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A. Match the modals in bold to the fuctions below.

Possibility lack of permission request ability lack of
ability permission

1. Would you help me with my homework?  Request

2. You mustn’t smoke here.  Lack of permission
3. You can borrow my dictionary.  Permission
4. Herick can play the piano really well.  Ability
5. Hector might have the flu.  Possibility
6. I can’t speak french.  Lack of ability

B. Underline the correct modal.

1. Could/would you help me with my homework today?
2. Hellen won’t/can’t see without glasses
3. No, you would not/may not borrow my car.
4. Sheila isn’t inside; she might/can be in the garden
5. You will/may go home if you aren’t feeling well

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