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C h a p t e r

Molecular Mechanisms of
Cell Death
John J. Lemasters

(ATP) depletion, apoptosis may take hours to go to

INTRODUCTION completion and is an ATP-requiring process without
A common theme in disease is death of cells. In dis- a clearly distinguished point of no return. Although
eases ranging from stroke to congestive heart disease apoptosis and necrosis were initially considered sepa-
to alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, death of individual rate and independent phenomena, an alternate view
cells leads to irreversible functional loss in whole is emerging that apoptosis and necrosis can share initi-
organs and ultimately mortality. For such diseases, pre- ating factors and signaling pathways to become
vention of cell death becomes a basic therapeutic goal. extremes on a phenotypic continuum of necrapoptosis
By contrast in neoplasia, the purpose of chemotherapy or aponecrosis [5–7].
is to kill proliferating cancer cells. For either therapeu-
tic goal, understanding the mechanisms of cell death
MODES OF CELL DEATH Oncotic Necrosis
Although many stresses and stimuli cause cell death, Cellular changes leading up to onset of necrotic cell
the mode of cell death typically follows one of two pat- death include formation of plasma membrane protru-
terns. The first is necrosis, a pathological term referring sions called blebs, mitochondrial swelling, dilatation
to areas of dead cells within a tissue or organ. Necrosis of cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and
is typically the result of an acute and usually profound nuclear membranes, dissociation of polysomes, and
metabolic disruption, such as ischemia/reperfusion cellular swelling leading to rupture with release of
and severe toxicant-induced damage. Since necrosis as intracellular contents (Table 1.1, Figure 1.1). After
observed in tissue sections is an outcome rather than necrotic cell death, characteristic histological features
a process, the term oncosis has been introduced to of loss of cellular architecture, vacuolization, karyolysis,
describe the process leading to necrotic cell death and increased eosinophilia soon become evident
[1,2], but the term has yet to be widely adopted in the (Figure 1.2). Cell lysis evokes an inflammatory response,
experimental literature. Here, the terms oncosis, onco- attracting neutrophils and monocytes to the dead tissue
tic necrosis, and necrotic cell death will be used synon- to dispose of the necrotic debris by phagocytosis and
ymously to refer both to the outcome of cell death and defend against infection (Figure 1.3). In organs like
the pathogenic events precipitating cell killing. heart and brain with little regenerative capacity, healing
The second pattern is programmed cell death, most occurs with scar formation, namely replacement of
commonly manifested as apoptosis, a term derived necrotic regions with fibroblasts and collagen, as well
from an ancient Greek word for the falling of leaves as other connective tissue components. In organs like
in the autumn. In apoptosis, specific stimuli initiate the liver that have robust regenerative capacity, cell pro-
execution of well-defined pathways leading to orderly liferation can replace areas of necrosis with completely
resorption of individual cells with minimal leakage of normal tissue within a few days. The healed liver tissue
cellular components into the extracellular space and shows with little or no residua of the necrotic event,
little inflammation [3,4]. Whereas necrotic cell death but if regeneration fails, collagen deposition and fibro-
occurs with abrupt onset after adenosine triphosphate sis will occur instead to cause cirrhosis.

Molecular Pathology # 2009, Elsevier, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Table 1.1 Comparison of Necrosis and Apoptosis

Necrosis Apoptosis
Accidental cell death Controlled cell deletion
Contiguous regions of cells Single cells separating from neighbors
Cell swelling Cell shrinkage
Plasmalemmal blebs without organelles Zeiotic blebs containing large organelles
Small chromatin aggregates Nuclear condensation and lobulation
Random DNA degradation Internucleosomal DNA degradation
Cell lysis with release of intracellular contents Fragmentation into apoptotic bodies
Inflammation and scarring Absence of inflammation and scarring
Mitochondrial swelling and dysfunction Mitochondrial permeabilization
Phospholipase and protease activation Caspase activation
ATP depletion and metabolic disruption ATP and protein synthesis sustained
Cell death precipitated by plasma membrane rupture Intact plasma membrane

Figure 1.2 Histology of necrosis after hepatic ischemia/

reperfusion in a mouse. Note increased eosinophilia, loss
of cellular architecture, and nuclear pyknosis and karyolysis.
Bar is 50 µm.

inflammation, and scar formation. Individual cells

undergoing apoptosis separate from their neighbors
and shrink rather than swell. Distinctive nuclear and
Figure 1.1 Electron microscopy of oncotic necrosis to cytoplasmic changes also occur, including chromatin
a rat hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell after ischemia/ condensation, nuclear lobulation and fragmentation,
reperfusion. Note cell rounding, mitochondrial swelling formation of numerous small cell surface blebs (zeiotic
(arrows), rarefaction of cytosol, dilatation of the ER and the blebbing), and shedding of these blebs as apoptotic
space between the nuclear membranes (*), chromatin con- bodies that are phagocytosed by adjacent cells and
densation, and discontinuities in the plasma membrane. Bar macrophages for lysosomal degradation (Table 1.1,
is 2 µm. Figure 1.3). Characteristic biochemical changes also
occur, typically activation of a cascade of cysteine-
aspartate proteases, called caspases, leakage of
proapoptotic proteins like cytochrome c from mito-
Apoptosis chondria into the cytosol, internucleosomal deoxyribo-
Unlike necrosis, which usually represents an accidental nucleic acid (DNA) degradation, degradation of poly
event in response to an imposed unphysiological (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), and movement of
stress, apoptosis is a process of physiological cell phosphatidyl serine to the exterior leaflet of the plas-
deletion that has an opposite role to mitosis in the reg- malemmal lipid bilayer. Thus, apoptosis manifests a
ulation of cell populations. In apoptosis, cell death very different pattern of cell death than oncotic necro-
occurs with little release of intracellular contents, sis (Table 1.1, Figure 1.3).

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

Figure 1.3 Scheme of necrosis and apoptosis. In oncotic necrosis, swelling leads to bleb rupture and release of intracel-
lular constituents which attract macrophages that clear the necrotic debris by phagocytosis. In apoptosis, cells shrink and form
small zeiotic blebs that are shed as membrane-bound apoptotic bodies. Apoptotic bodies are phagocytosed by macrophages
and adjacent cells. Adapted with permission from [2].

CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR After longer times, a metastable state develops, which
MECHANISMS UNDERLYING is characterized by mitochondrial depolarization, lyso-
somal breakdown, bidirectional leakiness of the plasma
NECROTIC CELL DEATH membrane to organic anions (but not cations), intracel-
Metastable State Preceding Necrotic lular Ca2þ and pH dysregulation, and accelerated bleb
formation with more rapid swelling [13–16]. The meta-
Cell Death stable state lasts only a few minutes and culminates
Cellular events culminating in necrotic cell death are in rupture of a plasma membrane bleb (Figure 1.4)
somewhat variable from one cell type to another, [14–16]. Bleb rupture leads to loss of metabolic inter-
but certain events occur regularly. As implied by the mediates such as those that reduce tetrazolium dyes,
term oncosis, cellular swelling is a prominent feature leakage of cytosolic enzymes like lactate dehydrogenase,
of oncotic necrosis [1,8]. In many cell types, swelling uptake of dyes like trypan blue, and collapse of all
of 30–50% occurs early after ATP depletion associated electrical and ion gradients across the membrane. This
with formation of blebs on the cell surface (Figure 1.4) all-or-nothing breakdown of the plasma membrane
[9,10]. These blebs contain cytosol and ER but exclude permeability barrier is long-lasting, irreversible, and
larger organelles like mitochondria and lysosomes. Bleb incompatible with continued life of the cell.
formation is likely due to cytoskeletal alterations after Some work suggests that opening of a nonspecific
ATP depletion, whereas swelling arises from disruption anion channel in the plasma membrane initiates the
of cellular ion transport [11,12]. Mitochondrial swelling metastable state [17,18]. Although potassium and
and dilatation of cisternae of ER and nuclear mem- sodium channels open early after metabolic disrup-
branes accompany bleb formation (see Figure 1.1). tion, cellular impermeability to chloride limits the

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Figure 1.4 Bleb rupture at onset of necrotic cell death. After metabolic inhibition with cyanide and iodoacetate, inhibitors
of respiration and glycolysis, respectively, a surface bleb of the cultured rat hepatocyte on the right has just burst. Note the
discontinuity of the plasma membrane surface in the scanning electron micrograph. The hepatocyte on the left is also blebbed,
but the plasma membrane is still intact, and viability has not yet been lost. Bar is 5 mm. Adapted with permission from [16].

Figure 1.5 Plasma membrane permeabilization leading to necrotic cell death. Early after hypoxia and other metabolic
stresses, ATP depletion leads to inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase and opening of monovalent cation channels causing cation
gradients (Naþ and Kþ) to collapse. Swelling is limited by impermeability to anions. Later, glycine and strychnine-sensitive
anion channels open to initiate anion entry and accelerate bleb formation and swelling. Swelling continues until a bleb rup-
tures. With abrupt and complete loss of the plasma membrane permeability barrier, viability is lost. Supravital dyes like trypan
blue and propidium iodide enter the cell to stain the nucleus, and cytosolic enzymes like lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leak
out. With permission from [209].

rate of swelling. At onset of the metastable state, a rel- Bleb rupture is the final irreversible event precipitat-
atively nonspecific chloride-conducting anion channel ing cell death, since removal of the instigating stress
appears to open, permitting electroneutral uptake of (e.g., reoxygenation of anoxic cells) leads to cell recov-
electrolytes (principally sodium and chloride) and ery prior to bleb rupture but not afterwards [15]. Gly-
initiating rapid swelling driven by colloid osmotic cine and the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine
(oncotic) forces (Figure 1.5). Rapid swelling continues protect against necrotic cell killing. Protection is asso-
until one of the plasma membrane blebs ruptures. ciated with inhibition of this anion death channel

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

and suppression of swelling in the metastable state. hepatocytes do not consume glucose even during
Glycine protection occurs without restoration of ATP anoxia. For hepatocytes, fructose is a much better gly-
or prevention of other metabolic derangements colytic substrate, and fructose but not glucose prevents
[12,18–21]. The glycine-gated chloride channel (GlyR) loss of viability of hepatocytes during anoxia, respira-
appears responsible for glycine cytoprotection, since tory inhibition, and inhibition of the mitochondrial
glycine is not cytoprotective in cells not expressing ATP synthase [25,26].
the GlyRa1 subunit, and since GlyRa1 confers glycine In aerobic cells, exogenous glucose and fructose
cytoprotection in such cells [22]. at high concentrations cause intracellular ATP to
decrease because of ATP consumption by hexokinase
and fructokinase, the first enzymes in the glycolytic
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and ATP metabolism of the respective two hexoses. As glucose-
6-phosphate and other sugar phosphates accumulate,
Depletion intracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi) also decreases
Ischemia as occurs in strokes and heart attacks is [27]. In fructose-treated livers, decreased ATP has
perhaps the most common cause of necrotic cell kill- been interpreted as evidence of toxicity, but decreased
ing [8]. In ischemia, oxygen deprivation prevents Pi offsets the decline of ATP such that fructose-treated
ATP formation by mitochondrial oxidative phosphory- hepatocytes and livers maintain their ATP/ADPPi
lation, a process providing up to 95% of ATP utilized ratio (phosphorylation potential). Phosphorylation
by highly aerobic tissues [23]. The role of mitochon- potental, rather than ATP concentration, ATP/ADP
drial dysfunction in necrotic killing can be assessed ratio or energy charge (defined as ([ATP]þ1=2 [ADP])/
experimentally by the ability of glycolytic substrates to ([ATP]þ[ADP]þ[AMP])), is the relevant thermody-
rescue cells from lethal cell injury (Figure 1.6) [24]. namic variable reflecting cellular bioenergetic status
As an alternative source of ATP, glycolysis partially [28]. Moreover, in anoxic livers and hepatocytes, gly-
replaces ATP production lost after mitochondrial dys- colysis of fructose and endogenous glycogen increases
function. Maintenance of as little as 15% or 20% of ATP to protect against necrotic cell killing [25,26].
normal ATP then rescues cells from necrotic death. Fructose also protects against hepatocellular toxicity
Glucose and glycogen are prototypic glycolytic sub- by oxidant chemicals, suggesting that mitochondria
strates that delay or prevent anoxic cell killing in most are also a primary target of cytotoxicity in oxidative
cell types. However, an important function of the liver stress [29].
is to maintain blood glucose levels constant, and

Mitochondrial Uncoupling in Necrotic

Cell Killing
Mitochondrial injury and dysfunction are progressive
(Figure 1.6). Anoxia and inhibition with a toxicant like
cyanide inhibit respiration to cause ATP depletion and
ultimately necrotic cell death. Glycolysis can replace
this ATP supply, although only partially in highly aero-
bic cells, to rescue cells from necrotic killing. In the
absence of respiration, mitochondrial membrane
potential (DC) is sustained by reversal of the ATP
synthase reaction (mitochondrial adenosine triphos-
phatase, or F1F0-ATPase). However, when mitochon-
dria become permeable to protons (uncoupling),
then maximal stimulation of F1F0-ATPase occurs.
Since glycolytic ATP production cannot keep pace,
ATP levels fall profoundly, mitochondria depolarize,
Figure 1.6 Progression of mitochondrial injury. Respi- and necrotic cell death ensues. In the presence of
ratory inhibition inhibits oxidative phosphorylation and leads glycolytic substrate, oligomycin, an inhibitor of the
to ATP depletion and necrotic cell death. Glycine blocks F1F0-ATP synthase, prevents uncoupler-induced
plasma membrane permeabilization causing necrotic cell ATP depletion and subsequent cell death. Because oli-
death downstream of ATP depletion. Glycolysis restores gomycin does not reverse uncoupling, mitochondrial
ATP and prevents cell killing. Mitochondrial uncoupling as △C is not restored [24,26]. Cytoprotection by oligomy-
occurs after reperfusion due to the mitochondrial permeabil- cin requires glycolytic ATP generation, since in the
ity transition (MPT) activates the mitochondrial ATPase to absence of glycolysis, oligomycin is itself toxic by in-
futilely hydrolyze glycolytic ATP, and protection against hibiting oxidative phosphorylation. Cytoprotection
necrotic cell death is lost. By inhibiting the mitochondrial requiring the combination of glycolytic substrate and
ATPase, oligomycin prevents ATP depletion and rescues oligomycin indicates cytotoxicity mediated by mito-
cells from necrotic cell death if glycolytic substrate is pres- chondrial uncoupling as shown, for example, for cal-
ent. With permission from [209]. cium ionophore toxicity and oxidative stress [29,30].

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Mitochondrial Permeability Transition association with CypD and other molecular chaper-
ones (Figure 1.7) [43].
Inner membrane permeability
In oxidative phosphorylation, respiration drives trans- pH-dependent ischemia/reperfusion injury
location of protons out of mitochondria to create an
electrochemical proton gradient composed of a nega- Ischemia is an interruption of blood flow and hence
tive inside membrane potential (DC) and an alkaline oxygen supply to a tissue or organ. In ischemic tissue,
inside pH gradient (DpH). ATP synthesis is then anaerobic glycolysis, hydrolysis of ATP, and release of
linked to protons returning down this electrochemical protons from acidic organelles cause tissue pH to
gradient through the mitochondrial ATP synthase. decrease by a unit or more. The naturally occurring
This chemiosmotic proton circuit requires the mito- acidosis of ischemia actually protects against onset of
chondrial inner membrane to be impermeable to ions necrotic cell death. Acidosis also dramatically delays
and charged metabolites. Thus, metabolite exchange cell killing from oxidant chemicals, ionophores, and
for oxidative phosphorylation occurs via specific trans- alkylating agents [44–48].
porters and exchangers in the inner membrane, Although acidosis protects against cell killing dur-
including the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT), ing ischemia, reoxygenation and recovery of pH after
which exchanges ATP for adenosine diphosphate reperfusion act to precipitate necrotic cell death. In
(ADP); the phosphate transporter; and one of several cultured cells and perfused organs, ischemia/reperfu-
transporter systems for uptake of respiratory substrates sion injury can be reproduced using anoxia at acidotic
like pyruvate and fatty acids. By contrast, the outer pH to simulate ischemia followed by reoxygenation
membrane is nonspecifically permeable to ions and at normal pH to simulate reperfusion. Reperfusion
hydrophilic metabolites, which move across the outer in this model causes necrotic cell killing with release
membrane through a channel called the voltage of intracellular enzymes like lactate dehydrogenase
dependent anion channel (VDAC) [31,32]. Despite and nuclear labeling with vital dyes like trypan blue
its name, VDAC has only weak anion selectivity and and propidium iodide [12,49–56]. Much of reperfu-
conducts freely most solutes up to a molecular mass sion injury leading to necrotic cell death is attributable
of about 5 kDa. to recovery of pH, since reoxygenation at low pH pre-
vents cell killing entirely, whereas restoration of nor-
mal pH without reoxygenation produces similar cell
Mitochondrial permeability transition pore killing as restoration of pH with reoxygenation, a so-
In the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), called pH paradox (Figure 1.8).
the mitochondrial inner membrane abruptly becomes Cell death in the pH paradox is linked to intracellu-
nonselectively permeable to solutes of molecular lar pH. Ionophores like monensin that accelerate
weight up to about 1500 Da [33–35]. Ca2þ, oxidative recovery of intracellular pH from the acidosis of ische-
stress, and numerous reactive chemicals induce the mia after reperfusion also accelerate necrotic cell kill-
MPT, whereas cyclosporin A and pH less than 7 ing [51]. Conversely, inhibition of Naþ/Hþ exchange
inhibit. Onset of the MPT causes mitochondrial depo- with dimethylamiloride or Naþ-free medium delays
larization, uncoupling, and large amplitude mitochon- recovery of intracellular pH and prevents reperfusion-
drial swelling driven by colloid osmotic forces. induced necrotic cell killing almost completely
Opening of highly conductive permeability transition [51,52,54,55]. Cell killing in the pH paradox is linked
(PT) pores in the mitochondrial inner membrane specifically to intracellular pH and occurs indepen-
underlies the MPT. Patch clamping shows that conduc- dently of changes of cytosolic and extracellular free
tance through permeability transition pores (PT Naþ and Ca2þ [44,51,52,55].
pores) is so great that opening of a single PT pore
may be sufficient to cause mitochondrial depolariza- Role of the mitochondrial permeability transition
tion and swelling [36]. in pH-dependent reperfusion injury
The composition of PT pores is uncertain. In
one model, PT pores are formed by ANT from the pH below 7 inhibits PT pores, and recovery of intracel-
inner membrane, VDAC from the outer membrane, lular pH to 7 or greater after reperfusion induces the
the cyclosporin A binding protein cyclophilin D MPT, as shown directly by confocal/multiphoton micros-
(CypD) from the matrix, and possibly other proteins copy [55]. During ischemia, mitochondria depolarize
(Figure 1.7) (reviewed in [37,38]). Although once because of respiratory inhibition, but the mitochondrial
widely accepted, the validity of this model has been inner membrane remains impermeant to fluorophores
challenged by genetic knockout studies showing like calcein which can only pass through PT pores
that the MPT still occurs in mitochondria that are (Figure 1.8). After reperfusion at normal pH, mitochon-
deficient in ANT and VDAC [39–41]. Moreover, dria repolarize initially, as shown by uptake of membrane
although CypD is responsible for pore inhibition by potential-indicating fluorophores (Figure 1.9). Subse-
cyclosporin A, a cyclosporin A-insensitive MPT still quently and in parallel with recovery of intracellular
occurs in CypD deficient mitochondria [34,42]. An pH to neutrality, the MPT occurs, leading to permeabili-
alternative model for the PT pore is that oxidative zation of the inner membrane to calcein and mito-
and other stresses damage membrane proteins that chondrial depolarization (Figures 1.8 and 1.9). ATP
then misfold and aggregate to form PT pores in depletion then follows, and necrotic cell death occurs.

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

Reperfusion at acidotic pH to prevent recovery of

pH and reperfusion in the presence of PT pore block-
ers (e.g., cyclosporin A and its derivatives) prevents
mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilization,
depolarization, and cell killing (Figures 1.8 and 1.9).
Notably, cyclosporin A protects when added only
during the reperfusion phase, as now confirmed by
decreased infarct size in patients receiving percutane-
ous coronary intervention (PCI) for ischemic heart dis-
ease [55–59]. Thus, the MPT is the proximate cause of
pH-dependent cell killing in ischemia/reperfusion
Minocycline, a semisynthetic tetracycline derivative
that protects against neurodegenerative disease,
trauma, and hypoxia–ischemia [60–68], also inhibits
the MPT and protects against cell killing after reperfu-
sion of livers stored by cold ischemia for transplanta-
tion [69]. However, the mechanism of MPT blockade
differs from cyclosporin A. Rather than blocking
through an interaction with CypD, minocycline blocks
the MPT by inhibiting mitochondrial calcium uptake.
This observation implies that calcium uptake into
mitochondria is a prerequisite for MPT onset after

Oxidative stress
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen
species (RNS), including superoxide, hydrogen perox-
ide, hydroxyl radical, and peroxynitrite, have long
been implicated in cell injury leading to necrosis (Fig-
ure 1.10). In hepatocytes, mitochondrial NAD(P)H
oxidation after oxidative stress disrupts mitochondrial
Ca2þ homeostasis to cause an increase of mitochon-
drial Ca2þ, which in turn stimulates intramitochon-
drial ROS formation and onset of the MPT [29,70–
73]. In cardiac myocytes after reperfusion, intramito-
chondrial ROS formation also occurs to initiate the
MPT and subsequent necrotic cell death (Figure 1.9)
[56]. Notably, inhibition of the MPT with cyclosporin
A does not prevent mitochondrial ROS generation
Figure 1.7 Models of mitochondrial permeability transi- after reperfusion (Figure 1.9). Although intramito-
tion pores. In one model (A), PT pores are composed of the ade- chondrial Ca2þ may be permissive for MPT onset after
nine nucleotide translocator (ANT) from the inner membrane reperfusion, massive Ca2þ overloading and hypercon-
(IM), cyclophilin D (CypD) from the matrix and the voltage-depen- tracture in myocytes does not occur until after the
dent anion channel (VDAC) from the outer membrane (OM). MPT, and MPT inhibitors prevent Ca2þ overloading
Other proteins, such as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor and cell death [56]. In neurons, excitotoxic stress with
(PBR), hexokinase (HK), creatine kinase (CK), and Bax may also glutamate and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
contribute. PT pore openers include Ca2þ, inorganic phosphate agonists also stimulates mitochondrial ROS formation,
(Pi), reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS, RNS), and oxi- leading to the MPT and excitotoxic injury [74–77].
dized pyridine nucleotides (NAD(P)þ) and glutathione (GSSG). Iron potentiates injury in a variety of diseases and is
An alternative model (B) proposes that oxidative and other dam- an important catalyst for hydroxyl radical formation
age to integral inner membrane proteins leads to misfolding. from superoxide and hydrogen peroxide (Figure 1.10)
These misfolded proteins aggregate at hydrophilic surfaces fac- [78–81]. Increased intracellular chelatable iron con-
ing the hydrophobic bilayer to form aqueous channels. CypD tributes to cell death after cold ischemia/reperfusion
and other chaperones block conductance of solutes through [82,83], and addition of a membrane permeable
these nascent PT pores. High matrix Ca2þ acting through CypD Fe3þ complex causes the MPT and consequent
leads to PT pore opening, an effect blocked by cyclosporin A necrotic and apoptotic cell death [84].
(CsA). As misfolded protein clusters exceed the number of cha- During oxidative stress and hypoxia/ischemia,
perones to regulate them, constitutively open channels form. lysosomes rupture [14,85–87], and lysosomal rup-
Such unregulated PT pores are not dependent on Ca2þ for open- ture releases chelatable (loosely bound) iron with
ing and are not inhibited by CsA. With permission from [210]. consequent pro-oxidant cell damage [88–91]. This

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

pH 7.4

−1 min 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min

pH 6.2

pH 7.4+CsA

25 μm

Figure 1.8 Mitochondrial inner membrane permeabilization in adult rat cardiac myocytes after ischemia and reper-
fusion. After loading mitochondria of cardiac myocytes with calcein, cells were subjected to 3 h of anoxia at pH 6.2 (ischemia)
followed by reoxygenation at pH 7.4 (A), pH 6.2 (B), or pH 7.4 with 1 mM CsA (C). Red-fluorescing propidium iodide was pres-
ent to detect loss of cell viability. Note that green calcein fluorescence was retained by mitochondria at the end of ischemia
(1 min before reperfusion), indicating that PT pores had not opened. After reperfusion at pH 7.4, mitochondria progressively
released calcein over 30 min. at which time calcein was nearly evenly distributed throughout cytosol. After 60 min, all cellular
calcein was lost, and the nucleus stained with PI, indicating loss of viability. After reperfusion at pH 6.2 (B) or at pH 7.4 in the
presence of CsA (C), calcein was retained and cell death did not occur. Thus, reperfusion at pH 7.4 induced onset of the MPT
and necrotic cell death that were blocked with CsA and acidotic pH. Adapted with permission from [56].

iron is taken up into mitochondria by the mitochon- inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3e),
drial calcium uniporter and helps catalyze mitochon- also lead to MPT inhibition, whereas c-Jun nuclear
drial ROS generation. Iron chelation with desferal kinase-2 (JNK-2) promotes the MPT in reperfusion injury
prevents this ROS formation and decreases cell and acetaminophen hepatotoxicity [94–99].
death in oxidative stress and hypoxia/ischemia
Other Stress Mechanisms Inducing
Protein kinase signaling and the MPT Necrotic Cell Death
Reperfusion with nitric oxide suppresses MPT onset Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase
and reperfusion-induced cell killing after ischemia
[93]. A signaling cascade of guanylyl cyclase, cyclic Single strand breaks induced by ultraviolet (UV) light,
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and cGMP- ionizing radiation, and ROS (particularly hydroxyl
dependent protein kinase (protein kinase G) mediates radical and peroxynitrite) activate PARP isoforms
nitric oxide protection against MPT onset. In isolated 1 and 2 (PARP-1/2). PARP assists in the repair of
mitochondria, a combination of cGMP, cytosolic single-strand DNA breaks by recruiting scaffolding
extract as a source of protein kinase, and ATP blocks proteins, DNA ligases, and polymerases that mediate
the Ca2þ-induced MPT. Thus, protein kinases act base excision repair [100]. With excess DNA damage,
directly on mitochondria to negatively regulate MPT PARP attaches ADP-ribose to the strand breaks and
[93]. Protein kinase C epsilon (PKCe), together with elongates ADP-ribose polymers attached to the DNA.

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

Figure 1.9 Mitochondrial ROS formation after reperfusion. Myocytes were co-loaded with red-fluorescing tetramethylrho-
damine methyester (TMRM) and green-fluorescing chloromethyldichlorofluorescin (cmDCF) to monitor mitochondrial mem-
brane potential and ROS formation, respectively. At the end of 3 h of ischemia, mitochondria were depolarized (lack of red
TMRM fluorescence). After 20 min of reperfusion, mitochondria took up TMRM, indicating repolarization, and cmDCF fluores-
cence increased progressively inside mitochondria (A). Subsequently, hypercontraction and depolarization occurred after
40 min, and viability was lost within 120 min, as indicated by nuclear labeling with red-fluorescing propidium iodide. When
cyclosporin A was added at reperfusion (B), mitochondria underwent sustained repolarization, and hypercontracture and cell
death did not occur. Nonetheless, mitochondrial cmDCF fluorescence still increased. By contrast, reperfusion with antioxidants
prevented ROS generation and MPT onset with subsequent cell death (data not shown). Thus, mitochondrial ROS generation
induces the MPT and cell death after ischemia/reperfusion. Adapted with permission from [56].

Consumption of the oxidized form of nicotinamide to cause mitochondrial dysfunction and possibly the
adenine dinucleotide (NADþ) in this fashion leads to MPT [104].
NADþ depletion, disruption of ATP-generation by PARP-dependent necrosis is an example of so-called
glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, and ATP programmed necrosis since PARP actively pro-
depletion-dependent cell death [100,101]. Mice defi- motes a cell death-inducing pathway that otherwise
cient in PARP-1 or PARP-2 and mice treated with PARP would not occur. Necrotic cell death also frequently
inhibitors are protected against such DNA damage- occurs when apoptosis is interrupted, as by caspase
induced necrosis [102,103]. Glycosidases cleave long (cysteine-aspartate protease) inhibition. Such caspase
ADP-ribose polymers attached to DNA into large oligo- independent cell death is the consequence of mito-
mers. Such oligomers can translocate to mitochondria chondrial dysfunction (e.g., depolarization, loss of

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Figure 1.10 Iron-catalyzed free radical generation. Oxidative stress causes oxidation of GSH and NAD(P)H, important
reductants in antioxidant defenses, promoting increased net formation of superoxide (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Superoxide dismutase converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide, which is further detoxified to water by catalase and perox-
idases. In the iron-catalyzed Haber Weiss reaction (or Fenton reaction), superoxide reduces ferric iron (Fe3þ) to ferrous iron
(Fe2þ), which reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH). Hydroxyl radical reacts with
lipids to form alkyl radicals (L) that initiate an oxygen-dependent chain reaction generating peroxyl radicals (LOO) and lipid
peroxides (LOOH). Iron also catalyzes a chain reaction generating alkoxyl radicals (LO) and more peroxyl radicals. Nitric
oxide synthase catalyzes formation of nitric oxide (NO) from arginine. Nitric oxide reacts rapidly with superoxide to form
unstable peroxynitrite anion (ONOO-), which decomposes to nitrogen dioxide and hydroxyl radical. In addition to attacking
lipids, these radicals also attack proteins and nucleic acids.

cytochrome c needed for respiration) or other meta- PATHWAYS TO APOPTOSIS

bolic disturbance.
Roles of Apoptosis in Biology
Plasma membrane injury Apoptosis is an essential event in both the normal life
of organisms and in pathobiology. In development,
An intact plasma membrane is essential for cell viabil- apoptosis sculpts and remodels tissues and organs,
ity. Detergents and pore-forming agents like masto- for example, by creating clefts in limb buds to form
paran from wasp venom defeat the barrier function fingers and toes [3]. Apoptosis is also responsible for
of the plasma membrane and cause immediate cell reversion of hypertrophy to atrophy and immune sur-
death [105]. Immune-mediated cell killing can act sim- veillance-induced killing of preneoplastic cells and
ilarly. In particular, complement mediates formation virally infected cells [108,109]. In the gastrointestinal
of a membrane attack complex that in conjunction tract especially, renewal of epithelial cells can occur
with antibody lyses cells [106]. Complement compo- every few days, and cell deletion by programmed cell
nent 9, an amphipathic molecule, inserts through the death closely matches mitotic proliferation [110].
cell membrane, polymerizes, and forms a pore visible The literature on apoptosis is large and complex and
as a tubular channel in electron micrographs [107]. continues to grow. One pattern that has emerged is that
Indeed, a single membrane attack complex may be suf- each of several organelles gives rise to signals initiating
ficient to cause swelling and lysis of an individual apoptotic cell killing [111–113]. Often these signals con-
erythrocyte. Pores also cause calcium entry, leading verge on mitochondria as a common pathway to apopto-
to mitochondrial dysfunction and most likely onset of tic cell death. In most apoptotic signaling, activation of
the MPT. The resulting bioenergetic failure is further caspases 3 or 7 from a family of caspases (Table 1.2)
aggravated by pore-dependent ATP leakage across the begins execution of the final and committed phase of
plasma membrane. apoptotic cell death. Caspase 3/7 has many targets.

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

Table 1.2 Mammalian caspases. Caspases are evolutionarily conserved aspartate specific cysteine-
dependent proteases that function in apoptotic and inflammatory signaling [212].
Initiator caspases are involved in the initiation and propagation of apoptotic signaling,
whereas effector caspases act on a wide variety of proteolytic substrates to induce the
final and committed phase of apoptosis. Initiator and inflammatory caspases have large
prodomains containing oligomerization motifs such as the caspase recruitment
domain (CARD) and the death effector domain. Effector caspases have short
prodomains and are proteolytically activated by large prodomain caspases and other
proteases. Proteolytic cleavage of procaspase precursors forms separate large and small
subunits that assemble into active enzymes consisting of two large and two small
subunits. Caspase activation occurs in multimeric complexes that typically consist of a
platform protein that recruits procaspases either directly or by means of adaptors. Such
caspase complexes include the apoptosome and the death-inducing signaling complex
(DISC). Caspase 14 plays a role in terminal keratinocyte differentiation in cornified
epithelium [213].

Amino Acid
Molecular Weight Active subunits Target Sequence
Initiator Caspases of Proenzyme (kDa) (kDa) Prodomain for Proteolysis
Caspase 2 51 19/12 Long with CARD VDVAD
Caspase 8 55 18/11 Long with two DED (L/V/D)E(T/V/I)D
Caspase 9 45 17/10 Long with CARD (L/V/I)EHD
Caspase 10 55 17/12 Long with two DED (I/V/L)EXD
Caspase 12 50 20/10 Long with CARD ATAD

Effector Caspases
Caspase 3 32 17/12 Short DE(V/I)D
Caspase 6 34 18/11 Short (T/V/I)E(H/V/I)D
Caspase 7 35 20/12 Short DE(V/I)D

Inflammatory Caspases
Caspase 1 45 20/10 Long with CARD (W/Y/F)EHD
Caspase 4 43 20/10 Long with CARD (W/L)EHD
Caspase 5 48 20/10 Long with CARD (W/L/F)EHD
Caspase 11 42 20/10 Long with CARD (V/I/P/L)EHD

Other Caspases
Caspase 14 42 20/10 Short (W/I)E(T/H)D

Degradation of the nuclear lamina and cytokeratins organelles and are shed as apoptotic bodies. However,
contributes to nuclear remodeling, chromatin conden- not all apoptotic changes depend on caspase 3/7 acti-
sation, and cell rounding [114,115]. Degradation of vation. For example, release of apoptosis-inducing fac-
endonuclease inhibitors activates endonucleases to tor (AIF) from mitochondria and its translocation to
cause internucleosomal DNA cleavage. The resulting the nucleus promotes DNA degradation in a caspase
DNA fragments have lengths in multiples of 190 base 3-independent fashion [117].
pairs, the nucleosome to nucleosome repeat distance. Pathways leading to activation of caspase 3 and
In starch gel electrophoresis, these fragments produce related effector caspases like caspase 7 are complex
a characteristic ladder pattern. DNA strand breaks can and quite variable between cells and specific apopto-
also be recognized in tissue sections by the terminal sis-instigating stimuli, and each major cellular struc-
deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end ture can originate its own set of unique signals to
labeling (TUNEL) assay [116]. Additionally, caspase induce apoptosis (Figure 1.11). Proapoptotic signals
activation leads to cell shrinkage, phosphatidyl serine are often associated with specific damage or perturba-
externalization on the plasma membrane, and forma- tion to the organelle involved. Consequently, cells
tion of numerous small surface blebs (zeiosis). Unlike choose death by apoptosis rather than life with organ-
necrotic blebs, these zeiotic blebs contain membranous elle damage.

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Figure 1.11 Scheme of apoptotic signaling from organelles. Adapted with permission from [113].

Plasma Membrane or death-inducing signaling complex (DISC), forms

through association with Fas-associated protein with
The plasma membrane is the target of many receptor- death domain (FADD) and pro-caspase 8, which are
mediated signals. In particular, various ‘death ligands’ internalized. Pro-caspase 8 becomes activated and in
(e.g., tumor necrosis factor a, or TNFa; Fas ligand; turn proteolytically activates other downstream effec-
tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing tors (Figure 1.12). In Type I signaling, caspase 8 acti-
ligand, or TRAIL) acting through their corresponding vates caspase 3 directly, whereas in Type II signaling,
receptors (TNF receptor 1, or TNFR1; Fas; death caspase 3 cleaves Bid (novel BH3 domain-only death
receptor 4/5, or DR4/5) initiate activation of apopto- agonist) to truncated Bid (tBid) to activate a mito-
tic pathways [112,118,119]. Binding of a ligand like chondrial pathway to apoptosis [120]. Similar signal-
TNFa leads to receptor trimerization and formation ing occurs after association of FasL with Fas (also
of so-called Complex I through association of adapter called CD95) and TRAIL with DR4/5.
proteins (e.g., receptor interacting protein-1, or RIP1, Many events modulate death receptor signaling in
and TNF receptor-associated death domain protein, the plasma membrane. For example, the extent of
or TRADD). After receptor dissociation, Complex II, gene and surface expression of death receptors is an

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death


Complex II


TRADD Dissociation



Complex I RIP Procaspase 8

Caspase 8 Bid

JNK NFκB Survival Signals
Cell Death

Survival Genes Apoptosis

Figure 1.12 TNFa apoptotic signaling. TNFa binds to its receptor, TNFR1, and Complex I forms composed of TRADD
(TNFR-associated protein with death domain), RIP (receptor-interacting protein), TRAF-2 (TNF-associated factor-2]. Complex
I activates NFkB (nuclear factor kappa B), and JNK (c-jun N-terminal kinase). NFkB activates transcription of survival genes,
including antiapoptotic inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), antiapoptotic Bcl-XL, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Com-
plex I then undergoes ligand-dissociated internalization to form DISC Complex II. Complex II recruits FADD (Fas-associated
death domain) via interactions between conserved death domains (DD) and activates procaspase 8 through interaction with
death effector domains (DED). Active caspase 8 cleaves Bid to t Bid, which translocates to mitochondria leading to mitochon-
drial permeabilization, cytochrome c release, and apoptosis. Adapted with permission from [111].

important determinant in cellular sensitivity to death MITOCHONDRIA

ligands. Stimuli like hydrophobic bile acids can recruit Cytochrome c release
death receptors to the cell surface and sensitize cells
to death-inducing stimuli [121]. Surface recruitment Mitochondria often play a central role in apoptotic sig-
of death receptors may also lead to self-activation even naling. In the so-called Type II pathway, DISC-acti-
in the absence of ligand. Death receptors localize to vated caspase 8 proteolytically cleaves the protein Bid
lipid rafts containing relatively rigid cholesterol and to a truncated fragment, tBid [119,125–128]. Bid is a
sphingomyelin, the latter concentrated in the outer BH3 only domain member of the B-cell lymphoma-
leaflet of the bilayer. After death receptor activation, 2 (Bcl2) family that includes both pro- and antiapopto-
sphingomyelin hydrolysis occurs in these rafts via acid tic proteins (Figure 1.13). tBid formed after caspase
sphingomyelinase, an enzyme that may also incorpo- 8 activation translocates to mitochondria where it
rate into the plasma membrane through fusion of interacts with either Bak (Bcl2 homologous antago-
endomembrane vesicles. Ceramide formed from nist/killer) or Bax (a conserved homolog that hetero-
sphingolipids self-associates through hydrogen bond- dimerizes with Bcl2), two other proapoptotic Bcl2
ing to promote raft coalescence and formation of family members, to induce cytochrome c release
molecular platforms that cluster signal transducer through the outer membrane into the cytosol [129].
components of DISC [118]. Ceramide is apoptogenic Cytochrome c in the cytosol interacts with apoptotic
in many cells, and rearrangement of lipid rafts into protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1) and procaspase 9
larger platforms appears to be co-stimulatory factor in to assemble haptomeric apoptosomes and an ATP (or
death receptor-mediated apoptosis [122]. Glycosphin- deoxyadenosine triphosphate, or dATP)-dependent
golipids, such as ganglioside GD3, also integrate into cascade of caspase 9 and caspase 3 activation
DISCs to promote apoptosis [123]. Consistent with [130,131]. Caspase 3, an effector caspase, in turn acts
the importance of surface expression and sphingolip- on a variety of substrates to induce the final morpho-
ids metabolism in apoptosis, toxic hydrophobic bile logical and biochemical events of apoptosis.
acids cause a sphingomyelinase and ceramide-depen- In many cell lines, cytochrome c release from the
dent activation of the reduced form of nicotinamide space between the mitochondrial inner and outer
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase membranes appears to occur via formation of specific
generating an ROS signal activating Yes (a cellular viral pores in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Except
sarcoma proto-oncogenic tyrosine kinase (Src) family for the requirement for either Bak or Bax, the molecu-
member)-, JNK-, and epithelial growth factor receptor lar composition and properties of cytochrome c release
(EGFR)-dependent CD95 (Fas) tyrosine phosphoryla- channels remain poorly understood [129,132]. In
tion, recruitment of Fas to the cell surface, and forma- HeLa cells (a cell line derived from an atypical cervical
tion of the DISC [124]. adenocarcinoma), activated caspase 3 acts retrogradely

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Figure 1.13 Bcl2 family proteins. BH1–4 are highly conserved domains among the Bcl2 family members. Also shown are
a-helical regions. Except for A1 and BH3 only proteins, Bcl2 family members have carboxy-terminal hydrophobic domains to
aid association with intracellular membranes. With permission from [211].

to proteolytically degrade a subunit of the reduced

form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-
ubiquinone oxidoreductase (mitochondrial respira-
tory Complex I) to inhibit respiration and produce
mitochondrial depolarization [133,134]. By contrast
in hepatocytes exposed to death ligands like TNFa,
TRAIL, Fas ligand, Type II signaling leads to PT pore
opening [135–138]. Cytochrome c release then occurs
due to large amplitude mitochondrial swelling and
rupture of the outer membrane [130,131,133,135,
Because the MPT represents such a severe perturba-
tion to mitochondria, onset of the MPT virtually assures
cell death, but ensuing apoptosis or necrosis depends
on other factors. If the MPT occurs rapidly and affects
most mitochondria of a cell, as happens after severe oxi-
dative stress and ischemia/reperfusion, a precipitous
fall of ATP (and dATP) will occur that actually blocks
apoptotic signaling by inhibiting ATP-requiring caspase
9/3 activation. With ATP depletion, oncotic necrosis
ensues. However, if the MPT occurs more slowly and
asynchronously among the mitochondria of a cell, or
when alternative sources for ATP generation are present
(e.g., glycolysis), then necrosis is prevented and caspase
9/3 becomes activated and caspase-dependent apopto-
sis occurs instead (Figure 1.14) [5, 30,139–142]. Indeed, Figure 1.14 Shared pathways to apoptosis and necrosis.
because cytochrome c is an essential component of the
mitochondrial respiratory chain, cytochrome c release
by any mechanism causes respiratory dysfunction. Cross- Controversy remains concerning the specific roles of
talk between apoptosis and necrosis also occurs in other the MPT versus specific outer membrane permeabil-
ways. For example, after TNFa binding to its receptor, ization in cytochrome c release in apoptotic signaling.
recruitment of RIP1 to TNFR1 can activate NADPH An argument against the MPT in apoptotic cell
oxidase leading to superoxide generation and sustained killing is that apoptosis occurs without mitochondrial
activation of JNK, resulting in oncotic necrosis rather swelling, but careful electron microscopy shows that
than apoptosis [143]. mitochondrial swelling with outer membrane rupture

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

occurs in a broad range of apoptotic models [144]. flavoprotein oxidoreductase that promotes DNA deg-
Whatever the mechanisms are, virtually all soluble mito- radation and chromatin condensation), endonuclease
chondrial intermembrane proteins are released along G (a DNA degrading enzyme), and HtrA2/Omi (high
with cytochrome c during apoptotic signaling, including temperature requirement A2, a serine protease that
proapoptotic AIF, Smac, and endonuclease A, among degrades IAPs) [154,158–162].
others. Indeed, the outer membrane becomes perme- Disruption of mitochondrial function induces frag-
able to all solutes up to at least two million Da molecular mentation of larger filamentous mitochondria into
mass [145]. One proposal is that the cytochrome c smaller more spherical structures. Such changes
release channel is a lipid ceramide barrel structure that are also often prominent in apoptosis. Mitochondrial
grows progressively in size after proapoptotic signaling fission is mediated by dynamin-like protein type 1
[146,147]. Future investigations are needed to better (Drp1], a large cytosolic GTPase mechanoenzyme,
define the mechanisms of cytochrome c release. Multi- and fission-1 (Fis1) in the outer membrane. Drp1
ple mechanisms are likely, since redundancy of apopto- forms complexes with proapoptotic Bcl2 family mem-
tic signaling exists in virtually all other aspects of bers like Bax to promote cytochrome c release during
apoptosis. For example, although various individual cell apoptosis [163]. Mitochondrial fusion depends on
types are described as having Type I or Type II apoptotic optic atrophy-1 (Opa1) in the inner membrane, which
signaling, in reality both pathways can co-exist, one sim- is mutated in dominant optic atrophy, and mitofusin 1
ply producing faster signaling that the other [136]. and 2 (Mfn1/2), two proteins in the outer membrane
Redundancy of signaling and multiplicity of mechan- [164]. Fission events in mitochondria seem to promote
isms implies that apoptotic pathways must be individu- apoptotic signaling, since dynamin-like protein type 1
ally assessed for each cell type of interest. (Drp-1) overexpression promotes apoptosis, whereas
Mfn1/2 overexpression retards apoptosis [164].

Regulation of the Mitochondrial Pathway

to Apoptosis Antiapoptotic Survival Pathways
Mitochondrial pathways to apoptosis vary depending on Ligand binding to death receptors can also activate anti-
expression of procaspases, Apaf-1, and other proteins. apoptotic signaling to prevent activation of apoptotic
Some terminally differentiated cells, particularly neu- death programs. Binding of the adapter protein, TNFR-
rons, do not respond to cytochrome c with caspase acti- associated factor 2 (TRAF2), to death receptors activates
vation and apoptosis, which may be linked to lack of IkB kinase (IKK), which in turn phosphorylates IkB,
Apaf-1 expression [148,149]. Antiapoptotic Bcl2 pro- an endogenous inhibitor of nuclear factor kB (NFkB),
teins, like Bcl2, Bcl extra long (Bcl-xL), and myeloid cell leading to proteosomal IkB degradation [119,165]. IkB
leukemia sequence 1 (Mcl-1), block apoptosis and are degradation relieves inhibition of NFkB and allows NFkB
frequently overexpressed in cancer cells (Figure 1.13) to activate expression anti-apoptotic genes, including
[150,151]. Antiapoptotic Bcl2 family members form IAPs, Bcl-xL, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS),
heterodimers with proapoptotic family members like and other survival factors [166,167]. Nitric oxide from
Bax and Bak, to prevent the latter from oligomerizing iNOS produces cGMP-dependent suppression of the
into cytochrome c release channels. VDAC in the outer MPT, as well as S-nitrosation and inhibition of caspases
membrane is an anchoring point for Bax and other pro- [168,169]. As a consequence in many models, apoptosis
teins regulating cytochrome c release [152,153]. after death receptor ligation occurs only when NFkB
Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), including X- ignaling is blocked, as after inhibition of proteosomes
linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP), cellular or protein synthesis [119,135,166]. In liver, for example,
IAP1 (c-IAP1), cellular IAP2 (c-IAP2), and survivin, induction of hepatocellular apoptosis with TNFa req-
oppose apoptotic signaling by inhibiting caspase acti- uires co-treatment with galactosamine, which depletes
vation [154,155]. Many IAPs can recruit E2 ubiquitin- uridine triphosphate (UTP) and thus blocks messenger
conjugating enzymes and catalyse the transfer of ubi- ribonucleic acid (mRNA) synthesis and gene expression
quitin onto target proteins, leading to proteosomal [170,171].
degradation. Some IAPs inhibit apoptotic pathways The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3) kinase/proto-
upstream of mitochondria at caspase 8, whereas others oncogene product of the viral oncogene v-akt (Akt)
like XIAP inhibit caspase 9/3 activation downstream of pathway is another source of antiapoptotic signaling
mitochondrial cytochrome c release. Additional pro- [172,173]. When phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3
teins like Smac suppress the action of IAPs, providing kinase) is activated by binding of insulin, insulin-like
an “inhibitor of the inhibitor” effect promoting apo- growth factor (IGF) and various other growth factors
ptosis. Smac is a mitochondrial intermembrane pro- to their receptors, phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate
tein that is released with cytochrome c [154,156,157]. (PIP3) is formed that activates Akt/protein kinase B,
Smac inhibits XIAP and promotes apoptotic sig- a serine/threonine protein kinase. One consequence
naling after mitochondrial signaling. Thus, high is the phosphorylation and inactivation of Bad (hetero-
Smac to XIAP ratios favor caspase 3 activation after dimeric partner for Bcl-xL), a proapoptotic Bcl2 family
cytochrome c release. Other proapoptotic proteins member, but other antiapoptotic targets of PI3
released from the mitochondrial intermembrane kinase/Akt signaling also exist. In cell lines, withdrawal
space during apoptotic signaling include AIF (a of serum or specific growth factors typically induces

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

apoptosis due to suppression of the PI3 kinase/Akt protein conformation. In the absence of unfolded/
survival pathway. misfolded proteins, GRP78 inhibits specific sensors of
ER stress, but in the presence of unfolded proteins
GRP78 translocates from the sensors to the unfolded
proteins to cause sensor activation by disinhibition.
NUCLEUS The main sensors of ER stress are RNA-activated pro-
In the so-called extrinsic pathway, death receptors ini- tein kinase (PKR), PKR like ER kinase (PERK), type 1
tiate apoptosis by either a Type I (nonmitochondrial) ER transmembrane protein kinase (IRE1), and activat-
or Type II (mitochondrial) caspase activation sequ- ing transcription factor 6 (ATF6). PKR and PERK are
ence. In the intrinsic pathway, by contrast, events in protein kinases whose activation leads to phosphoryla-
the nucleus activate apoptotic signaling, such as DNA tion of eukaryotic initiation factor-2a (eIF-2a). Phos-
damage caused by ultraviolet or ionizing (gamma) phorylation of eIF-2a suppresses ER protein synthesis,
irradiation. DNA damage leads to activation of the which decreases the rate of delivery of newly synthe-
p53 nuclear transcription factor, and expression of sized unfolded protein to the ER lumen and relieves
genes for apoptosis and/or cell-cycle arrest, especially the unfolding stress [187]. Ire1 is both a protein kinase
the proapoptotic Bcl2 family members PUMA, NOXA, and a riboendonuclease that initiates splicing of a pre-
and Bax for apoptosis, and p21 for cell cycle arrest, formed mRNA encoding X-box-binding protein 1
especially the proapoptotic Bcl2 family members p53 (XBP) into an active form [188]. ATF6 is another tran-
upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), NOXA scription factor that translocates to the Golgi after
and Bax for apoptosis, and 21 kDa promoter (p21) ER stress where proteases process ATF6 to an amino-
for cell cycle arrest (Figure 1.11) [174,175]. PUMA, terminal fragment that is taken up into the nucleus
NOXA, and Bax translocate to mitochondria to induce [189]. Together Ire1 and ATF6 increase gene expres-
cytochrome c release by similar mechanisms as dis- sion of chaperones and other proteins to alleviate the
cussed previously for the extrinsic pathway [176–178]. unfolding stress.
To escape p53-dependent induction of apoptosis, A strong and persistent UPR induces Ire1- and
many tumors, especially those from the gastrointesti- ATF6-dependent expression of C/EBP homologous
nal tract, have loss of function mutations for p53. protein (CHOP) and continued activation of Ire1 to
DNA damage also activates PARP. With moderate initiate apoptotic signaling (Figure 1.11). Association
activation, PARP helps mend DNA strand breaks, but of TRAF2 with activated IRE1 leads to activation of cas-
with strong activation PARP exhausts cellular ATP pase 12 and JNK [190,191]. Caspase 12 activates cas-
and causes necrotic cell death. However, caspase 3 pro- pase 3 directly, whereas JNK and CHOP promote
teolytically degrades and inactivates PARP to prevent mitochondrial cytochrome c release as a pathway to
both DNA repair and this pathway to necrosis. Thus, caspase 3 activation. ER stress also induces Ca2þ
DNA damage can lead to either necrosis or apoptosis release, which is taken up by mitochondria to promote
depending on which occurs more quickly—PARP acti- mitochondrial signaling.
vation and ATP depletion, or caspase 3 activation and In addition to mitochondria, Bcl-2 family members
PARP degradation [179,180]. associate with ER membranes, and proapoptotic Bcl-
2 family members like Bax and Bak act to increase
the size of the ER calcium store, thus increasing the
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM proapoptotic potential of ER calcium release [192].
Chaperones require ATP to induce proper protein
The ER also gives rise to proapoptotic signals. Oxida- folding [193]. ATP depletion and ER stress may act
tive stress and other perturbations can inhibit ER cal- synergistically, since perturbations that decrease ATP
cium pumps to induce calcium release into the will augment ER stress.
cytosol. Uptake of this calcium into mitochondria from
the cytosol may then induce a Ca2þ-dependent MPT
and subsequent apoptotic or necrotic cell killing (Fig-
ure 1.11) [181,182]. ER calcium release into the cyto-
sol can also activate phospholipase A2 and the Lysosomes and the associated process of autophagy
formation of arachidonic acid, another promoter of (self-digestion) are another source of proapoptotic sig-
the MPT [183]. nals. So-called autophagic cell death is characterized
ER calcium depletion also disturbs the proper fold- by an abundance of autophagic vacuoles in dying cells
ing of newly synthesized proteins inside ER cisternae and is especially prominent in involuting tissues, such
to cause ER stress and the unfolded protein response as post-lactation mammary gland [194]. In autophagy,
(UPR) [184–186]. Blockers of glycosylation, inhibitors isolation membranes (also called phagophores) en-
of ER protein processing and secretion, various toxi- velop and then sequester portions of cytoplasm to
cants, and synthesis of mutant proteins can also cause form double membrane autophagosomes. Autophago-
ER stress. Calcium-binding chaperones, including somes fuse with lysosomes and late endosomes to form
glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP78) and glucose- autolysosomes [195,196]. The process of autophagy
regulated protein-94 (GRP94), mediate detection of acts to remove and degrade cellular constituents, an
unfolded and misfolded proteins and promote folding appropriate action for a tissue undergoing involution.
of nascent unfolded proteins into a proper mature Originally considered to be random, much evidence

Chapter 1 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death

Figure 1.15 Progression of mitophagy, apoptosis, and necrosis. Stimuli that induce the MPT produce a graded cellular
response. Low levels of stimulation induce autophagy as a repair mechanism. With more stimulation, apoptosis begins to
occur in addition due to cytochrome c release after mitochondrial swelling. Necrosis becomes evident after even stronger stim-
ulation as ATP becomes depleted. With highest stimulation, autophagy and apoptosis as ATP-requiring processes become
inhibited, and only oncotic necrosis occurs. MPT inducers include death ligands, oxidation of NAD(P)H and GSH, formation
of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNAX) which
causes synthesis of abnormal mitochondrial membrane proteins.

suggests that autophagy can be selective for specific general, apoptosis is a better outcome for the organism
organelles, especially if they are damaged [197,198]. since apoptosis promotes orderly resorption of dying
For example, stresses inducing the MPT seem to signal cells, whereas necrotic cell death releases cellular consti-
autophagy of mitochondria [199]. tuents into the extracellular space to induce an inflam-
Whether or not autophagy promotes or prevents matory release that can extend tissue injury. Because
cell death is controversial [200–203]. In some circum- of shared pathways, an admixture of necrosis and apo-
stances, autophagy promotes cell death because sup- ptosis occurs in many pathophysiological settings.
pression of expression of certain autophagy genes For stimuli inducing the MPT, a graded response
decreases apoptosis, and some have suggested that seems to occur (Figure 1.15) [6]. When limited to a
autophagic cell death as its own category of pro- few mitochondria, the MPT stimulates mitochondrial
grammed cell killing. Under other conditions, autop- autophagy (mitophagy) and elimination of the dam-
hagy protects against cell death, since disruption of aged organelles—a repair mechanism. With greater
autophagic processing and/or lysosomal function pro- stimulation, more mitochondria undergo the MPT,
motes caspase-dependent cell death [201,202,204]. and apoptosis begins to occur due to cytochrome c
When autophagic processing and lysosomal degrada- release from swollen mitochondria leading to caspase
tion are disrupted, cathepsins and other hydrolases activation. Cathepsin leakage from an overstimulated
can be released from lysosomes and autophagosomes autophagic apparatus likely also promotes apoptotic
to initiate mitochondrial permeabilization and caspase signaling. Indeed, autophagy is often a prominent fea-
activation. Cathepsin B is released from lysosomes (or ture in cells undergoing programmed cell death. As
related structures such as late endosomes) during the majority of mitochondria undergo the MPT, oxida-
TNFa signaling to augment death receptor-mediated tive phosphorylation fails and ATP plummets, which
apoptosis and contribute to mitochondrial release of precipitates necrotic cell death while simultaneously
cytochrome c [205,206]. In addition, lysosomal ex- suppressing ATP-requiring apoptotic signaling.
tracts cleave Bid to tBid, and cathepsin D, another lyso-
somal protease, activates Bax [207,208].
Apoptosis and necrosis are prominent events in patho-
Necrapoptosis/Aponecrosis genesis. An understanding of cell death mechanisms
In many and possibly most instances of apoptosis, mito- forms the basis for effective interventions to either pre-
chondrial permeabilization with release of cytochrome c vent cell death as a cause of disease or promote cell
and other proapoptotic factors is a final common path- death in cancer chemotherapy.
way leading to a final and committed phase. At higher
levels of stimulation, the same factors that induce ap-
optosis frequently also cause ATP depletion and a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
necrotic mode of cell death. Such necrotic cell killing
is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. Such This work was supported, in part, by Grants DK37034,
shared pathways leading to different modes of cell death DK73336, DK70844, DK070195, and AA016011 from
constitute necrapoptosis (or aponecrosis) [5–7]. In the National Institutes of Health.

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

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