Idiom Meaning Translation

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Do unto others as Treat other people with the No hagas lo que no te gusta que
you would have concern and kindness you would te hagan.
them do unto you. like them to show toward you.
This saying has come to be called
the Golden Rule.

Absence makes the Describes the feeling of greater La ausencia es al amor lo que el
heart grow folder. affection between friends and viento al aire, que apaga el
lovers who are kept apart. pequeño y aviva el grande.

Out of sight, out of Used to mean that a person stops El que mucho se ausenta pronto
mind thinking about something or deja de hacer falta
someone if he or she does not
see that thing or person for a
period of time.

Actions speak louder means that what you do is more Las acciones hablan más fuerte
than words significant than what you say que las palabras

Obras son amores y no buenas


You can't teach an It is often difficult to get people No le puedes enseñar nuevos
old dog new tricks to try new ways of doing things, trucos a un perro viejo.
especially if they have been doing
Loro viejo no aprende a hablar.
something in a particular way for
a long time.

A leopard never used to explain the idea that no Muda el lobo los dientes, mas
changes its spots one can change their innate no las mientes.

When angry, count Counting to 10 becomes an even Si estás enojado contá hasta 10
ten more effective way of disarming
anger if we also take a slow deep
breath between each number.
Deep breathing counteracts the
fight or flight stress reaction that
underlies anger.
The grass is always You use this proverb to say that Nadie está contento con su
greener on the other the things other people have or suerte.
side of the fence their situations always look
better than your own, even when
they are not really so

Hitch your wagon to To pursue grand or lofty goals for Apuntar muy alto.
a star. oneself, often by partnering with
someone or something that is
already successful or revered.

A rising tide lifts all Associated with the idea that Positivo: cuando la marea sube
boats. improvements in the general levanta a todos los barcos. /
economy will benefit all Todos vamos en el mismo barco.
participants in that economy
Negativo: se cae uno, caen

Birds of a feather people of the same sort or with Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.
flock together. the same tastes and interests will
be found together.

Beauty is only skin- while someone may be beautiful Solo es una cara bonita
deep on the outside, their character—
La belleza no lo es todo.
what's inside, and more
meaningful—isn't necessarily

Once bitten, twice when you are frightened to do El gato escaldado del agua fría
shy something again because you huye.
had an unpleasant experience
El que se quema con leche, ve
doing it the first time
una vaca y llora

Never cross a bridge to tell someone not to worry No adelantes los

until you come to it about something until it actually acontecimientos.

Business is business used to say that in order for a Los negocios son negocios
business to be successful it is
necessary to do things that may
hurt or upset people
He who pays the the person who provides the Quien paga manda/elige.
piper calls the tune money for something has the
El que paga la fiesta elige la
right to determine how it's spent.

Half a loaf is better Something is better than nothing, Menos da una piedra, peor es
than none. even if it is less than one wanted nada.

A falta de pan buenas son tortas

Be grateful for small To appreciate small or minor Dar gracias por el pan de cada
blessings. benefits, advantages, or día.
opportunities one is afforded,
particularly in the midst of an
otherwise difficult, frustrating, or
unfortunate situation or

Don’t put all your One should not concentrate all No juegues todo a una sola
eggs in one basket. efforts and resources in one area carta.
as one could lose everything.

To hit below the To unfairly target one’s weakness Dar un golpe bajo.
belt. or vulnerability.

Beggars can't be said when you recognize that you Cuando hay hambre no hay pan
choosers must accept an offer or a duro.
situation because it is the only
one available to you

A fool and his money A foolish person spends money A los tontos no les dura el
are soon parted.  carelessly. dinero.

Charity begins at you mean that people should La caridad bien entendida
home deal with the needs of people empieza por uno mismo.
close to them before they think
about helping others.

If you can't lick ´em, If you can't defeat your Si no puedes contra ellos,
join ´em opponent, then you might as well úneteles
work alongside them or do what
they do

If it ain’t broke, don’t If something is working No hay que complicarse la vida

fix it. adequately, leave it alone. sin necesidad.

It’s no use crying It’s no good to get upset over a Lo hecho, hecho está.
over spilt milk. bad decision or unfortunate
event that has already come to
pass and cannot be changed.

What’s good for the One person or situation should Lo que es bueno para uno, es
goose is good for the be treated the same way that bueno para el otro.
gander. another person or situation is

Don’t kill the goose Do not destroy something that No mates a la gallina de los
that lays the golden makes a lot of money for you. huevos de oro.

One who acts as his Self-representation in court is El que hace de su propio

own lawyer has a likely to end badly. abogado tiene a un tonto de
fool for a client. cliente.

People in glass You shouldn’t criticize other Siempre habla el que más tiene
houses shouldn’t people for bad qualities in their que callar.
throw stones. character that you have yourself.
Discretion is the It is better to avoid a dangerous Soldado que huye sirve para otra
better part of valor. situation than to confront it. batalla.

All's fair in love and used to describe a situation in Todo se vale en la guerra y en el
war which people do not follow the amor
usual rules of behavior and do
things that are normally
considered unfair

All thing come to he means if people are persistent Persevera y triunfarás

who waits and patient, they will finally
achieve their goal.

A penny saved is a means that it is as useful to save Dinero ahorrado, dos veces
penny earned money that you already have as ganado
it is to earn more.

a bad penny always Our mistakes return to haunt us; yerba mala nunca muere
turns up sooner or also, nasty people have a way of
later reappearing.

better the devil you means that it is often better to mejor malo conocido que malo
know than the devil deal with someone or something por conocer
you don´t know you are familiar with and know,
even if they are not ideal, than
take a risk with an unknown
person or thing.

To err is human, to All people commit sins and make Errar es humano, perdonar es
forgive is divine mistakes. God forgives them, and divino
people are acting in a godlike
(divine) way when they forgive.

one man´s meat is Something that one person really lo que para uno es un manjar, al
another man´s likes can be greatly disliked by vecino ha de matar
poison another person
Lo que a uno cura, al otro mata.

Two wrongs don´t the fact that someone has done Que todos lo hagan no significa
make a right something unjust or dishonest is que esté bien
no justification for acting in a
similar way.

Where there´s used to say that if people are donde hubo fuego, cenizas
smoke, there´s fire saying that someone has done quedan
something wrong there is usually
a good reason for what they are

still waters run deep used to say that someone who is las apariencias engañan, es más
quiet may have very strong inteligente de lo que parece
feelings or a lot of knowledge

when the cat´s away, said to mean that people do Cuando el gato no está, los
the mice will play what they want, or misbehave ratones bailan
when their boss or another
person in authority is away

a rolling stone a person who does not settle in Una piedra rodante no reúne
gathers no moss  one place will not accumulate musgo es un viejo proverbio,
wealth or status, or atribuido a Publilius Syrus, quien
responsibilities or commitments. en sus Sententiae afirma: Las
personas que siempre se
mueven, sin raíces en un lugar u
otro, evitan responsabilidades y

leave well enough to allow something to stay as it is no meterse en algo porque

alone because doing more might make puede empeorar la situación
things worse

let sleeping dogs lie avoid interfering in a situation no revolver el asunto

that is currently causing no
problems but may well do so as a
result of such interference.

Two heads are it's helpful to have the advice or Dos cabezas piensan mejor que
better than one opinion of a second person una

where there´s a will means if someone is determined si se quiere, se puede

there´s a way to do something, he will find a
way to accomplish it regardless
of obstacles

a little knowledge is expresses the idea that a small una persona se puede volver
a dangerous thing amount of knowledge can arrogante si cree saber más que
mislead people into thinking that los demás
they are more expert than they
really are, which can lead to
mistakes being made.

any port in a storm in adverse circumstances one toda sirve en un momento difícil
welcomes any source of relief or
/La necesidad carece de ley

a friend in need is a a person who helps at a difficult amigo en la adversidad, amigo

friend indeed time is a person who you can en al realidad
really rely on.

Power corrupts means that whenever a person El poder corrompe

has power over other people or
things, it makes him/her corrupt.
It morally destroys their nature
and fills them with destructive

The best things in The most valuable things don't Las mejores cosas de la vida son
life are free cost any money gratis

nothing succeeds success leads to opportunities for el éxito atrae al éxito

like success further and greater successes.

It is better to give It is more virtuous to give or yield Es mejor dar que recibir
than to receive something than to receive

Talk is cheap means it is easier to talk about Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo
doing something than to actually
do that thing

Don't look a gift means don't be ungrateful when A caballo regalado no se le miran
horse you receive a gift los dientes

a silver lining
The night is always means that things always seem La hora más oscura es justo
darkest before the the worst right before they antes del amanecer
dawn improve.

When it rains, it misfortunes or difficult situations Las desgracias nunca vienen

pours tend to follow each other in rapid solas
succession or to arrive all at the
same time.

physician, heal before attempting to correct antes de criticar, es mejor mirar

thyself others, make sure that you aren't a uno mismo
guilty of the same faults yourself.

you can´t teach your Don't offer advice to someone a mamá mono con bananas
grandmother to suck who has more experience than verdes no/ no le enseñes a hilar
eggs oneself. a tu madre

Tit for tat actions done intentionally to ojo por ojo, diente por diente
punish other people because
they have done something
unpleasant to you

one good turn if someone does you a favour, favor con favor se paga
deserves another you should take the chance to
repay it.

no man is an island expresses the idea that human Ningún hombre es una isla
beings do badly when isolated
from others and need to be part
of a community in order to

What´s in a name? names don't really matter, that ¿Qué importancia tiene un
all you need to know is what nombre? (es una cita de Romeo
something is, not what it's y Julieta)

the race is to the la carrera es de los rápidos


Rome wasn´t built in Important work takes time Roma no se hizo en un día
a day

What you don´t If you do not know about a Ojos que no ven, corazón que no
know won´t hurt you problem or a misdeed, you will siente
not be able to make yourself
unhappy by worrying about it.

As you sow, so shall if you did bad things in the past, Cosecharás tu siembra
you reap you will get bad results in the
future. if you did good things in
the past, you will get good results
in the future .

Never put off until Do not delay or hesitate to do No dejes para mañana lo que
tomorrow what you something if you can finish or puedas hacer hoy
can do today accomplish it today

If the shoe fits, wear used as a way of suggesting that Al que le quede el poncho, que
it someone should accept a se lo ponga
generalized remark or criticism as
applying to themselves

Less is more means that having just the Menos es más

essential things is better than
having way too much of
superfluous things. It allows you
to focus on what matters.

Don't wash your To talk to other people or in front No saques los trapitos al sol
dirty linen in public of other people about personal
things that should be kept private

You can lead a horse means that you can give No hay ciego peor que el que no
to water but you someone an opportunity but not quiere ver
can't make him drink force them to take it

Time flies used as an observation that time El tiempo vuela

seems to pass very quickly.

Silence is golden it's often wise to say nothing. El silencio es oro

The devil take the It is used for talking about a Sálvese quien pueda (se utiliza
hindmost situation where people do only cuando la gente está tratando de
what is best for themselves and salvarse a sí mismos sin
do not care what happens to consideración por los demás.)
other people

The devil is in the this means that small things in El diablo está/se esconde en los
details  plans and schemes that are often detalles 
overlooked can cause serious
El problema está en los detalles
problems later on.

Misery loves People who are unhappy may get La miseria ama la compañía 
company  some consolation from knowing
that others are unhappy,too.

People who are unhappy like to

Desgracia compartida, menos
share their troubles with others
sentida (Significado: Cuando
tenemos una preocupación o
una pena, podemos aliviarlas
contándosela a otra persona, de
quien puede venir consuelo,
comprensión y, tal vez, ayuda

It’s an ill wind that This means that even a very bad No hay mal que por bien, no
blows no good situation must have some good venga 

There’s many a slip It refers to emphasize that many De la mano a la boca desaparece
twixt the cup and bad things might happen before la sopa 
the lip  something is finished
Del dicho al hecho hay un gran

Ignorance is bliss  a person who does not know La ignorancia es felicidad 

about a problem does not worry
about it

Lightning never This means that it is unlikely that Un rayo no cae dos veces en el
strikes twice in the something bad or unusual will mismo lugar 
same place  happen to the same person twice

Stick and stones can People cannot be hurt by A palabras necias, oídos sordos
break your bones unpleasant things that are said to (expresa que no debemos hacer
but words can never them caso a comentarios imprudentes
hurt you  o impertinentes que entrañan,
de forma expresa o disimulada,
mala intención)

Don’t mix apples and This refers not to combine or No hay que mezclar churras con
pears  compare two different things. merina ( hace referencia al error
que alguien está cometiendo al
mezclar temas o personas que
poco o nada tienen en común,
de una manera incoherente).

Waste not, want not this refers to advise someone not Quien no malgasta, no pasa
to waste anything, because they necesidades 
might need it in the future

A watched pot never This means that time passes very Quien espera,desespera 
boils  slowly when one is waiting for
something to happen if that is
the only thing one is thinking

Success has many Many people will seek credit for Querer exito/fama y luego
fathers; failure is an success, but few will accept lavarse las manos 
orphan  responsibility for failure.

Build a better this refers to invent the next Si contruyes el mejor invento,
mousetrap,and the great thing; to have a better idea; ganarás fama y fortuna/tendrás
world will beat a al mundo entero tocando a tu
A minor but important
path to your door puerta  
improvement will bring fame and

Great oaks from little This means that something large las grandes cosas siempre suelen
acorns grow  and successful began in a small comenzar de forma
and insignificant way modesta/sencilla 

The proof of the This means that you can only En la cancha, se ven los pingos
pudding is in the judge the quality of something (Alusión a que sólo se deben
eating  after you have tried, used, or tomar cuenta los resultados y no
experienced it las posibilidades.expresa que los
caballos -pingos- realmente
buenos demuestran su calidad
en el momento de la carrera.)
Loose lips sink ships  If you speak indiscreetly about El pez por la boca muere (indica
confidential or sensitive que alguien ha cometido un
information, someone might be error por hablar demasiado, de
listening who could use it against modo que se puede meter en un
you. problema por su indiscreción a la
hora de hablar.)

The chickens have One's previous actions will Quien siembra vientos,cosecha
come home to roost  eventually have consequences or tempestades (es un refrán que
cause problems// your past advierte que todas nuestras
mistakes or wrongdoings will acciones en la vida generan
eventually be the cause of consecuencias).
present troubles.

Silence (means) If you do not voice your objection El que calla, otorga 
consent  to something, then it is assumed
that you support it.

Gather rosebuds This means that people must Aprovechar la juventud mientras
while ye may  take advantage of life while they se pueda 
are young

Strike while the This refers to take advantage of Aprovechar la oportunidad

iron’s hot  an opportunity as soon as it mientras esta esté en pie
exists, in case the opportunity
goes away and does not return

Fine words will This means that nothing concrete Una accion vale mas que mil
butter no parsnips  is achieved by empty words or palabras 
Del dicho al hecho hay un gran

A stitch in time saves It is better to act or deal with Más vale prevenir que curar
nine   problems immediately, because
if you wait and deal with them
later, things will get worse and
the problems will take longer to
deal with

Justice delayed is It is a legal maxim meaning that El retraso en la justicia

justice denied  victims of crime and those constituye una negación de la
accused of crime deserve access misma 
to a speedy trial and, hopefully,
 If a wrong is not corrected within
a reasonable amount of time, it is
as though the wrong were not
corrected at all. 

Make hay while the make good use of an opportunity Aprovechar mientras se pueda
sun shines while it lasts.

Easy come, easy go means that what is simple to Lo que fácil viene, fácil se va
achieve is also simple to lose.

Here today, gone soon over or forgotten; short- Hoy estamos, mañana ya no.
tomorrow lived

Look before you leap you shouldn't act without first Piensa antes de actuar
considering the possible
consequences or dangers

Practice makes regular exercise of an activity or La práctica hace al maestro

perfect skill is the way to become
proficient in it.

Nothing ventured, you can't expect to achieve El que no arriesga, no gana

nothing gained anything if you never take any

A picture is worth a a picture can give you as much Una imagen vale más que mil
thousand words information as a written or palabras
spoken text with a lot of words

Laughter is the best his idiom suggests that laughter La risa es la mejor medicina
medicine or good humor is beneficial to
the health.

There is nothing new There is nothing in the world that No hay nada nuevo bajo el sol
under the sun has not already happened, been
seen, or been created

No man in a prophet   Nadie es profeta de su tierra

in his own land

No pain, no gain suffering is necessary in order to El que quiere celeste que le

achieve something. cueste
You can´t the genie To attempt to revert a situation No puedes volver el tiempo atrás
back in the bottle to how it formerly existed by (regresar el genio a la botella)
containing, limiting, or repressing
information, ideas,
advancements, etc., that have
become commonplace or public
knowledge. Almost always used
in the negative to denote the
impossibility of such an attempt.

An apple never falls a child usually has a similar de tal palo, a tal astilla
far from the tree character or similar qualities to
his or her parents

New times, new


Breeding will out La buena educación se hace


/Por sus frutos los reconocerán.

No pain, no gain suffering is necessary in order to El que quiere celeste que le

achieve something. cueste.

The spirit is willing rueful admission of weariness or El espíritu está presto, mas la
but the flesh is weak other physical weakness carne enferma.

A man has many the vices control the man

masters as he has

An apple a day keeps eating healthy will keep you out Una manzana al dia mantiene al
the doctor away of getting sick and going to the doctor en lejania

The early bird gets One who arrives first has the best Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda
the worm chance for success
Good fences make With clear boundaries people cuentas claras mantienen la
good neighbors know know how to behave amistad

Opposites attract "people who are very different Los opuestos se atraen
from each other are often
attracted to each other"

You can't put the To attempt to revert a situation

genie back in the to how it formerly existed by
bottle containing, limiting, or repressing
information,  ideas,
advancements, etc., that have
become commonplace or public

Nothing is more when the time is right nothing

powerful than an can stop a great idea
idea whose time has

An apple never falls De tal palo, tal astilla

far from the tree

There is life in the One still has vitality or the ability Aún le queda para rato.
old god yet. (EXTRA) to perform certain actions
Like father, like son.
despite one’s advanced age.

De tal palo, tal astilla "personas que imitan o An apple never falls far from the
adquieren algunas características tree
o cualidades de sus padres o del
entorno en el cual crecen o se

Cría cuervos y te "Alusión a la característica Bite the hand that feeds you.
sacarán los ojos carroñera del cuervo.El cuervo es
personificado para referirse a
personas que no retribuyen los
favores, además de hacer mal a
quienes los ayudaron."

Dime con quien vas y "se puede conocer a una persona Man is known by the company
te diré quien eres a través de su grupo de amigos o he keeps. 
de su compañía."

Caminante, no hay You make your path by walking.

camino; se hace el
camino al andar

Más sabe el diablo "la experiencia brinda más The devil is in the details
por viejo que por conocimiento y sabiduría que la
There is no substitute for
diablo astucia o la inteligencia inherente
a la persona"

Preguntando se llega "no hay que tener miedo a Better to ask the way than go
a Roma preguntar, que mediante las astray.

 podemos adquirir todo el

conocimiento necesario"

Cada uno es hijo de

sus obras

Poderoso caballero "el dinero es la energía que Money makes the world go
es Don Dinero mueve el mundo y que el hombre round.
es capaz de muchas cosas por

Cada uno sabe "Uno mismo, el interesado, es la Everyone knows their own
donde le aprieta el persona más adecuada  para weakness.
zapato saber lo que le puede hacer daño
o molestar."
El pez por la boca "el peligro a abrir la boca, es Loose lips sink ships
muere decir, tanto el pez, que abre la
boca cuando ve el anzuelo al que
se engancha, como la persona,
que abre la boca para hablar
demasiado y así se pone ridícula,
son víctimas de su propia

En boca cerrada no "es mejor quedarse callado que Silence is golden.

entran moscas equivocarse es recomendable
pensar antes de hablar"

A buen entendedor, "persona inteligente no necesita A word to the wise is sufficient.

pocas palabras una explicación demasiado
detallada para entender lo que se
le está diciendo"

No hay mal que por "emitir un mensaje optimista Every cloud has a silver lining.
bien no venga ante aquellas situaciones que, en
principio, no son buenas pero
que, a futuro, pueden generar
resultados positivos."

Tres cosas hay en la

vida: salud, dinero y

En la tierra de los personas que sobresalen ante los In the land of the blind, the one-
ciegos, el tuerto es demás, es decir, aquellas eyed man is king.
rey personas que no poseen grandes
talentos pero son menos
mediocres que otros

Perro que ladra no "una persona que habla mucho, A barking dog never bites.
muerde discute mucho, se queja mucho o
hace mucho ruido no será una
persona de acción, o sea, no
cumplirá sus amenazas"

Si se alivia, fue la
Virgen, si se muere
fue el doctor

Cada cabeza es un cada persona es diferente


Candil de la calle y persona que en la calle es alegre,

oscuridad de su casa solidaria, dedica tiempo y etc, sin
embargo, en su propia casa no le
procupa el bienestar de los

Allá van leyes do los poderosos acomodan e

quieren reyes interpretan las leyes a su

Cuando a Roma "acomodarse a las costumbres y

fueres, haz como usos del país en el que uno 
se encuentra por educación para
evitar conflictos"

Bueno está lo bueno

Cuando las barbas "cuando ves que algo acontece a

de tu vecino veas tu alrededor, lo mismo te puede
pelar, pon las tuyas a pasar a ti, así que debes estar
remojar preparado o tratar de evitarlo"

Un clavo saca a otro significa que un sufrimiento es A new worry helps to take the
clavo olvidado tan pronto otro asunto pain away 
del mismo tenor aparece y ocupa  Take your mind off the old one
la mente.

Entre bomberos, no Censurar a quien trata de sacar Don’t get in the way 
se pisan las ventaja de personas de su misma
Friends don’t get in each other's
mangueras condición o profesión, como si
realmente un bombero
entorpeciera la función de un
colega, pisándole la manguera

Crea fama, y Se refiere a la reputación de una Rest on your laurels 

acuestate a dormir  persona. Es una forma de decir
que una vez que creas una cierta
reputación, esa reputación te
antecederá y demorará tiempo y
esfuerzo para cambiarla

El que es buen gallo, Si alguien es bueno en lo que Someone who is good at

en cualquier hace será reconocido en something. This person could do
muladar/gallinero cualquier lugar que esté it in his sleep.
A good rooster crows in any
chicken coop

El que a buen palo se las ventajas que reciben aquellos The benefits of having friends in
arrima, buena que mantienen buenas high places 
sombra le cobija  relaciones interpersonales con
He who leans against a good tree
personas de influencia.
has a good shade over him 

He that relies on good people 

reaps a benefit

También el arte es natural  natural 

don celeste

Indio comido,indio cuando una persona después de Eat and run 

ido  comer, en casa ajena, se va.
“Irish goodbye”

Siembra si pretendes Si uno quiere obtener algo, tiene Work hard to get good results  
cosechar  que trabajar arduamente para

Más vale prevenir siempre es preferible tomar las A stitch in time saves nine  
precauciones necesarias para
que castigar  evitar una situación desagradable
o indeseable, que vivirla.

Nunca digas de esta no realizar promesas ni Never say never 

agua no juramentos con vistas a futuro
tomaré/beberé que no estemos seguros de
poder cumplir.

Por mucho que nos repugne algo,

no podemos afirmar que no lo
haremos o que estemos libres de
que nos suceda

Aunque la mona se La condición de cada uno o los You can put lipstick on a pig, but
vista de seda, mona defectos naturales no se pueden it’s still a pig  
queda  encubrir ni cambiar con mejoras
meramente externas.

Del dicho al hecho En ocasiones, existe mucha It is easier than done

hay mucho trecho  distancia entre lo que uno dice y
To say and do are different
lo que hace, por lo que conviene
no confiar en promesas que
pueden no cumplirse.

Cada cardumen Todos tenemos a alguien que nos to have our own judge, jury and
tiene su pescador castiga  por hacer algo malo  executioner
(todos tenemos
nuestro propio

Al que madruga, expresa la importancia de ser The early bird catches/gets the
Dios lo ayuda  personas responsables con las worm
tareas y labores con las que
Early to bed and early to rise,
debemos cumplir y ser diligentes
makes a man healthy, wealthy,
en nuestro día a día.
and wise

No se puede pedir algo imposible, algo que no To get blood out of/from a stone
sacar/pedir  peras al es natural o querer exigir
That’s asking the impossible
olmo  demasiado.

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