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Speed Math
How and Why


Speed Math
How & Why

Anthony Branson

August 2017

Version: 1.01
Date: May 11 2018

Book Updates

This book is the work of one person, myself. I have spent many
months researching the method and putting together this book.
Being my proofreader means I may have missed some mistakes,
but I am sure that you the reader will find them.
If you do find errors, please contact me at
and give me the page number and what the error is.
If you feel my explanations are not clear enough then also
please let me know and tell me where you feel I need to explain
more or a little differently.
An electronic book unlike a printed book it easy to update and I
will keep the book updated if there are any errors reported or I find
there was information I have left out.
As part of the purchase of this book, you received free Bronze
level membership to Trachtenberg Speed Math. The bronze mem-
bership gives you access to the page

This page has information on the latest version, any changes
made and has a download link to the latest version of the book.
The membership as the site is permanent and also increased
the daily download limit of the PDF worksheet files to 20 a day.
I have also decided not to secure the PDF to try to lock down
the file because frankly, it is too easy to get around anyway. I am
relying on the honesty of you the reader.
The sales of this book are to help fund my website on the
Trachtenberg Speed Math System.

Book Updates ii

Contents iv

Introduction 1

How To Use This Book 3

1 Basic Multiplication 5
1.1 Basic Multiplication Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Multiplying By One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3 Multiplying By Ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.4 Multiplying By Eleven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.5 Multiplying By Twelve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.6 Multiplying By Nine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.7 Multiplying By Eight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.8 Multiplying By Five . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.9 Multiplying By Six . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

1.10 Multiplying By Seven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
1.11 Multiplying By Four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
1.12 Multiplying By Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.13 Multiplying By Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
1.14 Multiplying By Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
1.15 Extending The Basic Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . 94
1.16 Multiplying Larger Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
1.17 Remembering The Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1.18 Algebraic Proofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

2 Direct Multiplication 141

2.1 Leading Zeros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
2.2 Single Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
2.3 Two-Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
2.4 Three-Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
2.5 Four-Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

3 Two-Finger Multiplication 161

3.1 Pair-Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
3.2 Single Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
3.3 Two Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
3.4 Three Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
3.5 Four Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
3.6 Five Digit Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
3.7 Why it Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

4 Squaring Numbers 194

4.1 Squaring 2 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
4.2 Why Squaring 2 Digit Numbers Works . . . . . . . . 202
4.3 Squaring 3 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
4.4 Why Squaring 3 Digit Numbers Works . . . . . . . . 211

5 Square Roots 215

5.1 “Partial Square” Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
5.2 Square Root of 3 and 4 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . 220
5.3 Square Root of 5 and 6 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . 241
5.4 Square Root of 7 and 8 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . 269
5.5 Square Root of 9 and 10 Digit Numbers . . . . . . . 295

6 Checking Results 316

6.1 Casting Out Nines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
6.2 Casting Out Elevens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
6.3 Checking Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
6.4 Checking Subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
6.5 Checking Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
6.6 Checking Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
6.7 Checking Squaring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
6.8 Checking Square Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

7 Addition 335

8 Division 353
8.1 NT & UT Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
8.2 Partial Dividend & Working Figure . . . . . . . . . . 355
8.3 Two Digit Divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
8.4 Three Digit Divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
8.5 Four Digit Divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
8.6 Calculation pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
8.7 Why Long Division works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

I Appendix 430

A Alternate Choices 431


For many of those who have heard about The Trachtenberg System
of Basic Mathematics, it is a method of multiplying without using
the multiplication tables. However, the system is so much more
than this. Basic multiplication without multiplication tables is only
the first of three methods, the others being Direct Multiplication and
Speed Multiplication.
Direct Multiplication is the closest method to that taught in
school. However, in Direct Multiplication, the answer is directly
written down, no matter how many digits there are in the multiplier.
Direct Multiplication does require memorizing the multiplication
Speed Multiplication is the pinnacle of the Trachtenberg System
and significantly reduces the size of the number carried when
multiplying by larger multipliers.
There are also simple methods for squaring two and three-digit
numbers. The two digit squares are so simple that you will find it
easier than you think to do it in your head.

The Trachtenberg System also has a tweak for addition that
allows you to easily double check your answer without having to
redo the whole addition again. If you did make a mistake, the test
would tell you what column the error is in, making it much faster to
find and correct.
The system also includes methods for finding the square root
of any number between three and ten digits long.
Finally, there is a method for long division that works for any
divisor of two or more digits. We only look at up to five digit divisors.
Not only will we look at how to do each method in the Trachten-
berg System but I will try to explain why each method works. The
original book, printed almost sixty years ago, gave some algebraic
proofs, but for non-mathematicians, this did not help much in ex-
plaining why the methods worked. I hope to address that in this
book and hopefully give you the reader a few of the same ”aha”
moments I had when trying to find out the ”why” of this System.
This book is my first, and I have done what I can to remove any
errors, but if you find any that have slipped through or you have
any questions or insights about the system, please contact me at
How To Use This Book

This book is designed to teach you about the Trachtenberg System

of Basic Mathematics.
Although you can read it from cover to cover, it is probably not
the best way to use it. A better way would be to look at the chapters
that interest you most.
If your math is weak or you would like to teach your children or
grandchildren, then the place to start is with the Basic Multiplication.
In each chapter or section I show you how the method works, then
there is a section on why it works, which is just the information you
need when the kids start asking “Why does it work that way?”
For the Basic Multiplication, it is best if you go through it in the
order written. The odd sequence of the numbers is mostly due to
how the method works, and it introduces you to the intricacies of
the technique as you progress.
I do not pretend to understand everything that Jakow Tracht-
enberg thought when he put this system together, but there are
some obvious clues, while others took some work to find. In the

how sections I give what I believe was Jakow’s reasoning behind
the method.
The book contains links to allow you to pick from one of the
several alternatives and follow each to their natural conclusion. The
linking is especially useful in the square roots section.
The links are indicated by blue text within a sentence, such as
this one. Clicking on the link will jump you to the target. If you need
to return then at the end of the section, you jumped to there will be
another link to take you back.
If you jump to a previous chapter, there will not be a link to
return you to where you were. However, depending on your reader,
there may be an easy way back. On windows machines try “alt-left
arrow”. Press and hold the “alt” key then click the “left arrow” key.
You can do this more than once to go back through pages you
have been. On the Mac, the back command is “command-[” key
Chapter 1

Basic Multiplication

The Trachtenberg Basic Multiplication Method is an original method

of multiplication and covers multiplying any number by any one of
the multipliers from zero to twelve.
The Trachtenberg method for basic multiplication does not re-
quire the use of multiplication tables and as such is suitable as
a complementary method to teach young children who are just
starting to learn multiplication. It can also be helpful to others who
have trouble in remembering the multiplication tables or who just
have difficulty with basic multiplication.
We will have a look at the method for each multiplier, showing
you how it works then reveal what the logic is behind each method.
Fair warning, in explaining math we need to use more math, but on
the bright side, none of it is challenging.

1.1 Basic Multiplication Primer

Before looking at the Trachtenberg Basic Multiplication System

itself, we will look at some other math required to help explain the
Basic Multiplication Method.
We will look at some laws, which you probably already know, if
not by name. They are the Commutative, Associative and Distribu-
tive Laws. These are three rules of addition and multiplication.
We will also look at a method of subtracting called Complement
Addition. In Complement Addition rather than subtracting a number,
you add its complement.
Finally, we will look at how the equations are laid out for basic
multiplication in the Trachtenberg System as well as explaining a
couple of terms that we will frequently be using throughout this
chapter and further on.
First a quick refresher on the parts of a multiplication.

314 multiplicand or factor

× 13 multiplier or factor
4082 product

Factor is a number that evenly divides a larger number.

Multiplicand is the number to be multiplied.
Multiplier is the number by which another number is multiplied.
Product is the number or expression resulting from the multiplica-
tion together of two or more numbers or expressions.
Now some of the laws of multipllication and addition.
The Commutative Law

The Commutative Law says that it doesn’t matter what order you
use two or more numbers in a process, you will always get the
same mathematical result. The law means we can swap the order
of the numbers without changing the result.
The process, in this case, is addition or multiplication. If we use
a little algebra and use a letter in place of real numbers, we can
express the Commutative Law as:
For addition.
a+b = b+a

Using real numbers where a = 5 and b = 3:

5+3 = 3+5

If we separate the two operations we have:

5+3 = 8
3+5 = 8

The order we add the two numbers does not change the result.
For multiplication.
a×b = b×a

Using real numbers where a = 6 and b = 8:

6×8 = 8×6
If we separate the two operations we have:

6 × 8 = 48
8 × 6 = 48

The order we multiply two or more numbers does not change the

The Associative Law

The Associative Law says that when there are more than two
numbers, it doesn’t matter how we group the numbers (i.e. which
we calculate first) in a process.
The Associative Law holds for both addition and multiplication.
Using some algebra again and use a letter in place of real
numbers, we can express the Associative Law as:
For Addition.

a + (b + c) = ( a + b) + c

Using real numbers where a = 2, b = 5 and c = 9:

2 + (5 + 9) = 2 + 14 = 16
(2 + 5) + 9 = 7 + 9 = 16

For multiplication.

a × (b × c) = ( a × b) × c
Using real numbers where a = 3, b = 7 and c = 6:

(3 × 7) × 6 = 21 × 6 = 126
3 × (7 × 6) = 3 × 42 = 126

The parenthesis are placed around the pair of numbers to be

calculated first.

The Distributive Law

The Distributive Law says that multiplying a number by a group of

numbers added together is the same as doing each multiplication
Taking a group of numbers added together say, 3 + 5 + 2 + 1
and we multiply them by, say, 5 it can be shown like this:

(3 + 5 + 2 + 1) × 5

The Distributive Law means we now have two choices, the first is
adding up the group of numbers:

3 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 11

Thus the equation becomes 11 × 5 which equals 55.

(3 + 5 + 2 + 1) × 5 = 11 × 5 = 55

The second choice is instead of adding up the group of numbers

we can multiply each of the figures by 5 then add up the products:

(3 + 5 + 2 + 1) × 5 = 3 × 5 + 5 × 5 + 2 × 5 + 1 × 5
Doing each multiplication we have:

3 × 5 =15
5 × 5 =25
2 × 5 =10
1 × 5 =5

Then adding up the products we get:

15 + 25 + 10 + 5 = 55

So our equation can be written as:

(3 + 5 + 2 + 1) × 5 = 3 × 5 + 5 × 5 + 2 × 5 + 1 × 5
= 15 + 25 + 10 + 5
= 55

This is the same result obtained when we added up the numbers

before multiplying.

Complement Addition

In math and computing, complement addition is a technique used

to subtract one number from another using addition of positive
numbers. Mechanical calculators commonly used this technique,
and it is still used today in modern computers.
To form the nine’s complement of a number replaces each digit
with nine minus that digit. So for a number 6843 subtracting each
digit from nine, we would get:

So the nine’s complement of 6843 is 3156.

By adding 1 to a nine’s complement it becomes a ten’s comple-
For the nine’s complement above we subtracted 6843 from 9999
but for the ten’s complement we subtract 6843 from 10000. We have
to borrow, or regroup, to subtract the 6843 and the 10000 ends up
like this:
0 9 9 9
1 @
A@@0 1@
0@1 1
@0 0

So for the ten’s complement the 10000 can be written as 9991 0, so

we do not need to borrow or regroup as we do the calculation.

9 9 9 10
− 6 8 4 3
3 1 5 7

So to calculate the ten’s complement directly, you replace each

digit with nine minus that digit, except for the units digit where you
replace the digit with ten minus the digit.
A figure and its ten’s complement always add up to a power of
ten. For us, the number of digits in the figure will be the same as
the number of zeros in the power of ten.
Number Power of 10 10s Complement
0 10 10
9 10 1
21 100 79
567 1000 433
3215 10000 6785

Now we know what the tens complement is we will now look

at how to use it in complement addition. If we consider a general
subtraction, where we replace the numbers involved with letters:

x−y =

To subtract a number y, the subtrahend, from another number

x, the minuend, using the complement method, the steps are:

1. Get the ten’s complement of y.

2. Add the ten’s complement of y to x.
3. Discard the leading digit ‘1’ of the result.

Discarding the initial ’1’ is especially convenient on calculators or

computers that use a fixed number of digits, the digit is lost during
the calculation as there is no place for it to go.
In step 1, finding the ten’s complement of a number we introduce
another figure which is the power of ten value. Later, in step 3 we
delete the figure we introduced. Adding then deleting a number
has no effect on the overall equation.
If we have a calculator that has eight digits and we want to sub-
tract 563 from 726 but the calculator has no subtract function, only
addition. These are the steps we would need to follow:
1 - find the tens complement of 564 from 99999991 0.

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10
− 5 6 3
9 9 9 9 9 4 3 7

This can easily be done in your head so you can enter the value
directly into the calculator.

9 9 9 9 9 4 3 7

2 - add 726 to the tens complement value.

9 9 9 9 9 4 3 7
+ 7 2 6
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 3

This nine digit answer would display on the eight digit calculator as:

0 0 0 0 0 1 6 3

Notice the leading ‘1’ of the answer does not fit into the calculator
and has just ‘dropped off’ but the answer of 163 is the correct
Lets look at an example and subtract 2758 from 7936. First we
need the ten’s complement of 2758.

10000 − 2758 = 7242

Now we add the ten’s complement to 7936.

7242 + 7936 = 15178

Now the leading ‘1’ of the result is discarded, leaving us with 5178
as the result of subtracting 2758 from 7936.
In finding the ten’s complement of 2758 we used 10000, so
we need to remove this 10000 so it does not affect our answer.
Discarding the leading ‘1’ is the same as having subtracted 10000
from the 15178, thus negating the 10000 used in the complement.
If we write out the steps we took as one equation it would be:

7936 − 2758 = (10000 − 2758) + 7936 − 10000

We can see the 10000 introduced in the ten’s complement calcula-

tion then it is subtracted again at the end of the equation, so it has
no effect on the result.
We will look at another example, 6341 − 2457 rather than writing
it as 10000 − 2457 + 6341 − 10000 we will write it as;

1 0 0 0 0
− 2 4 5 7
+ 6 4 3 1
−1 0 0 0 0
The 10000 at the top of the equation, we will have to borrow or
regroup to subtract the 2457 and we will end up with something like

0 9 9 9
1 @
A @0 1@
0@1 1
@0 0

So the top 10000 we will instead write as 9991 0, so we do not need

to borrow or regroup as we do the calculation.

9 9 9 10
− 2 4 5 7
+ 6 4 3 1
−1 0 0 0 0

Starting the equation on the right at the units column we have:

10 − 7 + 1 − 0 = 4 for the units column

9−5+3−0 = 7 for the tens column
9−4+4−0 = 9 for the hundreds column
9 − 2 + 6 − 0 = 13 for the thousands column
1−1 = 0 for the ten thousands column
The 1 is from the carry in the thousands column The final result is:

9 9 9 10
− 2 4 5 7
+ 6 4 3 1
−1 0 0 0 0
0 13 9 7 4

Thus 6431 − 2457 = 3974.

That is Complement Addition, used in the Trachtenberg System
of Basic Multiplication for some of the multipliers smaller than 10.

Laying Out The Multiplication

In multiplication the equations are usually shown in one of these


6341 23 × 3 = 69
× 11

For larger multiplication equations the equation, the working

values, and the final answer are written on multiple lines and the
more digits in the multiplier, the more lines. For small equations,
the multiplication may be written out all on one line.
For Basic Multiplication in the Trachtenberg Speed Math Sys-
tem, all multiplication is written in the same way, which is the
multiplicand, the multiplication symbol and the multiplier is all writ-
ten on the one line. The multiplier is usually the smaller of the two

multiplicand × multiplier
6 3 4 1 × 1 1

From this starting point, the first thing we do is to put a leading

zero on the multiplicand and then underline the multiplicand.

0 6 3 4 1 × 1 1

We underline the multiplicand as we will write the answer directly

below the multiplicand. Each digit of the answer lined up under-
neath each digit of the multiplicand.

0 6 3 4 1 × 1 1
6 9 7 5 1

That is we line up the units, tens, hundreds, thousands and any

other digits used of the answer with those of the multiplicand. This
lining up of the answer with the multiplicand is important and helps
to keep track of where we are in the multiplication as we will see

Number and Neighbor

There are two terms, number and neighbor, you are going to see
a lot of as we go through the multiplication methods, so we need to
make sure their meaning is clear.
The number is the digit of the multiplicand above the space
where we will write the next digit of the answer. Remember we
said in the previous section that we write the answer below the
multiplicand with the digits of the answer lined up underneath the
digits of the multiplicand.
If we look at the incomplete equation (1.1) below we can see
the next digit of the answer we need to write is the hundreds digit,
indicated by the ?.

0 4 3 6 2 1 ×3 (1.1)
? 6 3

The 6 is the digit of the multiplier above the space where we

will write the next digit of the answer so this is the number.
The neighbor is the digit next to the number on the right, since
6 is the number then 2 is the neighbor as it is next to the 6 on the
When the number is the right-hand digit of the multiplier then
there is no neighbor. In this case the neighbor is replaced with
zero. As we see at the start of the following equation (1.2).

0 2 5 4 7 6 ×4 (1.2)

An important point to remember is in decimal, or base 10,

numbers, as we go from right to left the value of the units increases
ten-fold. So the units of the neighbor are one tenth that of the

What is “Half”?

Before we look at the basic multiplication method, we need first

to explain what is meant by the term “half” when referring to the
The meaning slightly changes depending on whether the num-
ber we want “half” of, is even or odd.

Even Numbers

When we want “half” of an even number, one that is a multiple of 2,

then it is a true half of the number. That is the value we get is what
we get when we divide the even number by 2.

0÷2 = 0
4÷2 = 2
6÷2 = 3

Odd Numbers

Odd numbers by definition are not evenly divisible by 2 which

means when we want half of an odd number, and we divide it by
two we get a remainder.

1 ÷ 2 = 0 with 1 remainder
5 ÷ 2 = 2 with 1 remainder
9 ÷ 2 = 4 with 1 remainder

For odd numbers, we want the result of dividing the odd number by
2, but we ignore the remainder.
One way to think of getting “half” of an odd number is to subtract
1 which will give an even number; then half the even number will
give the “half” value we want.
As the number we want is not an actual half for the odd numbers,
we will use the quotes around the word ‘half’ to indicate that the
“half” is what we will call half of any number 0 to 9.
The table below shows the “half” values for the numbers 0 to 9.

Numbers “Half” the number

0, 1 0
2, 3 1
4, 5 2
6, 7 3
8, 9 4
1.2 Multiplying By One

We will start with one of the most simple multipliers, multiplying by

one, to understand what is happening when we use the number.

Rule For Multiplying By One

Use the number.

How to Multiply by 1

When multiplying by 1, each digit of the multiplicand is used or

copied, to the answer. The answer is the same as the multiplicand
because any number multiplied by 1 is unchanged.
We will have a look at an example, 99 × 1, which we have written
in the standard format for the Trachtenberg Basic Multiplication
Method, that is the equation is written on one line with a leading
zero and multiplicand underlined.

1 1 1
0 9 9 × 1 9 + 9 = 18 copy number

Starting on the right, 9 is the number, which we use and copy down
to the answer.

1 1 1
0 9 9 × 1 0+9 → 9 copy number
0 0 0
0 9 9
Moving left, another 9 is the number, which we use and copy
down to the answer.

1 1 1
0 9 9 × 1 0+9 → 9 copy number
0 0 0
0 9 9

Moving left, the leading 0 is the number, which we will ignore

as a leading zero adds nothing to the value.

1 1 1
0 9 9 × 1 0+0 → 0 ignore zero
0 0 0
0 9 9

You can follow the next example, 4271 × 1, where we have left
off the leading zero when multiplying by one as the leading zero is
never needed.

1 1 1 1
4 2 7 1 × 1 1+1=2 copy number

1 1 1 1
4 2 7 1 × 1 0+1 → 1 copy number
0 0 0 0
0 4 2 7 1

1 1 1 1
4 2 7 1 × 1 0+7 → 7 copy number
0 0 0 0
0 4 2 7 1

1 1 1 1
4 2 7 1 × 1 0+2 → 2 copy number
0 0 0 0
0 4 2 7 1

1 1 1 1
4 2 7 1 × 1 0+4 → 4 copy number
0 0 0 0
0 4 2 7 1
Why Multiplying By 1 Works

This one is basic since multiplying a number by one results in the

same number, so the answer is the same as the multiplicand.
The important thing to take from here is that using the number
is multiplying by one.
Using the number is one of the building blocks for the Trachten-
berg Method, and it will start to make more sense later as we look
at other multipliers.
1.3 Multiplying By Ten

In the Trachtenberg Basic Multiplication System to multiply a num-

ber by ten, we use the neighbor, that is the figure next to the
number on the right.
The rule for multiplying by ten is:

Rule For Multiplying By Ten

Use the neighbor

How to Multiply by 10

When multiplying by 10 we do not use the number, it is just a

placeholder; instead, we copy down the neighbor as the answer
for each digit.
The first number on the right is always set to zero as there is
no neighbor.
We will look at an example, write the equation on a single line
with a leading zero in front of the multiplicand and the multipli-
cand underlined. The answer is then written directly below the

1 1 1
0 5 4 × 10 4+4=0 no neighbor

For the first step the number is 4 and there is no neighbor so

we write 0.
1 1 1
0 5 4 × 10 4+0=0 no neighbor
0 0 0
5 4 0

Move left to the next digit, the number is 5, but we use the
neighbor which is 4.

1 1 1
0 5 4 × 10 0+4 → 4 use neighbor
0 0 0
5 4 0

Next, the leading 0 is the number and the neighbor is 5, using

the neighbor we have our answer of 540.

1 1 1
0 5 4 × 10 0+5 → 5 use neighbor
0 0 0
5 4 0

I am sure that you have already mastered multiplying by ten,

here is another example for you to review.

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 8+8=0 no neighbor

The number is the placeholder for where you are, from there
look to the neighbor and copy its value down to the answer.

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 8+0=0 no neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 5 8 0
1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 0+8 → 8 use neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 5 8 0

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 0+5 → 5 use neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 5 8 0

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 0+3 → 3 use neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 5 8 0

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 3 5 8 × 10 0+2 → 2 use neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 5 8 0

This method also works for a single digit multiplicand.

1 1
0 6 × 10 6+6=0 no neighbor

1 1
0 6 × 10 6+0=0 no neighbor
0 0
6 0

1 1
0 6 × 10 0+6 → 6 use neighbor
0 0
6 0
Why Multiplying By 10 Works

When multiplying by ten, we ignore the number and look to and

use the neighbor instead. Promoting the neighbor one column to
the left, we are increasing the unit value ten times, or multiplying it
by 10.
What we are doing with the neighbor is another building block
in the basic multiplication method.

0 6 3 8 9 × 10
6 3 8 9 0

Multiplying by Ten

In the above figure, the green arrow indicates we place a zero

in the unit digit of the answer as there is no neighbor for the 9.
The remaining digits of the answer are taken from the neighbor as
shown by the red arrows.
The point to remember here is whenever the neighbor is used
we are multiplying the number by ten.
For most of the following multipliers, we build upon this step to
arrive at the answer.
1.4 Multiplying By Eleven

Multiplying by eleven we will use both the number and the neighbor
following a simple rule.

Rule For Multiplying By eleven

Add the neighbor to the number.

How to Multiply by 11

We will start with a two digit example, 26 × 11. We write out the
equation on one line, add a leading zero then underline the multi-

1 1 1
0 2 6 × 11 6 + 6 = 12 copy number

Starting on the right, the 6 is the number. It has no neighbor,

there is no other number to the right, so we copy just the number 6

1 1 1
0 2 6 × 11 6+6 → 6 copy number
0 0 0
2 8 6

Moving left to the next digit, the 2 is now the number and the 6
is now the neighbor. The 6 is added to the 2 which is 8.
1 1 1
0 2 6 × 11 2+6 = 8 add neighbor
0 0 0
2 8 6

Moving left to the next digit, the leading 0 is now the number
and the 2 is now the neighbor. Adding the neighbor to the number
we get 2 giving 286 as the final answer.

1 1 1
0 2 6 × 11 0+2 = 2 add neighbor
0 0 0
2 8 6

Looking at another example we will multiply 1365 by 11 laying

out the equation as usual.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 5 + 5 = 10 copy number

Starting on the right we just copy the number down as there is no

neighbor to add.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 5+5 → 5 copy number
0 0 1 1 0
1 5 0 1 5

Moving one digit left, the 6 is the number and the 5 is the
neighbor. Adding the neighbor to the number we get 11. We carry
the ten value, indicated by the small superscript 1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 6 + 5 = 11 add neighbor
0 0 1 1 0
1 5 0 1 5
Next the 3 is the number and the 6 is the neighbor, added
together with the carry gives 10 so we write 0 and indicate the carry
with the superscript 1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 3 + 6 = 9 add neighbor
0 0 1 1 0
1 5 0 1 5 9 + 1 = 10 add carry

Moving left, the 1 is the number and the 3 is the neighbor.

Adding the neighbor, number and the carry, we get 5.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 1+3 = 4 add neighbor
0 0 1 1 0
1 5 0 1 5 4+1 = 5 add carry

Lastly at the leading zero, the 0 is the number and the 1 is the
neighbor. Added together we get 1 and our answer of 15, 015.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 6 5 × 11 0+1 = 1 add neighbor
0 0 1 1 0
1 5 0 1 5

As there is only a single leading zero used for the Trachtenberg

Basic Multiplication Method, there are some rare cases where the
result at the leading zero is two digits long. In these cases, write
the answer as a two digit result.

1 1 1
0 9 8 × 11 8 + 8 = 16 copy number
1 1 1
0 9 8 × 11 8+8 → 8 copy number
10 1 7 0 8

1 1 1
0 9 8 × 11 9 + 8 = 17 add neighbor
10 1 7 0 8

At the leading zero, we add the neighbor, number and the carry
giving a result of10, rather than using a carry we write the 10 down
as the result and we get our answer of 1078.

1 1 1
0 9 8 × 11 0+9 = 9 add neighbor
10 1 7 0 8 9 + 1 = 10 add carry

If we did have a second leading zero and we used the carry.

The next step would be adding two zeros and the carry, giving a
result of 1. The little extra work has still given us the same answer
of 1078.

0 10 19 18 × 11 0+0 = 0 add neighbor

1 10 17 08 0+1 = 1 add carry

This method for multiplying by eleven also works for multiplying

single digit numbers.

1 1
0 7 × 11 7 + 7 = 14 copy number

1 1
0 7 × 11 7+7 → 7 copy number
0 0
7 7
1 1
0 7 × 11 0 + 7 = 7 add neighbor
0 0
7 7

Why Multiplying By 11 Works

The Distributive Law says a number can be multiplied by 11 or

10 + 1. In other words, we can first multiply a number by 10 then
second, multiply it by 1 then add the two results together, and we
have the same result as multiplying by 11.
In earlier sections we saw that using the neighbor is multiplying
by 10 and using the number is multiplying by 1. When we add the
number and the neighbor together, it is the same as multiplying
the number by 10 + 1, or 11.
Looking at an example if we wanted to multiply 45 by 11 we
would first multiply 45 by 10, which is 450 then we multiply 45 by 1
which is 45. Adding these together we get:

450 (1.3)

Follow through the steps below for multiplying by 11 and you

will see it matches each column, from left to right, in the equation

1 1 1
0 4 5 × 11 5 + 5 = 10 copy number
1 1 1
0 4 5 × 11 5+5 → 5 copy number
0 0 0
4 9 5

1 1 1
0 4 5 × 11 4+5 = 9 add neighbor
0 0 0
4 9 5

1 1 1
0 4 5 × 11 0+4 = 4 add neighbor
0 0 0
4 9 5

Multiplying by eleven, as simple as adding the neighbor to the

number as you got from right to left along the multiplicand. It
does not matter if the multiplicand is one digit or one hundred, the
method works.
Anyone can use this approach, which is the fastest and easiest
way to multiply by eleven.
1.5 Multiplying By Twelve

Multiplying by twelve has one rule to follow:

Rule For Multiplying By Twelve

Double the number and add the neighbor.

We double the number but assuming no knowledge of the

multiplication tables is necessary, even the two times tables; we
will refer to it as adding the number to itself. So for each number
we add it to itself then add the neighbor.

How to Multiply by 12

The equation is written on one line with a leading zero and the
multiplicand underlined, so multiplying 16 by 12 we have:

0 1 6 × 12

Starting on the right, the number is 6, we add 6 to itself giving

12. There is no neighbor so we write 2 and carry 1.

0 1 6 × 12 6 + 6 = 12 double number
Moving left the number is 1 and the neighbor is 6. Add the
number to itself, add the neighbor and the carry from the previous
step giving 9.

0 1 6 × 12 1+1 = 2 double number

9 12 2+6 = 8 add neighbor
8+1 = 9 add carry

Moving left, the leading 0 is the number and and the neighbor
is 1. Doubling zero is still zero, adding the neighbor we have 1. We
write down the 1, and we have our final answer of 192.

0 1 6 × 12 0+0 = 0 double number

1 9 12 0+1 = 1 add neighbor

In the examples, I am showing all the calculations next to the

equation on the right-hand side, including things like doubling zero
or adding zero. All the calculations on the right should be done
mentally, taking any shortcuts available and skipping calculations
that do not change the value. I show the full calculations every time
just to show the whole method.

Look at another example, multiplying 4801 by 12, but this time try
to work out the answer to each step before looking at the answer.
0 4 8 0 1 × 12

0 4 8 0 1 × 12 1+1 = 2 double number


0 4 8 0 1 × 12 0+0 = 0 double number

1 2 0+1 = 1 add neighbor

0 4 8 0 1 × 12 8 + 8 = 16 double number
6 1 2 16 + 0 = 16 add neighbor

0 4 8 0 1 × 12 4 + 4 = 8 double number
1 1
7 6 1 2 8 + 8 = 16 add neighbor
16 + 1 = 17 add carry

0 4 8 0 1 × 12 0+0 = 0 double number

5 17 16 1 2 0+4 = 4 add neighbor
4+1 = 5 add carry

This also works for single digit numbers, such as multiplying by

9 by 12,

0 9 × 12

0 9 × 12 9 + 9 = 18 double number

0 9 × 12 0+0 = 0 double number

1 0 18 0+9 = 9 add neighbor
9 + 1 = 10 add carry
Why Multiplying By 12 Works

Using the Distributive Law instead of multiplying by 12 we can also

multiply by 1 + 1 + 10 and get the same result.
From earlier sections we know using the neighbor is multiplying
by 10 and using the number is multiplying by 1. When we add
the number to itself then add the neighbor we are multiplying by
1 + 1 + 10.
If we look at an example, 76 × 12, we have 1 × 76 = 76 and
10 × 76 = 760. If we add 76 to itself then add 760 we get 912 as
shown in the equation below.

7 6
7 6
+7 6 0
9 21 12

Follow through the steps below for multiplying by 12 and you

will see it matches each column, from left to right, in the equation

0 7 6 × 12

0 7 6 × 12 6 + 6 = 12 double number
0 7 6 × 12 7 + 7 = 14 double number
2 1
1 2 14 + 6 = 20 add neighbor
20 + 1 = 21 add carry

0 7 6 × 12 0+0 = 0 double number

9 21 12 0+7 = 7 add neighbor
7+2 = 9 add carry

I doubt you will find a faster or easier way to multiply any number
by 12
1.6 Multiplying By Nine

Multiplying by nine, now we have a multiplier that is less than ten

so how we do the calculation changes, and we have three steps to
Rule For Multiplying By Nine

First step: Subtract the number from 10.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9 and
add the neighbor.
Last step: Reduce left-hand digit of multiplicand by 1.

To explain the steps a little more;

The first step, “subtract the number from 10” is only done on
the right-hand figure of the multiplicand. That is the unit digit of the
The intermediate steps, “subtract the number from 9 and add
the neighbor” is done on each of the remaining figures in the
multiplicand, excluding the leading zero.
The last step, “reduce the left-hand digit of the multiplicand by
1”, is done when the leading zero is the number, you subtract 1
from its neighbor, the left digit of the original multiplicand, and use
that as the left-hand figure of the answer.
Looking at 75 × 9 as an example, we write the equation as we
have done previously.
1 1 1
0 7 5 × 9 4+4 = 8 subtract from 10

Starting at the right-hand digit we follow the first step, the number
is 5 so we subtract this from 10 giving us 5.
1 1 1
0 7 5 × 9 10 − 5 = 5 subtract from 10
0 0 0
6 6 5

Moving left to the next digit we now use the intermediate step and
subtract the number 7 from 9 then add the neighbor, 5.
1 1 1
0 7 5 × 9 9−7 = 2 subtract from 9
0 0 0
6 7 5 2+5 = 7 add neighbor

Moving left to the leading zero, we use the last step and subtract 1
from the neighbor, 7, the left-hand digit (LHD) of the multiplicand,
which gives 6 and we have our answer 675.
1 1 1
0 7 5 × 9 7−1 = 6 LHD minus 1
0 0 0
6 7 5

We will have a look at a longer example where we will use the

intermediate step several times, multiplying 1473 by 9.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 3+3 = 6 subtract from 10

Starting on the right-hand digit we use the first step and subtract
the 3 from 10.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 10 − 3 = 7 subtract from 10
0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 7
Moving left we use the intermediate step and subtract the number,
7, from 9 then add the neighbor, 3.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 9−7 = 2 subtract from 9
0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 7 2+3 = 5 add neighbor

Moving left to the next digit, use the intermediate step and subtract
the number, 4, from 9 then add the neighbor, 7. The result is 12 so
write 2 and carry the1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 9−4 = 5 subtract from 9
0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 7 5 + 7 = 12 add neighbor

Moving to the next digit, use the intermediate step and subtract the
number, 1, from 9 and add the neighbor, 4. We also have to add
the 1 carried from the previous step. The result is 13, write 3 and
carry 1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 9−1 = 8 subtract from 9
0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 7 8 + 4 = 12 add neighbor
12 + 1 = 13 add carry

We now move to the leading zero, use the final step and subtract
1 from the neighbor, 1, the left-hand digit of the multiplicand. We
also have to add the carry from the previous step and we have our
answer of 13257.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 4 7 3 × 9 1−1 = 0 LHD minus 1
0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 7 0+1 = 1 add carry
The method also works for single digit numbers but for single
digit multiplicands there is no intermediate step.

1 1
0 9 × 9 9 + 9 = 18 subtract from 10

We use the first step and subtract the 9 from 10.

1 1
0 9 × 9 10 − 9 = 1 subtract from 10
0 0
8 1

Moving left we are at the leading zero so we use the final step and
subtract 1 from the 9 to get our answer of 81.

1 1
0 9 × 9 9−1 = 8 LHD minus 1
0 0
8 1

It should be noted that there will be some numbers where the

final step will result in a zero which can just be left off the result.

1 1 1
0 1 1 × 9 1+1 = 2 subtract from 10

1 1 1
0 1 1 × 9 10 − 1 = 9 subtract from 10
0 0 0
0 9 9

1 1 1
0 1 1 × 9 9−1 = 8 subtract from 9
0 0 0
0 9 9 8+1 = 9 add neighbor

At the leading zero, using the final step, subtracting 1 from 1 is

0 which we can just ignore rather than putting an unnecessary
leading zero on our answer of 99.

1 1 1
0 1 1 × 9 1−1 = 0 LHD minus 1
0 0 0
0 9 9

Another thing to note that when the right-hand digit of the multi-
plier is a zero we will get 10 as the result of the first step, and we
treat this like we would any two digit result and carry.

1 1 1
0 2 0 × 9 1+1 = 2 subtract from 10

1 1 1
0 2 0 × 9 10 − 0 = 10 subtract from 10
0 0 1
0 9 0

1 1 1
0 2 0 × 9 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9
0 0 1
0 8 0 7+0 = 7 add neighbor
7+1 = 8 add carry

At the leading zero, using the final step, subtracting 1 from 2 is 1

giving our answer of 180.

1 1 1
0 2 0 × 9 2−1 = 1 LHD minus 1
0 0 1
1 8 0

Once you practice s few times and get comfortable with the
method this again is a fast way to multiply any number by nine.
Why Multiplying By 9 Works

When multiplying by 9, it is the same as multiplying by 10 − 1, mean-

ing we can multiply the number by 10 then subtract the number to
get the same result as directly multiplying by 9.
When trying to multiply the multiplicand by 10 then subtract
the multiplicand, we would need to borrow which complicates the
Instead of subtracting the multiplicand we add the ten’s com-
plement of the multiplicand. Addition removes any necessity to
We will take the example, 589 × 9, where 589 × 10 = 5890 and
589 × 1 = 589. Instead of subtracting the 589 we will add the ten’s
complement of 589.

9 9 10
− 5 8 9
4 1 1
+5 8 9 0
6 13 10 1
−1 0 0 0
5 3 0 1

In the above equation we subtract 589 from 1000 to get the ten’s
complement, 411 which is added to 5890 which gives 6301. The
last step is to subtract the 1000 that was introduced at the top of
the equation, leaving the final result as 5301.
That is what is involved in this method but it has been reduced
to three steps:

0 5 8 9 × 9

First Step: Subtract the number from 10.

0 5 8 9 × 9 10 − 9 = 1 subtract from 10

Intermediate Step: Subtract the number from 9 and add the


0 5 8 9 × 9 9 − 8 = 1 subtract from 9
0 1 1 + 9 = 10 add neighbor

Intermediate Step: Subtract the number from 9 and add the

neighbor. In this case a carry is also added.

0 5 8 9 × 9 9−5 = 4 subtract from 9

1 1
3 0 1 4 + 8 = 12 add neighbor
12 + 1 = 13 add carry

Final Step: Subtract 1 from the left-hand digit of the multiplicand.

In this case also add the carry.
0 5 8 9 × 9 5−1 = 4 LHD minus 1
5 13 10 1 4+1 = 5 add carry

It is important to understand what do do when multiplying by

9 as there are three other multipliers that also use complement
Try these few examples yourself then compare your answers
with those on the following pages. If you get any wrong try working
through the example again to find where you went wrong.

1) 8 × 9

2) 6 3 × 9

3) 1 7 4 × 9

4) 2 7 5 8 × 9

5) 1 0 6 0 × 9
1) 8 × 9

0 8 × 9

0 8 × 9 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10

0 8 × 9 8−1 = 7 LHD minus 1

7 2

No intermediate step with a single digit multiplicand.

2) 6 3 × 9

0 6 3 × 9

0 6 3 × 9 10 − 3 = 7 subtract from 10

0 6 3 × 9 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

6 7 3+3 = 6 add neighbor

0 6 3 × 9 6−1 = 5 LHD minus 1

5 6 7
3) 1 7 4 × 9

0 1 7 4 × 9

0 1 7 4 × 9 10 − 4 = 6 subtract from 10

0 1 7 4 × 9 9−7 = 2 subtract from 9

6 6 2+4 = 6 add neighbor

0 1 7 4 × 9 9 − 1 = 8 subtract from 9
5 6 6 8 + 7 = 15 add neighbor

0 1 7 4 × 9 1−1 = 0 LHD minus 1

1 15 6 6 0+1 = 1 add carry
4) 2 7 5 8 × 9

0 2 7 5 8 × 9

0 2 7 5 8 × 9 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10

0 2 7 5 8 × 9 9−5 = 4 subtract from 9

2 2 4 + 8 = 12 add neighbor

0 2 7 5 8 × 9 9−7 = 2 subtract from 9

8 12 2 2+5 = 7 add neighbor
7+1 = 8 add carry

0 2 7 5 8 × 9 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9

4 8 12 2 7 + 7 = 14 add neighbor

0 2 7 5 8 × 9 2−1 = 1 LHD minus 1

2 14 8 12 2 1+1 = 2 add carry
5) 1 0 6 0 × 9

0 1 0 6 0 × 9

0 1 0 6 0 × 9 10 − 0 = 10 subtract from 10

0 1 0 6 0 × 9 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

4 10 3+0 = 3 add neighbor
3+1 = 4 add carry

0 1 0 6 0 × 9 9−0 = 9 subtract from 9

5 4 10 9 + 6 = 15 add neighbor

0 1 0 6 0 × 9 9−1 = 8 subtract from 9

9 15 4 10 8+0 = 8 add neighbor
8+1 = 9 add carry

0 1 0 6 0 × 9 1−1 = 0 LHD minus 1

9 15 4 10
1.7 Multiplying By Eight

Multiplying by eight is similar to that of multiplying by nine.

Rule For Multiplying By Eight

First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9, dou-
ble and add the neighbor.
Last step: Reduce left-hand digit of multiplicand by 2.

To explain the steps a little more;

The first step, “subtract the number from 10 and double” is only
done on the right-hand figure of the multiplicand. That is the unit
digit of the multiplicand.
The intermediate steps, “subtract the number from 9, double
and add the neighbor” is done on each of the remaining figures in
the multiplicand, excluding the leading zero.
The last step, “reduce the left-hand digit of the multiplicand by
2”, is done when the leading zero is the number, you subtract 2
from its neighbor, the left digit of the original multiplicand, and use
that as the left-hand figure of the answer.
We will have a look at 38 times 12. We setup the equation as
we have done for the other multipliers.

1 1 1
0 3 8 × 8 8 + 8 = 16 subtract from 10
Starting on the right we use the first step and subtract the number,
8, from 10 which is 2. The 2 is added to itself to give 4.

1 1 1
0 3 8 × 8 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10
0 2 0
3 0 4 2 + 2 = 4 double

Moving left we use the intermediate step and subtract the number,
3 from 9 which is 6. The 6 is added to itself to give 12. The neighbor,
8 is then added to give 20. We write 0 and carry 2.

1 1 1
0 3 8 × 8 9−3 = 6 subtract from 9
0 2 0
3 0 4 6 + 6 = 12 double
12 + 8 = 20 add neighbor

Moving left to the next digit, the leading 0 is the number, use the
final step and subtract 2 from the neighbor, 3, the left-hand digit
of the multiplicand. The 2 carried from the previous step is added
giving 3 and we have the answer of 304.

1 1 1
0 3 8 × 8 3−2 = 1 LHD minus 2
0 2 0
3 0 4 1+2 = 3 add carry

When multiplying numbers, whose left-hand digit is 1, by 8, the

final step of subtracting 2 from the left-hand digit will result in a
negative number. However, there will always be a carry that will
bring this back to at least zero or higher, as we will see in the next

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 3+3 = 6 subtract from 10
Starting on the right, the first step is to subtractthe number, 3, from
10, which is 7 then add this to itself to get 14. Write 4 and carry 1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 10 − 3 = 7 subtract from 10
0 2 0 1 1
1 2 9 8 4 7 + 7 = 14 double

On the next digit we use the intermediate step and subtract the
number, 2, from 9 giving 7. This is added to itself then the neighbor,
3, is added and finally the carry of 1 is added to give 18. Write 8
and carry 1.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9
0 2 0 1 1
1 2 9 8 4 7 + 7 = 14 double
14 + 3 = 17 add neighbor
17 + 1 = 18 add carry

We again use the intermediate step on the next digit and subtract
the number, 6, from 9 giving 3. This is added to itself then the
neighbor, 2, and the carry of 1 are added to give 9.

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9
0 2 0 1 1
1 2 9 8 4 3+3 = 6 double

6+2 = 8 add neighbor

8+1 = 9 add carry

Following the intermediate step, subtract the number, 1, from 9

giving 8. This is added to itself to give 16 to which the neighbor, 6,
is added to give 22. Write 2 and carry 2.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 9−1 = 8 subtract from 9
0 2 0 1 1
1 2 9 8 4 8 + 8 = 16 double
16 + 6 = 22 add neighbor

At the leading zero we use the final step and subtract 2 from the
neighbor, 1, which gives −1. There is a carry of 2 which added to
−1 gives 1 and we have our answer of 12984.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 6 2 3 × 8 1 − 2 = −1 LHD minus 2
0 2 0 1 1
1 2 9 8 4 −1 + 2 = 1 add carry

As we saw for multiplying by nine, multiplying a single digit

number by eight works but there is no middle step involved only
the first and final steps.
1 1
0 6 × 8 6 + 6 = 12 subtract from 10

Following the first step the number, 6, is subtracted from 10 giving

4 which is then doubled giving 8.
1 1
0 6 × 8 10 − 6 = 4 subtract from 10
0 0
4 8 4+4 = 8 double

At the leading zero, following the final step the neighbor, 6, is

reduced by 2 to give 4 and we have our answer of 48.
1 1
0 6 × 8 6−2 = 4 LHD minus 2
0 0
4 8
We have now seen what I consider to be the five key multipliers
of the Basic Multiplication method, that is the multipliers 12, 11, 10,
9 and 8. Each of the remaining multipliers uses a variation of one
these five types.
Try these few examples yourself then compare your answers
with those on the following pages. If you get any wrong try working
through the example again to find where you went wrong.

1) 4 × 8

2) 2 7 × 8

3) 3 8 4 × 8

4) 1 6 5 2 × 8

5) 3 6 2 1 × 8
1) 4 × 8

0 4 × 8

0 4 × 8 10 − 4 = 6 subtract from 10
2 6 + 6 = 12 double

0 4 × 8 4−2 = 2 LHD minus 2

3 12 2+1 = 3 add carry

No intermediate step with a single digit multiplicand.

2) 2 7 × 8

0 2 7 × 8

0 2 7 × 8 10 − 7 = 3 subtract from 10
6 3 + 3 = 6 double

0 2 7 × 8 9 − 2 = 7 subtract from 9
1 6 7 + 7 = 14 double
14 + 7 = 21 add neighbor

0 2 7 × 8 2−2 = 0 LHD minus 2

2 21 6 0+2 = 2 add carry
3) 3 8 4 × 8

0 3 8 4 × 8

0 3 8 4 × 8 10 − 4 = 6 subtract from 10
2 6 + 6 = 12 double

0 3 8 4 × 8 9−8 = 1 subtract from 9

7 12 1+1 = 2 double
2+4 = 6 add neighbor
6+1 = 7 add carry

0 3 8 4 × 8 9−3 = 6 subtract from 9

0 7 12 6 + 6 = 12 double
12 + 8 = 20 add neighbor

0 3 8 4 × 8 3−2 = 1 LHD minus 2

3 20 7 12 1+2 = 3 add carry
4) 1 6 5 2 × 8

0 1 6 5 2 × 8

0 1 6 5 2 × 8 10 − 2 = 8 subtract from 10
6 8 + 8 = 16 double

0 1 6 5 2 × 8 9−5 = 4 subtract from 9

1 1
1 6 4+4 = 8 double
8 + 2 = 10 add neighbor
10 + 1 = 11 add carry

0 1 6 5 2 × 8 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

1 1 1
2 1 6 3+3 = 6 double
6 + 5 = 11 add neighbor
11 + 1 = 12 add carry

0 1 6 5 2 × 8 9−1 = 8 subtract from 9

2 1 1 1
3 2 1 6 8 + 8 = 16 double
16 + 6 = 22 add neighbor
22 + 1 = 23 add carry

0 1 6 5 2 × 8 1 − 2 = −1 LHD minus 2
1 23 12 11 16 −1 + 2 = 1 add carry
5) 3 6 2 1 × 8

0 3 6 2 1 × 8

0 3 6 2 1 × 8 10 − 1 = 9 subtract from 10
8 9 + 9 = 18 double

0 3 6 2 1 × 8 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9

1 1
6 8 7 + 7 = 14 double
14 + 1 = 15 add neighbor
15 + 1 = 16 add carry

0 3 6 2 1 × 8 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

9 16 18 3+3 = 6 double
6+2 = 8 add neighbor
8+1 = 9 add carry

0 3 6 2 1 × 8 9 − 3 = 6 subtract from 9
8 9 16 18 6 + 6 = 12 double
12 + 6 = 18 add neighbor

0 3 6 2 1 × 8 3−2 = 1 LHD minus 2

2 18 9 16 18 1+1 = 2 add carry
1.8 Multiplying By Five

Multiplying by five is related to multiplying by ten. For both only the

neighbor is used, only how much of the neighbor is used changes.
The rule for multiplying by five is:

Rule For Multiplying By Five

Use “half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd.

How to Multiply by 5

Remember, the “half” is not a true half for the odd digits, see the
section What is “Half”? for a full explanation.
For any multiplier where the rule specifies using or adding “half”
the neighbor it will aways be followed by the additional ‘’and add 5
if the number is odd”.
Note that although we are using or adding “half” the neighbor
whether we then add 5 or not depends on the number not the
neighbor being odd.
We will look at some examples of multiplying by five then we
will look further into why we add 5 when the number is odd.
We will look at 89 × 5 as our first example. As always, we add a
leading zero to and underline the multiplicand.

1 1 1
0 8 9 × 5 0+0=0 no neighbor
The first number is 9 and there is no neighbor, so we use
zero.However, 9 is odd so we add 5 to the 0 and the first digit of our
answer is 5.

1 1 1
0 8 9 × 5 0+5=0 no neighbor
0 0 0
4 4 5 0+5 = 5 add 5 if odd

Moving left, the number is now 8 and 9 is now the neighbor.

Taking “half” of 9 we have 4. The 8 is not odd so we do not add 5.

1 1 1
0 8 9 × 5 0+9 → 4 use half neighbor
0 0 0
4 4 5

Moving left, the leading 0 is the number and the 8 is the neigh-
bor. Using “half” the neighbor we have 4. 0 is not odd so we do
not add 5. Our final answer is 445.

1 1 1
0 8 9 × 5 0+8 → 4 use half neighbor
0 0 0
4 4 5

We will look at another example, 8749 × 5. We start bu adding

the leading zero and underlining the multiplicand.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+0=0 no neighbor

The number is 9, which is odd and there is no neighbor so the

first digit of the answer is 5.
1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+5=0 no neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 7 4 5 0+5 = 5 add 5 if odd

Next, the number is 4 and the neighbor is 9. “Half” of 9 is 4.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+9 → 4 use half neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 7 4 5

The number is now 7, which is odd, and the neighbor is 4. “Half”

the neighbor is 2 and adding 5 we have 7.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+4 → 2 use half neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 7 4 5 2+5 = 7 add 5 if odd

The number is 8 and the neighbor is 7. We take “half” of the

neighbor which is 3.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+7 → 3 use half neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 7 4 5

The leading 0 is the number and the neighbor is 8, “half” of

which is 4 giving our final answer of 43745.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 7 4 9 × 5 0+8 → 4 use half neighbor
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 7 4 5
The method also works for single digit multiplicands.

1 1
0 8 × 5 0+0=0 no neighbor

1 1
0 8 × 5 0+5=0 no neighbor
0 0
4 0

1 1
0 8 × 5 0+8 → 4 use half neighbor
0 0
4 0

Why Multiplying By 5 Works

5 is half of 10 which we can represent as:

5= · 10
Note: we are using the dot to represent multiplication instead of
the ”×” symbol.
From a previous section, we know that using the neighbor is
multiplying by ten so using 12 , or half, of the neighbor is multiply-
ing by 5. Half the neighbor works for even numbers but not the
odd numbers. As the even numbers are straight forward, we will
concentrate on the odd numbers for the rest of this explanation.
There are a couple of points we need to be aware of; first, each
digit in the multiplicand is used twice, once as the number and
then a second time as the neighbor. Second, when multiplying any
single figure by 5, if the figure is even the answer will always end in
0, if odd the answer will always end in 5.
Even Odd
0×5 = 0 1×5 = 5
2 × 5 = 10 3 × 5 = 15
6 × 5 = 30 7 × 5 = 35

We will look at two single digits multiplied by 5, the first an even

number, the second an odd number.
For 6 × 5, firstly, the 6 is the number and there is no neighbor.
The first digit of the answer is 0.

0 6 × 5 0 no neighbor

Now the leading 0 is the number and the 6 is the neighbor. Half of
6 is 3 and the final answer is 30.

0 6 × 5 6→3 use half neighbor

3 0

For 9 × 5, the 9 is the number and there is no neighbor. The 9

is odd so we add 5 and the first digit of the answer is 5.

0 9 × 5 0 no neighbor
5 0 + 5 = 5 add 5 if odd

The leading 0 is the number and the 9 is the neighbor. Taking

“half” of the 9 we have 4 and our final result is 45.
0 9 × 5 9→4 use half neighbor
4 5

In multiplying 9 by 5, when taking “half” the neighbor, and the

neighbor is odd we are effectively subtracting 1 from the neighbor
and taking half of the resulting even number, this gives a result
ending in 0 rather than 5. When the digit was the number in the
previous step, to compensate for the subtraction of 1, the second
part of the rule kicked in, and we added 5.
To put it another way, when an odd digit is the number, by
adding 5 we are putting in place the 5 that will be left out in the next
step when the digit is the neighbor and we are taking the “half” of
its value.
A point to remember is: adding 5 if the number is odd, is always
part of the rule when using or adding “half” of the neighbor.
1.9 Multiplying By Six

Multiplying by six is the next multiplier that also uses “half” the

Rule For Multiplying By six

Add “half” the neighbor to the number and add 5 if the

number is odd.

The rule for multiplying by six is a variation of the rule for multiplying
by eleven, but in this case, we only add “half” of the neighbor to
the number, as well as add 5 if the number is odd.

How to Multiply by 6

We will look at 85 × 6 as an example. The equation is written on

one line with a leading zero and the multiplicand underlined.

1 1 1
0 8 5 × 6 5 + 5 = 10 add 5 if odd

Starting at the right the number is 5, there is no neighbor but 5

is odd so we add 5 to the number giving 10. We write 0 and carry
the 1.

1 1 1
0 8 5 × 6 5 + 5 = 10 add 5 if odd
0 1 1
5 1 0
Moving left the number is now 8 and the neighbor is 5. “Half”
the neighbor is 2. Adding this to the number we get 10, adding the
carry we have 11.

1 1 1
0 8 5 × 6 8 + 2 = 10 add half neighbor
0 1 1
5 1 0 10 + 1 = 11 add carry

Moving left the leading 0 is now the number and the neighbor
is 8. “Half” the neighbor is 4 and adding the carry gives 5 and we
have our answer of 510

1 1 1
0 8 5 × 6 0+4 = 4 add half neighbor
0 1 1
5 1 0 4+1 = 5 add carry

We will go through another example, 8481 × 6, laying out the

equation as normal.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 1+1=2 add 5 if odd

The number 1, is odd so we add 5.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 1+5 = 6 add 5 if odd
0 1 1 0 0
5 0 2 8 6

“Half” of1, the neighbor is 0 so just copy the number down.

1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 8+0 = 8 add half neighbor
0 1 1 0 0
5 0 2 8 6
The number is 3 and “half” of the neighbor, 8, is 4. Added together
gives 7. 3 is odd so we add 5 to get 12.
1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 3 + 4 = 7 add half neighbor
0 1 1 0 0
5 0 2 8 6 7 + 5 = 12 add 5 if odd
The number is 8 and “half” of 3 is 1, added together with the carry
gives 10.
1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 8 + 1 = 9 add half neighbor
0 1 1 0 0
5 0 2 8 6 9 + 1 = 10 add carry
The leading 0 is the number and “half”of 8 is 4, with the carry we
have 5 and our final anaswer is 50286.
1 1 1 1 1
0 8 3 8 1 × 6 0+4 = 4 add half neighbor
0 1 1 0 0
5 0 2 8 6 4+1 = 5 add carry

The method also works for single figure numbers.

1 1
0 4 × 6 4+4=8 add 5 if odd

1 1
0 4 × 6 4+4 → 4 copy number
0 0
2 4

1 1
0 4 × 6 0+2 = 2 add half neighbor
0 0
2 4

Why Multiplying By 6 Works

Six can be represented as:

6 = 5+1
Using the dot notation for multiplication, five can be represented
5= · 10
Putting these together we get:

6= · 10 + 1
This means that instead of multiplying by 6 we can multiply a
number by 2 · 10 + 1.
We know that using the number itself is multiplying by 1 and we
saw in How to Multiply by 5 that 12 × 10 with “add 5 when number
is odd”, is multiplying by five. When we add these together, we are
multiplying by six.
1.10 Multiplying By Seven

How to Multiply by 7

The rule for multiplying by seven is a variation on the rule for

multiplying by twelve.

Rule For Multiplying By Seven

Double the number, add “half” the neighbor and add 5 if

the number is odd.

The difference between the rule for multiplying by twelve and

multiplying by seven is only “half” the neighbor is added to the
number when multiplying by seven. Whenever only “half” the
neighbor is used there is the additional part where if the number is
odd, 5 is added.
We will have a look at an example multiplying 57 by 7.

1 1 1
0 5 7 × 7 7 + 7 = 14 double number

Starting at the right-hand side, the number is 7 which we double.

As 7 is an odd number we add 5 to the result.

1 1 1
0 5 7 × 7 7 + 7 = 14 double number
0 1 1
3 9 9 14 + 5 = 19 add 5 if odd
Moving left, the number is now 5, we double the 5 to get 10. The
neighbor is 7 but we only add “half” of the neighbor, which is 3.
As 5 is odd we also add 5 then finally we add the carry from the
previous digit.

1 1 1
0 5 7 × 7 5 + 5 = 10 double number
0 1 1
3 9 9 10 + 3 = 13 add half neighbor
13 + 5 = 18 add 5 if odd
18 + 1 = 19 add carry

Moving left to the next digit we are at the leading zero. As the
number is 0 and doubling it would have no effect we just add “half”
the neighbor then add the carry. The result is 3 which gives us our
answer of 399.

1 1 1
0 5 7 × 7 0+0 = 0 double number
0 1 1
3 9 9 0+2 = 2 add half neighbor
2+1 = 3 add carry

We will have a look at another example, this time we will have a

few even digits. We will look at 7286 multiplied by 7.

1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 6 + 6 = 12 double number

At the first digit, 6, there is no neighbor so we just double the

number to get 12.
1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 6 + 6 = 12 double number
0 2 1 2 1
5 1 0 0 2

Moving to the next digit, the number, 8, is doubled. The neighbor

is 6 but we add only “half”,3, and add the carry.

1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 8 + 8 = 16 double number
0 2 1 2 1
5 1 0 0 2 16 + 3 = 19 add half neighbor
19 + 1 = 20 add carry

The next digit, the number is 2, we double it. “Half” of the

neighbor is 4 and we add the carry.

1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 2 + 2 = 4 double number
0 2 1 2 1
5 1 0 0 2 4 + 4 = 8 add half neighbor
8 + 2 = 10 add carry

Moving on, the number is 7, doubled is 14, adding “half” the

neighbor we get 15. 7 is odd so we add 5 then add the carry for a
total of 21.

1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 7 + 7 = 14 double number
0 2 1 2 1
5 1 0 0 2 14 + 1 = 15 add half neighbor
15 + 5 = 20 add 5 if odd
20 + 1 = 21 add carry

At the leading zero we can simply add “half” the neighbor, which
is 3 then add the carry to get 5 and we have our answer of 51002.
1 1 1 1 1
0 7 2 8 6 × 7 0+0 = 0 double number
0 2 1 2 1
5 1 0 0 2 0+3 = 3 add half neighbor
3+2 = 5 add carry

Multiplying single digit numbers also works.

1 1
0 5 × 7 5 + 5 = 10 double number

Starting on the left the number is doubled, since 5 is odd we

also add 5 to get 15.

1 1
0 5 × 7 5 + 5 = 10 double number
0 1
3 5 10 + 5 = 15 add 5 if odd

Moving to the leading zero, know that doubling and adding zero
has no effect we just take “half” the neighbor and add the carry
giving 3. There is our answer of 35.

1 1
0 5 × 7 0+0 = 0 double number
0 1
3 5 0+2 = 2 add half neighbor
2+1 = 3 add carry

Why Multiplying By 7 Works

Seven can be represented as:

7 = 5+2
Using the dot notation for multiplication, five can be represented
5= · 10
Putting these together we get:

7= · 10 + 2
If we modify this slightly and change the 2 into 2 · 1, that is 2 × 1 in
dot notation, we get:

7= · 10 + 2 · 1
This means that instead of multiplying by 7 we can multiply a
number by 2 · 10 + 2 · 1.
We know from How to Multiply by 5 that 12 × 10 with “add 5 when
number is odd”, is multiplying by five. Also using the number itself
is multiplying by 1 but here we double the number. When we add
these together, we are multiplying by seven.
1.11 Multiplying By Four

Multiplying by four is a variation of multiplying by nine.

Rules For Multiplying By Four

First step:Subtract from 10 and add 5 if number is odd.

Intermediate steps: Subtract from 9 and add “half” the
neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd.
Last step: Reduce “half” of left-hand digit of multiplicand
by 1.

To explain the steps a little more;

The first step, “subtract the number from 10 and add 5 if number
is odd” is only done on the right-hand, or unit digit of the multipli-
The intermediate steps, “subtract the number from 9 and add
“half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd” is done on each
of the remaining figures in the multiplicand, excluding the leading
The last step, “reduce “half” of the left-hand digit of the multi-
plicand by 1”, is done when the leading zero is the number. ”Half”
of the left digit of the original multiplicand is reduced by 1 and
becomes the left-hand figure of the answer.
We will look at 37 × 4 as an example:
1 1 1
0 3 7 × 4 10 − 7 = 3 subtract from 10

The first step says we subtract the number, 7 from 10 giving 3.

As 7 is odd, we add 5 for a result of 8.

1 1 1
0 3 7 × 4 10 − 7 = 3 subtract from 10
0 1 0
1 4 8 3 + 5 = 8 add 5 if odd

The intermediate step says we subtract the 3 from 9, then add

3, which is “half”the neighbor, then add 5 as thenumber, 3, is odd.

1 1 1
0 3 7 × 4 9−3 = 6 subtract from 9
0 1 0
1 4 8 6+3 = 9 add half neighbor
9 + 5 = 14 add 5 if odd

At the leading zero, we use the final step and subtract 1 from
“half” of 3. This gives 0, but we have a carry to add for a result of 1
and our final answer of 148.

1 1 1
0 3 7 × 4 1−1 = 0 half LHD minus 1
0 1 0
1 4 8 0+1 = 1 add carry

We will look at another example, 4278 × 4.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10
Using the first step, we subtract 8 from 10.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10
0 0 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 2

Using the intermediate step, we subtract 7 from 9 then add

“half”of 8. As 7 is odd we add 5 for a total of 11.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 9 − 7 = 2 subtract from 9
0 0 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 2 2 + 4 = 6 add half neighbor
6 + 5 = 11 add 5 if odd

Using the intermediate step, we subtract the number, 2, from 9.

The neighbor is 7, adding “half” of the neighbor and the carry we
get 11.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 9 − 2 = 7 subtract from 9
0 0 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 2 7 + 3 = 10 add half neighbor
10 + 1 = 11 add carry

Using the intermediate step, we subtract 4 from 9. We then add

“half” of 2 and the carry to get 7.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 9−4 = 5 subtract from 9
0 0 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 2 5+1 = 6 add half neighbor
6+1 = 7 add carry
At the leading 0 we use the final step and subtract 1 from “half”
of the left-hand digit of the multiplicand, the 4. This gives us 1 and
a final result of 17112.

1 1 1 1 1
0 4 2 7 8 × 4 2−1 = 1 half LHD minus 1
0 0 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 2

The method works for single digit multiplicands too.

1 1
0 3 × 4 10 − 3 = 7 subtract from 10

1 1
0 3 × 4 10 − 3 = 7 subtract from 10
0 1
1 2 7 + 5 = 12 add 5 if odd

1 1
0 3 × 4 1 − 1 = 0 half LHD minus 1
0 1
1 2 0 + 1 = 1 add carry

Why Multiplying By 4 Works

We can represent 4 as:

4 = 5−1

Using the dot notation for multiplication, five can be represented

5= · 10
Putting these together we get:
4= · 10 − 1
When multiplying by 4, it is the same as multiplying by · 10 − 1.
We know from How to Multiply by 5 that adding “half” the neigh-
bor along with “add 5 when number is odd”, is multiplying by five.
We also know from Why Multiplying By 9 Works that adding the
tens complement of a number can be used in place of subtracting
a number.
Combining these two is the same as multiplying by 12 × 10 − 1.
We will take the example, 635 × 4, where 635 × 5 = 3175 and
635 × 1 = 635.
Following the method for multiplying by 5 we have:

0 6 3 5 × 5 0 no neighbor
5 0 + 5 = 5 add 5 if odd

0 6 3 5 × 5 5→2 use half neighbor

7 5 2+5 = 7 add 5 if odd

0 6 3 5 × 5 3→1 use half neighbor

1 7 5

0 6 3 5 × 5 6→3 use half neighbor

3 1 7 5

After multiplying by 5, instead of subtracting the 635 we will add

the ten’s complement of 635 to 3175.
9 9 10
− 6 3 5
3 6 5
+3 1 7 5
3 15 14 10
−1 0 0 0
2 5 4 0

In the above equation we subtract 635 from 1000 to get the ten’s
complement, 365 which is added to 3175 which gives 3540. The
last step is to subtract the 1000 that was introduced at the top of
the equation, leaving the final result as 2540.
Combining these into one method we have:

0 6 3 5 × 4 10 − 5 = 5 subtract from 10
0 5 + 5 = 10 add 5 if odd

0 6 3 5 × 4 9−3 = 6 subtract from 9

1 1
4 0 6+2 = 8 add half neighbor
8 + 5 = 13 add 5 if odd
13 + 1 = 14 add carry

0 6 3 5 × 4 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

5 14 10 3+1 = 4 add half neighbor
4+1 = 5 add carry
0 6 3 5 × 4 3−1 = 2 half LHD minus 1
2 5 14 10
1.12 Multiplying By Three

Multiplying by three is, for me, the point where it is easier just to
multiply by three rather than use this method, but that depends on
how comfortable you find multiplying by three. That said, once you
do know the process, it does get quite fast.

Rules For Multiplying By three

First step: subtract from 10, double and add 5 if number

is odd.
Middle steps: subtract from 9, double and add the “half”
the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd.
Last step: reduce “half” the left-hand digit of multiplicand
by 2.

We will have a look at the following example, as usual we add a

leading zero.

1 1 1
0 2 1 × 3 10 − 1 = 9 subtract from 10

Following the first step, we subtract the right-hand digit, the

number from 10, then double the result. Since the number 1, is
odd we also add five.
1 1 1
0 2 1 × 3 10 − 1 = 9 subtract from 10
0 1 2
0 6 3 9 + 9 = 18 double
18 + 5 = 23 add 5 if odd

Following the intermediate step, we subtract the number 2 from

ten, then double the result. We add “half”the neighbor “half” of 1 is
zero. Finally we add the carry.

1 1 1
0 2 1 × 3 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9
0 1 2
0 6 3 7 + 7 = 14 double
14 + 0 = 14 add half neighbor
14 + 2 = 16 add carry

Following the final step, we take “half” of the left-hand digit of

the original multiplicand and subtract two. This results in a negative
one but there is a carry of one, so the result is zero. Any time
subtracting two will result in a negative number there will “always”
be a carry that will bring it back to at least zero. We have the final
result of 63.

1 1 1
0 2 1 × 3 1 − 2 = −1 half LHD minus 2
0 1 2
0 6 3 −1 + 1 = 0 add carry

We will have a look at another example.

1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10
Following the first step, we subtract the right-hand digit, the
number from ten, then double the result.

1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 10 − 8 = 2 subtract from 10
0 0 1 0 0
1 9 4 9 4 2+2 = 4 double

Following the intermediate step, we subtract the number 9 from

nine, then double the result. We add “half”the neighbor. The 9 is
odd so we also add five.

1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 9−9 = 0 subtract from 9
0 0 1 0 0
1 9 4 9 4 0+0 = 0 double
0+4 = 4 add half neighbor
4+5 = 9 add 5 if odd

Following the intermediate step, we subtract the number 4 from

nine, then double the result. Then add “half”the neighbor.

1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 9 − 4 = 5 subtract from 9
0 0 1 0 0
1 9 4 9 4 5 + 5 = 10 double
10 + 4 = 14 add half neighbor

Following the intermediate step, we subtract the number 6 from

nine, then double the result. We add “half”the neighbor and the
1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9
0 0 1 0 0
1 9 4 9 4 3+3 = 6 double
6+2 = 8 add half neighbor
8+1 = 9 add carry

At the leading zero, following the final step, we take “half” of

the left-hand digit of the original multiplicand and subtract two. We
have the final result of 19494.

1 1 1 1 1
0 6 4 9 8 × 3 3−2 = 1 half LHD minus 2
0 0 1 0 0
1 9 4 9 4

Remember, the left-hand digit is first used as the number then

when at the leading zero we halve it and subtract two.
The method also works for single digit multiplicands but in this
case there is no intermediate step. We will have a look at one

1 1
0 7 × 3 10 − 7 = 3 subtract from 10

Following the first step, we subtract the number from ten, then
double the result.

1 1
0 7 × 3 10 − 7 = 3 subtract from 10
0 1
2 1 3 + 3 = 6 double
6 + 5 = 11 add 5 if odd
At the leading zero, following the final step, we take “half” of the
digit, subtract two then add the carry. We have the final result of 21.

1 1
0 7 × 3 3 − 2 = 1 half LHD minus 2
0 1
2 1 1 + 1 = 2 add carry

Why Multiplying By 3 Works

We can represent 3 as:

3 = 5−2

Using the dot notation for multiplication, five can be represented

5= · 10
Putting these together we get:

3= · 10 − 2
We can tweak this equation a little more and make the 2 as 1 · 2, or
one multiplied by two:

3= · 10 − 1 · 2
· 10 − 1 · 2.
When multiplying by 3, it is the same as multiplying by 2
If we compare this to the equation when multiplying by eight,
the only difference is the number multiplied by ten:

8 = 1 · 10 − 1 · 2
Or compare it to the equation for multiplying by four, the only
difference is for multiplying by four we subtract 1, for multiplying by
three we subtract 1 · 2:
4= · 10 − 1
Taking “half” the neighbor along with “add 5 when the number
is odd” is multiplying by 5 or · 10.
Subtracting the number from 10 for the right-hand digit, or 9
for the remaining digits, then doubling the result. Followed by
subtracting 2 from “half” the left-hand digit of the multiplicand are
the steps for finding the ten’s complement of the multiplicand and
doubling it.
Adding double the ten’s complement to the result of multiplying
the multiplicand by 5 is subtracting twice the value of the multipli-
cand from the result of multiplying the multiplicand by 5.
The result is we have multiplied the multiplicand by 3.
We will go through an example breaking it down into separate
steps. We will look at 4736 × 3.
First we will multiply 4736 by 5 or 12 · 10. The rule for multiplying
by 5 is “use “half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd.”

0 4 7 3 6 × 5

0 4 7 3 6 × 5 0 no neighbor
0 4 7 3 6 × 5 6→3 use half neighbor
8 0 3+5 = 8 add 5 if odd

0 4 7 3 6 × 5 3→1 use half neighbor

6 8 0 1+5 = 6 add 5 if odd

0 4 7 3 6 × 5 7→3 use half neighbor

3 6 8 0

0 4 7 3 6 × 5 4→2 use half neighbor

2 3 6 8 0

We have a result of 23680 when multiplying 4736 by 5.

Secondly, we will now find the ten’s complement of 4736, which
we do by subtracting 4736 from 10000.

9 9 9 10
− 4 7 3 6
5 2 6 4

We need to double this result. We can say we find the tens com-
plement twice and add the results together or we can double ev-
erything in the equation above. Either way works.
Doubling the ten’s complement equation we have:

1 9 9 9 10
− 9 4 7 2
1 0 5 2 8
Notice only the right-hand digit was subtracted from ten, all the
remaining digits are subtracted from nine. Now we add the result
of the tens’ complement from the result above where we multiplied
by 2 · 10.

2 3 6 8 0
+ 1 0 5 2 8
3 4 12 10 8

The final step is to subtract the 20000 (19991 0) that was intro-
duced into the equation to do the ten’s complement.

3 4 2 0 8
− 2 0 0 0 0
1 4 2 0 8

The effect of adding the doubled complement then subtracting the

20000 is to have subtracted two times 4736 from five times 4736.
The result is 14208, which is three times 4736.
Separated out you can see there is a lot that is happening and
the method combines this all into the three rules for multiplying by
First step: Subtract the right-hand digit from 10 and double (getting
the tens complement and doubling it, thus subtracting 2), then add
“half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd (multiplying by
Intermediate Step: Subtract the remaining digits from 9 and dou-
ble (getting the tens complement and doubling it), then add “half”
the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd (multiplying by 5).
Final Step: Subtract 2 from “half” of the left-hand digit of the
multiplicand (subtracting 2 subtracts the 20000 in this case added
to calculate the ten’s complement. Using “half” the left digit is using
“half”the neighbor, the final part of multiplying the number by 5).
1.13 Multiplying By Two

These final few multipliers are trivial but are included because they
will be referenced in further discussions on the rules later in the
Rule For Multiplying By Two

Double the number.

Working from left to right, as each digit is the number it is doubled.

1 1 1
0 4 6 × 2 6 + 6 = 12 double number

1 1 1
0 4 6 × 2 6 + 6 = 12 double number
0 0 1
0 9 2

1 1 1
0 4 6 × 2 4+4 = 8 double number
0 0 1
0 9 2 8+1 = 9 add carry

This final step would normally be missed out. You would write
any two-digit result in the previous step directly to the answer.
The ”why” section was left out on purpose here as there is
nothing really to explain.
1.14 Multiplying By Zero

Multiplying by zero is a part of the system, but there is nothing new

to learn, it has been included for completeness.

Rule For Multiplying By Zero

Any number multiplied by zero is always zero.

How to Multiply by 0

Any number we multiply by zero is always zero.

1 1 1
0 9 7 × 0 0+0=0 zero

1 1 1 1 1
0 2 7 2 0 × 0 0+0=0 zero

1 1
0 3 × 0 0+0=0 zero
Why Multiplying By 0 Works

To state the rule for multiplying by zero in a different way that fits
into the pattern for the Trachtenberg Basic Multiplication Method, it
would be ‘’ do not use the neighbor.”
Starting at multiplying by ten you ‘’use the neighbor.”, when mul-
tiplying by five you ‘’use “half” the neighbor.”, then when multiplying
by 0 you ‘’use none of the neighbor, or do not use the neighbor.”
Since we do not use the neighbor and we are not using the
number, the only answer we can get is zero.
1.15 Extending The Basic Multiplication

One day I found myself wondering if the Basic Multiplication rules

would work for numbers beyond twelve. The short answer is yes it
It didn’t take long to work out why Jackow stopped at twelve.
Up to twelve you only need to do simple addition and subtraction.
Doubling a number is just adding a number to itself, so you could
learn to use the Basic Multiplication method without knowing the
multiplication tables.
Once you do know how to multiply by two and three, you can
easily extend the Basic Multiplication method up to thirty-two.
I consider the numbers 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 to be the master set
in the method. If we look at our “master” set of 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
we can represent each as an equation:

8 = 1 × 10 − 2
9 = 1 × 10 − 1
10 = 1 × 10 + 0
11 = 1 × 10 + 1
12 = 1 × 10 + 2

We can replace the 1 with the letter a we have:

8= a × 10 − 2
9= a × 10 − 1
10 = a × 10 + 0
11 = a × 10 + 1
12 = a × 10 + 2
We can replace a with any of the following set of numbers:
1 1 1
0 , , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3
2 2 2
If we create a table with the general equations on the top and the a
values on the left, we can fill the table with the results of replacing
a in the equations with its values on the left.
a · 10 − 2 a · 10 − 1 a · 10 + 0 a · 10 + 1 a · 10 + 2

3 28 29 30 31 32

2 12 23 24 25 26 27

2 18 19 20 21 22

1 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 8 9 10 11 12
2 3 4 5 6 7

0 0 1 2

For example if we take a · 10 − 2 and replace a with 3 we get:

3 · 10 − 2 = 28

If we take a · 10 + 1 and replace a with 2 12 we get:

2 · 10 − 1 = 26
The two cells at the bottom left we have shaded in and ignore since
the values would be negative.
What is significant about the values for a on the left is that the
value is the factor of the neighbor used, for those columns that use
the neighbor.
For example, multiplying by 15 the a value is 1 12 so the rule s
“use 1 12 times the neighbor ”. The “half” is the same whole number
“half” we have been using in the Basic Multiplication.
For the first two columns where the equation has a subtraction
the a value is also the factor of the left-hand digit used in the
The sequence continues past 32 but once you get past tripling
the neighbor you are better off learning the Direct Multiplication
The row highlighted by red lines above and below contains the
master numbers 8, 9, 10 11 and 12. All of the other numbers can
be reached vertically from one of these ‘master” numbers.
How I remember how to tweak the rules for the master series is

1. Find how many multiples of 5 the number is from the master.

2. Depending on the direction:
a) Going up, half the multiple value and add 1 to get the
value for a
b) Going down, half the multiple value and subtract 1 to get
the value for a
3. Use the rules for the master modified by a

We will pick a few examples and do the calculations.

We will multiply 43 by 27.

0 4 3 × 27

We need to find the master for 27 and find how many multiples
of five it is away from the master. For any number ending in 2 or 7
the master is twelve. 27 is fifteen, or three times five, higher than
twelve. Half of three is one and a half add one and our a value is
2 12 .
Note: When trying to work out the master and the a value is the
ONLY time we use the actual half of an odd number.
Since the a value includes a “ f rac12” this means we must in-
clude “and add five if odd”. We modify the rule for twelve to get
the rule for 27, which is “double the number, add 2 12 times the
neighbor and add five if odd”.
Starting on the right-hand side, the number is 3, we double it
then add 5 because it is odd.

0 4 3 × 27 3 + 3 = 6 double number
1 6 + 5 = 11 add 5 if odd

Moving left, the number is 4, double it then add 2 12 times the

neighbor. The neighbor is 3, to get 2 12 times 3 we double it then
add “half” of 3. “Half” of three is one.

3+3+1 = 7
0 4 3 × 27 4 + 4 = 8 double number
1 1
6 1 8 + 7 = 15 add 2 21 × neighbor
15 + 1 = 16 add carry

Next, the leading 0 is the number and the neighbor is 4, to get

2 12 times 4 we double it then add “half” of 4, which is two.

4 + 4 + 2 = 10

Adding the carry we get 11 and our final answer of 1161.

0 4 3 × 27 0 + 0 = 0 double number
11 1 6 1 1 0 + 10 = 10 add 2 21 × neighbor
10 + 1 = 11 add carry

We will now multiply 38 by 25.

0 3 8 × 25

Ten is the master for any number ending in 0 or 5. 25 is fifteen

above ten, fifteen is three times five so half of three is one and a
half, add one and we have two and a half for the a value.
Modifying the rule for ten, the rule for 25 is “use 2 12 times the
neighbor and add five if odd”. Strting on the right, the number is 8,
there is no neighbor so we put 0.
0 3 8 × 25 0 no neighbor

Moving left, the number is 3 and the neighbor is 8. We double

the 8 then add half, which is four.

8 + 8 + 4 = 20

Since the number is odd we also add five.

0 3 8 × 25 8 + 8 + 4 = 20 use 2 12 × neighbor
5 0 20 + 5 = 25 add 5 if odd

Moving left, the number is 0 and the neighbor is 3, double the 3

then add half, which is one.

3+3+1 = 7

Adding the carry gives 9 and our final answer is 950.

0 3 8 × 25 3+3+1 = 7 use 2 21 × neighbor

9 25 0 7+2 = 9 add carry

We will now multiply 79 by 31.

0 7 9 × 31
Eleven is the master for any number ending in 1 or 6. 31 is
twenty, or four times five, higher than eleven. The multiple is four,
half is two, add one and the a value is three.
Modifying the rule for eleven the rule for 31 is “add triple the
neighbor to the number.”
Starting on the right, there is no neighbor so we just copy the
number down.

0 7 9 × 31 9→9 copy number


Moving left, the number is 7 and the neighbor is 9, we triple the

neighbor then add it to the number.

9 × 3 = 27

0 7 9 × 31 7 + 27 = 34 add triple neighbor

4 9

Moving to the last digit, the number is 0 and the neighbor is 7.

Triple 7 is 21, adding the carry we get 24 and the final answer of

0 7 9 × 31 0 + 21 = 21 add triple neighbor

24 3 4 9 21 + 3 = 24 add carry
We will multiply 639 by 19.

0 6 3 9 × 19

Nine is the master for any number ending in 4 or 9. Since 19 is

ten above nine, the multiple of five is two, half that is one, adding
one gives an a value of two.
Modifying the rules for nine, the rules for multiplying by 19 are:

1. First step: Subtract the number from 10.

2. Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9 and add
double the neighbor.
3. Last step: Double the left-hand digit of the multiplicand then
subtract 1.

Starting on the right, using the first step, subtract the 9 from 10.

0 6 3 9 × 19 10 − 9 = 1 subtract from 10

Moving left, using the intermediate step, subtract the 3 from 9.

The neighbor is 9, doubled is 18. Adding the results together gives

0 6 3 9 × 19 9 − 3 = 6 subtract from 9
4 1 6 + 18 = 24 add double neighbor
Moving left, using the intermediate step, subtract the 6 from 9.
The neighbor is 3, doubled is 6. Adding the results together with
the carry gives 11.

0 6 3 9 × 19 9−6 = 3 subtract from 9

1 2
1 4 1 3+6 = 9 add double neighbor
9 + 2 = 11 add carry

Moving left to the leading zero, using the last step, double the 6
then subtract 1. Add the carry and we have 12 and a final result of

0 6 3 9 × 19 12 − 1 = 11 double LHD minus 1

12 1 1 2 4 1 11 + 1 = 12 add carry

For the last exaample we will multiply 3241 by 13.

0 3 2 4 1 × 13

Eight is the master for any number ending in 8 or 3. Thirteen is

only one multiple of five higher than eight. We halve it and add one
which gives one and a half as our a value.
Modifying the rules for multiplying by eight with an a value of 1 12 ,
the rules for multiplying by 13 are:
1. First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double, add 5
if number is odd.
2. Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9, double,
add 1 21 times the neighbor and add 5 if number is odd.
3. Last step: Subtract 2 from 1 12 times the left-hand digit of the

We start with the first step, subtract 1 from 10, double it, then
add 5 because 1 is odd.

0 3 2 4 1 × 13 10 − 1 = 9 subtract from 10
3 9 + 9 = 18 double
18 + 5 = 23 add 5 if odd

Next, using the intermediate step, subtract 4 from 9, double it.

The neighbor is 1, we want to add1 12 times the neighbor, to do this
we add one times the neighbor and add a “half” of the neighbor.
“Half” of one is zero so 1 12 times one is one.

1+0 = 1

Finally add the carry.

0 3 2 4 1 × 13 9−4 = 5 subtract from 9
1 2
3 3 5 + 5 = 10 double
10 + 1 = 11 add 1 12 × neighbor
11 + 2 = 13 add carry

Next, using the intermediate step, subtract 2 from 9, double it.

The neighbor is 4, 1 12 times 4 is 6. Add the results together with the
0 3 2 4 1 × 13 9−2 = 7 subtract from 9
2 1 2
1 3 3 7 + 7 = 14 double
14 + 6 = 20 add 1 12 × neighbor
20 + 1 = 21 add carry

Next, using the intermediate step, subtract 3 from 9, double it.

The neighbor is 2, one and a half times 2 is 3. Add the results, 3 is
odd so add 5 then add the carry.

0 3 2 4 1 × 13 9−3 = 6 subtract from 9

2 2 1 2
2 1 3 3 6 + 6 = 12 double
12 + 3 = 15 add 1 12 × neighbor
15 + 5 = 20 add 5 if odd
20 + 2 = 22 add carry

At the leading zero, use the final step. The left-hand digit of the
multiplicand is 3, “half” of 3 is 1, so 1 12 × 3 is 4. Subtract 2, add the
carry and we get the final answer of 42133.

0 3 2 4 1 × 13 4 − 2 = 2 1 12 × LHD minus 2
4 22 21 13 23 2 + 2 = 4 add carry

Following is a table of all the rules for the extended numbers 13

to 32.
Multiplier Rules

13 First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double,

add 5 if number is odd.
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
double, add 1 21 times the neighbor and add 5 if the
number is odd.
Last step: Subtract 2 from 1 12 times the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

14 First step: Subtract the number from 10,

add 5 if number is odd.
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add 1 21 times the neighbor and add 5 if the
number is odd.
Last step: Subtract 2 from 1 12 times the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

15 Use 1 12 times the neighbor.

16 Add 1 12 times the neighbor to the number.

17 Double the number and add 1 12 times the neighbor.

18 First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
double, add double the neighbor.
Last step: Subtract 2 from double the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.
Multiplier Rules

19 First step: Subtract the number from 10.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add double the neighbor.
Last step: Subtract 2 from double the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

20 Use double the neighbor.

21 Add double the neighbor to the number.

22 Double the number and add double the neighbor.

23 First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double,

add 5 if number is odd.
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
double, add 2 21 times the neighbor and add 5 if the
number is odd.
Last step: Subtract 2 from 2 12 times the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

24 First step: Subtract the number from 10,

add 5 if number is odd.
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add 2 21 times the neighbor and add 5 if the
number is odd.
Last step: Subtract 2 from 2 12 times the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

25 Use 2 12 times the neighbor.

Multiplier Rules

26 Add 2 12 times the neighbor to the number.

17 Double the number and add 2 12 times the neighbor.

28 First step: Subtract the number from 10 and double.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
double, add triple the neighbor.
Last step: Subtract 2 from triple the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

29 First step: Subtract the number from 10.

Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add triple the neighbor.
Last step: Subtract 2 from triple the left-hand
digit of the multiplicand.

30 Use triple the neighbor.

31 Add triple the neighbor to the number.

32 Double the number and add triple the neighbor.

1.16 Multiplying Larger Numbers

The methods covered so far do not limit you to only being able to
multiply up to twelve. It is possible to use the methods on larger
numbers and there are two ways of doing so.
The first method looks similar to the more traditional method of
multiplying by large numbers and is the easier of the two methods
as the calculations for each digit of the multiplier are kept separate.
The second method is a little more difficult but is worth learning
as only the answer is written down directly under the multiplicand
as has been done previously.

Calculating Per Digit

In this method the multiplicand is multiplied by each of the digits of

the multiplier in turn, using the rules for the particular digit of the
1.17 Remembering The Rules

When I first started looking at the Trachtenberg System, I found it a

little difficult to remember all the rules.
I began to study the rules looking for patterns, anything, that I
could use to get it straight in my head. I was not trying to memorize
the rules just pull them apart.
When I did start to see some patterns, and I soon realized that
having a long list was not the best way to see them. In fact, there
were groups of rules that were related. At the time I didn’t realize
why they were related, but I could see the commonality in the rules.
In the first table below are the rules as they are almost always
seen, as a long list. Whether it starts at twelve or starts at zero, it
is just a long list of rules, which I think does throw some people off
shouting “I can’t remember all of that!”
The second table below shows the same list grouped so that
multipliers in a row share common traits and multipliers in a column
share common features. I have altered the wording of the rules
but not their meaning. The text in blue is the same for every row in
each column; the red text is what is different in each row for each
I designed the table so you can print the page to use it as a
cheat sheet.
Multiplier Rules

0 Zero times any number at all is zero

1 Use the number
2 Double the number
3 First step:Subtract the number from 10 and double,
add 5 if number is odd
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9, double,
add “half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd
Last step: Subtract 2 from “half” the left-hand digit
4 First step:Subtract the number from 10,
add 5 if number is odd
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add “half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd
Last step: Subtract 2 from “half” the left-hand digit
5 Use “half” the neighbor and add 5 if the number is odd
6 Add “half” the neighbor to the number
and add 5 if the number is odd
7 Double the number and add “half” the neighbor and
add 5 if the number is odd
8 First step:Subtract the number from 10 and double.
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9, double,
add the neighbor
Last step: Subtract 2 from the left-hand digit
9 First step:Subtract the number from 10
Intermediate steps: Subtract the number from 9,
add the neighbor
Last step: Subtract 1 from the left-hand digit
10 Use the neighbor
11 Add the neighbor to the number
12 Double the number and add the neighbor

Table 1.1: Basic Multiplication rules

Trachtenberg Speed Math - Basic Multiplication Rules
12 11 10 9 8
1 × 10 + 2 1 × 10 + 1 1 × 10 + 0 1 × 10 − 1 1 × 10 − 2
1) 10 - Number, Add 1× Neighbor 1) 10 - Number, Double, Add 1× Neighbor
Double Number
Add 1× Neighbor Use 1× Neighbor 2) 9 - Number, Add 1× Neighbor 2) 9 - Number, Double, Add 1× Neighbor
Add 1× Neighbor
3) 1× Left-hand digit - 1 3) 1× Left-hand digit - 2

7 6 5 4 3
1 1 1 1 1
2 × 10 + 2 2 × 10 + 1 2 × 10 + 0 2 × 10 − 1 2 × 10 − 2
1) 10 - Number, Add 2×
Neighbor 1) 10 - Number, Double, Add 21 × Neighbor
Double Number + 5 if Number is odd + 5 if Number is odd
Add 12 × Neighbor Use 12 × Neighbor
Add 12 × Neighbor 2) 9 - Number, Add 21 × Neighbor 2) 9 - Number, Double, Add 21 × Neighbor
+ 5 if Number is odd + 5 if Number is odd
+ 5 if Number is odd + 5 if Number is odd + 5 if Number is odd
3) 12 × Left-hand digit - 1 3) 12 × Left-hand digit - 2

2 1 0
0 × 10 + 2 0 × 10 + 1 0 × 10 + 0
Double Number
Add 0× Neighbor Use 0× Neighbor
Add 0× Neighbor
In the second table, the multipliers are grouped by how they
relate to 10; the relationship is under each multiplier. The rows are
defined by:

Top row 1 × 10
Middle row 2 × 10
Bottom row 0 × 10

The columns are defined by:

First row 10 + 2
Second row 10 + 1
Third row 10 + 0
Fourth row 10 − 1
Fifth row 10 − 2

Here are some other points to remember:

• Adding the neighbor is multiplying it by 10.

• With ‘ 12 the neighbor’, you always ‘add 5 if the number is odd.’

We will have a closer look at the first column, starting with 12:

12 = 10 + 2

Or more fully it is :
12 = 1 × 10 + 1 × 2

The 1 is the neighbor, since adding the neighbor to the number we

are multiplying its value by ten. The 1 is the number. For 12 we
double the number and add the neighbor.
For 7 we have:
7= × 10 + 1 × 2
For 7 we are double the number, add “half” the neighbor and don’t
forget, adding 5 if the number is odd.
For 2 we have:
2 = 0 × 10 + 1 × 2

For 2 we double the number. The neighbor is not used as it is

multiplied by zero.
The next two columns follow the same logic, and the last two
columns have additional rules because they include complement
addition for the subtraction.
Because of the similarities in the rules you only need to learn
the rules for 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 well, then from there you can work
out the other rules.

Dan Ate Mine!

Using a mnemonic made remembering the rules much easier than

rote learning. Looking at our five main rules:
12 Double the number and Add the Neighbor
11 Add the Neighbor
10 Use the Neighbor
9 1: subtract number from 10
2: subtract number from 9 and Add the Neighbor.
3: Reduce left hand digit of multiplicand by 1
8 1: subtract number from 10 then double
2: subtract number from 9 then Double
and Add the Neighbor
3: Reduce left hand digit of multiplicand by 2

A short list of five sets of rules was a lot easier to start from
Dan Ate Mine! is the mnemonic I used to remember the rules.
It stood for the following information:

DAN : Double, Add the Neighbor

ATE : 8
MINE : 9

The other information I needed was the following:

• The numbers are in the order 12, 11, 10, 8, 9

• For both 12 and 8 we start with ‘DAN’
• As we go down the list we remove the first letter of ‘DAN’ or
what remains of it.
• 8 = 10 − 2
• 9 = 10 − 1
The ‘Ate Mine’ helped me to remember eight was before nine
in the list.
Okay, so how does that help you wonder. Well the first step of
the extrapolation is this:

12 DAN
11 AN
10 N
8 10 − 2 DAN
9 10 − 1 AN

The next step of the extrapolation is this:

12 Double the number and Add the Neighbor

11 Add the Neighbor
10 Use the Neighbor
8 Subtract from 10, Double, and Add the Neighbor
Subtract 2 from Left-hand Digit
9 Subtract from 10, Add the Neighbor
Subtract 1 from Left-hand Digit

With ‘DAN’ being ‘Double, Add, Neighbor ’ and when it is down

to ‘N’ we are not adding the neighbor so we must be using it.
Knowing 8 = 10 − 2 reminds me that I must subtract the number
from 10 in the first step. ‘DAN’ gave me Double, Add the Neighbor.
The ‘ − 2’ reminded me that I need to subtract two from the Left-
hand digit.
Knowing 9 = 10 − 1 tells me that I must subtract the number
from 10 in the first step. ‘AN’ gave me Add the Neighbor. The ‘ − 1’
reminded me that I need to subtract one from the Left-hand digit.
From here it was easy to fill in the missing middle step for 8 and

12 Double the number and Add the Neighbor

11 Add the Neighbor
10 Use the Neighbor
8 1: Subtract from 10, Double, and Add the Neighbor
2: Subtract from 9, Double, and Add the Neighbor
3: Subtract 2 from Left-hand Digit
9 1: Subtract from 10, Add the Neighbor
2: Subtract from 9, Add the Neighbor
3: Subtract 1 from Left-hand Digit

Now I have my first 5 rules back and they are row one of my
table. I know that the second row numbers only use “half” the
neighbor and with that I must ‘add 5 if the number is odd’. For the
third row the neighbor is not used at all.
Once I got my mnemonics sorted out I practiced a few times by
picking a number between 0 and 12 then from ”DAN ATE MINE”
mentally extrapolating the rule(s) for that number.
That was how I remembered the rules for the Basic Multiplica-
tion, it may work for you but it will probably work better if you find
your own system.
1.18 Algebraic Proofs for Basic Multiplication

For the following proofs we will use a four digit number, such as
5386, as an example. The only reason to choose a four digit number
is that it is a reasonable size to use.
There are a couple of things we can do to this number without
changing its value, such as putting a leading zero and also adding
a zero to the number.

5386 = 05386 = 05386 + 0

We can also write out our number in expanded notation:

5386 = 5 × 1000 + 3 × 100 + 8 × 10 + 6 × 1

What we want is to not just use this four digit number but to general-
ize it to represent any four digit number. To do that we can replace
the digits 5386 with letters, say abcd.
We can do the same things to this general number that we did
with 5386, that is have a leading zero, adding a zero and writing it
out in expanded notation:

abcd = 0abcd + 0
= 0 × 10000 + a × 1000 + b × 100 + c × 10 + d × 1 + 0

Finally we can represent 0abcd + 0 as simply N.

N = 0abcd + 0

We will use N in all of the following proofs.

There are several ways to represent multiplication which will
be used in the later proofs. Each of these represents our general
number multiplied by five:

5 × N = 5 · N = 5N

From the Distributive Property of Multiplication we know that

if we multiply our general number by, say 12, then the following
statement is true:

12 × N = (10 + 2) × N = 10N + 2N

This property will form the starting point for each of the proofs.

Algebraic Proof For Multiplying by Eleven

The rule for multiplying by eleven is:

“add the neighbor to the number ”.

Since 11 can be represented as 10 + 1, multiplying our general

number by 11 can be represented as:

11 · N = 10 · N + 1 · N
Firstly looking at the 10 · N we can do this:

10N = 10 · 0abcd + 0
= 10 · (0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d · 1 + 0)
= 10 · 0 · 10, 000 + 10 · a · 1, 000 + 10 · b · 100 + 10 · c · 10
+ 10 · d · 1 + 10 · 0
= 0 · 100, 000 + a · 10, 000 + b · 1, 000 + c · 100 + d · 10 + 0

We now multiply N by 1.

1N = 1 · (0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)

= 1 · 0 · 10, 000 + 1 · a · 1, 000 + 1 · b · 100 + 1 · c · 10 + 1 · d
= 0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d

Adding the two together.

10N + 1N =
0 · 100, 000 + a · 10, 000 + b · 1, 000 + c · 100 + d · 10 + 0
+ 0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d

Grouping the different units together we get.

11N =
0 · 100, 000 + ( a + 0) · 10, 000 + (b + a) · 1, 000
+ (c + b) · 100 + (d + c) · 10 + (0 + d)

The Commutative Property of Addition states that changing the

order of addends does not change the sum so we can swap the
order of the addends in each of the parentheses.

11N =
0 · 100, 000 + (0 + a) · 10, 000 + ( a + b) · 1, 000
+ (b + c) · 100 + (c + d) · 10 + (d + 0)

Which is the rule for multiplying by eleven. You can see each letter
is added to its neighbor, in the case of d it has no neighbor, so is
added to 0, then d is added to c, c is added to b, b is added to a
then a is added to 0.
The zero in front, 0 · 100, 000 is only there in case of a carry.
We can generalize this rule to numbers of any length. Firstly
we can indicate how many zeros are after the 1 for powers of 10 by
putting a small number above and to the right of the 10.
So 103 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 1, 000.
Secondly we can use the greek symbol ∑ for “s” which means
“form a summation”. An example is:
n =4
∑ 3n = 31 + 32 + 33 + 34
n =1

If we look at the expanded notation of our general four digit number

we had:
a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d · 1
If we replace the letters with a slightly different notation like this:

a = a3
b = a2
c = a1
d = a0

We can then write

n =3
a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d · 1 = ∑ an · 10n
n =0

Now if we say, instead of four digits, our general number has k

digits where k can be any value our new general number can now
be represented by N as:
N= ∑ an · 10n
n =0

Looking at our rule for multiplying by eleven:

11 · N =
0 · 100, 000 + (0 + a) · 10, 000 + ( a + b) · 1, 000
+ (b + c) · 100 + (c + d) · 10 + (d + 0)

The rule for multiplying N by 11 can be written as:

11 · N = ak · 10k+1 + ∑ (an + an−1 ) · 10n + an=0 · 100
n =1
Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 12

The rule for multiplying by twelve is:

Double the number and add the neighbor.

Multiplying our general number by 12 can be written as:

12 · N = 10 · N + 2 · N

We will first write out in expanded notation multiplying by 10.

N = 0abcd + 0
10 · N = 10 · 0abcd + 0
= 10 · (0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d · 1 + 0)
= 10 · 0 · 10, 000 + 10 · a · 1, 000 + 10 · b · 100 + 10 · c · 10
+ 10 · d · 1 + 10 · 0
= 0 · 100, 000 + a · 10, 000 + b · 1, 000 + c · 100 + d · 10 + 0

Then the same for multiplying N by 2.

2 · N = 2 · (0 · 10, 000 + a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)

= 2 · 0 · 10, 000 + 2 · a · 1, 000 + 2 · b · 100 + 2 · c · 10 + 2 · d
= 2 · 0 · 10, 000 + 2a · 1, 000 + 2b · 100 + 2c · 10 + 2d

Adding the two together.

10 · N + 2 · N =
0 · 100, 000 + a · 10, 000 + b · 1, 000 + c · 100 + d · 10 + 0
+ 2 · 0 · 10, 000 + 2a · 1, 000 + 2b · 100 + 2c · 10 + 2d
Grouping the different units together we get.

12 · N =
0 · 100, 000 + ( a + 2 · 0) · 10, 000 + (b + 2a) · 1, 000
+ (c + 2b) · 100 + (d + 2c) · 10 + (0 + 2d)

The Commutative Property of Addition states that changing the

order of addends does not change the sum so we can swap the
order of the addends in each of the parentheses.

12 · N =
0 · 100, 000 + (2 · 0 + a) · 10, 000 + (2a + b) · 1, 000
+ (2b + c) · 100 + (2c + d) · 10 + (2d + 0)

Which is the rule for multiplying by twelve. You can see each letter
is doubled and added to its neighbor, in the case of d it has no
neighbor, so is added to 0, then d is added to 2c, c is added to 2b,
b is added to 2a then a is added to 0.
We can generalize this rule to numbers of any length as:
12 · N = ak · 10k+1 + ∑ (2an + an−1 ) · 10n + 2an=0 · 100
n =1

Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 8

The rules for multiplying by eight are:

1. Subtract the right hand figure from 10 and double.

2. Subtract each other figure from 9, double and add the neigh-
3. On the leading zero, use the left hand digit minus 2.

Eight can be represented as 10 − 2.

8 = 10 − 2
8 · N = 10 · N − 2 · N
= 10 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
− 2 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
= 10 · a · 1, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + 10 · b · 100 − 2 · b · 100
+ 10 · c · 10 − 2 · c · 10 + 10 · d · 1 − 2 · d · 1
= a · 10, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + b · 1, 000 − 2 · b · 100
+ c · 100 − 2 · c · 10 + d · 10 − 2 · d
Like we did for nine we will now add and subtract a number but
instead of 9000 etc, since we are doubling for eight we will use
18000, 1800, 180 and 18 this time.

8·N =
a · 10, 000 − 18, 000 + 18, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + b · 1, 000 − 1, 800
+ 1, 800 − 2 · b · 100 + c · 100 − 180 + 180 − 2 · c · 10
+ d · 10 − 18 + 18 − 2 · d · 1

We can now group together the terms for each unit.

8·N =
a · 10, 000 + (18 − 2 · a + b) · 1, 000 + (18 − 2 · b + c) · 100
+ (18 − 2 · c + d) · 10 + (18 − 2 · d) · 1
− (18, 000 + 1, 800 + 180 + 18)
We can replace the (18, 000 + 1, 800 + 180 + 18) with 20000 − 2.

8·N =
a · 10, 000 + (18 − 2 · a + b) · 1, 000 + (18 − 2 · b + c) · 100
+ (18 − 2 · c + d) · 10 + (18 − 2 · d) · 1 − (20, 000 − 2)
8·N =
a · 10, 000 + (18 − 2 · a + b) · 1, 000 + (18 − 2 · b + c) · 100
+ (18 − 2 · c + d) · 10 + (18 − 2 · d) · 1 − 20, 000 + 2
8·N =
a · 10, 000 − 20, 000 + (18 − 2 · a + b) · 1, 000 +
(18 − 2 · b + c) · 100 + (18 − 2 · c + d) · 10 + (18 + 2 − 2 · d) · 1
8·N =
( a − 2) · 10, 000 + (18 − 2 · a + b) · 1, 000 +
(18 − 2 · b + c) · 100 + (18 − 2 · c + d) · 10 + (20 − 2 · d) · 1
8·N =
( a − 2) · 10, 000 + (2 · (9 − a) + b) · 1, 000 +
(2 · (9 − b) + c) · 100 + (2 · (9 − c) + d) · 10 + (2 · (10 − d)) · 1

And there we have the rule for multiplying by eight.

We can generalize this rule to numbers of any length as:

8·N =
( ak − 2) · 10k+1
+ ∑ (2 · (9 − an ) + an−1 ) · 10n + (2 · (10 − an=0 )) · 100
n =1

Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 5

The rule for five is ”use half the neighbor and add 5 if odd”. The
rule for multiplying by five is:

Use half the neighbor and add 5 if odd.

Five can be written as:

5= 2 · 10

We will multiply our general number by five.

5 · N = 12 · 10 · N
5·N = 2 · 10 · N
5·N = 2 · 10 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
5·N = 2 · 10 · a · 1, 000 + 12 · 10 · b · 100 + 12 · 10 · c · 10 + 12 · 10 · d
5·N = 2 · a · 10, 000 + 21 · b · 1, 000 + 12 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10

We can add a zero to the end of the number without changing the

5·N = 2 · a · 10, 000 + 12 · b · 1, 000 + 21 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10 + 0
This is the rule for 5 if all the numbers are even, as we did for 6 we
will assume b is odd and replace it with 2n + 1

5·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 + 12 · (2n + 1) · 1, 000 + 21 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10 + 0

5·N =
1 1 1
2 · a · 10, 000 + 2 · 2n + 2 · 1, 000 + 12 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10 + 0

5·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 + n · 1, 000 + 500 + 12 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10 + 0

5·N =
1 1
2 · a · 10, 000 + n · 1, 000 + 2 · c + 5 · 100 + 21 · d · 10 + 0

When b is odd we use half of c add 5 and for the next digit a we
use n which is the “smaller half” of b.

Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 6

The Rule for multiplying by six is:

Add the neighbor to the number.

Six is can be represented as:

6 = 5+1
6= 2 · 10 + 1
We multiply our general number N by six.
6 · N = 21 · 10 + 1 · N
6·N = 2 · 10 · N + 1 · N
6·N =
2 · 10 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
+ 1 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
6·N =
2 · 10 · a · 1, 000 + 21 · 10 · b · 100 + 12 · 10 · c · 10 + 12 · 10 · d
+ 1 · a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d
6·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 + 21 · b · 1, 000 + 21 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10
+ 1 · a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d

Grouping the different units together we get.

6·N =
2· a · 10, 000 + a + 12 · b · 1, 000 + b + 12 · c · 100
+ c + 12 · d · 10 + d + 21 · 0 · 1
We can
 add a zero to the first term and write 2 · a · 10, 000 in the
form 0 + 12 · a · 10, 000

6·N =
0 + 21 · a · 10, 000 + a + 12 · b · 1, 000 + b + 1
2 · c · 100
+ c + 12 · d · 10 + d + 12 · 0 · 1
This is the rule for six where you add half the neighbor to the
number which is fine if all the digits were always even numbers.
However, the rule says “to add half the neighbor and add five if the
number is odd.” We will assume that b is odd and so replace it with
2n + 1 where n is what we have called the “smaller half” of an odd
number. For example, 5 = 2 · 2 + 1 and 9 = 2 · 4 + 1

6·N =
0 + 12 · a · 10, 000 + a + 21 · (2n + 1) · 1, 000
+ (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + c + 21 · d · 10 + d + 1
2 ·0 1
6·N =
0 + 12 · a · 10, 000 + a + n + 12 · 1, 000
+ 2n + 1 + 12 · c · 100 + c + 21 · d · 10 + d + 1
2 ·0 1
6·N =
0 + 12 a · 10, 000 + ( a + n) · 1, 000 + 500
+ 2n + 1 + 12 · c · 100 + c + 21 · d · 10 + d + 1
2 ·0 1

We replace the 2n + 1 with b and we have the rest of the rule for
six. When b is odd we add 5 and for the next digit a we add n which
is the “smaller half” of b.

6·N =
0 + 12 a · 10, 000 + ( a + n) · 1, 000
+ b + 21 · c + 5 · 100 + c + 21 · d · 10 + d + 1
2 ·0 ·1
Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 7

The rule for multiplying by seven is:

Double the number and add “half” the neighbor.

Seven can be represented as:

7 = 5+2
7= 2 · 10 + 2

Multiplying our general number N by seven.

7 · N = 12 · 10 + 2 · N
7·N = 2 · 10 · N + 2 · N
7·N =
2 · 10 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
+ 2 · ( a · 1, 000 + b · 100 + c · 10 + d)
7·N =
2 · 10 · a · 1, 000 + 21 · 10 · b · 100 + 12 · 10 · c · 10 + 12 · 10 · d
+ 2 · a · 1, 000 + 2 · b · 100 + 2 · c · 10 + 2 · d
7·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 + 21 · b · 1, 000 + 21 · c · 100 + 12 · d · 10
+2 · a · 1, 000 + 2 · b · 100 + 2 · c · 10 + 2 · d
Grouping the different units together we get.

7·N =
· a · 10, 000 + 2 · a + 12 · b · 1, 000 + 2 · b + 21 · c · 100
+ 2 · c + 12 · d · 10 + 2 · d + 21 · 0 · 1

We can
 add a zero to the first term and write 2 · a · 10, 000 in the
form 0 + 12 · a · 10, 000

7·N =
0 + 21 · a · 10, 000 + 2 · a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 2 · b + 21 · c · 100 + 2 · c + 21 · d · 10 + 2 · d + 1
2 ·0 ·1

This is the rule for seven where you double the number and add
half the neighbor which is fine if all the digits were always even
numbers. However, the rule says ”to add half the neighbor and
add five if the number is odd.” We will again assume that b is odd
and so replace it with 2n + 1 where n is what we have called the
”smaller half” of an odd number.

7·N =
0 + 21 · a · 10, 000 + 2 · a + 12 · (2n + 1) · 1, 000
+ 2 · (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ 2 · d + 12 · 0 1
7·N =
0 + 12 · a · 10, 000 + 2 · a + n + 12 · 1, 000
+ 2 · (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ 2 · d + 12 · 0 1

7·N =
0 + 12 · a · 10, 000 + (2 · a + n) · 1, 000 + 500
+ 2 · (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ 2 · d + 12 · 0 1

We replace the 2n + 1 with b and we have the rest of the rule for
seven. When b is odd we add 5 and for the next digit a we add n
which is the “smaller half” of b.

7·N =
0 + 12 a · 10, 000 + (2 · a + n) · 1, 000
+ 2 · b + 21 · c + 5 · 100 + 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ 2 · d + 12 · 0 · 1
Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 4

The rules for multiplying by four are:

1. Subtract the right hand figure from 10, add five if odd.
2. Subtract each other figure from 9, add five if odd and add half
the neighbor.
3. At the leading zero use half the left hand digit minus 1.

Four can be represented as:

4 = 5−1
4= 2 · 10 − 1

Multiplying our general number by four.

4·N = 2 · 10 · N − 1 · N
4·N =
2 · 10 · a · 1, 000 − a · 1, 000 + 12 · 10 · b · 100 − b · 100
+ 2 · 10 · c · 10 − c · 10 + 21 · 10 · d · 1 − d · 1
4·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 − a · 1, 000 + 12 · b · 1, 000 − b · 100
+ 2 · c · 100 − c · 10 + 21 · d · 10 − d · 1
We can add and subtract 9000, 900, 90 and 9 to each of their
respective terms as we have done in other proofs.

4·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 − 9, 000 + 9, 000 − a · 1, 000 + 12 · b · 1, 000
− 900 + 900 − b · 100 + 12 · c · 100 − 90 + 90 − c · 10
+ 2 · d · 10 − 9 + 9 − d

We can now group together the terms for each unit.

4·N =
2· a · 10, 000 + 9 − a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 21 · d · 10
+ (9 − d) · 1 − (9, 000 + 900 + 90 + 9)

We can replace the (9, 000 + 900 + 90 + 9) with 10, 000 − 1

4·N =
2· a · 10, 000 + 9 − a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 21 · d · 10
+ (9 − d) · 1 − (10, 000 − 1)

4·N =
2· a · 10, 000 + 9 − a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 21 · d · 10
+ (9 − d) · 1 − 10, 000 + 1
4·N =
· a · 10, 000 − 10, 000 + 9 − a + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (9 + 1 − d ) · 1

4·N =
2· a − 1 · 10, 000 + 9 − a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 21 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1

And there we have the rule for multiplying by four, as long as all
the digits are even. However, the rule says “add half the neighbor
and add five if the number is odd.” We will again assume that b is
odd and so replace it with 2n + 1 where n is what we have called
the “smaller half” of an odd number.

4·N =
· a − 1 · 10, 000 + 9 − a + 12 · (2n + 1) · 1, 000
+ 9 − (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1

4·N =
· a − 1 · 10, 000 + 9 − a + n + 12 · 1, 000
+ 9 − (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1
4·N =
· a − 1 · 10, 000 + (9 − a + n) · 1, 000 + 500
+ 9 − (2n + 1) + 12 · c · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1

4·N =
· a − 1 · 10, 000 + (9 − a + n) · 1, 000
+ 9 − (2n + 1) + 21 · c + 5 · 100 + 9 − c + 12 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1

We replace the 2n + 1 with b and we have the rest of the rule for
four. When b is odd we add 5 and for the next digit a we add n
which is the ”smaller half” of b.

4·N =
· a − 1 · 10, 000 + (9 − a + n) · 1, 000
+ 9 − b + 12 · c + 5 · 100 + 9 − c + 21 · d · 10
+ (10 − d) · 1

Algebraic Proof For Multiplying By 3

The rules for multiplying by three are:

1. Subtract the right hand figure from 10, double and add 5 if
2. Subtract each other figure from 9, double and add half the
neighbor and add 5 if odd.
3. On the leading zero, use half the left hand digit minus 2.

The rule for three is very similar to the rule for eight and so we will
follow a similar logic to that we followed for eight.
Three can be represented as:

3 = 5−2
3= 2 · 10 − 2

Multiplying our general number by three.

3N = 2 · 10N − 2N
3·N =
2 · 10 · a · 1, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + 21 · 10 · b · 100 − 2 · b · 100
+ 12 · 10 · c · 10 − 2 · c · 10 + 21 · 10 · d − 2 · d
3·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + 12 · b · 1, 000 − 2 · b · 100
+ 12 · c · 100 − 2 · c · 10 + 12 · d · 10 − 2 · d

As we did for eight we will now add and subtract 18000, 1800, 180
and 18.

3·N =
2 · a · 10, 000 − 18, 000 + 18, 000 − 2 · a · 1, 000 + 12 · b · 1, 000
− 1, 800 + 1, 800 − 2 · b · 100 + 2 · c · 100 − 180 + 180
− 2 · c · 10 + 21 · d · 10 − 18 + 18 − 2 · d
We can group together the same units.

3·N =
2· a · 10, 000 + 18 − 2 · a + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 18 − 2 · b + 12 · c · 100 + 18 − 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ (18 − 2 · d) − (18, 000 + 1, 800 + 180 + 18)

We can replace the (18, 000 + 1, 800 + 180 + 18) with (20, 000 − 2)

3·N =
· a · 10, 000 + 18 − 2 · a + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 18 − 2 · b + 12 · c · 100 + 18 − 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ (18 − 2 · d) − (20, 000 − 2)

3·N =
· a · 10, 000 + 18 − 2 · a + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 18 − 2 · b + 12 · c · 100 + 18 − 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ (18 − 2 · d) − 20, 000 + 2

3·N =
· a · 10, 000 − 20, 000 + 18 − 2 · a + 12 · b · 1, 000
+ 18 − 2 · b + 12 · c · 100 + 18 − 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ (18 + 2 − 2 · d)
3·N =
· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 18 − 2 · a + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 18 − 2 · b + 12 · c · 100 + 18 − 2 · c + 12 · d · 10
+ (20 − 2 · d)

3·N =
· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 2 · (9 − a) + 21 · b · 1, 000
+ 2 · (9 − b) + 12 · c · 100 + 2 · (9 − c) + 12 · d · 10
+ 2 · (10 − d)

And there we have the rule for multiplying by three, if all the digits
were always even. However, the rule says “add half the neighbor
and add five if the number is odd.” As we did earlier for six we will
assume that b is odd and so replace it with 2n + 1.

3·N =
· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 2 · (9 − a) + 21 · (2n + 1) · 1, 000
+ 2 · (9 − (2n + 1)) + 12 · c · 100
+ 2 · (9 − c) + 21 · d · 10 + 2 · (10 − d)

3·N =
· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 2 · (9 − a) + n + 12 · 1, 000
+ 2 · (9 − (2n + 1)) + 12 · c · 100
+ 2 · (9 − c) + 21 · d · 10 + 2 · (10 − d)
3·N =
· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 2 · (9 − a) + n + 21 · 1, 000 + 500
+ 2 · (9 − (2n + 1)) + 12 · c · 100
+ 2 · (9 − c) + 12 · d · 10 + 2 · (10 − d)

3·N =
2· a − 2 · 10, 000 + 2 · (9 − a) + n + 12 · 1, 000
+ 2 · (9 − (2n + 1)) + 12 · c + 5 · 100
+ 2 · (9 − c) + 21 · d · 10 + 2 · (10 − d)

We replace the 2n + 1 with b and we have the rest of the rule for
three. When b is odd we add 5 and for the next digit a we add n
which is the “smaller half” of b.

3·N =
2· a − 2 · 10, 000 + (2 · (9 − a) + n) · 1, 000
+ 2 · (9 − b) + 21 · c + 5 · 100
+ 2 · (9 − c) + 21 · d · 10 + 2 · (10 − d)
Chapter 2

Direct Multiplication

Direct Multiplication is the next progression from the basic multipli-

cation method. Direct multiplication requires you have memorized
the multiplication tables.
In Direct Multiplication the equation is written out on one line
with the answer written directly below the multiplicand.
Direct Multiplication also makes use of leading zeros.

2.1 Leading Zeros

In Basic Multiplication, we place a single leading zero in front of the

multiplicand, for Direct Multiplication the number of zeros depends
on the size of the multiplicand.
The rule for adding the leading zeros is:

The number of leading zeros in front of the multiplicand
is the same as the number of digits of the multiplier.

If we a have a two-digit multiplier, there are two leading zeros, for a

three digit multiplier there are three leading zeros, for a four digit
multiplier there are four leading zeros, and so on.

0 0 3 5 7 4 × 6 9
0 0 0 1 8 2 6 × 1 3 0
0 0 0 0 4 7 6 3 × 5 1 8 2

2.2 Single Digit Multipliers

Firstly we will look at using a single digit multiplier, to show that the
method is a natural progression of how we multiply using a single
For a single digit multiplier, the leading zero is not strictly nec-
essary as it is just a placeholder for any carry.
As we did for the Basic Multiplication, we will underline the
multiplicand and write the answer directly underneath. We start at
the unit digit of the multiplicand, on the right-hand side, move left
and multiply each number in turn.
The curved, colored lines connecting a number on the multiplier
with a number on the multiplicand are indicators only, there just to
help show which two numbers we are multiplying together.
We will look at 43 × 6 as our example.

10 10 10
0 4 3 × 6 3 × 5 = 15

Starting at the right, we multiply the 3 by 6 giving 18, we write 8

and carry 1.

10 10 10
0 4 3 × 6 3 × 6 = 18
00 02 01
2 5 8

Moving left, we now multiply 4 by 6 then add the carry for a total
of 25.

10 10 10
0 4 3 × 6 4 × 6 = 24
00 02 01
2 5 8 24 + 1 = 25

Moving left, we are at the leading zero. 0 times 6 is zero, add

the carry for a total of 2 and we have our answer of 258.

10 10 10
0 4 3 × 6 0×6 = 0
00 02 01
2 5 8 0+2 = 2

We could have ended the calculation in the previous step. See-

ing the next digit was zero and knowing that zero multiplied by
anything is zero the result for the next digit would just be the carry,
if there was one. Instead, we could have just written down the 25
to get the result 258.

10 10 10
0 4 3 × 6 4 × 6 = 24
00 20 01
2 5 8 24 + 1 = 25

The left-most zero will always just be a placeholder for any carry
that may exist.

2.3 Two-Digit Multipliers

For two-digit multipliers, we follow the same procedure we did for

the single digit multiplier, but this time we will multiply two sets of
numbers and add the products together in each step.
The two sets, or pairs, of numbers, will be indicated as the outer
pair and the inner pair.
The outer pair is always the unit digit of the multiplier and the
digit of the multiplicand above the space we will write the next figure
of the answer. The outer pair is indicated by a red curved line.

0 0 1 4 8 × 3 9
0 0 6 7
7 2

The inner pair are the next digits as you move inwards from the
outer pair digits towards the multiplication sign in the center. The
inner pair is indicated by a blue curved line.
0 0 1 4 8 × 3 9
0 0 6 7
7 2

We will have a look at an example, 38 times 25. The multiplier

has two digits so we put two leading zeros in front of the 38, then
underline the multiplicand.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 3 × 5 = 15

Starting on the right, we multiply only one pair, the outer pair, the
two unit digits, the 5 of the multiplier and the 8 of the multiplicand.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 8 × 5 = 40
0 0 3 4

Moving left, we now have two pairs of numbers to multiply.

First, the outer pair which is the 5 of the multiplier and the 3 of the
multiplicand. Second, the inner pair which is the 2 of the multiplier
and the 8 of the multiplicand.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 3 × 5 = 15
0 0 4
0 8 × 2 = 16

After multiplying the two pairs of numbers we add the products

together. In this case, we also add the carry from the previous step.

15 + 16 = 31
31 + 4 = 35
The total is 35 so we put 5 and carry the 3.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 3 × 5 = 15
0 0 3 4
5 0 8 × 2 = 16
15 + 16 = 31
31 + 4 = 35

Next, the outer pair is 0 and 5, the inner pair is 3 and 2. Multiply-
ing by zero is always zero. 3 times 2 is 6, we then add the 3 carried
from the previous step, for a total of 9.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 0×5 = 0
0 0 3 4
9 5 0 3×2 = 6
0+6 = 6
6+3 = 9

Moving to the last leading zero, both pairs link to zeros and there
is no carry so we have nothing to do, the equation is complete and
our answer is 950.

0 0 3 8 × 2 5 0×5 = 0
0 0 3 4
9 5 0 0×2 = 0
0+0 = 0

We will look at another example, 639 × 47.

0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 3 × 5 = 15
First, we multiply the unit digits, the 7 of the multiplier and the 9
of the multiplicand.

0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 9 × 7 = 63
0 3 6 6 6

Moving left, we multiply the outer pair, the 7 and 3, then multiply
the inner pair, the 4 and 9. Adding the products we get 57, adding
the carry we have 63.

0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 3 × 7 = 21
0 3 6 6 6
3 3 9 × 4 = 36
21 + 36 = 57
57 + 6 = 63

Next, we multiply the outer pair, the 7 and 6, then multiply the
inner pair, the 4 and 3. Adding the products we get 54, adding the
carry we have 60.

0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 6 × 7 = 42
0 3 6 6 6
0 3 3 3 × 4 = 12
42 + 12 = 54
54 + 6 = 60

Next, we are at the first leading zero. The outer pair is 7 and 0,
the inner pair is 4 and 6. Adding the products we have 24, adding
the carry we have 30.
0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 0×7 = 0
0 3 6 6 6
0 0 3 3 6 × 4 = 24
0 + 24 = 24
24 + 6 = 30

Lastly, we are at the last leading zero. The outer pair is 7 and
0, the inner pair is 4 and 0. The products are both zero. Using the
carry we have 3 and our final answer of 30033.

0 0 6 3 9 × 4 7 0×7 = 0
3 30 60 63 63 0×4 = 0
0+0 = 0
0+3 = 3

2.4 Three-Digit Multipliers

Three digit multipliers are similar to two digit multipliers except

there is a second inner pair used because of the extra digit in the
As for two-digit multipliers, the outer pair is always the unit digit
of the multiplier and the digit of the multiplicand above the space we
will write the next figure of the answer. The outer pair is indicated
by a red curved line.
Moving inwards from the outer pair, towards the ‘×’ symbol, we
find the inner pairs. There will be as many inner pairs as there
are digits available on the multiplier and the multiplicand to form
a pair. For three-digit multipliers there will be a maximum of two
inner pairs.
In figure 2.1 we see there is no digit on the multiplicand to make
an inner pair with the 6 of the multiplier.

0 0 0 8 2 1 7 × 3 6 2 (2.1)

In figure 2.2 we see there is no digit on the multiplier to make

an inner pair with the 7 of the multiplicand.

0 0 0 8 2 1 7 × 3 6 2 (2.2)

We will have a look at an example, 759 × 214. As the multiplier

is three digits we put three leading zeros on the multiplicand then
underline it.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 3 × 5 = 15

First, we multiply only the unit digits of the multiplicand and

multiplier, that is the 9 and the 4. We only have the outer pair in
this step.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 9 × 4 = 36
0 1 2 5 3 3

Next, we multiply the outer pair, 4 and 5, and we have an inner

pair, 1 and 9. Adding the two products gives 29, adding the carry
gives a total of 32.
0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 5 × 4 = 20
0 1 2 5 3 3
2 6 9×1 = 9
20 + 9 = 29
29 + 3 = 32

This time we have all three pairs, the outer pair, 4 and 7, the
first inner pair, 1 and 7 and the second inner pair, 2 and 9. Adding
the three products and the carry we have 54.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 7 × 4 = 28
0 1 2 5 3 3
4 2 6 5×1 = 5
9 × 2 = 18
28 + 5 + 18 = 51
51 + 3 = 54

Next, the outer pair is 4 and 0, the inner pairs are 1 and 7 then
2 and 5. Adding the three products and the carry we get 22.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 0×4 = 0
0 1 2 5 3 3
2 4 2 6 7×1 = 7
5 × 2 = 10
0 + 7 + 10 = 17
17 + 5 = 22

Moving left, the outer pair is 4 and 0, the first inner pair is 1 and
0, the second inner pair is 2 and 7. Adding the products and carry
we have a total of 16.
We could just write down 16 rather than 6 with a carry of 1 and we
would be finished.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 0×4 = 0
0 1 2 5 3 3
6 2 4 2 6 0×1 = 0
7 × 2 = 14
0 + 0 + 14 = 14
14 + 2 = 16

Finally, all the pairs connect with the leading zeros; the outer
pair is 4 and 0, the first inner pair is 1 and 0, the second inner pair
is 2 and 0. The sum of the products is zero but there is a carry of 1.
We write the 1 and our final answer is 162426.

0 0 0 7 5 9 × 2 1 4 0×4 = 0
1 16 22 54 32 36 0×1 = 0
0×2 = 0
0+0+0 = 0
0+1 = 1

In the next example we will start to see the problems with this
method when we start to get longer multipliers and or the digits in
both the multiplicand and the multiplier are above five.

0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 3 × 5 = 15

We start with just the outer pair, 6 and 7. The product is 42 so

we put 2 and carry the a̧ns4.
0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 7 × 6 = 42
0 8 16 19 11 4

Next, the outer pair is 6 and 8 whose product is 48, and we have
one inner pair, 9 and 7 whose product is 63. Adding the products
we have 111, adding the carry our total is 115. We write 5 and carry
the 11.

0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 8 × 6 = 48
0 8 16 19 11 4
5 2 7 × 9 = 63
48 + 63 = 111
111 + 4 = 115

Now, the outer pair is 6 and 9 whose product is 54, and we have
the first inner pair, 9 and 8 whose product is 72. The second inner
pair is 8 and 7 whose product is 56. Adding the three products
gives 182, adding the carry gives a total of 193. We write 3 and
carry the 19.

0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 9 × 6 = 54
0 8 16 19 11 4
3 5 2 8 × 9 = 72
7 × 8 = 56
54 + 72 + 56 = 182
182 + 11 = 193

Next, the outer pair is 6 and 0 whose product is 0, and we have

the first inner pair, 9 and 9 whose product is 81. The second inner
pair is 8 and 8 whose product is 64. Adding the products gives 145,
adding the carry gives a total of 164. We write 4 and carry the 16.

0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 0×6 = 0
0 8 16 19 11 4
4 3 5 2 9 × 9 = 81
8 × 8 = 64
0 + 81 + 64 = 145
145 + 19 = 164

Next, the outer pair is 6 and 0 whose product is 0, and we have

the first inner pair, 9 and 0 whose product is 0. The second inner
pair is 8 and 9 whose product is 72. Adding the products gives 72,
adding the carry of 16 gives a total of 88. We write 8 and carry the

0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 0×6 = 0
0 8
8 16 4 19 3 11 5 4 2 0×9 = 0
9 × 8 = 72
0 + 0 + 72 = 72
72 + 16 = 88

Finally, all three pairs link to one of the leading zeros, so the
sum of the products is 0, adding the carry we have 8 and our final
answer of 884352.
0 0 0 9 8 7 × 8 9 6 0×6 = 0
8 8 16 4 19 3 11 5 4 2
0×9 = 0
0×8 = 0
0+0+0 = 0
0+8 = 8

As you can see when the sum of the products starts to get high,
it does make the adding up more difficult. To solve the issue of large
sum totals and the possible two digit carry, Jakow Trachtenberg
developed the two-finger method of multiplication, which we will
look at in the next chapter.

2.5 Four-Digit Multipliers

The method for four-digit multipliers follows the same pattern as

for three-digit multipliers except there is a maximum of three inner
pairs with the four-digit multipliers.
The length of the multiplicand makes no difference to the
method, all the examples in this book are short simply to show
how the method works.
We will look at 5473 × 3241 as an example. For four-digit multi-
pliers we add four leading zeros in front of the multiplicand.

0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 3 × 5 = 15

We start with the outer pair of 1 and 3 whose product is 3.

0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 3×1 = 3
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0

Next, the outer pair is 1 and 7 with a product of 7. There is one

inner pair of 4 and 3 with a product of 12. The sum of the products
is 19.

0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 7×1 = 7
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
9 3 3 × 4 = 12

7 + 12 = 19

Next, there is the outer pair of 1 and 4, the first inner pair of 4
and 7 and the second inner pair of 2 and 3 with a product sum of
38. Adding the carry gives a total of 39.

0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 4×1 = 4
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
9 9 3 7 × 4 = 28
3×2 = 6

4 + 28 + 6 = 38
38 + 1 = 39

Next, we have all four pairs; the inner pair, 1 and 5, the first
inner pair, 4 and 4, the second inner pair, 2 and 7 and the third
inner pair, 3 and 3. The sum of the products is 44, adding the carry
gives a total of 47.
5×1 = 5
0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 4 × 4 = 16
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
7 9 9 3 7 × 2 = 14
3×3 = 9

5 + 16 + 14 + 9 = 44
44 + 3 = 47

Next, the inner pair is 1 and 0, the first inner pair is 4 and 5, the
second inner pair is 2 and 4 and the third inner pair is 3 and 7. The
sum of the products is 49, adding the carry gives a total of 53.

0×1 = 0
0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 5 × 4 = 20
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
3 7 9 9 3 4×2 = 8
7 × 3 = 21

0 + 20 + 8 + 21 = 49
49 + 4 = 53

Next, the inner pair is 1 and 0, the first inner pair is 4 and 0, the
second inner pair is 2 and 5 and the third inner pair is 3 and 4. The
sum of the products is 22, adding the carry gives a total of 27.

0×1 = 0
0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 0×4 = 0
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
7 3 7 9 9 3 5 × 2 = 10
4 × 3 = 12
0 + 0 + 10 + 12 = 22
22 + 5 = 27

Next, the inner pair is 1 and 0, the first inner pair is 4 and 0, the
second inner pair is 2 and 0 and the third inner pair is 3 and 5. The
sum of the products is 15, adding the carry gives a total of 17.

0×1 = 0
0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 0×4 = 0
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
7 7 3 7 9 9 3 0×2 = 0
5 × 3 = 15

0 + 0 + 0 + 15 = 15
15 + 2 = 17

Lastly, all four pairs connect with the leading zeros so the prod-
uct total is 0, adding the carry we have 1 and our final answer of

0×1 = 0
0 0 0 0 5 4 7 3 × 3 2 4 1 0×4 = 0
0 1 2 5 4 3 1 0
1 7 7 3 7 9 9 3 0×2 = 0
0×3 = 0

0+0+0+0 = 0
0+1 = 1

The method will continue to work for longer multipliers and

the number of pairs used will match the number of digits of the
I will not show examples of longer multipliers as I think if you
are attempting to multiply such large numbers you will be better off
using the two-finger method in the next chapter.

Why Direct Multiplying Works

Direct Multiplication is just a reorganization of the standard multipli-

cation method that makes it faster than the standard method.
If we take a three digit number where we use letters instead of
numbers and call it abc. Then we take a two digit number where
the numbers are replaced with letters and call it de and multiply
these together we have:
abc × de

If we expand these number out we get:

( a · 100 + b · 10 + c) × (d · 10 + e)

If we now multiply ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c) by each part of (d · 10 + e) :

d · 10 ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c) + e ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c)

We then do the multiplication:

da · 1000 + db · 100 + dc · 10 + ea · 100 + eb · 10 + ec

We can rearrange the result to get the following:

da · 1000 + (db + ea) · 100 + (dc + eb) · 10 + ec

This final equation shows us how to solve abc × de.

We will take the equation, abc × de and use the Direct Multipli-
cation method

0 0 a b c × d e 3 × 5 = 15

The fist step is to multiply c by e

0 0 a b c × d e e × c = ec
0 0 3

Moving left the next step is to multiply e × b and d × c.

0 0 a b c × d e e × b = eb
0 0 3
d × c = dc

We add the products together, eb + dc. Also this result goes

into the second, or tens column of the answer so we actually have
(eb + dc) · 10.
Adding this to the first step so far we have:

(eb + dc) · 10 + ec

Moving left we now multiply e × a and d × b and add the prod-


0 0 a b c × d e e × a = ea
0 0 3
d × b = db
Adding the products we have ea + db, since this goes in the
third, or hundreds column of the answer we actually have:

(ea + db) · 100

Adding this to what we already have so far we get:

(ea + db) · 100 + (eb + dc) · 10 + ec

Moving left we now multiply e × 0 and d × a then add the products.
Which in this case is da.

0 0 a b c × d e e×0 = 0
0 0 3
d × a = da

The result, da, is to go in the fourth, or thousands column of the

answer so we have da · 1000, adding this to the earlier results we
da · 1000 + (ea + db) · 100 + (eb + dc) · 10 + ec
Which is the same equation we had earlier for the solution of
abc × de.
Some of you may have noticed we did not quite get to the end
of the equation, if we look at the last step our products from both
equations are zero. This last step is just in case of any carry.

0 0 a b c × d e e×0 = 0
0 0 3
d×0 = 0

I have just shown the equation for two digit multipliers, but the
process holds no matter how many digits the multiplier has.
Chapter 3

Two-Finger Multiplication

Two-finger Multiplication or Unit & Tens Multiplication is a variation

of the Direct Multiplication method. This approach solves the
problem of having to sum large numbers when using multipliers
with more than several digits, which results in smaller numbers
carried over.
The equation is written out the same way as we have done for
Direct Multiplication in the previous chapter and the rule for the
leading zero the same, where the number of leading zeros is the
same as the number of digits of the multiplier.
This method takes a little getting used to before you pick up
speed as you have to think a little differently with the individual
multiplications. Unlike the Direct Multiplication where each product
is the result of single-digit multiplication, Two-Finger Multiplication
involves a pair of single-digit multiplications. That is each digit of

the multiplier will be used to multiply two digits of the multiplicand
to produce a pair-product.
The exception to this is when multiplying the unit digit of the
multiplicand with the unit digit of the multiplier, where there is only
one multiplication involved.
Before we get into the method proper, we will need to define
what we will call the pair-product.

3.1 Pair-Product

We will assign the result of any single-digit multiplication to be a

two-digit product. Where the product is a single digit, it will have a
leading zero to form a two-digit product.

Two-Digit Products
1 × 2 = 02
2 × 4 = 08
5 × 6 = 30
8 × 7 = 56
9 × 9 = 81

For our two-digit products, there is a units digit and a tens digit.

Tens Units
In this method, we need to find a pair-product which is the result
of a pair of single-digit multiplications. If we have a pair digits,
say 9 and 4, we will multiply these by 7 to get a pair-product. For
instructional purposes only, above the 9 and the 4 we will put a
letter to indicate which digit of their product we are interested in, a
‘U’ for the units digit and a ‘T’ for the tens digit.

9 4 × 7

Multiplying each digit in the pair by 7 we get two products.

9 × 7 = 63
4 × 7 = 28

When we multiply the 9 by 7, we are only interested in the

products unit value, in this case 3. Multiplying the 4 by 7, we are
only interested in the products tens value, in this case 2. The digits
we are not interested in are grayed out.
Adding the ‘U’ value and the ‘T’ value together we get the
3+2 = 5

The UT pair-product from 94 × 7 is 5.

9 4× 7
63 28 = 5 pair-product

Finding the sum of the units figure of the product from the left-
hand digit and the tens figure from the product from the right-hand
digit gives the pair product. A way to remember which digits we
want is that if the products of each multiplication were written below
each digit in the pair, then we are interested in the two center digits,
the two outside digits are ignored.
Our definition of the pair-product is:


A pair-product is a number obtained by separately multiply-

ing a pair of digits by a multiplier digit then adding together
the units figure of the product from the left-hand digit of the
pair and the tens figure of the product from the right-hand
digit of the pair.

Try to work the following to calculate each pair-product then check

your answers on the next page.

2 8 × 4 5 2 × 3

8 1 × 5 3 7 × 6

8 9 × 8 1 4 × 7

4 3 × 2
2 8× 4
08 32 = 11 pair-product

5 2 × 3
15 06 = 5 pair-product

8 1× 5
40 05 = 0 pair-product

3 7 × 6
18 42 = 12 pair-product

8 9× 8
64 72 = 11 pair-product

1 4× 7
07 28 = 9 pair-product

4 3× 2
08 06 = 8 pair-product
3.2 Single Digit Multipliers

You can use the method with just a single digit multiplier, but this
would only be used as a practice exercise as you are getting used
to the process. As there is only one digit for the multiplier, we
put a single leading zero on the multiplicand. We underline the
multiplicand and write the answer directly below the multiplicand
as we have done in earlier chapters.
We will look at 48 × 6 as an example.

0 4 8 × 6 3 × 5 = 15

We start at the right of the multiplicand. We will show a colored

line to indicate which number in the multiplicand we are connecting
to from the multiplier. The “U” at the end of the colored line indicates
that we are only interested in the unit value of the product from
6 × 8 = 48. The unit value of the product is 8, thee is no tens unit
in this first step, so we put down 8.

0 4 8 × 6
2 8 8
48 = 8
Note: Below the answer, we will show the product of each single-
digit multiplication lined up below the digit used in the multiplicand.
We will also highlight the figure in each product we need. Showing
the product is purely for instruction only as you should be doing the
calculations and adding the unit and tens value together in your
head. Only the answer should be written down.

Moving left to the next digit, we need the unit digit of the product
from 6 × 4 = 24, which is 4 and the tens digit from the product
of 6 × 8 = 48, which is also 4. Adding these together we get a
pair-product of 8 as the answer for this step.

0 4 8 × 6
2 8 8
24 48 = 8

Moving left we are at the leading zero. We want the unit digit of
0 × 6 = 00 and the tens digit of 4 × 6 = 24. Adding these together
we get 2 as the pair-product and our answer is 288.

0 4 8 × 6
2 8 8
00 24 =2
As we move across the multiplicand we get both the U and
T value for each digit but just not in the same step. The T value
is used in the step after the U value is used. As I mentioned
before using this method on single digit multipliers is only useful as
practice to get used to picking the U and T values from the product.

3.3 Two Digit Multipliers

For two-digit multipliers, we put two leading zeros in front of the

We have to find the pair-product for two sets of equations;
one for the outer pair which always goes from the unit digit of the
multiplier to the digit of the multiplicand above the space where
we will write the next digit of the answer. We will link this pair by
a red line. The second for the inner pair from the tens digit of the
multiplier to the figure on the right of the outer pair digit on the
multiplicand, we will link this pair by a blue line.
It should become clear once we have a look at an example. We
will look at 96 times 87.

0 0 9 6 × 8 7 3 × 5 = 15

For the first digit, we only use the 7, the unit digit of the multiplier
and the 6, the unit digit of the multiplicand. That is, we want the U
value of 7 × 6 = 42 which is 2.
0 0 9 6 × 8 7
42 = 2

Moving left, for the 7 of the multiplier we want the U value of

7 × 9 = 63 and the T value of 7 × 6 = 42. For the 8 of the multiplier
we want the U value of 8 × 6 = 48. Adding the pair-products
together we have 15. So we write 5 and carry 1.

0 0 9 6 × 8 7
5 2
63 42 = 7
48 = 8

Moving to the next digit on the multiplicand, for the 7 of the

multiplier we want the U value of 7 × 0 = 00 and the T value of
7 × 9 = 63. Adding the U and T value we get 6 as this pair-product.
For the 8 of the multiplier, we want the U value of 8 × 9 = 72 which
is 8, for the T value, we have 8 × 6 = 48. Adding the U and T value
we get 6 as this pair-product. We now add the two pair-products
togetheras well as the carry to get 13. We write 3 and carry 1.
0 0 9 6 × 8 7
1 1
3 5 2
00 63 =6
72 48 = 6

Moving to the last zero on the left, for the 7 of the multiplier, the
7 is multiplied by zero in both cases so the pair-product is zero. For
the 8 of the multiplier, the 8 is multiplied by zero so the U value is
zero, but for the T value, we have 8 × 9 = 72. Adding add the carry
to the pair-product of 7 gives 8 and our final answer is 8352.

0 0 9 6 × 8 7
8 13 15 2
00 00 =0
00 72 =7

You will notice that we get the U and T value for every digit
of the multiplicand for every digit of the multiplier. By only taking
one figure for each multiplication it is significantly reducing the size
of the numbers, we need to add up, and the number carried will
always be relatively small even if the multiplier is quite long.
Although in describing the method we find each of the U and
T values for each digit of the multiplier before adding them up, in
practice as you work out each calculation you would keep a running
total in your head. A running total is much easier to remember than
trying to remember all the results and add them up at the end.
We will look at an example with a longer multiplicand and multi-
ply 5327 by 25.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5 3 × 5 = 15

For the first step, we just want the U value of 5 × 7 = 35 which

is 5.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 3 1 7 5
35 = 5

Next, we have three multiplications to do; multiplying 2 and 7

by 5 we have 10 and 35 so the pair-product is 3. Multiplying the 7
by 2 we have 14 so the pair-product is 4. Adding the pair-products
together gives 7.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 3 1 7 5
10 35 = 3
14 = 4

Next, we have our maximum of four multiplications to do. Mul-

tiplying 3 and 2 by 5 we have 10 and 35, then multiplying 2 and 7
by 2 we have 04 and 14. These give pair-products of 6 and 5 which
added together give 11.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 3 11 7 5
15 10 =6
04 14 = 5

Next, we multiply 5 and 3 by 5 giving 25 and 15 for a pair-product

of 6. Multiply 3 and 2 by 2 to get 06 and 04. Adding the carry to the
pair-products we have 13.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 13 11 7 5
25 15 =6
06 04 =6

We are now at the first zero in front of the multiplicand. For the
5 of the multiplier, we can ignore multiplying the 0 for the U value.
Multiplying the 5 by 5 is 25 giving us 2 for the first pair-product. For
the the 2 of the multiplier, multiplying 5 and 3 gives 10 and 06 which
gives a pair-product of 0. Adding the carry and pair-product gives
0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 13 11 7 5
00 25 =2
10 06 =0

Finally, at the last zero we can see three of the multiplications

are with zero so we can ignore them. For the T value only have to
multiply 5 by 2 which is 10. This pair-product of 1 gives us our final
answer of 133175.

0 0 5 3 2 7 × 2 5
1 3 13 11 7 5
00 00 =0
00 10 =1

Multiplying by a two-digit multiplier does not yet really show

where this method shines but it is a good time to look at what this
method is actually doing.

3.4 Three Digit Multipliers

For three digit multipliers, we put three leading zeros in front of the
As we go into the equation, we will have three sets of UT values
to find, one for each digit of the multiplier.
We will look at 682 × 293, putting three leading zeros and un-
derlining the multiplicand.

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3 3 × 5 = 15

First, we find the U value of 3 × 2 which is 6.

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
06 = 6

Next, for the three of the multiplier, we get the U value of 3 × 8 =

24 and the T value of 3 × 2 = 06, to get a pair-product of 4. For
the nine of the multiplier, we get the U value of 9 × 2 = 18, to get a
pair-product of 8. Adding the two pair-products we get 12.

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
2 6
24 06 = 4
18 = 8

Next, for the three of the multiplier, we get the U value of 3 × 6 =

18 and the T value of 3 × 8 = 24, to get a pair-product of 10. For
the nine of the multiplier, we get the U value of 9 × 8 = 72 and the
T value of 9 × 2 = 18, to get a pair-product of 3. For the two of the
multiplier we get the U value of 2 × 2 = 04, to get a pair-product of
4. Adding the three pair-products and the carry we get 18.

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
1 1
8 2 6
18 24 = 10
72 18 = 3
04 = 4

Next, we will ignore any multiplication of zero so for the three

of the multiplier we only need the T value of 3 × 6 = 18, to get a
pair-product of 1. For the nine of the multiplier, we get the U value
of 9 × 6 = 54 and the T value of 9 × 8 = 72, to get a pair-product
of 11. For the two of the multiplier we get the U value of 2 × 8 = 16
and the T value of 2 × 2 = 04, to get a pair-product of 6. Adding
the three pair-products and the carry we get 19.

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
1 1 1
9 8 2 6
00 18 =1
54 72 = 11
16 04 = 6
Next, the three of the multiplier is only multiplying by zeros so
we can ignore it. For the nine of the multiplier the U value is a
multiplication of zero so we can ignore it too but the T value of
9 × 6 = 54 give a pair-product of 5. For the two of the multiplier we
get the U value of 2 × 6 = 12 and the T value of 2 × 8 = 16, to get
a pair-product of 3. Adding the pair-products and the carry we get

0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
9 19 18 12 6
00 00 =0
00 54 =5
12 16 =3

At the last zero, both the three and the nine of the multiplier are
multiplying by zero so can be ignored. For the two of the multiplier
the U value is a multiplication by zero so it too is ignored but for the
T value of 2 × 6 = 12, to get a pair-product of 1. Our pair-product
total is 1 and we have our final answer of 199826.
0 0 0 6 8 2 × 2 9 3
1 9 19 18 12 6
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 12 =1

3.5 Four Digit Multipliers

When multiplying by a four digit multiplier you will have a maximum

of four pair-products you need to calculate and you will have four
leading zeros.
Keeping your place when going through the calculations is
very important and can be a little difficult until you get used to the
So far, while explaining the method we are calculating the U
and T value to get the pair-product for each digit of the multiplicand
then adding the pair-products up to get the final value for that spot
in the answer. This is helpful when explaining the method but it is
not so easy to hold so many numbers in your head when mentally
doing the calculation.
What you do is simply calculate each U and T value then add
them up in a running total as you go along.
For the following example we will use a running total as we do
each calculation.
We will look at 6823 multiplied by 5061.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1 3 × 5 = 15

The U value of 1 × 3 = 03.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
03 = 3

The U value of 1 × 2 = 02 and the T value of 1 × 3 = 03 so our

running total is 2. The U value of 6 × 3 = 18 is 8 so our running
total is 10.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
0 3
02 03 = 2
18 = 8

The U value of 1 × 8 = 08 is 8 and the T value of 1 × 2 = 02 is

0 so our running total is 8. The U value of6 × 2 = 12 is 2 and our
running total is now 10. The T value of 6 × 3 = 18 is 1 bringing the
running total to 11. The next U value is a multiple of zero so we
can ignore it. There is a carry of 1 giving a final total of 12.
0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
1 1
2 0 3
08 02 =8
12 18 = 3
00 = 0

The U value of 1 × 6 = 06 is 6 and the T value of 1 × 8 = 08 is 0

so our total is 6. The U value of 6 × 8 = 48 is 8 making our running
total now 14. The T value of 6 × 2 = 12 is 1, our running total is
now 15. The next multiplier digit is zero so the U and T values will
be zero. The U value of 5 × 3 = 15 is 5, making our total 20 adding
the carry we have a final total of 21.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
2 1 1
1 2 0 3
06 08 =6
48 12 =9
00 00 = 0
15 = 5

The U value of 1 × 0 is zero, the T value of 1 × 6 is zero. The U

value of 6 × 6 = 36, our running total is 6. The T value of 6 × 8 = 48
is 4 making our running total 10. The next U value and T value are a
multiple of zero so we can ignore them. The U value of 5 × 2 = 10
is 0. The T value of 5 × 3 = 15 is 1 giving a running total of 11.
Adding the carry we have a final total of 13.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
1 2 1 1
3 1 2 0 3
00 06 =0
36 48 = 10
00 00 =0
10 15 = 1

For 1 both the U and T value are multiplying zero so can be

ignored. For 6 the U value is also multiplying by zero and can be
ignored. The T value 6 × 6 = 36, our running total is 3. For the zero
we can ignore it’s U and T values. The U value of 5 × 8 = 40 is 0.
The T value of 5 × 2 = 10 is 1 and our running total is 4, adding the
carry we have a final total of 5.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
5 13 21 12 10 3
00 00 =0
00 36 =3
00 00 =0
40 10 =1
For both digits 1, 6 and 0 on the multiplier we can ignore the U
and T values as they all multiply by zero. The U value of 5 × 6 = 30
is 0. The T value of 5 × 8 = 40 is 4 giving a total of 4.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
4 5 13 21 12 10 3
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
30 40 =4

Last step we can again ignore the U and T values for 1, 6 and 0.
The U value for 5 is also multiplying zero. The T value of 5 × 6 = 30
is 3 for a total of 3 and we have the answer 34531203.

0 0 0 0 6 8 2 3 × 5 0 6 1
3 4 5 13 21 12 10 3
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 30 =3
3.6 Five Digit Multipliers

There should be nothing here that should surprise you. The mul-
tiplier is five digits long so five leading zeros are added to the
multiplicand. This time there will be a maximum of five U and T
values to calculate per digit on the multiplicand.
We will use 65793 × 27835 as our example.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5 3 × 5 = 15

The U value of 5 × 3 = 15 is 5.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
15 = 5

The U value of 5 × 9 = 45 is 5, the T value of 5 × 3 = 15 is 1

and the running total is 6. The U value of 3 × 3 = 09 is 9 and our
total is 15.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
5 5
45 15 = 6
09 = 9

The U value of 5 × 7 = 35 is 5, the T value of 5 × 9 = 45 is 4

and the running total is 9. The U value of 3 × 9 = 27 is 7 and the
running total is 16. The T value of 3 × 3 = 09 is 0. The U value of
8 × 3 = 24 is 4 and the running total is 20. Adding the carry of 1 we
have a final total of 21.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
2 1
1 5 5
35 45 =9
27 09 = 7
24 = 4

The U value of 5 × 5 = 25 is 5, the T value of 5 × 7 = 35 is 3

and the running total is 8. The U value of 3 × 7 = 21 is 1 and the
running total is 9. The T value of 3 × 9 = 27 is 2 and the running
total is 11. The U value of 8 × 9 = 72 is 2 and the running total is
13. The T value of 8 × 3 = 24 is 2 and the running total is 15. The
U value of 7 × 3 = 21 is 1 and the running total is 16.Adding the
carry of 2 we have a final total of 18.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
1 2 1
8 1 5 5
25 35 =8
21 27 =3
72 24 = 4
21 = 1
The U value of 5 × 6 = 30 is 0, the T value of 5 × 5 = 25 is 2
and the running total is 2. The U value of 3 × 5 = 15 is 5 and the
running total is 7. The T value of 3 × 7 = 21 is 2 and the running
total is 9. The U value of 8 × 7 = 56 is 6 and the running total
is 15. The T value of 8 × 9 = 72 is 7 and the running total is 22.
The U value of 7 × 9 = 63 is 3 and the running total is 25. The T
value of 7 × 3 = 21 is 2 and the running total is 27. The U value of
2 × 3 = 06 is 6 and the running total is 33. Adding the carry of 1 we
have a final total of 34.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
3 1 2 1
4 8 1 5 5
30 25 =2
15 21 =7
56 72 = 13
63 21 = 5
06 = 6

The U value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0, the T value of 5 × 6 = 30 is 3

and the running total is 3. The U value of 3 × 6 = 18 is 8 and the
running total is 11. The T value of 3 × 5 = 15 is 1 and the running
total is 12. The U value of 8 × 5 = 40 is 0. The T value of 8 × 7 = 56
is 5 and the running total is 17. The U value of 7 × 7 = 49 is 9
and the running total is 26. The T value of 7 × 9 = 63 is 6 and the
running total is 32. The U value of 2 × 9 = 18 is 8 and the running
total is 40. The T value of 2 × 3 = 06 is 0. Adding the carry of 3 we
have a final total of 43.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
4 3 1 2 1
3 4 8 1 5 5
00 30 =3
18 15 =9
40 56 =5
49 63 = 15
18 06 = 8

The U value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0, the T value of 5 × 0 = 00 is

0. The U value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 3 × 6 = 18 is 1.
The U value of 8 × 6 = 48 is 8 and the running total is 9. The T
value of 8 × 5 = 40 is 4 and the running total is 13. The U value of
7 × 5 = 35 is 5 and the running total is 18. The T value of 7 × 7 = 49
is 4 and the running total is 22. The U value of 2 × 7 = 14 is 4
and the running total is 26. The T value of 2 × 9 = 18 is 1 and the
running total is 27. Adding the carry of 4 we have a final total of 31.
0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
3 4 3 1 2 1
1 3 4 8 1 5 5
00 00 =0
00 18 =1
48 40 = 12
35 49 =9
14 18 =5

The U value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0, the T value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0.

The U value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The
U value of 8 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 8 × 6 = 48 is 4. The U
value of 7 × 6 = 42 is 2 and the running total is 6. The T value of
7 × 5 = 35 is 3 and the running total is 9. The U value of 2 × 5 = 10
is 0. The T value of 2 × 7 = 14 is 1 and the running total is 10.
Adding the carry of 3 we have a final total of 13.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
1 3 4 3 1 2 1
3 1 3 4 8 1 5 5
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 48 =4
42 35 =5
10 14 =1
The U value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0, the T value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0.
The U value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The
U value of 8 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 8 × 0 = 00 is 0. The U
value of 7 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 7 × 6 = 42 is 4. The U
value of 2 × 6 = 12 is 2 and the running total is 6. The T value of
2 × 5 = 10 is 1 and the running total is 7. Adding the carry of 1 we
have a final total of 8.

0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
8 13 31 43 34 18 21 15 5
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 42 =4
12 10 =3

The U value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0, the T value of 5 × 0 = 00 is 0.

The U value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 3 × 0 = 00 is 0. The
U value of 8 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 8 × 0 = 00 is 0. The U
value of 7 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 7 × 0 = 00 is 0. The U
value of 2 × 0 = 00 is 0. The T value of 2 × 6 = 12 is 1 and we
have a final total of 1 giving us the final answer of 1831348155.
0 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 9 3 × 2 7 8 3 5
1 8 13 31 43 34 18 21 15 5
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 00 =0
00 12 =1

There really is no end to this method, you can pick any size
multiplicand and any size multiplier and you should be able to work
through the problem and simply write down the answer.

3.7 Why it Works

If we look at the first two-digit multiplier example of 96 multiplied by

87 and write out the equation with the result of each multiplication
on one line but in their correct columns we would get this:

0 0 9 6 × 8 7
4 2 7×6
6 3 7×9
4 8 8×6
7 2 8×9
8 13 15 2
Working on the right-hand side column and moving to the left
we see that we add up the following: First column we have the U
value of 6 × 7. The second column we have the U value of 7 × 9,
the T value of 6 × 7 and the U value of 8 × 6. The third column we
have the T value of 7 × 9, the U value of 8 × 9 and the T value of
8 × 6. The fourth column we have the T value of 8 × 9.
If you look back at the original example in 3.3 you will see that
is exactly what we did in each step. This is a shortcut method
that allows us to calculate the answer on a single line instead of
writing out all the individual results and adding up the columns.
Remember, I have not put in the zeros. For example the 8 × 6 is
really 80 × 6 and the 48 shown in the answers is really 480.
The logic is the same for even larger multipliers the only differ-
ence is the more digits there are in the multiplier the more numbers
there will be in each column to add up. Each additional digit in the
multiplier means an additional UT pair-product is required.
Lets compare the completed equations of the above example
done by both the Direct Method and the Unit & Tens Method to see
the difference.

0 0 9 6 × 8 7 Direct Method
8 8 3 11 5 4 2

0 0 9 6 × 8 7 Unit & Tens Method

8 13 15 2

Of course the final results are the same but notice the difference
in the numbers carried. The Unit & Tens Method we only carried 1
twice but for the direct Method the numbers carried were; 4, 11 and
8. This is quite a difference and the multiplier only has two digits.
By following the Unit & Tens method, the extra work of picking
the U and T values to calculate a pair-product is greatly offset by
the greatly reduced numbers you are having to mentally add up.
It is much easier to add up 4, 3 and 8 to get 15 than it is to add
up 63, 48 and 4 to get 115 which was done for the tens digit of the
multiplicand in our comparison above.
The Units and Tens Method is also known as the two finger
method and uses the units digit of the number and the tens digit
of its neighbor to do the calculations. Taking a three digit number,
say 537, we can write this out in expanded notation as:

537 = 5 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 7 × 1

Using the dot notation for multiplication instead it looks like this:

537 = 5 · 100 + 3 · 10 + 7 · 1

We can generalize our three digit number to be abc which can

represent any three digit number, not just 537, and we can write it
abc = ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c · 1)
We want to multiply this three digit number by a single digit number,
say 4 or 9, but we will represent the single digit number as n. So
multiplying abc by n we get:

n · abc = n · ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c · 1)
Expanding this out we get:

n · abc = n · a · 100 + n · b · 10 + n · c · 1

The n · a, n · b and n · c are all pairs of single digit numbers. When

multiplying two single digit numbers we normally get a two digit
result, the exceptions are for the very low value digits where the
result is a single digit number. However, these single digit results
can be treated as a two digit result by adding a leading zero.
For example.

9 × 9 = 81
4 × 3 = 12
2 × 4 = 08
1 × 5 = 05

Two digit numbers can be represented like this:

xy = ( x · 10 + y · 1)

Where x is the tens digit, the digit multiplied by ten, and y is the
units digit, the digit multiplied by one. We will use the letter T to
represent the tens digit and U to represent the units digit of our
two digit numbers. As we have seen with our three digit number
multiplied by a single digit number we get three pairs of numbers
multiplied together so we need to include a subscript with our T
and U so we can keep track of which pair they belong to.
We will use the following:

n · a = Ta · 10 + Ua
n · b = Tb · 10 + Ub
n · c = Tc · 10 + Uc

Where Ta represents the tens digit of the result when a is multiplied

by n and U represents the unit digit of that result. Putting this into
our equation for multiplying a three digit number by a single digit
number we get :

n · abc = n · a · 100 + n · b · 10 + n · c · 1
replacing the n · a with Ta · 10 + Ua , etc we get
= ( Ta · 10 + Ua ) · 100 + ( Tb · 10 + Ub ) · 10 + ( Tc · 10 + Uc ) · 1
= Ta · 1000 + Ua · 100 + Tb · 100 + Ub · 10 + Tc · 10 + Uc · 1
= Ta · 1000 + (Ua + Tb ) · 100 + (Ub + Tc ) · 10 + Uc

This describes the method for the units and tens multiplication.
Looking at the term (Ub + Tc ) · 10:

Ub = units of b times the multiplier n

Tc = tens of c times the multiplier n

The normal way we write out our equation is :

a b c × n
We will place the Ub and Tc above the digits they refer to

Ub Tc
a b c × n

Once in place the subscripts are not needed so we can simply


a b c × n

The * indicates which figure in the answer the U and T gives us.
The rest of the answer comes from the other terms in the equation
in exactly the same way. Thus we have proved the method of units
and tens multiplication when multiplying by a single digit.
Chapter 4

Squaring Numbers

In mathematics, a square number is an integer that is the square

of an integer; That is, it is the product of some integer multiplied
with itself.
Some square numbers are: 1 (1 × 1), 4 (2 × 2) and 9 (3 × 3).


1 4 9
Figure 4.1: Square numbers

You can see why multiplying a number by itself is referred to as
”squaring” the number.
Table 4.1 is a list of the squares of the numbers 1 to 12, you
need to become familiar with this list.

Table 4.1: Squares of Numbers 1 to 12

Number Square of the Number
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81
10 100
11 121
12 144

The reverse operation to squaring is taking the square root of a

number which we will look at later. Squaring is the easier process,
and so it is recommended that you go through squaring before
looking at square roots.
Since most people will learn the squares for the numbers 1 to
12 as part of learning the multiplication tables, there is no need for
a method to calculate these.
We shall find that squaring, or multiplying a number by itself,
is very similar to the method of fast multiplication that we have
already seen.
We will look at methods for squaring two-digit and three-digit

4.1 Squaring 2 Digit Numbers

Squaring any two-digit number is easy and fun once you know how
to break it into three easy calculations. However, there are two
special cases where we can take a shortcut and get the result even
faster. The two special cases are:

• Numbers Ending in 5.

• Numbers Starting with 5.

2 Digit Numbers Ending in 5

For these numbers, because they end in 5 the last two digits of the
square are always going to be 25.
Knowing this means we only need to work out what the leading
figures are going to be.

Squaring 2 digit numbers ending in 5

1. The last two digits will always be ‘25’.

2. Multiply the tens digit by the next larger digit to find

the leading digit(s).
What is ”the next larger digit”? It is the digit you get when you
add 1 to the current figure.
We will look at squaring 85, as it ends in 5 we know the answer
ends in 25 so we just need to calculate the leading digits. The tens
digit is 8 so we multiply it by the next larger digit, which is 9.

8+1 = 9
8 × 9 = 72

The leading digits are 72, so the answer to our problem is:

852 = 7225

Another example is squaring 15. The last two digits of the

answer are ‘25’, the tens digit is 1 so we multiply it by 2.

1×2 = 2

So our leading digit is 2 and the answer is:.

152 = 225

It is as simple as that.

2 Digit Numbers Starting with 5

The answer for two digit numbers starting with 5 can be calculated
in two easy steps:
Squaring 2 digit numbers starting with 5

1. Square the units digit to find the last two digits.

2. Add 25 to the units digit to find the two leading


Our answer will always be a four digit number and if the result
of squaring the units digit is a single figure we add a leading zero
to make it a two digit number.
We will square 53 as our first example.
Step 1 - Square the units digit.

3 × 3 = 09

Step 2 - Add 25 to the units digit.

25 + 3 = 28

Putting it all together:

532 = 2809

We will square 58 as our next example.

Step 1 - Square the units digit.

8 × 8 = 64

Step 2 - Add 25 to the units digit.

25 + 8 = 33
Putting it all together:
582 = 3364

Squaring Any 2 Digit Numbers

This general method of squaring two digit numbers will work for
any two digit numbers, including those special cases mentioned
above. There are three steps to the method.
Squaring any 2 digit numbers

1. Square the units digit.

2. Multiply the two digits together then double the


3. Square the tens digit.

The first two steps each provide one figure of the answer, if either
gives a two-figure result the tens digit is carried and added to the
next step. The third step, with any carry from step 2, will provide
the leading digit(s) of the result.
We will have a look at an example, say 38 squared.
Step 1, the units digit is 8 so we square it.

8 × 8 = 64

If we were writing the equation down would write 4 and carry the 6.

382 = 6
Step 2, we multiply the 3 and the 8 then double the result.

3 × 8 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

We add the 6 we carried from step 1.

48 + 6 = 54

We then write the 4 and carry the 5.

382 = 5 6
4 4

Step 3, we square the 3.

3×3 = 9

We add the 5 we carried from step 2.

9 + 5 = 14

Write down the 15 and we have our final result of 1444.

382 = 145 46 4

We will have a look at another example, say 64 squared.

Step 1, the units digit is 4 so we square it.

4 × 4 = 16

If we were writing the equation down would write 6 and carry the 1.

642 = 1
Step 2, we multiply the 6 and the 4 then double the result.

6 × 4 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

We add the 6 we carried from step 1.

48 + 1 = 49

We then write the 9 and carry the 4.

642 = 4 1
9 6

Step 3, we square the 6.

6 × 6 = 36

We add the 4 we carried from step 2.

36 + 4 = 40

Write down the 40 and we have our final result of 4096.

642 = 404 91 6

There you have it, a very easy way to calculate the square of a
two digit number.
For those of you who have read through the How to multiply
double digit numbers may have felt a sense of dj vu because it is
the same method. It is just described a little differently. After all,
squaring a 2 digit number is just multiplying a 2 digit number by
4.2 Why Squaring 2 Digit Numbers Works

If we look at a two digit number, say 45, we can split that into 40 + 5
and we can split the 40 into 4 · 10. This gives us:

45 = 4 · 10 + 5

now we can generalize this by replacing 4 with a and 5 with b.

ab = a · 10 + b

We will use this as our two digit number and we will look at the spe-
cial cases and the general method for squaring two digit numbers.

2 Digit Numbers Ending in 5

For two digit numbers ending in 5, we will replace b with 5, as b will

always be 5 in these cases. So our two digit number is a · 10 + 5,
which we will multiply with itself.

( a · 10 + 5) ( a · 10 + 5)

The first step in multiplying these out we have:

a · 10 · ( a · 10 + 5) + 5 ( a · 10 + 5)

Now expanding these we have:

a · 10 · a · 10 + a · 10 · 5 + 5 · a · 10 + 5 · 5

Now condensing this we get:

a · a · 100 + a · 100 + 25
We can rearrange this to get:

( a · a + a) · 100 + 25

We can rearrange this further to get:

a ( a + 1) · 100 + 25

Here we can see that the last two digits of any answer will always be
‘25’ because a ( a + 1) is always multiplied by 100 it always makes
up the leading digits of the answer.
The a ( a + 1) shows that we multiply a by a + 1 to get the leading
digits of the answer.
If we say a = 9, so our number is 95, then the equation be-
9 (9 + 1) · 100 + 25

which multiplied out is:

9 × 10 · 100 + 25

Which is:
9000 + 25 = 9025

2 Digit Numbers Starting with 5

For two digit numbers starting with 5 we will replace a with 5, as a

will always be 5 in these cases. The two digit number is 5 · 10 + b
which we will multiply with itself.

(5 · 10 + b) (5 · 10 + b)
Expanding this out we get:

5 · 10 (5 · 10 + b) + b (5 · 10 + b)

Expanding this out again we get:

5 · 10 · 5 · 10 + 5 · 10 · b + b · 5 · 10 + b · b

Condensing this we get:

25 · 100 + b · 100 + b2

We can rearrange this into:

(25 + b) · 100 + b2

Here we can see that b2 will provide the last two digits of the answer
as the (25 + b) is multiplied by 100, meaning it will not affect the
tens or units digits of the answer.
The (25 + b) provides the leading digits of the answer.
If we replace b with 2, so our number is 52, the equation be-
(25 + 2) · 100 + 22
When multiplied out becomes:

27 · 100 + 4 = 2704

Any 2 Digit Numbers

For any two digit number if we use ab where ab = a · 10 + b then

multiplying this by itself is:

( a · 10 + b) ( a · 10 + b)
Expanding this out we get:

a · 10 ( a · 10 + b) + b ( a · 10 + b)

Expanding this out further we get:

a · 10 · a · 10 + a · 10 · b + b · a · 10 + b · b

Condensing this we get:

a2 · 100 + 2ab · 10 + b2

Which gives us our three rules:

1. Square the units digit.

2. Multiply the two digits together then double the result.
3. Square the tens digit.

If we look at 36 where a = 3 and b = 6 our equation becomes:

32 · 100 + (2 × 3 × 6) · 10 + 62

Which multiplied out gives:

9 · 100 + 36 · 10 + 36 = 900 + 360 + 36 = 1296

4.3 Squaring 3 Digit Numbers

The method for squaring three digit numbers is a general method

that works for any three digit number.
It will help to be familiar with the general method for squaring
two digit numbers as we will be referring to that process when
squaring three digit numbers.
The three general steps to this method are:

Squaring any 3 digit numbers

1. Ignore the hundreds digit and square the tens and

unit digits like a two digit number.

2. Do an ”open cross-product,” where you multiply the

hundreds and units digits then double the result.

3. Square the hundreds and tens digits as a two digit

number but omit the first step of squaring the units

This time I think it would be helpful to give a more detailed

description of the six steps of the calculation.
Step 1, square the units digit, giving the units figure for the final
result. Take any carry to the next step.
Step 2, multiply the tens and unit digits together and double the
result, giving the tens figure for the final result, take any carry to
the next step.
Step 3, square the tens digit, giving us the thousands and hundreds
digits towards the final answer. There is no carry at this step. If
squaring gives a single numeral, then add a leading zero to make
a four digit answer so far. These steps are the same a squaring the
first two figures as a two-digit number.
Step 4, multiply the hundreds and units digits together and double
the result. Align the two digit result under the leading two digits of
the answer so far. If the result was a single digit then use a leading
zero to make two digits.
Step 5, multiply the hundreds and tens digit together and double
the result. Align the product of this step, so the unit number is
below the leading figure of step 4.
Step 6, square the hundreds digit. Align the result of this step, so
the unit digit is below the leading figure of step 5.
Now add up all the columns, getting the final result.
We will have a look at an example, 3922 . We will underline the
3922 and write the answer directly below.
Step 1, square the units digit. We square the 2 and write the
answer below the 2.

3 9 22 2×2 = 4

Step 2, multiply the tens and unit digits together and double the
result. We multiply the 9 and the 2 then double the result.

3 9 22 9 × 2 = 18
6 4 18 × 2 = 36

Step 3, square the tens digit. We square the 9, add the carry and
write down both digits of the result.

3 9 22 9 × 9 = 81
8 4 36 4 81 + 3 = 84

Step 4, multiply the hundreds and units digits together and double
the result. We multiply the 3 and the 2 then double the result. We
write the answer below the 84 from the previous step.

3 9 22 3×2 = 6
8 4 36 4 6 × 2 = 12
1 2

Step 5, multiply the hundreds and tens digit together and double
the result. We multiply the 3 and the 9 then double the result. We
write the answer so the units digit is below the tens digit of the
previous answer.

3 9 22 3 × 9 = 27
8 4 36 4 27 × 2 = 54
1 2
5 4

Step 6, square the hundreds digit. We square the 3 and write the
answer so the units digit is below the tens digit of the previous

3 9 22 3×3 = 9
8 4 36 4
1 2
5 4
Finally, we can underline the equation, add up the columns to get
our final answer of 153664..

3 9 22
8 4 36 4
1 2
5 4
1 5 13 6 6 4

We will have a look at another example, 8612 , we underline the

8612 and write the answer directly below.
Step 1, square the units digit. We square the 1, which we write
below the 1.

8 6 12 1×1 = 1

Step 2, multiply the tens and unit digits together and double the
result. We multiply the 6 and the 1 then double the result.

8 6 12 6×1 = 6
2 1 6 × 2 = 12

Step 3, square the tens digit. We square the 6, add the carry and
write down both digits of the result.

8 6 12 6 × 6 = 36
3 7 12 1 36 + 1 = 37

Step 4, multiply the hundreds and units digits together and double
the result. We multiply the 8 and the 1 then double the result. We
write the answer below the 37 from the previous step.

8 6 12 8×1 = 8
3 7 12 1 8 × 2 = 16
1 6

Step 5, multiply the hundreds and tens digit together and double
the result. We multiply the 8 and the 6 then double the result. We
write the answer so the units digit is below the tens digit of the
previous answer.

8 6 12 8 × 6 = 48
3 7 12 1 48 × 2 = 96
1 6
9 6

Step 6, square the hundreds digit. We square the 8 and write the
answer so the units digit is below the tens digit of the previous

8 6 12 8 × 8 = 64
3 7 12 1
1 6
9 6
6 4

Finally, we can underline the equation, add up the columns to get

our final answer of 741321.

8 6 12
3 7 12 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
7 14 11 13 2 1

Once you have practiced this a few times you will find that it is
quite fast and easy to do.

4.4 Why Squaring 3 Digit Numbers Works

If we look at a three digit number, say 538 we can expand it out like
538 = 5 · 100 + 3 · 10 + 8

We will generalise this by replacing 5 with a, 3 with b and 8 with c:

abc = a · 100 + b · 10 + c

Multiplying this number by itself we have:

( a · 100 + b · 10 + c) ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c)

Expanding this out we get:

a · 100 ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c) + b · 10 ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c)

+ c ( a · 100 + b · 10 + c)
We can expand this out further:

a · 100 · a · 100 + a · 100 · b · 10 + a · 100 · c

+ b · 10 · a · 100 + b · 10 · b · 10 + b · 10 · c
+ c · a · 100 + c · b · 10 + c · c

Condensing this we get:

a2 · 10000 + ab · 1000 + ac · 100 + ba · 1000

+ b2 · 100 + bc · 10 + ca · 100 + cb · 10 + c2

We can condense this further:

a2 · 10000 + 2ab · 1000 + 2ac · 100 + b2 · 100 + 2bc · 10 + c2

This gives us the six individual steps involved in squaring three

digit numbers.

1. Square c, the units digit.

2. Multiply b and c together then double the result.

3. Square b.

4. Do an ”open cross-product,” multiply a and c then double the


5. Multiply a and b together then double the result.

6. Square a.
Steps 1 to 3 is the method for squaring two digit number, where we
square bc, resulting in a four digit answer, even if we need to add a
leading zero to make four digits.
Notice that step 3, squaring b and step 4, multiplying a and c
and doubling the result, are both multiplied by 100, so we overlap
the results of these two steps with the unit digit of each in the third
(hundreds) column of the answer.
Step 5, multiplying a and b together then doubling the result, is
multiplied by 1000, so we line up the unit digit of this answer with
the fourth column of the results of the previous steps.
Step 6, squaring a is multiplied by 10000, so we line up the unit
digit of this answer with the fifth column of the results from the
previous steps.
Steps 5 and 6 are the last two steps for squaring two-digit
numbers, in this case, ab. We squared b in step 3 so was omitted
this time.
If we look at an example, say 483 squared and plug this into our
equation we get:

42 · 10000 + 2 · 4 · 8 · 1000 + 2 · 4 · 3 · 100 + 82 · 100 + 2 · 8 · 3 · 10 + 32

We can condense this down to:

16 · 10000 + 64 · 1000 + 24 · 100 + 64 · 100 + 48 · 10 + 9

Condensing a little further we get:

160000 + 64000 + 2400 + 6400 + 480 + 9

If we add the results of steps 1,2 and 3 to get a four digit answer
we have:
6400 + 480 + 9 = 6889

If we do like the method does and add the remaining results we


6 8 8 9
2 4 0 0
6 4 0 0 0
+1 6 0 0 0 0
2 3 3 2 8 9

If we remove the trailing zeros from the equation we clearly see

how the results are arranged. We will also put the 483 above and
underline it.

4 8 32
6 8 8 9
2 4
6 4
1 6
2 3 3 2 8 9

In the method we just calculate the numbers and we ignore

their units to some extent, but by positioning our results carefully
the correct unit positioning is maintained.
Chapter 5

Square Roots

The Trachtenberg System method for finding square roots is differ-

ent to what you may have seen before. It pays to be familiar with
the Squaring Numbers method as it will make understanding some
of what we will be doing a little easier.
We attack the square root calculation of a number from two
sides, we calculate a probable digit for the answer then start to
square the answer to subtract from parts of the radicand until we
arrive at a result.
The method for finding the square root is a bit like a maze,
as you explore the way to the exit (result), you need to make a
choice when you come across two or three alternate paths. Choose
correctly, and you get to the exit (result). Choose incorrectly, and
you will hit a wall further along and have to back track and try again.
However, a wrong choice still gives you information that gets you

closer to the answer.
The Trachtenberg method for square roots gives some tips on
how to choose, so you will more often than not go the right way.
However, some numbers make it harder to pick, but again the
method gives some pointers on how to eventually find your way to
the result.
As part of our calculation, we need to know the squares of the
single digit figures, i.e., from 1 to 9. Take a little time if necessary
to familiarize yourself with the squares of these numbers.

Squares Of Single Digit Numbers

Number Square of the number
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81

Unlike a printed book in this PDF file, I will allow you to explore
all the options when you need to make a choice. An incorrect
choice will end with a link back to the point where you chose so
you can try again.
If you read this book through without making any choices, you
will see the correct choice as the alternate options are in an ap-
pendix near the end of the book. The use of hyperlinks in the
document will make it as seamless as possible for you the reader.
We will start with looking at the square roots of three-digit
numbers and build up to ten-digit numbers, larger than you will
probably ever need to go.
When writing out the equation, I will widen the gap between
each digit of the number to allow me to show the calculations that
we are doing. Not all of it has to be written down.
I will introduce the tips for the method in context as we go
through some examples then at the end of the chapter; I will give a
summary of tips for the process.
We will show the square root of a number like the following

6 0 1 8 8

1 1 5 2 6 8 2 0

The first step in finding the square root of any number is always to
draw a slash between the digits after every second digit, starting
from the right-hand side.

60 18 8

1 15 26 82 0

This tells us two things; first, the number of groups the slashes
divides the number into tells us how many digits are in the square
root. Second, the left-hand group of one or two digits will provide
the first digit of the answer.

The first digit of the answer is always the largest single digit, which
when squared is less than or equal to the value of the first group of

For the first example.

60 18 8

The two slashes splits the number into three groups so the answer
will be a three digit number. The largest single digit, which when
squared is less than 6 is 2. Two squared is four, while three squared
is nine.
For the second example.

1 15 26 82 0

The three slashes splits the number into four groups so the answer
will be a four digit number. The largest single digit, which when
squared is less than 11 is 3. Three squared is nine, while four
squared is sixteen.
5.1 “Partial Square” Table

Part of the process of finding the square root is to square the

answer as we find it. The squaring is done to help reveal the rest of
the answer and confirm our result. For the smaller numbers this can
all be done mentally, but for the larger numbers, the calculations
will need to be written down.
Here we will write the numbers directly below the answer, in
what I will refer to as the “partial square” table. There will be
a column directly below each digit of the answer and a column
between each digit of the answer.
For two digit answers, there will be three columns in the partial
square table, three digit answers there will be five columns, four
digit answers there will be seven columns, and five digit answers
there will be nine columns.
Column one of the table will always be directly below the first
digit of the answer.
For the two digit answers, the partial square table will only be
one row high; three digit answers the table will be four rows high,
four digit answers the table will be eight rows high, five digit answers
the table is thirteen rows high as we will use them.
Some examples.
Note: the small numbers in red are just to indicate the column
4 2
1 6 4
1 2 3

3 0 5
0  0
3 0
0 0
2 5
1 2 3 4 5

In the examples in the following sections we will not show the

lines in the table the examples above are just to emphasis the table
layout. Below is an example for a three digit answer what the table
will look like.

5 21 84 6 = 7 2 2
2 8 4
2 4

In the following sections, we have grouped the numbers by the

number of digits in the square root.

5.2 Square Root of 3 and 4 Digit Numbers

The square root of three and four digit numbers will always be a
two digit number.
Square Root of 729

We will find the square root of 729.

7 2 9

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
the second digit to the left.

72 9

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) to the left of the slash, in this
case, the 7.
22 = 4 ! 32 = 9 %
So the first figure of the answer is 2.

72 9 = 2

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

22 = 4

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 7.

72 9 = 2

Step Four, is to take “half” the 3 and add a zero.

We only want a whole number but for 3 and any other odd
number we get a fraction, here it is 1.5. We have a choice of
rounding the fraction down to the nearest whole number, the ‘lower’
half, or rounding the fraction up to the next whole number, the
‘upper’ half. For 3 the ‘lower’ half is 1 and the ‘upper’ half is 2.
Adding a zero to the 1 and 2 they become 10 and 20. We also
have a third choice, taking a value halfway between 10 and 20,
which is 15.
Now you must choose which number you want to continue with.

72 9 = 2
10 15 20

Click the number you choose to continue with the solution.

10 15 20

If you have been through all choices you can jump to the end of
the correct answer here.
You have chosen 15.
We divide the 15 by the first figure of the answer.

15 ÷ 2 = 7

This gives us the second figure of the answer, in this case 7.

72 9 = 2 7

We now tentatively have our two digit result. The previous steps
were to find the square root, the remaining steps are to find any
remainder and in doing so confirm our result.
If you recall the method for squaring two digit numbers there
are three steps. We will do a partial squaring by only using the first
two steps.

1. Square the units digit.

2. Multiply the two digits together then double the result.
3. Square the tens digit.

We do not square the tens digit as we did that in the step three.
Step Five is to do the partial squaring of the two digits of the
We will write the result we get below the digits of the answer.
Squaring the units digit we get:

7 × 7 = 49
I will put the 9 under the seven of the answer and we carry the 4.

72 9 = 2 7
−4 9

Multiplying the two digits together and doubling the result we


2 × 7 = 14
14 × 2 = 28

We carry the 4 from squaring seven and add it to the result of

multiplying the two digits together and doubling.

4 + 28 = 32

We will put the 32 under the answer so the 3 is under the 2 of the

72 9 = 2 7
−4 329

Step Six, We now subtract the 3 of 329 from the answer of the
subtraction in step two. The answer is then put underneath and
slightly to the left of the next figure after the slash in the radicand.

3−3 = 0

72 9 = 2 7
−4 0 329

Then bring down the two remaining figures of the radicand.

72 9 = 2 7
−4 02 9 329

Step Seven, We now subtract the 29 of 329 from the 029.

72 9 = 2 7
−4 02 9 329
3 2 9

The result is zero. Meaning that there is no remainder so the

square root of 729 is 27 with no remainder.
If this was your first choice you may be interested in back
tracking and making another choice to see what happens with the
other choices.

Square Root of 456

We will find the square root of 456.

4 5 6
Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
the second digit to the left.

45 6

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) to the left of the slash, in this
case, the 4.
12 = 1 % 22 = 4 !
So the first figure of the answer is 2.

45 6 = 2

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

22 = 4

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 4.

45 6 = 2

Step Four, is to take “half” the 0 and add a zero. In this case, we
start and end with zero.
We divide the 0 by the first figure of the answer.

0÷2 = 0

Now we have a choice here we can continue on using 0 as the

second digit of the answer or we can try 1 instead.

45 6 = 2

Now you must choose which number you want to continue with.
Click the number you choose as the second value of the answer.

0 1
We have chosen 1 as the second figure of the answer.

45 6 = 2 1

We now need to confirm our result and find out if there is any
Step Five, the first part is squaring the units digit:

12 = 1

I will put the 1 under the one of the answer.

45 6 = 2 1
−4 1

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 1 = 02
02 × 2 = 04

We will put the 04 under the answer so the 0 is under the 2 of the

45 6 = 2 1
−4 041

Step Six, We now subtract the 0 of 041 from the answer of the
subtraction in step three.

0−0 = 0

The answer is then put underneath and slightly to the left of the
next figure after the slash in the radicand. Then bring down the two
remaining figures of the radicand.

45 6 = 2 1
−4 05 6 041

We now subtract the 41 of 041 from the 056.

45 6 = 2 1
−4 05 6 041
0 4 1
1 5

The result is 15. Meaning that the square root of 456 is 21 with
15 remainder.
If this was your first choice you may be interested to back track
and choose 0 to see what happens.
Square Root of 595

We will find the square root of 595

5 9 5

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
the second digit to the left.

59 5

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) to the left of the slash, in this
case, the 4.
22 = 4 ! 32 = 9 %
So the first figure of the answer is 2.

59 5 = 2

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

22 = 4

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 5.

59 5 = 2

Step Four, normally is to take “half” the 1 and add a zero, but “half”
of one is a fraction. In this case we will add the zero to the 1 then
do the “half”, and “half” of 10 is 5.

59 5 = 2

We divide the 5 by the first figure of the answer.

5÷2 = 2 ignoring any fraction

The second digit of the answer is 2.

59 5 = 2 2

We now need to confirm our result and find out if there is any
Step Five, Working on our answer, the first part is squaring the
units digit:
22 = 4

We will put the 4 under the second two of the answer.

59 5 = 2 2
−4 4
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 2 = 04
04 × 2 = 08

We will put the 08 under the answer so the 0 is under the first 2 of
the answer.

59 5 = 2 2
−4 084

Step Six, we now subtract the 0 of 084 from the answer of the
subtraction in step three.

1−0 = 1

The answer is then put underneath and slightly to the left of the
next figure after the slash in the radicand. Then bring down the two
remaining figures of the radicand.

59 5 = 2 2
−4 19 5 084
Step Seven,We now subtract the 84 of 084 from the 195.

59 5 = 2 2
−4 19 5 084
1 8 4
11 1

We have a result of 111 as the remainder which is a problem.

Since the remainder is more than twice the square root value, the
answer is too low.
There was no obvious choice earlier but we have to back track
and change the value of the last digit of the result, but to what?

For two consecutive numbers that are each squared the difference
in the squared values is twice the lower number plus one.
For example, if we take the following figures 5 and 6 and square
52 = 25 62 = 36

Then find the difference in the squared values by subtracting the

result of 52 from 62 : 36 − 25 = 11. If we double 5 and add one:
5 × 2 + 1 = 11.
We see that the difference in the squares is the same as twice 5
plus 1.

We can see the remainder of 111 is much more than double of 22

so it is highly likely that changing the last digit of the answer from 2
to 3 will not be enough.
We will put the second digit of the answer as 4.

59 5 = 2 4

We now need to confirm our result so we repeat step five.

Step Five, Working on our answer, the first part is squaring the
units digit:
42 = 16

We will put the 6 under the four of the answer and carry the 1.

59 5 = 2 4
−4 6

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 4 = 08
08 × 2 = 16
We add the carry
16 + 1 = 17
We will put the 17 under the answer so the 1 is under the 2 of the

59 5 = 2 4
−4 176

Step Six, we now subtract the 1 of 176 from the answer of the
subtraction in step three.

1−1 = 0

The answer is then put underneath and slightly to the left of the
next figure after the slash in the radicand. Then bring down the two
remaining figures of the radicand.

59 5 = 2 4
−4 09 5 176

Step Seven, we now subtract the 76 of 176 from the 095.

59 5 = 2 4
−4 09 5 176
1 7 6
1 9

We have a result of 19 so the final result for the square root of

595 is 24 with 19 remainder.
Square Root of 197

This time we will find the square root of 197, where step four is not
very helpful in revealing the next digit of the answer and what we
can do to get around that problem. The example we will look at is
finding the square root of 197.

1 9 7

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
the second digit to the left.

19 7

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) to the left of the slash, in this
case, the 1.

02 = 0 % 12 = 1 ! 22 = 4 %
So the first figure of the answer is 1.

19 7 = 1

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

12 = 1

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 1.

19 7 = 1
Step Four, is to take “half” the 0 and add a zero but that would still
end in a zero.
Knowing the multiplication tables, we are aware that a 0 or a
1 for the second digit of the answer is too low as the square of 10
and 11 are 100 and 121 respectively.
Step Five is started even though we don’t have the second digit
What we can do is do the partial square for several digits,
square the second digit if the answer, then multiply the two digits
and double the result. Doing this for 3, 4 and 5 we get the following:

1 3 1 4 1 5
069 096 125

19 7 = 1

We know the left-hand digit of our partial square has to be

subtracted from the 0. Also the remaining two digits of the partial
square will be subtracted from the 97.
Looking at the partial square for 15 the left-hand figure is a 1
which we cannot subtract from zero, so it is too big.
Looking at the 13 we will have the following subtraction:

97 − 69 = 27

Where the 27 is more than twice the 13, so it is too small.

We will use 4 and continue.
Step Six, subtracting the left-hand figure of the partial square from
the 0 we got from the subtraction in step three.

0−0 = 0

We put the 0 up and bring the 97 down.

19 7 = 1 4
−1 09 7 096

Step Seven,We then subtract the last two figures of the partial
square, the 96 from the 097, which gives a remainder of 1.

19 7 = 1 4
−1 09 7 096
0 9 6

Square Root of 2916

We will find the square root of 2916.

2 9 1 6

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
the second digit to the left.

2 91 6
Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) to the left of the slash, in this
case, the 29.
52 = 25 ! 62 = 36 %
So the first figure of the answer is 5.

2 91 6 = 5

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

52 = 25

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 29.

2 91 6
−2 5

Step Four, take half the 4 and add a zero, which will give 20.

2 91 6 = 5
−2 5

We divide the 20 by the first figure of the answer.

20 ÷ 5 = 4

The second digit of the answer is 4.

2 91 6 = 5 4
−2 5

Step Five, first, square the units digit of our answer:

42 = 16

We will put the 6 under the four of the answer and carry the 1.

2 91 6 = 5 4
−2 5 6

Second, multiply the two digits of the answer together and

double the result:

5 × 4 = 20
20 × 2 = 40
Then add the carry
40 + 1 = 41

We put the 41 under the answer so the4 is under the 5.

2 91 6 = 5 4
−2 5 416
Step Six, we subtract the 4 of 416 from the answer of the subtrac-
tion in step three.

4−4 = 0

The answer is then put underneath and slightly to the left of the
third figure in the radicand. Then bring down the last figure of the

2 91 6 = 5 4
−2 5 01 6 416

Step Seven, we now subtract the 16 of 416 from the 016.

2 91 6 = 5 4
−2 5 01 6 416
4 1 6

We have a result of 0 so the final result for the square root of

2916 is 54 with no remainder.

5.3 Square Root of 5 and 6 Digit Numbers

Both five and six digit numbers will have a three digit square root.
The start of the method for five and six digit numbers is the
same as for three and four digit numbers. However, since the
answer contains three figures, we have to find the next digit of the
answer twice rather than once. Also the partial squaring we will do
and write under the answer will be for a three digit number rather
than a two digit number.
While finding the square root for three and four digit numbers,
we did not cross out the figures we used from the partial square
calculations we did under the answer. However, since there will be
more numbers, we will cross them out as we use them from now

Square Root of 93025

We will find the square root of 93025.

9 3 0 2 5

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
93 02 5

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the number(s) in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 9.
32 = 9 ! 42 = 16 %
So the first figure of the answer is 3.
93 02 5 = 3

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

32 = 9
Then subtract the square from the first group, the 9.

93 02 5 = 3

Step Four, is to take half the 0 and add a zero, which will give 0.

93 02 5 = 3

Dividing the 0 by the first digit of the answer will give zero. Often,
but now always, when the number to be divided is zero, selecting 1
as the next digit rather than 0 can save some time.
We have a choice here, use 0 or 1 as the next digit of the answer,
choose the number you think we should continue with.

0 1
You have chosen 0.

93 02 5 = 3 0

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

02 = 0

We put the 0 under the zero of the answer.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 0

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

1 × 0 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

We put the 00 under the answer so the first 0 is under the 0 of the

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 000
Step Six,We subtract the 0 from our partial square figures from the
0 we got when we subracted the square of the first digit from the 9
in the first group.
0−0 = 0
We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

93 02 5 = 3 0
90 000

So far we have done the same as for the three and four digit
numbers, but now we have one more digit of the answer to find
before we can confirm and check for a remainder.
When we find the next digit of the answer we will be adding to
the partial square figures below the answer. So we know which
figures have been used, as we only use each figure once, we will
cross out the used figures.

93 02 5 = 3 0
90 0

Step Seven,We now bring down the next digit of the radicand, in
this case the 3, next to the 0 we put below it.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 03 000

We now subtract the middle figure of the partial square from
the 03 and cross out the 0 under the answer.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

If you have not seen what would have happened if you picked 1
instead, you can try it now.
Step Eight, is to take half the 3 and add a zero. Taking “half” of an
odd number we can use either 1, the lower half, or 2 the higher half.
Adding a zero to these will give 10 or 20. A third choice is to take
the value in the middle of these two, 15.
We have a choice here, use 10, 15 or 20 to use to calculate the
next digit of the answer, choose the number you think we should
continue with.
10 15 20
You have chosen 15.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We divide the 15 by the first figure of the answer.

15 ÷ 3 = 5

The third digit of the answer is 5.

93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We now have the three figures of the answer so the remaining

steps are to find the remainder and confirm our result.
We now build up the partial square below the answer to include
the third digit of the answer.
Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

3 × 5 = 15
15 × 2 = 30
We put the 30 so that the unit value, 0, is underneath the last
uncrossed figure in the partial square.

93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 30

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
When finding the partial square for the first two digits of the
answer we were working right to left, this time we are working from
left to right so we will reverse the order we do the partial square.
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 0 and the
5, and double the result:

0 × 5 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

We will put the 00 under the answer so the first 0 is below the units
digit of 30.

93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 0
 0 0
0 0 30
3 00
The second part is squaring the units digit:

52 = 25

We put the 25 under the 00 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 25 is below the units digit of 00.

93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 30
3 00
15 25

Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in column

two, the 3, from the result of the subtraction we did in step 7, the 3.

3−3 = 0
93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 0 0
 0 0
0 0 30
3 00

Step Twelve, Cross out the 3 then bring down the rest of the
figures in the radicand next to the 0 then add up the uncrossed
figures in the partial square table.
93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 00 2 5 0 0 0

0 0 3 0

Step Thirteen, put the total from the partial square up under the
0025 then subtract.

93 02 5 = 3 0 5
9 03 00 2 5 0 0 0

0 0 0 2 5 3 0
0 00

The remainder is 0, so we have a perfect square and the square

root of 93025 is 305.
If this was your first choice you may be interested to back track
and try the other choices.

Square Root of 859329

We will find the square root of 859329.

8 5 9 3 2 9

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
8 59 32 9
Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the numbers in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 85.

82 = 64 % 92 = 81 !
So the first figure of the answer is 9.
8 59 32 9 = 9

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

92 = 81

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 85.

8 59 32 9 = 9
8 1

Step Four, is to take half the 4 and add a zero, which will give 20.

8 59 32 9 = 9
8 1

We divide the 20 by the first digit of the answer.

20 ÷ 9 = 2
8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

22 = 4

We put the 4 under the two of the answer.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 4

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

9 × 2 = 18
18 × 2 = 36

We put the 36 under the answer so the 3 is under the 9 of the


8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 364
Step Six,We subtract the 3 from our partial square figures from the
4 we got when we subracted the square of the first digit from the
85 in the first group in step 3. Then cross out the 3 in the partial
square table.
4−3 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 11 364

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 9, next to the 1 we put below it.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 19 3 6 4

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 19 then cross out the used 6.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6
Step Eight, is to take half the 13 and add a zero. Taking “half” of
13 we can use either 6, the lower half, or 7 the higher half. Adding a
zero to these will give 60 and 70. A third choice is to take the value
in the middle of these two, 65.
Choose the number you think we should use to find the next
digit of the answer.
60 65 70
You have chosen 65.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

We divide the 65 by the first figure of the answer.

65 ÷ 9 = 7 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 7.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

We now have the three figures of the answer so the remaining

steps are to find the remainder and confirm our result.
We now build up the partial square below the answer to include
the calculations for the third digit of the answer.
Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

9 × 7 = 63
63 × 2 = 126
We put the 126 so that the unit value, 6, is underneath the last
uncrossed figure in the partial square.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126

As 126 is a three digit number we have put the 1 in the first

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
When finding the partial square for the first two digits we put the
results first in column 3 then column 2 and 1. For the partial square
with the third digit we put the units figure of the results in column3
then column 4 then column 5. This is why we have reversed the
order we do the partial square calculation for two digits.
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 2 and the
7, and double the result:

2 × 7 = 14
14 × 2 = 28

We will put the 28 under the answer so the 2 is below the units digit
of 126. That is, the unit figure of 28 is in column four.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126
13 28

The second part is squaring the units digit:

72 = 49

We put the 49 under the 28 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 49 is below the units digit of 28. That is, the unit figure of 49
is in column five.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126
13 28

For the remaining steps we will use all figures in a column

added together. We will then cross out all the figures in that column
once used.
Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in columns
one and two, 12, from the result of the subtraction we did in step 7,
the 13.

13 − 12 = 1
Put the 1 up under and to the left of the next digit in the radicand
and cross out the figures used in the partial square table.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 1 3 6 4
4 6 1 2 6

13 28

Step Twelve, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 1 then add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square

9 = 9 column five
8 + 4 = 12 column four, carry 1
4 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 13 column three

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 13 2 9 3 6 4
4 6 1 2 6

13 28

Step Thirteen, put the total from the partial square up under the
1329 then subtract.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 13 2 9 3 6 4
4 6 13 2 9 1 2 6

13 0 28

The remainder is 0, so we have a perfect square and the square

root of 859329 is 927.
If you are interested you can back track and try another choice.
You may have noticed that choosing 65 or 70 gave us the same

Square Root of 335792

We will find the square root of 335792.

3 3 5 7 9 2

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
3 35 79 2

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared is
less than or equal to the numbers in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 33.

52 = 25 ! 62 = 36 %
So the first figure of the answer is 5.
3 35 79 2 = 5
Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

52 = 25

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 33.

3 35 79 2 = 5
2 5

Step Four, is to take half the 8 and add a zero, which will give 40.

3 35 79 2 = 5
2 5

We divide the 40 by the first digit of the answer.

40 ÷ 5 = 8
3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 5

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

82 = 64
We put the 4 under the two of the answer and carry the 6.

3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 5 4

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

5 × 8 = 40
40 × 2 = 80
We add the carry.
80 + 6 = 86

We put the 86 under the answer so the 8 is under the 5 of the


3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 5 864

Step Six,We subtract the 8 from our partial square figures from the
8 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 8 in the
partial square table.
8−8 = 0

We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.
In practice you can just ignore it.
3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 50 8 6 4

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 5, next to the 0.

3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 5 05 8 6 4

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 05 then cross out the used 6.

3 35 79 2 = 5 8
2 5 05 8 6 4
8 6

We have a negative result so the second digit of our answer is

too high. In step four we took half of an even number, 8, so instead
of picking a different value here we will just reduce the 8 to a 7 and
recalculate the partial square and try again.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 5
Back to Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits
of the answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

72 = 49

We put the 9 under the two of the answer and carry the 4.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 5 9

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

5 × 7 = 35
35 × 2 = 70
We add the carry.
70 + 4 = 74

We put the 74 under the answer so the 7 is under the 5 of the


3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 5 749

Step Six,We subtract the 7 from our partial square figures from the
8 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 7 in the
partial square table.
8−7 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 51 A7 4 9

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 5, next to the 1.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 5 15 A7 4 9

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 15 then cross out the used 4.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7
2 5 15 7A 4 9
8 4

Step Eight, is to take half the 11 and add a zero. Taking “half” of
an odd number we can use either 5, the lower half, or 6 the higher
half. Adding a zero to these will give 50 and 60 respectively. A third
choice is to take the value in the middle of these two, 55.
Before we continue on we will pause and look at our choices.
The three choices are 50, 55 and 60, which we will divide by 5. We
will quickly do each of these divisions:

50 ÷ 5 = 10
55 ÷ 5 = 11
60 ÷ 5 = 12

All of these give a two digit result but the highest figure we can
use is 9. This means it does not matter which one we choose we
will end up only using 9 so we will continue with the 9 to find the
remainder and confirm our result..

3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 7 4 9
8 4

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

5 × 9 = 45
45 × 2 = 90

We put the 90 so that the unit value, 0, is underneath the last

uncrossed figure in the partial square, in column two.
3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 7 4 9
8 4 90

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 7 and the
9, and double the result:

7 × 9 = 63
63 × 2 = 126

We will put the 126 under the answer so the units digit,6 is in column

3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 7 4 9
8 4 90
11 126

The second part is squaring the units digit:

92 = 81

We put the 81 under the 126 from the previous step so that the units
digit of 81 is in column five.
3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 7 4 9
8 4 90
11 126

Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in columns

two, 9 + 1 = 10, from the result of the subtraction we did in step 7,
the 11.

11 − 10 = 1
Put the 1 up under and to the left of the next digit in the radicand
and cross out the figures used in the partial square table.
3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 1 7 4 9
8 4 9 0
11 1 2 6

Step Twelve, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 1 then add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square

1 = 1 column five
6 + 8 = 14 column four, carry 1
9 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 12 column three
3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 17 9 2 7 4 9
8 4 9 0
11 1 2 6

Step Thirteen, put the total from the partial square up under the
1792 then subtract.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 17 9 2 7 4 9
8 6 12 4 1 9 0
11 551 1 2 6

The remainder is 551, so the square root of 335792 is 579 with

551 remainder.
Before moving on to larger numbers here is a summary of tips
to help you with the division.

1. The first digit of the answer is always the largest single digit,
which when squared is less than or equal to the value of the
first group of digits.

2. If the remainder is more than twice the value of the answer

then the last digit of the answer is too small.

3. The difference between the squares of two consecutive num-

bers is twice the lower number plus one.
4. When finding the remainder if the subtraction results in a
negative value then the last digit of the answer is too large.

5. If the number you need to divide by the first digit of the answer
is a zero, try 1 instead of 0 as the next digit.

6. When taking half of an odd number and adding zero, use the
value in the middle of the lower and upper half first.

7. If calculating the next digit of the answer results in a value of

10 or more, reduce it to 9.

5.4 Square Root of 7 and 8 Digit Numbers

For seven and eight digit numbers the square root is always four
digits long.

Square Root of 7398400

We will look at a seven digit example and find the square root of

7 3 9 8 4 0 0

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
73 98 40 0
Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared
is less than or equal to the number in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 7.
22 = 4 ! 32 = 9 %
So the first figure of the answer is 2.
73 98 40 0 = 2

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

22 = 4

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 7.

73 98 40 0 = 2

Step Four, is to take half the 3 and add a zero, since 3 is odd
we have a lower half, 1 and an upper half, 2 which give 10 and 20
respectively when you add a zero. We also have a third choice of
We have a choice here, use 10, 1 or 20 to find the next digit of
the answer, choose the number you think we should continue with.

10 15 20
You have chosen 15.

73 98 40 0 = 2

We divide the 15 by the first digit of the answer.

15 ÷ 2 = 7 ignoring any remainder

73 98 40 0 = 2 7

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

72 = 49

We put the 9 under the seven of the answer and carry the 4.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7
4 9
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 7 = 14
14 × 2 = 28
We add the carry.
28 + 4 = 32

We put the 32 under the answer so the 2 is in column two.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7
4 329

Step Six,We subtract the 3 from our partial square figures from the
3 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 3 in the
partial square table.
3−3 = 0

We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.
In practice you can just ignore it.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7
40 3 2 9

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 3, next to the 0.
73 98 40 0 = 2 7
4 03 3 2 9

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 03 then cross out the used 2.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7
4 03 3 2 9
3 2

Step Eight, is to take half the 1 and add a zero. For 1 is is easier
to add the zero to the 1 making it 10 then taking half, which is 5. If 5
does not work then 6 or 4 are valid alternatives. We will use the 5.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7
4 03 3 2 9
3 2

We divide the 5 by the first figure of the answer.

5÷2 = 2 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 2.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 3 2 9
3 2

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

2 × 2 = 04
04 × 2 = 08

We put the 08 so that the unit value, 8, is in column three of the

partial square.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 3 2 9
3 2 08

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 7 and the
2, and double the result:

7 × 2 = 14
14 × 2 = 28

We will put the 28 under the answer so the 2 is below the units digit
of 08. That is, the unit figure of 28 is in column four.
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 3 2 9
3 2 08
1 28

The second part is squaring the units digit:

22 = 04

We put the 04 under the 28 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 04 is below the units digit of 28. That is, the unit figure of 04
is in column five.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 3 2 9
3 2 08
1 28

Step Eleven, we subtract the 0 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 1 we got in step seven.

1−0 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand
and cross out the 0 used in the partial square table..

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 1 3 2 9
3 2 0 8
1 28
Step Twelve, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next to
the 1.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 0 8
1 28

We add up the figures in the third column of the partial square

table then subtract the sum from the 19 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.

9 + 8 + 2 = 19
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

Step Thirteen, is to take half the 0 and add a zero. For 0, taking
half and adding a zero is still zero.
Dividing the 0 by the first figure of the answer gives 0 as the last
digit of the answer, which also means the remaining steps are to
find the remainder and confirm the result.
Looking at the remaining digits of the radicand, 8400 and what
figures are in the partial square table I think this time we will use 0
rather than trying 1 as the last digit.
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

We put 0 as the fourth digit of the answer.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

Step Fourteen, is to multiply the fourth and first figures of the

answer and double the result.

0 × 2 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

Put the 00 so that the tens digit is on the last column we crossed
off figures, column 3.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8
Step Fifteen, is to multiply the fourth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

0 × 7 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

Put the 00 so that the tens digit is below the units digit of the
previous 00.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

Step Sixteen, is to multiply the fourth and third figures of the

answer and double the result.

0 × 2 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

Put the 00 so that the tens digit is below the units digit of the
previous 00.
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

Step Seventeen, is to square the fourth figure of the answer.

0 × 0 = 00

Put the 00 so that the tens digit is below the units digit of the
previous 00.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8

Step Eighteen, Subtract the 0 in column 3 from the 0 from the

subtraction in step twelve below, put the result under and to the left
of the next digit of the radicand. Cross out the 0
0−0 = 0
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 0 3 2 9

3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8
0 0

Step Nineteen, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 0.

73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 08 4 0 0 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8
0 0

Step Twenty, Add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square


0=0 column seven

0+0 = 0 column six
4+0+0 = 4 column five
8+0+0+0 = 8 column four
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 08 4 0 0 3 2 9
3 2 19 0 8
1 0 2 8
0 0

Step Twenty One, Copy the total from the partial square table
under the figures we bought down in step nineteen and subtract.

8400 − 8400 = 0
73 98 40 0 = 2 7 2 0
4 03 19 08 4 0 0 3 2 9
3 2 19 8 4 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 2 8
0 0

The remainder is 0, so we have a perfect square and the square

root of 7398400 is 2720.
Square Root of 48138314

We will look at an eight digit example and find the square root of

4 8 1 3 8 3 1 4

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
4 81 38 31 4

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared
is less than or equal to the number in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 48.

62 = 36 ! 72 = 49 %
So the first figure of the answer is 6.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

62 = 36

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 48.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6
3 6
1 2
Step Four, is to take half the 12 and add a zero, half of 12 is 6 and
adding a zero gives 60.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6
3 6
1 2

We divide the 60 by the first digit of the answer.

60 ÷ 6 = 10

We cannot use 10 so we will reduce it to 9 and use that as the

second figure of the answer.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6
1 2

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

92 = 81

We put the 1 under the nine of the answer and carry the 8.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 1
1 2
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

6 × 9 = 54
54 × 2 = 108
We add the carry.
108 + 8 = 116

We put the 116 under the answer so the unit figure is in column two
and column one has 11 in it.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 6 1
1 2

Step Six,We subtract the 11 from our partial square figures from
the 12 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 11
in the partial square table.

12 − 11 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 61 1
1 2
Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 1, next to the 1.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 2

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 11 then cross out the used 6.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 6 1
1 2 6

Step Eight, is to take half the 5 and add a zero. Since 5 is odd we
have a lower half, 2 and a upper half, 3, to which we add a zero
to get 20 and 30. Taking the average we also have 25 as a third

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 6 1
1 2 6
20 25 30

We have a choice here, use 20, 25 or 30 to find the next digit of

the answer, choose the number you think we should continue with.

20 25 30
You have chosen 20.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 6 1
1 2 6

We divide the 20 by the first figure of the answer.

20 ÷ 6 = 3 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 3.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

6 × 3 = 18
18 × 2 = 36

We put the 36 so that the unit value, 6, is in column three of the

partial square.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 36

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

9 × 3 = 27
27 × 2 = 54

We will put the 54 under the answer so the 5 is below the units digit
of 36. That is, the unit figure of 54 is in column four.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 36
5 54

The second part is squaring the units digit:

32 = 09

We put the 09 under the 54 from the previous step so that the unit
figure of 09 is in column five.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 36
5 54

Step Eleven, we subtract the 3 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 5 we got in step seven.

5−3 = 2

We put the 2 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand
and cross out the 3 used in the partial square table.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 2 11
 6 1

1 2 6 3 6
5 54

Step Twelve, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next to
the 2.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 23 11
 6 1

1 2 6 3 6
5 54
We add up the figures in the third column of the partial square
table then subtract the sum from the 23 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.

1 + 6 + 5 = 12
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3
3 6 11 23 11
 6 1

1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4

Step Thirteen, is to take half the 11 and add a zero. For 11, being
an odd number we get 50 for the lower half and 60 for the upper
half. Taking the average we also have the third choice, 55.
Choose the number you think we should continue with to find
the next digit of the answer.

50 55 60
You have chosen 50.
Dividing the 50 by the 6, first figure of the answer gives 8 as the
last digit of the answer.

50 ÷ 6 = 8 ignoring any remainder

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
50 09

The remaining steps are to find any remainder and confirm our
Step Fourteen, is to multiply the fourth and first figures of the
answer and double the result.

8 × 6 = 48
48 × 2 = 96

Put the 96 so that the units digit is on column four.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
Step Fifteen, is to multiply the fourth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

8 × 9 = 72
72 × 2 = 144

Put the 144 so that the units digit is in column five.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4

Step Sixteen, is to multiply the fourth and third figures of the

answer and double the result.

8 × 3 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

Put the 48 so that the units digit is in column six.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1 6 1

1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
Step Seventeen, is to square the fourth figure of the answer.

8 × 8 = 64

Put the 64 so that the units digit is in column seven.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4

Step Eighteen, Subtract the sum of the figures in column three

in the partial square table from the 11 from the subtraction in step
twelve below.

9 + 1 = 10
11 − 10 = 1

Write the result under and to the left of the next digit of the radicand.
Cross out the used figures in the table.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 1 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
9 6
1 4 4

Step Nineteen, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 0.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 18 3 1 4 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
9 6
1 4 4

Step Twenty, Add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square


4=4 column seven

8 + 6 = 14 column six, carry 1
9 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 18 column five, carry 1
4 + 0 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 15 column four
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 18 3 1 4 1 6 1

1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
9 6
1 4 4

Step Twenty One, Copy the total from the partial square table
under the figures we bought down in step nineteen and subtract.

18314 − 15844 = 2470

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 18 3 1 4 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 15 8 4 4 3 6
5 11 2 4 7 0 5 4
9 6
1 4 4

The remainder is 2470, so the square root of 48138314 is 6938

with 2470 remainder.
If this was your first choice you may be interested to back track
and try the other choices.
5.5 Square Root of 9 and 10 Digit Numbers

For the nine and ten digit numbers the square root will always be a
five digit number.
We will find the square root of 7316065156.

7 3 1 6 0 6 5 1 5 6

Step One, starting on the right side of the number put a slash after
every second digit as you go to the left.
7 31 60 65 15 6

Step Two, is to find the largest single digit, which when squared
is less than or equal to the number in the first group on the left, in
this case, the 73.

82 = 64 ! 92 = 81 %
So the first figure of the answer is 8.
7 31 60 65 15 6 8

Step Three, is to square the first figure of our answer:

82 = 64

Then subtract the square from the first group, the 73.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8
6 4
Step Four, is to take half the 9 and add a zero. With the lower half,
upper half and the average we get 40, 45 and 50.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8
6 4
40 45 50

Choose the number choose the number you think we should

continue with.
40 45 50
You have chosen 45.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8
6 4

We divide the 45 by the first digit of the answer.

45 ÷ 8 = 5

So 5 is the second figure of the answer.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

52 = 25

We put the 5 under the nine of the answer and carry the 2.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 5
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

8 × 5 = 40
40 × 2 = 80
We add the carry from the previous equation.
80 + 2 = 82

We put the 82 under the answer so the unit figure is in column two.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 825

Step Six,We subtract the 8 from our partial square figures from the
9 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 8 in the
partial square table.
9−8 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 41 8 2 5

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 1, next to the 1.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5

We subtract the 2 from the second column of the partial square

table from the 11 then cross out the used 2.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

Step Eight, is to take half the 9 and add a zero. Since 9 is odd we
have a lower half, 4 and a upper half, 5, to which we add a zero
to get 40 and 50. Taking the average we also have 45 as a third

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2
40 45 50

Choose which number you want to use to find the next digit of
the answer.
40 45 50
You have chosen 45.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

We divide the 45 by the first figure of the answer.

45 ÷ 8 = 5 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 5.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

8 × 5 = 40
40 × 2 = 80

We put the 80 so that the unit value, 0, is in column three of the

partial square table.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 80
Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

5 × 5 = 25
25 × 2 = 50

We will put the 50 under the answer so the 5 is below the units digit
of 80. That is, the unit figure of 50 is in column four.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 80
9 50

The second part is squaring the units digit:

52 = 25

We put the 25 under the 50 from the previous step so that the unit
figure of 25 is in column five.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 80
9 50

Step Eleven, we subtract the 8 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 9 we got in step seven.

9−8 = 1
We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand
and cross out the 8 used in the partial square table.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 1 8 2 5
9 2 8 0
9 50

Step Twelve, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next to
the 1.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 8 0
9 50

We add up the figures in the third column of the partial square

table then subtract the sum from the 16 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.

5 + 0 + 5 = 10
16 − 10 = 6

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0
Step Thirteen, is to take half the 6 and add a zero. Half of 6 is 3
and adding a zero gives 30.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0
30 25

Dividing the 30 by 8, the first figure of the answer gives 3 as the

fourth digit of the answer.

30 ÷ 8 = 3 ignoring any remainder

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0
30 25

Step Fourteen, is to multiply the fourth and first figures of the

answer and double the result.

3 × 8 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

Put the 48 so that the 4 is on the last column where all the digits
are crossed out, column three.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0

Step Fifteen, is to multiply the fourth and second figures of the

answer and double the result.

3 × 5 = 15
15 × 2 = 30

Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column four, below the units
digit of 48.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0

Step Sixteen, is to multiply the fourth and third figures of the

answer and double the result.

3 × 5 = 15
15 × 2 = 30
Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column four, below the units
digit of the previous 30.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0

Step Seventeen, is to square the fourth figure of the answer.

3 × 3 = 09

Put the 09 so that the tens digit is under the units digit of the last

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0

Step Eighteen, Subtract the sum of the figures in column three in

the partial square table from the result of the subtraction in step
twelve. In this case there is just a 4 in column three of the table
and the result of the subtraction in step twelve is 6.

6−4 = 2
Write the result under and to the left of the next digit of the radicand.
Cross out the used 4 in the table.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 2 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0
4 8

Step Nineteen, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next
to the 2.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 8 0
9 6 5 0
4 8

We add up the figures in the fourth column of the partial square

table then subtract the sum from the 20 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.
0 + 2 + 8 + 3 = 13
20 − 13 = 7
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty, is to take half the 7 and add a zero. Since 7 is odd
we have a lower half, 3 and a upper half, 4, to which we add a zero
to get 30 and 40. Taking the average we also have 35 as a third

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
30 35 40 2 5
4 8
3 0

Choose which number you want to use to find the next digit of
the answer.
30 35 40
You have chosen 35.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
35 2 5
4 8
3 0

We divide the 35 by the first figure of the answer.

35 ÷ 8 = 4 ignoring any remainder

The fifth digit of the answer is 4.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
35 2 5
4 8
3 0

Now we multiply each of the first four digits with the fifth digit
and double each result.
Step Twenty One, we multiply the fifth and first digit of the answer
and double the result.

4 × 8 = 32
32 × 2 = 64

We put the 64 so that the tens figure, 6, is in the last column with
all figures crossed out, column four.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Two, is to multiply the fifth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

4 × 5 = 20
20 × 2 = 40

Put the 40 so that the tens digit is in column five, below the units
digit of 64.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Three, is to multiply the fifth and third figures of the
answer and double the result.

4 × 5 = 20
20 × 2 = 40

Put the 40 so that the tens digit is in column six, below the units
digit of the previous 40.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
Step Twenty Four, is to multiply the fifth and fourth figures of the
answer and double the result.

4 × 3 = 12
12 × 2 = 24

Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column seven, below the units
digit of the last 40.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Five, is to square the fifth figure of the answer.

4 × 4 = 16

Put the 16 so that the tens digit is under the units digit of the 24.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Six, Subtract the sum of the uncrossed figures in

column four in the partial square table from the result of the sub-
traction in step nineteen. In this case there is just a 6 in column
four of the table and the result of the subtraction in step nineteen is

7−6 = 1
Write the result under and to the left of the next digit of the radicand.
Cross out the used 6 in the table.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 1 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
6 4

Step Twenty Seven, Bring down the rest of the figures in the
radicand next to the 1.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 16 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
6 4

Step Twenty Eight, Add up the uncrossed figures in the partial

square table.
6=6 column nine
4+1 = 5 column eight
9 + 0 + 2 = 11 column seven, carry 1
0+0+0+4+1 = 5 column six
5 + 0 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 column five

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 16 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
6 4

Step Twenty Nine, Copy the total from the partial square table to
under the figures we bought down in step nineteen and subtract.

165156 − 165156 = 0
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 4 11 16 20 16 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 16 5 1 5 6 8 0
9 6 7 0 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
6 4

The remainder is 0, so the square root of 48138314 is 85534.

If this was your first choice you may be interested to back track
and try the other choices.

Why Square Root Method Works

To be honest I am still working on this one. Unlike multiplication

that works every time, with square roots we are approximating the
answer then using the square of the answer to see how our guess
is going.
Chapter 6

Checking Results

We will look at two methods you can use to check all the multiplica-
tion, division, squaring and square root calculations done using the
Trachtenberg System.
The first, and more commonly used, method is called “Casting
out nines.” At its simplest the method involves adding the individual
digits of a number together, then if the sum is more than one digit,
adding its digits together, and so on, until you end up with a single
This single digit obtained by this method is referred to as the
“digital root” of a number and is actually the remainder you would
get if you divided the original number by nine.
The second method is referred to as “Casting out elevens.” This
method finds a digital root by starting with the rightmost digit, and
alternately adding and subtracting each digit, if the result is more

than one digit you repeat until there is only one digit.
The digital root obtained by casting out elevens is the remainder
you would get if you divided the original number by eleven.
I will admit that I resisted using these methods for a while and
habitually would open the calculator app on my phone whenever
I thought “Does that look right?” However, once I started to use
these methods to check my results I found it more satisfying to find
my own mistakes and correct them than to use the calculator.

6.1 Casting Out Nines

The Casting Out Nines method of checking results is, or was, well
known and used but with the advent of the pocket calculator this
method fell out of use. However, it is still a useful tool if you want to
wean yourself off your calculator app.
The steps for Casting Out Nines are:

1. (Optional) Cross out the digit nine, or any combination of

digits that add to nine.
2. Add the remaining digits together. If the total reaches ten or
more, add the digits of the total together and continue with
the reduced total.
3. If the sum has more than one digit add the digits together
until you only have one digit left.

Crossing out the digit nine or combinations of digits that add to

nine is the same as setting them to zero.
A couple of little tips you can use when adding the digits:

• Subtract one instead of adding eight.

• Subtract two instead of adding seven.
• Nine is equivalent to zero.

We find the digital root of the following numbers:

9786 = 7 + 8 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6 + 6 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
A786 = 7 − 1 = 6 + 6 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
6 A = 8 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 + 1 = 4
A 9=6

In the first example we just added the digits, in the second example
we subtracted one instead of adding eight, which cuts down on the
calculations a little.
The casting out nines should be all done mentally, at most only
the check value may be written down.
Casting out nines can be used as a sanity check of your results
but it is not foolproof. The method works if the error results in a
digital root that is one of the 8 digits that is different from that of the
correct result. An error with the same digital root as the answer will
appear to be correct, a false positive.
One other problem the method does not catch is the transposi-
tion of digits, that is swapping them around.

642 = 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
264 = 2 + 6 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

This is because swapping the digits does not change the digital
Although not perfect casting out nines is a reasonable check
to do on your calculations to give you more confidence you have
the right result. If you want to double check or need a bit more
confidence in the result you can try casting out elevens.

6.2 Casting Out Elevens

Casting out elevens is a less familiar method of finding the digital

root and is a little more work than casting out nines, the alternate
adding and subtracting digits will catch transposed, or swapped,
digits, making it a more reliable check.

Two Digit Numbers

First we will look at casting out elevens for two digit numbers, the
rules of which are:

• Subtract the tens digit from the units digit.

• If the units digit is smaller than the tens digit, add eleven to
the units digit before subtracting.
Some examples:

48 = 8 − 4 = 4
84 = 4 + 11 − 8 = 7
50 = 0 + 11 − 5 = 6
72 = 2 + 11 − 7 = 6
56 = 6 − 5 = 1

Larger Numbers
Unlike the casting out nine method when casting out elevens we
have to use every digit in the number to get the digital sum.
Start with the rightmost digit, and alternately add and subtract
each digit, if a subtraction would give a negative result, first add
eleven then do the subtraction. If the final result is two digits you
can use the method above to reduce it to one.

758298356 = 6 − 5 + 3 − 8 + 9 − 2 + 8 − 5 + 7 = 24 = 4 − 2 = 2
Totals 6 1 A4 7 16 14 22 17 24

However, there is more than one way we can add up the figures
to avoid dealing with larger number.

Alternate Method 1
Instead of alternate adding and subtracting you can start at the
digit on the right then add up every second digit as you go left.
Then come back to the second digit on the right and add up every
second digit from there as you go left. Then subtract the second
total from the first. If the result is two digits then use the method for
two digits to reduce it to one.
We will find the digital root of 48251496. Start at the digit on the
right and add up every second digit as you go left.

48251496 = 6 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 23

Now go back to the second digit on the right and add up every
second digit as you go left.

48251496 = 9 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 16

Subtract the second total from the first.

23 − 16 = 7

If the second total is larger than the first, just add eleven to the first
total until it is larger than the second total.

81935274 = 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 10

81935274 = 7 + 5 + 9 + 8 = 29

The first total is too small we need to add 22 before it is larger than
the second total.
10 + 11 + 11 − 29 = 3

Alternate Method 2
Another way to add up the numbers is to split the number up into
pairs and treat each pair as a two digit number and subtract the
‘tens’ digit from the ‘units’ digit.

7 9 7 2 9 3 5 1 = 20 = 0 + 11 − 2 = 9
2 6 5 7

We have underlined the pairs then for each pair subtracted the
‘tens’ digit from the ‘units’ digit.

1 + 11 − 5 = 7
3 + 11 − 9 = 5
2 + 11 − 7 = 6
9−7 = 2

Adding the totals up we get

7 + 5 + 6 + 2 = 20

Then to reduce the 20 to a single digit we subtract the tens digit

from the units digit.

20 = 0 + 11 − 2 = 9

So the digital root of 79729351 is 9.

This also works for numbers that do not have an even number
of digits.

4 9 8 7 4 9 3 = 27 = 7 − 2 = 5
4 10 8 5
The calculations for the underlined pairs are:

3 + 11 − 9 = 5
4 + 11 − 7 = 8
8 + 11 − 9 = 10

Adding the totals up we get

5 + 8 + 10 + 4 = 27

Then to reduce the 27 to a single digit we subtract the tens digit

from the units digit.
27 = 7 − 2 = 5

So the digital root of 4987493 is 5.

Now we have looked at the two methods for checking results
we will look at how we use them. The rule for using digital roots is:

Whatever you do to the numbers, you also do to their digital

root; then the result that you get from the digital root of the
numbers must be equal to the digital root of the answer.

Lets have a look at a few examples of checking the result of several

different types of operation.
6.3 Checking Addition

If you use the Trachtenberg addition, then checking the results is

part of the method, if you follow it to the end and not stop as soon
as you have the answer.
If you do the usual addition, we find the digital root of each
addend then add up the digital roots, the result should be the same
as the digital root of th sum.
Checking this addition with casting out elevens we get:

345 5−4+3 = 4
+728 8 − 2 + 7 = 13 = 3 − 1 = 2
1073 3 + 11 − 7 + 0 − 1 = 6

Adding the results of the two addends we get:

4+2 = 6

Which matches the digital root of the sum.

6.4 Checking Subtraction

First we make sure we know all the terms.

746 minuend
− 532 subtrahend
214 difference
Difference is the result of subtracting one number from another.
Minuend is the number that is to be subtracted from.
Subtrahend is the number that is to be subtracted.
For Subtraction, we turn it into an addition, we find the digital
root of the difference and add it to the digital root of the subtrahend.
The result is compared to the digital root of the minuend.
Checking this subtraction by casting out nines we get:

6428 8 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
−3517 =7
2911 1+1+2 = 4

Adding the digital roots of the difference and the subtrahend we

4 + 7 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2

This matches the digital root for the minuend so our result is likely

6.5 Checking Multiplication

If we multiply numbers together and get a product then we can

multiply the digital root of the numbers and the answer should be
the same as the digital root of the product of the numbers.

0 3 6 2 1 × 8
2 18 9 16 18
We will try check the result of 3621 multiplied by 8 using the
casting out nines method. First we can cross out any nines or
combination of numbers whose sum is nine, in the multiplicand and
then in the answer.

0 3 6
 2 1 × 8
2 18 9 1 1
 6 8

We add up the uncrossed digits of the multiplicand.

2+1 = 3

We now multiply the digital root of the multiplicand with the 8 and
reduce it to a single digit.

3 × 8 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Now we find the digital sum of the answer by adding up the un-
crossed digits and reducing the answer to a single digit.

2 + 8 + 6 + 8 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Both digital roots are 6 so we are more confident we are correct.

This time we will check with the result using the casting out
elevens method.

0 0 0 8 2 1 7 × 3 6 2
2 9 7 4 5 5 4
First find the digital root of the multiplicand.

8217 = 7 − 1 + 2 − 8 = 0

Then find the digital root of the multiplier.

362 = 2 + 11 − 6 + 3 = 10

Multiply the two digital roots.

0 × 10 = 0

Now find the digital root of the answer.

2974554 = 4 + 11 − 5 + 5 − 4 + 7 − 9 + 2 = 11 = 1 − 1 = 0

The digital roots are both 0 so our answer should be correct.

Note: for casting out elevens a 10 is a valid digital root.

6.6 Checking Division

Before we start, we will refresh our memories of the terms used in

Division can be written in two different ways:

61 3 4 0 0 4 = 564
dividend quotient

divisor 34567 ÷ 61 = 564

Dividend is a number that is being divided by another number.
Divisor is the number by which another number is being divided.
Quotient is the number resulting from the division of one number
by another. It is from a latin word meaning “how many times?”
Remainder is the number that is left over when one number does
not divide evenly into another number.
For division we need to reverse the problem into a multiplication,
to do this we follow this procedure:

1. Subtract the remainder from the dividend, creating a reduced

2. Find the digital root of the reduced dividend (A).
3. Find the digital root of the divisor.
4. Find the digital root of the quotient.
5. Multiply the digital roots of the divisor and quotient together
6. Compare the result of (A) with the result of (B).

We will check the following division by casting out nines.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 09
9 22 9 3

Subtracting the 3 from 9459 we get 9456. Casting out nines we are
left with:

6 6 7
 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 09
9 22 9 3

We multiply the digital roots of the divisor and quotient together.

6 × 7 = 42 = 4 + 2 = 6

This is the same as the digital root we got for the reduced dividend,
so our result should be good.

6.7 Checking Squaring

Squaring is just a multiplication where the number is multiplied

by itself. Find the digital root of the number and square it, then
compare this with the digital root of the answer
We will check a finished squaring problem.

8 6 12
3 7 12 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
7 15 11 13 2 1
First, find the digital root of 861. We can cross out 8 and 1 since
8 + 1 = 9 which leaves 6 as the digital root.

A 6 1
3 7 12 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
7 15 11 13 2 1

Square the digital root.

6 × 6 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9 = 0

Now find the digital root of the answer. We can cross out 7, 2, 5, 3
and 1 since 7 + 2 = 9 and 5 + 3 + 1 = 9. This only leaves 1 as the
digital root and it does not match the first digital root.

8 6 1
3 7 2 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
7 1A
A 5 1A
1 1A
3 A 2 1
Rechecking our answer we find there is an error

8 6 1
3 7 2 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
7 1 A
A 5 1A
1 1A
3 A 2 1
4 1

Rechecking the digital root we can cross out all the digits as 7 + 2 =
9 and 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 9 leaving 0 as the digital root. This matches
with the digital root we got earlier.

8 6 1
3 7 2 1
1 6
9 6
6 4
A 5 1 A
7 1 A 1 1 A
3 A2 

6.8 Checking Square Roots

To check a square root we check the inverse process. We can do

this in one of two ways:
Method 1:

1. Subtract the remainder from the radicand, creating a reduced

2. Find the digital root of the reduced radicand (A).
3. Find the digital root of the answer.
4. Square the digital root of the answer (B).
5. Compare the two digital roots of (A) and (B).

Method 2:

1. Find the digital root of the radicand.

2. Find the digital root of the remainder.
3. Subtract the digital root of the remainder from the digital root
of the radicand (A).
4. Find the digital root of the answer.
5. Square the digital root of the answer (B).
6. Compare the digital roots of (A) and (B).

We will check the results of the following long division, using

casting out nines and method 1.

3 35 79 2 = 5 7 9
2 5 15 17 9 2
8 6 12 4 1
11 551

First we subtract the remainder from the radicand.

− 551
We find the digital root of the reduced radicand, first cross out any
nines or combinations of digits that add to nine.


We find the digital root of the answer.

 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

We now square the digital root of the answer.

3×3 = 9 = 0

Comparing the two digital roots we have a match.


The next long division, we will check the results using casting
out elevens and method 2.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 8
3 6 11 23 18 3 1 4
1 2 6 12 15 8 4 4
5 11 2 4 7 0

First find the digital root of the radicand. We will treat each pair
of digits between the slashes as a two digit number and get the
elevens remainder.

4−1 = 3
3 + 11 − 8 = 6
3−1 = 2
8−4 = 4
Now add the results together to get the digital root
3 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 15 = 5 − 1 = 4

We now find the digital root of the remainder

0 + 11 − 7 + 4 − 2 = 6

Subtract the digital root of the remainder from the digital root of the
4 + 11 − 6 = 9

We now find the digital root of the answer.

6938 = 8 − 3 + 9 − 6 = 8

We now square the digital root of the answer.

8 × 8 = 64 = 4 + 11 − 6 = 9

We have 9 for both answers so we are sure the answer is correct.

Chapter 7


In the Trachtenberg Speed Math System, this method of addition

has built in error checking that enables you to not only know if you
have made a mistake but in which column the error is in so you
only need to re-check that column of the addition instead of redoing
the whole addition again.
The examples in the book are small, just to show the method,
when using this method the larger the group of numbers you need
to add the more this method can save you time.

How to Add

Before we look at how to do the addition we will look at a completed

addition and explain the terms we will be using.

2 3 5
columns of figures 6 1 70
 90 80 4
working data 0 6 1 5 running totals
n 0 1 1 1 ticks
answer 1 8 3 6

The completed addition is split into three sections; the first

section is the “columns of figures”, which are the initial numbers
you want to add together. The second section is the “working data”,
which is made up of two rows; the first being the “running total” for
each column and the second row is the number of ticks or marks
used in each column. The third section is the answer.
The initial figures are added together column-wise, it does not
matter which column you do first, each column is treated separately
from the others. As you tally each column you have a running total
for the addition, the rule of this method of addition is that you do
not count any higher than eleven.
When you do add a digit that makes your running total greater
than eleven you simply put a tick, or mark, next to that digit then
subtract eleven from your running total and continue with the re-
duced total. Repeat this step as many times as required until you
reach the bottom of the column then write the running total below
the column. Do the same for each of the other columns.

Following the don’t count higher than eleven rule, it is impos-

sible to get a running total higher than nineteen. To easily
reduce the running total by eleven, simply ignore the tens
digit and then reduce the unit digit of the running total by
Some examples:

7 → 6
12 → 1

Taking a very simple case we will add a short column of single



Starting at the top we have 7 + 9 = 16. Adding the 9 to the 7

takes the total above eleven, so put put a tick next to the 9. Now
subtract 11 from 16 which gives 5, this is the new running total.
Continuing on we have 5 + 2 = 7, then 7 + 5 = 12. Adding the
5 to the running total takes the total above eleven, so put a tick
next to the 5. Subtract 11 from 12 which gives 1 as the new running
We are at the end of the column so the running total of 1 is
written under the column. Counting the ticks, there are two ticks for
this column so put 2 under the running total for the column.

1 running total
2 ticks

In the working data we will add an extra column of zeros to the

left, just as a reminder for the next steps. It is not necessary but it
is useful as you get used to the method.

01 running total
02 ticks

Starting on the right-hand column, we add the running total for

the column with the number of ticks for the column, in this case,
1 + 2 = 3, so we write 3 underneath.
01 running total
02 ticks

For the next column, the column of zeros we added, we add

the running total and the ticks in an ‘’L” shape, as shown by the
numbers in blue, in this case 0 + 0 + 2 = 2. We write 2 underneath.
We now have our final answer of 23.

01 running total
02 ticks

The finished addition looks like this:


Now we will check our addition. Firstly, we find the check figure,
or digital root, for the column of numbers. To do that we cross
out any 9s or digits that add up to nine. We cross out 9. 7 amd 2
leaving 5 as our digital root for the column. Write the 5 above the
column of numbers.


Secondly, we find the check figure, or digital root, for the working
table by adding the running total to two counts of the ticks count.
That is, we add the ticks count to the running total then add the ticks
count a second time. The total, if necessary, is taken to s digital
root. You can cross out any nines but do not cross out numbers
that add up to 9 because we need to use the ticks row twice. The
running total is 1 and the tick count is 2 so the sum, and our digital
root is:
1+2+2 = 5

Write the 5 below the column under the answer.


The two check figures are the same, 5 = 5 so our working table
is correct.
Thirdly, we calculate the check figure, or digital root, for the
answer by adding up the digits after crossing out any numbers that
are 9 or add up to 9 if they exist.
Adding up the digits of the answer we get:

2+3 = 5

We can write this next to the answer but all we need tot do is check
if it matches the previous check figures. As 5 = 5 = 5 our answer
should be correct.
23 5

We will now have a look at a multicolumn example.

7 2 5
6 3
8 9 1

For something different we will start on the left-hand column,

where we have 7 + 8 = 15. This exceeds eleven so we put a tick
next to the 8 and subtract 11 from 15 giving us 4 as the running
total for this column. We put the 4 under the column in the running
total row, then the number of ticks, which is 1 in the ticks row.

7 2 5
6 3
80 9 1
4 running total
1 ticks

For the center column we have 2 + 6 = 8 then 8 + 9 = 17 which

exceeds eleven so we put a tick next to the 9 and subtract 11 from
17 to get 6 as the running total for this column. The 6 is written
below the column in the running total row and the 1 for the number
of ticks is written in the ticks row.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
4 6 running total
1 1 ticks

For the right-hand column we have 5 + 3 = 8 then 8 + 1 = 9.

The9 is written below the column in the running total row. There
are no ticks so 0 is written in the ticks row.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
4 6 9 running total
1 1 0 ticks

Before starting on finding the answer we will add a leading zero

to both the running total row and the ticks row.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
To find the answer we will start on the right-hand column, where
we add the running total to the tick count, in this case, 9 + 0 = 9.
Write the 9 beneath the column under the bottom line.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks

Moving to the center column, we now add up in an ‘L’ shape.

We add the running total and tick count for this column then add
the tick count for the column to the right, in this case 6 + 1 + 0 = 7.
Write the 7 below the column.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
7 9

Moving to the next column, we again add up in an ‘L’ shape,

adding 4 + 1 + 1 = 6. Write the 6 below the column.
7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
6 7 9

Moving to the last column of zeros, we again add up in an ‘L’

shape, adding 0 + 0 + 1 = 1. Write the 1 below the column.

7 2 5
6 3
80 90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
1 6 7 9

We have our provisional answer of 1679. We will check our

addition to confirm our result.
Firstly, we find the check figure, or digital root, for the columns
of numbers. To do that we cross out any 9s or digits that add up to
nine within a column.
In the left-hand column, 5 + 3 + 1 = 9 so we cross them all
out. In the second column there is just the 9 to cross out and the
right-hand column has no nine or numbers adding to nine.
7 2 5
6 3
80 A
90 1
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
1 6 7 9

In the left-hand column there are no figures left so the check

value is 0, in the center column, 6 + 2 = 8 so its check figure is 8.
The right-hand column, 7 + 8 = 15, which is not a single digit so
we need to add its digits, 1 + 5 = 6 to get the check figure of 6 for
the last column.

6 8 0
7 2 5
6 3
80 9
0 4 6 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
1 6 7 9

Secondly, we find the check figure, or digital root, for the working
table by adding the ticks twice to the running total. The total, if
necessary, is taken to s digital root. You can cross out any nines
but do not cross out numbers that add up to nine.
For the right-hand column, we can cross out the 9, that only
leaves us with 0. For the middle column, 6 + 1 + 1 = 8, and for the
right-hand column, 4 + 1 + 1 = 6. Write the check values under the
answer for each column.
6 8 0
7 2 5
6 3
80 9
0 4 6 9
A running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
1 6 7 9
6 8 0

As you can see, the check values above and below each column
are the all the same so our working table should be correct.
Lastly, we calculate the check figure, or digital root, for the
answer by adding up the digits after crossing out any numbers that
are 9 or add up to 9 if they exist. We then compare this against the
digital root of the check figures for either the column of numbers or
the working table.
The 9 is crossed out leaving 1 + 6 + 7 = 14 which is two digits,
adding these together we get 1 + 4 = 0. You can write this next to
the answer.
Adding up the digits of the working table check figures we have
6 + 8 + 0 = 14, which is two digits, adding the digits together we
get 1 + 4 = 5.
Both checks are 5 so our answer is highly likely to be correct
and our finished addition should look something like this:
6 8 0
7 2 5 A
6 3 A
80 9 0
A 1 A
0 4 6 A 9 running total
0 1 1 0 ticks
1 6 7 9 A 5
6 8 0 5

What about large tick counts

What about tick counts that are more than a single digit? If the
columns of numbers are large enough that the tick count goes into
double digits what do you write in the working data?
No matter what the count is, you write it into the ticks row and
treat it as you would a single figure number.
For example, say we have the following working data as a result
of adding the columns of numbers.

0 2 8 3 running total
0 17 16 14 ticks

Add the right-hand column, where we have 3 + 14 = 17. Write 7

and carry the 1.

0 2 8 3 running total
0 17 16 14 ticks
Moving left, add the figures in the column and the ticks count from
the previous column. Then add the carry. Doing this gives us
8 + 16 + 14 + 1 = 39. Write 9 and carry the 3.

0 2 8 3 running total
0 17 16 14 ticks
3 1
9 7

Moving left, add the figures in the column and the ticks count from
the previous column. Then add the carry. Doing this gives us
2 + 17 + 16 + 3 = 38. Write 8 and carry the 3.

0 2 8 3 running total
0 17 16 14 ticks
3 3 1
8 9 7

Moving left, add the figures in the column, the ticks count from the
previous column and the carry. This gives us 0 + 0 + 17 + 3 = 20.
Write 20 for a final answer of 20897.

0 2 8 3 running total
0 17 16 14 ticks
20 3 8 3 9 1 7

Why The Addition Works

The rule for this method of addition is “Never count higher than 11”.
Why is that? Well, we are converting our total to base 11.
Our decimal system is base 10, we use ten digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Once we pass 9, we get 10, meaning the one’s digit is
zero and there is one tens digit.
For base 11, eleven digits we can use; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
A. Once we pass A, we get 10, meaning the one’s digit is zero and
there is one elevens digit.
Note: we could have used almost any figure in place of ‘A, ’ but
it is common to use letters of the alphabet after 9.
The only time we notice that we are using base 11 is when the
remainder is 10, instead of putting something like ‘A’ we just put 10
and treat it as a single digit figure.
In the working data, the first row is the ’running total,’ which is
the remainder, or modulus, of dividing the column’s total by eleven.
The second row is the ‘ticks’ count, which is how many times the
column’s total divides into eleven, or the quotient.
Remember 11 as a multiplier can be replaced by 10 + 1. Adding
up in the ’L’ shape adds the one times value with the ten times
value. A 2 for the number of ticks means that the total divided into
eleven twice. To reverse this to get back to a total we would multiply
11 by 2.
What we need to remember about multiplying 2 by 11 is:

2 × 11 = (2 × 1) + (2 × 10) = 2 + 20 = 22

So we have a one times two and a ten times two.

We will look at an example of some working data. We will ignore
the columns of numbers for this as we are only interested in how to
process the working data.

0 5 6 9 running total
0 2 1 0 ticks

Starting on the right-hand column, we just add the two figures in

the column. We are adding up the running total, 9, to the one times
value of the ticks count, 0.

0 5 6 9
0 2 1 0

Moving left to the next column, we add up the figures in this column
with the ticks count of the previous column, which gives the ‘L’
shape. We are adding the running total of this column, 6 with the
one times value for the ticks count in this column, 1, then adding
the ten times value of the ticks count for the previous column, 0.

0 5 6 9
0 2 1 0
7 9

Moving left to the next column, we add up the figures in this column
with the ticks count of the previous column. We are adding the
running total of this column, 5, with the one times value for the ticks
count in this column, 2, then adding the ten times value of the ticks
count for the previous column, 1.

0 5 6 9
0 2 1 0
8 7 9

Moving left to the last column of leading zeros, we add up the

figures in this column with the ticks count of the previous column.
We are adding the 0 for the running total with the 0 for the ticks
count and the the ten times value of the ticks count for the previous
column, 2.

0 5 6 9
0 2 1 0
2 8 7 9

As we add up the columns of numbers we are converting each

columns total to the quotient of the total divided by eleven, the ticks,
and the remainder, the running total. When we add up the working
data, we are converting the data back to the base ten total.
Why bother? The reason is to build in a check for each column
that is independent of the other columns. So if there is an error, we
only need to recount the single column where the error is. Without
this, you would have to recheck the entire addition again to find the
Chapter 8


The Trachtenberg Fast Long Division Method is for at two digit

divisors or larger. The method will scale up for larger divisors
but the number of figures that need to be calculated and added
together also increases. Before we get into the fast long division
method, we need to explain some terms that will be used.

8.1 NT & UT Products

In the Fast Long Division Method we will be dealing with the two
digit products from single-digit multiplication, see the section on
Pair-Product if you have not yet read the chapter on Two-Finger
Multiplication. The left-hand digit of the two-digit product is the tens
digit and the right-hand digit is the units digit. We will refer to the
tens digit with T and the units digit as U. What is new is using the

whole two-digit product, referred to as N for number.
For the following examples of single-digit multiplication and their
two-digit product, we will find the N, T and U values.

2 × 3 = 06 4 × 7 = 28
N = 06 N = 28
T=0 T=2
U=6 U=8

In the division method we will be multiplying a two-digit number

by a single-digit multiplier. We will end up with two products; one
product from multiplying the tens-digit of the two-digit number with
the multiplier and a second product from multiplying the units-digit
of the two-digit number with the multiplier.
From these two products, we will create the NT (Number-Tens)
product. The N is the whole result of multiplying the tens-digit of the
original two-digit number with the multiplier. The T is the tens-digit
of the result of multiplying the units-digit of the original two-digit
number with the multiplier. The N value and the T value are added
together to give the NT product for multiplying the two-digit number
by a single-digit multiplier.
The U value is the units-digit of the product from multiplying the
units-digit of the original two-digit number with the multiplier.
An example should make it clearer.
In this example, we have 367 × 2, for the NT product we use 36 × 2
and for the UT product we use 67 × 2 for the two digit numbers
multiplied by a multiplier.

3 6 7 × 2
06 12
12 14
06 + 1 = 7

We do the following multiplications:

N 2 × 3 = 06
T 2 × 6 = 12
U 2 × 6 = 12
T 2 × 7 = 14

We add the N and T values to get the NT product.

We add the U and T values to get the UT product.

NT 06 + 1 = 7
UT 2+1 = 3

8.2 Partial Dividend & Working Figure

In division, the dividend is divided by the divisor to get a quotient.

As we go through the fast division operation, we will refer to a
‘’partial dividend”. The ‘’partial dividend” is either a part of the
actual dividend or a calculated number. The ‘’partial dividend” is
divided by the first digit of the divisor to give the next numeral of
the answer, it is also used to find the tens-digit of the next working
The ”working figure” is a number made up of the previous
‘’partial dividend” minus the NT product whose purpose is to find
the next partial dividend.

dividend divisor answer

5 5 9 2 ÷ 2 4 = 2 3 3
working figure 15 09 02
partial dividend 5 7 7 0 remainder

In explaining the fast division method, we will be writing ev-

erything down to show the process. In practice when doing this
method, not everything needs to be written down.At first, you may
find it necessary to write down everything, but as you become
accustomed to the method, you will find it easy to start to omit writ-
ing the working figures. Your goal should be to become proficient
enough with the fast division method that you only need to write
the answer.

8.3 Two Digit Divisors

We will have a look at the fast long division method for two digit
7668 divided by 54

I think it will be better to go through one example before explaining

too much.We will divide 7668 by 54.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 =

Step One: If the first digit of the dividend is equal to or larger than
the first digit of the divisor then use that digit as the first partial
dividend. If the first digit of the dividend is smaller than the first
digit of the divisor, then use the first two digits of the dividend as
the first partial dividend.
In this case the first digit of the dividend is 7 and the first digit of
the divisor is 5. As 7 is larger than 5, copy the 7 down as the first
partial dividend.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 =

Divide the partial dividend, 7, by the first digit of the divisor, 5.

7÷5 = 1 ignoring any remainder

We have 1 as the first digit of the answer.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1

Step Two: Multiply the divisor, 54, by the 1 to get the NT value.

1 × 5 = 05 N value
1 × 4 = 04 T value
05 + 0 = 05 NT value


7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1
05 04

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

7 − 05 = 2

Put the 2 underneath and slightly to the left of the next digit of
the dividend on the working figure row. This is the first half of our
working figure.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 6, next to the 2 to
make our first working figure of 26.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1

Step Three: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 1 of the

answer with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

1 × 4 = 04 U value
The U value is actually a UT value but in this case there is no digit
to get a T value from.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1
26 04

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

26 − 4 = 22

Put the 22 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1
7 22

Step Four: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
22 ÷ 5 = 4 ignoring any remainder

The result, 4, is the second digit of the answer.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4
7 22
Step Five: Multiply the divisor by the 4 of the answer to find the
NT value.

4 × 5 = 20 N value
4 × 4 = 16 T value
20 + 1 = 21 NT value


7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4
26 20 16
7 22

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

22 − 21 = 1

Put the 1 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, 6, next to the 1 to complete the
second working figure of 16.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4
26 16
7 22

Step Six: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 4 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

4 × 4 = 16 U value
7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4
26 16 16
7 22

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

16 − 6 = 10

Put the 10 down as the third partial dividend.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4
26 16
7 22 10

Step Seven: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
10 ÷ 5 = 2

The result, 2, is the third digit of the answer.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4 2
26 16
7 22 10
Step Eight: Multiply the divisor by the 2 of the answer to find the
NT value.

2 × 5 = 10 N value
2 × 4 = 08 T value
10 + 0 = 10 NT value


7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4 2
26 16 20 16
7 22

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

10 − 10 = 0

Put the 0 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, the 8, next to the 0 to complete
the third working figure of 08.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4 2
26 16 08
7 22 10

Step Nine: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 2 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

2 × 4 = 08 U value
7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4 2
26 16 08 08
7 22 10

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

08 − 8 = 0

Put the 0 under the working figure which is the remainder.

7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4 = 1 4 2
26 16 08
7 22 10 0

Dividing 7668 by 54 is 142 exactly.

The division process is quite simple as the steps are repetitive.
Below I have included arrows indicating what was done in the
process. The blue line down from the first digit indicates it is copied
as is to the partial dividend.
Subtracting the NT value from the partial dividend gives the
tens-digit of the next working figure, which is copied up below the
next digit of the dividend, indicated by the red lines. The next digit
of the dividend is copied down to complete the working figure.
Subtracting the U value from the working figure gives the next
partial dividend, indicated by the green lines.
7 6 6 8 ÷ 5 4
26 16 08

-NT -U -NT -U -NT -U

7 22 10 0

5664 divided by 59

Lets have a look at another example, dividing 5664 by 59.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 =

Here the divisor is 59, which is very close to 60, we will very likely
save time in our calculation if we divide by 6 rather than 5 throughout
the division.

In the cases where the second digit of the divisor is 8 or 9, don’t

divide by the first figure of the divisor; instead, increase the first
figure of the divisor by 1 and then divide.

Step One: We are using 6 as the first digit of the divisor, only when
doing division, which is larger than the first digit of the dividend, 5,
so we use the first two digits of the dividend, 56 as the first partial
5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 =


Divide the partial dividend, 56, by the expanded first digit of the
56 ÷ 6 = 9 ignoring any remainder
We have 9 as the first digit of the answer.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9


Step Two: Multiply the divisor, 59, by the 9 to get the NT value.

9 × 5 = 45 N value
9 × 9 = 81 T value
45 + 8 = 53 NT value


5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9
45 81

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

56 − 53 = 3
Put the 3 up as the first half of our working figure.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 6, next to the 3 to
make our first working figure of 36.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9

Step Three: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 9 of the

answer with the unit digit, the 9, of the divisor.

9 × 9 = 81 U value

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9
36 81

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

36 − 1 = 35

Put the 35 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9
56 35
Step Four: Divide the new partial dividend by the expanded first
digit of the divisor.

35 ÷ 6 = 5 ignoring any remainder

The result, 5, is the second digit of the answer.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 5
56 35

Step Five: Multiply the divisor by the 5 of the answer to find the
NT value.

5 × 5 = 25 N value
5 × 9 = 45 T value
25 + 4 = 29 NT value


5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 5
36 25 45
56 35

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

35 − 29 = 6

Put the 6 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, 4, next to the 6 to complete the
second working figure of 64.
5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 5
36 64
56 35

Step Six: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 5 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 9, of the divisor.

5 × 9 = 45 U value

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 5
36 64 45
56 35

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

64 − 5 = 59

Put the 59 down as the third partial dividend, which is our remain-
Here we see the remainder, which is a partial dividend, is the
same as the divisor which tells us that the last digit of the answer
is too small.
If the partial dividend is greater than or equal to the divisor, then
the latest figure of the answer is too small.

We need to increase the last digit of the answer from 5 to 6 and go

back to step five and redo the calculation from there using 6 as the
second digit of the answer.
Restart at Step Five: Multiply the divisor by the 6 of the answer to
find the NT value.

6 × 5 = 30 N value
6 × 9 = 54 T value
30 + 5 = 35 NT value


5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 6
36 30 54
56 35

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

35 − 35 = 0

Put the 0 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, 4, next to the 0 to complete the
second working figure of 04.
5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 6
36 04
56 35

Step Six: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 6 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 9, of the divisor.

6 × 9 = 54 U value

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 6
36 04 54
56 35

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

04 − 4 = 0

Put the 0 down as the third partial dividend, which is our remainder.

5 6 6 4 ÷ 5 9 = 9 6
36 04
56 35 0

The answer to 5664 divided by 59 is 96 exactly.

9459 divided by 24

We will look at another example, this time 9459 divided by 24.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 =

Step One: The first digit of the dividend is 9 which is larger than
the first digit of the divisor, which is 2, so we use the first digit of
the dividend, 9 as the first partial dividend.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 =

Divide the partial dividend, 9, by the first digit of the divisor,2.

9÷2 = 4 ignoring any remainder

We have 4 as the first digit of the answer.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 4

Step Two: Multiply the divisor, 24, by the 4 to get the NT value.

4 × 2 = 08 N value
4 × 4 = 16 T value
08 + 1 = 9 NT value

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 4
08 16

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

9 − 09 = 0

Put the 0 up as the first half of our first working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 4, next to the 0 to
make our first working figure of 04.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 4

Step Three: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 4 of the

answer with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

4 × 4 = 16 U value

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 4
04 16
Subtract the U value from the working figure.

04 − 6 = −2

We have a negative number for the partial dividend, which means

the last digit of the answer is too high.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 4
9 −2

We have to reduce the digit of our answer by 1, so we replace

the 4 of the answer with 3 then go back and restart from step two.
Restart at Step Two: Multiply the divisor, 24, by the 3 to get the
NT value.

3 × 2 = 06 N value
3 × 4 = 12 T value
06 + 1 = 07 NT value


9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3
06 12

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

9 − 07 = 2
Put the 2 up as the first half of our first working figure.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 4, next to the 2 to
make our first working figure of 24.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3

Step Three: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 3 of the

answer with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

3 × 4 = 12 U value

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3
24 12

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

24 − 2 = 22

Put the 22 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3
9 22
Step Four: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
22 ÷ 2 = 11 ignoring any remainder

Although the result is 11, we cannot use it since it is a two digit

number. What we can do is reduce it to 9 and use that as the
second digit of the answer.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9
9 22

Step Five: Multiply the divisor by the 9 of the answer to find the
NT value.

9 × 2 = 18 N value
9 × 4 = 32 T value
18 + 3 = 21 NT value


9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9
24 18 32
9 22

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

22 − 21 = 1
Put the 1 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, 5, next to the 1 to complete the
second working figure of 15.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9
24 15
9 22

Step Six: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 9 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

9 × 4 = 36 U value

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9
24 15 36
9 22

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

15 − 6 = 9

Put the 9 down as the third partial dividend.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9
24 15
9 22 9
Step Seven: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
9÷2 = 4
The result, 4, is the third digit of the answer.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15
9 22 9

Step Eight: Multiply the divisor by the 4 of the answer to find the
NT value.

4 × 2 = 08 N value
4 × 4 = 16 T value
08 + 1 = 9 NT value


9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 08 16
9 22 9

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

9−9 = 0

Put the 0 up as the first part of the next working figure then bring
down the next digit of the dividend, the 9, next to the 0 to complete
the third working figure of 09.
9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 09
9 22 9

Step Nine: Calculate the U value by multiplying the 4 of the answer

with the unit digit, the 4, of the divisor.

4 × 4 = 16 U value

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 09 16
9 22 9

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

09 − 6 = 3

Put the 3 under the working figure which is the remainder.

9 4 5 9 ÷ 2 4 = 3 9 4
24 15 09
9 22 9 3

Dividing 9459 by 24 is 3942 with 3 remainder.

General Description

A general description of the division method for two digit divisors is

as follows:

1. Use the first figure of the dividend as the first partial dividend.

• If the first figure of the dividend is smaller than the first

figure of the divisor then use the first two figures of the
dividend as the partial dividend

2. Divide the partial dividend by the first figure of the divisor, the
result is the first or next figure of the answer.

• If the second digit of the divisor is 8 or 9 then add 1 to

the value of the first figure of the divisor and divide the
partial dividend by this new figure.
• Always ignore any remainder as we are only interested
in the whole number value from the division.

3. As soon as you have found one of the figures of the an-

swer, you use it immediately to multiply the divisor by the NT
(number-tens) methods.

4. Subtract the NT value from the last partial dividend. The

result of the subtraction and the next digit of the dividend are
combined to make the next working figure.

• If the NT value is larger than the partial dividend then

reduce the last digit of the answer by one.
5. Use the last figure of the answer and multiply the units-digit
of the divisor to get the U value.

6. Subtract the U value from the last working value to get the
next partial dividend.

• If the partial dividend is equal to or greater than the

divisor then the last figure of the answer is too small.

7. To get the other figures of the answer repeat 3 to 8 until the

end of the dividend.

8. The last working figure on the bottom line is always the re-

8.4 Three Digit Divisors

Dividing by three digit divisors expands on the two digit method.

The U in the two digit method become a full UT and an additional
U value is introduced.
For the two digit divisors the last partial dividend is the remain-
der, for three digit divisors and larger we need to know when to stop
finding the quotient and start finding the remainder. The easy way
to know when to do this is to add a slash in the dividend. Where
we put the slash depends on the size of the divisor.
Starting on the right of the dividend we count one less digit
than there are in the divisor then put the slash. So for a three digit
divisor we count two digits from the right on the dividend then put
the slash.
Again it may be best to go through an example then explain it a
bit more.

33201 divided by 733

We will solve 33201 divided by 733.

3 3 2 0 1 ÷ 7 3 3

Step One: As we are using a three digit divisor, from the right of
the dividend and counting left, count two digits then put a slash
between the second and third digits from the right. This will mark
where we start finding the remainder.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3

Step Two: If the first digit of the dividend is equal to or larger than
the first digit of the divisor then use that digit as the first partial
dividend. If the first digit of the dividend is smaller than the first
digit of the divisor then use the first two digits of the dividend as
the first partial dividend.
In this case the 3 of the dividend is smaller than the 7 of the
divisor so we will use 33, the first two digits of the dividend as the
first partial dividend.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 =

Divide the partial dividend, 33, by the first digit of the divisor, 7.

33 ÷ 7 = 4 ignoring any remainder

We have 4 as the first digit of the answer.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4


Step Three: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 73, by the 4
to get the NT value.

4 × 7 = 28 N value
4 × 3 = 12 T value
28 + 1 = 29 NT value

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4
28 12

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

33 − 29 = 4

Put the 4 up as the first half of our first working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 2, next to the 4 to
make our first working figure of 42.
3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4

Step Four: Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 4 of the

answer with the second and third digits of the divisor, 33.

4 × 3 = 12 U value
4 × 3 = 12 T value
2 + 1 = 3 UT value

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4
12 12

Subtract the UT value from the working figure.

42 − 3 = 39

Put the 39 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4
33 39
Step Five: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
39 ÷ 7 = 5 ignoring any remainder

The result, 5, is the second digit of the answer.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
33 39

Step Six: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 73, by the 5 to
get the NT value.

5 × 7 = 35 N value
5 × 3 = 15 T value
35 + 1 = 36 NT value

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
42 35 15
33 39

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

39 − 33 = 3

Put the 3 up as the first half of our first working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 0, next to the 3 to
make our second working figure of 30.
3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
42 30
33 39

Step Seven: This time we do not just have a UT value calculated

with the 5 of the divisor, but we also have another U value calculated
with the 4 of the divisor to do. The sum of these will be subtracted
from the working figure.
Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 5 of the answer with
the second and third digits of the divisor, 33.

5 × 3 = 15 U value
5 × 3 = 15 T value
5 + 1 = 6 UT value

Calculate the U value by multiplying the 4 of the answer with the

third digit of the divisor, 3.

4 × 3 = 12 U value

Now add the UT and U values together

6+2 = 8

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
15 15
We have crossed over the slash in the dividend, which means
we have now found all the digits of the remainder. The remaining
steps are to find the remainder.
While doing the remainder we no longer do an NT calculation,
any partial dividends are copied up to the next working figure as is.
When we have a working figure under the final digit of the divisor
we only subtract the U value calculated from the last digit of the
answer and the last digit of the dividend. In this case it is 5 and 3

Subtract the UT + U value from the working figure.

30 − 8 = 22

Put the 22 under the working figure as the third partial dividend.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
42 30
33 39 22

Step Eight: Copy the new partial dividend up to the first part of the
next working figure. Then bring down the next digit of the dividend
to complete the working figure.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
42 30 221
33 39 22
Step Nine: We are on the last digit of the dividend so calculate the
U value by multiplying the last digit of the answer, 5, with the last
digit of the divisor, 3.

5 × 3 = 15 U value

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

221 − 5 = 216

Put the 216 under the working figure as the fourth partial dividend,
which is actually the remainder.

3 3 2  0 1 ÷ 7 3 3 = 4 5
42 30 221
33 39 22 216

The result of dividing 33201 by 733 is 45 with 216 remainder.

Below is a diagrammatic look at the three digit division. The first

one or two digits of the dividend are copied down as the first partial
dividend, indicated by the first blue arrow. A Partial dividend on
the right of the slash is copied up unchanged to the next working
figure, indicated by the second blue arrow.
Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend, the result is the
left side of the next working figure and copied up under the next
numeral of the dividend, indicated by the red arrows. The next digit
of the divisor is copied down to complete the working figure.
The orange line indicates the UT value only is subtracted from
the working figure, and the result is the second partial dividend.
There is no U value because the answer only has one digit at this
Subtract the UT, and U values from the working figure, the result
is copied down as the next partial figure, indicated by the purple
Subtract the final U value from the last working figure, the result
is copied down as the last partial dividend and is also the remainder,
indicated by the green line.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 7 3 3
28 41 16 05

-NT -UT -NT -NT -U

7 21 29 0 0

In describing the method, when calculating the UT and U val-

ues, they are added together then the sum is subtracted from the
working figure. In practice, it is easier to subtract each UT value
as they are calculated from the working figure and just keeping the
reduced total to use on the next UT or U value.
78165 divided by 579

We will divide 78165 by 579 for the next example.

7 8 1 6 5 ÷ 5 7 9

Step One: As we are using a three digit divisor, from the right of
the dividend and counting left, count two digits then put a slash
between the second and third digits from the right. This will mark
where we start finding the remainder.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9

Step Two: The 7 of the dividend is larger than the 5 of the divisor
so we can use 7 as the first partial dividend.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 =

Divide the partial dividend, 7, by the first digit of the divisor, 5.

7÷5 = 1 ignoring any remainder

We have 1 as the first digit of the answer.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1

Step Three: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 57, by the 1
to get the NT value.

1 × 5 = 05 N value
1 × 7 = 07 T value
05 + 0 = 5 NT value

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1
05 07

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

7−5 = 2

Put the 4 up as the first half of our first working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 8, next to the 2 to
make our first working figure of 28.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1

Step Four: Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 1 of the

answer with the second and third digits of the divisor, 79.

1 × 7 = 07 U value
1 × 9 = 09 T value
7 + 0 = 7 UT value
7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1
07 09

Subtract the UT value from the working figure.

28 − 7 = 21

Put the 21 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1
7 21

Step Five: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
21 ÷ 5 = 4 ignoring any remainder

The result, 4, is the second digit of the answer.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 4
7 21
Step Six: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 57, by the 4 to
get the NT value.

4 × 5 = 20 N value
4 × 7 = 28 T value
20 + 2 = 22 NT value

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 4
28 20 28
7 21

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

21 − 22 = −1

We have a negative result which means the last digit of the answer
is too high. We need to reduce the 4 to a 3 then redo step six to
continue on.

Redo Step Six: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 57, by the
3 to get the NT value.

3 × 5 = 15 N value
3 × 7 = 21 T value
15 + 2 = 17 NT value
7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3
28 15 21
7 21

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

21 − 17 = 4

Put the 4 up as the first half of our second working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 1, next to the 4 to
make our second working figure of 41.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3
28 41
7 21

Step Seven: Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 3 of the

answer with the second and third digits of the divisor, 79.

3 × 7 = 21 U value
3 × 9 = 27 T value
1 + 2 = 3 UT value

Calculate the U value by multiplying the 1 of the answer with the

third digit of the divisor, 9.

1 × 9 = 09 U value
Now add the UT and U values together

3 + 9 = 12

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3
21 27

Subtract the UT + U value from the working figure.

41 − 12 = 29

Put the 29 under the working figure as the third partial dividend.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3
28 41
7 21 29

Step Eight: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
29 ÷ 5 = 5 ignoring any remainder

The result, 5, is the third digit of the answer.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
28 41
7 21 29
Step Nine: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 57, by the 5 to
get the NT value.

5 × 5 = 25 N value
5 × 7 = 35 T value
25 + 3 = 28 NT value

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
28 41 25 35
7 21 29

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

29 − 28 = 1

Put the 1 up as the first half of our third working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 6, next to the 1 to
make our third working figure of 16.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3
28 41 16
7 21 29

Step Ten: Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 5 of the answer

with the second and third digits of the divisor, 79.

5 × 7 = 35 U value
5 × 9 = 45 T value
5 + 4 = 9 UT value
Calculate the U value by multiplying the 3 of the answer with the
third digit of the divisor, 9.

3 × 9 = 27 U value

Now add the UT and U values together

9 + 7 = 16

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
35 45

Subtract the UT + U value from the working figure.

16 − 16 = 0

Put the 0 under the working figure as the fourth partial dividend.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
28 41 16
7 21 29 0

We have now completed crossing over the slash in the dividend,

which means we have now found all the digits of the remainder.
The remaining steps are to find the remainder.
Step Eleven: Copy the new partial dividend up to the first part
of the next working figure. Then bring down the last digit of the
dividend to complete the working figure.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
28 41 16 05
7 21 29 0

Step Twelve: We are on the last digit of the dividend so calculate

the U value by multiplying the last digit of the answer, 5, with the
last digit of the divisor, 9.

5 × 9 = 45 U value

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5

Subtract the U value from the working figure.

5−5 = 0

Put the 0 under the working figure as the fourth partial dividend,
which is actually the remainder.

7 8 1  6 5 ÷ 5 7 9 = 1 3 5
28 41 16 05
7 21 29 0 0

The result of dividing 78165 by 579 is 135 exactly.

General Description

A general description of the division method for three digit divisors

is as follows:

1. Counting from the right put a slash between the digits after
the second digit.

2. Use the first figure of the dividend as the first partial dividend.

• If the first figure of the dividend is smaller than the first

figure of the divisor then use the first two figures of the
dividend as the partial dividend

3. Divide the partial dividend by the first figure of the divisor, the
result is the first or next figure of the answer.

• If the second digit of the divisor is 8 or 9 then add 1 to

the value of the first figure of the divisor and divide the
partial dividend by this new figure.
• Always ignore any remainder as we are only interested
in the whole number value from the division.

4. As soon as you have found one of the figures of the answer,

you use it immediately to multiply the first two digits of the
divisor to get the NT.

5. Subtract the NT value from the last partial dividend. The

result of the subtraction and the next digit of the dividend are
combined to make the next working figure.
• If the NT value is larger than the partial dividend then
reduce the last digit of the answer by one.

6. Use the last figure of the answer and multiply the last two
digits of the divisor to get the UT value.

7. Use the second-last numeral of the answer and multiply the

units-digit of the divisor to get the U value.

8. Subtract the UT + U value from the last working figure to get

the next partial dividend.

• If the partial dividend is equal to or greater than the

divisor then the last figure of the answer is too small.

9. To get the other figures of the answer repeat 3 to 8 until

crossing the slash.

10. No further NT calculations are done after crossing the slash.

Copy the partial dividend, unchanged, up to be the first part
of the next working figure.

11. The last downward subtraction is of the U value of the right-

hand digit of the answer and the right-hand digit of the divisor.

12. The last working figure on the bottom line is always the re-
8.5 Four Digit Divisors

Division with four digit divisors is just an extension of the three digit
division; there is an extra UT calculation to be done.

389541 divided by 3167

We will use dividing 389541 by 3167 as an example.

3 8 9 5 6 7 ÷ 3 1 6 7
Step One: As we are using a four digit divisor, from the right of
the dividend and counting left, count three digits then put a slash
between the third and fourth digits from the right. This will mark
where we start finding the remainder.

3 8 9  5 6 7 ÷ 3 1 6 7

Step Two: The first figure of the dividend, 3, is the same figure as
the first figure of the divisor, 3, so we can use 3 as the first partial

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 =

Divide the partial dividend, 3, by the first digit of the divisor, 3.

3÷3 = 1 ignoring any remainder

We have 1 as the first digit of the answer.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1

Step Three: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 31, by the 1
of the answer to get the NT value.

1 × 3 = 03 N value
1 × 1 = 01 T value
3 + 0 = 3 NT value

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1
03 01

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

3−3 = 0

Put the 0 up as the first half of our first working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 8, next to the 0 to
make our first working figure of 08.
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1

Step Four: Calculate the UT value by multiplying the 1 of the

answer with the second and third digits of the divisor, 16.

1 × 1 = 01 U value
1 × 6 = 06 T value
1 + 0 = 1 UT value

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1
08 01 06

Subtract the UT value from the working figure.

08 − 1 = 7

Put the 7 under the working figure as the second partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1
3 7
Step Five: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
7÷3 = 2 ignoring any remainder

The result, 2, is the second digit of the answer.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
3 7

Step Six: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 31, by the 2 to
get the NT value.

2 × 3 = 06 N value
2 × 1 = 02 T value
06 + 0 = 06 NT value

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 06 02
3 7

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

7−6 = 1

Put the 1 up as the first half of our second working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 9, next to the 1 to
make our second working figure of 19.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 19
3 7

Step Seven: We have two UT values to calculate, use the last

digit of the answer and the second and third digits of the divisor
to calculate the first UT value. Use the second to last digit of the
answer with the third and fourth digit of the divisor to calculate the
second UT value. The sum of the two UT values will be subtracted
from the working figure.
Calculate the first UT value by multiplying the 2 of the answer
with the second and third digits of the divisor, 16.

2 × 1 = 02 U value
2 × 6 = 12 T value
2 + 1 = 3 UT value

Calculate the second UT value by multiplying the 1 of the answer

with the third and fourth digits of the divisor, 67.

1 × 6 = 06 U value
1 × 7 = 07 T value
6 + 0 = 6 UT value

Now add the two UT values together

3+6 = 9
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 19 02 12
3 7 06 07

Subtract the sum of the UT values from the working figure.

19 − 9 = 10

Put the 10 under the working figure as the third partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 19
3 7 10

Step Eight: Divide the new partial dividend by the first digit of the
10 ÷ 3 = 3 ignoring any remainder

The result, 3, is the second digit of the answer.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19
3 7 10
Step Nine: Multiply the first two digits of the divisor, 31, by the 3 to
get the NT value.

3 × 3 = 09 N value
3 × 1 = 03 T value
09 + 0 = 09 NT value

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 09 03
3 7 10

Subtract the NT value from the partial dividend.

10 − 9 = 1

Put the 1 up as the first half of our second working figure.

Bring down the next digit of the dividend, the 5, next to the 1 to
make our third working figure of 15.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15
3 7 10

Step Ten: We have two UT values and a U value to calculate, use

the third digit of the answer and the second and third digits of the
divisor to calculate the first UT value. Use the second digit of the
answer with the third and fourth digit of the divisor to calculate the
second UT value. Use the first digit of the answer and the fourth
digit of the divisor to calculate the U value. The sum of the two UT
values and the U value will be subtracted from the working figure.
Calculate the first UT value by multiplying the 3 of the answer
with the second and third digits of the divisor, 16.

3 × 1 = 03 U value
3 × 6 = 18 T value
3 + 1 = 4 UT value

Calculate the second UT value by multiplying the 2 of the answer

with the third and fourth digits of the divisor, 67.

2 × 6 = 12 U value
2 × 7 = 14 T value
2 + 1 = 3 UT value

Calculate the U value by multiplying the first digit of the answer

and the fourth digit of the divisor.

1 × 7 = 07 U value

Now add the two UT values and the U value together

4 + 3 + 7 = 14
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 02 12
3 7 06 07

Subtract the sum of the UT and U values from the working figure.

15 − 14 = 1

Put the 1 under the working figure as the fourth partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15
3 7 10 1

We have completed crossing over the slash so there are no

more digits to find for the answer, all we have now is to find the
remainder. There will be no more NT calculations to do, the partial
dividends will be copied up to become the first part of the next
working figure.
Step Eleven: Copy the new partial dividend up to the first part
of the next working figure. Then bring down the next digit of the
dividend to complete the working figure.
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14
3 7 10 1

The NT calculation and the first UT pair drop off the calculation
leaving just one UT value and the U value to calculate. Use the last
figure of the answer, 3, with the third and fourth digits of the divisor
to calculate the UT value. Use the second figure of the answer with
the fourth figure of the answer to calculate the U value. Calculate
the UT value by multiplying the 3 of the answer with the third and
fourth digits of the divisor, 67.

3 × 6 = 18 U value
3 × 7 = 21 T value
8 + 2 = 10 UT value

Calculate the U value by multiplying the second digit of the answer

and the fourth digit of the divisor.

2 × 7 = 14 U value

Now add the UT value and the U value together

10 + 4 = 14
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 18 21
3 7 10 1 14

Subtract the sum of the UT and U values from the last working
14 − 14 = 0

Put the 0 under the working figure as the fourth partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14
3 7 10 1 0

Step Twelve: Copy the new partial dividend up to the first part
of the next working figure. Then bring down the last digit of the
dividend to complete the working figure.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01
3 7 10 1 0

We are at the last digit of the dividend so we complete the

calculation by calculating the U value from the last digit of the
answer and the last digit of the divisor.

3 × 7 = 21 U value

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01 21
3 7 10 1 0

Subtract the U values from the last working figure.

01 − 1 = 0

Put the 0 under the working figure as the fifth partial dividend,
which is also the remainder.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01
3 7 10 1 0 0

Dividing 389541 by 3167 is 123 exactly.

8.6 Calculation pattern

The most important part of the division operation is doing the

correct NT and UT calculations, which is not difficult once you are
familiar with the pattern.
The NT value and the first UT value, with two digit divisors it is
an NT and U value, are always generated with the last known digit
of the answer, the links are shown by the red lines below.
Any previous digits of the answer have just one UT value gener-
ated from them.
Remember a U value is a UT value where there is no number
in the dividend to calculate a T value.
The following shows the progression of the calculations with a
four digit answer and different size divisors.
If you look through the steps just concentrating on the links for
one color, you see they all progress across the answer from the first
digit to the last digit, and every digit of the answer gets calculated
against every digit of the divisor.

Two Digit Divisors - For the two digit divisors there is just one
NT value and one U value which always link to the last known digit
of the answer and use both digits of the divisor.

1 2 = 1

1 2 = 1 2
1 2 = 1 2 3

1 2 = 1 2 3 4

Three Digit Divisors - For the three digit divisors there is one
NT value, one UT value, and a U value.
After crossing the slash in the divisor, the NT value and the
UT value linked to the last known digit of the answer “fall off” the

1 2 3 = 1

1 2 3 = 1 2

1 2 3 = 1 2 3
1 2 3 = 1 2 3 4

The quotient is found and we have crossed the slash.

1 2 3 = 1 2 3 4

Four Digit Divisors - For the four-digit divisors, there is one

NT value, two UT values, and a U value.

1 2 3 4 = 1

1 2 3 4 = 1 2

1 2 3 4 = 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 = 1 2 3 4

The quotient is found and we have crossed the slash.

1 2 3 4 = 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 = 1 2 3 4

Take care with larger divisors in the handling of the numerous

UT products. To reduce the danger of error, and also to save
some mental effort, do this: as soon as you find a new UT prod-
uct, subtract it immediately from the working figure and use what
remains as a new working figure from which you subtract the next
UT product.

8.7 Why Long Division works

To be honest I am still working on this one but I do know that as

you find the answer it is being multiplied with the divisor and the
result subtracted from the dividend until we reach the remainder.
To explain we will take a completed equation done earlier in the
chapter. The steps here are simpler and broader than we used

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01
3 7 10 1 0 0

We will multiply the quotient and the divisor and the product will
be the same as the dividend in the division equation above.
What we will do each take each single digit multiplication and
write the results as two digit figures. We will put the results on their
own row in the correct “columns” for their true value. This way we
can see the results of each multiplication and we will not have a
lot of extra zeros in the way. I will also put the two digits being
multiplied on the side of the equation.
3 1 6 7
× 1 2 3
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1

Now following each step in the fast long division method we will
subtract values from the product, 389541.
In the first step the 3 of the dividend was taken as the first partial
dividend and divided by the first digit of the divisor, the result was
1. Then we found the NT product and subtracted it from the first
partial dividend, the result, 0 was placed up under the next digit of
the dividend. The next digit of the dividend was bought down to
form the first working figure of 08.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1
In the ”table” of two digit results we highlight the N value in red
and the T value in blue. We subtract the 3 from our large number
and bring down the next digit of the large number next to the result.

2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8

In the second step the UT value is subtracted from the 08 and

the result becomes the second partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1
3 7

In the ”table” we highlight the N value in red and the T value in

blue. We subtract the sum, 1, from the 08.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)

In the third step of the division, the 7 is divided by the first digit
of the divisor to get the second digit of the answer, 2. The NT value
calculated with the 2 is then subtracted from the 7 to form the left
side of the next working figure. The 9 is bought down to complete
the working figure.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 19
3 7

In the ”table” we will gray out the used digits and highlight the
U value in green and the T value in blue. We subtract the sum, 6,
from the 7, then bring down the 9.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9

In the fourth step of the division, the UT value from the 2 and
the UT value from the 1 are subtracted from the 19 and the result
becomes the third partial dividend.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2
08 19
3 7 10

In the ”table” we highlight the U values in green and the T values

in blue. We subtract the sum, 9, from the 19.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9
− 9 U(1 × 2) +T(6 × 2) +U(6 × 1) +T(7 × 1)
1 0

In the fifth step of the division, the 10 is divided by the first digit
of the divisor to get the third digit of the answer, 3. The NT value
calculated with the 3 is then subtracted from the 10 to form the left
side of the next working figure. The 5 is bought down to complete
the working figure.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15
3 7 10
In the ”table” we highlight the N value in red and the T value in
blue. We subtract the sum, 9, from the 10 and bring down the 5.

2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9
− 9 U(1 × 2) +T(6 × 2) +U(6 × 1) +T(7 × 1)
1 0
− 9 N(3 × 3) +T(1 × 3)
1 5

In the sixth step of the division, the UT value from the 3, the UT
value from the 2 and the U value from the 1 are subtracted from
the 15 and the result becomes the fourth partial dividend.
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15
3 7 10 1

As we have crossed the slash, there are no more digits to find

in the quotient and the partial dividend is copied, unchanged up
as the first part of the next working figure. The 4 in the dividend is
bought down to complete the working figure.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14
3 7 10 1

In the ”table” we highlight the U values in green and the T values

in blue. We subtract the sum, 14, from the 15 and bring down the 4.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9
− 9 U(1 × 2) +T(6 × 2) +U(6 × 1) +T(7 × 1)
1 0
− 9 N(3 × 3) +T(1 × 3)
1 5
− 1 4 U(1 × 3) +T(6 × 3) +U(6 × 2) +T(7 × 2) +U(7 × 1)
1 4

In the seventh step of the division, the UT value from the 2,

the U value from the 3 are subtracted from the 14 and the result
becomes the fifth partial dividend. The digit 3 in the answer is
already finished with.
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14
3 7 10 1 0

The partial dividend is copied, unchanged up as the first part

of the last working figure. The 1 in the dividend is bought down to
complete the working figure.

3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01
3 7 10 1 0

In the ”table” we highlight the U values in green and the T values

in blue. We subtract the sum, 14, from the 14 and bring down the 1.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9
− 9 U(1 × 2) +T(6 × 2) +U(6 × 1) +T(7 × 1)
1 0
− 9 N(3 × 3) +T(1 × 3)
1 5
− 1 4 U(1 × 3) +T(6 × 3) +U(6 × 2) +T(7 × 2) +U(7 × 1)
1 4
− 1 4 U(6 × 3) +T(7 × 3) +U(7 × 2)
0 1

In the eighth step the U value of the unit digits of both the
answer and the divisor is subtracted from the last working figure
and the result is the remainder.
3 8 9  5 4 1 ÷ 3 1 6 7 = 1 2 3
08 19 15 14 01
3 7 10 1 0 0

In the ”table” we highlight the U value in green and subtract the

value, 1, from the 1, the remainder is 0.
2 1 7×3
1 8 6×3
0 3 1×3
0 9 3×3
1 4 7×2
1 2 6×2
0 2 1×2
0 6 3×2
0 7 7×1
0 6 6×1
0 1 1×1
0 3 3×1
3 8 19 15 14 1
− 3 N(3 × 1) +T(3 × 1)
0 8
− 1 U(1 × 1) +T(6 × 1)
− 6 N(3 × 2) +T(1 × 2)
1 9
− 9 U(1 × 2) +T(6 × 2) +U(6 × 1) +T(7 × 1)
1 0
− 9 N(3 × 3) +T(1 × 3)
1 5
− 1 4 U(1 × 3) +T(6 × 3) +U(6 × 2) +T(7 × 2) +U(7 × 1)
1 4
− 1 4 U(6 × 3) +T(7 × 3) +U(7 × 2)
0 1
− 1 U(7 × 3)

In the third and fifth step when the NT value is used you will
notice the tens digit of the N value lines up with figures processed
earlier in the calculation. In this case the tens digits were both zero,
but if they were higher this may cause the NT value to be too high
requiring us to reduce the previous digit of the answer.
For the division method, Jakow turned it into a multiplication
done in reverse, with a few simple single divisor divisions used to
”guess” each digit of the answer.
It does take a little work to understand the division method but
once you get used to it the method is quite fast and easier than it
first looks.
Part I


Appendix A

Alternate Choices

This chapter is not meant to be read on its own. It contains parts

of equations where the reader is given a choice on which path to
take in some equations. It is best to choose all the alternatives for
each equation to see the result of each choice.

You have chosen 10.
We divide the 10 by the first figure of the answer.

10 ÷ 2 = 5

This gives us the second figure of the answer, in this case 5.

72 9 = 2 5
−4 =

We now tentatively have our two digit result. However, we need

to confirm the result and find out if there is any remainder.
If you recall the method for squaring two digit numbers there
are three steps but we will use only the first two:

1. Square the units digit.

2. Multiply the two digits together then double the result.
3. Square the tens digit.

Step Five, is to do the first two parts of squaring method on the

two digits of our answer. We do not square the tens digit, 2, as we
have already done that in the third step.
Squaring the units digit we get:

52 = 25

I will put the 5 under the five of the answer and we carry the2.

72 9 = 2 5
−4 = 5

Multiplying the two digits together and doubling the result we


2 × 5 = 10
10 × 2 = 20

We carry the 2 from squaring five and add it to the result of multi-
plying the two digits together and doubling.

2 + 20 = 22

We will put the 22 under the answer so the first2, the tens digit, is
under the 2 of the answer.

72 9 = 2 5
−4 = 225

Step Six, We subtract the 2 of 225 from the answer of the subtrac-
tion in step two. The answer is then put underneath and slightly to
the left of the next figure after the slash in the radicand. Then bring
down the two remaining figures of the radicand.
3−2 = 1

72 9 = 2 5
−4 12 9 = 225

Step Seven, we subtract the 25 of 225 from the 129.

72 9 = 2 5
−4 12 9 = 2 2 5
3 2 5
10 4

We have a problem, we have a remainder of 104 and a square root

of 25. If the remainder is more than double the square root then the
square root is too small. We need to back track and make another
You have chosen 20.
We divide the 20 by the first figure of the answer.

2 ÷ 2 = 10

This means our second figure is 10 which is not possible so we will

reduce it to 9.

72 9 = 2 9
−4 =

We now tentatively have our two digit result. However, we need

to confirm the result and find out if there is any remainder.
If you recall the method for squaring two digit numbers there
are three steps but we will use only the first two:

1. Square the units digit.

2. Multiply the two digits together then double the result.
3. Square the tens digit.

Step Five, is to do the first two parts of squaring method on the

two digits of our answer. We do not square the tens digit, 2, as we
have already done that in the third step.
Squaring the units digit we get:

92 = 81

I will put the 1 under the nine of the answer and we carry the 8.

72 9 = 2 9
−4 = 1

Multiplying the two digits together and doubling the result we


2 × 9 = 18
18 × 2 = 36

We carry the 8 from squaring nine and add it to the result of multi-
plying the two digits together and doubling.

8 + 36 = 44

We put the 44 under the answer so the first 4, the tens digit, is
under the 2 of the answer.

72 9 = 2 9
−4 = 441

Step Six, we subtract the 4 of 441 from the 3 we got as the

answer from the subtraction in step three.

3 − 4 = −1
We have a problem the subtraction results in a negative value. This
means the second figure of our answer is too large.

72 9 = 2 9
−4 = 441

We need to back track and make another choice.

You have chosen 0 as the second digit of the answer.

45 6 = 2 0

We now need to confirm our result and find out if there is any
Step Five, the first part is squaring the units digit:

02 = 0

I will put the 0 under the zero of the answer.

45 6 = 2 0
−4 = 0

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 0 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

We will put the 00 under the answer so the first 0 is under the 2 of
the answer.

45 6 = 2 0
−4 = 000

Step Six, subtract the 0 of 000 from the answer of the subtraction
in step three.

0−0 = 0

The answer is then put underneath and slightly to the left of the
next figure after the slash in the radicand. Then bring down the two
remaining figures of the radicand.

45 6 = 2 0
−4 05 6 = 000

Step Seven, subtract the 00 of 000 from the 056.

45 6 = 2 0
−4 05 6 = 0 0 0
3 0 0
5 6

We have a problem, the remainder of 56 is more than twice

the value of the answer, which means that our answer of 20 is too
We need to back track and choose 1 or if you have already
chosen 1 you can skip to the end of this example.
You have chosen 1.

93 02 5 = 3 1

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

12 = 1

We put the 1 under the one of the answer.

93 02 5 = 3 1
9 1

The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

3 × 1 = 03
03 × 2 = 06

We put the 06 under the answer so the 0 is under the 3 of the


93 02 5 = 3 1
9 061
Step Six,We subtract the 0 from our partial square figures from the
0 we got when we subracted the square of the first digit from the 9
in the first group.
0−0 = 0
We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

93 02 5 = 3 1
90 061

So far we have done the same as for the three and four digit
numbers, but now we have one more digit of the answer to find
before we can confirm and check for a remainder.
When we find the next digit of the answer we will be adding to
the partial square figures below the answer. So we know which
figures have been used, as we only use each figure once, we will
cross out the used figures.

93 02 5 = 3 1
90 0

Step Seven,We now bring down the next digit of the radicand, in
this case the 3, next to the 0 we put below it.

93 02 5 = 3 1
9 03 061

We now subtract the middle figure of the partial square, 6, from
the 03 and cross out the 6 under the answer.

93 02 5 = 3 1
9 03 0 6 1

0 6

We have a problem the subtraction resulted in a negative num-

ber, which means the second digit of the answer is too big.
If this is your first guess you can back track and make another
If you have already explored both choices you can go to the
same point as this in the correct choice.
You have chosen 10.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We divide the 10 by the first figure of the answer.

10 ÷ 3 = 3 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 3.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We now have the three figures of the answer so the remaining

steps are to find the remainder and confirm our result.
We now build up the partial square below the answer to include
the third digit of the answer.
Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

3 × 3 = 09
09 × 2 = 18
We put the 18 so that the unit value, 8, is underneath the last
uncrossed figure in the partial square.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 18

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
When finding the partial square for the first two digits of the
answer we were working right to left, this time we are working from
left to right so we will reverse the order we do the partial square.
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 0 and the
3, and double the result:

0 × 3 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

We will put the 00 under the answer so the first 0 is below the units
digit of 18.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 0
 0 0
0 0 18
3 00
The second part is squaring the units digit:

32 = 09

We put the 09 under the 00 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 0 is below the units digit of 00.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 18
3 00
10 09

For the remaining steps we will use all figures in a column

added together. We will then cross out all the figures in that column
once used.
Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in column
two, the 1, from the 3 we got from the subtraction in step seven.

3−1 = 2
Put the 2 under and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.
93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 2 0 0 0

0 0 18
3 00

Bring down the remaining figures of the radicand next to the 2.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 20 2 5 0
 0 0
0 0 1 8
3 00

Now add up the uncrossed numbers in each column.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 20 2 5 0
 0 0
0 0 1 8
3 00

Put the total from the partial square under the 2025 and subtract.

93 02 5 = 3 0 3
9 03 20 2 5 0 0 0

0 0 8 0 9 1 8
3 12 1 6 00

Our remainder is 1216 which is more than twice the answer of

303 so it means the last digit of the answer is too small.
You can either back track and make another choice or go to the
end of the correct choice.
You have chosen 20.

93 02 5 = 3 0
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We divide the 20 by the first figure of the answer.

20 ÷ 3 = 6 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 6.

93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 0 0 0

0 0

We now have the three figures of the answer so the remaining

steps are to find the remainder and confirm our result.
Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

3 × 6 = 18
18 × 2 = 36

We put the 36 so that the unit value, 6, is underneath the last

uncrossed figure in the partial square table, i.e. in column 2.
93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 36

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
When finding the partial square for the first two digits of the
answer we were working right to left, this time we are working from
left to right so we will reverse the order we do the partial square.
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 0 and the
3, and double the result:

0 × 6 = 00
00 × 2 = 00

We will put the 00 under the answer so the first 0 is below the units
digit of 18.

93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 0 0 0

0 0 36
3 00

The second part is squaring the units digit:

62 = 36
We put the 36 under the 00 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 0 is below the units digit of 00.

93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 0
 0 0
0 0 36
3 00
20 36

Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in column

two, the 3, from the 3 we got from the subtraction in step seven.

3−3 = 0
Put the 0 under and to the left of the next figure of the radicand. In
practice you could ignore it.
93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 0 0
 0 0
0 0 36
3 00

Bring down the remaining figures of the radicand next to the 2.

93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 00 2 5 0 0 0

0 0 3 6
3 00

Now add any uncrossed numbers in each column as you would

a normal addition.
93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 00 2 5 0
 0 0
0 0 3 6
3 00

Put the total from the partial square under the 0025 and subtract.

93 02 5 = 3 0 6
9 03 00 2 5 0 0 0

0 0 6 3 6 3 6
3 00

We have a problem since we cannot subtract 636 from 25 so it

means the last digit of the answer is too large.
If this is your first guess you can back track and make another
If you have already explored both choices you can go to the
end of the correct choice.
You have chosen 60.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

We divide the 65 by the first figure of the answer.

65 ÷ 9 = 7 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 7.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

We now have the three figures of the answer so the remaining

steps are to find the remainder and confirm our result.
We now build up the partial square below the answer to include
the calculations for the third digit of the answer.
Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

9 × 7 = 63
63 × 2 = 126
We put the 126 so that the unit value, 6, is underneath the last
uncrossed figure in the partial square.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126

As 126 is a three digit number we have put the 1 in the first

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
When finding the partial square for the first two digits we put the
results first in column 3 then column 2 and 1. For the partial square
with the third digit we put the units figure of the results in column3
then column 4 then column 5. This is why we have reversed the
order we do the partial square calculation for two digits.
The first part is to multiply the two digits together, the 2 and the
7, and double the result:

2 × 7 = 14
14 × 2 = 28

We will put the 28 under the answer so the 2 is below the units digit
of 126. That is, the unit figure of 28 is in column four.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126
13 28

The second part is squaring the units digit:

72 = 49

We put the 49 under the 28 from the previous step so that the tens
digit of 49 is below the units digit of 28. That is, the unit figure of 49
is in column five.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6 126
13 28

For the remaining steps we will use all figures in a column

added together. We will then cross out all the figures in that column
once used.
Step Eleven, we subtract the sum of uncrossed figures in columns
one and two, 12, from the result of the subtraction we did in step 7,
the 13.

13 − 12 = 1
Put the 1 up under and to the left of the next digit in the radicand
and cross out the figures used in the partial square table.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 1 3 6 4
4 6 1 2 6

13 28

Step Twelve, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 1 then add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square

9 = 9 column five
8 + 4 = 12 column four, carry 1
4 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 13 column three

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 13 2 9 3 6 4
4 6 1 2 6

13 28

Step Thirteen, put the total from the partial square up under the
1329 then subtract.
8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 13 2 9 3 6 4
4 6 13 2 9 1 2 6

13 0 28

The remainder is 0, so we have a perfect square and the square

root of 859329 is 927.
If this was your first choice you may be interested to back track
and try the other choices or if you have been through all options go
to the end of the correct answer.
You have chosen 70.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

We divide the 70 by the first figure of the answer.

70 ÷ 9 = 7 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 7.

8 59 32 9 = 9 2 7
8 1 19 3 6 4
4 6

Click here to continue.

You have chosen 10.

73 98 40 0 = 2

We divide the 10 by the first digit of the answer.

10 ÷ 2 = 5

73 98 40 0 = 2 5

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

52 = 25

We put the 5 under the five of the answer and carry the 2.

73 98 40 0 = 2 5
4 5
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 5 = 10
10 × 2 = 20
We add the carry.
20 + 2 = 22

We put the 22 under the answer so the unit figure is in column two.

73 98 40 0 = 2 5
4 225

Step Six,We subtract the 2 from column 1 of the partial square

table from the 3 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross
out the 2 in the partial square table.

3−2 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

73 98 40 0 = 2 5
41 2 2 5

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 3, next to the 1.
73 98 40 0 = 2 5
4 13 2 2 5

We subtract the second column figure of the partial square table

from the 13 then cross out the used 2.

73 98 40 0 = 2 5
4 13 2 2 5
3 2

Step Eight, is to take half the 1 and add a zero. For 11, being an
odd number we have the lower half, 5, or the upper half, 6, adding
a zero to these we get 50 and 60 respectively.
This is a problem, since if we take the lowest choice, 50 and
divide it by the first digit of the answer we get 25 as the next figure
of the answer.
50 ÷ 2 = 25

Reducing 25 down to 9 so we can use it is not an option, our choice

was too small.
Return to step four and choose a higher value than the 10
chosen this time.
You have chosen 20.

73 98 40 0 = 2

We divide the 20 by the first digit of the answer.

20 ÷ 2 = 10

We cannot use 10 so we will try 9 instead.

73 98 40 0 = 2 9

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

92 = 81

We put the 1 under the nine of the answer and carry the 8.

73 98 40 0 = 2 9
4 1
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

2 × 9 = 18
18 × 2 = 36
We add the carry.
36 + 8 = 44

We put the 44 under the answer so the unit figure is in column two.

73 98 40 0 = 2 9
4 441

Step Six,We subtract the 4 from column 1 of the partial square

table from the 3 we got from the subtraction in step 3.

3 − 4 = −1

We have a problem, we cannot have a negative number so the last

digit of the answer is too high.
Return to step four and choose a lower value than the 20 you
chose this time.
You have chosen 25.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 6 1
1 2 6

We divide the 25 by the first figure of the answer.

25 ÷ 6 = 4 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 4.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

6 × 4 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

We put the 48 so that the unit value, 8, is in column three of the

partial square.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 48

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

9 × 4 = 36
36 × 2 = 72

We will put the 72 under the answer so the 7 is below the units digit
of 48. That is, the unit figure of 72 is in column four.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 48
5 72

The second part is squaring the units digit:

42 = 16

We put the 16 under the 54 from the previous step so that the unit
figure of 16 is in column five.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 48
5 72

Step Eleven, we subtract the 4 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 5 we got in step seven.

5−4 = 1

We put the 1 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand
and cross out the 4 used in the partial square table.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 1 11
 6 1

1 2 6 4 8
5 72

Step Twelve, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next to
the 1.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 13 11
 6 1

1 2 6 4 8
5 72
We add up the figures in the third column of the partial square
table then subtract the sum from the 13 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.

1 + 8 + 7 = −3
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 4
3 6 11 13 11
 6 1

1 2 6 16 4 8
5 A7 2

We have a negative number as a result of the subtraction so it

means that the last digit of our answer is too high.
You need to return to step eight and choose a lower number
than you chose this time.
You have chosen 30.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9
3 6 11 1
1 6 1
1 2 6

We divide the 30 by the first figure of the answer.

30 ÷ 6 = 5

The third digit of the answer is 5.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 5
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

6 × 5 = 30
30 × 2 = 60

We put the 60 so that the unit value, 0, is in column three of the

partial square.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 5
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 60

Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

9 × 5 = 45
45 × 2 = 90

We will put the 108 under the answer so the unit figure of 104 is in
column four.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 5
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 60
5 90

The second part is squaring the units digit:

52 = 25

We put the 25 under the 90 from the previous step so that the unit
figure of 25 is in column five.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 5
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 48
5 90

Step Eleven, we subtract the 6 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 5 we got in step seven.

5 − 6 = −1

We have a negative result so it means that the last digit of our

answer is too high.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 5
3 6 11 11
 6 1

1 2 6 6 0
5 90

We have a negative number as a result of the subtraction so it

means that the last digit of our answer is too high.
You need to return to step eight and choose a lower number
than you chose this time.
You have chosen 55.
Dividing the 55 by the 6, first figure of the answer gives 9 as the
last digit of the answer.

55 ÷ 6 = 9 ignoring any remainder

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
55 09

The remaining steps are to find any remainder and confirm our
Step Fourteen, is to multiply the fourth and first figures of the
answer and double the result.

9 × 6 = 54
54 × 2 = 108

Put the 108 so that the units digit is on column four.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
Step Fifteen, is to multiply the fourth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

9 × 9 = 81
81 × 2 = 162

Put the 162 so that the units digit is in column five.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4

Step Sixteen, is to multiply the fourth and third figures of the

answer and double the result.

9 × 3 = 27
27 × 2 = 54

Put the 54 so that the units digit is in column six.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1 6 1

1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
Step Seventeen, is to square the fourth figure of the answer.

9 × 9 = 81

Put the 81 so that the units digit is in column seven.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4

Step Eighteen, Subtract the sum of the figures in columns two and
three in the partial square table from the 11 from the subtraction in
step twelve below.

10 + 1 = 11
11 − 11 = 0

Write the result under and to the left of the next digit of the radicand.
Cross out the used figures in the table.
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 0 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
1 0 8
1 6 2

Step Nineteen, Bring down the rest of the figures in the radicand
next to the 0.

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 08 3 1 4 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
1 0 8
1 6 2

Step Twenty, Add up the uncrossed figures in the partial square


1=1 column seven

4 + 8 = 12 column six, carry 1
9 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 17 column five, carry 1
4 + 8 + 6 + 1 = 19 column four
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 08 3 1 4 1 6 1

1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
1 0 8
1 6 2

Step Twenty One, Copy the total from the partial square table
under the figures we bought down in step nineteen and subtract.

8314 − 19721 = −11407

4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 08 3 1 4 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 19 7 2 1 3 6
5 11 5 4
1 0 8
1 6 2

We have a negative result which means our last figure of the

answer is too large.
Return to step four and choose a lower value than the value
you chose this time.
If you have already been through the other choices you can
jump to the end of the correct answer.
You have chosen 60.
Dividing the 60 by the 6, first figure of the answer gives 10 but
we cant use that so we reduce it to 9 for the last digit of the answer.

60 ÷ 6 = 10
4 81 38 31 4 = 6 9 3 9
3 6 11 23 1
1 6 1
1 2 6 12 3 6
5 11 5 4
50 09

The remaining steps are to find any remainder and confirm our
Click here to continue.
You have chosen 40.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8
6 4

We divide the 40 by the first digit of the answer.

40 ÷ 8 = 5

So 5 is the second figure of the answer.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4

Click here to continue with step five.

You have chosen 50.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8
6 4

We divide the 50 by the first digit of the answer.

50 ÷ 8 = 6 ignoring any remainder

So 6 is the second figure of the answer.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 4

Step Five, we find the partial square of the first two digits of the
answer, the first part is squaring the units digit:

62 = 36

We put the 6 under the nine of the answer and carry the 3.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 4 6
The second part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

8 × 6 = 48
48 × 2 = 96
We add the carry from the previous equation.
96 + 3 = 99

We put the 99 under the answer so the unit figure is in column two.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 4 996

Step Six,We subtract the 9 from our partial square figures from the
9 we got from the subtraction in step 3. Then cross out the 9 in the
partial square table.
9−9 = 0

We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 40 9 9 6

Step Seven,We bring down the next digit of the radicand, in this
case the 1, next to the 0.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 4 01 9 9 6

We should subtract the 9 from the second column of the partial

square table from the 01 but this would result in a negative number
so the last digit of our answer is too high.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 6
6 4 01 9 9 6
9 9

You will need to go back to step four and choose a lower num-
If you have already explored the alternative choices you can
also jump to step eight of the correct answer for this choice.
You have chosen 40.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

We divide the 40 by the first figure of the answer.

40 ÷ 8 = 5

The third digit of the answer is 5.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

Click here to continue with step nine.

You have chosen 50.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

We divide the 50 by the first figure of the answer.

50 ÷ 8 = 6 ignoring any remainder

The third digit of the answer is 6.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2

Step Nine, we find the “open cross product” by multiplying the first
and third digit of the answer and doubling the result.

8 × 6 = 48
48 × 2 = 96

We put the 96 so that the unit value, 6, is in column three of the

partial square table.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 96
Step Ten, we find the partial square of the last two digits of the
The first part is to multiply the two digits together and double
the result:

5 × 6 = 30
30 × 2 = 60

We will put the 60 under the answer so the 6 is below the units digit
of 96. That is, the unit figure of 60 is in column four.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 96
9 60

The second part is squaring the units digit:

62 = 36

We put the 36 under the 60 from the previous step so that the unit
figure of 36 is in column five.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 8 2 5
9 2 96
9 60

Step Eleven, we subtract the 9 in the second column of the partial

square table from the 9 we got in step seven.

9−9 = 0
We put the 0 below and to the left of the next figure of the radicand
and cross out the 9 used in the partial square table.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 0 8 2 5
9 2 9 6
9 60

Step Twelve, we bring down the next figure of the radicand next to
the 0.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 06 8 2 5
9 2 9 6
9 60

We add up the figures in the third column of the partial square

table then subtract the sum from the 06 then cross out the used
figures in the partial square table.

5 + 6 + 6 = 17
06 − 17 = −11

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 6
6 4 11 06 8 2 5
9 2 17 9 6
9 6 0
Since the subtraction has resulted in a negative value it means
that the last digit of our answer is too high.
You will need to go back to step eight and choose a lower
If you have already explored the alternative choices you can
also jump to the end of the correct answer for this choice.
You have chosen 30.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
30 2 5
4 8
3 0

We divide the 30 by the first figure of the answer.

30 ÷ 8 = 3 ignoring any remainder

The fifth digit of the answer is 3.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
30 2 5
4 8
3 0

Now we multiply each of the first four digits with the fifth digit
and double each result.
Step Twenty One, we multiply the fifth and first digit of the answer
and double the result.

3 × 8 = 24
24 × 2 = 48

We put the 48 so that the tens figure, 4, is in the last column with
all figures crossed out, column four.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Two, is to multiply the fifth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

3 × 5 = 15
15 × 2 = 30

Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column five, below the units
digit of 48.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Three, is to multiply the fifth and third figures of the
answer and double the result.

3 × 5 = 15
15 × 2 = 30

Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column six, below the units
digit of the previous 30.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
Step Twenty Four, is to multiply the fifth and fourth figures of the
answer and double the result.

3 × 3 = 09
09 × 2 = 18

Put the 18 so that the tens digit is in column seven, below the units
digit of the last 30.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Five, is to square the fifth figure of the answer.

3 × 3 = 09

Put the 09 so that the tens digit is under the units digit of the 18.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Six, Subtract the sum of the uncrossed figures in

column four in the partial square table from the result of the sub-
traction in step nineteen. In this case there is just a 4 in column
four of the table and the result of the subtraction in step nineteen is

7−4 = 3
Write the result under and to the left of the next digit of the radicand.
Cross out the used 4 in the table.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 3 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
4 8

Step Twenty Seven, Bring down the rest of the figures in the
radicand next to the 3.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 36 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
4 8

Step Twenty Eight, Add up the uncrossed figures in the partial

square table.

9=9 column nine

8+0 = 8 column eight
9 + 0 + 1 = 10 column seven, carry 1
0+0+0+3+1 = 4 column six
5 + 0 + 3 + 8 + 3 = 19 column five

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 36 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
4 8

Step Twenty Nine, Copy the total from the partial square table to
under the figures we bought down in step nineteen and subtract.

365156 − 194089 = 171067

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 3
6 4 11 16 20 36 5 1 5 6 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 19 4 0 8 9 8 0
9 6 7 17 1 0 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
4 8

The remainder looks a bit large. We will double the answer to

see how that compares to the remainder.

85533 × 2 = 171066

171067 − 171066 = 1

The remainder is one more than double the answer which means
the last digit of our answer is too small.
You will need to go back to step twenty and choose a higher
number than 30.
If you have already explored the alternative choices you can
also jump to the end the correct answer.
You have chosen 40.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
40 2 5
4 8
3 0

We divide the 40 by the first figure of the answer.

40 ÷ 8 = 5

The fifth digit of the answer is 5.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
40 2 5
4 8
3 0

Now we multiply each of the first four digits with the fifth digit
and double each result.
Step Twenty One, we multiply the fifth and first digit of the answer
and double the result.

5 × 8 = 40
40 × 2 = 80

We put the 80 so that the tens figure, 8, is in the last column with
all figures crossed out, column four.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0


We could stop here, as you get familiar with the method you
will realize that a later step, twenty six, will be to subtract the
8 from the 7, the result of the subtraction in step 19, this will
give a negative number so our last digit is too high.

Step Twenty Two, is to multiply the fifth and second figures of the
answer and double the result.

5 × 5 = 25
25 × 2 = 50

Put the 50 so that the tens digit is in column five, below the units
digit of 80.

7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Three, is to multiply the fifth and third figures of the
answer and double the result.

5 × 5 = 25
25 × 2 = 50

Put the 50 so that the tens digit is in column six, below the units
digit of the previous 50.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Four, is to multiply the fifth and fourth figures of the
answer and double the result.

5 × 3 = 15
15 × 2 = 30

Put the 30 so that the tens digit is in column seven, below the units
digit of the last 50.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Five, is to square the fifth figure of the answer.

5 × 5 = 25

Put the 25 so that the tens digit is under the units digit of the 30.
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 5
6 4 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0

Step Twenty Six, Subtract the sum of the uncrossed figures in

column four in the partial square table from the result of the last

7 − 8 = −1
7 31 60 65 15 6 = 8 5 5 3 4
6 5 11 16 20 8 2 5
9 2 10 13 8 0
9 6 7 5 0
2 5
4 8
3 0
8 0

The result is negative so the last digit of our answer is too high.
You will need to go back to step twenty and choose a lower
number than 40.
If you have already explored the alternative choices you can
also jump to the end the correct answer.
Your now at the back of the book. If you jumped here, you can
click here to go back now.

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