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Lend and Borrow

Paul is a librarian.
What does Paul do every day? He lends books.

Steve is a student. Why does he go to the library?

He goes to the library because he wants to
borrow a book.

Complete the definitions:

a. To ___________ is to take and use something from somebody and then give it back
b. To ___________ is to give something to somebody which they have to return to
you later

Lend or Borrow? Try!

1. “I don’t have a pen. Can I ___________ yours?” “Yes, I’ll be happy to _______
you mine!”
2. “I’m broke! Can you _______ me some money?” “I’m sorry, I can’t ________
you any more money!”
3. “Can I _________ the car for the weekend, please?”
4. “Mr White wants to __________ our bicycle. Shall I say it’s ok?”
5. “I can’t ________ you my jacket because I need it!”
6. “Banks _________ money and people _________ money from banks”
7. “Oh no, it’s raining!” “Don’t worry, I can _______ you my umbrella if you want!”
8. “Jack ____________ my history book last week and I haven’t had it back yet!”
9. “Can you _______ me your MP3 player for the party?”

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