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Spiritual 911


Spiritual 911 and Traumatic Stress

The following is an excerpt from a short video class done by Amy Jo Ellis on “How To
Keep Your Energy High in order to help” It explains the background info about how
and why Amy Jo Ellis came about creating Spiritual 911. Have a watch for very useful
and invaluable information.

Don’t do the Spiritual 911 until you’re centered.

Somebody is asking; “What is the difference between compassion and empathy?”

Empathy is, you take all their emotions in and you just hold it for them. You just become
them for them. And compassion is to go “Oh Gheeze, those people are really going thru
something here, let me do something about it. Let me come in, let me have compassion
and love for them. But let me build that compassion to see what I can do. And it takes an
action, compassion is being able to set in and step in to passionately assisting them. So
it’s a joining of forces to help correct the situation. That would be more of compassion.
Empathy is more of just stepping into the energy field and feeling it as if it’s your own.
And that’s what used to happen to me all the time and it certainly happened to me last
night; some information that came in that prompted me to do this call, is that I
immediately went “Haaaaah” “Oh NO!”, you know, and it shocked me to my core, and I
felt for them at their level. But what it did, it took me from 70 000MHz, phroomp down
to 4-5 000 MHz. I said “Wo, wo, wo, back-up, back-up, back-up” I can’t go here, I can’t
help these people if I go there. So, that was the idea behind it.
So now, one day, I was driving around on the freeway and I saw a car accident that took
place on the side of the road. The firetrucks are just pulling up to it and I’m just going
around. And I began to say, you know, “I _____Amy Jo Richards Ellis___ step into a
Full Court of Atonement and I ask for the most appropriate level of energy to be sent to
this accident here, and I ask for Angels to come in….” And I began giving my list of
things to do, and I got to thinking about it and I thought; you know when we see a car
accident and it doesn’t have the ambulances there; we pick-up the phone and we go 911
and when we hit 911, they say “How may I help you?” you say “I am calling in a car
accident on such and such”, you tell them the location. They don’t take the time to say
“Ok, do you want us to send a firetruck?” “Would you like us to send a cop car?” “Do
you think we’re gonna need an ambulance on this?” No! They start taking the
information that they’ve got from you and are saying “Where is it?” And they get the
information of where this energy needs to go and then while they are still taking your
information and then maybe finding out more, they’ve already sent a firetruck, and an
ambulance and a police car. They sent all three, they “Phrew” sent it out there. If you tell
them that you have a house fire, boom, they’re sending the firetrucks, the first ones they
dispatch. Then they send the police, then they send the ambulance, boom, it’s on its way.
Well, so I’m looking at that and I’m going “Do I have to go thru this list of things of what
I want you to send?” When I see an accident like that and I just look at the accident and I
say; Hey, I have to be putting this information out because Spirit is very, very literal! And
you would if Spirit was you calling the police in the 1970’s. You’d be getting “What is
this calling regarding to?” You know, you’d be saying “what can we do?” Literally Spirit
need you to tell them what they can do. So I thought, I wonder if I can get a speed dial on
911. Do you, Spirit, do you guys understand what’s happening at the level of 911? That
they look at it and they send the most appropriate energy at that moment. Because when
things are really bad it’s hard to remember to say “I ask for Divine Intervention” and I
ask for the most appropriate….” The wording is really hard to come up with. So I’ve
created a fast call and say: “I ______ place myself in a Full Court of Atonement and I
ask for Spiritual 911 for this _______” Now I’ve created that call and I’ve asked for
everything in the background; “I want you to look thru it, I want you to do this…” So
right now, with the things that you have going on in your mind you can just say and
repeat after me “I_____ place myself ____ in a Full Court of Atonement with this
situation _____(and just say what it is that’s on your mind that’s bothering you. If it’s an
illness or it’s a whatever, you can put that in there) and I ask for Spiritual 911” Which
means I’m asking for them to evaluate this situation, I’m asking for them to make these
corrections and assist in the highest and fastest manner. So I really wanted to get this
information out to you, that you have that.

Ok, then the next thing I wanted to look about is that I also have Traumatic Stress
Resolution. And so you can say, Now I_______ place myself _____ in a Full Court of
Atonement with everyone involved in this situation for Traumatic Stress Resolution.
And Traumatic Stress Resolution looks at where your body is holding the stress, what it
can do to release it. The call is several pages long, it’s just a really quick call, short, to the
point. How do we help these people the fastest and the best that we possibly can.

Get grounded, and get centered in your name, say your name 3 times, spin in a circle
clockwise. Try to get that energy to change. Don’t do the Spiritual 911 until you’re
centered. I like the Lord’s Prayer to get centered. The more I repeat it and the more I say
my name, the more powerful I become. And I can feel my energy, vroom, vrooom,
vroooom, getting really big before I send that energy out because I want to send the most
healing energy I can possibly send. So I’ll go in, repeat the Lord’s Prayer or repeat my
name over and over, spinning around in a clockwise circle. It doesn’t have to be fast, just
mosey and go “I’m changing this energy” get yourself up and high and then everything
you think about these people tell yourself to stop it! If you hear your thoughts doing into
“Ah I feel so bad…” Stop, stop, stop, stop. “I feel like sending them some more energy
right about now!” So try to keep ourselves up, keep these people that we love that are
going thru things into the highest vibration that we can get them in and we’ll send that
energy out. So I hope this helps you out.

My love to all of you.

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