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What is the issue?
What has been said about the issue?
How do you plan to deal with or solve the issue?
What is your solution(s) to the issue?
What is the issue
Leadership as explained by Forbes is defined as the process of social influence, which

maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal. A leader steps up in times of

crisis and can think and act creatively in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership

cannot be taught although it may be learned and enhanced through coaching or mentoring.

Leadership can however be coined as ineffective and inefficient within the functioning of an

organization in today’s world.

According to a quote from Reed Markham, PH. D “Leadership without support is like trying

to make brick without enough straw. True leaders reinforce their ideas and plans with strategic

partnership, alliance and supportive audience. With that said Ineffective leadership according to

(Mack, 2017) leads to disillusionment, quitting and tension in a wide array of endeavor’s. They

lack courage to tackle difficult problems, often shifting blame on others. While in efficient

leadership on the other hand refers to not utilizing the resource properly or taking too much time

to meet a production deadline which results in loss of time and money for the organization.

For the organization to function properly the challenges that it faces with inefficient and

ineffective leadership must be first resolved. According to (Ragab 2017) some of these impacts

are as follows. There is failure in worker productivity, for example, if your workers are more

concerned with filling out paper work and covering their tracks than getting their jobs done, their

performance may suffer. In most workplaces, high turnover can be a red flag for poor leadership.

Has a negative impact on employees and might even damage the company’s bottom-line. Bad

leadership affects your company’s ability to retain employees and lower employee morale,

motivation and productivity. Also failing to make expectations clear expectations clear frustrate

employees and hinder their ability to successfully complete a task. It is no surprise that poor
leaders are also poor listeners. If a leader cannot take constructive criticism they are probably not

skilled leaders.

There is a myriad of factors that cause inefficient and ineffective leadership that affect the

functioning of an organization. However, the ineffective deals with not handling the issue

quickly using any means necessary while inefficient refers to taking too much time to complete a


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