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Drying Kinetics, Texture, Color, and Determination of Effective Diffusivities

During Sun Drying of Chempedak

Article  in  Drying Technology · October 2008

DOI: 10.1080/07373930802307308


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5 authors, including:

Chien Hwa Chong Chung Lim Law

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus


Abdullah Luqman Chuah Wan Ramli Wan Daud

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Drying Technology
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Drying Kinetics, Texture, Color, and Determination of Effective Diffusivities

During Sun Drying of Chempedak
Chien Hwa Chong a; Chung Lim Law a; Michael Cloke a; Luqman Chuah Abdullah b; Wan Ramli Wan Daud c
Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus,
Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia b Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia c Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor,

Online Publication Date: 01 October 2008

To cite this Article Chong, Chien Hwa, Law, Chung Lim, Cloke, Michael, Abdullah, Luqman Chuah and Daud, Wan Ramli
Wan(2008)'Drying Kinetics, Texture, Color, and Determination of Effective Diffusivities During Sun Drying of Chempedak',Drying
Technology,26:10,1286 — 1293
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07373930802307308


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Drying Technology, 26: 1286–1293, 2008
Copyright # 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930802307308

Drying Kinetics, Texture, Color, and Determination of

Effective Diffusivities During Sun Drying of Chempedak
Chien Hwa Chong,1 Chung Lim Law,1 Michael Cloke,1 Luqman Chuah Abdullah,2
and Wan Ramli Wan Daud3
Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Campus, Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

of nutrient destruction but fewer studies on the texture

Sun drying of chempedak (Artocarpus integer) was carried out and color changes, even though texture is one of the major
on different sample sizes to investigate the effects on product qual- sensory evaluations determining the quality of most food.
ity. Fick’s second law model was used to determine the effective dif- According to Bourne,[12] texture is the response of the tac-
fusivities of sun–dried chempedak slabs based on the drying rate tile senses to physical stimuli that results from contact
versus moisture content plots. In addition, texture degradation
and total color changes were investigated. The texture and color between some parts of the body with food products. This
changes of dried chempedak were relatively significant (p < 0.05) sensory evaluation is very important because people like
compared to fresh chempedak. There was an increase in dried fruit to attain great enjoyment from eating food that possesses
hardness and chewiness but a decrease in springiness and certain texture properties. Texture degradation of ther-
cohesiveness during drying. mally processed biomaterials is closely related to enzymatic
and nonenzymatic changes in pectin (a cell wall polysac-
Keywords Chempedak; Color; Effective diffusivities; Sun charide). Enzymatic degradation of cell wall pectin is cata-
drying; Texture
lyzed by different pectinases, such as pectinmethylesterase
(PME) and polygalacturonase (PG).[13] Hardness, springi-
ness, cohesiveness, and chewiness that occur during proces-
Depletion of fossil fuel energy and economical and sing were measured, as these are valuable insights in
environmental problems have brought forth many understanding the changes of texture. During the drying
alternative drying methods such as indirect dryers, rotary of solids, some undesired chemical and physical changes
dryers, fluidized-bed dryers, drum dryers, spray dryers, like color changes or browning occur simultaneously.[14,15]
freeze dryers, microwave-dielectric dryers, solar dryers, The objective of this study was to investigate the drying
conveyor dryers, spouted-bed dryers, impingement kinetics and drying characteristics of sundried chempedak
dryers, infrared dryers, superheated steam dryers, and pneu- and to evaluate the texture degradation and color changes
matic flash, hot air dryers and forced hot air dryers.[1] How- of chempedak slabs. In addition, the effective diffusivities
ever, sun drying is widely used to dehydrate cocoa, fruit, during chempedak drying were determined.
vegetables, and crops of all varieties in food processing.[2]
Drying kinetics are generally affected by drying tem-
perature, relative humidity, and product sizes.[3–7] Thus, METHODOLOGY
many studies on the drying characteristics and kinetics of
Preparation of Samples
various vegetables and fruits such as apricots,[8] sultana
Chempedak (Artocarpus integer) was purchased from
grapes,[9] figs,[10] white mulberry,[11] and ciku[3] have been
a local fruit supplier. The chempedak fleshy arils were
conducted. However, research on the drying kinetics of
cut into dimensions of 2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 3.0 cm 
chempedak is rather scarce, with studies on the kinetics
3.0 cm  0.3 cm, and 4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm by using a
stainless steel knife. Different dimensions of samples were
Correspondence: Chien Hwa Chong, Faculty of Chemical
and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham, placed on a perforated tray fully covered by fishing net.
Malaysia Campus, Broga Road, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, A typical diagram of the perforated dryer and ciku slabs
Malaysia; E-mail: is shown in Fig. 1. Sun-drying experiments were performed


Effective Diffusivities
Fick’s second law equation was applied to describe the
effective diffusivity of sundried chempedak slabs at the
product size tested. Moisture ratio (MR) is used as a
dependent variable as described in Eq. (4), which relates
the initial moisture content ðMi Þ, equilibrium moisture
content ðMe Þ, and moisture in actual time ðMt Þ. The effec-
tive diffusivity ðDeff Þ is determined by using the analytical
solution of Fick’s second law (Eq. (5)).[16]
Mt  Me
MR ¼ ð4Þ
Mi  Me

8 2 1 2
MR ¼ 2
eDL tðp=2lÞ þ e9DL tðp=2lÞ
p 9

Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

1 25DL tðp=2lÞ2
þ e þ  ð5Þ
Equation (5) assumes uniform distribution of moisture at
initial stages of drying. The first term in Eq. (5) is used if
the drying time is sufficiently long.[17–19] Thus, Eq. (5) is
simplified to Eq. (6).
8 p 2

MR ¼ 2 eDeff tð2l Þ ð6Þ
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of solar dryer and ciku slabs. p
By applying natural logarithm on both sides, Eq. (7) is
during the period of June to November 2007 in Selangor obtained:
(2300 N and 112300 E), Malaysia. Samples were sundried 8  p 2
from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and tempered from 4:00 pm to ln MR ¼ ln 2  Deff t ð7Þ
p 2l
10:00 am. The same procedures were repeated for day 2
until no measurable weight loss was observed. The weight If ln MR is plotted versus drying time, t, a straight line is
losses of samples were recorded using an electronic balance obtained. The slope of the line is
(Adventure OHAUS, AR3130, Pine Brook, NJ, USA) with  2
range 0–310 g with a system error of 0.001 g at 15-min Slope ¼ Deff ð8Þ
intervals for 3 h, followed by hourly intervals. Thereafter, 4l 2
provision was also made to record the relative humidity, The effective diffusivity, Deff , can be obtained once the
temperature using a Hygrometer (HygroFlex, RS232, slope of lnMR versus t plot is obtained and the intersection
Huntington, NY, USA), and air velocity using Hygrolog is ln 8=p2 , which is 0.21.
(Rotronic, D5-U-2, Huntington, NY, USA). The average
velocity recorded was 1.65 m=s. Three replicates were
Compression Test
carried out in this study.
The length, width, and thickness of fresh and dried chem-
The moisture content (M) and drying rate (DR) for the
pedak were measured. Each sample was aligned horizontally
chempedak slabs during drying experiments were calcu-
from the stem end to the apex on the platform and defor-
lated using the following equation:
mation on only one side of the chempedak slab was assumed.
Mf  M t Three measurements were taken on each sample. Texture
M¼ ð1Þ
Mf analyzer (TA.XT Plus, Stable Micro System, Surrey, U.K.)
fitted with a cylindrical puncture probe of 2.0 mm diameter
Mt  MtþDt
DR ¼ ð2Þ was used. The texture analyzer was programmed so that
Dt  A the downward movement began at 10 mm above the surface
Area of the fruit was calculated using the following of the sample. The probe was moved from the surface of the
equation and assume to be constant in this study: fruit to a depth of 10 mm (chempedak slabs total thickness
are 30 mm) with a trigger force 5.0 g at a pretest, test, post-
A ¼ xy þ 2ðxzÞ þ 2ðyzÞ ð3Þ speed of 1.0, 5.0, and 5.0 mm=s, respectively. Three replicates
were performed in this study. Two compression cycles were

of (a ) corresponds to more redness. Equations (13)–(15)

were used to calculate the total color change shown in
Eq. (16).
DL ¼ L  Lo ð13Þ
Da ¼ a  ao ð14Þ
Db ¼ b  bo ð15Þ
The total color change was determined by Eq. (16):
DE ¼ ½ðDL Þ2 þ ðDa Þ2 þ ðDb Þ2 2 ð16Þ

Statistical Analysis
Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

All quality experiments were analyzed in triplicate by

FIG. 2. Typical force-time diagram of texture profile analysis (TPA). using completely randomized design. Analysis of variance
was performed by SAS statistical package (SAS Institute
used in the texture profile analysis,[20] where the fruit was Inc, SAS=STAT 9.1). Means were compared by Tukey’s
compressed up to the maximum force twice continuously. Studentized range (HSD) test at p < 0.05.
The second maximum force is kept at the same position
and the decline in force was recorded. After the second cycle, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the probe returned to its initial position. From the two-cycle The average variation of relative humidity and tempera-
compression curve, parameters such as maximum load of ture during sun drying of chempedak slabs is shown in
first cycle ðF1 Þ, maximum load of second cycle ðF2 Þ, area Fig. 3. During the drying experiments, the ambient relative
under first curve ðA1 Þ, area under second curve ðA2 Þ, time humidity and temperature were measured and both were in
elapsed from area 1 above positive y axis ðT1 Þ, and time the range of 51.9 to 87.6% and 24.6 to 32.5C, respectively.
elapsed from area 2 above positive y axis ðT2 Þ were extracted From Fig. 3 it can be observed that the temperature increased
for the quality analysis. Sensory attributes that are used to gradually from 29.6 to 31.7C from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and
describe texture quality of solid fruits are given in Eqs. (9) then started to fluctuate in the range of 31.2C to 32C from
– (12) and shown in Fig. 2. 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. It attained a maximum value between
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm, where temperature was in the range of
Hardness; H ¼ F1 ð9Þ 32.0 to 32.5C. Then, the temperature started to decrease
T2 from 31.4 to 32.0C during 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The tempera-
Springiness; S ¼ ð10Þ ture profile on day 2 was similar.
The ambient relative humidity is inversely proportional to
Cohesiveness; C ¼ ð11Þ the ambient temperature, and the relative humidity decreased
A1 gradually from 64.8 to 54.5% from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Chewiness; CW ¼ H:C:S ð12Þ and then the lowest relative humidity can be seen fluctuating
around 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, which was in the range of 52.5 to
Hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness were 55.7% due to the high ambient temperature. In addition,
automatically computed from each curve using texture tempering period temperature and relative humidity were
analyzer software macro (Texture Exponent 32 Stable Micro recorded in this study as it was an unavoidable period
System, Texture Profile Analysis).[4, 21–23] for natural sun drying process during nighttime, where
it was in the range of 24.6 to 31.2C and 60.9 to 87.6%,
Color Analysis respectively.
The color of fresh and dried chempedak was determined
in terms of stimulus color parameters based on Com- Effects of Samples Dimensions
mission Internationale de I’Eclairage (CIE) using color The drying kinetics of chempedak slabs (dried in two
meter (AccuProbe, HH06, Salem, MA, USA) Lightness sunny days) with different product size are as shown in
(L ) is 0 (black) to 100 (white); greenness or redness (a ) Figs. 4 and 5. The initial transient period (day 1) occurred
is 60 (greenness) to 60 (redness); and blueness or yellow- in the first 45 min, where temperature and relative humidity
ness (b ) is 60 (blueness) to 60 (yellowness). Lightness were in the range of 29.6 to 31.7C and 57.8 to 64.8%,
(L ) indicates brightness and higher positive value of (b ) respectively. The highest drying rates were generally
correspond to more yellowness, while higher positive value observed at moisture content of 2.05 g H2O=g DM to
Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

FIG. 3. Average ambient temperature and relative humidity.

2.13 g H2O=g DM because the moisture content is still high Tempering period (region 4) drying rates (0.013 to 0.939 g
and the temperature of the sample starts to increase at this H2O=g DM m2 s) was relatively low compared to other
stage (region 1). Then, the drying rates of chempedak slabs region D1, D2, and D3 because of the drying condition
were nearly constant at region 2, where the temperature (low temperature and high relative humidity).
and relative humidity fluctuate in the range of 31.3 to The drying rates were in the range of 0.0217 to 0.259 g
32.0C and 54.5 to 59.1%, respectively, from 90 to 135 min. H2O=g DM m2 s, 0.0145 to 0.147 g H2O=g DM m2 s, and
min. Furthermore, the drying rates enhanced noticeably 0.0115 to 0.121 g H2O=g DM m2 s, for the three dimensions
from 135 to 360 min because of the drying condition tested (2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm,
(region 3), where temperature and humidity were in the and 4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm). It can be clearly seen from
range of 32.0 to 32.5C and 52.5 to 55.7%, respectively. Figs. 4 and 5 that smaller product drying rates was higher.

FIG. 4. Drying curves of different dimensions of chempedak slabs (2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, and 4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm)
obtained from sun drying.

This is because of the bigger surface-to-volume ratio of the

sample, the higher the rate of heat and mass transfer. These
are in agreement with observations reported by Gong
et al.,[24] Panchariya et al.,[25] Giraldo-Zuniga et al.,[26]
and Demirel and Turhan[27] in drying of other fruit and

Determination of Effective Diffusivities

The drying kinetics of sundried chempedak were sepa-
rated into six different regions based on Fig. 4 drying
kinetics for each dimensions (4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm,
3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm), which
are initial transient, first falling rate period (D1), second
falling rate period (D2), third falling rate period (D3), tem-
Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

pering period (D4), and fourth falling rate period (D5). The
FIG. 5. Drying rate versus time of different dimensions of chempedak
slabs (2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, and 4.0 cm 
effective diffusivities were determined by the slope of a
3.0 cm  0.3 cm) obtained from sun drying. straight line obtained from the natural logarithm of mois-
ture ratio values, ln (MR) versus drying time (t) plot as
shown in Fig. 6. Effective diffusivities of sundried

FIG. 6. ln MR versus time plots of chempedak slabs dried at different product sizes: (a) 4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, (b) 3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm,
(c) 2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm under sun drying.

Effective diffusivities of sundried chempedak slabs
Region, D 1 2 3 4 5
Average ambient temperature (C) 31.3  0.6 31.5  0.2 32.0  0.2 25.9  1.9 31.3  1.4
Average relative humidity (%) 59.5  2.4 57.5  1.5 55.4  1.2 76.1  7.4 56.3  7.7
Product size Effective diffusivities (m2=s)
4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm 3.007  1010 3.901  1010 3.114  1010 1.994  1011 4.232  1010
3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm 2.866  1010 4.213  1010 2.838  1010 3.138  1011 2.557  1010
2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm 3.148  1010 4.623  1010 2.588  1010 1.164  1011 1.329  1010
The values indicate mean  standard deviation from three replications.

chempedak slabs for different dimensions calculated Texture Analysis

Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

based on Eq. (8) are shown in Table 1. It was in the range Table 3 shows the texture analysis of fresh and dried
of 1.99  1011 to 4.23  1010 m2=s, 3.14  1011 to chempedak slabs. Based on the results, hardness, cohesive-
4.23  1010 m2=s and 1.16  1011 to 4.62  1010 m2=s ness, and chewiness values were significantly changed (p <
for different product size tested (2.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, 0.05) during sun drying but not springiness (p > 0.05).
3.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm, and 4.0 cm  3.0 cm  0.3 cm). Dried chempedak hardness and chewiness were found
These values are in agreement with the fruit and vegetable to be higher (p < 0.05) compared to fresh chempedak.
effective diffusivities range reported in most food materials However, cohesiveness and springiness were relatively
reports (Table 2). low compared to fresh chempedak. Hardness is an impor-
Moisture transfer increases as a result of the drop at tant parameter used to investigate case-hardening in dried
relative humidity due to increase of ambient temperature fruits. The softer the dried fruits, the higher the quality of
(Fig. 3), which in turn causes an increase in the effective the dried product. Fresh chempedak is soft where the hard-
diffusivities (Table 1). Tempering period (D4) effective dif- ness is 9.18 g but after sun drying the hardness of the sam-
fusivities were in the range of 1.16  1011 to 3.14  1011 ples increased to 345.53 g. Hardness increased significantly
m2=s. These values were low compared to other falling (p < 0.05), which could be due to the depolymerization of
rate period effective diffusivities owing to the moisture cell wall constituents such as pectin, after exposure to heat
distribution in the samples and the ratio of sample diffusive in the drying process. This was in agreement with the
to the surroundings is relatively small (sealed in findings of Yang et al.[28] in the study of storage tempera-
4.0 cm  5.0 cm plastic bag). ture on textural properties of Chinese bayberry fruit.

Effective diffusivities of other fruit and vegetables
Fruits Effective diffusivity (m2=s) References
10 9
Hot air–dried grape 7.91  10 –2.50  10 [32]
Hot air–dried mulberry 2.32  1010  2.76  109 [33]
Hot air–dried prune 4.3  1010–7.60  1010 [34]
Sundried tomato 3.09  109  9.28  109 [35]
Vacuum-assisted solar-dried tomato 7.57  109–14.50  109 [35]

Hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness of fresh and dried chempedak
Original Hardness (g) Springiness Cohesiveness Chewiness (g)
a a a
Fresh chempedak 9.184  0.268 0.661  0.015 0.602  0.070 3.653  0.431a
Dried chempedak 345.526  83.306b 0.605  0.066a 0.475  0.049b 97.060  12.294b
The values indicate mean  standard deviation from three replications. Values within the same column with similar letters are not
significantly different.

Color parameters (L , a , b ) of fresh and dried chempedak
Original L a b
Fresh chempedak 54.60  1.32a  2.57  0.29a 43.90  0.81a
Dried chempedak 43.85  1.19b 9.59  0.47b 33.03  0.66b
The values indicate mean  standard deviation from three replications. Values within the same column with
similar letters are not significantly different.

However, these results are comparable to hot air and freeze 23.64. Dried chempedak slabs tended to exhibit significant
drying of apple slices, where texture strengths were 2960.0 g difference (p < 0.05) in color change compared to fresh
and 2230.0 g, respectively.[29] samples because of the long drying duration (two sunny
Springiness (S ) depends on the gelling agent in the fruits days). However, the sundried samples total color changes
in most agriculture products. This quality is important as it were low compared to cabbages (24.66 to 35.68)[24] and
Downloaded By: [The University of Nottingham ( Malaysia Campus )] At: 04:36 6 October 2008

measures the elastic behavior of the treated samples and in the range of okra drying, which is 17.15–25.32.[31]
how much the samples structure is broken by the initial
penetration. The fresh and dried chempedak samples CONCLUSIONS
springiness were not significant (p > 0.05), at 0.661 and It was found that the effective diffusivities of sun drying
0.605, respectively. Springiness of the dried chempedak is are comparable to the Deff obtained from other drying
lower than fresh chempedak, which could be due to dehy- methods, where the values are in the range of 109 to
dration reducing the elasticity of the fruit. This is in agree- 1010 m2=s except in the tempering period. In terms of
ment with the findings of Sirisomboon et al.[30] in texture quality, it was observed that the color and texture change
studies of Japanese pear, where hardening indicated a of dried chempedak was relatively significant compared
decrease of fruit elasticity. to fresh chempedak. However, the results obtained were
The cohesiveness (C) measures the rate at which the in the accepted range of dried fruit products with regard
material disintegrates under mechanical action. Table 3 to quality, drying, and diffusion rates found in this study,
shows that the fresh chempedak slabs (0.602) were rela- it can be concluded that Malaysia weather conditions are
tively higher in cohesiveness compared to the dried samples suitable for sun drying of fruits in general and chempedak
(0.475). This could be because of the cell membrane struc- in particular.
ture of chempedak slabs being altered during drying, thus
causing the pectin substances to redistribute. NOMENCLATURE
Chewiness (CW) is measured in terms of the energy
A Area
required to masticate a solid food, which is defined in
A1 Area under first curve
Eq. (12) as the product of hardness, cohesiveness, and
A2 Area under second curve
springiness. Evaluation on the chewiness of the dried chem-
a a Value (CIE)
pedak slabs is the major consideration for consumers as it 
ao Initial a value (CIE)
affects the oral cavity mouth feel. The chewiness of fresh 
b b Value (CIE)
and dried chempedak were 3.65 g and 97.06 g, respectively. 
ao Initial b value (CIE)
The statistical significance in the difference between fresh
C Cohesiveness
and dried samples for the compression test is shown in
CIE Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage
Table 3. There is a significant difference between fresh
CW Chewiness
and dried samples (p < 0.05).
D1 Region 1
D2 Region 2
Total Color Changes D3 Region 3
The changes in color of sundried chempedak slabs com- D4 Region 4
pared to fresh chempedak slabs are shown in Table 4. It D5 Region 5
was observed that the lightness, L and b values of the Deff Effective diffusivity (m2=s)
samples decreased from 54.60 to 43.85 and 43.90 to DM Dry matter
33.03, respectively, while the parameter a increased from DR Drying rate (g H2O=g DM m2 s)
2.57 to 9.59. This result shows that the sundried chempe- DE Total color change
dak slabs were significantly darker (p < 0.05) than the fresh Ea Activation energy (kJ=mol)
chempedak because of the enzymatic browning effect. The F1 Maximum load of first cycle (g)
total color change value for sundried chempedak slabs is F2 Maximum load of second cycle (g)

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