Chapter 2 - Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disea - 2009 - Molecular Path

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C h a p t e r

Acute and Chronic
Inflammation Induces
Disease Pathogenesis
Vladislav Dolgachev n Nicholas W. Lukacs


The recognition of pathogenic insults can be accom- AND ACTIVATION
plished by a number of mechanisms that function to Endothelial Cell Expression of Adhesion
initiate inflammatory responses and mediate clearance
of invading pathogens. This initial response when
functioning optimally will lead to a minimal leukocyte The initial phase of the inflammatory response is char-
accumulation and activation for the clearance of the acterized by a rapid leukocyte migration into the
inciting agent and have little effect on homeostatic affected tissue. Upon activation of the endothelium
function. However, often the inciting agent elicits a by inflammatory mediators, upregulation of a series
very strong inflammatory response, either due to host of adhesion molecules is initiated that leads to the
recognition systems or due to the agent’s ability to reversible binding of leukocytes to the activated endo-
damage host tissue. Thus, the host innate immune sys- thelium. The initial adhesion is mediated by E and
tem mediates the damage and tissue destruction in an P selectins that facilitate slowing of leukocytes from
attempt to clear the inciting agent from the system. No circulatory flow by mediating rolling of the leukocytes
matter, these initial acute responses can have long- on the activated endothelium [1–4]. The selectin-
term and even irreversible effects on tissue function. mediated interaction with the activated endothelium
If the initial responses are not sufficient to facilitate potentiates the likelihood of the leukocyte to be fur-
the clearance of the foreign pathogen or material, ther activated by endothelial-expressed chemokines,
the response shifts toward a more complex and effi- which mediate G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)
cient process mediated by lymphocyte populations that induced activation [5–7]. If the rolling leukocytes
respond to specific residues displayed by the foreign encounter a chemokine signal and an additional set
material. Normally, these responses are coordinated of adhesion molecules is also expressed, such as intra-
and only minimally alter physiologic function of the cellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular
tissue. However, in unregulated responses the initial cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), the leukocytes
reaction can become acutely catastrophic, leading to firmly adhere to the activated endothelium. The
local or even systemic damage to the tissue or organs, mechanism of chemokine-induced adhesion of the
resulting in degradation of normal physiologic func- leukocyte is dependent on actin reorganization and a
tion. Alternatively, the failure to regulate the response confirmational change of the b-integrins on the sur-
or clear the inciting agent could lead to chronic and face of the leukocytes [8–12]. Subsequently, the firm
progressively more pathogenic responses. Each of adhesion allows leukocytes to spread along the endo-
these potentially devastating responses has specific thelium and to begin the process of extravasating into
and often overlapping mechanisms that have been the inflamed tissue following chemoattractant gradi-
identified and lead to the damage within tissue spaces. ents that guide the leukocyte to the site of inflamma-
A series of events take place during both acute and tion. Each of these events has been thoroughly
chronic inflammation that lead to the accumulation examined over the past several years and has resulted
of leukocytes and damage to the local environment. in a better-defined process of coordinated events that

Molecular Pathology # 2009, Elsevier, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 25

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

lead the leukocyte from the vessel lumen into the kinases (PTKs). Together, these coordinated events
inflamed tissue. facilitate preparation of leukocytes for extravasation
The initial binding of the leukocytes to E and P through the endothelium into the inflamed tissue.
selectins is mediated by interaction with glycosylated Transendothelial cell migration of leukocytes requires
ligands expressed on the leukocytes, most commonly that numerous potential obstacles be managed. After
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL1) [13–15]. firmly adhering to the activated endothelium, leukocytes
The ability to capture leukocytes onto the inflamed appear to spread and crawl along the border until they
vessel wall is both dependent on the ability of selectin reach an endothelial cell junction that has been appro-
interactions to rapidly bind to its ligands and on the priately “opened” by the inflamed environment. While
flow rate of the leukocytes in post-capillary vessels it has not been completely established, it appears that
where the lower shear rate allows the productive inter- endothelial cell junctions that support transmigration
actions to occur. Once the leukocyte is tethered by the of leukocytes express higher levels of adhesion molecules
selectin molecules on the vessel wall, a series of bind- that allow a haptotatic gradient for the crawling cells to
ing and release events allow the leukocyte to roll along traverse through. This paracellular route of migration is
the activated endothelial cell surface. While the activa- a favored and well-supported mechanism that is opti-
tion and signaling processes that mediate leukocyte mized by tissue expressed chemoattractants for mediat-
release from the selectin interaction continue to be ing the crawling into the junctional region without
the focus of investigation, current information sug- harming the endothelial cell border. A number of mole-
gests that these processes may be dependent on key cules have been implicated in this route of migration, but
signaling molecules that are initiated upon selectin PECAM1 has been the most thoroughly studied and
binding to its ligands. The expression of phosphoino- appears to be functionally required for the process
sitide 3-kinase-g (PI3Kg) in activated endothelium with targeted expression at the endothelial cell junc-
appears to be critical for securing the tethered leuko- tion region [30,31]. Another protein, junction adhesion
cyte to the vessel wall, whereas spleen tyrosine kinase molecule-A (JAM-A), has also been shown to be asso-
(SYK) signals downstream of PSGL1 in the bound ciated with migration of cells through the tight junctions
leukocyte and regulates the rolling process [16–20]. of endothelial layer of vessels and is found on the surface
In addition to selectin-mediated leukocyte rolling, of several leukocyte populations including PMNs
there may be a number of instances in which specific [32,33]. It appears that PECAM1 and JAM-A are utilized
integrins can also participate in leukocyte rolling. The in a sequential manner to allow movement through the
CNS, intestinal track, and lung are three examples endothelial barrier [34,35].
where this has been specifically observed. Early studies An alternative and recently described mode of trans-
utilizing selectin-deficient animals demonstrated that endothelial migration is via a transcellular route. This
leukocytes continue to marginate and migrate into the was initially described using in vitro analyses, but has
lung during bacterial infections despite the absence of also been identified in the CNS and during inflamma-
selectin function. Using in vitro flow analysis, cells tory responses in other tissues. These migratory path-
expressing a4b7 integrins can roll on immobilized ways through the endothelial cell membrane and
mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 cytoplasmic region are associated with vesiculo-vacuolar
(MADCAM1) that is highly expressed in the intestinal organelles (VVOs), which have been described as mem-
track [21–23]. Likewise, very late antigen 4 (VLA4) brane-associated passageways that can allow rapid leuko-
supports monocyte and lymphocyte rolling in vitro and cyte transendothelial migration into inflamed tissue
lymphocyte rolling in the CNS [24–28]. While it is not compartments [36,37]. It has been suggested that these
clear under what circumstances the integrin-mediated mechanisms may occur under conditions of dense
rolling occurs, it is likely functional under low shear adhesion molecule expression that appears to trigger
flow conditions when an initial tethering event is not the formation of the intracellular passageways in associ-
as crucial. It is most likely that the cooperation of selec- ation with caveolin-1 [38]. While this mechanism of leu-
tin-mediated and integrin-mediated rolling and adhe- kocyte extravasation may represent a less frequent
sion is required for leukocyte rolling. method of migration across inflamed endothelium,
The transition from leukocyte rolling to firm adhe- under certain conditions, such as in high shear where
sion depends on several distinct events to occur in paracellular migration could be more difficult, it may
the rolling leukocyte. First, the integrin needs to be represent an important form of migration.
modified through a G protein-mediated signaling The final obstacle for the leukocyte to traverse
event enabling a conformational change that exposes prior to entering into the tissue from the vessel is the
the binding site for the specific adhesion molecule. basement membrane. The model that has been pro-
Second, the density of adhesion molecule expression posed over the years suggests that metalloproteinases
needs to be high enough to allow the leukocyte to (MMPs) are activated to degrade the basement mem-
spread along the activated endothelium and appropri- brane extracellular matrix (ECM), enabling leukocytes
ate integrin clustering on the leukocyte surface. to penetrate toward the site of inflammation [39–41].
Finally, it appears that a phenomenon known as out- While evidence in vitro suggests that matrix degrada-
side-in signaling (recently reviewed [29]) is also nec- tion is necessary and that MMPs are required, it has
essary for strengthening the adhesive interactions not been clearly identified how the basement mem-
through several important signaling events that brane is traversed by leukocytes without substantial
include FGR and HCK, two SRC-like protein tyrosine damage to the integrity of the vessel wall.

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

Chemoattractants acute and chronic immune responses [53]. Given the

number of individual molecules contained in the che-
Over the past several years researchers have identified mokine family, there is confusion of function. The
multiple families of chemoattractants that can partici- promiscuous binding relationship between multiple
pate in the extravasation of leukocytes. Perhaps the members with a single receptor, as well as a specific
most readily accessible mediator class during inflam- receptor able to bind multiple chemokines contributes
mation is the complement system. These proteins are considerably to our relative lack of understanding of
found in circulation or can be generated de novo upon the biology of the family. The determination of what
cellular stimulation. Upon activation, bacterial pro- leukocyte populations are recruited to a particular tis-
ducts or immune complexes (as previously reviewed sue during a response is dictated by the chemokine
[42,43]) through the alternative or classical pathways ligands that are induced and the specific receptors
mediate cleavage of C3 and/or C5 into C3a and C5a that are displayed on subsets of leukocytes. This latter
that can provide an immediate and effective chemoat- aspect can be best observed during acute inflammatory
tractant to induce neutrophil and monocyte activation. responses, such as in bacterial infections, when the cel-
The role of C3a as an anaphylactic agent illustrates the lular infiltrate is primarily neutrophils and it is the pro-
importance of this early activation event on mast cell duction of CxCR binding chemokines that mediate the
biology. In addition, C5a stimulates neutrophil oxida- process [54]. Likewise, when more insidious patho-
tive metabolism, granule discharge, and adhesiveness gens are present and the acute inflammatory mechan-
to vascular endothelium. Interestingly, C5a activates isms are not able to control the infectious process,
endothelial cells via C5aR to induce expression of immune cytokines, such as IFN and IL-4, tend to drive
P-selectin that can further increase local inflammatory the production of chemokines that facilitate the
events. C3a lacks these latter activities. Altogether, recruitment of mononuclear cells, macrophages, and
these functions of C3a and C5a indicate that they lymphocytes to the site of infection [54,55]. This
are potent inflammatory mediators. While these che- allows a more sophisticated immune response to
moattractant molecules have previously been well develop for clearance of the pathogen. Thus, although
described, recent literature has provided additional there are numerous chemokines being produced dur-
evidence that has rekindled excitement toward target- ing any single response, the overall profile of the
ing these factors for therapeutic intervention [44,45]. response may be directed for recruitment of cells
These diseases include sepsis, acute respiratory distress that are most appropriate to deal with the particular
syndrome (ARDS), asthma, arthritis, as well as several stimuli. In addition to their ability to bind to cellular
other acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. receptors, chemokines are also able to bind to glyco-
A second mediator system that is involved in early saminoglycans (GAGs) [55]. Unlike with complement
and immediate leukocyte migration is the leuko- and lipid chemoattractants, this allows chemokines to
trienes, a class of lipid mediators that are preformed accumulate within tissue and on endothelium for long
in mast cells or are quickly generated through the effi- periods without being washed away or otherwise
cient arachadonic acid pathway induced by 5-LO cleared through various biologic processes. This pro-
[46,47]. In particular, leukotriene B4 (LTB4) has espe- vides several advantages with respect to the maint-
cially been implicated in the early induction of neutro- enance of chemoattractant gradients in inflamed
phil migration, but also can generate long-term tissue over long periods of time, with the most intense
problems during inflammation. LTB4 can be rapidly signals maintained at the site of inflammation. Chemo-
synthesized by phagocytic cells (PMNs and macro- kines are important at the endothelial border where
phages) following stimulation with bacterial LPS or they mediate firm adhesion of leukocytes undergoing
other pathogen products. Furthermore, the LTB4 selectin-associated rolling to activate their b-integrins
receptor has been implicated in recruitment of T lym- to the activated endothelial cells and subsequently
phocytes that mediate chronic inflammatory diseases, direct migration of these cells to the site of inflamma-
including rodent models of asthma and arthritis, as tion. Finally, at higher concentrations (such as those
well as in transplantation rejection models. In particu- found at the site of inflammation), chemokines induce
lar, the LTB4 receptor BLT1 has been implicated in leukocyte activation for effector function (for instance,
preferential recruitment of Th2 type T-lymphocytes degranulation). Thus, the progressive movement of
during allergic responses [48–50]. Thus, besides their leukocytes from the endothelial cell border in acti-
potent function as a neutrophil chemoattractant in vated vessels through their arrival at the site of inflam-
acute inflammatory events, LTB4 and BLT1 also play mation relies on the coordinated expression and
important roles in chronic immune reactions. As such, interaction of chemokines and adhesion molecules.
they are now being considered targets for therapy in The activation of leukocytes by chemoattractants is
chronic immune responses. In addition to LTB4, the mediated by a common signaling cascade via Gi-pro-
cysteinyl leukotrienes, LTC4, D4, and E4, also appear tein coupled receptor pathways [56]. These pathways
to have some chemotactic activity [51,52], suggesting can be monitored by calcium mobilization and cellular
that targeting the conversion of arachodonic acid into migration mediated by the Gi alpha and Gi beta/
the leukotriene pathway may be generally beneficial. gamma subunits, respectively. Signaling through these
Chemokines represent a large and well-character- subunits results in the activation of important down-
ized family of chemoattractants composed of over 50 stream pathways including PI3K, MAPK, and FAK.
polypeptide molecules that are expressed in numerous The PI3K pathway has been the most thoroughly

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

studied after a chemotactic signal and depends on the in an unregulated manner, the host/patient can
P110 subunits a, b, g [57]. The importance of PI3K was quickly become subjected to a systemic inflammatory
best demonstrated in studies using cells deficient in response even though the initial insult may be quite
PI3K P110g, as well as in localization studies that iden- localized. This is a result of mediator production
tified activated P110g at the leading edge of migrating (especially TNF and IL-1) that is systemically deliv-
cells [58–60]. Once activated, PI3K appears to couple ered to multiple organs, creating an overproduction
with the p85 adaptor protein that mediates activation of leukocyte chemoattractants in distal organs and
of other pathways, including rac, rho, and Cdc42 inducing inflammatory cell influx. These types of
GTPases leading to actin polymerization. These PI3K- responses can quickly damage target organs including
induced responses can be actively regulated by PTEN liver, lung, and kidney. In this form of septic response,
(phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on chro- the overwhelming PMN recruitment and activation to
mosome ten protein) and involved in directional sens- multiple organs can lead to tissue damage and organ
ing [61,62]. Interestingly, while PI3K appears to be dysfunction.
localized to the leading edge during migration, PTEN The ensuing cytokine storm that develops in the
is found in the trailing edge and is excluded from the affected tissues results from a cascade of cytokine
leading edge via mechanisms related to GTPase-asso- and chemokine production, leading to uncontrolled
ciated amplification of PIP3 activation [63–67]. Thus, leukocyte infiltration and activation that damages the
the activation of this system clearly regulates direc- tissue leading to organ dysfunction. While these events
tional leukocyte movement by differential cellular can affect any tissue of the organism, the liver and
localization of key signaling molecules that regulate lung appear to be primary targets due to their rela-
actin and other structural proteins. tively high numbers of resident macrophage popula-
tions that can quickly respond to the inflammatory
cytokine signals. In the lung, the development of
ACUTE INFLAMMATION AND DISEASE acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is often
observed in patients experiencing a septic insult.
PATHOGENESIS Although early research focused on TNF and IL-1 as
The initiation of a rapid innate immune response to lead targets to combat these responses, clinical trials
invading pathogens is essential to inhibit the coloniza- using specific inhibitors, along with more clinically
tion of microorganisms or to sequester toxic and nox- relevant animal models, have not shown any benefit
ious substances. Once an infection is established, to blocking these central inflammatory mediators in
pathogenic bacteria have the capability to multiply acute diseases, such as sepsis. These failures are likely
and expand at a rate that can surpass the ability of due to the fact that the early response cytokines are
the host to clear and destroy the bacteria. A number produced and cleared prior to the induction of the
of mechanisms have developed to inhibit the establish- most severe aspects of disease. Thus, by the time these
ment of pathogenic bacteria in tissues. The primary mediators were targeted in the sick patient, their
mechanism is activation of edema and local fluid detrimental inflammatory function has already been
release to flood the affected tissue, along with early performed. More recent targets include complement
activation of the complement system in response to receptors (C3aR and C5aR), as well as numerous che-
bacterial components, resulting in cleavage of C3 mokines and their receptors to attempt to block the
and C5. These early inflammatory mediators provide recruitment and activation of the cell populations
a relatively effective and rapid initiation of PMN and during the responses. However, it is not yet clear
mononuclear phagocyte infiltration to sites of infec- whether merely blocking a signal mediator or receptor
tion. The recruited phagocytic cells engulf invading system will be sufficient or consistent enough to sig-
pathogenic bacteria and quickly activate to begin pro- nificantly alter the outcome of severely unregulated
ducing LTB4 as well as early response cytokines, such septic responses.
as IL-1 and TNF, that enhance phagocytosis and kill- In the case of viral infections, the system must deal
ing. The early response cytokines subsequently activate with clearance in a different manner since the ability
resident cell populations to produce other important to recognize and phagocytize virus particles is not rea-
mediators of inflammation, such as IL-6 and IL-8 sonable due to their size. Instead, the system is geared
(CxCL8), and promote cytokine cascades that lead to to recognize the organisms once a target cell has been
continued leukocyte migration and activation. These infected with the virus. One of the most effective early
early events are critical for regulation of the intensity means of blocking the spread is through the immedi-
of the inflammatory response as well as effective con- ate production of type I interferon (IFN). This class
tainment of the pathogens and foreign substances. of mediators facilitates the blockade of spread by both
This multipronged approach to the activation of the altering the metabolism of infected cells and by pro-
inflammatory response and inhibition of the pathogen moting the production of additional antiviral factors
expansion is normally tightly regulated. However, in in uninfected cells to reduce the chance of successful
situations in which the inflammatory stimuli are viral assembly and further spread. While the antiviral
intense, such as in a bolus dose of bacteria, severe effects of type I IFNs was initially identified many years
trauma, or in burn victims, the acute inflammatory ago, researchers continue to attempt to fully under-
response can become dangerously unregulated. In stand the mechanisms that are initiated by this class
these types of situations when mediators are produced of mediators.

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

PATTERN RECOGNITION RECEPTORS of now well-defined activation pathways including

NFkB, IRF3, IRF7, as well as a link to MAPK pathways
AND INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES [70,71]. These activation pathways provide strong sti-
Toll-Like Receptors muli that alert the host with “danger signals” that allow
effective immune cell activation.
The initiation of acute inflammation and the progres- One of the first molecules in this family that was
sion of chronic disease are often fueled by infectious identified was toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), which primar-
agents that provide strong stimuli to the host. These ily recognizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS; also known as
responses evolved to be beneficial for the rapid recog- endotoxin), a component of the cell wall of gram-nega-
nition of pathogenic motifs that are not normally pres- tive bacteria. The TLR4 activation pathway is unique
ent in the host during homeostatic circumstances. among TLRs as it signals via multiple adaptor proteins,
These pathogen recognition systems form the basis including MyD88, TRIF, and MD-2, making it the most
for our innate immune system, which is rapidly acti- dynamic TLR within the family [72]. It is the TLR4
vated to destroy pathogens prior to their colonization. pathway that is likely the most prominent during
However, at the same time the overactivation of this sepsis for the strong systemic activation during acute
system can contribute to significant pathology in the inflammatory responses. In addition to recognizing
host. While there are now a number of diverse families LPS, RSV F protein [73] and other complex carbohy-
of pattern recognition systems, the best-characterized drate and lipid molecules from pathogens, TLR4 has
family is the toll-like receptors (TLR) [68,69]. The also been demonstrated to recognize free fatty acids
Toll system was first discovered in Drosophila as a cru- from host adipose tissue and may contribute to the
cial part of the antifungal defense for the organism. inflammatory syndrome observed during obesity and
The TLR family in mammalian species consists of in type 2 diabetes [74]. This latter activation cascade
transmembrane receptors that reside either on the cell may contribute to an unknown number of diseases
surface or within the endosome and that characteristi- where obesity and insulin resistance predispose indivi-
cally consist of leucine rich repeats (LRR) for motif duals to more severe disease progression. This aspect
recognition and an intracytoplasmic region for signal will surely become a focus in future investigations
transduction (Figure 2.1). While TLRs are most nota- related to disease severity and obesity.
bly identified on immune/inflammatory cell popula- Other TLR family members recognize distinct and
tions, they can also be expressed on nonimmune now better-defined factors that allow the immediate
structural cells and provide an activation signal for activation of the innate immune system and subsequent
the initiation of inflammatory mediator production. signaling of the adaptive immune responses. TLR2
Cellular activation signals are transmitted by TLRs via appears to have the most diverse range of molecules
cytoplasmic adapter molecules that initiate a cascade that are recognized directly including peptidoglycan,
mycoplasm lipopeptide, a number of fungal antigens,
as well as a growing number of carbohydrate residues
on parasitic, fungal, and bacterial moities. In addition,
TLR2 can heterodimerize with TLR1 and TLR6 to fur-
TLR4 ther expand its recognition capabilities. TLR5 specifi-
cally recognizes flagellin and is therefore important

for recognizing both gram-negative and gram-positive

bacteria. While the previously described TLRs are

TRAM expressed on the cell membrane, a number of TLRs
TIRAP are predominantly expressed in endosomic membrane
compartments of innate immune cells, including
LRR TLR3, TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 [9]. These pathogen
IRAK1 RIP-1 recognition receptors (PRR) are involved in recogni-
TRAF6 TBK1 tion of nucleic acid motifs including dsRNA (TLR3),
IRAK4 TRAF6 ssRNA (TLR7 and TLR8), and unmethylated CpG
TAK1 IRAK1 DNA (TLR9). Together, these TLRs function in the
IKK TAK1 recognition of viral and bacterial pathogens that enter
the cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis or that are
IFN-ind. Type I NFκB actively phagocytized. All of these TLRs exclusively utilize
genes IFNα/β the MyD88 adaptor pathway for activation, except TLR3,
genes which uses TRIF. Thus, these pathways are important
cytokines Inflammatory for the initiation of innate cytokines, including TNF,
cytokines IL-12, and type I IFN [75,76], as outlined in Figure 2.1.
However, the activation of antigen-presenting cells via
the TLR pathways is also extremely important for inte-
grating acute inflammatory events mediated by the
Figure 2.1 TLR activation leads to induction of diverse innate immune system with acquired immunity and
inflammatory, chemotactic, and activating cytokine therefore also implicates TLR activation with chronic
production. inflammation.

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

Cytoplasmic Sensors of Pathogens the inflammasome is caspase 1, which is bound by the

CARD of the NLRs. A simplified model of the NLR acti-
While the TLR proteins have been the best character- vation pathway suggests that binding to caspase 1 leads
ized, it is now evident that they are not the only mole- to processing of pro-IL-1b and pro-IL-18 to their active
cules that are important for recognition of pathogenic and released forms. Interestingly, these same activation
insults. One of the early observations that surround pathways can lead to programmed cell death, possibly
the TLR recognition system was the fact that they are depending on the activation state of the responding
expressed either on the surface membrane or on the cell and/or the intensity of the NLR signal. In addition
endoplasmic membranes. However, if pathogens infect to the inflammasome-mediated activation of proinflam-
directly into the cytoplasm or escape endosomal degra- matory cytokine release, NOD proteins have also been
dation pathways, the host cell must have the ability to shown to induce NFkB and MAPK activation through
recognize and deal with the cytoplasmic insult. Cells a RICK/RIP2 signaling pathway [82]. This opens up
have developed a number of additional recognition sys- a number of additional gene activation events via this
tems to specifically identify pathogen products in the bacterial-induced pathway.
cytoplasm. Similar to the TLR system, Nod-like recep- Beyond the activation of cytosolic sensors by bacte-
tors (NLR; also known as catapiller proteins) are able rial products, host organisms are also armed with a
to recognize specific pathogen patterns that are distinct system that recognizes viral products that either
from host sequences [77–80]. Nod1 and Nod2 sense escape endosomic recognition or directly infect in a
bacterial molecules produced by the synthesis and/or cytosolic manner. Several years ago it was recognized
degradation of peptidoglycans (PGN) (Figure 2.2). that PKR proteins had the ability to recognize dsRNA,
Specifically, Nod1 recognizes PGNs that contain meso- an intermediate step in nearly every viral infection.
diaminopimelic acid produced by gram-negative bacte- Interestingly, one of the apparent functions of PKR
ria and some gram-positive bacteria, while Nod2 recog- is that it phosphorylates the alpha-subunit of eukary-
nizes muramyl dipeptide that is found in nearly all otic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2), which
PGNs. Other members of this family include NALPs causes inhibition of cellular and viral protein synthe-
(NACHT-, LRR-, and pyrin-domain-containing pro- sis [83–85]. This latter function works in concert with
teins), IPAF (ICE-protease activating factor), and NAIPs type I IFN that is also a product of PKR activation for
(neuronal apoptosis inhibitor proteins) [79,81]. An creating an antiviral environment [86]. PKR has a
interesting aspect of NLRs is that they contain a con- long history of investigation related to antiviral effects
served caspase associated receptor domain (CARD) of infected cells and appears to provide an important
that was initially related to proteins involved in pro- aspect to the response against a productive virus
grammed cell death or apoptosis. These proteins specif- infection.
ically activate cells through a complex of proteins More recent investigations have identified two heli-
known as the inflammasome. The central protein of case proteins that have the ability to recognize dsRNA,
RIG-I (retinoic acid-inducible gene) and MDA5 (mela-
noma differentiation-associated gene) [87,88]. The
activation of the protein products of either of these
genes in the cytoplasm leads to an immediate activa-
tion of type I IFNs (Figure 2.3). The signaling pathway
that RIG-I utilizes was initially surprising since it
PGN NALP ASC also utilizes its CARD to interact with a mitochondria-
Procaspase 1
associated protein, MAVS [89]. This interaction leads
to a scaffold involving TRAF-3, TBK-1, and IRF-3 activa-
RICK Inflammasone tion [90]. While this pathway continues to be defined,
Procaspase 1 it appears to be very important in several forms of viral
IKK Complex infection. Interestingly, various viruses may differen-
Pro-IL-1β Active-IL-1β tially activate the two helicases, and this differential
NFκB activation may define the type and intensity of the
Cytoplasm ensuing immune responses. Overall, the number of
proteins that have the ability to recognize dsRNA not
Inflammatory only demonstrates redundancy in the system but also
cytokines indicates the importance of being able to detect this
specific PAMP that is a clear sign of a productive viral

Pattern Recognition and Pathologic

Figure 2.2 Cytoplasmic pathogen receptors allow One of the potential pathogenic side effects of activa-
activation of cytokines responsible for the upregulation tion of cells by TLRs, NLRs, and other pathogen-sensing
of inflammatory processes. receptor systems is the initiation of a wide range of

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

HELICASE PATHWAYS Several anti-inflammatory mediators have been investi-

gated, including IL-10, TGFb, IL-1 receptor antagonist
(IL-1ra), as well as IL-4 and IL-13 [91–93]. Perhaps the
dsRNA dsRNA most attractive anti-inflammatory cytokine with broad-
RIGI MAVS MDA5 spectrum activity is IL-10. IL-10 is predominantly
produced by macrophage populations, Th2-type lym-
FADD phocytes, and B-cells, but can be produced by airway
TBK1 mitochondria epithelial cells and by several types of tumor cell popu-
RIP1 lations. The function of IL-10 appears to be important
IRF3 IRF7 during normal physiologic events, as IL-10 gene knock-
NFκB out mice develop lethal inflammatory bowl dysfunc-
tion [94]. The importance of this cytokine has been
IFNβ IFNα Inflammatory demonstrated in models of endotoxemia and sepsis
cytokines that neutralized IL-10 during the acute phase and led
to increased lethality. In addition, administration of
IL-10 to mice protects them from a lethal endotoxin
challenge [95,96]. These latter observations can be
attributed to the ability of IL-10 to downregulate mul-
tiple inflammatory cytokines, including TNF, IL-1,
IL-6, IFN-g, expression of adhesion molecules, and
production of nitric oxide. The downregulation of
Figure 2.3 Helicase proteins induce early response
the inflammatory cytokine mediators by IL-10 therapy
and activating cytokines by recognition of dsRNA.
suggest an extremely potent anti-inflammatory agent
that might be used for intervention of inflammation-
inflammatory molecules that, if not properly control- induced injury. The ability of IL-10 to act as a potent
led, could lead to detrimental pathogenic responses. anti-inflammatory cytokine has been shown in other
The focus for researchers and clinicians has been disease states, such as in transplantation responses.
centered on the role that pattern recognition receptors However, in severe acute inflammatory diseases, such
play in the initiation of immune responses. However, as sepsis, IL-10 also appears to have a role in promot-
these mechanisms can also swing the opposite way by ing secondary or opportunistic infections due to its
promoting inflammation that causes tissue pathology. inhibitory activity [97,98]. IL-10 may also have a
Two important activation systems that are strongly role in promoting end-stage disease if not properly
upregulated by PRRs are the type I IFN (IRF-mediated) regulated. Thus, its role as a therapeutic has been
and early response cytokine (NFkB-mediated) cascades. questioned.
Both of these systems have a strong impact on the int- Other cytokines also function to suppress the inflam-
ensity and direction of the inflammatory responses matory response. Transforming growth factor beta
through their ability to drive chemokine production. (TGFb) has antiproliferative effects in macrophages
In addition to the cytokine cascades that lead to and lymphocytes, downregulates cytokine production,
increased levels of these chemotactic molecules, the and inhibits endotoxin-induced inflammation [99]. In
PRR systems directly regulate the chemokine expres- TGFb gene knockout mice, a progressive inflammatory
sion, as many of the chemokine genes have either or response was observed early in neonatal development
both NFkB and/or IRF transcription factor binding (day 14 after birth) throughout the body including
sites in their promoter regions. Thus, a local inflam- heart, lung, salivary glands, and in virtually every organ
matory response can quickly become amplified and at later time points. Thus, TGFb, like IL-10, plays a crit-
spread the inflammatory damage to neighboring, unin- ical role in homeostatic regulation of inflammatory
volved areas. This response is greatly enhanced and responses within the body. However, the use of this
perpetuated in more persistent pathogenic insults or cytokine as a therapeutic must be viewed very cau-
with nonpathogenic stimuli that cannot be cleared, tiously as TGFb may promote fibrogenic outcomes
such is the case with silica. and can skew the T-cell response toward a Treg or
Th17 phenotype. In addition, the overexpression of
TGFb has demonstrated enhanced inflammatory
Regulation of Acute Inflammatory Responses responses during endotoxemia [100,101]. Therefore,
the therapeutic potential for this cytokine is very lim-
The most successful therapy to date for controlling ited, if not nonexistent. Another cytokine which has
inflammation has been the use of steroidal com- demonstrated anti-inflammatory functions is IL-4.
pounds that nonspecifically inhibit the production of IL-4 is a member of the Th2-type cytokine family and
many inflammatory cytokines. The continued depen- has the ability to downregulate the production of
dence on this strategy, although often effective, inflammatory cytokines from macrophages. However,
demonstrates our lack of complete understanding of like TGFb, IL-4 has a number of alternate functions
the mechanisms that control inflammatory responses. that should be viewed carefully, including upregula-
A number of well-described regulators may be suited tion of VCAM-1, IgE antibody isotype switching, Th2
for management of acute inflammatory responses. cell skewing, and fibroblast activation. IL-4 has been

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

shown to play an important role in the progression of chronic inflammation may be driven by nonantigenic
pulmonary granulomatous responses, in allergic airway stimuli that are persistent and cannot be effectively
eosinophilia, and in proliferation and collagen-gene cleared, such as in the case of silicosis. In addition to
expression in pulmonary fibroblast populations the persistence of the inflammatory response during
[102,103]. The use of either TGFb or IL-4 as a thera- chronic inflammatory disorders, there is also a shift
peutic anti-inflammatory agent will likely not be in the cellular composition of the leukocyte popula-
considered. tions that accumulate. While neutrophils and macro-
phages may continue to be the end-stage effector
cells that mediate the damage, a significant compo-
nent of the inflammatory responses now comprises
CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND lymphocyte infiltration. The presence of activated
ACQUIRED IMMUNE RESPONSES T- and B-lymphocytes likely indicates the presence of
a persistent antigen that induces cell-mediated and
Perhaps one of the most difficult and important humoral immune responses. It is critical to regulate
aspects of disease pathogenesis to regulate is when T-lymphocytes since they are central to the activation
and how to turn off an immune/inflammatory and regulation of the acquired immune response,
response. Clearly, pathogen clearance is a primary as well as the intensity of PMN and macrophage
focus for our immune system, and leukocyte accumu- activation.
lation and activation are a critical event that must be
coordinated with the continued presence of patho-
gens. PRR activation is a critical recognition system T-Lymphocyte Regulation of Chronic
that not only activates important cytokine and chemo-
kine pathways for increasing leukocyte function, but
also initiates critical antigen presentation cell (APC) The nature, duration, and intensity of episodes of
functions to optimize lymphocyte activation for patho- chronic inflammatory events are largely determined by
gen clearance. However, uncontrolled or inefficient the presence and persistence of antigen that is recog-
immune responses can lead to continual inflammatory nized and cleared by acquired immune responses.
cell recruitment and tissue damage that, if persistent Thus, the regulation of T-cells is central to the out-
and unregulated, can result in organ dysfunction. come of the inflammatory/immune responses and is
There are numerous pathogen- and non-pathogen- mediated through a combination of cytokine environ-
related diseases that have been classically regarded as ment and transcription factor regulation (Figure 2.4).
being caused by chronic inflammation, including When a pathogenic insult is encountered, the most
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), chronic obstructive pulmo- effective immune response is a cell-mediated Th1-type
nary disease (COPD), asthma, mycobacterial diseases, response, which is induced by IL-12 with Stat4 activation
multiple sclerosis (MS), and viral hepatitis, among and characterized by IFN production along with T-bet
others. However, more recently additional diseases transcription factor expression [104]. However, long
that have not been traditionally grouped with those term this immune response can be devastating to the
associated with chronic inflammation have now been host, as unregulated it can rapidly destroy local tissue
recognized to have defects in regulation of inflam- and organ function. Thus, the immune response must
mation. These disease states include atherosclerosis, be modulated and begin to shift to a less harmful
numerous obesity-related diseases, as well as various response for the tissue, which in T-cells is regulated by
cancers. Persistent inflammatory mediators can be IL-4 production and STAT6 activation leading to
induced by an antigenic or pathogenic stimulus, such GATA3 transcription factor expression. While this shift
as in the case of allergic, bacteria or viral responses, or in responses does not represent a sudden switch, rather

Cytokine Mileau Factor
Dendritic cell IL-12 IFNγ
T-bet TH1
IL-4 IL-5
CD4+ IL-17
T cell TGFβ
RORγ+ TH 17 IL-21

TGFβ T Reg IL-10


Figure 2.4 The cytokine environment during antigen presentation controls T-cell differentiation by regulation of
specific transcription factor activation.

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

a gradual transition, the long-term consequences of development and regulation appears to be closely con-
chronic inflammation are often a result of a combined trolled, perhaps dependent on whether IL-6 is present
cytokine phenotype that leads to altered macrophage in the inflammatory environment along with TGFb
function and continual tissue damage. One of the [114–116]. Thus, the differentiation of CD4þ T helper
aspects of the Th2 response that can be detrimental is cell subsets clearly depends on the immune environ-
the shift toward tissue remodeling designed to promote ment that the cells find themselves. Rather than clearly
both restoration of function and host protection. differentiated cell subsets, T-cell activation represents
Clearly, regulation of both the Th1- and Th2-type a continuum of activation depending on the immune
immune responses is central to resolving inflammatory environment and pathogenic cues that the T-cells
responses and limiting damage once the inciting agent receive from APC when being activated and differen-
has been removed. An area that has held a significant tiating. As outlined in Figure 2.4, T-cell activation
level of interest has been the differentiation of T regu- and cytokine phenotypes depend on the distinct tran-
latory (Treg) cells during the development of chronic scription factor expressed for the activation of the par-
responses [105–107]. This cell subset has been divided ticular T-cell subset. Clearly, these subsets and the
into several subpopulations, including natural Treg cytokines that they produce dictate the outcome of a
cells and inducible Treg cells (iTreg). Natural chronic response not only based on the cascade of
Treg cells develop in the thymus and are essential for mediators that they induce but also by the leukocyte
control of autoimmune diseases, whereas inducible subsets that are used as end-stage effectors during the
iTreg cells develop following an antigen-specific activa- responses.
tion event and appear to function to modulate an
ongoing response. In addition, Treg cells can also be
subdivided based on the mechanism of inhibition that B-Lymphocyte and Antibody Responses
they use, such as production of IL-10 and/or TGFb or
use of CTLA-4. Some common ground has been The pathogenic role of the humoral immune system has
forged in these cell populations based on the expres- been implicated in a number of chronic disease pheno-
sion of Foxp3 transcription factor, although appar- types, including allergic responses, autoimmune dis-
ently not all Treg populations express this protein eases, arthritis, vasculitis, and any other disease where
[108]. Support for the importance of Foxp3þ Treg immune complexes are deposited into tissues [117–
cells comes from studies with mice missing this factor 120]. Antibodies produced by B-lymphocytes are a pri-
and in humans who have mutations in FOXP3, both mary goal of the acquired immune response to combat
of which develop multiorgan autoimmune diseases infectious organisms at mucosal surfaces, in the circula-
[109,110]. Thus, no matter the nomenclature, this cell tion, and within tissues of the host. To be effective, anti-
population appears to be centrally important for the bodies need to have the ability to bind to specific
regulation of immune responses, and defects in this antigens on the surface of pathogen and through their
pathway may lead to chronic disease phenotypes. Fc portion to facilitate phagocytosis by macrophages
More recent investigations have further enhanced and PMNs for clearance and complement fixation for tar-
our understanding of the role of T-cell subsets in geted killing of the microorganism by the lytic pathway.
chronic disease with the explosion of data that has However, these features can also lead to detrimental
described a newer subset of T-cells (Th17) that charac- aspects and tissue damage due to inappropriate activa-
teristically produce IL-17 [111]. This subset of T-cells tion of inflammatory effector cell populations. In particu-
has only recently begun to be understood during lar, one of the more pathogenic side effects of antibody
chronic inflammatory diseases. IL-17 producing cells effector function is the inappropriate activation of PMNs
were first described as an important component of leading to release of their granular products and destroy-
antibacterial immunity. Subsequently, the Th17 subset ing host tissue. This is often a problem in autoimmune
has been identified as having a central role in the diseases such as systemic lupus (SLE) and rheumatoid
severity of autoimmune responses, in cancer, in trans- arthritis, where a wide array of antibodies directed against
plantation immunology, as well as in infectious dis- self-antigens is formed. In SLE, immune complexes form
eases [111,112]. Interestingly, the critical aspect of and are often deposited in the skin, driving a local inflam-
whether T-cells will differentiate into a Th17 cell matory response and vasculitis. Even more serious for the
depends on the expression RORgt transcription factor host is the deposition of immune complexes in the
[113]. Similar to the Treg cells, the differentiation of kidney, leading to glomerulonephritis and possible
these cells depends on exposure to TGFb, but is addi- severe kidney disease [118,119]. Autoantibodies directed
tionally dependent on IL-6 or other STAT3 signals against tissue antigens can also induce damage due to
along with RORgt. The differentiation of Th17 cells FcR cross-linking on phagocytic cells including PMN,
also appears to be enhanced by IL-23, an IL-12 family macrophages, and NK cells. This is often a central mech-
cytokine that is upregulated in APC populations anism for initiating local inflammation and damage
upon TLR signaling. Thus, in a coordinated effort to within autoimmune responses, such as with joints of RA
better remove an infectious pathogen, utilization of patients with autoantibodies directed against matrix
a combination of Th1 and Th17 responses appears proteins.
to be the most detrimental trigger for exacerbating The induction of allergic responses in developed
a chronic autoimmune disease. While it is not yet nations has been steadily increasing for the past three
clear, the relationship between Treg and Th17 decades. Incidence of food, airborne, and industrial

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

allergies has a significant impact on the development of While these molecules are clearly expressed on
chronic diseases in the skin, lung, and gut, including immune cell populations and facilitate an effective host
atopic dermatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), response, it may be their inappropriate expression on
and asthma. The production of IgE leading to mast cell nonimmune cells, such as epithelial cells and fibro-
and basophil activation is the central mechanism that blasts, which presents the host with the most detrimen-
regulates the induction of these diseases [121]. While tal response. The expression of TLRs on nonimmune
it continues to be controversial whether there is an cells within chronic lesions would predispose these cells
increase in mast cell numbers during the development to strong infectious stimuli that initiate (or reinitiate)
of these diseases, it is clear that their local activation by an inflammatory response through the activation and
IgE is a key initiating mechanism for the induction of expression of cytokines and inflammatory mediators.
the response. As the antibody isotype produced by the While it has not been clearly established, a number of
B-cell is governed by the T-lymphocyte response and pro- studies have indicated that TLR expression on nonim-
duction of specific cytokines, determining mechanisms mune cells in chronic lesions is upregulated and would
that regulate T-cells during allergic diseases has been presumably predispose these tissues to hyperstimula-
central to research in these fields. In particular, IL-4 pro- tion during infectious insults. This alone could cause
duction from T-lymphocytes is key to isotype switching to the exacerbation of a chronic response without any
IgE in B-cells [122–124]. More recently, pharmaceutical other specific stimuli. The continual reactivation of tis-
focus on inhibiting IgE-mediated responses has centered sue inflammation with infectious insults, such as in the
on directly clearing IgE from the host using an anti-IgE lung and gut, could provide the mechanism for tissue
antibody as a therapeutic [125]. The use of this reagent damage and potentially remodeling that over time
appears not only to clear IgE from the system prior to could lead to gradual but continuous organ dysfunc-
its interaction with the FceR on mast cells and basophils, tion. The addition of other antigenic stimuli, such as
but also may target the IgE-producing B-cells and kill an auto-antigen, would further enhance the damaging
them. Thus, this strategy may help alleviate the initial responses and lead to more severe and accelerated dis-
activation and chronic mast cell and basophil-mediated ease phenotypes along with end-stage disease that often
inflammatory responses. This treatment appears to be accompanies tissue remodeling and ineffective repair.
especially efficacious in patients with severe food aller-
gies who are at risk for anaphylactic responses.
Exacerbation of Chronic Diseases AND CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY
While much of the research in this field has centered on
understanding the factors involved and defining targets Repair of damaged tissues is a fundamental feature of
for therapy of chronic disease, less research has focused biological systems and properly regulated has little
on what exacerbates and/or extends the severity of these harmful effect on normal organ function. Abnormal
diseases. This becomes much more difficult when the healing and repair, however, can lead to severe prob-
mechanisms and causative agents that initiate the lems in the function of organs, and in some cases the
chronic response are not clearly identified or may be het- perpetuation of the remodeling and repair can result
erogeneous within the patient population. No matter in end-stage disease. Damage to tissues can result from
the disease, it appears that a common initiating factor various acute or chronic stimuli, including infections,
for the exacerbation is an infectious stimulus, bacterial autoimmune reactions, or mechanical injury. In some
or viral. In fact, in diseases such as multiple sclerosis cases acute inflammatory reactions, such as ARDS in
(MS) or SLE, a number of viruses and bacteria have been septic patients, can result in a rapid and devastating dis-
implicated as the causative agents for the initiation and/ order that is complicated by significant lung fibrosis
or exacerbation of the responses [126–128]. The reality is and eventual dysfunction. However, more common
that any stimulus that initiates a strong inflammatory sig- chronic inflammatory disorders of organ systems
nal has the ability to break the established maintenance (including pulmonary fibrosis, systemic sclerosis, liver
and reinitiate the chronic response in individuals with cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease, progressive kidney dis-
an underlying disease. This is most often manifested in ease) and the joints (such as rheumatoid arthritis and
diseases where an antigenic response is the underlying osteoarthritis) are a major cause of morbidity and mor-
cause of the chronic disease and the antigen is environ- tality and enormous burden on healthcare systems. A
mental or host available, such as allergic asthma or auto- common feature of these diseases is the destruction
immunity. The strong activation of immune cells locally and remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM) that
within the affected tissue would provide the reactivation has a significant effect on tissue structure and function
of a well-regulated immune response. The mediators that [129]. A delicate balance between deposition of ECM
are upregulated, IL-12 and/or IL-23, in DC might dictate by myofibroblasts and ECM degradation by tissue leu-
the type of effector response that is initiated, such as Th1 kocytes determines the tissue restructuring during
and/or Th17, respectively. repair processes, and proper function versus develop-
A common activation pathway for these responses is ment of pathologic scarring. Chronic inflammation,
the use of molecules that can quickly and effectively rec- tissue necrosis, and infection lead to persistent myofi-
ognize pathogens, such as the TLR family members. broblast activation and excessive deposition of ECM

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

(including collagen type I, collagen type III, fibro- factor (PDGF), basic fibroblasts growth factor (BFGF),
nectin, elastin, proteoglycans, and lamin [130–136]), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macro-
which promote formation of a permanent fibrotic scar. phage inflammatory protein-1-a (MIP-1-a), and interleu-
Most chronic fibrotic disorders have a persistent irritant kin-1 (IL-1), IL-13, and IL-8 [138–143].
that stimulates production of proteolytic enzymes,
growth factors, fibrogenic cytokines, and chemokines.
Together, they orchestrate excessive deposition of con- TGFb
nective tissue and a progressive destruction of normal
tissue organization and function (Figure 2.5). TGFb is one of the most well-studied profibrotic cyto-
A mechanism that counteracts deposition of ECM kines. Upregulation of TGFb1 has been associated
and formation of fibrotic foci is activation of matrix with pathological fibrotic processes in many organs
metalloproteinases (MMPs), which represent a class of (Table 2.1), such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
catalytic enzymes that degrade various components of disease [144], cataract formation [145], systemic scle-
ECM. All MMPs are composed of shared molecules but rosis [146], renal fibrosis [133,147], heart failure
have different primary structures (reviewed in [137]). [140,148–152], and many others [133,134,136,
MMPs are produced by cells in latent form and need 153–162]. The TGFb family represents a group of
to be activated by removal of a propeptide from the multifunctional cytokines that includes at least five
active site. Some MMPs are constitutive or homeostatic known isoforms [133,134,136,143,153–162], three of
(MMP-2) and expressed in most cells under normal con- which are expressed by mammalian cells (TGFb1–3).
ditions. Others are inducible (MMP-9) or inflammatory. TGFb-induced effects are mainly mediated by signaling
Activities of MMPs are always dependent on a balance via the TGFb receptors. TGFb isoforms are known to
between proteinases and natural inhibitors (TIMPs, induce the expression of ECM proteins (such as collagen
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases) [137]. It may I, collagen III, and collagen V; fibronectin; and a number
be that the upregulation of TIMPs during chronic dis- of glycoproteins and proteoglycans normally associated
ease can be more detrimental for developing severe with development) in mesenchymal cells, and to stim-
fibrosis than downregulation of MMPs. Overall, the ulate the production of protease inhibitors that pre-
maintenance of ECM deposition may depend on the vent enzymatic breakdown of the ECM. In addition,
active removal and proper arrangement of the compo- some ECM proteins (such as fibronectin) are known
nents allowing proper restructuring of the tissue and to be chemoattractants for fibroblasts and are
basement membrane. released in increased amounts by fibroblasts and epi-
thelial cells in response to TGFb [162]. Elevated TGFb
expression in affected organs correlates with abnor-
Profibrogenic Cytokines and Growth Factors mal connective tissue deposition observed during
Involved in Fibrotic Tissue Remodeling
Alterations in the balance of cytokines can lead to patho- Table 2.1 TGFb Contributes to Fibrosis of
logical changes, abnormal tissue repair, and tissue fibro- These Diseases by Excessive Matrix
sis. The most well-studied cytokines involved in these Accumulation
processes include transforming growth factor b (TGFb),
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa), platelet-derived growth
Organ Disease
Eye Graves ophthalmopathy
Conjunctival cicatrization
Lung Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary sarcoids
Heart Cardiac fibrosis, cardiomyopathy
Liver Cirrhosis
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Kidney Glomerulosclerosis
Interstitial fibrosis
Pancreas Chronic or fibrosing pancreatitis
Skin Hypertrophic scar
Subcutaneous tissue Dupuytren’s contracture
Endometrium Endometriosis
Peritoneum Sclerosing peritonitis
Postsurgical adhesion
Retroperitoneum Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Bone Renal osteodystrophy
Muscle Polymyositis, dermatomyositis
Muscular dystrophy
Figure 2.5 The persistent production of cytokines, Bone marrow Myelofibrosis
fibrogenic growth factors, and proteolytic enzymes can Neuroendocrine Carcinoid
result in tissue remodeling and eventual organ dysfunction.

Part I Essential Pathology — Mechanisms of Disease

the beginning of fibrotic diseases [143,163]. For Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) represents a chronic dis-
example, fibroblasts derived from lungs of idiopathic ease that highlights the importance of TNFa. TNFa-
pulmonary fibrosis patients show an enhanced syn- dependent cytokine cascades were identified in the
thetic activity in response to growth factors, whereas in vitro culture of synovium from joints of patients with
normal fibroblasts show a predominantly proliferative RA and led to studies of TNFa blockage in experimen-
response [164]. Thus, while TGFb is necessary for nor- tal animal models of RA. Using a collagen-induced
mal repair processes, its overexpression plays a pivotal human RA model in DBA/J mice, researchers showed
role in deposition of ECM and end-stage disease. that anti-TNF antibodies ameliorate arthritis and
reduce joint damage [170,171]. This led to the use of
TNF blockade in human RA. With the success of anti-
TNFa TNF treatment in RA, this approach was tested in a
number of other chronic disorders [165], including
Another cytokine that has been often linked to inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, and graft versus
chronic remodeling diseases is tumor necrosis factor host (GVD) during bone marrow transplantation.
alpha. TNFa is a well-known early response cytokine Successful targeting of TNF has been observed in a
that is key in initiating responses and is rapidly number of chronic diseases where anti-TNF therapy
expressed in response to many kinds of stress has been approved for use and is now also being exam-
(mechanical injury, burns, irradiation, viruses, bacte- ined in numerous additional inflammatory, infectious,
ria) [165,166]. However, the role of TNFa is much and neoplastic diseases (Table 2.2). However, anti-TNF
more complex than simply serving as a trigger of cyto- therapy is not appropriate in all diseases, as there have
kine cascades. TNFa is a proinflammatory mediator been a number of failed clinical trials, including
that is involved in the extracellular matrix network, those using anti-TNF treatment for MS and congestive
as shown in the healing infarct and collagen synthesis heart failure. In addition, a potential side effect of
by cardiac fibroblasts [167]. The pathologic events in using anti-TNF therapy is the increased susceptibility
asthma also correlate with increased TNFa production to infectious organisms.
both in vivo and in vitro in cellular isolates from asth-
matic patients. The most convincing evidence that
TNFa plays a role in pathophysiology of asthma was
observed in normal subjects receiving inhaled recom-
binant TNFa [168]. These studies demonstrate a sig- While the profile of cytokines expressed during a spe-
nificant increase in airway hyper-responsiveness and cific response can be classified in several ways, for
decreases in FEV1 within those subjects receiving many chronic diseases a Th2-type immune environ-
TNFa compared to the placebo group linked to its ment accompanies a profibrotic response. In par-
ability to change extracellular matrix and upregulate ticular, IL-13 expression is often linked to the
pathways specific for leukocyte recruitment. A direct progression of end-stage disease phenotypes, both in
role of TNFa in fibrogenesis was recently demon- animal models and in human diseases [102,172].
strated using human epithelioid dermal microvascular The initial studies examining IL-13 in fibrosis demon-
endothelial cell cultures. Exposure of those cells to strated that by neutralization of the IL-13 in vivo
TNFa for 20 days induced permanent transformation resulted in a significant reduction in remodeling and
into myofibroblasts. Similar transformation events fol- end-stage disease. These findings were repeated using
lowing chronic inflammatory stimulation in vivo may IL-13 deficient mice and followed up by demonstrating
explain one source of myofibroblasts in skin fibrogen- that although IL-13 does not directly cause myofibro-
esis [169]. blast conversion, it does enhance ECM production by

Table 2.2 Targeting of TNFa in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders

Approved for Use Not Completed Trials and Pilot Studies Clinical Failures
- Rheumatoid arthritis - Ulcerative colitis - Congestive heart failure
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Behçet syndrome - Multiple sclerosis
- Crohn’s disease - Vasculitis (small and large vessel) - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Psoriatic arthritis - Glomerulonephritis - Sjögren syndrome
- Ankylosing spondylitis - Systemic lupus erythematosus - Wegener granulomatosis
- Psoriasis - Joint prosthesis loosening
- Hepatitis
- Polymyositis
- Systemic sclerosis
- Amyloidosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Ovarian cancer
- Steroid-resistant asthma
- Refractory uveitis

Chapter 2 Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis

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