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Republic of the Philippines


City of Malolos, Bulacan
S.Y. 2018-2019



At the end of 40-minute discussion, students shall be able to:
A. State the interaction of Science, Technology, and Industrial Revolution;
B. Observe the development of technological changes in industries from 17th – 18th century; and
C. Appreciate the essence of Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution.


A. Topic : Science, Technology, and the Industrial Revolution.

B. References :
Clow, A; Clow; N. L. The Chemical Revolution: A Contribution to Social Technology;
The Batchworth Press: London,1952.
Musson A. E.; Robinson, E. Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution;
University of Toronto, 1969.
Industrial Revolution - The Revolution that changed the world forever
Industrial Revolution - © Student Handouts, Inc.
C. Materials :
For Teacher: Laptop, LED TV, PPT presentation, and White board marker.
For Students: Fact or Bluff Board, Marker, and Manila Paper.
A. Preparation
1. Classroom Preparation
2. Prayer
3. Greetings
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Review of the Past Lesson
B. Motivation: FACT or BLUFF
Directions: The class will be divided into 5 groups, each group will be given a board that
labeled with Fact or Bluff on each sides. The teacher prepared 6 questions and the group who
got the highest score will be the winner.
C. Discussion
1. Defining Science, Technology, and Industrial Revolution
2. Discussing the History of Industrial Revolution
3. Explaining the interaction of Science, Technology, and Industrial Revolution
4. Presenting of videos and pictures of developed Industrial technologies
5. Appreciating the role of science, and technology in the industrial revolution.
D. Activity: “Pictord”
Directions: Teacher will give 2 Pictord or a picture and letters that combined together to form a
word. Each group will use these 2 words to form a sentence that answer the question “What is
the interaction of Science, Technology, and Industrial Revolution?” The answer will be written
on provided manila paper.
E. Generalization: “Answer me Save me”
Directions: Ash was captured by Charizard and brought him to the volcano. The student will be
picked by a name picker and answer 5 question. Each correct answer will help ash to get down.

1. An intellectual enterprise whose goal is to explain the natural world.
A. Science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. Industrial Revolution
2. A change from making things by hand to making them in factories.
A. Science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. Industrial Revolution
3. A result of Industrial Revolution that makes price of goods cheaper.
A. Expansion of world trade
B. Factory system
C. Mass production of goods
D. Increased standard of living
4. A result of Industrial Revolution that bought many raw materials from foreign markets
A. Expansion of world trade
B. Factory system
C. Mass production of goods
D. Increased standard of living
5. They industrialized after the War.
A. England
B. France
C. Europe
D. America
6. A place where industrial evolution occurred first.
E. England
F. France
G. Europe
H. America
7. It is the application of scientific discoveries to practical problems
A. Science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. Industrial Revolution
8. The most important discovery and innovation that used over the past 150 years.
A. Coal
B. Iron
C. Steel
D. Gold
9. Which is not a factor why the Industrial Revolution Started in England?
A. Capital
B. Colonies and Markets
C. Topography
D. Workers
10. Period of rapid social and technological change that have shaped the world we live in
A. Science
B. Technology
C. Society
D. Industrial Revolution

Follow up: Research for 5 local technologies that contribute to the growth of industries in the
Philippines. Reference:
Advance: Study about Science, Technology and Industrialization in the 19th Century.

Prepared by: Evaluated by:

________________________ ____________________
Horace Alfred V. Hernandez Mr. Lester S. Torres
Leader STS-Instructor

Jemil R. Escober

Paolo E. Javier

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