing effective communication to the residents and
other nearby organizations. As a member of the 4th District of Milwaukee,
we expect the Center to become actively involved in community happenings
and working with our fellow neighbors so we can continue to hold up
our end of the bargain.
We understand and appreciate that the community in which we plan to
operate is a major stakeholder in our organization. Recognizing the
importance of responsible corporate citizenship, we are committed
to working within this community to ensure that we are making
strides towards protecting the property of the neighborhood.

TrafPic and Pedestrian Safety

The logistics of Center-related trafTic are discussed above at pages 4-5,
in the context of its potential impact on area businesses and residents.
From a safety perspective, the vehicles and pedestrians arriving at and
departing the Center will neither create nor be exposed to any particular
danger or risks.

As mentioned, we estimate that children will be transported to and from

the Center each weekday by the following means:

➢ 65% by Personal Vehicle (approximately 30-31 children)

➢ 25% by Center Transport (approximately 3-4 children)
➢ 10% (approximately 2-3 children) County or School Bus or Walking

Pedestrian access will be exclusively from West Highland Blvd. Because

the property was formerly operated as Milwaukee Excel High School, there
is an appropriately marked school crossing directly in front of the main
building, complete with bright yellow trafTic signs that caution drivers
heading in either direction along State St. Those safety features were
sufTicient to protect many dozens of MEHS students each day, whereas
the Center expects that at least 5% of its children or visitors will arrive
daily by foot. However, if we receive a high volume of pedestrians,
the Center will consider using a crossing guard and staff member to assist
if trafTic increases.

TrafTic to and from the Center will be almost entirely concentrated into
the periods from 6:30 to 8:00 weekday mornings, and 4:30pm to 6:00pm
weekday evenings.

Employees, customers, visitors and delivery personnel will be able to access

the Center from one direction (1) the “Main Entrance,” which is a driveway
connecting to 46th Street. TrafTic circulation will be as follows:

Main Entrance will be used by all pedestrians and visitors. It will also be the
location at which all school buses, vans and parents are required to load and
unload children.

Those with ADA needs will be able to access the Center from the
stroller entry door through the infant room on the main level of the west
Consistency with Comprehensive Area Plan

Our proposed use is consistent with the Near West Area Comprehensive Plan.

Child care centers in this area have been identiTied as a commercial use in
which is encouraged to operate within the Near West Area, provided the
following criteria are met:

C. COMMERCIAL -- Location

• Existing corner commercial uses within residential blocks are permitted as

long as they are economically viable and physically well maintained, and as
long as their use does not become automobile oriented or otherwise
detrimental to the neighborhood.

• Incorporate large single tenant uses in commercial corridors when the use
supports smaller uses by acting as an anchor or draw for the corridor.

These uses should add to the commercial/retail mix in a positive way,

providing a greater range of goods and services or better price structure
than already exists, similar to the way a large department store anchors a
mall of boutiques and smaller specialty stores.

• Discourage the expansion of commercial uses into surrounding residential


• Permit limited commercial expansions if the uses are compatible in scale

and intensity with residential neighborhoods, if they provide a service to
adjacent residents, and the trafTic, noise, hours of operation, lighting and
building mass are compatible.

• Locate commercial uses within residential neighborhoods on street corners

and not within a neighborhood block.

·Commercial day care facilities are encouraged to locate in existing

buildings that have land adjacent to them for the purpose of outdoor play


Building Sign Plans
There is currently no existing signage or displays on this site. Ground signs
will be used near the Front Entrance (driveway) on State Street, and
banner signing near the Wet Building. A new sign will be afTixed to the front
of the building. The material used will be plastic lettering with the following

Signage: Kid-Tastic Child Care

Font: Architectural
Sign Size: 12.5 ft x 5 ft.

This sign will be professionally installed and will require illumination. There
will be four metal gooseneck lamps attached to the building, which will
illuminate the sign.
Proof of Interest in Land
I, Amanda Davis, am writing this letter on behalf of Kid-Tastic Child Care
LLC to validate my interest as the anticipated “Leasee” of the property
located at 4610 W. State St. Milwaukee, WI., as described in the foregoing

On behalf of the property’s owner, Forty-Six Ten LLC (“Owner”),

the undersigned afTirms that Owner intends to lease the described premises
to Petitioner; that the essential terms of a lease have been outlined
and agreed upon between Owner and Petitioner; and that a lease has not
yet been Tinalized due to certain updates and improvements that Owner
intends to make to the premises as required for Petitioner’s anticipated use
and occupancy. Owner fully expects that a written lease will be Tinalized
and available following the granting of an occupancy permit from the
Board of Zoning Appeals.

Owner: Forty-Six Ten LLC


Amanda C. Davis, Manager

Date: July 3rd, 2020 .

Petitioner: ______________________________________
Amanda Davis

Date: 7/3/2020

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