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Carga Combinada

Mecánica de Materiales

Ing. Miguel Arlenzo Durán Sarmiento, M.Eng

Ejercicio 1
The member shown in Fig. has a rectangular cross section. Determine
the state of stress that the loading produces at point C and point D.
Ejercicio 2
Determine the state of stress at point A on the cross section of the pipe at
section a–a. Show the results in a differential element at the point.
Ejercicio 3
Determine the state of stress at point A on the cross section of the shaft at section a–a.
Show the results in a differential element at the point.
Ejercicio 4
The rib-joint pliers are used to grip the smooth pipe C. If the force of 100 N is
applied to the handles,determine the state of stress at points A and B on the
cross section of the jaw at section a–a. Indicate the results on an element at
each point.
Ejercicio 5
The spreader bar is used to lift the 2000-lb tank. Determine the state of stress at
points A and B, and indicate the results on a differential volume element.

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