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HLTH1000 2020 A1

A1: Reflection and Short Answer (Individual)

Due date Week 3, Sunday, 23 Aug, 23.59pm

Weighting 20% (750 words +/- 10%) In-text references are included in word count

Learning 1. Explain the importance of person-centre practices for the provision of

objectives effective healthcare

Task description

This is an individual task. This first assessment item draws on the online content from
orientation week to week two, including the topics reflective practice, the determinants of
health and the principles of person-centred care. It includes three parts, Part A: Reflection,
Part B: Short answer and Part C: Short answer.

Please review the online content to help you identify relevant references you will need to
answer each question correctly. You may include other references than those found in your
online content. You will need to submit your assessment via the Turnitin portal in the
Assessment tab. Please review your similarity rating to ensure you have paraphrased and
referenced correctly. A high similarity does not necessarily mean that plagiarism has
occurred. Please refer to the Academic Integrity module
you would have completed for more information.

You will need to answer ALL three questions outlined below.

Part A – Reflection (150 words)

Use the Driscoll’s (1994) “What? So what? What next?” model for reflection to reflect on
a small interaction of your own with a single healthcare professional.

Driscoll’s (1994) reflection model was introduced to you in the “O Week: Welcome to the
course” online material. It is a simple model/framework for the reflective process and an
important part of learning. More information on the model can be found on the “WEEKLY

Utilising Driscoll’s reflection model (What? So what? What next?), describe a brief
encounter with a health professional. This could be a visit to the dentist, a visit to the GP, a
talk with a pharmacist, an eye test with an optometrist, a visit to a physiotherapist. This
section is a reflection so it is appropriate to write in the first person. You do not need to use
any references in this section. However, if you introduce some literature or make factual
claims that are not your opinions or observations, you should include the source. Please
ensure that you do not disclose sensitive or confidential information within your answer.
You only have 150 words so keep it simple and ensure you follow the reflection model.

HLTH1000 2020 A1
Part B – Short Answer (350 words)

First explain what “Person-centred care” (PCC) is. Then using the relevant literature
critique the care received from the health professional described in Part A according to
the principles of person centred care.

This section should NOT be written in first person. You should include references to support
your claims using APA 6th Edition referencing style.

Person-centred care (PCC) was introduced to you in the “Week 2: Person-centred care”
online material found in the learning resources. There are several resources identified in the
online content that will enable you to reference your answer.

A critique of the care provided by the health professional during your visit is required. Was
your interaction with your health professional a positive or negative experience? Did your
health professional demonstrate Person-centred care (PCC)? What was done well? What, if
anything, could be improved? Use the literature to support your ideas.

Part C – Short Answer (250 words)

First briefly describe the key determinants of health. Then using relevant Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data or Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data
and/or appropriate literature, explain how this ONE factor may have impacted on your
health that resulted in the visit to the health professional identified in Part A.

This section should NOT be written in first person. You should include references to support
your claims using APA 6th Edition referencing style.

The determinants of health were introduced to you in the “Week 1: Determinants of health”
online material found in the learning resources. There are several resources identified in the
online content that will enable you to reference your answer.

You only need to identify and explain ONE factor of the determinants of health that resulted
in your visit to the health professional you identified in Part A. For example the social
determinants of health include factors such as income, education, employment and social
support; only ONE of these factors needs to be identified and discussed. Some factors are
influenced by others, for example, a high blood cholesterol level (biomedical) may be the
result of a diet high in saturated fats (behavioural). However, use your word count wisely to
discuss the ONE factor you have identified and explain how the factor impacted on your
health that prompted your visit described in Part A.

HLTH1000 2020 A1
More information

The assessment is to be presented according to the following format:

 12 pt Arial font
 1.5 spacing
 Use headings (Part A, Part B, Part C)
 Use full sentences (no dot points)
 Include the word count at the end of your assessment (includes in-text references)
 Reference list included
 Ensure you answer each aspect of the question

There is no need for a cover sheet but please ensure that your student name, student
number, tutor's name and tutorial group are clearly indicated.

The marking criteria offers further insight into the requirements for each question. Please
make sure you review it when completing this assessment.

A note about referencing

This is about clarity of communication and use of evidence (where appropriate to provide
evidence for a point made, and acknowledged and referenced).

You may use the course materials as a source for your work. For sources of evidence that
have been referred to in the course materials, you need to consult those sources and
provide the original reference details in your reference list. References are listed on the last
page of the online content.

Sources referred to outside of the course materials should be referenced in the usual way.

All references must be given using the APA referencing system.

The rule of thumb when using evidence: It is not based on how many references you use
but the appropriate use of evidence to make your point and appropriate acknowledgment
of sources you have cited.

In APA style referencing the Reference List includes all cited references and occurs on a new
page arranged alphabetically by author last name. Here is a link to the UQ Library APA 6th
referencing style

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