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Sample Lesson Exemplar in English VI

by Luningning R. Racasa, MT-I, VPES

Using Special Nouns

I. Objectives:

1. Use nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning.

2. Write correctly words/nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning.

3. Admire other people who have special talents and share ideas on how to be like them.

II. 1. Subject Matter:

Using Special Nouns

2. References:

BEC S. 5.1 p.23

Growing in English VI, LTX pp.87-92

English for All Times, LTX pp. 110-114

Workbook in Language and Reading, pages 39-40

3. Materials:

charts, a picture of a pupil, word cards, flags of USA, the Netherlands, Bahamas

4. Integration:

HKS- flags and names of some countries

Values- admiring other people with special talent/skills and sharing how to be like them.

III. Procedure:

A. 1. Checking of Assignment

2. Drill
Pronounce the following nouns. Be careful of the sts consonant cluster at the end of each


nests pests priests lists

beasts wrists coasts mists

contests fists guests ghosts

roasts boast twists

Read the following sentences:

1. My brother suggests that father knows best.

2. We saw the birds in their nests.

3. The hunter molests the beasts in the forests.

4. He wins contests with his fists.

5. Mists rise like ghosts along the coasts.

What is common among the above words?

What is the sound of the sts consonant cluster at the end of each word?

3. Review:

a. What part of speech are the above words?

What is the form of each? How do you know?

b. Choose the correct form of the verb

1. Mrs. De Velez (is, are) our Science teacher.

2. She ( give, gives) a test weekly.

3. We all ( review, reviews) our lessons every Thursday.

4. Rica (is, are) the highest in the test.

5. Men and animals (depend, depends) on plants for food.

B. 1. Motivation:

How many among you like and enjoy Mathematics? Why ?Why not?

Who among you believe that Mathematics is easy? Or difficult?

Why is this subject necessary in our day-to-day activities?

2. Presentation:

Show the picture of a boy talking in front of a class.

Say: This is Francis Rodriguez of Marbel Elementary School. Listen carefully as one of your

classmates reads or gives his talk. Be sure to point out the main idea of the talk


3. Comprehension Check/ Discussion:

a. What is the main idea of the talk?

(How Francis develops wonderful and speedy computational skills)

So, how does Francis develop his skills in computation?

What does Francis do most of the time?

Who help/s him a lot?

Aside from solving the exercises on the books, what other extra exercises does he do?

What trait do you think Francis possesses why he wins in the contest?

Is he studious, diligent and talented? Why do you say so?

b. Read the following sentences from the talk of Francis.

1. Francis wins first place in the Mathematics National Quiz Bee.

2. The news makes us glad.

3. Father is an aeronautics engineer.

4. Mother is a Mathematics teacher.

4. Analysis:

a. What are the underlined words in the sentences?

What part of speech are those words?

What do you notice at the end of those words?

What do you think are the forms of each word?

Is each word singular or plural?

Say: These are called Special Nouns.

Why do you think are they called as special nouns?

How are they written?

What is their real form?

Can we remove s at the end of each of them?

What will happen if we remove the s from them?

b. Presenting another groups of sentences.

1. The Philippines is our beautiful country.

2. Athletics keeps us fit and healthy.

3. Measles is a contiguous disease.

4. Politics is the art of government

5. Acrobatics refers to the skills of a gymnast, rope dancers or a tumbler.

6. Aeronautics is the science of flight.

- What are the special nouns in each sentence?

- What verb is being used?

- What is the form of is, keeps and refers?

c. Let the pupils read the different special nouns on the chart.

(see charted special nouns)

5. Generalization:

What is special noun?

*Special nouns are nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning.

What form of verb is used for a special noun?

*It uses singular form of the verb or the –s form of the verb.

* A verb with s is singular.

Example: refers keeps eats runs

* Examples of Special Nouns

acrobatics mumps Philippines

aeronautics tonsillitis United States

mathematics physics politics

athletics measles the Netherlands

ethics news Bahamas

civics billiards Hundred Islands

acoustics statistics

economics series

calisthenics meningitis

gymnastics tuberculosis

aerobics molasses
Let the pupils read the generalization. Call one pupil at a time.

6. Application:

a. In each sentence, find a noun which is plural in form but singular in meaning. Do it

orally. (see Exercise D, English for All Times, LTX p. 114.)

b. Choose the correct verb form in each sentence. Write the answer on your


(see Exercise 4, English for All Times LTX p. 110)

c. Answer the exercises on the chart.

(see Activity 2 Growing in English LTX, pp.90-91)

d. Group Activity

Find and encircle 5 nouns in the Search Game that follows.

(To be photocopied) see LTX p.111

e. Individual Activity

Who can use some of these special nouns in sentences? (do it orally)

7. Integration:

1. How can we like other people who have special skills or talent?

How can you improve your skills not only in Mathematics but also in other subject?

How important is having a study habit?

IV. Evaluation:

Copy or write on your paper the special nouns in each sentence and then select the correct verb.
1. Mumps ( has, have) caused many absences from our school.

2. Measles ( is, are) child’s disease.

3. Aeronautics (interests, interest) my brother a lot.

4. The United States (is, are) one of the richest countries in the world.

5. Billiards (was, were) played by many Filipinos.

V. Assignment:

a. Use the special nouns in a sentence with the correct form of the verb.( five sentences only)

b. Memorize the special nouns that we have discussed.

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