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Southern Tidings "For the Love of Christ Constraineth Us"


Medical Work In Brazil, South America tude for the knowledge he had received
and the privilege of being baptized. A few
F. L. Harrison weeks later the wife was laid to rest. When
Treasurer of the South American Division a brother visited the eighty-six-year-old
husband just a little while afterwards, he
tact was when he came to have some teeth
T HE North Brazil Union Mission is
small in membership, but the needs
for medical missionary work are many in
pulled. It was his custom to have his front
teeth filed to a point. Some time passed
was feeling very weak and was certain it
wouldn't be long until he would be laid
by her side. Ile was so thankful they
the great Amazon River section. From our and Quiriono became more trustworthy, could rest and be sure of hearing the voice
Division office in Buenos Aires, I traveled and five years from the first contact, when of Him who will come to redeem the faith-
one and one-half days before reaching the Luzeiro came along he acted as a pilot ful. But he wished the following message
southern Brazil, and then fifteen days by on one of the tributary rivers to the taken to Brother Halliwell, "Please tell
steamer to Belem, where the North Brazil Amazon for Pastor Halliwell. As they had the good brethren everywnere that I am
office is located. From here back to our visited various places he had heard Sister so thnakful they gave of their money,
East Brazil Union office in Rio de Janeiro, Halliwell sing in Portuguese that song, which has made it possible for this precious
it takes twelve days. This gives a little "Christo Salvo o Pecador"—(Jesus Saves truth to be brought to us here." That
idea of the great distances of the country the Sinner). He was much impressed, and night the good old brother did'nt waken.
of Brazil. From Belem, going up the Ama- on the way down the river he edged up His message is as one sent from the dead,
zon River to Iquitos, one must spend close to the side of Pastor Halliwell and but there are many, many others waiting
said, "Could your wife sing that song she in this Amazon section to be warned and
twenty-eight days by river steamer.
has sung often as we have visited the dif- blessed.
Our launch, the Luzeiro (Light Bearer),
has been remodeled and a new engine in- ferent places?" She did, and then it was In this large country of Brazil with over
stalled. Pastor and Mrs. Halliwell had sung a second time. Finally he said, 45,000,000 people, we do not have even a
already left Belem before I arrived on "Would Christ save an Indian or, only small Sanitarium to treat the sick and
white people?" He was assured the Lord suffering. There are many large cities
their annual medical missionary trip up
the Amazon. They sent word back to the saves all who truly repent of their sins. here. In the capitol of Rio de Janeiro,
office that they were finding many people Then Quirino told his life story. He said, with its population of 1,800,000, we have
"I have been very wicked and have killed no medical work. Sao Paulo, with 1,500,000
sick this year with the fever. They took
six men during my lifetime." Three times people, has only a small dispensary con-
with them approximately $360.00 of med-
he had tried to kill Brother Tavares, the ducted by our people. We place the needs
icine, but on March 31, Pastor Halliwell
teacher, but he had been unable to do so. before you, asking that you will kindly
wired to the office, saying the medicine
He longed for the same protection the remember Brazilwith aliberal offering on
was nearly all gone, and to•send more with
those leaving to attend the camp meeting teacher had been given. That dark night the Thirteenth .,,Sabbath ;of. this quarter.
on the river, a real change came into the
at Maues. Last year on the annual trip
heart of Quirino, and he fully accepted SINCERE THANKS FROMOUR
made by the Luzeiro, over 8,000 people
Christ as his personal Saviour. Two years MISSION FIELDS
were treated.
later he made a two-weeks' trip with J. F. Wright, President
In the year 1933 Honario Tavares, Brother Tavares and interpreted into the Southern African Division
went to Punto Alegre to conduct an Indian Indian language for him. The medical
school. His little child was taken sick from missionary work on the Amazon is bring- LDER S. A. Wellman of the General
exposure and died. The child was laid ing relief, as well as preparing and winning Conference Sabbath School Depart-
away to rest without anyone to speak souls to Christ. ment, has just written me with reference to
words of comfort to the sorrowing parents. the amount of the Thirteenth Sabbath
Pastor Neilsen, president of the Division, overflow received the second quarter of
During the months which followed, the
visited the Amazon section last year, and 1939 for this Division. Delighted! Well,
Indians stole Brother Tavares' chickens,
attended their annual camp meeting at that hardly expresses it. Surely my heart
poisoned his dog, and killed their only
Maues. Among those baptized was an gave a new throb when I learned through
cow. After four years the Lord began to
elderly couple well past eighty years of age. his letter that out part was $6,814.44.
let them see some of the fruits of their
They were helped down to the canoe This is splendid!
labors to encourage them, and fifteen were
which carried them over to the place of Now on behalf of our believers and
baptized. Two years later there were
baptism. They were very happy, the old workers throughout the mission territory
forty more. The Indian who possibly gave
them the most trouble, and was Honario's gentleman looking up into heaven at the of this Division, I want to pass on to you
worst enemy, was Quirino. Their first con- close of his baptism, expressing his grati- in the homeland, a REAL BIG THANK

13th Sabbath Overflow To Brazil--June 29


SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE forward the "A" grade to the Ephesus Sab-
437 East Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Ptes. J. K. Jones: Sec'y-Treas. Chas. 0. Franz
Departmental Secretaries Had you been with us in our Sabbath
1703 Twenty-fourth Ave., Meridian. Miss.
PieIti Missionary I M. Evans school on March 23. you would have wit-
Educational & Y. P. M. V. C. A. Russell Pres. H. W. Walker: Sec'y-Treas.:J. M. Janse,
Home Missionary & S. S. B. M. Preston nessed a wonderful sight. Our general
Reliyious Liberty J. K. Jones
superintendent, Mrs. H. A. Jackson, acted
NEWS NOTES as hostess for a Sabbath school birthday
YOU. Truly, we do sincerely and deeply party, at which time fourteen individuals
appreciate what all of you have done to For some time there has been a real need took part by bringing their birthday offer-
make this excellent overflow possible for for magazine workers in this conference. ings to Jesus for His blessings to:them.
us out here is this far-flung corner of the We are happy to tell you that we have now God has blessed us in the remodeling of
earth. a group of four ladies selling the Watchman His house. 'I he church was too small for
magazine in the cities of our conference. the congregation, and it needed repairing
Now of course you will want to know They have gotten off to a good start, and badly. Even though we have witnessed
how we are going to spend it, so let me we solicit your earnest prayers for their the hardest winter in the history of Birm-
tell you without delay. success. When they come to your town, ingham, we raised enough money to
A part of it will be used to erect a home be sure to make yourself acquainted. You enlarge and renovate the church building.
for Dr. J. G. Foster at the Maun Medical will recognize them by the magazine they We have taken out the old stove that
Mission in Bechuanaland. For about two sell. They are traveling by automobile. stood near the middle of the auditorium
years now the Doctor and family have floor, and have installed steam radiators
been waiting patiently until we could find Encouraging reports are coming from in its stead. A choir-stand has been built
money with which to build their home. our book colporteurs. The students are in. The seating plan in the auditorium
During all this time, they have lived in a sending in good reports. Crops are looking has been re-arranged, and the aisles are to
small two-roomed structure, which is to fine, and we are of good courage. However, be carpeted. The building has been var-
serve as a dispensary when the new home we need more colporteurs. nished and painted inside and out. The
is complete. So you can know the Doctor walls in the school rooms have been
and family are happy indeed. Now we can papered and a drinking fountain has been
go forward with the erection of the home. L AS T CALL—JUNIOR CAMP installed. On the outside the lawn has
Their present quarters have not been con- been terraced and shrubbery planted.
ducive to good health, but they have not Last call for Junior Camp! There Because of the blessings of God, all of
complained. is still tim: to pack that bag and this work was done on a cash basis. Now
come with the other Juniors for ten we are looking to the future and hope to
Next, we are going to use some of it to
days of real fun in the open! Camp see many souls won to the kingdom. Pray
build a new surgery and isolation-ward for
opens June 27 and continu_s until for God's work in Birmingham.
Dr. Marcus, at the Kenya Medical Mission.
July 7. Ten days—ten dollars plus F. L. Bland
If you could only see the small, dingy
little st rgery our doctors have had to use transportation and you'll never
for years at this place, you would certainly regret having been with us!
marvel at what these men have been able Marion G. Seitz CAROLINA
P. 0. Box 930, Charlotte, North Carolina
to achieve. On behalf of Dr. Marcus, I H. E. Lysinger : Sec'y-Treas. R. S. Blackburn
want to offer a BIG THANK YOU too.
He is as happy in anticipation of this new M. V. NOTICE
building, as a little fellow with a new toy. DEAR EC ME COMMISSION LEAD-
We had hoped to use part of the over- Just a reminder to all M. V. secretaries ERS, AND PARENTS OF THE CARO-
that quarterly reports are due this office LINA CONFERENCE:
flow this time fcr a new hospital in Angola,
not later than July 8. Our aim—Every
where we expected to locate Dr. L. K. Another camp meeting is past, but may
member working and reporting, and every
Rittenhouse; however, recent laws in that the spirit of it linger with us throughout
society reporting to the conference. Help
country make this impossible, so Dr. the days to ccme. We are sorry all of you
us to achieve 100 per cent by sending in a
Marcus is to benefit instead. Dr. Ritten- could not ccme, for surely it was a feast of
complete report on time.
house will be located in another part of gccd things. It was the largest camp meet-
M. G. Seitz
Africa, rather than in Angola. ing ever held in the Carolinas, and we feel
Again let me assure all who had a part in that it was the best. Many who were
the over-flow—we sincerely appreciate COLORED WORK IN BIRMINGHAM
what you have done for us in Southern SOUTHERN TIDINGS
Africa this time. Some day, if faithful, God's work in the Birmingham Ephesus
you will share with us the reward given Church is on the up - grade. The tithe Published weekly by Southern Junior
the faithful. and mission offerings for the first three College for the
months of 1940 are far ahead of the tithes of Seventh-day Adventists
and offerings of 1939 for the same period. Collegedale, Tenn., U. S. A. Fifty cents a year
God gives us power to bear all the sor- We have worked very courageously J. S. James - - - - - - Editor
Entered as second class matter, July 26, 1929
rows of His making; but he does not give during the first quarter to win an "A" grade at the post office at Collegedale Tennessee, under
the act of March 3, 1879.
the power to bear the sorrows of our own for ourrSabbath school, and I am confident Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage
making, which the anticipation of sorrow that when the records are checked in*the provided for in Section 103. Act of October 3, 1917
Authorized on July 25, 1929.
most assuredly is.— Kan MacLaren. office our Homer...Missionary Secretary:will

Mid-Summer Offering--Sabbath, July 20

there from other fields felt it was the best A good interest is reported at Laurin- courage as they see new believers being
meeting they had attended. We feel that burg, N. C., where Brother Matthew added to their church.
the spirit of the Lord was there. Green (colored), is holding his first tent The following workers are associated
We were ideally located away from the effort. with Elder L. C. Evans in this meeting:
bustle of the city among the hills of God, Elder and Mrs. F. C. Webster, Brother
where the decorations of Nature greeted Elder F. S. Keitts, Union colored and Sister Robert Metcalf,. Miss Martha
our eyes, and made us think of the good- evangelist, opened his tent effort in
Ferree, and Mrs. Olive Jones.
ness of our Heavenly Father to give us Winston-Salem Sunday night, the 16th,
Let us pray that God will continue to
such beauty and magnificent colorings to but no report has been received as to the pour out his blessing upon the work in
enjoy as we dwelt among these hills, and outlook.
the beautiful city of Jacksonville.
saw each tiny blossom so perfect in Elder R. E. Griffin begins his auditorium L. E. Lenheim
shape and coloring we could not refrain effort in Asheville, June 23, and Elder
from exclaiming, "How wonderful are the Winders starts a tent effort in Salisbury, FEDERATION MEETINGS
work of God!" June 30.
It gave me a new desire to put forth The fourth Dorcas Federation was or-
more energy to help the parents to take Elder J. W. Franklin reports that on ganized June 11, and includes churches in
advantage of the privilege of training the their opening night at Greer, S. C , the the Ridge and Ft. Myers districts. Five
little blossoms God has placed in attendance was around 200, in spite of the churches were represented. Mrs. W. E
their hcmes; that they might bloom fact that it was a rainy night." [We rejoice Kuester was asked to be President, and
into beautiful characters, influencing with Brother Franklin in this good Mrs. Ernest Lemon, Secretary-Treasurer
those who contact them, to see the beauty beginning. The first meeting for this area will be held
of the Saviour's character manifested in the third Thursday in July, at the church
them, as the blossoms of nature in- in Wauchula.
fluences us to think of the One who gave
FLORIDA Other Federations will hold their meet-
them life to beautify the world. Box 372, Orlando, Florida ings as follows:
Pres. L. E. Lenheim: Sec'y-Treas. H. E. Schneider
We had our parents' meetings every Central Area, July 16, at the church in
other day, making five meetings in all. Daytona Beach.
A good interest was manifest, and a num- A MOST JOYOUS OCCASION West Coast Area, July 11, at the St
ber expressed the desire for an organization Petersburg Church, Corner 8th St.
of the Home Commission in their church. Last Sabbath afternoon fifty-one pre- and 6th Ave.
Others who are isolated expressed the cious souls were buried with their Lord in South East Coast Area, July 9, at the
desire for hcme study. It is time, parents, baptism as the first-fruits of the Jackson- Fhipps Park Club Room, on South
we were arousing ourselves. We have ville evangelistic effort which is now being Dixie Street, West Palm Beach.
neglected this opportunity so long, we have conducted by Elder L. C. Evans and These meetings will start at 10:30 a. m.
but a short time to redeem the time. associate workers. and continue till 4 p. m. We trust each
We must cooperate and work together This meeting opened Sunday night, society will send a good delegation to the
if we would do the bidding of our Father. April 14, in a large 4-pole tent, in a very meeting held in their Area.
We read in the " Testimonies" of the great nice vocation in the city of Jacksonville, M. E. Chapman
work resting upon the leaders and parents and has been in progress since that time.
concerning this all important work, and The attendance has been excellent, and
large crowds have been present each night FEDERATED DORCAS SOCIETY OF
are led to exclaim, "How great is the task!" THE FLORIDA WEST COAST AREA.
So with the help of our Lord, who stands during the meeting. An unusaul interest
ever ready to give aid to the sincere parent. has been manifest on the part of the people,
and it was a real pleasure to see fifty-one Our next quarterly meeting of the Flor-
eet us get busy and discharge our duty in ida West Coast area will be held in the St.
(training the children, and not have the people baptized in this first baptismal ser-
vice. My heart greatly rejoiced as Elders Petersburg church, corner 8th street and
condemnation of conscience later that we 6th Avenue, July 11, from 10:30 A. M. to
shirked our duty. Evans and Webster led these dear people
down into the watery grave. 4:00. P. M.
May the Lord bless us all, as parents, The St. Petersburg Dorcas Society plans
to bring our children boldly to the throne It is always a source of real joy to see
entire families take their stand for the Lord, to serve a twenty- five-cent plate lunch to us,
of Grace, and pray that God will fulfill the proceeds go into their Dorms fund.
His promise to us, and save our children. and go forward in baptism. Among the
fifty-one candidates there were several We want every leader, and a good dele-
Mrs. H. E. Lysinger gation from each church in this area.
families, and the baptismal service closed
with a family of seven standing together A special invitation goes to the new
in the water,—a father, mother, and five societies and their members.
children, of which two were twins. We If ever there was a time for our work to
Elder and Mrs. Lysinger paid a visit to praise the Lord for the good results which be thorougly organized and carried with
Elder H. D. Singleton's tent effort at we have already seen in Jacksonville as power, it is NOWT
Rocky Mount, N. C., Friday evening, the result of this large effort, and the breth- Mrs. John D. Cressler
June 14, and bring back the report that ren are planning on at least thirty or Secretary- Treaurer
their 50 x 70 ft. tent was more than filled thirty-five more to be baptized as a result
with a nice class of colored people. Many of this meeting. NEWS NOTES
names were received that night, and the The members of the Jacksonville church
effort gives promise of bringing good have cooperated heartily in this evangel- Elder and Mrs. Lenheim, accompanied
results. istic campaign, and they are of good by Brother Schneider, visited the Gaines-

13th Sabbath Overflow To Brazil—June 29


ville church last Sabbath morning. The demanded to meet the crisis just ahead. increasing. Last night we had three hun
people are of good courage, and plans are To teach the love of God through the dred in attendance. This, so far, has been
under way for the opening of a strong lesson book of nature. the largest number of people attending the
evangelistic effort Sunday night. June 30, To form lasting and helpful friend- meeting. The other nights of the service
which will be conducted by Elder F. F. ships. our attendance has averaged 125. To date
Bush, and Brother Irvine T. Rush, who Write for plans whereby you can make we have the names of 50 people who have
will serve as associate worker. your own way to Camp. Send one dollar attended every night, and more names are
Elder C. R. Gibbs reports organizing with application, and receive in return a being received. We are of good courage in
three classes in Red Cross training under "Scottie Dog Bank." Begin to plan NOW our labors here as we see a deepening
the direction of the authorities in Miami. to attend. Fine are the days ahead where interest on the part of the people."
One is in Hialeah and two in Miami there is a beautiful trail, a large lake in
which to swim and boat, a most beautiful Under date of June 12 Brother Berry,
churches,—one for men, the other for who is conducting an effort at Louisville,
camp-fire circle, an interesting place to
women. Georgia. says, "Our meeting had a good
study Nature. Send your application to
The Jacksonville church is now conduct- T. S. Copeland, 547 Cherokee Ave.. S. E., start Sunday night with a large crowd that
ing a campaign for the purpose of raising Atlanta, Ga. T. S. Copeland filled every seat in the tent, aside from
funds for a new church building, which is 440 IN those who were standing around and in
very much needed. cars. From all indications we believe we
Let us invite our friends to listen to the SENIOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S CAMP shall have some very good meetings,
broadcast by our ministers. Elder Coon is There have been many calls for a Senior which we hope will be the means of bring-
broadcasting over WDBO in Orlando every Young People's Camp in the Georgia- ing souls to a decision. Our tent is nicely
Sunday' afternoon from 1:00 to 1:15. Cumberland Conference. Here is the decorated and our location could not be
Turn to 58 on your dial. Elder Banks is on invitation. Begin to make plans now to better than it is."
the air in West Palm Beach each Sunday attend such a camp at Camp Rutledge,
from 1:45 to 2:00 P. M., the dial number Georgia, just fifty-four miles east of At- Elder J. W. Jones hopes to have the first
is 120. lanta. The day the Juniors leave the camp, meeting of his Chattanooga effort Sunday
the Seniors arrive. The time is August 22 night, June 23.
J. M. V. and onward. This is a most delightful Brother A. D. McKee gives an encourag-
CAMP FLA-JUNIO place to attend a Summer Training Camp ing report of recent activities in Johnson
JULY 18-28 and study into the very heart of the Great City. They have raised their goal for the
Book of Nature. Great times are antici- Watchman library fund, have gathered
Less than a month now. Is your appli- pated. Good swimming, fine boating,
cation in? If not, send it right away! in a nice sum on their Missions Extension
pleasant associations, and most interesting goal, and plan to get the balance very soon.
Juniors selling stationery should send in study and recreation. The charges are
their application and $1.00 deposit. Be $ 3.00 per day and you take care of your Brother J. S. Jameson, speaking for the
seeing you at Camp Fla-Junio. Good eats, own transportation. Send your application Augusta church, also has an interesting
swimming, more games, and lots of good in now. Write to T. S. Copeland, 547 report to make regarding their Missions
recreation. Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Extension goal. He says, "This card is to
T. S. Copeland let you know that Augusta has $28.50 in
GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND cash toward their Big Week goal and the
NEWS NOTES balance is assured." He is also confident
547 Cherokee Ave., S.E., Atlanta, Georgia
Pres. R. See'y-Treas. C. G. Ortner that Macon will come in with the addi-
We are receiving most gratifying reports tional $15.00 assigned to them for this
from our efforts throughout the conference. purpose.
CAMP JUVOLTENGA Just yesterday we received word from two
of the efforts as follows: If you and your church have not done
The Summer Training Camp - Juvol- your full share, will you not make an effort
tenga - of the Georgia-Cumberland Con- Elder W. E. Lanier writing from Knox-
ville says, "You will be pleased to know to do so by the close of this month. We
ference wilt be held at Camp Rutledge, should not fail to' do our very best insuch
fifty-four miles east of Atlanta, August that we began our meeting last evening
with a heavy overflow. Although it was an hour as this.
12-22. This camp has been organized for
a definite purpose: drizzling rain, and had been most of the
day, many stood outside until the rain got NOTICE: The Georgia-Cumberland
To lead Juniors in study, prayer and M. V. Department has thirty-five 1940
worship. so hard they had to leave, but many came
inside and stood because there was no Morning Watch Calendars which it wishes
To provide character building recre- to sell. Have you lost yours or given it
ation. seating room. I believe we could have
filled another splice of the tent had we had away? Then send in 5 cents to the Con-
To establish right habits or living. ference Missionary Volunteer Department
To teach teamwork and develop cor- it. I would judge there were in the neigh-
borhood of 500 there. I am of the opinion and we will be glad to send you a calendar.
rect social attitude. Order now if you wish one for they will
To provide understanding Christian that next Sunday night will be even greater
if the weather is favorable." not be here long.
leadership and a systematic program.
To develop personal responsibility for From Brunswick Brother C. A. Lynes We are glad to welcome Elder Shirley
duty. writes, "We are glad to report a very good Haynes to our conference working force.
To develop that sturdiness of charac- effort. We have started the third week of Elder Haynes is locating in Savannah and
ter, fitness of body, alertness of mind services in the tent, and the interest is will have charge of the work in that district

Mid-Summer Offering--Sabbath, July 20


and that every honest heart be gathered cffering the prayer of consecration. Elder
KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE into the fold before the Lord comes. W. A. Murray, of the Austral Union Con-
2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee J. C. Klose ference, also took part in this investiture,
Pres. C.V.Anderson: Sec'y-Treas. Clyde 0. Franz Elder J. K. Jones, and Professor C. A
Russell represented the Southern Union
CALLING ALL YOUNG PEOPLE IN Conference, while Elders H. J. Welch. S.
SOUL-WINNING IN COVINGTON IN DISTRICT NO. 2 G. Haughey, and Professor Libby took
Another great Youth rally is being charge of the service in behalf of the Icoal
The city of Covington, Kentucky, and planned for Sabbath afternoon, June 22. conference.
its nearby suburbs, is located just across The speaker will be Elder M. V. Tucker, Kentucky-Tennessee feels very proud of
the river from Cincinnatti, Ohio. The manager of the Southern Publishing Asso- its young people, and the Missionary Vol..
interest created by Evangelist Boothby's ciation, a missionary in South America unteer Department surely appreciates the
lectures at the Emery Auditorium in Cin- for fifteen years. loyal support given it by workers and lay-
cinnatti, and by the radio sermons, has Be sure to be present for this very members alike throughout the field
reached out across the river over a large special treat, and plan now to bring a R. H. Libby
area, and we are doing what we can to friend whom you would like to interest in
help bring them in. Already thirty-two God's message Bring a lunch and plan to
new members have been taken into the NEWS NOTES
stay through the social hour in the evening,
Covington church, and with six mote bap- when we will have a number of interesting
tized yesterday, the total will be thirty- A word to the churches of District No. 2 :
things, including a spelling match with Elder M. V. Tucker, manager of the
eight. A good share of these have been Miss Mary Venable of Jackson defending
attending the meetings in Cincinnatti Southern Publishing Association, will
her title of District Spelling Champion. speak at the following appointments in
quite regularly—some occasionally—and The Time—Sabbath, June 22, 2:30 P. M.
others are being brought in through per- our district:
The Place—City Hall Auditorium in Friday, June 21, 7:45, Trezevant Church
sonal work. We have appreciated the Jackson
faithful efforts of many of our lay members Sabbath, June 22, 11:00, Jackson Church
The Need—You and your friends and 2.30, Jackson Youth Rally
who have been going into the highways prayer that we have a great day.
and hedges and inviting the people to this Donald F. Haynes
Donald F. Haynes
least of good things. After the interest
As the results of our Sunday night ser-
was well under way, the conference sent
vices and Young People's week of prayer,
us the nelp of Brother and Sister Brownell, MASTER COMRADE INVESTITURE
we have had six to unite with the Paducah
Bible workers, who plan to he with us this colored church in the past three months.
The last Sabbath of camp meeting, June
summer. 8. was an occasion of real joy and satis- The prospects for future growth are bright.
The attendance at our church services raction to at least seventy-six persons, for The date for the dedication of our new
in Covington is filling our church to its it was on that occasion that seventy-six church building has been set for June 22,
capacity. New faces appear each Sabbath, candidates for Master Comradeship were with services leading up to the dedication
and we believe there will yet be many invested as Master Comrades at the 5 beginning June 19. Pray for our progress
more to accept th:s Message, and take o'clock nour in the big tent. We had ex- in western Kentucky.
their stand with God's people. As we hear pected about fifty persons to be invested, R. F. Warnick
of the interests springing up here and and were hardly prepared for the pleasant
there, and the consequent need of follow- surprise that came to us, when seventy- Elder Meade MacGuire has just con-
up work, we ask the question, Who is six persons appeared with their credentials, cluded a very successful revival in the
sufficient for these things? Our burden is asking admission to the class at that Leach church. During the six nights of
that none who are honest of heart may be service. the effort, large crowds were constantly
lost. Of the seventy-six invested, nineteen in attendance, including large numbers of
The interest in Elder Boothby's meet• were members of Kentucky-Tennessee visiting friends and neighbors. On the
logs has not abated, and on Sunday nights Conference workers and families. Our last night. Friday, June 14, there were
the crowd numbers from 1200 to 2000. leadership in this conference certainly is more than 150 present. On the Sabbath,
The main points of the Message have been behind the Missionary Volunteer program. Elder MacGuire spoke in the Jackson
covered, both in the Sunday night series, Elder C. V. Anderson, the president of the church in the morning, and in the Treze-
and on each week night. About six bap- conference, was the first of the group to be vant church in the afternoon. At the
tisms have been held thus far, and a total invested. Other conference workers in- latter meeting there were more than fifty
of 260 have been baptized, After the cluded district leaders, pastors, and Bible members from Leach present. The Leach
series of meetings in the Emery Auditor- workers. church is rejoicing in the wonderful bless-
ium closes this month, the evangelistic Madison College provided thirty. three ings received during this week, especially
company plans to open another series in candidates for the class, eight of whom in the organization of n baptismal class of
a new location, a few blocks from the were members of the College faculty. We eight persons, which includes two young
present one, and then come back to the surely appreciate the support of Madison couples, one husband, and one wife of
Emery Auditorium next fall. We are College on our progressive programs. present members.
unitedly working and praying for a grand Paducah, Leach, Nashville, Pewee Valley, Donald F. Haynes
total of 500 converts. And we join with all Fountain Head, Fulton, and other churches
of God's people in praying that not only were represented by candidates. No sadder proof can be give by man
here, but in all parts of this old troubled Elder Meade MacGuire, of the General of his own littleness than disbelief in
world, God's work be finished speedily; Conference, assisted in the program by great men.—Carlyle.

13th Sabbath Overflow To Brazil--June 29


neither should the fifteen-minute service Watch Repairing by Mail—Save money.

SCHEDULE OF OFFERINGS encroach on the Sabbath school. The Sab- Mail me your watch by Insured Parcel
bath school should close with silent prayer, Post. State whether "good order" or some
To Be Observed in All Churches special repairs. Will give yo,i quick and
at which time the missionary leader, and
June 29, Local Expense church missionary secretary take their guaranteed service, and prepay return
July 6, Loc- l H. M. Work places, and begin the church missionary charges. R L. Williams, P. 0. Box 166,
service. Rossville, Georgia.
Pastors and church elders:
The church missionary band organiza-
Announcement should be made tion, which is operating in nearly all Wanted—To get in touch with settled
each week of the purpose of the offer- churches where the fifteen-minute mission- Seventh-day Adventist lady, unencum-
ing to be taken at the Sabbath ary service is conducted, is greatly facili- bered, age 30 to 45, who would like home
tated by making the Sabbath school with couple. Our company of three S. D.A.
morning service.
classes the missionary bands. When this familiss, also a class of children meet each
plan is followed, the missionary bands are Sabbath morning. Immediate reply will
THE FIFTEEN-MINUTE SERVICE in their places when the church missionary be appreciated. Mrs. M. E. Lacey,
service begins, and thus it becomes possible Yemassee, South Carolina.
Seventh-day Adventists are a missionary to avoid confusion necessitated by reseat-
people with a special message to give to the ing. and also to save time.
world. It is this fact which has sent them WEDDING BELLS
The leaders of missionary bands are
to the ends of the earth, and keeps them
chosen by the church board. It is suggest
working in the homeland until everyone
that, .is far as possible, these band leaders
will have heard the message of Christ's Van Kirk —Klasey—A quiet- and im-
should be chosen from among those who
soon coming. There are many lines of pressive ceremony was solemnized in the
are not serving as Sabbath school teachers,
missionary activity, and it is God's plan so as to avoid any danger of militating home of Elder M. B. Van Kirk, at Gree-
that every member will have his part in ley, Colorado, May 21, when he was united
against the interests of the Sabbath school
some phase of work. So important is this, by unwise combination. It should be in marriage to Mrs. Olive Klasey. Only a
that our leading brethren have long felt few of the friends and close relatives were
understood, however, that there is nothing
that more time should be given on the to prohibit the Sabbath school teachers present. The ceremony was performed by
Sabbath day to the study of missionary Mr. Eichman. The happy couple will
acting as the missionary hand leader of the
work. It should ever be kept before the make their home in Greeley, where Elder
class, if he desires to do so.
church. Van Kirk is pastor of the church and leader
Start on time and stop on time. The
The Sabbath school could not prosper of that district. All of their friends and
fifteen-minute service should not last
if only one service a month would be con- twenty minutes, and take the time of the relatives wish this couple a happy married
ducted. Many would lose interest in it, and life.
service following. When the fifteen-
the church would grow weak. No, the Mrs. G. F. Eichman
minute missionary service is properly
Sabbath school must have its regular time carried out, it proves a great blessing to
each Sabbath for the study of the lesson, Thomson—Leffler—On Sunday evening
the church. Some churches have tried June 16, at the home of Brother and
and for the other exercises that strengthen other plans, but usually they do not work
the spiritual life of the church. Sister Kelly in Memphis, Tennessee, a
as well as the plan recommended to us pretty wedding ceremony was performed
Likewise, the missionary work of the by the General Conference. In unity on their spacious lawn. A host of church
church must be emphasized, and plans laid there is strength. members and friends from Memphis were
for more aggressive work each week. It is
"God has committed to our hands a in attendance. George H. Thomson and.
also important to take up a full report of
most sacred work, and we need to meet Evelyn Pearl Leffler were united in mar-
the activities of each member, and in this
together to receive instruction, that we riage. These young people will make their
way fulfill the Scriptural injunction, "Let may be fitted to perform this work home in Memphis. We wish them much of
us consider one another to provoke unto
We need to understand in regard to the God's blessing and His protection as they
love and to good works." When one church-
division of labor, and how each part of the carry on together.
member sees another reporting some mis- work is to be carried forward. Each one C. V. Anderson
sionary work, it provokes him to do a sim- should understand the part he is to act,
ilar work. That is why it is a blessing to
that there may be harmony of plan and of
have a set time to make up the missionary labor in the combined work of a fl."—
report. Four minutes of the missionary
Test. Vol. 6, Pdges 32, 33.
Ybe 3ourriep'il enb
service can be devoted to this. Then eight
J. C. Klose
minutes can be devoted to the presenta-
tion of the topic for the week, or for the Bowers—Sister Lectie Whitley-Bowers,
relating of a few missionary experiences. ADVERTISEMENTS of Salisbury, North Carolina, fell asleep
"Let church members, during the week, at 8:C0 o'clock Wednesday morning, May
act their part faithfully, and on the Sab- RATES—Fifty words or less, first insertion, $1.00: 8, 1940.
each additional insertion, if run consecutively, 50
bath relate their experience. The meeting cents. She was born 54 years ago in Albemarle,
Precaution is used in accepting advertisements
will then be as meat in due season, bringing for publication but the publishers cannot assume North Carolina. In her twentieth year
to all present new life and fresh vigor."— any responsibility for either the advertiser or the
thing advertised.
she united in marriage to Mr. W. C.
Test. Vol. 7, P. 19. Copy with remittance should be sent to the Bowers, around 34 years ago. To this
Southern Union Conference office, at 437 East
The Sabbath school should not encroach Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, Georgia. union was born five sons, B. L., D. C.
on the time of the missionary service, and H. W. Bowers of Salisbury; and C. 0,

Mid-Summer Offering--Sabbath, July 20

and H. N. Bowers of the home; and' three Southern Junior College, and to connect
daughters, Colleen of the home, and Mrs. Sp of C V with one of its important activities - the
L. F. Wheeler and Mrs. C. A. Clement of College Press - an old job renewed. Our
tin 0. Pro -ro Ri
Salisbury. These are left to mourn her coming to Collegedale also reminds us of
loss besides twelve grandchildren and a heritage which is ours in the history and
seven devoted sisters, Mrs. H. K. Lowder, traditions of the Southland, of which we
Mrs. J. B. Lowder, Mrs. J. M. Sells, Assignments tcr Twenty -Sixth Week, are justly proud. As we join the work at
Mrs. L. J. Taylor, and Mrs. B. L. Honey- June 23-29 this important center, our earnest desire
cutt, all of Albemarle; and Mrs. Walter is to contribute the very best we have
Henley, and Mrs. R. B. Sides of China Volume: "The Great Controversy" efficiently, earnestly and lovingly, in the
Grove Funeral service was conducted by R. "Spiritualism" pp. 551-563 interests of the College, and the Union
L. Winders in the Seventh-day Adventist "Aims of the Papacy" pp. 563-571 Conference which it serves
Church in Salisbury. Interment was made June 23 551-553 June 26 560-562 Our trip across the states brought to us
in a church cemetery in Albemarle. June 24 553-556 June 27 563-565 renewed reasons for gratitude to God for
R. L. Winders June 25 556-559 June 28 565-568 the care which He has over all His children.
Hopkins—Sister Mary Ann Clayton June 29 568-571 In Arizona we were delayed four days by
Hopkins, of Albemarle, North Carolina, GEM THOUGHT an accident which upset and damaged our
fell asleep in Jesus, April 24, 1940, trailer and its cargo, and disfigured the
There are few who have any just con-
Sister Hopkins was born January 14, ception of the deceptive power of Spirit- car in which we were riding, but not up-
1853. In 1872 she was united in marriage ualism and the danger of coming under setting it. No one in our car was inj'ered,
to Mr. Rufus. Pennington. To this unicn its inguence.--"Great Controversy," P. 558 or even badly shaken, Many who saw the
was born five sons, two of which survb,e, accident were amazed that we were not
W. W. and C. V. Pennington, both of ail destroyed. Again, es in times past,
Albemarle A WORD OF GREETING AND when we have met with misfortune and
In 1893 she was married to Mr. Em ley APPRECIATION loss, we shared the spirit of the Apostle
Hopkins. To this union was born one Paul, when he "took the spoiling of his
The twelfth day of our long drive by goods joyfully."
daughter, Mrs. Desdie Layton of Albe-
marle, who remains to mourn her lost. automobile from California, ended the J. S. James
In addition she left 18 grandrhildren and sixth of June at Collegedale, Tennessee.
15 great grand-children. Our car and trailer being heavily loaded,
our driving time was of necessity well OUR RADIO LOG
Sister Hopkins united with the Seventh- within the speed limit of the various states
day Adventist Church in February 1911„ through which we passed. After the long WTJS, Jackson, Tennessee
and became a charter member of thr Albe- desert-stretches of Arizona, New Mexico, 1310 Kilocycles
marle church, to which she was faithful and western Texas, with their furnace- Speaker, Donald F. Haynes
until death, like pavements streaking under our wheels
R. L. Winders for eighteen hundred miles, it was like a The Bible Forum
Coyne—Mrs. Ida Mae Moulton, was life-giving tonic to ride into the grounds of Sunday, 4:002-4 30 P. M.
born at Sauk Center, Minn., Jan. 25, 1866. Southern Junior College, with their quiet, Review of the News
Her early life was spent at Battle Creek, restful beauty, in the midst of a splendid Saturday to Thursday, 10:45-
Mich., where she was employed for a time isolation from the distractions of a dis- 11 00 P. M.
by the Review and Herald Publishing traught and perishing world. A more Evensong
Association. When about 18 years of age appropriate location for an institution of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5:15-
she moved with her parents to Tampa, this character would be hard to find any- 5:30 P. M.
where she has since resided. Her mother where. The impression that one gets of WISE, Asheville, N. C.
and family were the first Seventh-day the College and its environment, is aptly Daily except Mondays 81, Saturdays
Adventists in Tampa, and were closely described by the phrase of another, in from 12.45 to 1:00 P. M., beginning
associated with the beginning of the describing a perfect arrangement of the June 21. Speaker, R. E. Griffin.
Seventh-day Adventist church here. About artificial and the real - "The eternal WDBO, Orlando, Florida
forty-eight years ago she was united in fitness of things." Dial 58
marriage to Frederick T. Coyne, and to We were given a cordial welcome by Sunday, 1:00 - 1:15 P. M.
this union were born two children, Arthur President J. C. Thompson and Treasurer Speaker, Elder Coon
and Florence. SiSter Coyne passed Fred L. Green, and it was not long before
away quietly at her home, Sunday, May we were greeted by other friends, with West Palm Beach
19, 19:40 She leaves to mourn, her whom we had labored so pleasantly in Dial 120
son, Dr. Arthur Coyne of Washington, past years. With the exception of changes Sunday, 1:45 - 2:00 P. M.
D. C. her daughter, Mrs. Florence that the years demand, such as higher Speaker, Elder Banks
Knight, of Tampa, and four grandchildren, foreheads, silver-sprinkled hair, and some
besides ether relatives and a large number slight wrinkles, they seemed unchanged..
of friends. She rests from her labors to Of course we never think of ourselves as "To educate the heart, one must be
await the call of the great Life-giver. having changed. IN e were happy to meet
willing to get out of himself and come
Words of comfort were spoken by the old acquaintances, and see the faces of
into loving contact with others."—James
writer. new friends.
J. Elmer Whelpley Personally, we are happy to be at the Freeman Clark.

13th Sabbath Overflow To Brazil--June 29


work in India, as editor of the Union M. Billingsley HR 4 8.75 6.25

SOUTHERN JUNIOR COLLET, E paper, Southern Tidings puLliEthed at the Susie Kelly HR 4 5.75 2.85
"A School of Standards" College, and proof-reader foi the College
J. C. Thomp-on - - President Press. Totals 567 875.65 109.15
Collegeda'e, Tennessee Any young people interested in attend- Florida, A. E. Deyo, Field Sec.
ing Southern Junior College the coming Trailer Group Mag. 70 35.00 35.00
year should correspond with the President. W. E. Bidwell RJ 54 14.20 31.80
FOUR HUNERED STUDENTS It is expedient to make room reservations H. F. Lester BML 50 21.80 21.80
FOR 1940-41 early. A five dollar deposit wi'l hold any Mr. Smith Bibles 50 115.00 150.00
available room. D. & C. Waldo BR 46 36.75 96.50
President I C. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Parker
Almost daily we are reminded .if a strong
BR 45 91.50
interest in Southern Junior College. While THE COLPORTEUR EVANGELISTS Mr. Bowen Bibles 40 80.00 110.00
visiting camp-meetings we found an un- L M. Evans - - - Union Field Secretary
Mrs. Dayv BR 36 22.95
pro edented desire to attend our Union Report for week end,ng June 1
B. G. Maguire BR 36 35.25 7.25
training school. Representatives of the
Mag. Group Mag. 34 50.00 50.00
College visiting among the churches report
H. T. Barnhart BR 63 58.50 39.50
this same situation. New students are Ga.-Cumb., J. R. McWilliam, Field Sec.
Name Bk. Hrs. Sales Del. Alvine Rutledge RJ 33 54.35
arriving daily from widely-separated
Jake Stephens OT 32 18.00
points. In addition to many from our own Henry Stovall OT 77 24.25 25.25
L. D. Buck Bibles 24 112.65 3.00
Union, students recently have come from H. W. Tiption BR 62 93.75
W. E. Nowland BR 24 73.25
St. Paul, Minnesota; San Diego, California; Bowman Deal OT 55 66.00 1.00
W. B. Wynn BR 21 49.00
Dayton, Ohio; Wellsville, New York: A. Colporteur Mag. 53 68.00 68.00
BR 51 25.50 36.25 Mrs. Case RJ 20 12.50 23.75
Washington, D. C. This article is being E. F. Fenner
W. B. Davy WB 19 6.95 .50
written at the conclusion of six hours of Mag. Workers Mag. 50 39.25 39.25
C. V. Smith W 7 2.10 2.10
dictation, for the most part replying to Mrs. Goodbrad Mag. 46 30.00 30.00
inquiries from interested students. S. W. Stovall RJ 44 131.25
Totals 704 889.81 571.20
Our enrollment last year was the largest Walter Echols OT 43 84.75 3.25
;n our history. Tne percentage of college R. H. McWilliam OT 42 55.24 Carolina, A. C. McKee, Field Sec.
students is constantly increasing. From B. Summerour OT 42 55.26 Ed Sumpter HR 100 80.00 39.00
every standpoint we enjoyed a fine year. Perry Priest BR 41 134.00 Wm. Speight BR 55 137.00
Tne prospects are unusually bright for the Mrs. Pelot Helps 40 34.25 20.50 W. H. White HRW 55 91.50 8.50
coming year. Early in the spring our Walter Kirkham Helps 38 44.00 R. Manuel OT 79 217.00 .50
board adopted an enrollment goal for the Leonard Hill OT 37 42.50 G. McDaniel OT 76 75.25 4.25
coming year of four hundred students- A. J. Sharpe GC 37 32.00 7.60 George Hamm OT 44 90.25
about fifty more than last year. According Mrs. Holsonbake Mag. 33 25.00 25.00 M. L. Ritchie OT 44 85.50
to the present outlook, we should reach Thompson & Chiles Jim Hiser OT 43 33.50
that objective. When we think of the Mag. 32 32.40 32.40 T. Flanagan BR 42 51.00 63.00
thousands of young people in the Southern Fred Meister GC 30 31.75 5.75 W. H. Philpott BR 41 114.00
Union, four hundred seems a small goal. Mrs. Phelps Mag. 26 13.50 13.50 Jack Williams BR 40 120.75
With the whole world on fire and America Mrs. Murphy Mag. 26 13.50 13.50 John Hines OT 38 63.00 .25
apparently moving toward the conflagra- Carmen Turner Mag. 22 65.00 65.00 E. B. Whittier OT 36 126.15
tion; with war talk in high and low places; Mrs. Sharpe BR 21 12.20 George Tolhurst OT 35 9.50
with universal military training threatened, J. H. Diggs Mag. 15 10.25 10.25 Ethel Bowen Mag. 35 21.20 21.20
surely our young people should be in our Mrs. Hickey Mag. 12 9.70 9.70 James Lewis OT 34 51.50
own schools. These schools have been Thelma Sykes BR 13 19.00
established in response to the instruction Totals 975 1161.10 418.40 Frank Kohler OT 15 10.75
of the Spirit of Prophecy which calls M. Brownlee OT 27 17.75 2.00
them "cities of refuge." They are meant Ala.-Miss., V. R. Johnson. Field Sec. Frank Jobe OT 22 78.50 1.25
to be just that to our young people in Milton Norrell GH 87 155.80 .75 Philip Young OT 23 22.50
this dark hour of earth's history. Lamar McDanielOT 48 77.25 .75 Mrs. Brownlee OT 8 25.25
In an effort to move constantly forward, W. E. Adams GH 48 85.80 10.00
to become more efficient, and to respond Mrs. Powell HR 47 94.50 16.50 905 1541.85 139.95
to increasing needs,the Board of Southern D. L. Chappell OT 44 102.50 2.25 Ky.-Tenn., C. L. Chastain, Field Sec.
Junior College has added three strong H. C. McAllister BR 44 19.00 A. M. Chastain W 37 15.70 15.70
members to our staff-men of ability and J. D. Norris OT 40 145.75 P. Sullivan W 37 19.30 19.30
experience: Dr. Paul E. Quimby, who has Mrs. Gordon W 32 11.30 11.30 Mabel Howard W 28 16.60 16.60
spent nearly twenty years in China as E. Tidmore W 27 10.15 10.15 M. Satterlee W 17.00 17.00
head or our Bible Depa -tment; Mr. Chas. Mrs. E. Caps BML 26 5.25 6.50 R. B. Sheets BR 11 16.50 1.00
Williams, former farm superintendent and Arabelle Pitts W 26 9.60 9.60 Mrs. Johnson RJ 6 11.35
assistant business manager of Union Col- R. J. Cook HR 24 56.70 Ruby Simons W 6 6.10 .6 10
lege, to take charge of our farm and dairy; T. Hilderbrandt OT 21 58.55
Elder J. S. James, formerly of the General V. Westermeyer W 20 13.70 13.70 Totals 125 91.20 87.05
Conference Sabbath School Department Mrs. Buford W 16 15.30 15.30
and many years in editorial and ministerial A. J. Jones BML 9 3.25 Uunion Totals 3276 4559.61 1325.75

Mid-Summer Offering--Sabbath, July 20

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