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Zambia`s Favourite Newspaper 27 July - 2 AUG 2020. Vol.

7 Issue

Red Alert

… Zambians Aren’t Wearing

Masks Or Keeping Their
Distance. This Needs To Change
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Editorial 2

Why Are We As Zambians

So Desperate For Miracles?
A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or onto us when the preacher lays his hands on us.
scientific laws. In his book ‘Small Miracles’, Hallbersam Yet, all this preacher dependence flies in the face of
explains that the word “miracle” is often used to Jesus’ explanation that miracles are simply ‘one for
characterise any beneficial event that is statistically all’; that miracles are performed by faith in God. “If
unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can
surviving a natural disaster, or simply a “wonderful” say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it
occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth. will move.” (Matthew 17:20). So, why is it that many
Other miracles might be: survival of an illness diagnosed Christians feel so unqualified to ‘move mountains’
as terminal, escaping a life- threatening situation or and they have to travel here and there, in search of this
‘beating the odds’. Some coincidences may be seen as preacher or that prophet?
miracles. Some of it has to do with an inferiority complex,
In Zambia, miracles are mostly the preserve of particularly for poor folks. It is no secret that many
Christianity, which of course is to be expected, given preachers and miracle workers live flamboyant lives;
that nearly all Zambians are Christians (98%). Much spotting pure white custom made suits, hand-sewn
of the miracle basis in Christianity is drawn from the shoes, designer watches, expensive posh cars, and
life of Jesus. The gospels record three sorts of miracles speak in voices so fine-tuned, it is almost angelic.
performed by Jesus: exorcisms, cures, and nature It is difficult straight out for an ordinary person to
wonders. And these are pretty much the very same relate on a personal level with such preachers. This is
miracles sought by Zambians today. contrasted from Jesus, son of the carpenter, who was
Many Christians in Zambia believe, even irrationally,
that problems generally come from the devil and his
demons. This whole finger pointing to the spiritual
realm also sits down well with traditional belief
systems where evil spirits and displeased ancestors
are often considered as the source of all trouble. Now,
Zambians have many problems. A lack of sufficient
income to facilitate a dignified existence, poor access
to social services, particularly health, which translates
into much illness and a low life expectancy.
These troubled circumstances we live in are clearly
fertile ground for miracles. Every Zambian out there
is hoping for some sort of miracle; to get that job, get
that house; get that wife or that husband; we all tend to
look for a miracle when our efforts fall short of what
we want.
And for many Zambians, our efforts do fall short. And
so we look to the heavens, hoping for solutions to rain
down, but only into the hands of preachers, and then
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 3

so ordinary that he relied on people’s goodwill to get particularly in the wake of other religions such as
around, or John the Baptist who wore animal skins Islam, and ideas such as Atheism.
and fed on locusts. Other passages mention false prophets who will be
With their flamboyance, preachers create the able to perform miracles to deceive “if possible, even
impression that they are more blessed, or more the elect of Christ” (Matthew 24:24). 2 Thessalonians
anointed, and so they can give away some of their 2:9 says, “And then shall that Wicked be revealed,
anointing to ordinary people. To put I bluntly, most whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His
of these preachers simply “handle” their worshippers, mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His
they play on their psychology, deliberately or simply coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working
unintentionally. of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
After Jesus returned to heaven, the book of Acts and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
records the disciples of Jesus praying to God to grant them that perish; because they received not the love
that miracles be done in his name, for the purpose of of the Truth, that they might be saved.”
convincing onlookers that he is alive. (Acts 4:29– These passages indicate that signs, wonders, and
31). Today, this has become so pronounced that the miracles are not necessarily committed by God. And
existence of God is based on the miracles performed so, the proliferation of miracle workers is seen by
in his name. some as the work of the devil, and this has fueled many
A miracle-less church often suffers an exodus of claims of satanic churches and devil-worshipping
its members to a miracle-filled one, as miracles preachers.
become more and more tied to God. And people too In all this, it has become somewhat a competition
find themselves convincing themselves of miracles between ‘true prophets’ and ‘false prophets’, further
here and there, just to validate their belief in God, fueling the market for all miracles.
Headline 4


By Voice Reporter
In countries like Zambia that face severe resource example, a person has to wear masks even though
shortages, the burden of fighting COVID-19 falls they are healthy.
heavily on citizens to change their behaviour Unfortunately, high-impact behaviour change is
and follow preventative measures. These include not happening fast enough in Zambia. Our research
avoiding mass gatherings, physical distancing and found that most people – 70% of those surveyed
wearing masks. – reported that they had changed their behaviour
But a crucial determinant of whether people will since the start of the pandemic. But most of these
change their behaviour includes having access to efforts were on lower-impact strategies, such as
credible health information that’s trusted and that washing their hands and cleaning surfaces.
people can adopt. Inadequate sources of information Of those who changed their behaviour, the focus
carry a number of risks. One of the biggest is that was less on high-impact strategies like wearing
people who don’t have credible information will masks (53%), avoiding people by either staying at
be more exposed to the virus because they are less home or not attending large gatherings or avoiding
likely to abide by these behaviour changes. The big groups (58%), and physical distancing (25%).
second risk is that people don’t fully perceive the
danger of COVID-19 or its negative outcomes.
This is often the case with preventative health The ‘why’ question answered
interventions: they require individuals to make an The first survey showed that there is inadequate
investment in their health prior to being sick. For knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms among
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 5
Zambians. For instance, only 11% of those knowledge of symptoms and were more likely
surveyed were able to list tiredness as a symptom, to abide by high-impact preventative strategies.
and only 6% could list all three of the most This means the Ministry of health must work in
common COVID-19 symptoms – coughing, fever partnership with the ministry of information to
and tiredness. quickly fill in the gap in the public sensitization. Its
And 8% of people surveyed were not able to list high time Dr Chilufya constituted a highly powered
any symptoms at all. delegation to drive this project of sensitization.
This is worrying. The country’s current public
health approach relies on society to monitor their Next steps
symptoms in order to know when to isolate or seek There is a clear responsibility placed on all
additional care. Zambians to adopt and adhere to high-impact
The infectious nature of COVID-19 preventative behaviours, remain vigilant and make
means that behaviour changes are daily sacrifices. This commitment requires serious
societal buy-in.
required to change the trajectory of the
disease. For instance, universal masking So, how should the government go about
encouraging this, given that current messaging
of at least 80% is required to flatten the and law enforcement efforts aren’t getting people
infection curve. The paucity of COVID- to change their behaviour sufficiently?
19 symptom knowledge implies that We recommend that positive behaviour change
Zambians may be unable to self-screen should be encouraged by using clear, concise
and self-isolate should they become and consistent communication. And high-impact
infected. The joint failure on these two preventative measures such as mask wearing and
fronts may impede the containment of physical distancing should be prioritised relative to
lower-impact interventions (like surface cleaning
the virus. and hand washing) when communicating about
The question of where people got their information preventative measures.
was also revealing. Almost four in five of those There’s also a problem with reach: messages from
involved in the survey said they relied on social the government aren’t reaching the population.
media news for their trusted source of COVID-19- Given that people are predominantly using social
related information. Only 34% said they relied on and news media, government sources should
government sources and 21% on health workers. use these avenues more effectively to distribute
The study found that those who relied on the centralised messaging.
government and health workers had more accurate Finally, given the long term behaviour changes
required from Zambians, it may be more effective
to create an enabling rather than a punitive
environment to encourage the adoption of
high-impact preventative strategies. This could
include the free provision of masks, restructuring
the delivery of services to encourage physical
distancing (for example, home delivery of
medication and telehealth) and empowering
community champions, organisations and leaders
to encourage these behaviours.
Changing social norms in a short amount of time
is difficult, and a one-size-fits all policy is unlikely
to have the desired effect. These changes require
messaging that is context specific and which
resonates strongly with its targeted audience.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Home 7

Haabazoka Threatens to Start

Mine Nationalization Crusade
Copper prices are now over $6489 per ton!!! Otherwise we shall start a mine nationalization crusade.
I don’t even know for what reasons our mines are Now to those Zambians that busy support exploitation
chasing employees home. of our resources, you are painting the future of your
Prices are ripe for mining and this country should offspring dark!!! They will have to deal with the holes
increase output!!! in the ground!!!
All those not in compliance should have their licenses Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka
revoked and forfeited to
the state.
During Covid 19
pandemic, no one should
take us for granted.
We have a country to
develop and livelihoods to
Typical of us Zambians,
we always support wrong
things and wrong people.
I posted spot copper
prices of $6400 per ton for
copper and “experts” said
forward prices at which
copper is sold are lower.
Now when we post things,
we look at all factors. The
forward prices of copper
are even higher than the
spot prices!!!
The cost of producing a
ton of copper in Zambia
is one of the lowest in the
world. Copper off take is
in USD making electricity
and wage bills extremely
low for these companies.
VAT refund is not an
entitlement. One needs to
qualify for it.
There is no reason for
sending our citizens to the
Can you bring bring
back production to full
capacity and recall all
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Home 8

Zambia’s Immoral Imports

Pornographic movies being recorded in student’s rooms. Women dressing scandalously
in our streets and a whole host of shocking behaviors that scream of western origins. We
cannot simply roll over and be happy at being served with the decadent baggage from other
nations. The image of our great nation is at stake. We do not want to go in the footsteps of
western countries in the moral sense of things. It is these same small adoptions of foreign
culture that has led many nations into going overboard with their ridiculous resolutions.
By John Nyoni

ith each year that passes, we realize anew and rightly so. The influence of western culture has
that it is indeed a small world we live in. made short work of our values as a society. Bringing
Technology and general civilization has in unacceptable compromises in fashion lifestyles and
made this so. In the guise of expanding general way of thinking.
markets and reaching greater clientele, companies have In Zambia we have seen a lot of things happen that
looked beyond their borders for trade prospects. It is can be directly linked to influence from societies of
not so different from old England’s trade ships that other nations. America being the largest culprit in the
braved the oceans in their hunt for trade goods. forefront of our moral decay. We have heard the stories.
However, instead of sailing vessels and hard tack Pornographic movies being recorded in student’s
biscuits to send the sailors off to their far off destinations, rooms. Women dressing scandalously in our streets
it’s gigantic cruise liners, cargo ships and oil tankers. and a whole host of shocking behaviors that scream
The new age has also seen the increased popularity of western origins. We cannot simply roll over and
of air travel which has made transcontinental travel be happy at being served with the decadent baggage
both faster and less daunting a task. We live in a world from other nations. The image of our great nation is at
surrounded by imports. Our clothes, our phones, our stake. We do not want to go in the footsteps of western
cars and some of our friends in fact originate from far countries in the moral sense of things. It is these same
off places. The opening up of the international borders small adoptions of foreign culture that has led many
has led to the free exchange of both goods and services nations into going overboard with their ridiculous
among countries. resolutions.
It is not always just goods and services that are traded From allowing abominations to be accepted as
when two societies meet. Information finds a way of marriages, to making the life of the unborn child be
being shared across the board. Among this information, worth so little. The rest of the world is going wayward
you’ll have some in the form of books, magazines, and and we are riding right along with it. Levels of
newspapers. These will either be educational pieces or alcoholism in Zambia are at an all-time high, not to
cultural ones. Giving an insight into the lives of the mention that harder narcotics are beginning to make
people on the other side of the border. It’s a ‘global their way onto our streets and into our children’s hands.
village’, the cliché goes. This is not the nation we had in mind when our founding
The internet has made this sharing of information
across borders even more easier now. The social media
as well as the music and video download sites have
allowed us the chance to look into lifestyles of other
places. The bits that catch our eye, we adopt to become
a part of us and those that we deem bizarre, we discard.
However, the idea of what’s amusing and what is
inappropriate varies with different people. This has led
to a situation where some bits of foreign culture are
adopted by Zambians even though a large number of
locals find them immoral. The Zambian society has not
necessarily been known for its openness over the past
decades. Change has come grudgingly to our society
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 9

fathers fought for freedom. We have simply removed photos on Facebook and other social media. They see
the yoke of foreign influence and have instead chosen it as the new norm.
to go along voluntarily. Can we at least show them different. The adults are
We act as if we do not have ideas of our own. Ideas the ones in the forefront encouraging this decay.
that could be perfected to the point where they could The elderly men who know better are hooking up
rival those from the outside. Our ideas have taken the with the young confused girls who get a taste of the
bench in this respect. Our music has lost its identity. It life of money, sex and alcohol. We begin to face the
either sounds like rhumba from Congo DR or rap from consequences of our actions. The HIV prevalence rate
the states. We lost the flavour that was distinctively remains high among the youths. And many of them
Zambian. We simply did not see it as something the have qualifications that can only get them low paying
world would miss. But where is the world going to get jobs. All because they choose to be inspired by the
Zambian music in 2016 when all we sing is foreign. wrong things.
Maybe we’ve been confused by all these imports that
While everyone worries about making sure we do not
we see around us that we think that it’s the way to
go. Tackling the business of importing with so much export maize and electricity in these difficult times, we
fervor that we have ended up bringing in that which have left the floodgates open for all manner of imports
was never meant to be brought in in the first place. The and it’s raining cats and dogs. All we see is physical
situation is clear for everyone to see. The Zambia we luggage at the airport, but these people coming in bring
live in is not the same respectable black nation of old. in culture as well. In the same way that Syrian refugees
Our women have gone bare-backed and blond. Our are radicalizing Europe’s muslims, our arrivals from
men have become lousy fathers with a taste for drugs the West can be accused of immoralizing Zambia.
and loose women. our children have become hoodlums From homosexuality to drugs, perhaps we need the
with no purpose. They start using drugs at tender ages. clergy to join the Immigration Department and help
Destroying their future and that of the nation with it. police our borders.
Our daughters are becoming whores. Posting nude
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Home 10

Stakeholders Reject ECZ Nomination

Fees and 30-Day Voter Registration
By Mcdonald Chipenzi, Electoral expert

to, in some instances, less than 30 days just like the

voter registration period is being shortened from
“continuous” to 30 days.
Meanwhile, political parties under the auspices of the
Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID), other
than the largest opposition party UPND which pulled
out of the Centres months ago, resolved to call for the
resignation of the entire Commission for not listening
to political parties concerns ahead of the 2021 General
One concern cited has been the high nomination fees
being imposed on the prospective aspiring candidates
for any elective position in the country though ECZ
argues that the fees were arrived at after consultations

with all stakeholders.
he Electoral Commission Zambia (ECZ)’s The political parties, which included the ruling PF,
prescription of a 30-day period for the resolved also to withdraw from the political parties
registration of 9 million voters in Zambia
Liaison Committee of the ECZ.
ahead of the 2021 General Election is not
backed by and not provided for in the current law. This call from political parties on the Commission to
In addition, the Commission has no mandate whatsoever resign has serious electoral ramifications and if not
to amend/alter or negotiate the law in its current form. addressed quickly hinges on the credibility of the
Only Parliament has that mandate. outcome of the 2021 General Election.
The provisions of the current law are very clear. The How, then, is the country going into a major election
law states, in Section 7 of the Electoral Process Act No with such kind of stakeholders’ mistrust and loss of
35 of 2016, that “the Commission SHALL conduct a confidence in a commission?
continuous registration of voters”.
The failure, according to political parties by ECZ not
This is mandatory not optional to the ECZ and we to listen to its concerns has caused this loss of trust
wonder where the 30-day registration period of voters and confidence not only from the opposition political
is coming from and which law triggers it. parties alone but also the ruling party and appointing
The Commission is only mandated to prescribe, “cut authority.
off dates with respect to the registration of voters and This is a serious point of reflection by the Commission
compilation of the Register of Voters,” including the
to salvage its tattered public image from the 2016
date by which a person may apply to be registered or
change registration details (Section 20(1). General Election.
We have observed with concern this trend by the It is and must no longer be business as usual for the
Commission not to follow the well laid down Commission. These are serious dents on its image and
legal provisions in the conduct of its functions as a self-introspection is key by the Commission to trace
Commission. where it has gone astray.
One of the blatant breach of the law by the Commission Even the bringing in of the so called “eminent persons”
is the reduction in the Campaign Period. to advise the Commission will not save the Commission
Unilaterally and outside the provision of the law, the from this stakeholders’ backlash.
Commission has shortened the Campaign Period
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To access the Coronavirus (COVID-19) course,

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27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Home 12

Surviving Hospitalization In Zambian

By Lucille Aranga

he Patriotic Front Government is driving hospitalization.
what might be the most ambitious health Write down all your questions early. Your doctor
infrastructure project the country has will only come to your bed once a day (because
ever seen. The University Teaching they only get paid by Medicare to come once in a
Hospital is being expanded, along with General day) and any unanswered questions will have to
and district hospitals. Clinics are being expanded wait until the following day.
and upgraded. A further 650 health posts are being
rolled out across the country to increase access to Be patient. There is no clock in a hospital. Nobody
health in rural areas. knows when any of your tests are scheduled to be
done. Not the cleaning lady. Not your nurse. Not
With all this development in the health sector, even the doctor doing the procedure knows when
you can be rest assured that there is a bed waiting you’re up. You’ll know when you’re up when they
for you; yes, just for you, maybe with your name cart you away. Believing anything otherwise will
written on it. This is not to wish you ill health, but just make you frustrated.
just to reassure you that we are prepared should it
befall you. And even if you do not want to come You’re going to be told things that contradict
into the hospital, there are ambulances ready to each other multiple times a day. That’s normal.
pick you up from wherever you are. With all this Accept it. All your doctors and nurses carry their
in mind, it would be helpful to prepare for your own perspective and experience. There is no right
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 13

answer to many of the questions you will seek. In she had to fight to stop her mother from receiving
order to feel the best, simply pick the answer that a dangerous medication during an emergency
makes you feel the best and run with it. visit to the hospital. She says her mother, who had
Being sick is highly unpredictable. If hospital breast cancer, was supposed to receive a dose of a
care was easy and straightforward, we would be steroid called Decadron before her chemotherapy
monitoring you from home. But we aren’t. You sessions. She said someone in the hospital made
may be stable one hour and unconscious the next. a mistake and wrote in her mother’s chart that she
That’s not your doctor’s or your nurse’s fault. was supposed to receive Decadron every twelve
That’s why you’re in the hospital. hours.

Your doctors and nurses are not dumb or uncaring Maggie begged the nurses to take her mother off
because they don’t do things exactly as you wish the 12-hour schedule of Decadron, explaining
or respond to your every need or request with that she was a diabetic and it could hurt her heart.
immediacy. They see thousands of patients a year Within 10 minutes of talking to the nurse, her
who all carry their own life baggage in one way or mother experienced chest pain and had a heart
another. There is no protocol for making everyone attack, Maggie recalls, adding that her mother
happy. survived. Maggie says don’t give up if you
think something’s wrong. “You don’t need to be
Be nice. If you are mean to your doctors or nurses, aggressive, nasty, and mean. Be convincing and
they will consciously (or subconsciously) avoid confident.” But then, very Zambians have the
interaction with you and your family. There are medical knowledge to question a doctor. So trust
many safely guarded methods handed down the doctor and trust God.
through centuries of medical and nursing training
that have prepared doctors and nurses for the Best of luck!
difficult family. We know all the methods by heart.
Forge a relationship with a medical professional
in the hospital who can act as your point person.
You will interact with so many different personnel
who may or may not have read your medical notes.
You need one person to ask all your questions
to and follow through on your care. This person
can be very difficult to find but can make a huge
difference to your in patient care and experience.
Ask about every medication they give you. Nurses
say to double-check the name, dosage, and timing
of every medicine you receive in the hospital.
The trouble is very few Zambians know what
medicines they are allergic to, making it likely
that some may simply die from wrong medication.
Worse, some have no idea what their blood type
is. You need to get all your medical information
straight as you enter hospital.
If you think something’s wrong, don’t back down.
Maggie, a nurse from the Maryland, America, said
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Home 14

The K100,000 Fine On Chicago’s Reloaded

by LCC Is Wishful Thinking and Ultra Vires
By Edmond Lifwekelo, Secretary General of the Bars and Night Clubs Owners
Association of Zambia (BANCOAZ)
We have always been on record by saying it’s high Agency (ZEMA).
time we start electing credible Councillors who So, what Councils countrywide have been doing fining
have a minimum of a college diploma, and who can bars owners and confiscating music systems for noise
understand and articulate the laws of the land. pollution is illegal.
It’s a well-known fact that most Councillors in our So, the K100,000 fine imposed on Chicago’s Reloaded
Local Authorities can’t even interpret the By-Laws by LCC is pure manyengwe, it’s outside the laws.
which they enact themselves.
Fines should be prescribed by statutes. The law talks
Laws pertaining to the regulation of sell of liquor is about penalty units. Currently, under the Act, the lowest
well defined in the Local Government Act, Cap 167 of is 60 penalty units on 1st conviction (selling liquor to
the Laws of Zambia. children) and the highest is 1,500 penalty units (selling
Duties pertaining to the functions of the Councils are liquor without a license).
well spelt in the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019. So, Councillors shouldn’t just dream about fines and
Bars, night clubs, bottle stores connect with the councils penalties, it is not their mandate.
through the various Liquor Licencing Committees There are no 1st and 2nd written or verbal warnings
established under the Councils. under the Act.
The duties of the Liquor Licensing Committees are This shows the ignorance of our Councillors.
under section 17(1) of the Liquor Licensing Act.
So, what Bars and Night Clubs Owners Association
The duties are three; grant, renewal and transfer of of Zambia has done right now is it has written to the
liquor licences only. The committees are not allowed Local Government Minister to convene an Appeals
to impose fines or penalties on offenders, this is strictly Tribunal.
for the courts to do so.
This is as provided for under Section 37 of the Liquor
The committees can only revoke a liquor license or Licensing Act so to hear complaints and appeals from
confiscate liquor from an offender under a court order. various bars/ night club owners who have been injured,
The committees have no powers to suspend a liquor humiliated and occasioned loss by Councils illegal
license. acts across the country.
The act describes only two offences under which a
liquor licence can be revoked;
Section 52- licencee not to permit drunkenness and;
Section 55- permitting licenced premises to be a resort
for prostitutes
These are the only two offences under which a licence
can be withdrawn.
Forfeiture of liquor is only mentioned in Section 40-
selling liquor without a license and this can only be
done by a court order.
Control of noise from bars and night clubs does not
fall under the Councils jurisdiction. This is strictly a
preservative of Zambia Environmental Management
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 Analysis 15
Comment & Opinion
United States Reflections On Violations of
People’s Freedoms Should Not Be Taken Lightly
By Maiko Zulu

he reflections of United States Charge d’ Affaires Today Zambians are afraid, scared to death in their own
to Zambia David Young on Freedom of Expression country because political hooligans have taken over the
and general degradation of democracy in Zambia streets and even the Courts of Law. However, no one should
highlight the trauma that many Zambians go take the peaceful citizens for granted because once your
through at the hand of the militarised government of life is threatened then you have no choice but to protect it
President Lungu. by any means necessary. We only have one Zambia so let
Unlike the post 1991when under Fredrick Chiluba when us not allow anyone to set it on fire because of the desire to
Zambia was the flag carrier of democracy and media either stay in power or get into power.
freedoms on the continent, today the country is a complete
shadow of its former self with
media houses opting not to report on
anything that might be perceived as
anti-establishment just to safeguard
their broadcasting licence.
People’s freedoms to freely express
themselves on governance issues or
to hold free protests are constantly
threatened by the selective application
of the Public Order Act by the ruling
party controlled Police Service.
This morning we woke up to yet
another dose of sponsored anarchy
when suspected political party thugs
caused mayhem at a named graveyard.
This follows recent open attacks on
media houses hosting opposition
politicians. We are back in dictatorial
days when one had to look around
before expressing their views and
therefore the remarks by the United
States envoy should be viewed as a
clear sign of oppressive governance.
There is degradation of law and order.
There is no freedom if politicians are
going to create ‘No-Go’ areas for other
The solution to all these unfortunate
occurrences lie largely in the hand
of our leader President Edgar Lungu.
The President is not only leader of the
entire nation but also leader of one of
the parties that are at the forefront of
the violence and political intolerance
that is being witnessed in the country.
I sincerely believe that if President
Lungu was not capitalising on the
anarchy unfolding, then he has the
power to stop it.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 Analysis 16
Comment & Opinion

Professionals Where Are You?

By Msaiwale Wally Mlewa

y fellow professionals and the middle We are embrassed almost on a daily basis by low
to upper class, where are you when it calibre “trigger happy” leaders.
comes to national affairs and speaking Can you imagine what foreigners think when they sit
against wrongs and for the voiceless in across the table of some of these fellows that represent
our society who don’t understand what is going on and us, they think we are all like that. It’s embarrassing to
the implications on their lives? say the least.
Are you so worried about losing what you have Can you imagine the failure to read, to analyse, to
accumulated over the years that you opt to remain conduct a simple due diligence and understand deals
mute? Whatever it is you have is slowly being erodedthey append signatures to all in the name of soliciting
in value anyway as the economy worsens. cheap foreign investment to the detriment of the
Career Civil servants and technocrats in government country and Zambians in general.
where are you? Have you been cowered into silence? We have witnessed numerous errors and retractions
Do you fear the 25-year-old, grade five cadres that all because of hasty deals, greed and shoddy work;
threaten you with transfer and dismissal from your meanwhile the professionals are comfortably sitting
cushy job? back not rocking the boat.
Defence Forces, where are you when your superiors There is a failure to understand the long term
are involved in scandals, court cases and exercising implications of some of the decisions that are made
double standards? purely due to lack of capacity, and the belief that all
Medical staff where are you when you are subject to that is foreign is good and all that is local is bad and
work conditions with poor or no tools, when scandals that our salvation will come on a boat or plane.
rock your ministry and your boss is trooping in and out Professionals have been grouped with the unqualified
of ACC? cadres that perform shoddy jobs and abandon work
Engineers where are you when projects are inflated, sites when a down payment is made.
when shoddy works done, when unqualified cadres We have taken this sitting down and accepted to be
and foreigners are given contracts to the detriment of grouped with these individuals (Ati Zambians are
deserving qualified Zambians? doing bad work, which Zambians?
What happened to right and wrong, to integrity, to the Am sure they mean cadres) who are experts in short
oaths some professions demand and to standing for the cuts, bribes, subcontracting and selling off contracts to
greater good? the Chinese.
We have been stereo typed with these commercial
mercenaries, whilst being blocked from performing
any meaningful contracts in State-Owned-Enterprises
and quasi-government institutions.
We have even stopped buying tender documents, there
is truly no point as this would be academic, a waste
of time and resources; the perception is that they are
predetermined so why bother?
My question stands, professionals where are you?
We need you. Stand up and be counted, it’s time for
you to take your rightful place.
Stop hiding behind desks.
The late Michael Chilufya Sata (MHSRIEP) was right,
we are the biggest cowards.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 Analysis 17

Comment & Opinion

What Next for Edith Nawakwi?
By Voice Reporter

Edith Nawakwi is a 61-year-old economist who

joined politics under the Movement for Multi-Party
Democracy (MMD) in 1990.
In the 1991 General Election, she was elected as
Member of Parliament for Nakonde Constituency.
In the Chiluba MMD government, she held various
cabinet positions including being the first female
Minister of Finance.
In 2001, she and some ex-members of the Movement
for Multi-Party Democracy formed the Forum for
Democracy and Development (FDD).
She served as the party’s secretary-general and vice-
president before she was elected party president in
Edith Nawakwi has been President of the Forum for Currently, Nawakwi appears to be in working terms
Democracy and Development (FDD) since then. with President Edgar Lungu.
However, for her first 6-years, she did not contest a She has recently agreed with the ruling PF position on
presidential election. issues such as Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 10
She campaigned for Hakainde Hichilema as part of and an inquiry into the gassing attacks.
the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), in the 2006 More recently, she accompanied President Edgar
General Election. Lungu and PF Secretary General, Davies Mwila, to
However, in the 2008 presidential by-election, the a groundbreaking ceremony for a Catholic Church in
FDD leader threw her weight behind Rupiah Banda of Chongwe.
the MMD. It appears that Nawakwi is leading the FDD, for the
It was only in the 2011 election that Nawakwi’s FDD third time, into an alliance.
first appeared on the presidential ballot. She paid It is unclear what Nawakwi and the FDD stand to gain
dearly for her long absence with a showing of 20,243 or lose from working with the PF.
So far, the FDD has already lost its National
However, in the 2015 by-election, she dropped to Spokesperson and 2016 Munali Constituency losing
15,321, which may be explained as a normal reduction candidate, Antonio Mwanza, to the PF.
for a by-election.
Mwanza left the FDD to take up the position of Deputy
In the 2016 General Election, Nawakwi increased her Media Director at the PF Secretariat.
votes to 79,489, and rose up to fourth on the table.
What about Nawakwi?
At the same time, the FDD has maintained its presence
in both parliament and local government. Is she positioning herself to be the Vice President
Running Mate in 2021?
Currently, Chiengi constituency is represented by the
FDD’s Given Katuta. Will Nawakwi maintain her presidential ambitions?
For 2021, it is yet to be confirmed whether Nawakwi Will the the story of Zambia’s longest-serving female
will continue to be the only woman party president in party president will end in State House?
Zambia . Only time will tell.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020

Vol. 7, Issue 838 18

I write what i like

God Bless Our Veterans:

The Veteran’s Perspective
grandchild. television and radio programming
are in English. All user manuals
By this time in life, it is for televisions, radios, cell
almost inevitable that phones, computers and many
a person has one or other gadgets are in English.
By Daimone Siulapwa two ailments; diabetes, Let us not forget instructions of
20 years ago or so, each morning hypertension, Alzheimer’s, use for things that are vital to
I woke up with a pinch of thanks their livelihoods such as bags of
you name it. After several fertilizer, bags of cement etc.
for the energy and zeal that hearings of the old hands
were characteristic of my years I wish to discredit the claim that
of youth, this is a feeling that I complaints, the young our old guards are illiterate; they
assume every energetic youth of people narrow mindedly can read, but they just can’t read
today feels or has the luxury of label the old man or English. And they have become
taking for granted. woman as a pestering victims of language segregation
But today at almost 50 years, I complainant or a nag. This and a generational segregation.
can’t help but notice the other For those that are truly illiterate
is just one angle portraying it will be easier to teach them
side of the coin am beginning the veteran living among
to experience and that of our literacy in their local language
very senior citizen, the 70 the youthful. unlike a foreign tongue.
years plus, also known as the Then there are those veterans who We can’t honestly pretend it is
veterans in their own right, for have chosen to live on their own to sufficient to have translated the
whom waking up seems a very avoid being perceived a bother by constitution into the seven local
laborious activity and by all their young relations. This seems languages. Neither should we
means less lively as compared to be a solution until there is a argue that news in local language
to mine. strong rumor in the neighborhood and ZNBC Radio 1 programming
Trying to get out of bed for the that the senior citizen that lives covers all the senior citizens
veteran is a moment that can be nearby is a renowned witch/ information needs.
greeted with painful apathy. For wizard who is responsible for the
the veteran in Zambian society death of some named members
of the neighborhood and of all of Why are there no local language
agony doesn’t seem so far newspapers and magazines? If
behind. A brief attempt to come his/her successful children. Some
might argue that these are only a we say Zambians do not read
out of our world of energy, fun newspapers, then maybe it is
and technology into the world handful of isolated situations that
are not fully representative of the because there are no newspapers
of the veteran shows us all in Zambian languages.
the agony they are served in 3 Zambian society.
dimensional views. Allow me to But if one is to take a critical Clearly the numbers of injustices
take you on this trip. eye to observe this situation, it against the aged are high ranging
is noticeable that a significant from con artists swindling them
First thing in the morning and an to politicians whispering empty
inexplicable surge of pain runs number of senior citizens are
living in an information vacuum promises to the hero’s of our
through the veteran’s system, independence struggle.
this is a sensation that they will created by our youthful society’s
find time to explain to their son, unrelenting love for the queen’s The injustice must stop, the
daughter, niece, nephew, or language. More than ¾ of challenge to our young society is
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 19

that our aged people need social security/welfare, and watched’. It’s not too late to steer our titanic
they need legitimate representation and they need away from the iceberg. We are who we are a great
information in a language they are familiar with. peace-loving nation because of their individual
They represent a small but important portion of contributions. We are stronger because they were
our population which we can provide for without strong. God bless Zambia, God bless our veterans.
external assistance, if only we set our priorities
Let us not dare
anglicize them nor
abandon them, let us
combine our efforts to
meet their needs and
respect them by giving
them due privilege in
hospital queues and
many other queues.
Let us commit
to ensuring that
they have a
dignified passage
to their afterlife
by providing
them with social
welfare and vital
information that
can make their
life meaningful.
Let us remember
that as each day
passes, we draw
closer and closer
to those 70 years
numbers. And
when our time
comes the future
young will ask
‘where were you
when your senior
citizens couldn’t
access medication,
information, food
and shelter?’
The answer we should
avoid being true is
that ‘we just stood by
27 July - 2 AUG 2020

Vol. 7, Issue 838 20

1. Am tired of being just his side chick heal. Danny, things happen for a reason, you
(Q) Dear Tibalenge, my name is Jenna and I am a might not see the reason why this has happened
25 years old lady and I have being dating a married but one day you will.
man for 4 years now. He rents an apartment for 3. He told me he loved me
me which is fully furnished and pays all my bills. (Q) Dear Tibalenge, my name is Gwen and am
On top of that he gives me enough upkeep money. aged 28. I met this guy who actually for the first
This man takes very good care of me and I really time in my life made me feel like I was good
love him. 2 years ago after I told him that I will enough and that I am worth it. He was such a
break up with him if he doesn’t divorce his wife gentle man, so loving and caring and always knew
he engaged me and has never brought up the issue the perfect things to say all the time. I fall for him
of leaving his wife and marrying me. Every time I without knowing and then we had sex and he told
bring up the topic he gets upset and leaves. I love me that he loved me but not in that way. I really
him but I am tired of being just his side chick. Do love him, how do I make him love me back?
think he will leave his wife?
(A) Dear Gwen, in life not everyone means what
(A) Dear Jenna, am sorry to break this to you but they say and some people will act and say anything
dating a married man and expecting him to leave just to get what they want in this case what he
his wife and marry you is like expecting to catch wanted was to get you in his bed. If he didn’t love
at a train at a bus station. It won’t happen. He in that why, why did he have sex with you in the
will never leave his wife but will continue keeping first place? Don’t believe everything you hear
you on the side. You are wasting your time, you Gwen. Unfortunately, you can’t make anyone
need to let him go and move on. You deserve a fall in love with, especially if all they wanted or
man of your own and you are still young. Jenna want from you is sex. Next time don’t sleep with
in life what you do to others has a way of coming someone just because they say the perfect things.
back to you, one day you will too be married, will Some people we love from a distance and I think
you be happy if your man had another woman for the safety of your heart it is best you love this
on the side or rather if he left you to marry a side man from a distance. Love will find you again,
chick? But it is not too late to do the right thing. have faith.

2. The alcohol is not working 4. Money and women

(Q) Dear Tibalenge, my name is Danny and am (Q) Dear Tibalenge, my name is Joe and am aged
aged 27. I was dating this girl for 5 years and had 22. Am single and the is not because I don’t want
intended to marry her. Even her family knows to date but because every girl that I try to date
about us. I went to work out of town two months starts demanding for things and am not financially
ago and when I went back to visit her I found stable to provide for all their needs. I want to find
that she was 1 month pregnant and that they are out, do women have the rights to demand for staff
making plans for her to get married. I am heart and money?
broken and I have been trying to drink my pain
away but it is like no matter how much I drink the A) Dear Joe, as sad as it is there are some women
beer is not taking he pain away. What can I do to who demand for material staff and money from
make the pain stop? men but the good thing is that not all women are
like. There are independent women out there that
(A) Dear Danny, beer doesn’t stop the pain or only need your love and attention. Although as a
change the situation. The best thing you can do man you are a provider and when and if you can
is to learn to accept the situation. It hurts but you manage you can provide but if she is not your
need to accept what has happened and forgive wife it is not a mandate for her to demand.
her only then will you be able to move on and
27 July - 2 AUG 2020

Vol. 7, Issue 838 21
Walking Ngombe Ilede

Eulogy For A Dead Soldier

them, and they halted in fear of it. But a closer and better view. The truth
when he pulled the trigger, nothing is, we will never get there. Life is a
happened, not even a clicking sound. journey no one ever finishes. Even
After a few minutes of pretending the immortal gods find that they are
to be armed and shouting threats, unable to finish their work, because
the robbers started to doubt Lolo’s change and progress are the eternal
cojones. laws of this universe. As soon as you
So they took a step closer, and right think you are done, you realize that
then, Lolo’s Lieutenants and Majors you have only succeeded finding
fled into all directions, but the General more things to be done. It all ends in
By Lukele Kulula stood his ground. By the time the beginnings. Where the river ends, the
junior officers returned with police ocean begins. Where the mountain
General Mulolo Nyanga’nyani. ends, the clouds begin. Where the
in the early morning, they found
And no, not Zambia Army. Before clouds end, the stars begin. Where
all 5 robbers dead, and the General
I met him, I did not know Security the stars end, the heavens begin.
too. How he took them down with
companies had ranks going all the This is just definitely not the end of
a wooden excuse of a gun remains
way up to General. Hearing him Lolo. Such great souls do not die-
a mystery, but it is said the robbers
talk, his security company was a the universe preserves them because
had multiple bullet wounds. Folk
military establishment in itself, they are the elements it needs to fuel
legend now holds it that General Lolo
complete with pass out parades and its never-ending expansion. This is
emptied the chamber of the bullets
a commander-in-chief. General just another beginning. I know Lolo,
and put them in his mouth, one after
Mulolo, or Lolo, as he was known right now, he is busy trying to build
the other, spitting them with such
by his peers outside the ‘military’, a ladder to down here so that we can
projectile force that he quite literally
was the son of a retired Army climb up to where he is . . .”
shot and killed the robbers.
Captain, and no, not Solo.
I was asked to deliver the eulogy at Now that I’m sober, I see there is
Lolo had grown up in Arakan no way I am going to read this.
Lolo’s funeral, as well as the 21 gun
Barracks, and every day of his Such beautiful, deep, and profound
salute and other military honours like
childhood, seeing the soldiers go words are wasted on the ears of these
wrapping his coffin in the national
about their soldiering, he dreamed township mourners. The solemn
flag. Zambian eulogies are a cliché- if
of one day wearing the camouflage thing to do would be to use this piece
you have heard one, you have heard
uniform. That day never came, but of paper to roll a joint of marijuana.
them all. “The late was born on . . .
he did get pretty close. The way we As I blow the smoke upwards into the
They attended so and so school . . .
looked at it, General in a security heavens, where I suspect Lolo is, it
they worked at so and so until their
company was not such a long way will be as if I am speaking directly to
untimely passing . . . they are survived
from an Army Officer. him.
by a wife and nine children . . .” so
But when you consider that Lolo empty, so repetitive, so bland. I was Rest in Peace General Lolo,
set up the company himself and not going to do this- Lolo deserved Commander-in-Chief of Nyata
gave himself the rank of General, more, much more. Nyandule Quasi-Military Security.
it all looks very plastic. From
So I sat down over our traditional Your friend and compatriot,
Lolo’s point of view, “you have
bottle of brandy and wrote this eulogy. Lieutenant Chimbwi Skwale.
to take things in life. No one will
give you anything. If you can’t “Lolo was a great man, not because P.S. Sorry I ran away, but standing
make it, at least fake it”. And he he accomplished anything great, but there with a non-functional gun
lived out those words, until he because he dared to be great. To dare was not providing security, but
died on a tour of duty at a factory is to do. To dream, to aspire, to look endangering ones own security
he was guarding in the Industrial into the heavens and rather than just of tenure on Earth. It was nothing
Area. His compatriots say he died admire, you think of how to build a personal, no hard feelings; I still got
a noble death. ladder to get there- that was Lolo. your back, okay.
Lolo built ladders everywhere, and
As the robbers arrived at the
even though they never got him
factory, Lolo pointed his gun at
there, he was content with having got
27 July - 2 AUG 2020

Vol. 7, Issue 838 22

Edem Djokoteo

Of Rogues & Railways

There’s a giant mango tree in the bishops, serial drinkers, thieves with History that I am, I refuse to dignify
heart of The ‘Hood that has been hearts of gold, men with no hair their claims about his homosexuality
a tourist attraction for as long as having bad hair days, women who with a response.
our district has been around. Y’all drink their testosterone with milk andAnyway, this whole furore about the
must have seen it and even posed honey like it is bloody Earl Grey tea man is global. Turns out that this
for pictures next to it like all good and sangomas who spend their days Cecil character wasn’t such a nice
tourists are supposed to do. And and nights raining down lightning dude after all, and years after his
the tourists don’t come here year bolts and launching spiritual drone death, there are still people out there
after year from far and wide just to attacks on hapless citizens. who want to resurrect him just so that
come see a mango tree that neither Stairway to Heaven they can have the pleasure of kicking
bears fruits nor attracts any birds.
But let me not digress. Before the his butt in real time. But seeing they
Actually, if you must know, they mid went walkabout, I was about to can’t change his name to Lazarus and
come in their droves because the tell you about a white dude called bring him back to life and all, they’re
tree is as iconic and as historically Cecil Rhodes who made a stopover in taking out their anger and their
significant as the Sphinx in Egypt the territory now known as The ‘Hood frustration on anything that’s got his
and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. as he embarked on a hare-brained name on it, including statues and of
Truth be told, UNESCO should scheme to build a railway from Cape course, mango trees.
have turned the bloody tree into to Cairo. Don’t know what he ate Last year, students at the University
a World Heritage Site yonks ago, on his journeys, but dude had such a of Cape Town went on the warpath,
but apparently, someone has been terrible bout of diarrhoea that made demanding the removal of Rhodes’
sleeping on duty. him delirious and almost turned him statue from campus or else. When
Anyway, one day, a few zealots into an ancestor before his time. campus authorities refused to bow
got together after one joint too For close to a month, abena-Cecil’s to pressure, they baptised the statue
many and decided that we don’t bowels moved nonstop, like it was with faeces. Afraid that the students
need historical landmarks anyone running two marathons. All the while, would turn the best university in
and that even KK’s old house in a nubile Soli wench took care of him, Africa into a giant toilet over some
Chilenje must go. Now they’ve nursing him back to health like her long-dead white dude, The Authority
launched a campaign to chop down name was Florence Nightingale. First promptly took the statue down.
the tree and make it history. thing he did when the delirium and Now across the waters, in Oxford
But even as we speak, a Council the disease cleared was to fall heels University, students are baying for
of Elders from The ‘Hood has over head in love with the woman, the blood of a man who, to all intents
taken it upon it upon itself to and that, my friends, changed the and purposes, should be resting in
file an injunction on behalf of course of History. By the time she’d peace like dead folk are supposed to
the right-thinking members of laid some organic loving on him and do. Nothing doing. As it turns out,
our community restraining these sent on a stairway to heaven, the poor they want him to star in a remake
fellows from acting completely man had forgotten about railways and of the movie Blood Diamonds—as
useless. choo-choo trains. himself. And no, there won’t be any
I know what you are thinking. So But before he moved on to satisfy his Oscars for that role, in case you are
much ado about a fruitless, bird- wanderlust, he took out a knife and wondering.
less mango tree can’t be normal. carved this message on the mango I don’t get it. If Cecil was such a bad
You’re right. It isn’t, but then tree I’ve just been telling you about: dude, why did they wait for him to die
The ‘Hood isn’t exactly a normal Cecil Rhodes was here. 6 August before they realised they should have
place. It’s one of the few places of 1878. There’ve been folks who’d torn him from limb to limb when he
earth where you will find pregnant disputed the fact about the life and lived? Why didn’t they take him out
virgins, good witches, righteous loves of Cecil Rhodes, claiming then? Why now? Well, if you have
politicians, crooked lawyers, false that for all his macho pretensions, some answers, please drop me a line.
prophets, cops who should be Cecil was nothing but a fruit cake You’d be doing Adult Education a
behind bars, teachers with plenty and should actually have been called huge favour.
of unfinished business with the Cecilia for reasons I’m sure you
Ministry of Education, unholy can figure out, but proud student of
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Food For Thought

Elected Officials Have Are Elections an

Ethnic Census?
Until May 2021
To my colleagues the Let me get straight to youth league of the
elected officials who the point. Apart from political party will not
have gotten too, too allowing young people suffice if the youth are
used to being called to contest elective not allowed to grow in
Honourable, Your positions, all political leadership.
Worship and all those parties in Zambia KANG’OMBE
temporal titles, begin will need to come up CHRISTOPHER -
adjusting back to with a documented Mayor of Kitwe
reality because you development program
have until May 2021 that allows It is time for Africa to define for
when Parliament gets ambitious herself what democracy means!
dissolved together young men The political party is not African.
with all 116 councils and women It is something that we inherited.
in Zambia. grow in the Your typical African political
Is it only in politics organization party is simply an assembly of
that the ambitious are and in ethnicities and in many African
perceived to be power leadership. countries, you will discover that
hungry? Having an what we call elections is simply
established an ethnic census to determine
which ethnic group is larger than
the other. That’s the tragedy of
Zambia is chasing after vanity Africa!
Everyone is now where everyone that govt support; a teacher -Prof PLO LUMUMBA on
focussed on being opens their mouth or mefical practitioner Democracy in Africa
a politician, the one selfishly hopes to be who graduated today
single and easiest way
to immediate access to
identified for political
recognition rather than
must either corrupt
someone at the Ministry
Failure to Create
lot of money for doing for enhancement of headquarters to be Quality Jobs
absolutely nothing. economic activities posted or rote in the Not everyone can be a business man
This has set the country and business growth queue without any or farmer. Stop training people to
on a trajectory path of a of citizens. This is a salary. be employees when you want them
failed state. trajectory path to serious We need to focus all to be fish farmers. You’re wasting
failure. energies on citizens their time and money. Trying to make
Both the politicians and people fish farmers or refuse recyclers
citizens have placed As a result of this poor empowerment,
does not change the fact there has
a far much bjgger focus by both politicians significantly enhance
been a failure to create quality jobs as
premium on politics than and citizens alike, there small scale businesses,
promised, it’s an admission of failure.
on the enhancement of is a backlog for those primary economic You said you would create jobs they
economic activities and qualifying to go into activities such as trained for them now you’re saying
businesses that speak university, a student agriculture, agro value start recycling and aquaculture eh
directly to the majority who qualifies into public chain production and how? Roads don’t provide long term
of citizens. university today must industries as well as employment. You see the importance
wait for at least 2 years financing channels for of balancing things?
Zambia has become to be able to go in or even these to clear the mess.
a talk shop of politics worse, to access any CONCERNED CITIZEN
By Steven
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838
Food For Thought

Lusaka Mayor, Food Has Become Unaffordable In

Miles Sampa Is Zambia Due To Inflation Caused
Abusing His Office By Bad Government Policy
Are these items donated to him as a
mayor or as an individual or to his Good afternoon fellow electricity units and
organization? Is his DIY initiative a Zambians, a 60% increase in
registered NGO? If it’s not registered, the cost of fuel in
A few days ago, I
then it’s operating illegally. And I December 2019.
conducted a tour of
submit that there is no way these Shoprite at Lewanika Mall The vast majority
items can be donated to him as an to look at prevailing prices of households in
individual; they come to him by virtue of essential household Zambia can’t afford
of his office. They are donated to the goods. these prices, more
city of LUSAKA, to LCC through his especially in the
I have to say that I’m
office. IT IS WRONG TO RECEIVE rural areas where the
shocked at the prices of
THESE ITEMS AT HIS HOME. And basic goods.
hunger situation is
it is equally wrong to involve his still unresolved. 4: The cost of agricultural
family members to distribute these A tray of eggs is now inputs has dramatically
It’s worth noting that
donated items when he is busy. The selling for K47, just four increased because of a
the PF government only
months ago a tray of eggs weak kwacha on imported
Deputy Mayor or indeed any of the awarded civil servants a
was K28. inputs, and middlemen in
Councillors can be given the task. This 4% salary increment, of
is serious abuse of office at play here. A small 750 Ml bottle of which 1% is deducted as the procurement process
If it was a Minister receiving these cooking oil is now selling payment to NHIMA. of agricultural inputs.
food, drinks, masks, sanitizers etc. for K29 when it was only As NDC we have sound
So in real terms, civil
K12 last year.
at their homes for distribution, there servants only got a 3% agricultural policies
could have been an uproar. Can the A KG of fish is now selling salary increment. enshrined in our manifesto
ACC look into this with the urgency for K37, three months ago that will ensure that the
Of what value is a 3% cost of essential household
it deserves before concerned citizens the price was K28 per kilo.
increment when the cost of goods and food are kept
moves the courts to interpret if these A 1 litre of milk is now food has gone up 40%? low so that the masses of
donated items are given to Miles K18, four months ago it
The hyperinflation we’re Zambians can afford to
Sampa in his personal capacity or to was K10.
witnessing in Zambia have a decent standard of
the office of the Lusaka Mayor. What Mealie meal is still living.
today is being fuelled by;
is also another source of concern is expensive, upwards of
that the Mayor has kick started his 1: Load shedding because We will lower the taxes
K115 for 25 KG.
2021 election campaigns in Matero local manufacturing on fuel, we will cut
Bread is now K14, when it companies and retailers are out middlemen in the
and your guess is as good as mine
was only K8 five months having to use generators to procurement of fuel and
where most of these donated items ago. A fully grown chicken agricultural inputs, we will
manufacture and sell their
end up, disadvantaging other would is selling for over K60, up products. They are using embark on development of
be candidates. from K40 just six months expensive fuel to manage several solar, thermal and
EDMOND LIFWEKELO ago. production. wind power plants to end
Based on my survey, I load shedding once and for
2: The high cost of
have concluded that the all, we will provide more
electricity after the 200%
cost of essential household subsidies on agricultural
price increase is now
commodities has increased inputs and we will ensure
being factored into the
by over 40% between that there’s a substantial
production cost of essential
January 2020 and July increase in agricultural
household goods.
2020, this is just over a six output that will lower
3: The high cost of fuel the prices of agricultural
month period.
has increased production products
This increase in the cost of and distribution costs for
essential household goods manufacturers, which is
comes just off the back now being factored into Chishimba Kambwili
of a 200% increment in pricing.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 25

10 Things I Wish I Could Have

Told Myself some Years back
You will have your heart seriously broken a few times, but you know what? You’ll pick
yourself right the hell up and become even more fabulous than you were before. Do
not settle. If you have your own love, and by that I mean you’re okay with being with
yourself and you can find happiness in your life as it is, you’ll realize that you are wait-
ing for someone else to come and make your life worth living. But here’s the truth:
people will come and go.
By Brianna Wiest

1. Don’t spend too much time worrying about the you just do what your heart says. The day you stop
the opinions of jealous, little people. caring what other people think is the day their opinions
What you have to know is that nothing will define you don’t mean anything, because you’re not there to give
unless you let it. You are only whoever you decide you them weight.
are. You are not a democracy. There is nothing that 3. What’s important is that you have to be kind to
anybody can say that will change who you are, unless people
you take it to heart and you let it. You have to do your best. Learn to put other people
2. There is no designated time for anything in your first. Learn to not freak out over little, petty things.
life. There are much bigger problems in life that you will
You don’t have to have your first kiss at any certain one day have to worry about, and while I know your
time, you don’t have to get married in your 20’s and 9th grade drama seems like the be-all-end-all trust me,
you don’t have to do anything just because other people it’s not.
think it’s best. In fact, you will be much better off if 4. I know a big concern is whether or not you’re
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 26

Whether or not you’re fat or
skinny, whether or not the
music you listen to is “cool,”
but here’s the thing: you’re
seeking an answer that doesn’t
exist. You are only as much or
as little of any of those things
as you think you are. But
what’s more important is that
you have to realize that there
are a thousand things that are
more important than being
“cool” or “beautiful.” Find
those things, and take pride in
them instead. They won’t fade
with time.
5. One of the absolute truths
about life is that
People will forget what you
did, they will forget what you
said, but they will not forget you’re worth anything right now. Stop trying to hide
how you made them feel. I cannot stress this enough. who you are or cover it up because you think if people
Listen to Maya Angelou. attack your armor they won’t affect who you really
6. It’s okay to not be okay. are. But the truth about that is you are allowing them
to control your ego because you’re not in tune with
You don’t have to be happy all the time. Life is not your true self.
supposed to be a joy ride every single day. It’s okay to
have a broken heart or hurt feelings or to be anxious 9. Learn to sit back and enjoy the ride.
or nervous. It’s resisting these things that give them Immerse yourself in the joy you find in lazy Sundays.
their choke hold on you. Let it be a beautiful and sad Eat your favorite foods. Do the things you love to do,
part of the story, but only a page or a chapter here and and don’t feel bad because it’s not “cool” or something.
there, not the whole book. One day you will realize You have to realize that just because your life doesn’t
how important these dynamics are. look like someone else’s doesn’t mean it’s less than
7. You need to work on having a little more blind theirs. In fact, embrace the fact that your life isn’t
faith in things anything like anybody else’s, it’s personally tailored
for you. So put on that suit and wear it like the beautiful
Yes, I know, this seems counter-intuitive to all the woman you will one day become.
messages that you’re receiving from society. But
there is a difference between taking control of your 10. You don’t need love, now or ever.
life by pursuing things that are important to you and You will have your heart seriously broken a few times,
learning when to let go and let whatever is supposed to but you know what? You’ll pick yourself right the hell
be unfold by itself. It’s a little anxiety-inducing to be up and become even more fabulous than you were
blindly led by the universe, but please, please take my before. Do not settle. If you have your own love, and
word for it: you will be led to far greater places than by that I mean you’re okay with being with yourself
you could even comprehend to take yourself. Trust it, and you can find happiness in your life as it is, you’ll
and go with the flow babe. realize that you are waiting for someone else to come
8. Stop being afraid of being who you are. and make your life worth living. But here’s the truth:
people will come and go. Love will fade and reignite
At the end of the day, people can hate on you as much and you will be headed for nothing but problems if
as their little cold hearts desire, but what it should all your love for someone is contingent upon what they
really tell you is that there is some gaping insecurity can do for you. Embrace your independence now, and
within them that forces them to be mean to you. You keep your head high always. There are far better things
are a bad ass. You are a fantastic person. You are going ahead than you can even imagine.
to do great things, even thought you don’t feel like
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 27

Most Women will hurt you in The End

Modern relations with women are purely transactional, a competition on who gets
served first. To ensure that you get what you want before she tosses you out like gar-
bage, you must remain ruthless and aware every time you see her, never stopping for
a second in playing the best game that you can.
By Morris Rosh Sichilima

Raise your hand if you’ve treated a woman well but lose your job or your source of income
she did not return the favor. I see that everyone’s Years ago, the gooey part of me wanted to conclude
hand is up. I don’t need to tell you that if a woman that not all women are like that. They wouldn’t cut
loses her attraction for you or meets a man better me off on a dime just because they briefly got bored
than you, or cheats on you with a man who may with me or because I made some game errors, so I
give her better sex than you, she will begin to treat decided to make two classifications to the women
you worse than homeless men she encounters on I met: (1) sluts and (2) nice girls. I would give the
the street, regardless of how well you have treated nice girls better treatment and kindness. I’d be more
her in the past (even if you’re the father of her open and available for them. I’d be less calculating
children). and stringent with my game.
Her treatment of you is just as conditional as if What girl is nicer than a virgin? These girls have
working for a corporation where you receive an the least amount of experience with men out of all
income based on the value you provide for the females and definitely can’t be classified as a slut.
company. If you stop working, you’re out on your But surprisingly, my experiences with virgins have
ass. It’s the same with women, though they can be told me that I can’t even treat them well without
even more heartless when they decide to “fire” you. being cognizant of my game at all times.
You will see the true colors of a woman when you
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 28

I have a couple other experiences with women who by being absolutely methodical with your game at
had less than five partners where I was voted off all critical moments.
the island after taking her inexperience for granted All women will screw you in the end if you assume
and treating her too well without being strict about her attraction is not dependent on the game you
receiving my needs in return. give her, even virgins and nice girls whose brothers
Now I truly believe that some girls really want a and sisters you had to meet on the tenth date. If
beta male as a partner, but when I attempted to use they have other options on the table, and your game
two different games—one for sluts and one for nice slips just an inch from what she became attracted
girls—I always regretted it in the end. I made the to initially, you’re done, and there is often nothing
mistake in assuming that my niceness with them you can do to get her back after she decides that
would translate into everlasting compliance where you are no longer important in her life. Because of
I’d get sex on demand and not have to deal with a this, you must approach the relationship like a job,
girl’s emotions and bullshit. I was wrong. putting in the required amount of labor (game) to
Lowering my guard and relaxing my game on the get the consistent payment (sex) you desire.
nicest of girls was no defense to receiving the same I would love to be a nice guy, to be “myself,” but I
kind of ill treatment that frigid sluts would give me can’t with women. Maybe I can be myself 90% of
when they were ready to replace my cock with a the time, but the 10% of me has to be the Godzilla
newer model. While not all women are like that of game. Modern relations with women are purely
at first glance, they’re all the same in the end, no transactional, a competition on who gets served
matter what part of the country they come from first. To ensure that you get what you want before
and how many sex partners they’ve had. The true she tosses you out like garbage, you must remain
nature of women always seems to rear its ugly ruthless and aware every time you see her, never
head once her attraction for you dims, and the only stopping for a second in playing the best game that
defense against that is maintaining strong attraction you can.
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 29

11 tips on how to Protect Your Erection

Erectile dysfunction (ED) becomes more common as men age. But it is not necessarily
a normal part of aging. How can you avoid ED? Here’s what experts told WebMD.
1. Watch what you eat. blood pressure. You might also want to check your blood
A diet that’s bad for a man’s heart is also not good for his pressure between doctor visits. Some stores and fire stations
ability to have erections. offer free screenings. Blood pressure monitors are also sold
for home use.
Research has shown that the same eating patterns that
can cause heart attacks due to restricted blood flow in the If your cholesterol or blood pressure is out of whack, get it
coronary arteries can also impede blood flow to and within treated.
the penis. The blood flow is needed for the penis to become Blood pressure drugs can make it hard to get an erection.
erect. Diets that include very few fruits and vegetables along But doctors say many cases of ED that get blamed on these
with lots of fatty, fried, and processed foods can contribute drugs are actually caused by arterial damage resulting from
to decreased blood circulation throughout the body. high blood pressure (also called hypertension).
Anything that is bad for a man’s heart is also bad for his 4. Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all.
penis, says Andrew McCullough, MD, associate professor There is no evidence that mild or even moderate alcohol
of clinical urology and director of the male sexual health consumption is bad for erectile function, says Ira Sharlip,
program at New York University Langone Medical Center. MD, a urology professor at the University of California San
Recent studies show that ED is relatively uncommon Francisco School of Medicine. But chronic heavy drinking
among men who eat a traditional Mediterranean diet, which can cause liver damage, nerve damage, and other conditions
includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, heart-healthy fats -- such as interfering with the normal balance of male sex
including nuts and olive oil, fish, and wine, particularly red. hormone levels -- that can lead to ED.
“The link between the Mediterranean diet and improved 5. Exercise regularly.
sexual function has been scientifically established,” says Strong evidence links a sedentary lifestyle to erectile
Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at dysfunction. Running, swimming, and other forms of
Alvarado Hospital in San Diego. aerobic exercise have been shown to help prevent ED.
2. Maintain a healthy weight. Watch out for any form of exercise that puts excessive
Being overweight can bring many health problems, pressure on the perineum, which is the area between the
including type 2 diabetes, which can cause nerve damage scrotum and anus. Both the blood vessels and the nerves that
throughout the body. If the diabetes affects the nerves that supply the penis can be adversely affected from excessive
supply the penis, ED can result. pressure in this area. Goldstein says bicycle riding, in
3. Avoid high blood pressure and high cholesterol. particular, can cause ED.

High cholesterol or high blood pressure can damage blood An occasional short ride is unlikely to cause trouble. But
vessels, including those that bring blood to the penis. men who spend a lot of time biking should make sure their
Eventually, this may lead to ED. bike fits them properly, wear padded cycling pants, and
stand up frequently while pedaling.
Make sure your doctor checks your cholesterol levels and
“No-nose” bike seats protect against genital numbness and
sexual dysfunction, according to the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health.
6. Don’t rely on Kegels.
One form of exercise that doesn’t seem helpful is Kegel
exercises, which involve repeatedly contracting and
relaxing the muscles in the pelvis. Kegels can be helpful for
men and women suffering from incontinence. But there’s
no evidence that they prevent erectile dysfunction.
7. Keep tabs on testosterone.
Even in healthy men, testosterone levels often begin falling
sharply around age 50. Every year after age 40, a man’s
testosterone level typically falls about 1.3%.
Symptoms like a low sex drive, moodiness, lack of stamina,
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 30

or trouble making decisions suggest a testosterone the blood vessels. That slows the flow of blood to the
deficiency, as do lackluster erections. Your doctor can penis, making an erection difficult to get. Atherosclerosis
check on that. (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, and
8. Avoid anabolic steroids. high cholesterol are among the most common causes of
These drugs, which are often abused by athletes and
bodybuilders, can shrink the testicles and sap their ability Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer doesn’t cause
to make testosterone. ED, but treatments can lead to temporary or permanent
erectile dysfunction.
9. If you smoke, stop.
The physical causes of ED are not only disease-related.
Smoking cigarettes can harm blood vessels and curb There are many other potential causes, including:
blood flow to the penis. And nicotine makes blood vessels
contract, which can hamper blood flow to the penis. Surgery: Surgery for both prostate cancer and
bladder cancer can damage nerves and tissues necessary
10. Steer clear of risky sex. for an erection. Sometimes the problem clears up,
Believe it or not, some cases of erectile dysfunction stem usually within 6 to 18 months. But the damage can also
from penile injuries that occur during sex. Taking your be permanent. If that happens, treatments exist to help
time and avoiding certain positions can help. It may be restore your ability to have an erection.
uncomfortable, but consider talking to your doctor about Injury: Injuries to the pelvis, bladder, spinal cord,
what to do and, more importantly, what not to do. and penis that require surgery also can cause ED.
11. Curb stress. Hormone problems: Testosterone and other
Psychological stress boosts levels of the hormone hormones fuel a man’s sex drive, and an imbalance can
adrenaline, which makes blood vessels contract. That can throw off his interest in sex. Causes include pituitary
be bad news for an erection. Anything a man can do to gland tumors, kidney and liver disease, depression, and
ease tension and feel better emotionally is likely to give hormone treatment of prostate cancer.
his sex life a big boost. Venous leak: To keep an erection, the blood that
Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction flows into your penis must stay in your penis. If it flows
back out too quickly -- a condition called venous leak, in
Behind the scenes, a lot goes into achieving an erection. which the veins in your penis don’t constrict properly --
When you’re turned on, nerves fire in your brain and travel you will lose your erection. Both injuries and disease can
down your spinal cord to your penis. There, muscles relax cause venous leak.
and blood flows into the blood vessels. The result, if all
goes well, is a rigid penis, ready for sex. Tobacco, alcohol, or drug use: All three can damage
your blood vessels. That makes it difficult for blood to
Unfortunately, all does not always go well. Many diseases reach the penis, which is essential for an erection. If you
-- and, in some cases, their treatment -- can lead to erectile have hardened arteries (arteriosclerosis), smoking will
dysfunction (ED). So can injuries, lifestyle choices, and dramatically raise your risk of ED.
other physical factors. ED can often be treated, and finding
the right cause can lead to successful treatment. Prescription drugs: There are more than 200
prescription drugs that can cause ED.
Diabetes: This chronic disease can damage the
nerves and blood vessels that aid in getting an erection. Prostate enlargement: Prostate enlargement, a normal
When the disease has not been well controlled over time, part of aging for many men, may also play a role in ED.
it can double a man’s risk of erection problems.
Kidney disease: Kidney disease can affect many
of the things you need for a healthy erection, including
your hormones, blood flow to your penis, and parts of
your nervous system. It can also sap your energy level
and rob you of your sex drive. Drugs for kidney disease
can also cause ED.
Neurological (nerve and brain) disorders: You
can’t get an erection without help from your nervous
system, and diseases that disrupt signals between your
brain and your penis can lead to ED. Such diseases include
stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, and
Parkinson’s disease.
Blood vessel diseases: Vascular diseases can block
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 31

The ANC Insists It’s Still a Political Vanguard:

This is What Ails Democracy in South Africa
By Heidi Brooks

Founded in 1912 by a small group of educated, and participatory democracy.

middle class Africans, the ANC grew into a mass Twenty-six years since the end of apartheid, South
movement in the 1940s. It later became an exiled Africa has reached a critical point in its democracy.
underground organisation from 1960, after its banning Popular disillusionment with the ANC, failures in
by the apartheid regime. In exile, its roots in African government performance and the rise of popular protest
nationalism merged with Marxist-Leninist ideology. are evident. But certain ideas continue to influence the
It draws on these intellectual traditions, but has always way democracy is practised.
been a “broad church”. There has never been a singular, The ANC has been found wanting as a leader of society.
uniform understanding of participation within the Rampant corruption and abuse of office have marred
ANC. Instead, during the struggle, multiple traditions its claim to the rightful leadership of South Africa’s
and approaches to popular participation emerged. people. It was inevitable that citizens would lose faith
The political vanguard idea in formal political processes.
Emerging from its dominant intellectual heritage, the The difficult path from liberation movement to
ANC’s very identity as a mass movement is rooted in the governing party is well-trodden in Africa. Liberation
notion that it exists as a political vanguard. Associated struggles across the continent were conducted in the
with the ideas of Vladimir Lenin, the vanguard party is a context of state repression. Political organisations were
vehicle led by an enlightened, revolutionary leadership not free to operate openly.
through which the people can be led to freedom. But the requirements of underground operations and of
The adoption since 1994 of a largely market-oriented unity in struggle are different to those of democracy.
economic strategy makes this discourse meaningless at Organisational traditions focused not on empowering
a policy level. Yet the narrative continues. citizens but on maintaining movement hegemony do
ANC documents, statements and commentary still refer not allow democratic influence and agency to flourish.
to the governing party as “a vanguard movement”. THE CONVERSATION

Why is this a problem for participatory democracy?

Vanguardism holds that a dedicated movement – or party
– is needed to give ideological, moral and intellectual
leadership through a process of “conscientisation”. A
vanguard views itself as a true representative, able to
interpret the popular will. The people must not only
see the vanguard’s objectives as in their best interests.
They must also see leadership by that vanguard as
essential for those interests to be secured. It implies
a fundamental connection between the people’s
collective needs and the leadership of their vanguard
Vanguardism versus participatory democracy
The challenge for South Africa’s democracy is that the
very existence of vanguardism prevents citizens from
being empowered. It keeps the party dominant.
This can be framed as a tension between vanguardism
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 32

What Ghana’s First Woman Vice Presidential

Candidate of a Major Party Offers
By Robert E. Hinson

Ghana has a reputation as one of the more established

democracies in sub-Saharan Africa. It has successfully
organised six elections in its fourth republic, with
power changing hands between the two largest political
parties, the New Patriotic Party and the National
Democratic Congress. These two parties represent
almost 95% of voting numbers based on past elections.
Over these elections, women have participated and
been elected to positions in parliament. Some women
have also been nominated as running mates and have
run for the presidencies, albeit for small parties. But
few have made it onto the ballot for national elections.
Until recently none of the two major parties had ever
selected a woman on their ticket even though there
have been calls over the years for this to be remedied.
Now one of the country’s two largest parties, the
National Democratic Congress, has selected a woman
vice-presidential candidate – Professor Jane Naana are opposed to women in leadership positions. Another
Opoku-Agyeman. is her lack of affinity for the Volta region, which is
So how marketable is Opoku-Agyemang? considered the power base of the National Democratic
Congress. How the region feels about a candidate
Three factors are worth exploring: who she is, her matters.
relationship with the National Democratic Congress
party and the party’s ideology. She is also not a widely known party figure, especially
to the rank and file of her own party and even to political
One of Opoku-Agyemang’s unique selling propositions neutrals.
is that she has served as the vice-chancellor of a public
university. She was the first woman in Ghana’s history Outcome
to hold this position. From 2008 to 2012 she was the The selection of a woman alone will not enhance the
University of Cape Coast’s Vice-Chancellor after National Democratic Congress’s electoral chances in
serving as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Dean of the 2020.
School of Graduate Studies and Research.
But Opoku-Agyemang has strong points. She has
This has given her managerial experience. She is also good standing within an important academic bloc. The
relatively scandal-free compared to other possible University of Cape Coast saw growth under her tenure,
women candidates available within the party. and as George K.T. Oduro, a Professor of Educational
Another plus is that her presence is likely to enhance Leadership at the school, noted in a recent article:
the popularity of former president John Mahama as he She is a woman of integrity and that is what she brings
seeks a return to power. This is because both candidates to the Mahama ticket.
are independent personalities with positive equity due
It would seem that her brand differentiators are
to their past records in public service.
competence and integrity. THE CONVERSATION
But there are some downsides to her candidacy. One is
that there are conservative elements within Ghana that
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 33

U.S. Supreme Court leaves in place curbs

on voting by ex-felons in Florida
By Jan Wolfe and Andrew Chung

he U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday Liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader
rebuffed a bid by voting rights advocates Ginsburg and Elena Kagan dissented from
to block a Republican-backed Florida law Thursday’s decision. Sotomayor wrote in
mandating that people with past felony dissent that the Supreme Court’s action prevents
convictions pay court fines and fees before being thousands of otherwise eligible voters from casting
able to register to vote. ballots “simply because they are poor,” adding
The conservative-majority high court left in place that the decision “continues a trend of condoning
a July 1 decision by the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. disfranchisement.”
Circuit Court of Appeals to put on hold a judge’s The law was signed last year by Republican
earlier ruling declaring the law an “unconstitutional Governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump ally. Voting
pay-to-vote system” imposed on citizens who rights advocates and Democrats have accused
genuinely cannot pay - or even know if anything Republicans in a number of states of passing laws
is owed. aimed at suppressing the voting ability of groups
U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle’s ruling had who tend to support Democratic candidates.
cleared the way for potentially hundreds of The 11th Circuit decision effectively halted the
thousands of Floridians to register to vote in the voter registration of former felons who cannot
key election battleground state ahead of the Nov. afford to pay the fines and fees as required under
3 election in which President Donald Trump is the law to have their voting rights restored.
seeking a second term in office. A group of Floridians and voting rights
organizations sued DeSantis, arguing the law
amounted to an illegal poll tax in violation of the
U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection
under the law.
Opponents argued the law goes against the wishes
of Florida voters who approved an amendment
to the state’s constitution in 2018 to grant voting
rights to felons who served their time and were not
convicted of murder or sex crimes.
The 11th Circuit put a temporary hold on Hinkle’s
decision while it considered an appeal by DeSantis.
That action put the rights of these former felons in
limbo for months, well past deadlines to register to
vote in the presidential election.
Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo said
in a statement after the Supreme Court’s action,
“Florida Republicans have a shamefully transparent
electoral strategy: voter suppression.” REUTERS
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 34

U.S. Targets all Chinese Communist Party

Members for Possible Travel Ban: Source
By Matt Spetalnick

he Trump administration is considering shows the lengths to which Trump’s aides may be
banning travel to the United States by all prepared to go as they make the tough-on-China theme
members of the Chinese Communist Party a thrust of his campaign for re-election in November.
and their families, a person familiar with the Trump and prospective Democratic presidential
matter said on Thursday, a move that would worsen nominee Joe Biden have competed to outdo each other
already tense U.S.-China relations. on which can take the strongest stand against China.
Senior officials discussing the matter have begun Trump’s aides have made the Communist Party a main
circulating a draft of a possible presidential order, but target for what they call Beijing’s “malign” activities.
deliberations are at an early stage and the issue has But Trump has held off on direct criticism of Chinese
not yet been brought to President Donald Trump, the President Xi Jinping, whom he has praised as a friend.
source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Among the options is to base such a visa moratorium
The discussions, first reported by the New York Times, on immigration laws used by the Trump to justify his
center on whether to deny visas to tens of millions of 2017 travel ban from a group of predominantly Muslim
Chinese in what would be one of Washington’s toughest countries, according to the person familiar with the
actions yet in a widening feud with Beijing that some discussions.
have likened to a new Cold War.
Trump could also have authority to make exceptions
Such a ban, if implemented, could hit the ruling for certain individuals or categories, the source said.
Communist Party from the highest levels down to its
rank-and-file and would be certain to draw retaliation One difficulty would be determining which Chinese
against Americans who travel to China. This could nationals are party members, since U.S. authorities do
include not only diplomats but also business executives, not have full lists, the source said. REUTERS
potentially harming U.S. interests in China.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying
said earlier such action by the United States, if true,
would be “pathetic.”
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stopped short of
confirming it was under consideration but said: “We’re
working our way through, under the president’s
guidance, about how to think about pushing back
against the Chinese Communist Party.”
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told
reporters: “We keep every option on the table with
regard to China.”
Relations between the world’s two largest economies
have sunk to the lowest point in decades as they clash
over China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak, its
tightening grip on Hong Kong, its disputed claims in
the South China Sea, trade and accusations of human
rights crimes in Xinjiang.
U.S. officials across multiple agencies are involved in
the process, which includes consideration of whether
to block Communist Party members’ children from
attending American universities, said the source, who
has been briefed on deliberations.
The fact that such a sweeping ban is being discussed
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 35

‘We Have Earned the Right to Smile’ -

Solskjaer Lauds ‘Fantastic’ Man Utd After
Crucial Win at Palace
By James Westwood

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer lauded his “fantastic” but two fantastic goals won it for us.
Manchester United squad after a crucial win over “The finish was great for Marcus Rashford’s goal
Crystal Palace, insisting the players “have earnedbut there was quick inter-changing passing in the
the right” to smile. build-up. We did not do it enough because they
United put the disappointment of Monday’s 2-2 are a handful to play against, they have to trust
draw at home to Southampton behind them by themselves more.
picking up all three points against the Eagles on “It looked like Victor Lindelof kicks the ball first
Thursday night. and it is a tight decision but probably the same on
Solskjaer’s men needed a victory to keep pace Anthony Martial. I don’t think it was a penalty.
with Leicester and Chelsea in the race for a top- “When we go the second goal, that is when they
four finish, and ran out 2-0 winners at Selhurst started strutting about. It is tight scheduling but we
Park thanks to goals from Marcus Rashford and cannot afford starts like this.
Anthony Martial.
“Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial are
Palace proved stiff opposition throughout the 90 enjoying themselves, when they go out onto the
minutes with their high press and pace on the pitch for a shift, they go out with a smile and they
counter, but the Red Devils made the most of their defend each other too.
opportunities and defended resolutely against the
threat of Wilfried Zaha and Jordan Ayew. “We need to smile and go into this, we have earned
this right, no-one thought in January that we would
Rashford’s opener came right on half-time, as he be in with a shout for top four. We have done
completely deceived the Palace defence with a fantastic since the restart.
lovely change of direction after receiving the ball
from Bruno Fernandes in the box, before slotting “These are the games that matter. That is the thing
the ball past Vicente Guaita. at Manchester United, you have to step up and
show your personality.”’ GOAL
The home side had their chances in the second
period, but United doubled their advantage through
Anthony Martial, who produced an expert finish
after being played in by Rashford with 12 minutes
left on the clock.
The Red Devils have now gone 19 games
unbeaten, and they will be guaranteed a place in
the Champions League if they win their final two
fixtures, with Solskjaer pleased to see the team
come through another tough test.
The Norwegian believes his side have made great
strides forward since last month’s Premier League
restart, as he told BBC Sport post-match: “It is a
tight game and didn’t get the rhythm in our passing
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Vol. 7, Issue 838 36

Wada Is
Wedson Nyirenda has returned to the bench following Division table, six points behind leaders Forest Rangers
his appointment as coach of Lusaka Dynamos today. and just three points outside the top four continental
The ex-Chipolopolo coach is back on the job after he bracket with nine games left before the season ends.
quit South Africa PSL side Baroka FC last December. Dynamos are also breathing down the neck of
Dynamos said Nyirenda has signed a short-term deal Nyirenda’s ex-charges and defending FAZ Super
with the Lusaka club and that Ian Bakala has been Division champions Zesco United who are fifth on 42
relegated to assistant coach. points.

“It is great to be associated with Lusaka Dynamos FC. Ironically, Zesco, who he guided to their debut league
For the next 3 months we shall work tirelessly to see title in 2017 and successfully defended it a year later,
that we end this current season in the best position. are expected to be his first opponents on August 2 at
If everyone works accordingly, and pull in the same home in Lusaka.
direction we can achieve the unthinkable. God will Nyirenda returns to the FAZ Super Division after a brief
guide us through,” Nyirenda said. period at Green Buffaloes in 2015 before a two-year
He takes over at Dynamos who are currently sixth with stay in Mozambique at Ferroviario Beira. LUSAKA
40 points from 25 games played on the FAZ Super TIMES
27 July - 2 AUG 2020
Sport 37

Vol. 7, Issue 838
esco United coach George Lwandamina believes “And that is what actually happens to the players, they
every team is heading into uncharted waters when need someone to push them to go beyond the pain barrier,
the league restarts this weekend after they recently the body mechanism has it that not until you go beyond
trooped back to full training following the four- the pain barrier, that is when the body will be even able to
month Covid-19 lockdown. compensate, and that is the fitness that is even required in
Team’s returned to full training on July 1 ahead of the July our game of football.
18 behind-closed-doors league restart after being restricted “But it is not the case, that is how challenging it is. We are
to individual training since March. just hoping that whatever we are doing will be beneficial.
The defending champions Zesco will resume their quest to “No one knows, not even our friends in Europe, it is all
retain the FAZ Super Division title on July 19 when they experimental, they are lucky they have a lot of facilities
host Kansanshi Dynamos at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in so maybe they will eventually be able to come up with
Ndola. something that is tangible.”
“It is the same everywhere when you stay out of business for And Lwandamina added that the provisional FIFA law of an
four months and then you are told to start,and with the little additional two substitutes, from the standard three, during
time of preparations, it becomes a challenge,” Lwandamina this restart period will help all teams.
said. “Definitely it is beneficial for all the teams. Let me just put it
Lwandamina said there is no substitute for the intimacy of this way; the entire World will benefit because looking at the
full team training. magnitude of the games that we will play, three substitutes
“Yes, I understand that players have been training will not suffice. So with the increase of two it will help, it
individually but a player can only do better with the coach will be better than the usual three,” Lwandamina said.
behind him,” Lwandamina said. The last nine games of the 2019/2020 season have been
“Even you yourself, if you say you are going for road-run squeezed from August 1-30 excluding the seven rescheduled
and you plan to run for 10 Kilometers, just halfway through matches over the coming last two weeks of July involving
that distance your body will tell you to stop and if you are Zanaco, Zesco and Buildcon. LUSAKA TIMES
not strong enough, you will stop and start walking.

Speaks As
Zesco United
Prepares For

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