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Truth in Lending Act Amendments and Related Links

Enacting Law:
Pub. L. 90-321, May 29, 1968, Title I, 82 Stat. 146 (15 USC 1601 et seq.) Truth in Lending Act (WL) (LLSDC)

Amending Laws:
Pub. L. 91-508, Oct. 26, 1970, Title V, §§ 501, 502, 84 Stat. 1126 (15 USC 1602, 1642 to 1644) (WL)
Pub. L. 93-495, Oct. 28, 1974, Title III, §§ 302 to 305, 307, Title IV, §§ 401-415, 88 Stat. 1511 (15 USC 1601 et seq.) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 94-205, Jan. 2, 1976, § 11, 89 Stat. 1159 (15 USC 1631) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 94-222, Feb. 27, 1976, § 3, 90 Stat. 197 (15 USC 1602, 1640, 1666f, 1666j) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 94-240, Mar, 23, 1976, §§ 2 to 4, 90 Stat. 257 to 260 Consumer Leasing Act (15 USC 1601, 1640, 1667 to 1667e) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 96-221, Mar. 31, 1980, Title VI, 94 Stat. 168 to 185 - Truth in Lending Simp. & Reform Act (15 USC 1602 et. al) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 97-25, July 27, 1981, Title I §§ 101, 102, 95 Stat. 144 (15 USC 1602, 1666f) - Cash Discount Act (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 97-320, Oct. 15, 1982, Title VII, §§ 701(a), 702, 96 Stat. 1538 – Garn-St. Germain Act (15 USC 1602, 1603) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 97-375, Dec, 21, 1982, Title I, § 109(b), Title II, § 20b(b), 96 Stat. 1820, 1825 (15 USC 1613) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 98-479, Oct. 17, 1984, Title II, § 205, 98 Stat. 2234 (15 USC 1635) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 100-583, Nov. 3, 1988, §§ 2 to 6, 102 Stat. 2960-2968 - Fair Credit & Charge.. (15 USC 1632, 1637, 1640, 1646) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 100-709, Nov. 23, 1988, §§ 2, 3, 5, 102 Stat. 4725 to 4733 Home Equ.. (15 USC 1632, 1637, 1637a, 1647, 1665b) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 101-73, Aug. 9, 1989, Title VII, § 744(k), 103 Stat. 439 – Fin. Inst. Reform.. (FIRREA) (15 USC 1607) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 102-242, Dec. 19, 1991, Title II, § 212(b), 105 Stat. 2299 – Fed. Dep. Ins. Corp. Imprv. (FIDCIA)(15 USC 1607) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 102-550, Oct. 28, 1992, Title XVI, § 1604(a(5), 106 Stat. 4082 (15 USC 1607) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 103-325, Sept. 23, 1994, Title I, §§ 152-154, 108 Stat. 2190, 2234 (15 USC 1602, 1604, 1610, 1639-41, 1647-48) (WL) (CG)
Pub. L. 104-12, May 18, 1995, § 2, 109 Stat. 161 – Truth in Lending Class Action Relief Act of 1995 (15 USC 1640) (CG)
Pub. L. 104-29, Sept. 30, 1995, §§ 2. 3, 4(a), 5 to 8, 109 Stat. 271 to 276 (15 USC 1605, 1631, 1635, 1640, 1641, 1649) (CG)
Pub. L. 104-208, Sept. 30, 1996, Economic Growth and Reg.&.. (EGRPRA) §§ 2102, 2104 to 2107, 2605(b), 110 Stat. 3009-398, -472
..................................(15 USC 1603, 1604, 1607, 1638, 1649, 1667c, 1667f) (CG – S 650, S Rept, S. Hrg) (HR 962 - Hrg 1, Hrg 2)
Pub. L. 109-8, Apr. 20, 2005, Bankruptcy Reform... Title XIII, 119 Stat. 204, 208, 209, 211 (15 USC 1637-38, 1664) (CG) (LLSDC)
Pub. L. 110-289, July 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 2809, 2855 (15 USC 1638, 1639a, 1640) (CG)
Pub. L. 110-315, Aug. 14, 2008, Title X, 122 Stat. 3479, 3483, 3483, 3488 (15 USC 1602, 1603, 1638, 1640, 1650) (CG)
Pub. L. 110-343, Oct. 3, 2008, Div. A, Title I, § 139(a), 122 Stat. 3797 (15 USC 1638) (CG)
Pub. L. 111-8, Mar. 11, 2009, Div. D, Title VI, § 626(c), 123 Stat. 679 (15 USC 1639) (CG)
Pub. L. 111-22, May 20, 2009, Div. A., Title II, § 201(b), Title IV, § 404, 123 Stat. 1638, 1658 (15 USC 1639a, 1640, 1641) (CG)
Pub. L. 111-24, May 22, 2009, Credit CARD Act of 2009, 123 Stat. 1734 et al. – Credit CARD Act (15 USC 1601 et al.) (CG)
Pub. L. 111-93, Nov. 6, 2009, § 2, 123 Stat. 2998 – Credit CARD Tech. Cor. Act of 2009 (15 USC 1666b) (CG)
Pub. L. 111-203, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 2107 et. al (15 USC 1601 et. al) Dodd-Frank Act (CG) (LLSDC)

(Stat.) Statute links are to specific statute pages in the U.S. Statutes at Large on FDsys (from 1951).
(Pub. L.) Public law links are to specific public laws in the Public and Private Laws site on FDsys (from 1995).
(CG) Links are to enacted bill information sites on (from 1973 with links to docs for more recent years).
(WL) Legislative history links are to specific, digitized GAO legislative histories on Westlaw’s premium service.
(LLSDC) Links are to legislative histories found of the website of the Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, DC.
Related links to PL 104-208 are to (bills), FDsys (a committee report), and Haithi Trust (hearings).

Compiled by Rick McKinney, Assistant Law Librarian, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC.
Last updated in April, 2014

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